King of the Hill Hide and Seek in Minecraft

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hi dudes welcome back to another toxic hide-and-seek this one's a weird one uh we've built this incredible map here okay the admins put this together this insane hardcore map you see that there are the three glowing white armor stands on the map those are King of the Hill spots if you're alive as a Hider you get points if you stand next to one you get double points however you start glowing telling the Seeker where you are across all three rounds of being a Hider you have to get the most points in order to win the game if you guys like these toxic hide-and-seek mini games hit the like button also hit the Subscribe button okay I want to get to 2 million Subs this year please let's get to work uh as you can see the admins are tired of zud uh zud you're up first it's King of the Hill Hut why did you press I might have clicked the why did you press anything why but it was not time sorry what is wrong with you and the admins have points Z this is why there's signs everywhere and then you just ruin everything anyway it's not my fault can you do your game all right but now that we fixed that zud just get away from everything we are going to go hide okay we have 60 seconds and then you can come get admin press buttons yeah honestly don't do anything ever um o I'm going this way once the round starts you'll see that the three of us get points okay but if we stand next to one of the capture points we will be glowing but we'll get even more points stop giving me fireworks jcraft is removing buttons for me to press yeah good honestly you deserve that I found an empty chest okay so whoever has the most points at the end of all four rounds wins uh the Seeker can't get points by the way what can I get points there's no point to be playing then I'm leaving you got to you want to kill us buddy that's bucko you just buddy okay you're d Bud okay well you're zud Bud like that makes you Budd bud no I put bud in my name so people know not to call me bud how's that not obvious why who made this map who made this map I did I you gu not getting points no there's there's a there's a sign in this hiding spot that says I bet sigils found this hiding spot and I don't appreciate that it's because it's a bad C I'm clicking higher start all right here we go it's time so it's coming in yep you have six minutes good luck idiot I got the most point oh dang why are you not getting points like me inundies cuz he's actually hiding like a weirdo no I've God I'm I'm going for a big big brain play Big Brain play Big bra play Big Brain play Big bra play maybe Sunday will because I already found him oh no big brain play Big Brain play Sund Sund Sund Sund okay why did you stay at the thing so long so dumb he did I knew where you were for so long you're so dumb and ugly and stupid and did not play that correctly you did not play that correct humo at all no you did not look now you're not getting any points how does that make you feel cring Lord way over there did you hear I said yeah I heard that and I didn't like it all right cool I bibble's getting poised but I don't see him I not anymore how am I still getting points I'm no longer I'm no I'm not even near it you passively get points for being alive you get more points oh then I can just play Oh I can yeah that's why I hid oh you get points just you get more point if they don't listen when I Can We R do this round no powerups we we already almost yeah we get power ups yeah I know dude he was literally right on top of me I'm call me bud what why are you so mad I want to see I want to see a thousand buds in the comments that's what I want hey I'm in the lead and that's all that matter can I double my score after this okay your score is not looking so bad all right I'm going back to the on go to the hill points why you guys being scared I am on the hill point I just go on it then I leave it then I go back on it then I leave it then I go back on it then I leave it D but speaking of dinky butt s how's your dinky butt uh my dinky butt is dinky but not butt you know what I like what we're talking about I don't wait I see wait I see an admin how do I admins how do I get out of this stupid sewer system hold if I find an admin I should get like 100 points why would you get 100 points for that Biff there's no snitch oh boy how did he just find me randomly when you're glowing I don't you're glowing you're bi have you been doing something bi Sundy I didn't do that I did not do that there's no Integrity in these videos Man help I need water brething hurry effect give water brething I'm going to die die just throw this out there yeah I went down that I had to throw myself in cretive just I'm going to die they did not make why don't you just give yourself water breathing no okay I got to go I got to go I didn't know how to get over there to your right what Biffle you such a little snitch just cuz I'm out here take that pathway yeah take that path I know I'm going to get him right oh my gosh what he's sigil you're so stupid what I see he saw you he saw you I see him is this a oneway exit we'll find out my little where did you go hi little get away from me he's getting more points kill him yeah just murder him why are you going let him get more points for uh all right go I what was that power up dude how are you going so fast okay I'll be I'll just real quick and then go kill him but that wasn't as good as you thought it was he's literally right on top of you he's literally tickling your he's glowing I