Stealing $1,000,000 in Roblox Robbery Story!

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you guys are a minute away from the bank can you move over shh pay attention once you get inside you have exactly six minutes before the cops arrive just six times try not to kill any civilians and don't get caught we're killing we're just robbers got it don't worry we will no we were planning to get caught totally roger what are we supposed to do everybody put your hands down we want money right now luna what are you making we're seeing that pause the scene oh sorry i thought i was just gonna be a medic and then i was like ooh i'm a robber now oh my goodness luna the police are gonna come come on let's go okay we have six minutes left what if i smack him no everyone honey stay down and nobody gets hurt you hear me hurry up go there already listening to you come on let's go get the ball oh we should check what's up we're pretty sure it's this big red button oh but like should we do something else i think that's the police button right now it's down here you guys we only have six minutes there's a camera oh die camera okay gold is aggressive okay come on we're getting distracted draco's really fast this is the vault he is doing tnt whoa okay everyone run away know what's happening the bomb is planted we gotta wait is there anything to rob while we're waiting nothing no users are empty they must be safe rooms okay come on let's go check upstairs there might be some extra money up here because why would they let us run on the draco you would fast nothing it's locked no huh you guys were actually being quite dumb they're security cameras everywhere everyone quiet now drop that phone charcoal don't hit me back that's your fault oh it's the security guard you destroyed a roblox civilian come on guys you guys come here come here what if i press the button rainbow don't press it i already pressed it does nothing get behind it i just don't want to stand beside the vault i'll do it i live on i live extremely life on the edge yeah you got to move out luna step back luna good get away if you're lucky this is just a game grab as much gold as you had draco i'm stuck in my pockets excuse me all right huh move over people step aside you're coming with me this is a lot wait this is good oh you have to bring it to the van and then too much okay we gotta go back for like ten more rounds come on guys excuse me don't be greedy i told you we should have bought the whole you know the whole truck back to pushing back back how does that go run so fast dude draco is robbing this place so she's been training yeah let's go let's go extra cardio guys time is of the executive bags i don't know if we can maybe a hundred thousand dollars look at draco by the time you get back nobody move you hear me no movement well they're not going anywhere i didn't mean to accidentally shoot you luna's got a strat she's jumping let's try to jump jump we have to get as much money as we can [Music] you did a fantastic job collecting gold but i'm not done yet i can get more just one more just one more no please dracco collected the most gold and will be rewarded with a pleasant surprise is it death it's just a bad kid the police are coming get to the van rainbow come on this guy wrote no no no no that's why police are coming there's no time for your jokes or puns wait who's this guy gold why are you talking you call the police you punk gold they can't see your face let's go gold guys get to the van oh you're right come on i'm hanging on the truck because i'm cool where's the police there's no way they're gonna catch us we're master criminals in the wrong way our trucks yeah they missed us that's good oh that was easy two hours later breaking news five people have just robbed the city bank they stole a lot of money from the vault i will find the one responsible and i will make them pay for what they did [Music] oh oh whoa consider that award why would you oh um okay they're bad they're the bad guys we stole from the wrong person yeah see this is why you don't steal ever oh anyone with that kind of power must be like dangerous dangerous you know what i mean no really he probably already has his minions looking for us so well i got a sword who's top your sword won't do anything you're not even saying it right dracula they shouldn't be able to find us though right guys i don't think they will yeah no one told them about this location right explore the area and let's see what we can find what's gang's lockers um you guys we were just being goofy robbers we didn't think we get into real trouble with real bad guys do they work for gangster greg what's over there good what are you talking about oh a pistol a pistol hey it's you it's this guy again i don't want your help then what do you want luna what's over there i got myself a gun for protection oh my gosh oh don't worry i got a gun too there's a crowbar in here in the lockers nice you should grab that oh medkit got it nice nice what else do we got keep looking around this place that beeping sound wait what's that sound it's a lot like they found us right now what exactly yeah they found you they blew up the whole mafia no you're messing with the wrong crew because we're back and everything where did you pull that ak from funny girls i told you i'm an armed robber oh you're trying to get me there's another one bang bang bang bang bang get him chocolate please do something tell your boss to not mess with us yeah oh aggressive you hear that yeah mafia scary they didn't stand a chance that's right you have all been rewarded with 25 of