His REAL Parents Were CRIMINALS! (Full Movie)

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I can't believe we're going to do this it's the only way to keep him safe our criminal lifestyle it's too dangerous for a baby yeah well someday when all of this blows over we'll come back for him I just know it we need to be quick if a cop notices us we're done for don't worry my darling boy they'll keep you safe I promise hands up criminals we have to go run hey your baby you can't just leave him here he they're getting away officer Rufus aan Williams oh my goodness what's that y'all watch this baby I need to catch these criminals I'm going to find these criminals they're part of one of the biggest crime gangs in Roblox and this time I'm going to stop them for good there they are David Monica freeze no please just let us go H yeah no way you two have been creating so much crime It's Over Now officer we had no choice this gang is bigger than us please okay at least just take care of our son enough you're both under arrest now I was afraid you'd say that what the what is going on Monica now no no no I can't believe I let them out of the city this isn't over yet I will stop them aan Williams there you are y'all did y'all catch them crims not this time officer Rufus they got away again those two crimm is wild y'all what we going to do with this baby y'all those two probably did the only right thing they've ever done in their lives leaving that baby here with us I won't let this kid turn out like his parents so wait hold on the sck you going to raise this baby I will and I think I'll name him Lucas okay good cuz I can't even take care of myself y'all Lucas will never know about his parents being criminals we have to keep it a secret I can keeps a secret y'all but what we going to do if they come back for hims then we can finally arrest them uh oh okay that's the alarms y'all crims is happs we got to go domide dies dad come on let me come and help you no Lucas you're staying here and that's final but I know that I can help in some way okay we got to go because we ain't got the DS I've been trying to catch these criminals for 16 years they're dangerous now stay here where it's safe rof is on to miss them y'all yes man he doesn't understand I'm not just a kid I can help and I'm going to oh man this doesn't look good I got to make sure Dad doesn't see me wait who's that oh my gosh they're over there I can catch them on the other side hey stop right there oh my gosh David look Lucas what how do you know my name I've got you this time freeze what what the Lucas what did I tell you Dad how did they know my name sorry we had to see each other this way uh time to make our Escape what the no they got away Lucas you are in serious trouble I can't believe believe you would do this I told you to stay back and did you listen no of course you didn't yeah because you never let me do anything dad you're not a police officer Lucas well I'm getting older now okay I can be a cop just like you you're still a kid you need to go to school go to college get a job and stay out of this those people today were dangerous two of the most dangerous criminals in all of roblocks yeah and if I'm being honest I was kind of freaked out that they knew who I was but it doesn't matter cuz I'm not afraid to them I don't want you around criminals or this life period it's far too dangerous don't you think it's weird they knew my name and I mean they felt familiar like like I've seen them before or something Have I have I met them enough go to your room and stop worrying about criminals it's my job to catch them not yours fine whatever this is getting too dangerous I need to catch those two I have to keep them away from Lucas no matter what man school is kind of rough today now I have to work H I just wish dad would let me work with him at the police station instead Lucas you're late man no I'm 5 minutes early whatever just shut up already I'm annoyed cuz I want to go home wait you're not staying you're the manager though that's right I'm the manager so I can do whatever I want you better sell a lot of food today cuz I want to be rich okay whatever okay this is a robbery give me all the money in the register hey you're the criminal from the other day oh my gosh Lucas wait you said my name again how do you know my name never mind I can't do this what the heck is going on Dad I'm at work and I need you down here right now hey what happened where's the money it was him who Lucas I can't Rob my own son oh man I just wish we never got mixed up in this life let's just go David are you okay yeah Dad I'm fine and you're sure it was the same criminal that we saw the other day yeah 100% it was weird though because she just started to cry and then run away she didn't even try to rob me I need to catch those losers soon why would they rob a store like this they're big time criminals something's not right well maybe they're trying to get to you by coming after me no I don't think that's it I don't believe you're actually in danger okay well it doesn't make sense because they know my name for some reason why I don't know maybe it was just a lucky guess I I don't know lick I need to be more investigating well maybe we can work together to stop them then I don't think so I'm going to have one of my officers take you home no let me stay and no I said get going all right fine I feel like I knew that woman I can't explain it where have I seen her where H this is so frustrating and confusing maybe some TV will clear my mind Chad flenderson here with breaking news the Infamous Gang the Roblox crime family is starting to expand with many members committing crimes all over Roblox wait there they are again it said that these two criminals David and Monica have committed countless robberies but police have said that there might be some internal issues in the crime gang we'll let you know how things turn out now to my favorite segment Jet's favorite hey I was watching that I know you think this is exciting but there are realworld consequences to getting involved with crime stopping like I know that Dad okay you've been a police officer my entire life I Know What It Takes and I'm Not Afraid why can't you just accept the fact that I want to be like you when I grow up I can understand that and honestly I'm honored son but you need to promise me to stay away from this case why this case there's something that you're not telling me and you know what I'm getting pretty frustrated it's nothing Lucas yeah so there's something then I said it's nothing wow out of all things I never thought that my own dad would be a liar I don't understand what he's keeping from me it's not like him he always told me that honesty is the best policy or whatever but now he's not even being honest I don't know what to do anymore I don't even know who to trust and you know I feel like I'm being watched uh no maybe I'm just paranoid my help someone what was that yeah give me the purse you dumb old lady rude just shut up hey leave her alone ah what the heck you know what this isn't worth it I'm out of here are you word thank you young man no problem but I have to go catch that jerk I can't let him do this to someone else hey you you're going to jail yeah right Lucas what how do you know my name man you must be so so stupid you don't have any clue what's going on do you I'm not stupid so tell me what's happening get in the van yeah no way you're coming with me ow what the heck I I can't see yeah this guy's definitely an idiot time to go now what where am I what's going on help someone help Lucas wellow you grown up I haven't seen you since you were a baby what the heck how does everyone know me that's because your real parents are criminals then you know that what no you're crazy my dad's a cop man no it's true officer Williams adopted you raised you but your real mom and dad they work for me or at least they did no none of this makes any sense what are you saying I'm saying your life is a lie your mom and dad were both in my gang until recently which brings me to you no no you're a liar of course I am but I wouldn't waste my time with you if your real parents hadn't stolen my money and taken off when started their own game no no this can't be true it is and because of this stupid mistake I need you to go get me my money back no you're crazy man how am I even supposed to do that I don't know work for me stop your parents either way I need a million dollars by next week that's crazy there's no way I can get that money then you join me in my gang no then why don't you just stay here for a bit that way you can think about it hey stop come back here let me out someone I need to figure out why David and Monica keep resurfacing and why now through all these years what is going on officer Williams we have an emergency We're Cops everything's an emergency what do you want I'm trying to figure out this case Lucas has been kidnapped sir what by who all our Intel told us that the robloxian gang might have them do we have a location I think we should have one in about 30 minutes our inside person is going to text us the coordinates good we need to take them all down and save my son come on there has to be a way to get out of here ah this can't be happening hello I need help you know you should really shut your mouth you're annoying let me out of here then you can work for me to pay off your million dollar that well find your parents I already told you so what's the deal I want to find my parents but how do I even know you're telling the truth man you're crazy why would I have some random person like you help me if it wasn't true I guess you have a point what the heck the cops how do they find this place get down everyone you'll never catch me no no suspect in custody Lucas are you okay yeah I'm fine now son you're safe oh thank goodness son son if what that guy told me is true and I'm not your son and you're nothing but a liar Lucas wait I I can explain we need to have a conversation Lucas no I have nothing to say to you right now how about a thank you for saving your life oh yeah okay well whatever thank you for that at least but Dad you've been keeping my entire life a lie yeah I know everything I know the truth I I knew this day would come eventually I think your parents wanted a better life for you the criminal life they lead is no place for a child one night they dropped you off at the police department and before we could arrest them they escaped your parents have been involved in the robloxian gang for over 20 years and so what you just decided to keep me around sorry for not telling you the truth the fact is your parents abandoned you so that you could have a better life and I stood by you and raised you no matter what you are my son yeah and I want to believe you but you lied to me you had no right to do that I need to know where I came from I need to know my real mom and dad I am your father and those two criminals abandoned