Steal My Money, Get RUINED Financially! | r/ProRevenge | #408

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hey everybody rob here it's time for a couple of stories from the pro revenge archives first one mother lies takes money from me then gets screwed over financially let's jump right in please subscribe so the robots don't take over we must destroy him so i'm 19 female and had only been living with my mother for a good three and a half years was put into foster care at a young age and don't remember living with my mother at all before moving in with her she would tell me how great it would be for me to live there and how i would be treated with respect and yadda yadda yadda well since i started college things went to crap my whole life i wanted to go to college for art but my mother convinced me that it was stupid and so i chose to go for a business degree i got into my state's business and marketing honor society during my last year of high school for having a 98 average in all five of my business classes my first semester of college everything started out fine then the end of september hit and i got a reimbursement from financial aid let me add my mother is on ssi for minor disabilities and hasn't worked in the past 18 years she has arthritis and fibromyalgia so apparently she can't work i got public assistance that i never knew about since i was never allowed to do paperwork for anything i thought we only got food stamps but apparently she lied and said i was paying a couple hundred dollars for rent so she could get more money so she was getting nearly 500 a month for my needs i never got anything unless it was christmas and 350 a month for food stamps my boyfriend had to buy me food because i was never allowed to eat at home and didn't want to get a 3 000 meal plan on campus anyways i got a healthy two thousand dollars back from financial aid which i originally planned on spending on clothes i hadn't had a pair of fitting jeans since i lived with my mother a laptop for school and food well apparently every time i get money it belongs to my mother she demanded i give her most of the money so i spent fifteen hundred dollars on some jeans for me and a brand new ps4 system ps vita ps plus and a bunch of ps4 games for my boyfriend i know that sounds reckless of me but he's paid me back for it she was pissed and belittled me till i gave her the rest of the money for rent and bills and food she went off and bought her boyfriend drugs i was mad because obviously that's just not okay i just pushed through the semester and kinda sucked it up like i usually do february came along and pretty much the same thing happened she demanded my three thousand dollars i got more this past semester because i only had to pay for one textbook to pay for rent electricity the wi-fi food and everything under the sun she got mad when i refused to give her more than 350 dollars i went off and spent the money on my anniversary including outfit gas two meals and some gifts a new phone my phone barely worked and was seven years old and prepaid my phone plan for the next few months i also bought myself some food for when i was home she was irate how dare i spend money on my boyfriend and not the woman who birthed me i tried staying away from home as much as possible driving around with my boyfriend for the most part but every time i came home i would get yelled at well march was when the crap hit the fan i needed my medicaid card they put cash assistance on that card for convenience and birth certificate for a program that helps people get jobs in the area and she wasn't having it apparently saying i needed them was being rude and disrespectful i ignored her for the most part and kept insisting that i needed them right away because i had to leave she gave them to me after half an hour of me telling her i needed to leave and just started yelling at me so i left for a few hours and i got a call from my caseworker asking when i would turn in timesheets i had to get a signature from each teacher stating i was in class to keep my insurance benefits and the food stamps i didn't know about the cash assistance and she told me i could lose the cash assistance if i didn't i asked her what she was talking about and she told me i got approximately 500 a month to pay for rent and other things i needed i informed her that i never knew about that and she was very upset that my mother was using the money on god knows what she told me to change the pin on the card and to not let my mother touch it so i changed the pin on my card went home and my room was torn up my clothes were everywhere my old laptop was missing my christmas gifts from my boyfriend were gone i was very upset i told my mother that i wanted my stuff back and she just threw everything at my door i started packing my bags cause i was done with her garbage she demanded i give her my medicaid card back since she keeps everyone else's she got in my face threw my glasses onto the floor tried throwing my new phone and was just screaming at me till i gave it to her i have post-traumatic stress disorder so i panic whenever someone is even slightly loud after she went to the store and tried buying something with it she came home and started shoving me around demanding i give her the pin i was just like my father i was a piece of garbage for buying jeans that actually fit me for once in my life i was trashed for liking the presents i got from my boyfriend and not from her i got pants that were two sizes too big and very low rise for christmas yeah no etc etc she actually hit me because of it and hit me till i gave her my pin so of course i was dumb and gave it to her someone for some reason called the cops and they showed up shortly after and her and her boyfriend started telling them i was abusive and manipulative and a pathological liar i showed them where she hit me and tried explaining that she took my medicaid card but they didn't care the cops never care because supposedly my mom's boyfriend has put half of our local police force into the hospital after the cops left my mother said that my boyfriend who has done nothing and has only been supportive of me throughout this was a pedo i'm a year older than him and that he was not allowed to enter the house again then she said i had a new curfew of 6 pm i had a class that ended at 5 and it took me 2 hours to walk home so that was stupid and if i left the house i was to never return so i left my boyfriend took me to a homeless shelter specifically for teens and young adults that were in abusive situations and had nowhere else to go i got my own apartment with the potential of getting a roommate at some point and i honestly have never felt better in my life the following day i go to get a new card and my mother had taken out 260 dollars at 5am with the help of my oldest sister i had four dollars to buy food for two weeks before i could apply for my own food stamps and