the money only 25 there's a secret shop down the street let's go check it out okay stop it says go down to the store and get something good wait wait if it divided by 25 who didn't get a cut no oh we only share the 25 percent that means 75 that's not even a lot draco who cares you got the money don't ask questions all right that's true store is right down here scam is on i trust you funny are you the owner of this establishment wow gold maybe perhaps this is the boot like five thousand dollars right on the table to buy five thousand dollars for five thousand dollars oh no you could buy extra cash that's a deal i'll take it wait potato chips for two thousand dollars rainbow wow that's like a great this is truly a skamazon place i don't like it i just bought one was it worth it did we share a bank account i just bought a cookie what the heck is you come on do you see them gold nope not in sight i don't see them but i hear them i got the cookie and the chips i got chips delicious it's okay we can snack at the warehouse at our hideout this is enough to last us one second cops can you give us a second we're quite oh i hear not as fast as we think we are hurry through the doors so i could close it no offense these cops are pretty bad they keep uh they keep losing us and we're in plain sight who wants chicks to defend yourself from the mafia by boarding up the windows but i want to eat chips me too let's have a quick snack break rainbow i don't think we'll have no time guys there's windows upstairs and downstairs split up come on i will handle what other window is upstairs there's only this one oh wait there's there's this one on this side let's board this up good job i mean it's pretty well voided except someone could like poke their hand through this and rip off the tape guys there's a whole cafeteria down here that needs to be boarded all right i got it i got it let me a cafeteria is not safe don't worry i got some classroom i'm not sure this one doesn't look boarded too well yeah i bought that up luna yeah can we like 100 clean it okay that's pretty good maybe do we have to board up this uh escape hatch or is this for us no that's for us thank you guys oh boy there's windows right there funny on the left oh yeah oh there's a crown ball right oh my gosh someone take care of these ones come on i got it we gotta hurry we gotta hurry yeah i got a crowbar i'm gonna get in the hatch i'm doing the other side oh no no no we did great i think we should go in the hatch we kind of suck jacko that's not the attitude we need positive attitude open it that one's not boarded we should pay attention to this one you can't open this up we need the hammer you need it yeah it's probably better break this hatch open come on but you broke for the hammer gold do you see anything oh now that you have extra angry emojis those are okay you cannot ah fight us that was easy so who's gonna board up the ceiling oh there's a few more hiding back here because they saw us you know what took a hat good job rainbow here eat these chips to go back to life oh i was supposed to heal a rainbow my bad i'm sorry you're not using money for the potatoes there's a way out bringing me back there's just enough time to get out through the main entrance is there the no the hatch i saw a way out through the roof jack is too bad it's a trap the main entrance therefore we go open it up let's see what the hell i'm doing i use the roof they're already here the cops be nice to us get rid of them and take the big ladder to the roof all right oh they're really oh they're very oh back up rainbow do not die i got it the medic has the bag open are you luna can you heal us they're so old step back yeah come on nice got him we need healing uh me please i'm good roll this heel again now there you go let's get up here okay that was amazing we're the best villains let's go we are now take the ladder to the roof don't tell me we have to go on those cranes i hate heights the one thing i can't do it's hard we're on the road high up now where you guys should come jump off yes what this looks like a knobby oh no you see that draco do you think you can get there's a helicopter that's way too far of a job we're too broke for helicopter jacko don't worry someone will come get you okay see if you can spot the crane we got it it will be useful for your skin got this ready three two one jump guys nice we did it they're slippery goop be careful though oh yeah it is slippery we got extra traction on our shoes we got the nice kicks right guys are you going to bring us we're on it oh it is slippery now okay careful move move good what's that sound it's just soda oh i thought it was more goosebumps just eating some chips where are you taking us who are you luna what is that i don't know i took it from the scam store i don't know what it does jump jump go scammazon it did nothing of course it didn't you'll have to jump to the other crane we're on it boss the one you're standing on is about to fall did you hear that oh bye-bye this one or that one i'll do it nah not me really uh jackal's a ninja that's how you're going to show off do we jump to this one oh we're going up people where do we go like spiderman on top of these they're cops oh watch out see that i don't see them they can't get us all the way up here they're down there they're shooting at us what's that what the funny funny are you okay no i'm not okay your ankle's okay no dude i'm not i'm in pieces literally on the floor ow use those planks and get to the zip lines where's everyone it hurt a lot where are you guys actually playing you're already at