you Lucas so that they could live their life of crime yeah well I need to hear it from them I'm going to go find them whether you like it or not no you're not yes I am and you're not going to stop me not anymore man Trent you're a lifesaver man thanks for letting me crash here yeah no worries man you're my best friend sorry you're going through so much yeah I'm just really frustrated with the whole thing turns out my dad isn't really my dad and my life is just a huge lie your dad's still a good person though I mean he sacrificed everything to raise you you should look at him more like your real dad I know like trust me I know all the good stuff he's done but at the same time he's also kept my life a lie to me I have this whole other family out there that is actually my family that I at least wish I knew of look I'm not sure what to do I want to find my real mom and dad and just talk to them yeah I don't think that's a good idea why not you were raised by a cop dude you know what the criminal world is like it's terrible yeah I know but apparently they stole some money and left the other gang so maybe they wanted to start over I just think that's kind of like wishful thinking bro yeah well maybe it is I don't care though tomorrow I need to get some answers but for now I'm going to get some sleep man you better talk and you better tell me what you're doing you don't know wow you're really out of touch old man shut up tell me now David and Monica decided to steal a bunch of my money and try to run off with it what was I supposed to do I needed my money back so you kidnapped my son and told him that his mom and dad were really criminals I told him the truth which is what you didn't do isn't that what your whole life's about officer Williams doing the right thing I did the right thing I raised Lucas and didn't let people like you mess with him until now where are David and Monica tell me right now if I knew that do you think I would have kidnapped Lucas in the first place I don't care about that kid he's no use to me other than getting my money back and I will get my money back you're going to stay away from my son and you are going to rot in prison we both want the same thing we both want David and Monica why don't we just work together because I don't work with criminals I don't really know where to start but a lot of crime happens down here I know this is dangerous but I'm not scared though I just want to know the truth I have to hey hey what are you doing here rich kids like you don't belong here look I'm just looking for my mom and dad okay they're a part of the robloxian crime gang and I need to talk to them oh yeah I totally know where they are wait really yeah follow me okay thanks no problem I'm a real helpful guy it's what I do wait what the give us all your money right now I don't have any yes you do you're rich he's a lawar I know he has money no I don't I'm I'm not rich okay I just need to find my parents I thought you were going to help me man I'm going to help myself to your money and I'm going to take it yeah give it to us now like I'm not giving you anything well then we're just going to take it leave me alone Lucas wake up Lucas uh mom what the heck are you doing out here I was looking for you for me yeah so you're really my mom huh yes yes I am wow um look I have so much to ask you and I will answer you but not here follow me Lucas how did you I know no I'm here and I can understand that it's a lot right now how did you find out we were your parents you didn't see it on the news that boss of your gang he kidnapped me I'm sorry about that we were trying to make a move on the gang and take it over and I didn't know that you'd be involved okay I swear yeah well why did you guys abandon me I mean I am your son right all this time and some freak has to tell me that my life is a lie we didn't want to give up on you we had to we realized that we were in two deep and we couldn't raise you around all of this it's just it's not right so you just cut me out then huh we just wanted what was best for you did did you call the cops no I didn't I just wanted to talk hey wait how do I find you stop come back guys wait don't do this I can't believe we were so dumb we should have never gotten near our son we need to get out of here fast you aren't going to poison my family I'm going to take you criminals down time to get get rid of this loser no no where where's my dad dad there you are are you okay yeah I'm I'm fine son uh if it's okay I still call you that yeah what are you talking about of course you can after everything we've just gone through I wanted to say I'm I'm sorry no dad look I'm sorry I was wrong I really got to see who my criminal parents are and they don't care about me at all they just ran off I was just trying to protect you from them they might care about you but they care about not getting caught more yeah I I know that now they left me again and then after seeing what happened to you I know that I can't be like them oh that's that's good to hear I'm going to fill my dream dad and I'm going to be a cop just like you and when I'm ready I'm going to take them down Locus has been the best student at the police academy for 4 years in a row and now I will would like to congratulate him on graduating top of his class thank you thank you so much this means the world to me and I promise that I'm going to do my very best to protect this city well done I'm proud of you son thanks Dad but honestly I'm still worried about you you're doing a very very dangerous job it's going to be okay now I can finally stop my parents from hurting the rest of the world I realized that as I was growing up that not only did they hurt me but they left a trail of pain across this city for many families and I'm not going to stand for it good now that you know what it's like to be a police officer I think you can handle it I'm proud of you and remember your shift starts first thing tomorrow morning thanks Dad it's my first day as a police officer this is what I train for here we go oh my good wow looks at you Lucas I'm really proud of you look at you f being a police o from of the law thanks officer Rufus it's really exciting has there been anything on the robloxian crime gang things have been wild y'all y' moms and dades tooks over to g once we erased that old boss man who's also really mean y'all so now they're in charge well that's not going to last for very long um uh-oh what that sounds I don't know okay oh my goodness looks like there's a robbery at the banks y'all okay I'm on my way this is Officer Williams on site I'm moving in now let's see what's going on hey freeze I knew it was you too Lucas don't do this do what throw you in jail forever hey we're still your parents you have never been my parents you left me remember twice all I wanted to do was talk to you but even then you chose crime over me there isn't anything that we could do okay we had to take over the gang because other bad people were after us too life isn't simple in crime kid well it's simple for me and you're both going to jail sorry son but we aren't I got here as soon as I could are you okay look I'm fine okay I'm just mad that they got away yeah yeah they are pretty annoying aren't they yeah they just don't care about anyone but themselves yeah but don't get worked up about it it was your first robbery and I let them go you didn't let them go they escaped I've been trying to take them down for years and I haven't been able to do it either yeah I guess hey where are you going I need to clear my head okay and the two suspects Got Away new police officer Lucas is okay thank goodness but the criminals got away again this city will still be on high alert until they're finally captured H so dumb I have to figure out how to catch them I don't know where they are and they're really good at disappearing clearly come on Lucas think maybe I can find someone who works for them and then they can lead me right to them I'm not going to let them ruin anything else tonight I'm going to take everything in stride um H LC This Is Awesome from rofus y'all yeah what's up so there's like a robbery down at cenum saw and you better stop them cuz that's where I get gets all my bitum y'all okay I'm on my way hey you're in trouble now no please D don't take me in all right I'm innocent no you're not you're robbing the store dude you know maybe we can work together who do you work for no one okay then you're going to jail okay no I lied that was a lie okay I admit I was lying there please I don't want to go to jail then spill it ah fine you're annoying dude I work for the robloxian crime gang all right there I thought so where are your leaders is that I don't know man I'm just innocent look we can get you out of this life of crime if you help me out I I don't know the location okay but there's a criminal base not too far from here that I report to okay we'll get you checked in at the station and I'll check it out thanks yeah uh no problem I really hope this is where my parents are they better be here team be careful these two are armed and highly dangerous move in on my signal everyone freeze hey I know know you you're Lucas yeah the one and only now put your hands up still chasing after your mom and dad huh you're not strong enough to live this life you know kid I'm stronger because I choose to do the right thing unlike you wa whoa we got ourselves a hero huh shut up all of you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you guys have been doing oh yeah oh maybe you just said that your mommy and daddy didn't love you you don't know anything oh oh but that I do kid now you're out here trying to chase after something that you'll never get enough of this you are under arrest all of you are under arrest I can't believe they weren't there and no one is talking I don't know what to do next great job on that arrest Lucas well done uh yeah I guess not really not really what are you talking about you took down a big branch of the crime gang that isn't easy to do yeah but I still didn't get them look son you can't let this obsession with your mom and dad consume you I know it's frustrating but we will get them one day I just want all this crime to stop and I want my parents to pay for what they've done for the crimes they've committed or for abandoning you both dad both oh I I know you do son I do too and we can't rest until we stop them we can't stop until they're behind bars I'm going to do it Dad I promise that I'm going to stop them H it's morning already man I haven't slept all night what is this oh my gosh Mom it's me Lucas thank you for coming no I'm sick of this okay you're under arrest I'm sorry I'm sorry all of this has gone on yeah well you guys made your choices okay you think I wanted to abandon you I just wanted what was best for you and look how you turned out I was right yeah you were at least right about that but look at everything else you've done I'm proud of you whether