I Built BORK A SECRET BASE In Jelly's Server! (Minecraft)

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oh hi there it's great to see you again we're back in our minecraft hardcore server well i say hours it's not really ours it's jellies jelly server that he invited me to to then try and kill me thank you jerely but obviously he failed because well he sucks and that's why we're still here today at our beautiful borg mountain look at this thing okay it's not that cool but i've made some changes before we get into that though i need to remind you guys that this series is fueled by your likes so if you want to see another episode you have to hit 100 000 likes which means if you don't hit it i'll never upload another episode also for any of you unfamiliar with hardcore you might see those mean looking hearts yeah if i run out of those this game over your likes won't save me then anyway as you can see i've done a few upgrades to the castle don't mind the floating stuff in the middle it's a feature pretty much um i increased the thickness of the walls which yeah it's it's decreased the uh floor space um i was gonna build a house in here it's starting to look a little bit tight though we'll figure that out obviously from the outside looking pretty good and then over here oh yeah this is the secret entrance which also can take you up onto the wall area which you can walk around and patrol and look at our our cows over there with with lots of free space to move around um and then over here is kind of our little tower type thing which actually would probably give you an even better view oh just heard bork bark book bark back book uh we'll go see him in a second he's uh still in a hole but yeah we can see everything from up here as well it's pretty good watchtower now i definitely do need to go and get bulk because i have a bit of an announcement to make i think you guys gonna be excited for this one uh book hello buddy i'm really sorry about this don't be upset it was a temporary measure just to make sure you don't get killed all right come over here but come on i know you're upset all right you can see it right there who's a good boy look at you all right let me just not push you off the edge but push you to the edge imagine if i pushed him off now yes today we are going to find balkan nametag to officially name him but that's not the announcement for a few keen eyes you might have noticed that i'm wearing a bought gang t-shirt that was from the last series and they sold out super fast well today is the day i am happy to announce that the new hardcore board gang t-shirt is available now and look at this thing it's beautiful as you can see we've upgraded the design to represent that we're on hardcore now now like i said the pre-orders are open right now so head over to slogo.com to get yours but a warning to everyone now the pre-order will be closing on monday the 23rd once again it's gonna be super limited so if you do grab one i want to say a big thank you to you for supporting the channel and bork obviously look his little face now anyway i think that is enough of that we've got stuff to do namely getting you a nametag now i did get most of my equipment set up before the video so i'm pretty much ready to go i just need to find a mine i'm actually going to push you a bit further away because now i'm getting kind of scared we do need to make an anvil as well so we could do with getting some more iron but other than that let's go although yeah i don't know where i'm going i have seen a mine like right under here when i built this out um but i didn't really explore it very far but we can have a look down here oh wait no i remember now this was a dead end yeah i don't know why i forgot that anyway uh one small step back but we continue onwards a lot of you are also probably wondering josh what was the result of jelly and craner's troll well actually i'm pretty sure they haven't been on since i was just kind of eager to get bork set up so i've jumped on just after recording the last episode but hopefully the next time i record after this we'll be able to check out what happened in the fallout of my trolls although i can't recall what i did to crainer troll that was that was just me actually is this gonna burn his house down um maybe i didn't fully think about this jelly on the other hand i'm definitely interested to see what happens with that what the it's what is this oh copper i mean we don't need it but okay after getting the lightning rods i feel like every time i see copper i have to get it okay these cave systems are are not good let me guess this is another single piece of iron wow thank you oh we might um no dead end oh i'm realizing just how long this could take to find a dungeon i haven't even said by the way i mean i just assume you guys know at this point but what we're looking for is a minecraft dungeon that's wait a second a dungeon is where we're gonna find the name tag but oh oh look at this this is a um the amethyst right yeah yeah huh wait is that not how you pick this up oh no am i breaking this how do you get these oh you guys could be really sad right now if i'm if i could pick these up somehow it's definitely why would it be a shovel should we just grab some i guess i i it's making a pretty noise i do hear a bunch of mobs though which you know could be a sign of something so let me just grab a few more of these and then we'll investigate let me know in the comment section what i should do with this stuff i don't really know what it's useful for i know you can make a spyglass that's about it all right let's keep moving looks like this direction is working out for us i might need to get more torches at some point so let me just grab some coal actually i'm going to take this bucket of water over here could be useful all right honestly i'm surprised by how little mobs i found so far considering this is on hardcore you'd expect a lot more than this i do feel like i'm making progress though oh we got our first mob hello it's been a while so i think because it's hard they're more likely how that hurt they're more likely to have like weapons and stuff i mean i've got full iron and that just absolutely wrecked me and i think i'm gonna have to make a shield yeah this is uh oh i hear more i hit more okay let's retreat and make ourselves a shield if we get on the other side of this this water area it should protect us all right shield time never like remember to make these i'm guessing two iron isn't enough so let me grab a little bit more hello skeleton what are you gonna do shoot me out okay never mind see that did like nothing that's that zombie with the sword was op oh yeah we only need one iron why do i forget i'm so bad with shields all right you know