can see keep running keep running I'm name I why would you backtrack you would why would you try to fight him he's stronger he's not lit both different okay like what he has strength too and dead okay the the the powerups are mislabeled the the Boost one the Boost one does not boost come on hey well that's 348 points round one for me not bad we're going to go to round two and see how it goes you guys get how this works it's pretty toxic Biffle good luck all uh now they all just say Z now I'm confused uh it's confusing well no okay there we go all right we're good we're off we're off we're off what do I do you wait and then what do I do what do I do I do so remember just because there's a capture point you do want want to actually like stay alive I did who you who you right now who you at no that's not my fault he ran straight from me cuz I'm so cute true you literally sat on the plate until I was 10 blocks away from you yeah did you hear me I'm going to die to this water breathing thing then just give your you're in the you're in the pipeline I know I know where you are I know where you are where is this okay guys 20 23 seconds and then he gets released be ready I actually don't care wait released from what uh his foot what does that mean used to being released from things oh oh the mental Asylum that's not true the the criminal for the criminally insane that's not true GH are a lot at least more like criminally underrated that's for sure overrated B oh your mom press the button can I press the button now yeah press the button which one oh the one that says Seeker start dude I hate it oh my gosh you guys are on the point what do I do what do I do what I can't do the the thing with the tongue though you T to you I'm immediately tping to him no you can't yes I can hold on how do you for I have no points do not come after me please I'm immediately going for you and only you why cuz you have no points you going first is the worst thing no it it literally it's going to balance out cuz B get some point shut up no one you okay sorry my bad for speak my bad for speaking in my own video I'll never do that again what I see his little Underpants your name is James T yapping the third get out of here no we're here together that's a hit on zud you're just farming zud dude he farming me come here big why need we can cohabitate no no no I want more pointsan sweaty I'm leaving dude okay wait D I saw you do a loopy loop you did you're not dude you're listen I got these glasses on dude come here glasses oh the same ones you're about to have true BS what is this that's the one way it says blast but I think it's uh I knew if Z going first is the worst idea why is that the worst idea it's the worst idea the biggest sweat of us all not that's not how it work no you're not you can't TP the the admins just tpd me to help you sigil I want you to know that no they didn't they're constantly tping me down off the ladder right now no they're not you're fing I have the footage I will tweet it I will tweet this Integrity L I'm I'm already gone I don't it's not even that's Z oh it's for that's it you immediately no no you immediately blame the admins and it's literally zud I'm in my hiding spot that they made for me I don't need the help what I need oh you don't why did he say like you hear that why did he say likees need the help why did he say it like that ad means he doesn't need the help remember that no it's not on me it's on made su su is Mom Sunday is Mom what Mom Su I guess so congrats I guess I could ask for a Marco can Google my boo you know uh I don't have we need fireworks admins you didn't give us fireworks one job admins thank you what's a boob do Boost what's a boost do uh that one gives you speed boost but I think that they are backwards so we'll find out Marco I would run now he's after you Marco oh I'm going for the guy that doesn't need help Marco yeah no they they backwards so much update they are definitely backwards just like I said dang he's escaping you you suck Marco uh sure Dead End by the way I would there just like someone's career who's oh going it's not nice to talk about yourself that way we talked about this Marco wait did he not see wait did he not no you lost him no you lost him the admin gave me blindness Mar it was it was it was for sure actually I was following you in spectator spectator okay I'm literally sweating I got my sweatpants on not going for Sunday so he wins there wait on my round I will kill you never that's why you we don't need to hey bud run s run hey buddy wait just Loop him on this and get all the points me it's called Dead by Daylight by the way I can't get up there dragons dragons sidles just huh what's wrong dude sidles I have how many of those do you have this much in a while I got one I got one of those huh what's wrong I got one of those the whole game how many cool down first place how many of you have in your inventory no that was they're on a cool down of activation they don't stack dude I can TP you to him they're an ability yeah can you TP me no yeah I got you on a cool down skill issue we all have the same yeah Mom says thanks Mom Mom is messed up Mom is not very nice Maro why is he standing still uh oh he's going to you he's using his echol location echolocation can I resist do oh they don't even the maros don't even explode who made these uh admins ad you're terrible every single one of these videos we have 90 seconds yeah it's not a lot but Sun's killing it Mar out he's doing yeah oh I can barely hear it hi s hey hey buddy is your cool down cool Downing