you you understand that or not I wish I could say the same to you everything is wild okay we need back up right now okay get over here right now L wow I know this is you you set me up again no we already had this planned I just I just can't do this anymore well you're going to jail now Mom I'm sorry I know and if anyone is going to stop my life of crime I'm glad that it's you now you need to go stop your father and fast oh no this is a mess there you is y'alls okay sry you had to arrest your moms today Luc but something bad's going on here it's all right where's my dad um the crimine one or like the police off from one both Rufus oh okay well they both inside the burn and building y'all you know you aren't going to get me you never do yeah well maybe this time it's different David I don't think so ouch oh it's different this time son you might be my father but you don't deserve to call me son I know who my real family is and my my real dad doesn't treat people like you do son please no that's it you're under arrest I have to say Eva it's really nice that we get to spend some time together I feel like ever since you married my dad you and I barely like talk or hang out or anything like that and I want to get to know you better you're my new stepmom hey hey why don't you make yourself useful and get me that candy bar I left my wallet at home I don't have any money on me Ah that's a shame I'm really hungry are you sure you really don't have money on you yeah I don't even have like a penny in my pocket you are the most useless stepson on the planet well I'm sorry come on let's get out of here oh man this looks so good wait where did you get that shut up kid mind your own business I was with you the whole time when did you buy that candy bar a you're obviously so dumb I didn't buy the candy bar I took it you just took it that's stealing Ava look kid mind your business got it got it jeez okay [Music] fine hey Dad can I talk to you for a second yeah Dwight what is it well I want to talk to you about Ava I was just out trying to spend the day with her and I saw her steal from a store what yeah she totally just took a candy bar and put it in her pocket Dwight you must be imagining things there's no way that she would steal a candy bar she's a grown adult that's something you do when you're a kid and it's a dumb mistake there's no way that she'd do that now dad I've gotten bad vibes from Ava all from the beginning okay she's a criminal it's confirmed now no there's no way that Ava is a criminal I know Ava and stealing a candy bar doesn't make you a criminal yes it does Dad it's stealing no matter what if she can just steal a cand bar who knows what else she could steal hey you need to calm down Dwight you need to take it down like three notches and you need to believe me when I'm talking to you well how am I supposed to believe you when you're making up such harsh allegations not to mention you're being super over dramatic about this whole thing Dad I'm not being over dramatic you'll see a is a criminal and I'm going to prove it to you okay I just don't know why you're not listening to me you better watch your temper young man and you better watch out for your new wife cuz she's definitely a criminal Dwight get back here I'm going to find proof I'm going to show everybody aa's a criminal I know it hey dum dum what do you want you talked to your dad about me huh yeah so what if I did telling your father that I'm a criminal ISM right well you are a criminal Eva I know it oh so your father raised a snitch huh don't worry you'll pay for this all right you're a really mean person AA I thought I could trust you you're supposed to be my new stepmom just because I'm a new stepmom doesn't mean that I should care about you look kid I don't want you talking to your father anymore about any of this all right if you say that I'm a criminal one more time what are you going to do about it Ava he's my dad I can talk to him about whatever I want you're a feisty one aren't you yeah and you're not going to get away with this who's going to believe a kid like you you know what I could just get on the phone with the cops and say that you stole the candy bar instead huh you wouldn't dare oh really I wouldn't dare what what are you doing look kid you did this to yourself I'm calling the cops right now and I'm going to throw you in jail good luck kid I cannot believe you Dwight I did not raise you to be a criminal I am not a criminal Dad this is all Eva's fault oh and now you're blaming in on Ava I can't believe you you I didn't do anything she's the one that stole the candy from the store in the first place not me yeah yeah yeah more lies you're not only a criminal you're also a liar this isn't the son that I raised Dad I'm not lying to you I promise it's all her fault why won't you listen to me because you sound ridiculous that's why oh Eva this is all your fault you're the stupid criminal you're the one that's supposed to be behind bars Dwight I've been nothing but a caring stepmother to you and this is how you repay me look at what you did now Dwight you made her cry does that make you feel good and the Emmy award goes to Ava for being such a fake phony actress those tears are fake Dad she was laughing when she called the cops she's the one that threw me in here I don't know why you're lying all of a sudden you know I was going to bail you out but maybe I should just leave you in jail to learn your lesson what no way Dad you you're not serious are you yeah I mean all you've been doing is lying and yelling at Ava and just acting like a total rude jerk big Dad I'm just trying to tell you the truth okay and you just won't believe me please just let me go home no Dwight I'll come get you tomorrow morning seriously my dad's just going to believe all of aa's lies and just leave his own son in jail I don't know what's wrong with him but I've got to show him the truth I have to prove to him that AA is a criminal like I said she is I can't do that if I'm stuck in here behind bars I got to get away out of here oh wait the little Noob perfect hey hey little Noob guy can you come here hello hi hey how's it going yes um all right hey do you think you can let let me out of this jail c um thinking um no criminal you criminal no no I'm not a criminal I'm innocent I promise listen if you let me out of this prison I'll um I'll give you a bag of chips how does that sound noobs Ley loves chips yes oh awesome thank you so much you owe me chips where are chips chips uh let me just run to the store real quick and I'll get you the chips yes wait here for chips big chips yeah dude all right you stay right here I'll go get you those chips all right I'm just going to pack my bags I got to get out of this house I've got to get away from Eva I'll just pack up some of my stuff and I'll get out of here Dwight what are you doing out of jail uh don't worry about it Dad they just let me out early or something that's all no there's no way they did that did you break out of jail no no not at all why do you care you're the one that left me there yeah to teach you a lesson but then you just broke out of jail on your own you're really a criminal now I'm not the criminal dad Ava is and you won't listen to me and I don't know why well I guess you didn't learn your lesson in jail because you're still making up lies I can't believe you and you know what you can't keep bringing Ava into this you can't blame her for your bad attitude well the only reason why I have a bad attitude is because my dad left me in prison and he won't listen to me I'm your son and apparently my son is a criminal that really hurts I can't believe you'd say that to me you know me better than anybody you know I wouldn't do anything wrong well I thought I I knew who you were but you changed you stole that candy bar and now you've broken out of jail I can't believe you I don't know what's gotten into you what's gotten into me is that my dad doesn't care about me anymore he'd rather be with his criminal wife than be with his own son who's trying to tell him the truth I'm going to leave town and I'm never going to come back here all right Dwight you need to relax and you need to wake up Dad I'm out of here and you're you're never ever going to see me again Dwight get back [Music] here look who's out of jail just get out of my way Eva oh what you think you can tell me what to do in my house you know what Eva you really are an awful person oh I don't care you know what I think it's just your fault for getting in my way does it make you happy to know that you came in into our life and now you ruined my relationship with my dad he won't even believe me anymore he doesn't care about me and it's all because of you you know what kid it actually feels pretty good that means I can have your father all to myself I never wanted to be a stepmom to begin with I really hate kids yeah well I really hate you you're the worst stepmom on the planet I can't believe my dad ever fell for you and married you oh boohoo keep crying you know what just go ahead and leave already you know what I will and you're never going to see me again that sounds good to me oh this is working out perfectly now I can do whatever I want and that stupid kid won't even get in my way what do we have here oh my gosh look at this necklace oh so beautiful oh it doesn't look like any anyone's paying [Music] attention no one saw oh you're coming home with me I should do this more often I can't believe my eyes she totally just stole that necklace that means what Dwight was saying was right he wasn't making anything up he was telling the truth the whole time oh know and I didn't listen to a single word he said I got to make things right well I guess this is it I have to leave everything behind all my friends and my family well forget my family my dad doesn't care about me anymore all he cares about is Ava I never thought he'd do that to me it was always just me and him before mom passed and now things are different that's why I have to go I have to leave everything behind Dwight Dwight stop please dad what are you doing here Dwight I am so sorry I should have listened to you before you were right about everything I saw her steal a necklace she's a criminal I told you so Dad I don't know why you didn't listen to me at all I know I know I'm so sorry I was a bad father I should have listened to my own son I'm so sorry Dwight will you forgive me well yeah of course I will you're my dad and I love you just don't know why you were being so stupid hey watch your mouth I'm still your father listen I'm done with AA I called the cops and they should be at the house now to arrest her oh this necklace I'm so excited I can't wait for the hubby to see this H things have been so much easier since Dwight left that little twerp glad he's out of our lives [Music] forever oh honey there you are what is Dwight doing here AA I know that you're a criminal I don't know what to say did Dwight