what i can't be able to wait for this ow thank you skeleton thank you you want some of this you want some of this that's what i thought oh what okay there we go another one down now we keep moving deeper deeper to find our dungeon oh what is this found ourselves an underground mine shaft oh oh anything good nope not really okay melon seeds i mean i guess sure i am sort of wondering if you can find oh i see one okay wondering if you can find name tags in these things because i'm not exactly sure do i need i mean i may as well take this it would be a quite oh another one nothing it would save me a bunch of time do we need gold why don't why don't we get it may as well and oh we got one oh okay they don't know what glow berries are for like can you grow them i actually never even known all right well we got our name tag now we just have to get out i actually have no idea where we are we we've uh we've been doing this for a while i'll just say that oh dirt could this be a sign of something or just another block of dirt underground i think oh water i think we're out yay we made it and we got a couple of golden apples as well like i think we're pretty set wait oh we're like right here i just started walking over to it automatically without even realizing that we were this close okay would be good to add some sort of secret entrance from somewhere else outside of the castle to get in is that how jelly got in oh yeah well yeah now i'm gonna have to sort of just oh this would be a good little bit here we have to like climb up i guess although where is the secret underground thing if i could dig into that that would be are you serious what are the chances well this doesn't really work as an access point i suppose i could just put it to the side put it right there okay i've just got so much stuff in my inventory now i definitely don't need rotten flesh and i'm gonna pick that up and again okay there we go goodbye flesh just gonna kind of change this to cobblestone as well just so it kind of makes sense just like that all right cool hello borg we're home did you miss me book book yeah were you ignoring me okay anyway let's get all of the extra stuff dumped in here that we don't need right now we will need that don't worry we'll put this stuff back in my inventory before we log off otherwise i will get robbed all right so um now to remember how to make an anvil if only this was the way to make it that would make life so much easier but i'm pretty sure these have to be iron blocks they're they're not cheap i'll tell you that all right like this and then you go up here and then like that there we go all right now the only problem with these is if you place them and break them they break like more what if we made this and an anvil corner okay um oh there we go i keep hearing something making noises oh an end man i forgot to put torches in here thank you for reminding me do you want to fight take that loser take that ow hey got an ender pearl nice anyway let's close that back up we could put like a stack of furnaces there that would be cool actually i know that we're still going to be making an actual house but it looks cool stop asking questions one two three four all right now to get the name tag named i've been looking forward to this moment walk imagine if i spelt it wrong all right you could change it all right all right it's time for the honorary moment the naming of bork in the name of the pork gang plo there you go congratulations spork you're now bork yes now the other thing on the agenda though is we need to make sure that bork is safe so how should we do this when we don't really have anything my first idea is we could create a fake wall over here and that would be quite believable actually huh that could work so what i'm thinking is we we finished the wall along there which from the outside we're gonna need more cobblestone this from the outside looks pretty normal but it's actually like a secret entrance i think that could be good and then it's a little a little bit more comfortable for walk okay that can finish like that now obviously if you're walking along the the ramparts up here you'll notice that this area is slightly bigger but you know the average person would probably just dismiss it we do need some slabs again we can get that and then the door could probably be i mean actually the door is going to be hidden but this is what we can use at the moment so yeah let's turn this into a cute little book house gonna block this area off here and we can block this area off here oh and of course we need to change the flooring this is it's a very uncomfortable stone flooring right now for walk we'll replace that with a nice wooden flooring just like this and we need some more of those slabs there we go looking pretty good yeah oh um we need an area for him to to drink of course we'll put that right there there's a little drinking hole i would make a bed but i don't have any wool so we can work on that in the future also eventually we'll make this into a some sort of cool redstone door i suppose but right now this is all we can do and we may as well put a sign in there i mean i don't know why i i said it's a secret broadcast because if you're already in here you already know the secret uh okay anyway walk it is time for you to go inside of your new house come on buddy in you get oh there you go come on don't turn up no come back hey it's gonna be nice i know it's it's kind of a hole in the wall right now but when we do it up a bit make it look a bit fancier you'll love it okay trust me all right let me just edge you in a little bit more reverse get those reverse beepers on and in place all right let me just need to seal it up don't worry there's plenty of oxygen and yeah that i mean that's pretty believable the only thing i would do is maybe add another line of cobblestone here just to make the edges seem a bit you know more sensical and yeah there we are when you're walking on the top it just feels like a like a normal extended area nothing to see here so yeah that's where i'm going to end this episode just a reminder to everyone to head over to slogan.com if you want to pick up the new hardcore port gang t-shirt it's available right now until monday remember to click the like button if you want to see some more videos on this hardcore series but if you want to watch something right now there's videos on the screen that you can click and it will take you straight there bye-bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,254,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, bork, bork gang, jelly, crainer, hardcore, new server, bee tow, cow town
Id: zj22vUXeLus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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