yep okay I'll be I'll be there in a minute give me a second this is pretty ski this is very fair Sundy is not fair I'm having fun just chasing the same guy give me a second D come back here what do you want Marco running circles come here circles run you have the another speed boost my God he's amazing oh my God TI is actually sweating so hard that's crazy he's the first time for everything I've never seen tles do so good in a Minecraft game what hello I invented hide-and-seek it's a c man he gets offended D's looking where go dude you're just letting e Farm you're just letting you at the same dude come back here stop running for if you hold W you'll live you'll live if you hold W come here go in the water go in the water you'll live you'll live you'll live yes dude the heck the where the heck is freaking dud yeah ofing dud he's got 20 seconds bi's not even going to find him I can TP over there want I have a TP AB I'm going to stay here I get more points if I stay in this I don't get it so why do you guys get abilities and I don't because otherwise it' be so easy no it wouldn't bi you just wine that's all you do Biffle yeah would you like some cheese without wine four three that is a lot of points chill out yeah you guys are saying I'm sweating freaking Ian over here just got so many points I just stood still hello no you didn't you juggle you juggled all right well it's Sunday's round no points for him this next round let's get him can I have points no all right son you ready for your round I'm going to get ahead of you I'm going to get ahead of you boy you better find me you better find me you better find me y all right well it's time here we go ow ow guys I know exactly what I'm going to do what are you going to do Biel what are you doing I don't know spectator mode maybe you don't get points in spectator mode idea what no you do no is the embodiment of the nerd Emoji I'm just saying true no I I have to tell the no it's I have to figure out how all you guys are going to cheat in every one of my videos cuz there's no inity I'm going to find a way out of press the fre button press the freaking button can I SEC start now yes no it's Hider start Hider star go away you go away I was your ow he's he can kill us now you dummy I don't Marco oh I'm Marco I run around in circles feel so mad no do I get Buffs NOP you just have to be handsome I got to go get him get him immediately get them out immediately they don't call me rty for nothing why would they call you that would be very I'll give I'll give z uh nausea oh wait if I kill him I just win yeah true you have to get Sig why did you stay there so long Sig no we're fine everything's fine nothing's fine you're not fine everything is awesome everything is cool when you're part of a what sigil he's Sprint jumping the entire time I don't I don't have speed like you do we have speed three sigil oh I didn't know we had speed three brother how can I still didn't catch them I still didn't catch him I still catch him genuinely how do you not tell I still didn't catch him that's crazy yeah that's that more worse than you I just just I just hate you with such a move oh my gosh dude that was CRA increased speed for with that buff that was crazy Caleb you have to show that that was insane cut it out like just cut that whole why is that the first thing why was that the first thing you checked why was that the first thing you checked why was that how I I'm so far away why was that the first thing you checked that Psychopathic Behavior wait is it s's last what what no s is seeking last right yeah so if he doesn't kill Sunday first in like 50 seconds then Su my boy go get bi no why me I'm in last what where where's where are these guys hiding this is vibing bro oh okaying and I'm you know and Z sweating and Z is sweating got it y okay sitting here what is sweating to you like what is the definition I don't know how to get over there cool we just gave up what is oh I'm chilling dude I'm going for the long this route you have I'm going for the Long play I know two rounds to get I'm I have to go through two rounds of this is what I'm going to do am I going the right way H where are you Sunday let's see um and I'm not going to Marco a single time oh yeah you are you just you got to really you got to Wantage good you got to want it Ian what is this you got to want the water thing yeah you got to want it might drown no he's got to want it hope he does oh I have water breathing now oh okay crazy nice why do you sound so look at my photograph every time I do do make me laugh I am chilling once again getting double Like a Villain Like A V's cheating he's cheating he's chea Z is sweating so hard oh am I oh am I I didn't realize sitting still on a block is sweating no that's not what you did and you know it where how do I get out of this little circle I'm never getting talented to the right Ian you go you go it's a fun Circle yeah I a playing hide and seek go climb those Vines are you good just go to either side yeah dude and then go out that door to be found this round doesn't matter cuz you're getting like ultimately dead by daylighted like Z is dead by daylighting on a level that's insane he I have glowing what do you expect no but like he's like rotating an hour before you get there like it's it's he's already gone yeah he's he's already like you have to hit the jump Ian you have to hit the jump Ian you have to hit the jump I did I hit it on the third try he's already gone he's already at the next location what is this Loop this is why no one likes you why are you