"Do NOT Make ANY Contact With ANYONE From Work!" | r/MaliciousCompliance | #402

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hey everybody rob here it's time for a bunch of stories from the malicious compliance subreddit first one making my landlord pay over 100k for fixing a sink let's jump right in thanks for subscribing and if you haven't yet please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories so i'm a college student and i rent a room from a landlord and live in a house with multiple other students the contract for my room clearly says that i have to fix all the damages to my room that i have caused at my own cost and that all the bigger issues in the house will be covered by the landlord well one day i notice that my sink is kind of clogged and it's making a weird noise he says it's probably my own fault and that i should get a plunger to fix the problem a little background info about the house that i live in all the sinks at the top level of the house connect to the same pipe and everyone heard the same noise so the chance of it being my fault would be almost zero but since i had to fix the problem on my own i tried my best however you might have guessed it but i'm not really good at this since it's not my job i even had my dad check it since he knows more about this stuff than i do and he says the pipe is clogged somewhere but doesn't know exactly how far down the pipe so i tried my best to fix the problem myself but since it's clearly a bigger issue that is not my fault i contact my landlord once again he still refuses to come and fix the clog sink even after me clearly stating that everyone is hearing this noise in the house and tells me to solve my own problems like an adult would well since i'm legally not an adult yet and having tried my best me and the other residents in the house had decided to give up trying to fix the issue and just let it be a month later one person in the house had water coming out of her sink because it completely clogged and within days everyone was having the same issue because now everyone was complaining to the landlord he had to fix the problem since it was a bigger problem within the house that everyone was experiencing not only did he have to fix the clogged pipe of all the sinks but he also had to fix the water damage that we all had in our rooms because the water would just come out of the sink when he finally decided to hire someone to fix the problem the costs were already up to 100 thousand and probably will be even more since some of the other people living within the house have sued the landlord for not agreeing to the contract and for neglect of his basic duties as a landlord he even called us and screamed at us why we didn't mention the problem earlier to which i replied that i tried to solve the problem as an adult by informing my landlord who was supposed to fix it but that this clearly didn't help quick message to op when you contact your landlord always follow it up with an email you need to have a written trail of some sort so that you can go back on it and say i did my due diligence on to our next story how i got the final laugh at a slumlord let's jump right in years ago college days i had a slumlord for example he was an unapologetic ass barged into girls apartments to show new potential tenants unannounced even when the girl was naked in bed he still wouldn't leave but continue to show the apartment in our state they are required to give 24 hours notice before entering in my apartment i complained about a leaky sink in february 40 gallons a day when i measured it and it took him until november when i found a sink new inbox at my back door i called him about it and he said he thought i'd get the hint and install a new sink myself the firebox to control the alarms was outside my door and it was faulty and would go off three times a day or night and i would have to dash to the box to reset the alarm kept calling him about it and he didn't care keep resetting it he'd say cue malicious compliance number one i started calling the fire department every time it went off instead of resetting it the fire department would have to come down to investigate reset the alarm and leave after the third call or event they started finding him i think it was like 1 000 bucks for each event the fire alarm was fixed within a day after that when i moved out i mailed the key back to him too late he received the key on the fourth when technically he should have had it on the first mind you i was vacated and moved out by the first but the mailed key didn't arrive to him by then i had even cleaned the entire apartment spotless better than it was when i moved in to ensure that he wasn't going to give some bs reason to keep my deposit so he took me to court for three thousand dollars three months worth of rent because he didn't get his key back by the first i told the judge the story but he said other things didn't matter technically i should have gotten the key to him by the first he asked the landlord when did you rent the apartment and he replied within two to three weeks it was rented so the judge ruled that three months rent was ludicrous and the apartment was rented within a month but since the technicality said he didn't have the key on the first i would owe him one month's rent cue malicious compliance number two your honor i am but a lowly college student with very little income can i make payments in the amount of 50 a month until the debt is repaid and like that it took this guy 20 months to get his damn thousand dollars and i wrote one letter in each of the checks memo f u c k y o u repeatedly i don't know o p i think you still lost being out a thousand dollars but let's ask the audience guys what do you think in the comments down below did op lose or did he come out on top on to our next story bank selectively enforces rules loses business and money let's jump right in so this is my dad's story rather than mine but i felt it might amuse some and is probably the only time in his nearly 70 years that he has done something like this in the 1970s with the uk suffering a recession and work hard to come by my then childless dad had an opportunity to move to dubai to work my mom was able to go with him they'd have accommodation provided a good income higher than the uk equivalent would have been and were able to fly over and check everything out before committing all in all a great opportunity they took the plunge and decided as they had no accommodation costs in dubai they would keep paying the mortgage on their uk house so it would be available to them if and when they returned my parents had a uk current account with one bank let's call them goodish but their mortgage and savings account with a different bank let's call them muppets every month dad's salary was paid into his current account with goodish and he then phoned them to ask them to move money into his savings account with muppets as this is the account his mortgage payment came from he never had any problems one day mom writes a check from the goodish account then later realizes the account will not have sufficient funds to cover it no problem thought dad i'll give muppets a call and ask them to move some back out of the savings unfortunately muppets didn't want to transfer money out of their account and so informed dad that the only way he can remove money from that account is in branch in person using his savings book now muppets didn't have a dubai branch in the 70s the only way he could comply would be to travel 3 500 miles home frustrated at their repeated refusal to help dad resolves the immediate check issue another way and looks at when he'll next be in the uk fast forward a couple of months and dad is back in the uk armed with his little savings book he strolls into his local branch of muppets and asks for confirmation of his savings balance and mortgage balance he then hands over the mandatory savings book and requests to withdraw the full savings account balance in cash dad then pays off the outstanding mortgage in full and asks for an envelope for the excess dad then closes the savings account walks to goodish and deposits the remaining savings bank manager tries to stop this happening but once