tell you all these lies again are you believing them they're not lies Eva it's the truth we both know that you're a criminal oh really where's your proof huh the proof is that I saw it with my own eyes I watched you steal that necklace from the jewelry store what what were you doing at the Julie store huh well I was going to get you a necklace but I guess you got one for yourself yeah Eva you're going to get what's coming to you you just wait and see shut up kid I didn't even like you from the first time I met you you know what I'm going to get away with this there's no one here to stop me hey is this the lady here Yep this is her hey miss lady put your hands behind your back you under arrest you called the cops on me yeah I mean you're a criminal you deserve to be in jail and Jail's right where I'm taking her let's go lady I can't believe this once I get out of there I'm coming for you next yeah yeah yeah tell it to the judge officer take her away come on lady you're going away for a long long time let's go Mindy thank you so much for showing up on such short notice I know you didn't give you a lot of time but uh I got to head out to work oh my God not a problem at all seriously I wasn't doing anything and I love babysitting mom do you have to go to work tonight I thought we were supposed to watch a movie Billy we can watch a movie at a different time okay I got to go to work kisses love [Music] [Music] you oh yeah perfect oh man where is my protractor I can't find it anywhere good morning sweetie hey guess what I got a gift for you what really a gift oh what is it what is it Mom okay okay calm down calm down here it is open it up oh my gosh is this the brand new iPad wow I asked for this for Christmas it's not Christmas yet is it no no it's not Christmas yet but uh I thought you're such a good boy I love you so much might as well go ahead and give you an iPad you know oh my gosh thank you so much you are the best mom ever seriously I love it it's perfect now you just have to promise me you're going to use it for school and but you can play some games on it too okay but I want you to use it for school okay okay of course Mom I promise I'll use it for school I'll take notes on it and everything okay good now just remember mommy loves you so much okay I remember Mom I remember I love you too okay I got to go I may be late for school have a good day okay kisses love [Music] you hey Jackson check this out my mom just got me a brand new iPad today isn't this so cool she gave it to me this morning W dude that's wait a minute that's my iPad let me explain my house was robbed last night I'm think that's my iPad right there Jackson what are you even talking about my mom gave me this iPad this morning this is mine no no there's no way that looks exactly like my iPad well I don't know Jackson I'm kind of confused my mom said she got this for me it seems to be pretty brand new but I mean I'm sorry that you got your iPad stolen that stinks maybe it is just a different one it just looks a lot like the one that I had last night it's just weird you know like someone breaks into my house I lose my iPad and you suddenly have one that looks basically just like mine are you trying to say that my Mom stole your iPad Jackson that's kind of messed up no no no I'm just upset my iPad's stolen I know man I understand hey if you want you can uh always use mine we can use it together yeah I guess thanks I do appreciate that I'm kind of hungry let's see if we have anything to eat in the fridge um there's barely any food in here Mom Mom yes honey what is it mom there's barely any food in the fridge can we go to the grocery store or something and get something to eat I'm so hungry oh boy yeah looks like it is empty yeah sure okay I just need to run to the grocery store no big deal you stay here and I'll just run down to the store real quick okay good and um can I talk to you about something sure of course anything what's what's going on well I was at school today and I showed Jackson the new iPad you got me and he said it was his which I thought was really weird he said it was his iPad well that can't be right cuz I gave it to you so it's your iPad yeah that's what I told him too but he said his house was robbed last night and someone stole his iPad it's just a weird coincidence right honey people get robbed all the time okay no big deal anyway I'm going to run down to the store okay you stay here I'll be right back kisses love you okay Mom hurry back you there put your hands up give me all your food and money right now oh um uh uh uh sorry uh please please don't don't tase me please don't tase me hurry up hurry up I want all the food and money right now put it in a bag and step on it um okay please please don't hurt me I I'm going I'm going as quick as I can I promise um here here's the here's the bag you saw nothing oh man there's nothing good on TV what's going on here hey everyone it's me Chad flenderson I wanted to let everyone know that there is a robbery going on at the grocery store a suspicious looking woman has been going around and robbing other areas in Brook Haven civilians must be careful to lock up their home homes and make sure nothing happens if you see this woman please call the police oh wow that doesn't sound good I hope everyone at the grocery store is okay mom was just there honey I'm back from the store look what I got I got a whole bunch of food I hope you hungry oh Mom thank goodness you're okay did you see what happened oh yeah I know they had peaches you get three for $5 I was like oh boy I'll take 10 no Mom that's not it the grocery store was robbed today it was just on the news oh hm that can't be right at the store I went too you know maybe it happened right when I left funny you know funny yeah Mom that's so weird you were just there at the store and all this happened and they said that the robber was some kind of crazy woman oh a crazy woman that's rude uh well you know things happen all the time places get robbed things are crazy there's a sale on peaches um no no big deal no big deal don't worry about it Mom you keep seeing all that stuff is everything okay what of Co what yes of course obviously everything's fine let's just make some Hamburger Helper and have a nice night huh um okay sure thing hey Jackson did you see what happened on the news yesterday at the grocery store oh yeah dude that was crazy what happened yeah I know you want to know the weird thing about it my mom was at the grocery store yesterday too she said that she just missed it you know nothing happened but but obviously something did happen some lady robbed the grocery store and it was weird it was just the same time my mom went too well I don't know with everything going on I think your mom's a little suspicious I hate to say it but I think you're right I'm a little suspicious too my mom has been acting kind of strange lately you know what you should do you should follow her you should see what she goes up to oh I don't know man following my mom I mean I should trust her shouldn't I I mean she's my parent yeah but things are is not adding up I think it'll be best for you to go check just to make sure and if it's nothing then well then it's nothing yeah yeah I guess you are right I hope it is just nothing I mean could you imagine my mom being a criminal oh man what is going on why is she at the bank so late and she's acting so weird easy money I can't believe this my mom just robbed the bank she's a criminal I've got to go talk to her about this what if she gets caught and she gets arrested oh this isn't good Mom we need to talk oh I can't believe you Mom you're a criminal you're the Brook Haven robber that everyone's been talking about what what me no no no no this outfit is just my Halloween costume I I picked it up early thought I'd go as Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde do you like it mom I know you never dress up for Halloween because you say it always creeps you out so that's a lie and Halloween is months away do you think I'm stupid I know what you've been up to I followed you tonight and saw you rob the bank oh you followed me tonight you should not be out late by yourself that's very dangerous you know what else is really dangerous mom is being a criminal and robbing people and Banks and stores and that was you at the grocery store too wasn't it you just lied to me okay fine yes sometimes I go places and I take money that isn't technically mine but I do it for you okay because I love you so much and I want to give you a happy life I didn't really have much growing up okay and I want you to have everything that I never had because I love you Mom I don't want any thing if it involves you stealing things from other people it doesn't matter what you give me stealing is wrong and you shouldn't be doing that and you know it honey I know that okay it was just something I had to do because I want you to have a wonderful life and what if you get caught and get thrown in jail you think I'll have a wonderful life then when my mom is in prison okay fine I see now that that would be really hard for you I know that honey I love you okay and I will stop doing this just for you you really you mean it you're going to stop being a criminal yes I will stop my criminal ways for you because you're my son and I love you so much okay good no more criminal activity and I love you too [Music] Mom hey honey I'm back from work how's your day going it's going pretty good mom I got a be on my spelling test today could you imagine oh honey I'm so proud of you my little genius that's what I always say oh thanks Mom so how was your day how's the new job going you know what I am so grateful that I was able to get a decent job at the hair salon I actually love it doing people's hair is my calling I'm sure of it and all the girls down there they're so sweet and they're so funny you wouldn't even believe the things they talk about it's a hoot wow that's awesome I'm really glad that you got a job too Mom and well you're not a criminal anymore I was starting to get really scared and worried but I'm so proud of you that that you're changing your ways and now we're going to finally have a real normal life thank you sweetie that means a lot to me it really does and that's right I'm going to work at the hair salon you're going to continue being amazing and sweet and smart and we're just going to have a wonderful life you know what I'm even going to put away a little bit of money for us to go on vacation maybe to Florida huh how's the beach sound yeah that'll be awesome you're under arrest put your hands in the air no I'm innocent he's running get him oh gosh I can't believe this is happening come on the criminal's getting away oh gosh oh man my leg whatever I got to keep going no no no no it's a dead end please please no I didn't do anything there's nowhere to run now you're under arrest all right this is your new home oh gosh I can't believe this I can't