watching cuz I already know what you're doing watching my game back you haven't moved you are exactly where you've been no I no I moved a little I kind of listen you can be out of whatever you're doing but I'm I'm stay away from that house there bad person I'm going for the Long play dude oh it's yeah man you're going through a constipated Play Shut Up constipated yeah I am yeah he's holding it in you sure have saw what happened earlier oh I do know I know exactly what happened earlier and I'm mad at you about it boy dooky Wookie bi where are you Marco I can't if i Marco you'll fight me bro by the time Ian gets to the other checkpoint zud is at the other one don't know how to get yeah I know dude he's like yeah no like the route that zud is hitting like Z's been like I've never seen sigil sweat like this before this is insane this is insanity D what do you want what do you want T oh my gosh dude what is happening oh make that oh my Ian no Ian oh come on makes these I I come on dude who makes these Maps like this he didn't get it he's not getting double points anymore Ian please Ian please Ian please no double points for Z Ian please times up oh my gosh D hey Sig hi wait no sigils has to kill me and oh no he has to kill me and zund win this will be good this is going to suck all right boys it's time for the worst round of them all guys I stood in a closet that had it was an out house it was right by where Sundy killed me too go hide do whatever it is you're doing why does he sound like already defeated yeah let's wrong the problem with going last on these kinds of ones is you guys learned the routes and now zud's doing like whatever it is he's doing the sckers Coming For You Marco okay cool we're here they're already doing the thing you have to get Sunny first you know that you have to get I know I know I know he might not even go I don't even need to be here wait I don't either yeah neither of us need to be wait no I need no I went to the wrong one crap actually Sun let's just pull points and then win they they might just go the Long play they weren't going to until you said something out loud oh yeah true that is B's fault yeah that's my bad thanks B Long play it boys play it why get out of here get out of here I want the point get out of here I am I'm about to wa already passed you I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good no what is wrong with you guys you guys are they're already at the other one dude te no are they what what they're already at the other freaking stop you from this one dude they're so sweaty we so sweaty oh my God I will pass you s let me in let me in let's be let's be friends at this point let's be friends no get out of here how don't I trust you got to go got to go got to loop loop loop loop this is what in the dead by daylight is going on here they're looping moved you got looped I feel like I'm no run Dad run yeah run I am running Mar okay I need you to kill Sundy please kill Sundy where are you oh we already no how did you know kill him kill him kill him please where you going dude you already had the Boost are you kidding oh yeah we had it at the beginning I didn't have it at the beginning last time that sucks for you up don't worry don't worry I'm almost at your score oh look at biil look at biil dude no no like this I'm going to go Loop now I'm going to go Loop now no please don't go Loop he's going to go Loop now I need to make sure s's knows not to make fun of me you feeling good about going last no man this sucks they're already looping Marco looping we're we're gone dude then Marco Coward you have the Marco yeah there it is there it is there it is I knew I will get 88 points I promise he has it again dude dude they're being so mean not what oh my gosh I'm almost at 988 come on I'm almost at 988 no not like this not like this bro yeah wait get last I'm going to get last dude go get bble you have to stop bble don't stop me don't stop me don't stop me stop you have to stop you have to stop bble I'm looping him no you're not you've never looped anything in your life get out no get out these are my PO your mother doesn't love you you can't hit me you can't hit me you can't hit these I hit the get what is this what is my loop it's my loop it's my Loop what what the sow the snow is this come on come on come on come on come on you've got to be kidding Marco Biff Biffle Marco no my Lo okay I CH I CH I CH we're good we're good we're good we're good we're goody s please kill Sundy I'm trying they're at the Red Zone they're at the red zone I'm I'm going to myself this where Sunny is he's hiding in the corner on this part of the map they're fighting each other for dude I'm on one heart I know he's behind me no dude he's on that point in the corner s go get him oh he ran no he did it no that's me Z you're an idiot Marco I try to use my speed boost ah wants that du Z wants it Z wants that dub so bad where are you I alive I'll just wait point that would be a great time for one of I'm going to beat you marot I just had to I didn't have to beat Sundy I had to just outlive him I'll give you a hint don't Red Zone shut up what okay that's too much who did that I just like appear in the air above like hello you you can kill me I already won just kill me cool well boys this has been captur the hill King of the Hill hideand-seek if you want to play it again hit the like button like I hit hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: Sigils
Views: 16,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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