cash assistance case most of the time i only had water and i would eat every three days at my boyfriend's house when the virus hit his dad refused to let me over even though he knew what was going on to a certain extent i didn't eat anything for a week before being able to get food stamps i wish i had gotten a job but having 8 classes one of which was six hours a week for a measly one credit took up the majority of my time the college suggested i withdraw to focus on my mental health i was afraid of leaving my new place because i didn't want to be attacked by my family or my mom's boyfriend's drug addict friends i went from seeing my therapist for half an hour every other week to seeing her for an hour every week she suggested that i cut contact with my mother permanently even though it meant losing a good three thousand dollars worth of stuff i bought myself over the past 12 years i got paid to babysit and take care of the farm while in foster care i was so so upset about losing all 40 of my stuffed animals they really meant a lot to me and they kinda were the only things there that helped me calm down from a panic attack i know it sounds immature but i've had most of them since i was about eight years old then something popped in my head while i was applying for my own food stamps and cash assistance case the revenge i realized that i could easily report my mother for welfare fraud not only had she been taken my 500 a month but she had lied and said her boyfriend and her didn't share food and were roommates she paid to use other people's food stamps and she has sold her food stamps for cash to buy fast food or drugs so i did just that i went to our state's website and reported her fraud adding when she took the money from my card at 5am that one day i went into detail gave the exact location of where she did it and everything i said she used other people's cards all the time which was very true and how she demanded my card whenever i had it a couple weeks later i get a call from the department of social services they accidentally sent it to my address instead of my mom's thinking she moved along with me i opened it and i read that she was denied public assistance denied medical insurance and denied food stamps she met the requirements for getting them but because of my report she lost everything but ssi as far as i know what probably helped was that i told dss she stole my card and requested a new one and the lady at the front desk was mortified i found out she took the money out later when i set up the card online and saw all previous transactions for the past year she's out 850 dollars a month more than her ssi and out of health insurance which was paid for by the state all because of me and i boasted about it to my therapist my therapist actually congratulated me because i'm very shy with people so to report something like that was very unlikely of me unless you got me very angry opie i completely understand the stuffed animal thing i still have a garfield that i had when i was a little kid and i'm in my mid-30s now if anything ever happened to that i'd be completely devastated my wife wanted the kids to play with it but i said no it just sits in the top of my closet and i just know it's there on to our next story how i taught a leasing agent about her lease the hard way let's jump right in i was living in atlanta 10 years ago and won a one-year lease at a charity auction my rent was around 600 a month prepaid market rent was 1500 a good deal the security deposit was only a hundred and fifty dollars more on that later a year is nearly up and i sign a lease at a new place about a month before i am ready to move out the leasing agent for the apartment complex stops me and asks about my renewal we had always been cordial up to this point but things were about to get very nasty are you renewing for another year no i have a lease on a new place i'm moving out well we require a two month notice so you have to give us notice in writing and we are going to charge you the market month to month rate of two thousand dollars per month if you don't live here during that time it is your fault let me read my lease and get back to you as i am in real estate i know how to dig through a lease i read it and set up a meeting about a week or two later thanks for coming back in i hope you understand how much trouble you are in and your financial obligations i have spoken to the corporate office about your situation they're willing to make the two months notice a fine and only charge you 3 500 since you will not be living here yeah about that per the lease you are required to give me notice of my new rental rates before the two-month notice commences failure to do so invalidates the two-month notice we did that we left it under your door i don't know if you did or not either way it clearly states that the notice must be given via certified mail return receipt but hand delivery works just the same not according to the lease i hand her a copy of the lease with the notice section highlighted did i sign a receipt stating that i received the notice i did no such thing per section all notices must be sent certified mail here's a copy of a tracking number for my notice not to renew sent certified mail return receipt requested it should be received by your office today if you don't have it already we got it but interrupting her as my lease is up in 15 days some time had expired between the meetings the one month notice puts me half a month into next month you can keep my security deposit for these 15 days my old lease rate is still in effect as notice was not given of the new rates this gives you two weeks to splash and dash apartment upon my departure and have a new tenant in by the first of the following month it does not work like that call corporate i think their attorneys will side with me have a good day i never heard a peep from them after that no collections no letters i stayed my extra 15 days which helped me with moving to the next place and taught that leasing agent she really needs to learn more about the product she has control over i've always wondered with people like this are they that stupid or is this actually part of the business model and they just play along with just following corporate's orders because they know at least a quarter of people will likely not fight those charges it really does make you wonder i'd like to thank both ops for posting their stories to the pro revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upvote i stayed my extra 15 days which helped me with moving to the next place and taught her la la once again this is rob from karma comment chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 24,277
Rating: 4.8900094 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit prorevenge, reddit pro revenge
Id: wgTZwKyeHTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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