believe I was set up like this I don't belong here what what are you doing in my cell oh uh I'm sorry this is where the guard told me to go I didn't know it was just yours yeah I live here didn't know I was getting a new cell meate I guess I live here too now I'm Oliver well I'm Dan you look like a mess dude why don't you relax a little bit I'm just so stressed out some bad people got me in here I shouldn't be here yeah they all say that when they first get here too yeah but I'm not lying I feel like I'm in danger or something listen prison's not fun okay you're going to be fine yeah well let's hope so listen you seem like a good guy I'll show you around a little bit well look who it is if it isn't Oliver Jones how do you know my name I've never met you before H trust me people know who you are in here I just came by to tell him he better watch out I didn't do anything though yeah we keep it that way or else and this is the yard it's got to be probably my favorite spot the only place we can actually be outside again I can't believe believe this is all the nature I'm going to have for the next 10 years yeah time to put that life on hold I miss my old life I'm telling you I was framed I was put in here on purpose how'd you even get in here in the first place well I'm a journalist and a reporter I covered some of the most important news in all Roblox someone accused me of plagiarism and lying on the news stealing documents to the police and even robbing the news station it was all lies I was working on breaking a story about a gang and I think someone might have found out and I don't know what happened but I ended up in here wo are you serious yeah I guess I messed with the wrong people oh ho that's why you were scared that would makes sense yeah well one of the people in the report is supposedly in jail and it's probably because of me you remember his name he just goes by the name Clyde oh man yeah he's definitely here you better watch out I'm pleased that the plan is working Leo oh was your plan Clyde so of course it worked yeah yeah whatever so now this guy's in jail with us yeah you should have seen him boss he looked so scared hey boss sorry I'm late shut up gosh that guy is so annoying sometime it's the worst account I've ever ever had stupid parcy so boss what's the next stage of the plan we got to get all the info on this guy's family and then we got leverage I can help Boss shut up Percy you can't help with nothing now go get me my lunch this food is awful man you get used to it oh I guess I don't have a choice I can't starve to death no you got to keep your energy up you got to watch your back too just want to clear my name I mean this ruined my career you know that right you might have a little more to worry about than just your career bud no I just got to find a way to get out of here this isn't me keep that to yourself some people might try to help you but they're just in it for themselves I'm glad I got one friend at least I take this hey What's your deal oh look at you Mr journalist thinking you're so cool huh hey I'm just trying to get by yeah well I heard that you're a snitch hey what are you back off huh what are you going to do about a loser hey Dan that was your third strike you're coming with me oh my gosh what a day hey dude I'm so sorry for for getting you in trouble what do you mean I'm the one that hit that loser not you yeah but it was my fault I mean he was out after me yeah well he was annoying so I figured I'd just stck him in the face who was that guy anyway it was Percy he works with Clyde look dude I really appreciate you being a friend to me yeah don't worry I got your back hey you seem like a good person and you never told me how you ended up in here well I wasn't always a good person a long time ago I was really desperate I stole from my best friend he was really successful and had a lot of money so I thought I could just take advantage of that but I ended up getting caught wow man well I'm glad that you learned your lesson yeah but I live with the guilt every single day wake up in mate oh what's going on shut up follow me look I didn't do anything wrong okay just shut your mouth get [Music] walking oh Oliver welcome great to see you no really is you yeah that's right you're a mob boss what are you doing just hanging out here I'm not hanging out anywhere I'm in prison you idiot idiot yeah yeah but this guard what does he work for you too oh gosh yeah you're a smart journalist you're just putting two and two together you man I I was just doing my job okay you know what that's like yeah your job was ruining my career now I ruined yours then we're even okay I I don't need any trouble yeah well you're about to get some trouble pal all right well I got some plans for you hey what's going on over here uh I don't know I just got here these two inmates were arguing but I broke it up bring Clyde back to his cell he's dangerous yeah on it you got lucky this time Punk dude I can't believe I just got out of that Oliver calm down what's going on no I got to get out of here dude I I don't know if I would have made it out of that room was it was it Clyde yeah dude he knows okay he knows everything I'm in a lot of trouble yeah you are you need to stay away from him at all costs well you don't think I'm trying to do that man I don't know what to do I'm freaking out time for a surprise inspection but why because I said so now shut up oh what have we got here a little C band huh just a book we're allowed to have books yeah we took them from the library that was here in the jail the library huh disgusting Liars now you're starting to fight back with me this is ridiculous and you're causing way too much trouble and going into solitary no you can't do that you can't take him away oh don't put me in there please maybe you should have used your head while you were making new friends Dan now get walking I don't know how I'm going to survive this alone I don't know how you're going to survive it either guys please stop what do you want from me oh listen to this guy he's the worst yeah no wonder why the boss hates him I have no choice I'm stuck in here we got to find a way that we can live together in peace this guy wants peace how about a piece of this oh where am I oh he finally wakes up Sleeping Beauty what's going on oh my head is killing me I could imagine that wouldn't have felt too good what do you want Oh Oliver Oliver you why you ask so many questions you're really annoying you know that right just please stop okay you already proved your point H I am just getting started man you don't even know what my plans are look I I don't know what to say okay I don't know how to survive in here I don't know what to do just a writer man yeah well you wrote the wrong story idiot well I'm sorry for that I didn't know what I was getting myself into look I'm going to do you a favor okay I'm going to give you a choice okay whatever you want you can either be with us you can be against us so what you want me to join your crew oh the genius speaks again everyone no I'm never joining you I'm not going to hurt other people oh man that's a shame that's a shame cuz I know that you got a what's her name your sister Claire or something right how do you know that come on man I'm a mob boss I know everything leave my sister alone oh I got the whole extended family pal if you don't want people to get hurt maybe you should join us what's it going to be Oliver hi welcome back Dan how was your stay yeah stupid all right keep walking Dan I can't believe it 3 months in solitary it's been so long worst 3 months of my life at least I'm out now so glad to have you back man were you okay while I was gone uh yeah everything's fine really no run-ins with Clyde or anything like that um no everything's been good man everything's great that's good then you know you've got to stay away from him yeah for sure look I'm supposed to clean the bathroom today it's my turn I'm going to catch up with you a little later on okay uh okay later you're late again what do you want from me the boss has a new assignment for you just finished one how many of these am I supposed to do as many as he wants fine what is it just can't get used to this food man it never gets any easier uh Oliver hi uh here's the cash man oh hey thanks I'm so sorry it was late it won't be late again okay cool thanks yeah thank you for being so kind and understanding what was that all about I just lent him some money so we could get some extra food you know he was just paying me back yeah but it seemed like he was talking like he owed someone else money maybe he does I don't know I don't know what his life is like why are you acting so funny not acting funny why are you paranoid man he's solitary mess with your head M no no you're acting shady man come on man I'm not doing anything wrong yeah yeah I'll see you later Oliver yeah this place is a dump you there you are finkleberry what are you doing here don't ask me questions sorry man it was just a little earlier than expected yeah well I want my money so give it to me all right man jeez here you go sweet cash wait a second this is less than what we agreed upon yeah well you showed up earlier I'm sorry P ah you deserve that slap because you're an idiot I'm doing the best I can in here right I'm the one in jail I'm not outside you know well it really doesn't matter because I'm the one in charge if I want my money I want it in full full and now you have to pay interest all right fine I'll pay interest whatever you want finkleberry you better get your stuff together Clyde you're an absolute mesh yeah I promise boss I'll keep it together and what are you looking at get out of here uh what do you want another surprise inspection no it's calling hours you have a phone call what really now come on let's go uh hello hey Dan it's Tyler Tyler I haven't spoken to you in years yeah not since since you robbed me remember you're supposed to be my friend how many times do I have to say I'm sorry I don't know if you know this but it's the anniversary of the crime no I haven't forgotten yeah I wanted to let you know that neither have I please Tyler I just want to be friends again and I never want to see you again I hope you rot in there forever Tyler please why did you even call me because I couldn't let another minute go by without telling you how I really feel you're a disgusting disgrace for a friend and I would never ever want to be in the same room with you ever again I hate you but wait wait wait yeah I hate me too look Wayne you got to get me out of jail dude you know I didn't do this well that's not what everybody's saying alliv her yeah obviously Wayne you know that the mob Twisted the story they got me in jail and you're telling me their leader Clyde is in there with you seriously yeah come on man you and I have worked together for years you're supposed to be my friend you know what I was going through yeah but I warned you these are awful people