Screw With My Raise? Lose $35k! | r/ProRevenge | #406

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hey everybody rob here it's time for a few stories from the pro revenge archives first one thieving dog screwed me out of 4 000 i got it back and cost the dogs another 700 000 dollars let's jump right in please hit that subscribe button and maybe one day we can be as big as that r slash guy don't push your luck a few months ago a company low dogs llc was required to sell some pretty rare stuff low dogs was very cozy with another company morality limited that wanted the stuff but the industry we're in is highly regulated and so low dogs couldn't just sell straight to morality so to be seen to comply with the regulations low dogs offered to sell the stuff to some other people me being one they said that if we wanted the stuff it was ours and if we didn't well then they would sell it to morality limited in that way they would comply with the regulations prohibiting direct sale to their buddies at morality limited so i get low dogs offer and you know what it's actually very well priced i say thanks here's my check and await my stuff tick tock tick tock no stuff call low dogs up and say yo where's that stuff i bought and they say oh we sold it all to morality for the same price we offered it to you here's your check back and so i say uh and i sue them for a few grand that being the profit i didn't make by reselling the stuff they didn't deliver now low dogs could have sorted me out pretty easily settle my claim move on for reasons known only to them they didn't they chose the double dare option engaged high high-flying attorneys and started fighting hard over a few grand old fisting donkeys don't bend over when someone tries to screw him so all that did was provide further encouragement i spent several weeks and several thousand dollars putting together a detailed dossier on everything that had happened then sent it to low dogs and said we can do this the easy way sort this out or the hard way i'll provide this to the regulators they said you'll never bother go away ah okay kids whatever you think so off it went to the regulator i've really simplified the story above it's actually a pretty complex situation hence the huge work involved in explaining everything to the regulator which low dogs thought i wouldn't trouble myself with the regulator took a look at my dossier and came down on them hard on my estimate low dog spent maybe 100k on attorneys in fighting the regulator only to lose the argument the regulator forced morality limited to give the stuff back to low dogs who then had to give it to me and everyone else who'd placed orders but been denied at the original low price the profit that morality limited missed out on was something like 600k and as it happened morality limited had contrived the original scheme with low dogs and they were planning to share the profits too bad so sad amusing enough but there's a kicker turns out the stock controller at low dogs who was an a-hole to me when i complained that i hadn't received my order hadn't actually passed everything onto morality he'd kept some for himself and sold it for a neat profit of about 20 thousand dollars when the regulator was investigating what had happened that fact came out and low dogs weren't happy they were so unhappy in fact that the stock controller was promptly sacked from his two hundred thousand dollars per annum job unlucky this is a great story of revenge it's not unnecessarily mean-spirited it's just not letting yourself be screwed and then holding people accountable on to our next story employer reneged on compensation agreement left and milked them for 35 000 in two months let's jump right in throw away for soon to be obvious reasons i've generalized every aspect of this story to keep it anonymous i hope you enjoy reading about my experience i am not willing to offer any more information or evidence for this so just take it for what it is also the point of this story isn't to brag over money but to share my revenge plan and execution anyways i work in software development using very in-demand and complex frameworks and tools the average salary doing what i do in my area is around 110 000 a year for a relatively simple low-level job by this i mean a position where the employee does not have major responsibilities works as part of a much larger team etc i worked on site and then remotely as a contractor for three years for a company here and after named the company while i was at university as a contractor i was the only developer in the entire company of a few hundred people and was solely responsible for all systems development testing etc this includes databases web servers and much more this seems like a lot it was but i had full control of my environment and autonomy i worked on the software projects that i wanted to and i felt would have the most impact during that period of remote work upper management was changed after i completed my schooling i received an offer from the company for seventy thousand dollars i knew this was below what i should be making but i also realized the following i had full autonomy in my environment i had some gaps in my skill set by staying in this environment i could fill in those gaps and very easily prepare to transition to another higher paying job so new management and i reached an agreement i would accept a salary of 72k and then after six months time we would meet to go over my salary and it would be increased by at least 15 this was included in my offer letter which both new management and i signed fast forward to six months later i have now filled every gap in my skill set and expanded on it to increase my skill set even more the six month marker rolls by and nothing happens i send new management repeated meeting requests and they are ignored three weeks into the six months i go to hr and raise the issue hr turns ghost white and makes the meeting happen that afternoon new management comes into my office and offers me a one percent raise yes that is correct one percent i kept my cool though and reminded them that i was guaranteed at least 15 percent do per our agreement new management completely denied making this agreement and repeated their previous offer i brought out my offer letter with both of our signatures on it and they started backpedaling they said they would talk and get back to me i made it very clear that if i did not receive the agreed upon amount we would have a problem fast forward to two weeks later new management invites me into their offices i am then offered a six percent raise they try to make excuses about budget restrictions fairness to other employees whatever they could think of i knew then i had these options one quit two demand the fifteen percent possibly get it but severely damage my relationship with new management three