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[Music] thanks for watching our new video we at the piano Solutions restoration shop as you remember we used to talk about technology tools uh about some technique and process for restoration but today our subject going to be different uh we always U have some problems in in restoration with materials with environment uh with clean everything and uh that's a common thing we can deal with this but I want to emphasize a little bit different thing that's happened on the market somebody in the our business came up with this slogan or you can say the word Stein was and of course at the beginning it was funny because uh it was stanway was but it is it means we know we working with this they real this Stan but somebody want to make a joke on uh these pianos I think so uh call it Stein was and U it's a little confusion uh and I want to just explain how we have to handle this new word um I want to just explain about stanway sound it's no doubt stanway got this very unique sound espe especially in certain areas that you cannot even bit this sound it's so beautiful anyway any stun W or like any other piano right from the beginning constantly change everything on the stanways change because it's uh built from wood wood is organic it's uh changes and temperatures humidity or affected but another thing what's interesting that every part of the stanway involved in the producing sound not just only string at everything involved in the sound that's why sound is changed and for restoration people of course the goal is when we Resto piano to bring it back right uh in order we have to use the uh stanway parts and what we uh see that stanway 100 years ago used different parts it means the hammerheads was just lighter well this one is probably three times lighter than uh or a new stanan parts right it means uh weapons Shanks uh all the were different what it says to us can we bring the piano back to original condition the answer is no can the St oneway the company who built this piano 100 years ago bring it back to original condition the answer is no it means we uh in the process restoration we're not bringing piano to his original condition that we don't know how it was we trying to maintain this piano and get it on the higher level and I explain you why because the wood on the piano especially soundboard get on a new absolutely new level of existence uh if you look at these pieces of wood you will see that theyes become just uh Hollow they become vibrant they produce sound even from the flow of air and to preserve the soundboard it's a essential thing of a restorer the person who give the uh piano next uh century is going to be four more generation enjoy this beautiful piano and I'm experienced that in a certain level of performance you can bring this piano to another level and it's no reason for us to compare it with a new stanway or with the stanway that was built 100 years ago it's completely new creation and uh in this case to call this piano stun Wars it's a little bit not a proper way it's much easy to say that this is stanway in Sons build but this great Craftsman but been uh done with the new parts with a new just like uh Hardware of course um I understand the frustration of uh the people in in industry especially in the stanway when they see the piano that been really abused or replace soundboard on some uh cheap wood uh and without any skills of course it's a it's a sad story is they damag the stanways but uh we have to deal with this and uh the only way to deal with this is to uh give the knowledge to these people who involve in restoration business like stanway can uh make some training for these people to explain them uh what's the stanway about and how they have to deal with are the companies like banet School of Technology supposed to develop the whole line of the new tool and give it uh these people Pian technician Guild supposed to be involved in this because our goal is Main maintain our heritage and just like bring these pianos back to life uh that's what uh I think uh right away just like uh we don't have to use this word anymore and it's going to be new stanway it's going to be uh old stanways and going to be restored stanways and we just like kind of erase this uh uh problem between the sound uh regarding the sound of um any piano and stanway too I W to um say based on my experience because I work with uh many uh pianos uh and of course as you know the one of the best company in the world is a blutner uh they just developed the sound Carl bin is develop this sound Bendorf as we know and of course stanway and and Yamaha of course and kaai they develop their sound and I have to admit it's very complicated to uh understand uh what's uh involved in this when you're dealing with the structure of the piano but the most important thing is the actually the final stage in producing sound it call it voicing like the stanway without voicing is going to be really poor piano it means the voicing department on any Factory is belong to their uh group of people it's very simple uh not maybe simple for anybody but how it developed the sound who developed the sound of course musicians and technicians they connected to each other former musicians become a technician and they know how the sound supposed to be and in a restoration Department like among the team of 20 people always become a leader the leader with a great understanding of the sound and great love of the music and uh very handy person he developed this certain sound that he enforce in this department he supervis technicians already who does the voicing or teach the certain technician to bring this piano to this certain sound especially on every model like Model S 51 on the stanway is a different sound from stanway D because the harp dictate you the sound of the particular instrument sound is very complicated everything involv in Sound Vibrations of air acoustic reflection absorb of the sound that's why um it's a little bit confusing and uh even the posos that represent the best in the world like blutner and stanway they give you different sounds in a different environment that's why we have to be modest to the our great heritage that sometimes they sound not so great but they can be done good and we just like never ever use this word Stein was Steinway always is always with us and show us this beauty and give everybody the chance uh to get uh on the high level of the music thanks for watching our video [Music]
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Id: --_x2cliMNQ
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Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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