look I need your help okay I'm trying to get a story together on the inside I'm trying to get evidence to take everyone down what do you want from me then and need you to leak the story when it's done no one's going to believe me yeah but I don't really know if I want to get involved in all this please Wayne it's important we did this job to help and protect people right that's what you need to do now oh all right fine do some looking around and see what I can come up with dude thank you so much hello you won't believe who I just talked to uh please please I really need your help all right just calm down no no no no I'm in trouble with the boss you don't understand they're after me man okay just relax no you you're the only good person you're the only good person on the crew all right I'll talk to the boss you're going to be okay really really yeah just don't mess up anymore okay all right I won't I promise thank you Oliver yeah of course what was that all about uh nothing he just he's just new that guy was here before you were he's new to me I can't believe you're lying to my face Oliver I don't know what to tell you Dan okay you can tell me the truth it looks like you're working for Clyde no dude I'm not why won't you believe me I don't know it's hard to believe a liar I guess damn wait up dude all right I got to tell you something what more lies no I just just shut up I don't even want to hear it it's more than just that okay I I'm not trying to get you involved in anything I treated you like a friend this is how you treat me you are my friend that's why I'm protecting you then why don't you just tell me the truth I'm telling you the truth okay I've been working with him is that what you want to hear and you thought I was too stupid to figure that out just some dumb inmate think you're better than me don't you no it's not that at all I'm trying not to get you involved in this well you don't have to worry about that anymore guards guards yeah what is it it's guy needs to change cells fine whatever you're kicking me out man it's for your own good now get him out of my face let's go idiot hey Dan where's that crybaby snitch you hang out with I don't know yeah you should know stupid Percy you're pathetic get out of my face oh wow you better watch your toad with me pal you know who I roll with yeah everybody knows who you rule with well then shut your stupid mouth listen we came here for a specific reason the boss needs you again you can tell Clyde to take a hike really you can't talk about the boss like that man not in front of me oh yeah well I think I just did Percy Percy just calm down yeah you're lucky right now Dan it would just be easier if you listen to the boss and do what he says no I did it once before and I'm never doing it again you used to be the boss's favorite what happened to you saw the truth that's what happened now get out of my face oh you see Dan the thing is you don't have an option yeah you're coming with us Oliver Clyde needs to see you gosh fine whoa hey what's going on in here oh Oliver you decided to join the party yo this is too far man let him go it's okay Oliver no it's not come on guys this is messed up yeah well we're teaching him a lesson for being a disrespectful little punk I don't want to be a part of this come on oh you are a part of this you really realiz that right no come on Dan is my friend there's no friends in here now punch him in the face no I'm not going to punch my friend a that's a shame I wonder how your sister Claire's doing or maybe your cousin Ronnie hey stop it stop threatening my family who would I say right now or you know maybe their car get stolen maybe they trip leaving work you never know can't believe you you're a monster Oliver just do it fine here man you look like you never thrown a punch in your life let me show show you how it's done why would you just let that happen to you Dan because I found out why you're working for the boss I didn't want to tell you I didn't want to bring you into this well it's too late because now I'm involved just wanted to protect my family man that's it trust me man I get it sorry I doubted you well you were right man I'm sorry for lying I shouldn't have done that I know what working for Clyde is like I didn't want you to take part in that I appreciate it but it's too late now listen I'm going to get you out of here one way or another Dan I've been already trying to put a story together that I can Le to my friend we might be able to take everyone down and clear my name well then you got to stay close to him that way you know exactly what he's doing just be careful Oliver it's very dangerous so let me get this straight the guy that put you in here is now working for you yeah that's right how'd you get that to work I've never gotten that to happen I'm just good at my job finkleberry that's all I'm surprised because from this angle it looks pretty awful to me yeah well guess what I'm going to make Oliver take his story back and everyone's going to know he's a liar and maybe could be set free everyone thinks he lied about the other stories so maybe he lied about this one that is an absolutely stupid idea it just might work I could do a lot more for you back on the outside you know what I'm saying finkleberry yeah Glenn's been getting my coffee order wrong it's awful yeah and if I was there I would just punch Glenn right in the face you know what I mean I do it constantly it's fun but listen I have to give you a deadline on this okay you have a week to make all of this happen all right f finkleberry you know and maybe you can help me too on the outside don't tell me what to do I can do what I want all right all right I'll do it on my own you better get this done right otherwise I'm going to leave you in here and let you rot in prison forever Oliver you have a visitor oh what that's weird okay cool Claire what are you doing here Oliver I'm really freaked out someone showed up to the house and burnt my car but I found this note it says your brother needs to do what he is told what does this mean I can't believe they did this I can't believe they did this Oliver I'm really scared it's going to be okay look go find a hotel get the family and stay there don't let anyone know where you are okay be careful I love you I'll take care of this that's it man I've had it I'm done oh Oliver what's going on I'm done with Clyde okay he crossed the line what are you doing just shut up Dan and don't get involved yeah man all right come on I'll trade you a candy bar if you give me that bag of chips all right fine boss all right I meant you give me the bag of chips chips I ain't giving you my candy bar hey we got a problem wa look at this guy What's your deal man you crossed the line Clyde oh I see you got a little visit from your sister huh maybe you should learn to listen to me next time I did everything you asked everything and you still threaten my family well you hesitated to punch that guy well I'm not hesitating now hey you stop all right all right come with me right now I thought you were throwing me in solid what am I doing here I overheard everything that happened nothing happened I'm just a bad person and that's why I did what I did met earlier with your sister I know what's going on with Clyde man I'm in such a mess dude I know what I just did was not the right thing but I don't know what to do I I want to protect everybody I know I do too and now Clyde's got guards working on his side Clyde has people everywhere he's the reason that I'm in this prison he set me up yeah I heard the other guards talking about it gosh I just wish that I could get this story out there someone's got to be good enough to let me out well I'm willing to help you you're willing to risk your job and your safety for me we need to do the right thing I got this job because I wanted to keep people safe okay plus I honestly don't know if you're going to survive in here after what you just did all right and that's it I'm escaping any questions uh are you going to get me out as well no I ain't getting you out you'd be a liability uh please sir uh I I need to get out of here you'll get out when I say you get out here he is boss you want to see me oh yeah tough guy all of a sudden huh hey look man I said it once you crossed the line L whatever happens happens you know honestly I'm kind of impressed from what you did who really you understand where you were coming from I pushed you against the wall and you fought back well yeah I had no choice exactly you have no choice that's what I like about you man you're almost like uh what's it called pathetic pathetic shut up I'm not talking to you talking to him what are you guys going to do beat me up and get your revenge no no no no you're going to help me one last time and then we're cool I don't know maybe you're going to help me escape oh what and then you are going to clear my name oh I don't know if I can do that oh but you're going to I mean everyone thinks that you're a liar anyway so why wouldn't you have lied about my story all right fine I'll do it finally it makes a smart choice and if you go back on your word you are done can't believe it this might be our last day stuck in jail I know me too man can't believe the officer's going to help us what are you going to do about the boss I'm not going to really help him Escape there's no way I put him in here for a reason you're a really good guy Oliver I just what's wrong why are you crying I'm just so nervous and anxious I just I just don't want to fail my family I want the boss to hurt them you put him in jail in the first place you're going to do everything it takes to keep him here I have faith in you you're right I'm going to do the right thing I'm going to get this story out and hopefully the world will believe me you don't have any choice I've got to do it for you and your family you're going to escort me to safety once I get the signal hey yeah of course I'm so happy to be getting out of jail you're doing the right thing man man yeah I'm happy for you and who knows maybe after all this we'll be friends right yeah maybe nah I'd never be friends with you guy I'm just kidding come on let's go all right it's the alarm yeah I know the signal come on follow me stop right now I knew this was going to happen what are you talking about I knew you were going to turn on me man I just threatened your family I'm going to stop you Clyde you're not going anywhere yeah but see the thing is I'm smarter than you I'll always be better than you you're a loser says the guy who's got a taser pointed at him oh you don't even know what's coming do you I'm not scared of you yeah well I ain't scared of you either maybe you should learn to be scared of me see you later Oliver thanks for the prison break man you thought you could turn on the boss and get away with it huh I've been waiting a long time to take care of you ow thanks Dan we got to hurry we got to catch Clyde all right let's go stop