The Making Of a Bosendorfer

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Europe Austria Vienna world capital of classical music world cultural heritage of UNESCO inherently linked to European classical tradition from back to Mozart from Beethoven to Schubert and from Brahms to Strauss this is where more than 175 years ago an instrument was created that became the synonym for Viennese culture of sound and acknowledged worldwide as being the ultimate instrument for interpretation of piano music the burdened of our grand piano boos and offer instruments are built by hand in Vienna and in viña now at the town not far away the wood is cut exclusively during the winter months and first aged for five years in order to achieve the correct humidity and stability for its future sound quality furs and Orpha is the only piano factory in the world which dries its wood in two phases first outside and then inside this guarantees the outstanding quality the individuality and the distinguished sound of every single instrument it takes hundreds of little steps to create the rolls-royce of the pianos the heavy cast-iron frame which must maintain the constant tension of the strings is fitted individually and quite meticulously by hand each frame is subjected to hand sanding drilling and fine finishing with clear lacquer each grand piano is given its own unique work number allowing burdened offer to document the progress of each piano during its production and therefore maintain its individuality maintaining this traditional practice for over 100 years allows us to always know origin style and type of construction of all the pianos built in our factory one of the most important factors contributing to the superb tonal qualities of boozin Dafa pianos is the construction of the rims section of the casework using a special technique the rim is bent and formed around the body of the piano by hand which ensures maintaining the optimum resonance of the natural material the soundboard bridges of all boozing Dafa pianos are carved by hand you the soundboard is the heart and soul of each grand piano the ribs which are of different lengths help to form the special curvature which is required to provide the necessary upward force in order to balance the downward pressure of the strings another example of the exceptional quality of the boson Dafa is the individual fitting of the steel strings with a hand-tuned loop these strings are produced in our own string making department you doesn't offer piano action and keyboard set new standards the quality of the design and manufacturing techniques leaves the pianist in total control of dynamic response repetition and touch fitting the actions the high levels of skill and craftsmanship of the men and women who work on the instruments is of greatest importance their unique knowledge shown by the care preciseness and sensitivity gained through years of experience provide the backbone for the highest musical levels of achievement the burden of a staff are not only using modern equipment and state-of-the-art techniques they are not mere craftsmen they're artists ever since the factory was founded we have manufactured more than just standard instruments many special and limited edition models have been made from the most precious materials they have become a legendary part of our tradition the beginning of the technical adjustments intonation or voicing is when the individual hammerheads are treated to provide each instrument with its ideal color of sound each person Dafa has its own unique sound which is developed and produced by our most experienced concert technicians innovation and constant improvement are essential for continuous development and perfection boos and offers piano manufacture was founded in 1828 by Ignatz peasant offer his son Ludwig took over in 1859 and it was Ludwig who led the company to worldwide fame in 1909 Karl Jota Strasse took over from Ludwig all three owners were deeply implemented in the cultural society of Vienna famous composers such as Franz Liszt's were personal friends of the Posen Dafa family and spectacular events in the legendary burdened offer Hall further helped to establish the fame of booze and offer throughout the world in 1966 the havok family later known as Kimball international bought the company today busan Dafa is owned by an austrian group of banks highly praised for their cultural ambitions the Bhavik PSK group the hundred seventy fifth anniversary of the booze and of a piano company calls for us to reflect on artists who played and laughed booze and offer pianos in the past and on those who still play and love them today you this under her is my favorite you write about it this is the answer you filled in Makena dear it's the only grand piano I know that's as loving onstage as in your home I have one at home and I couldn't exist without it I'm in Manorville knock on the counter only the intruder don t exist in present of a scene federated is their business of our ambassadors of Austrian musical culture there has been a development which I would like to call the beautiful singing and the thunderous piano sound venison was oksanen clavier dawn Nannan me it's a piano of my choice I've chose the booth visit offer because I could best say what I wanted to say musically on that particular p.m. because for me than the pianos of total Orchestra you know I approach the camera from the African tradition and ironic the things I do worry dates of the piano I decreed sounds and thunder I think the sound of the drum you know but the piano for me it just has such a wonderful warm spirit the burdens of a hell of this the burrs endure for permits to have a really fat sound oh look that's one of the greatest pianos in the world oh this great big beautiful piano please put your hands together for my right hand and my left mr. Feder the sound of it is just like almost like singing in front of an orchestra all I knew was when I touched her that she became my friend and it's not as if it were one piano it's any booze and or fur seems to have some kind of understanding they can speak and they can listen and I think when you play them you become an extension they give you the opportunity to anyway if you don't choose to have a relationship an affair with them then that is your loss I guess there are numerous activities today at Busan tougher the Busan tour for concert hall is a highly demanded platform for young artists merchandising products like the deluxe edition coffee table book booze and offer a living legend and the havoc for you Berzin Dafa in the world of electronics as early as the 1980s version Dafa was leading the world with production of its player piano and still today the redesigned bers and offer computer grand pianos are said to be the best in the world purrs and offers latest product line quality outstanding high fee including loudspeakers amplifiers and CD players today we continue the tradition of producing special edition models like the vienna the classic and the Sherpa the vienna music fine prestigious stage for the two major piano competitions the burrs and offer and the beethoven competition held every four years they are an important stepping stone for the most talented young pianists throughout the world let's close with a quote of Dianne Reeves what a great big beautiful piano
Channel: Harmony Star Studio
Views: 258,487
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Keywords: Bosendorfer piano building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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