dad pointed out that he technically isn't able to transfer money into his savings account without using the savings book he'd have no way to pay the mortgage the mortgage itself had no restriction on early payment and thus he could do what he liked with his own money it sounds to me like that bank lost thousands in interest payments and deservedly so on to our next story do not make any contact with anyone from work let's jump right in once upon a time i was working with a major australian telecommunications company i worked in a call center with a group of underemployed lateral thinkers it made work great as you were always discovering new things but it made us a bit of a challenge to manage as the department tried to hobble us to fit into the cookie cutter molds they expected of call center operators we had a manager who was if i was to be generous useless he once went on leave for two weeks without a replacement being arranged i put a balloon with a face drawn on it at his desk as our interim team leader team productivity under mr balloon was measurably better than when the team leader was there and i proved it with reports and all suffice it to say our manager did not command respect fast forward a few months and one of my colleagues figured out how to spoof emails our manager had a certificate he proudly presented on his desk saying he had graduated something something college having completed a course in frontline management he was extremely proud of this and so the target vector was clear my colleague went to an internet cafe back when they were a thing and sent a spoofed email to our manager the email was built to look like it was from something something college the email demanded that manager provide evidence of his competence as a frontline manager or his certificate would be withdrawn now manager's world was appropriately shaken when he got this email he must have complained to the appropriate higher-ups because the infosec squad jumped straight onto it they traced the email back to the cafe's ip address okay in retrospect we could all see this error in judgment they printed out mugshots from the company's internal directory and identified my colleague as being the person who sent the email colleague was pulled into a day's worth of meetings as manager managers manager etc all lent on him pretty hard trying to get him to confess so they could dismiss him for misconduct i think the company realized they were on shaky ground to try and prove that colleague had really done anything wrong oh the days before bullying was codified having sweated colleague all day with no effect manager's manager put him on paid leave pending investigation with strict instructions do not make any contact with anyone from work as they didn't want rumors of a pleb messing with the ruling class getting out months passed colleague has not been in the office the company has completed their investigation but need to let colleague present his defense but his mobile is disconnected and he has connected a new number with a competitor and he has moved home and he is not replying to emails he has ghosted and the company doesn't know what to do more months pass i guess it gets to a point where the company can declare colleague legally dead or at least say he has abandoned employment they stop paying his wages a few months pass manager's manager is walking through a business district in the city and runs into colleague colleague is in a flash suit with a briefcase obviously hustling to a meeting himself manager's manager says hello ask colleague what he's been doing with himself i work for major tech company now i've been working with them since couple of weeks after he was put on paid leave i would have told you but i was told not to communicate with anyone from work thanks for that second paycheck though one of the best instances of malicious compliance i have witnessed and probably the most profitable i don't really think that was fair to the old manager i mean mr balloon was a straight shooter with upper management written all over him maybe you could say he was full of hot air but he seemed like someone with such a buoyant personality on to our next story you think i'm trying to steal your money have it your way then let's jump right in some background i'm a commercial and industrial hvac technician we specialize in large ac and refrigeration systems mostly involving chillers it's first thing on a monday morning when i get a customer's call in about one of their chillers being down cool beans i don't have much on my schedule for today and haven't even left the house yet this sounds like a great place to start off the week i get there and find all kinds of problems with this chiller we're talking at least a week worth of repairs assuming all the parts come in the next morning for some context this machine is absolutely ancient by this point i'd lost count of how many times we tried to sell them a new one regardless i make some phone calls so i can work up a price on the repairs and see how soon i can get the parts a few minutes in and i find out the manufacturer no longer supports this model no big deal i explained to the customer that we can either replace it or retrofit it in my opinion retrofitting a machine this old is a waste of time and money but we have to give them the option it pays just fine either way after a 30 minute conversation with a customer and several lengthy phone calls the customer decides it's finally time to replace the chiller i tell him he'll get a quote in the next few days and talk to our sales team who sends it their way within minutes of receiving the proposal the customer is blowing my phone up about how the price is too high and we're trying to steal their money i'm driving so i can't talk but have my phone mounted where i can see any calls and or texts i receive after about 15 minutes i pull onto the shoulder and give him a call back he's still pissed and starts yelling about how we added extra stuff to the quote just to take their money here's the thing this new chiller uses a different style compressor than the old one these new compressors are really really loud normally this doesn't matter but this chiller sits less than 100 feet from a large neighborhood and a daycare the unnecessary extras he's complaining about are the sound dampening options for the chiller are they expensive sure at the end of the day though it doesn't really matter they're going to need them i tried multiple times to explain this but he refused to listen and informed me that our conversation was over give me what i want or i'll find a company that will you know what sure thing boss i am from our sales office who had me hand deliver the new proposal along with a document explaining the issues with what he's asking for i had him sign it and left him a copy three months and a few hundred thousand dollars later and guess who can't run their brand new chiller why might you ask it violates the city noise ordinance any time it starts up they get fined need to fire it up to do maintenance find need to fire it up because the other chillers are down find control system hiccups and accidentally starts it up find their brand new chiller is nothing more than a big expensive paperweight even better though is that we're currently installing all the sound dampening equipment we originally quoted however as we're having to change everything out in the field instead of it being installed at the factory it's going to cost almost three times as much as it would have in the first place but hey maybe they'll listen next time well op it sounds like the customer paid a hefty idiot tax but it's okay they're probably used to paying this tax have we not learned yet not to piss off the people who can do jobs that you can't do i mean come on i'd like to thank all five ops for posting their stories to the malicious compliance subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them all an upvote once again this is rob from karma comment chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 65,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance
Id: dH45shKkHAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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