right there Clyde what are you in my way for don't you work for me absolutely not now put your hands in the air a you don't know how this works man just shut up and get out of my way so I don't have to hurt you oh my gosh what is going on get going loser I've had enough of this wa it worked we really stopped them yeah your plan worked but there's no time you've got to get going all right come on Dan no no not Dan he's a criminal but he's a good person he's my friend the plan was to get you out Dan has to stay behind man I don't want to go without you man well you've got to you've got to do whatever it takes to stop Clyde are you sure about this get out of here just go if that's what everybody wants my partner's waiting for you up the road to drive you to a safe place now get going quick all right Dan I promise once all this blows over I'll work on your case get you out of here we all know that sometimes in life there are good people and bad people but sometimes those things are hard to figure out every once in a while good people do bad things and that's what happened to Chris see Chris lived a bad life and everything in his life was negative he was a criminal and he was mean to everybody but Chris had a little bit of good still left inside of him and good always beats evil So eventually things changed this is the story of the [Music] criminal all right Jax what do you think we should do all right I'm going to count down from three then we grab the cell phones and run out of the store all right 3 2 1 all right come on let's go hey YouTube get back here hey get back here come on keep running let's [Laughter] go man I can't believe that stupid store owner yeah I know I can't believe that either that was so much easier than I thought I know and now we got these brand new cell phones yeah this is great we'll be able to sell them or do something with them yeah whatever you want to do I'm going to just be so cool and just use mine all the time yeah man that's so cool I can't believe we got caught I kind of feel bad for that store owner though what why do you feel bad that guy's a loser I don't know I'm sure he's working hard you know ah whatever man you're soft I don't want to listen to this we got new phones and that's all that matters yeah I guess you're right I'm just glad we didn't get [Music] caught all right Chris we got to figure out what our next crime's going to be yeah I know we got to do something we're starting to run out of food I'm getting hungry yeah we need money and we need food yeah it's true it's been really tough doing this sometimes I think it's better if we just got an honest job man what is with you lately you're being such a loser no no I mean I'm just saying I'm getting tired that's all there's plenty of places that we could Rob it's not a big deal yeah like what place I mean stealing cell phones is one thing but like it's going to take us a while to sell these things we're not going to eat for like a week well then we just got to rob a place for the food that's all yeah I guess that makes sense what are you thinking well look I know that there's a dut shop around here that's not too bad and there's never any Security in there oh man I really do like donuts yeah I know so do I it's like one of my favorite foods so what do we do we just run in and just grab donuts yeah I mean it shouldn't be too big of a problem right I mean we just go in at night they'll have the donuts out there or something we take some and then we just get out of there yeah I mean I guess that seems harmless enough I guess I don't mind doing that yeah you shouldn't mind doing that because it's your job yeah fine I don't want to go much longer without eating so let's find a plan and get this done man I'm so excited about this robbery yeah I am too I'm really really hungry yeah and this one should be so easy I hope it is we can't get caught we keep doing this in the same area eventually the police are going to catch on what are you so worried about Chris you're such a baby lately do you even want to do this well I mean yeah we don't really have a choice all right then stop your whining and let's go in and steal some donuts uh all right fine let's go in uh excuse me can I help you uh no no no we're just looking around that's all all right so I think we just get this over with what you think so right now yeah nobody's looking let's just get this over with let's just go over and we'll Rob this whole store right now get all the donuts man are you sure I feel like we could get caught we're not going to get caught stop being a baby all right fine let's just grab a couple of donuts and get out of here all right fine stop talking about it let's do it all right come on let's go let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa that was so much fun I can't believe it we've had the best time lately first robing the phone store then the donut shop man this is awesome my stomach is really full I'm really glad yeah I know and now we got all this awesome stuff yeah I know and now we can just kind of chill out we don't have to do anything for a while what are you talking about not do anything for a while well I mean now we can just kind of chill out right we got some food then we can try to think of another plant oh I got a plant oh really what's your plan is there a hot dog place that we could steal hot dogs from because man I could definitely go for a hot dog or pizza oh my gosh can we do pizza no no no when not not messing around stealing food anymore uh okay what do you think look we got to do something big all right something that's going to make us so much money that we'll be the richest criminals in the world okay but do you have an idea for what we're going to do or are we just going to talk about this and you know end up stealing the pizza anyway cuz I wouldn't mind avoiding that conversation if we could just have the pizza look if we do what I'm thinking we can buy all the pizza in the world we don't even have to steal it anymore okay I like that idea so what do you think we should do look I think we should go to one of the classics I think that we need to steal the money from the bank W steal the money from the bank yeah of course all we have to do is go in there steal the money and get out that's it then it's all ours all right well I guess if you think it's a good idea of course I think it's a good idea we're going to have to go scope it out tomorrow all right Chris so there it is that's the bank that's got all the money in it wow it looks really big yeah of course it's big it has all the money in it yeah okay so what's the plan then I don't know I guess we have to find a way to break in there and steal the money well I mean we got to have some sort of plan we can't just walk into a bank and steal money I mean they got security and everything yeah yeah you're right plus we've never even been in this Bank we don't know what it looks like or anything well here we go why don't you go inside the bank genius and scope it out all right ja I guess that's a good idea I'll go in and see what's going on uh Chris Kevin oh my gosh Kevin hey how's it going uh it's going pretty good man oh I haven't seen you since we were kids yeah I know man remember all the fun times we had going camping and stuff oh yeah those are the best I'm really sorry that we lost touch you were like my best friend hey no problem I mean we found each other now yeah that's true so what are you doing here I owed this Bank who you own this Bank yeah I worked really hard worked my way up the ladder and then had an opportunity to buy the bank so I did oh wow yeah what are you doing here um yeah I was just here to open up an account that's all oh yeah that's awesome oh I'm so glad to help you out yeah let's set you up an account um okay um oh actually you know what I think I left some paperwork at home you know like my ID and all that stuff I'll come back tomorrow uh all right yeah we're here to help you anytime Chris it was great to see you bad uh yeah it was great to see you [Music] too [Music] so Chris how'd it go this place look easy to break into or what no actually it didn't go that well what do you mean you get caught already or something we didn't do anything you tell them we did nothing wrong no actually I ran into an old friend oh yeah so so my old friend owns the bank Jack I can't rob the bank what are you talking about you can't rob the bank look I'm sorry Kevin but he was a really great friend to me I just can't go through with this you're a wimp I can't believe you I mean all these other robberies that we want to do and now all of a sudden you get a conscience and you oh I can't steal from this bank cuz my friend works there well you know what maybe I shouldn't have done any of those things either ja what are you talking about well look it seems like Kevin works really really hard for his money and it's not fair of me to come in and just take what I want I didn't earn it what are you talking about earning money that's how we earn money we take other people's I don't know I'm just beginning to think that that's not right doesn't it seem wrong to you I mean what about poor Kevin what about poor Kevin is poor Kevin going to help you out I mean he probably would if I asked him he's a really good guy man I can't believe that you're acting like this well look I guess I just never thought of him right because I didn't know those other business owners I was only thinking about myself but I didn't think about how bad I affected those people you know what man you're a loser and I'm going to rob this bank with or without you so if you don't want to help me out then get out of my [Music] way all right Chris I'm going to rob the bank tonight are you in are you out no I'm out you can't can't do this please Jack stop don't rob the bank why wouldn't I steal the money from the bank this makes no sense to me we're criminals that's what we do maybe we need to give up a life of crime don't you see it's no way to live we have no money no food and everything that we're doing is bad what has gotten into you man you are so different and I'm beginning to not like you look I mean we didn't work for any of this stuff all we did was just steal how can we be proud of that I can't believe that you're backing out you're supposed to be my friend I am your friend JX and that's why I'm telling you you got to stop doing this stuff we can't steal anymore you can't rob the bank please I can't believe that I'm even hearing this from you right now I mean who are you it's me I'm your friend Chris I'm still the same I'm telling you look I don't want to give up my life a crime I like living like this how can you like living like this this is so messed up I don't care what you think okay okay I'm robbing the bank and I'm going to do what I want I don't care who gets hurt or who gets their money stolen it doesn't matter to me all I care about is myself that's a really terrible way to live ja whatever