accept the six percent raise and maintain a strong positive relationship with new management allowing me to blindside them later the wheels in my mind spinning i agreed to the six percent raise at that moment i decided what i would do i would take the raise use the remainder of my time there to look for another job and leave a few months passes though and my plan expanded i began implementing the most cutting edge technology using the most modern frameworks upgrading everything i could as aggressively as i could of course this provided immense benefit to the company that was the plan i entrenched myself in every system in every way possible increase the skill floor for my position as high as i could get it and left four months after i accepted the raise of six percent i accepted an offer for a salary of 130k at another company i put my two weeks notice in at the company and all hell broke loose new management knew they had messed up and they were completely blindsided that i was unhappy with my position since i had graciously accepted this six percent they thought they were off the hook with me i took all knowledge of almost every one of their systems new management freaked out so i did what any capitalist would do i offered to come back as a remote contractor for two hundred dollars an hour they had no choice but to accept so over the last few months i have been charging them two hundred dollars an hour to do the exact same thing that i was previously doing for significantly less now instead of being out a few thousand dollars a year due to my raise they've been outed over 35 000 in a few months with no end in sight i even hired one of my good friends to help fill the hours the money is nice but the look on new management's faces when this played out was priceless it was the sweetest revenge of my life so if op continued contracting at 40 hours a week that would be 416 000 per year holy he says he's not working that much though and only as needed about 5-10 hours per week still makes for a nice extra paycheck though on to our last story never screw over your hvac technician let's jump right in this is not my story it's been a while since i've heard the story but i'll try my best to get the details correct i went to a local community college to get my hvac certifications and the instructor was an old-school gruff blue collar worker type guy he owned his own hvac company and would teach at nights after work dude was working like 60 to 70 hours a week and had been doing this since the early 90s when an older guy i knew in the industry was taking classes from him anyways on to the story instructor will be referred to as joe his company and my school are located in orange county california an area with a lot of wealth he lived out in riverside so housing wouldn't be as expensive so it's a bit of a drive for him to get to his work territory one sunday he received a call from a woman panicking her ac unit in her wine cellar has stopped working and needs joe to come fix it asap because wine needs to be in a consistent temperature i say wine cellar because down here we don't have basements in southern california joe explains that since it's sunday it will be a triple charge since he doesn't get to relax much working so many hours every week she agrees as her wine collection is worth 1 000 times the cost of fixing the ac unit joe rushes two hours out to her house in newport beach and she shows him to her wine cellar which is a massive room with rows and rows of expensive bottles of wine on racks he gets to work checking everything on the ac unit he found it wasn't getting power and after tracking down the circuit he found that the gfi had popped you probably have one in your bathroom by your sink and has a button to reset it if it pops he resets the gfi and the ac unit kicks back on temperature hadn't deviated too much from the set point and all things are looking good joe explains to the lady what had happened and to be careful with liquids around the outlet since if it trips it'll take out the ac unit he then tells her since there was no work needed she'll just have to pay the trip charge which is 450 since it's sunday the customer who will call judy was not happy about this all you did was push a button i could have done this myself i'm not paying her and joe go back and forth about her paying and eventually he leaves without payment joe isn't normally one to roll over but he's tired and wants to go relax on his day off he drives home and relaxes trying to put her out of his mind that would be a crappy revenge story if she didn't call back a few months later again on a weekend help my ac isn't working again i tried pushing the button like you did and it's still not working and i don't know how to fix it you need to come out and fix it joe reminds her that last time she called she stiffed him and that he would not do business with her she begged and pleaded that she'll pay for both trips in full and this and that after some convincing joe told her he would get to her as soon as possible but since he is in riverside it will take at least an hour maybe two to get to her she says fine and they hang up instead of getting into his truck joe cracks open a cold beer and waits two hours go by and judy calls joe back are you close it's getting warm in the room this is an emergency joe replies i'm almost there traffic was pretty bad but i should be there in 30 minutes 30 more minutes goes by and she calls back are you close joe yes i'm just around the corner give me a few more minutes by this time it's getting pretty late close to 7pm and she calls back one more time where are you joe responds riverside that was not what judy wanted to hear what do you mean you're in riverside you said you'd be here my wine is gonna be ruined and then joe hits her with you should never screw over people you rely on and hung up on her most ac places don't take calls on the weekends or nights so we assume she lost her collection but can't know for sure anyways point of the story is gfis really only belong in the bathrooms and don't screw over people you need the comment section on this story is full of golden justifications for charging what people do a couple of them are it's twenty dollars for the parts and three hundred dollars for knowing how to fix it or hitting a chalk mark with a hammer one dollar knowing where to put the chalk mark 999 dollars i'd like to thank all three ops for posting their stories to the pro revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upload once again this is rob from karma comment chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 24,464
Rating: 4.9029651 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit prorevenge, reddit pro revenge
Id: ybwmUwFsOQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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