the zip line at the top don't worry i think oh i see you guys hurry come over here we're trying as fast as we can the fall was pretty repair pretty bad we gotta do epic building parkour oops oh there's three of them uh-oh let's go guys shoes so there's a choice thing don't which one get hit by the electricity went on this is pretty cool just keep going and we won't get don't get electrocuted thank you come on where are you guys this is really dangerous thomas see you maybe we should just return the gold here no yeah rainbow we were expected on all these amazon items we're not returning it we're missing gold okay to the next one on the plank but what about the rest of the cash tracko do you really want to go back for the chat cash oh yeah only wasted 25 who cares about the cash i didn't fry my hair off on that wire that's all that matters come on quick we got to escape these guys they're going to figure out where we live we will or you just fall down the stairs like dracco come on go down where's everyone daddy i'm getting dizzy wow oh yeah it's you again what happened to him well oh you shouldn't have come here why why is that garbage man does the name gangster greg sound familiar yeah now does he know who that is how do you know who that is um yeah that's true i robbed his bank many many years ago oh oh oh no as a revenge he stole everything from me i had to live out on the streets and that's why you don't steal you deserved it anyway guys he's a bad guy too greg is a bad guy too [Music] wait you probably should shouldn't go out there the police are still actively looking for the bank robbers the most recent sighting of them was at the bank give the police a cow what hi what are you doing have you seen the on tv wait are you saying they are behind me hey we're out of me [Music] yeah there they are guys oh my gosh bunny do you think they saw us yeah they saw it oh i'll see you guys later music yo where do we go we're playing clown music because we are clowns that's why what happens if you get caught luna nope luna what do you think happens you got a nice slammer what happened second clowny revived today guys go to jail what the oh my gosh third clowny revives today guys the more i revive the more expensive it gets please stop hurting me i just don't know where she knows please my channel okay come on let's keep traveling no one saw that hey you said yeah you were being kind of obvious [Music] where are you going rainbow obviously this predetermined pathway it must have also died tunnel you guys it's where our home is now because you have a secret tunnel yeah the mafia boss will get us so we gotta have underground what kind of outlaws now yep yep this is our life now we're just going to have to chill down here make a good deal that seems like a boss fight it smells down here i don't like it i don't want to stay here what the someone live down here too surface no it's a pretty nice sewer whoever built this look get ready to fight this looks like one of those scary rooms and movies you mean a boss fight yeah wait you don't think it's oh yeah mr gray it's candy bar all right right there let's this is going to be our home the gangster greg that's gangster greg he's here bye gangster work for you games you should ride i agree with lunar gangster greg we can cut a deal here yeah we don't have the time again dodge the bullet uh we also have guys i can just spin it right in bullets right in front of you just go like this we're not doing any damage we have to wait until he stops he's playing when he buffs simulators he's too buff come on he's not hit him in the knees where it turns guys ow okay now oh good guy he's dizzy quick well thank you gangster greg if you don't turn around somebody luna stop being dizzy oh no yeah i am okay but now where is he i don't see him you took one of his hearts great job no thank you luna uh i don't need healing yet he's throwing cardboard watch out cardboard this is some really hard cardboard guys from this amazon shipment i think so you think you'll hurt me if i stand right here like you'll hear out here yeah i know anything i just walked into the sewer oh there are minions coming out of the ground oh this is minions no no not the names no no no no oh i have no weapon i need healing hello healing i need healing oh okay okay okay okay i need healing i need healing i need help okay i need help i need healing i need healing i need healing i can't if you walk like that i can't heal you dracco rainbow get ready get ready myself i'm sorry oh my god you dizzy yet bud dizzy he's still good he's still good he's still good he's doing great he's going to get dizzy in probably five seconds here yeah he's dizzy right now let's go come on hurry come on come on luna help oh my gosh draco you're dead you're dead jacka luna i need healing great uh i am absolutely useless now i ran out of my medic kit we could be best friends we could rob banks together and make billions and billions or we will take out your knees okay you didn't accept it's over for you swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish and jack goes straight bigger they are the harder they fall the end that's it thanks to greg is no more [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,533,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox escape the world, roblox obby, roblox escape, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, roblox itsfunneh, roblox robbery story, roblox thief story, roblox heist story
Id: aP6aPw_1vqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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