Chris just shut up I'm out of [Music] here Kevin uh hey Chris oh my gosh so great to see you did you come back to open up that account what account you said the other day you were going to open an account remember and you forgot your paperwork oh no no Kevin look this is all going to sound crazy to you okay but you just got to listen to me uh uh all right yeah sure what's up man look somebody's on their way to try to Rob this Bank they're want to steal all your money uh what now yeah I know somebody who's coming to rob the bank uh what how how do you know somebody that's going to rob the bank look Kevin okay I haven't been doing that well lately and I've been hanging out with some bad people and we've been stealing little things here and there to survive but now my friend JX wants to rob the bank wait your friend is going to try to rob my bank yes well he was my friend but I told him not to because I realized that this is all wrong we can't live a life of crime like this why would you be hanging out with robbers man I'll explain later okay Kevin but right now we have to figure something out get him to stop this well we're going to call the police all right that's a good idea quick you got to do it fast Chris what are you doing here I'm stopping you Jax you're not going to do this what did you call the cops on me yeah we did okay and they're going to be here any minute you better get out of here I can't believe you do this to me Chris well I can't believe that you didn't see that this was wrong [Music] Jax Hey Kevin I just wanted to say thank you for stopping that criminal it helped the cops catch him after he ran away uh yeah no problem Kevin what's wrong Chris oh I just feel bad because I was planning on robbing that bank too and After High School I fell onto some really really tough times and then I started hanging out with bad people and committing crimes Yeah you mentioned that a little bit yeah but when I found out that it was your bank it put things into perspective for me I never realized how bad I was treating other people well yeah stealing from people is like one of the worst things that you could do I know I realize that now I just feel so bad I want to change my life I don't ever want to be a criminal again well I'm really sorry that all this happened to you don't be sorry for me I made my own decisions I deserve to have to live up to them and have the guilt every day for all the bad things that I did yeah but the good thing is is you realize that you were doing something bad bad and you didn't keep doing it yeah you're right I just feel like I don't know I just want to change that's all I saw how accomplished you were by owning your own bank and that really inspired me well look man I'm really glad that we ran into each other yeah I am too I mean it had to have happened for a reason right of course the universe is telling you to change your life now it's time for you to do it I just don't know where to get started you can start by working at the bank wait what really of course my friend you saved my Bank even though technically you were going to destroy it but anyway I really appreciate the way that you're trying to change and I want to help you thanks Kevin thanks for always being a good [Music] [Music] friend [Music] [Music] hey Calvin what do you think you're doing and what's with all the money yeah don't worry about it kid you want to know why I have all this money it's cuz I'm rich mind your own business Calvin you are such a jerk I can't believe my mom even married you and you know what I don't trust you either I bet you stole all that money I don't care if you don't trust me all right but you better not say a thing mind your own business see you kid wow what a jerk [Music] hey Mom can I talk to you for a second yeah what's going on Aaron well I saw Calvin last night he came home super late and was acting really really suspicious oh I'm sure he was just held up at work or something there's nothing to worry about at least he came home safe yeah but he came home with a really big stack of cash don't you think that's a little weird no I mean I don't think that's weird I don't know Mom I just think there's something weird about this guy he's super suspicious he gets all this money out of nowhere and I've never really seen him work are you making up lies about Kelvin because you're jealous that I'm spending time with him no no not at all mom why won't you believe me I would never lie to you about this I swear there's something going on here no this is outrageous and what's going on is you are making up lies Aaron I can't believe you you're grounded for a week now get out of my sight mom come on go upstairs I am done with this conversation [Music] fine okay chief there are absolutely no new leads on the robberies around towns you got nothing for me kid D there's absolutely nothing Chief I'm so sorry I there's there's literally nothing we can do at the current moment I don't understand this we've posted centuries everywhere we've checked all the security footage and we got nothing on this guy he's been going around robbing people blind we got to stop him obviously Chief but how are we going to do that whenever there's no leads whatsoever well we've been trying to keep this whole thing kind of quiet so I think it's time we actually go to the media maybe the people of Brook Haven will help us catch this Loser yeah let's do [Music] it oh man I can't believe I've been grounded for the whole day no TV no video games no cell phone this has been so stupid I'm so bored luckily no one's here right now so maybe if I just turn on the TV mom won't find out good evening everybody I am de flenderson chat is away on vacation right now in C so I decided to step in and help him out with his job there's been a huge string of crimes plaguing Brook Haven for weeks now and I have the police chief here to set the record straight Chief what's going on well DB we got a serious problem here this thief has been so elusive that we're actually asking the public for help if you have seen this man at all please contact the police station immediately with any kind of tips we have hopefully this man will get caught soon because he's been robbing the whole town of Brook Haven blind wow this really is Terri and once again if anybody has any information please call the Station or the police department with any tips now Charlene back to you with the weather wow I can't believe it that does look like Calvin but I can't be sure I mean I don't have any proof or anything like that maybe I have to spy on him I know it's not a good idea but if this is really him I have to stop him and [Music] fast oh man it's so cold outside I can't believe I'm doing this where is that loser oh there he is I got to follow him and make sure he doesn't do [Music] [Music] anything wow I don't believe it he really is a criminal I was right this whole time I've got to do something about this he's robbing everybody blind and I've got to stop him but how no one's going to believe me unless I have proof I better not get caught I got to get out of here huh what was [Music] that uh Hey officers I I need your help what's up buo are you good well no not really you see I think my stepdad is that criminal you were talking about on TV you sure about this one kid I mean this criminal has been pretty sneaky we haven't caught him yet no I swear I think it's him Chief I think this is the guy that we're going for right now yeah maybe maybe how are you so sure about this one kid I followed him and he ended up going to some super creepy criminal looking base he had a ton of money I just think it's him I don't have a good feeling about this guy well I mean this is the best lead we've got so far so officer maybe you should start taking this seriously and keep an eye on this guy of course Chief all right kid we're going to help in any way we can thank you so much I'll help any way I can too just let me know what I can do just keep an eye out for this guy kid if he starts doing anything crazy you give us a call right away you got it officers bada boom bada bing jackpot stop right there Calvin what are you doing here kid you got something you want to tell me yeah I'm here to stop you that's what I'm here to tell you I've been following you this whole time and I know you're the criminal going around stealing from people and breaking into houses and now you're stealing from the bank you're spying on me isn't it obvious I'm trying to get as much evidence on you as I can so I can take you down you're going to jail Calvin who knows maybe I was just taking out a withdrawal yeah right out of the Vault I highly doubt it and you know what I'm going to tell my mom everything that you've done too so she divorces you and I'm also telling the police so they can arrest you you can do everything you want kid but you're never going to stop me see you cvin get back [Music] here please ma'am just just a few more questions just just a few more okay fine but I told you he didn't do anything wrong yeah he did do something wrong Mom I have all the proof right here Aaron what what are you talking about what proof I've got everything on my phone I saw Calvin go into the bank and Rob The Vault blind okay I told you he's a criminal and he's the thief that's been running around Brook Haven this whole time no no this can't be true officer tell me this isn't true ma'am I'm sorry but it is oh no oh this is awful what am I going to do I can't have my child be around a criminal like this well probably the first step is to find this criminal so we'll be doing that you stay safe at your home and don't worry about a thing okay thank you officer I can't believe it I truly married a criminal oh I'm so sorry Aaron I'm the worst mother ever no you're not Mom it's okay and don't worry we'll stop Calvin one way or [Music] another heck yeah look at all this loot you stop right there I can't believe this you're seriously robbing us Cal I can't believe you it's not my fault you're an old hag you never thought that I'd actually love you did you I'm going to take all of this stuff and you're never going to be able to stop me hey don't talk to my mom like that I'll do what I want kid no we are going to stop you we've already got the police right on your tail not if I steal your car see you nerds no no hey get back here I can't believe this don't worry Mom I'll call the police dang it I can't believe Aaron and his mom were really about to catch me all this money I really need to get out of town this is way too much I need to go before the cops get me hands in the air loser glad we finally caught you thanks to that kid and his mom you're going to jail
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 184,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: 6LDccqM0qGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 2sec (5822 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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