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we're going on a bus to meet our friend Riding Hood after so many years and we don't even know her we sure miss her beep boop beep boop boop bus be for bus full of beautiful bleep bleep off beautiful beep hey guys look we're finally here that was a long bus ride yeah Boom Blox I mean right now I am so happy to meet you again when did we meet her me too it's been such a long time yeah you know don't you remember when we went to go get coffee yeah let's head inside her cheeks are so rosy I love very cute or is there it's her cheeks are almost so rosy it's like literally on her oh by the way Drac oh did you need to bring that giant boom blox with yeah it's for epic beats whoa welcome inside who is this mom hey mom oh hello feel free to explore whilst I bake you awesome twice it's Wild West whatever don't be a grandma get out of here wow you can redeem modern Red Riding Hood I'm gonna go touch everything in this wow what a nice bookshelf you have what a nice couch you have what a nice glue stop she's Red Riding no sorry she's Riding Hood not Red Riding Hood okay it's pretty vain upstairs without even asked choco you can't even go to a room that's rude without permission everything well she likes red clearly up on my grandma I will not feed you [Applause] I'm still gonna die from poisoning I'm the first Pig of a disguise know what delicious cookies you have I love eating with my nose yeah we care more hey mom come a little bit more just grab him another one is that no no many cookies whose rainbow eating so much I want a cookie she won't give us any oh wait we forgot to wash your hands before eating it up I'm gonna get sick and we were touching but wait we just both get out of the fridge gold oh honey that's right oh I can't it's on my phone I can't pick it up hello why does she look like an agent now I know hello mom mom is it the wolf it's great callers on the phone oh no I am very sorry to hear you know what your eavesdropping Oh are we bringing stuff to crying Shh something in mm-hmm hey don't you think your East dropping okay I have a special treat for you I will send it right away oh we're sending treats to Grandma okay Riding Hood your grandma is not feeling very well can you drop off some of these fresh cookies at her house they should make her feel better okay but can I please take my friends with me I don't know is that your friend like this random person all right but make sure to follow the straight path which goes forward do not go to the other path there's a danger out there who's this person is this a developer yeah ah oh man we got we got dance floor hi developer hey do you want to see the robot now hi okay don't oh this adventure through this mysterious forest paths would be cool oh is it a different ending yeah it is everybody get ready and let's go alright riding we're her friends you guys we got to go with her everyone ready yay yes we're ready yeah give me the basket Riding Hood I want to take it follow my lead yeah let's just follow Red Riding Hood down this creepy pathway that's totally safe right yeah definitely if we were safe why do we have a health bar you know why I am going under Oh what it seems like this route is blocked no but your mom said just go straight what now you're gonna listen to moose crossing what if we go laughs we're gonna die but there's a lot of danger there my mother told me to only go this way but my grandma needs these cookies if you just go around she everyone needs to cook evil very sticky cookies I think we should go onto this path I don't agree that I think she should wait funny nothing will happen she's an instigator this is your class and all right I think I know another route to my grandma's house this way what you mean this way it this way let's go this way and hope we don't get lost this way we go left no that's about it yeah I mean it was all funnies idea mm-hmm wait I'm gonna ask can you delete this tree like smarter smarter people this way we lost her this is smart way guys you gotta protect Riding Hood okay it seems like okay fine I tried that okay I'm tired of all this walking we didn't want okay I'm so tired with my legs I'm not made for this it looks like this is an abandoned camping height huh let's take a short break here this is what I don't like abandon things all this foam you can make soup who do you think lived here it is getting really dark we should get going wait why don't we wait until nighttime to get going okay what's your advice to her do you hear that did anyone hear that yeah I was really glad get to the tops of the building outside there is something in the bushes thought went right there this Lambo don't check it yeah I heard it I'm looking what like boom blox it's a wild wolf I don't see you I see you follow the horn this way great come on keep running keep running rainbow it's running really slow and creepy looking uh-oh teleport it can teleport no no no no no oh okay yo you guys turn around look the werewolves kind of cute Oh time traveler Joel afford the werewolf is shorts instead look at it go away stay back stop being Rijo what are you doing hello Oh er no no baby here goes who's it oh it's on rainbow we going lunar guys we aren't supposed to split up splitting up is bad in every goodbye like you get better off something elephant cookies yeah I'm going back for the cookies because they don't you guys have you shine your lights in its faces wait shouldn't we say we fried ahead oh yeah sorry [Laughter] the wolf is God and that sob thanks to me riding now we ditched red okay it's all thanks to dragos boom blox yeah it's my bread with LOX oh that was terrifying yeah good thing we didn't die right is everyone here mm-hmm one two three four five six seven oh my gosh this said we should not have come this way yep but you said only yeah only if you deleted the tree to get to safety grandma's house it is too late to go anywhere now that monsters lurking in these woods so we should just go home grandma disease he will try to eat us again if we go out just throw the cookies on them you just probably want speaking of eating I am hungry cooks 20 minutes ago we're fine I am hungry ah we have these lovely cookies program I like your mind yeah let's eat these cookies and then stay in this Hut overnight Oh sounds like a super bad idea the house is literally right there we could go back we will continue our journal in the morning when the is gone wait question what there's a house if we have if we eat all the cookies and have no cookies to deliver to Grandma then why don't we just go back because I don't know that we will bake grandma all right guys we've eaten them the house is literally right there but I guess we're sleeping in this small Hut night guys why is it raining have your cookie I ate mine off okay is the Hynek I just stay in front of her I'm gonna come on oh here it comes out here he came come on come on move huh writing let's go didn't get in yep yellow can I have your snow oh oh where are we oh in a cave left or right Oh riding-hood cheese first the cave collapsed we need to get out of here quickly uh-huh I survived my response where are you there's a huge boulder wait where's funny she's at the in the cave with Red Riding Hood we're safe together Ian her safe I've infinite lives Wow incredible hey I wanted to take the risk what share I know John share pillars and Giants wrecking balls mom a vital man died hurry up too bad you don't have a bunny Oh your rainbows only sad yeah story of my life maybe she drinks every mouth strawberry miss OH we escaped Oh huh we finally got out yeah it looks like a different place though that was so scary we almost died not you how you almost died Hey it is finally morning well can we appreciate how beautiful this forest is it is pre we can continue our journey now let's get going I don't want to come home me we are not too far away we just need to follow this path to the left okay okay so trust what's our excuse but you know follow me I will lead the way okay Riding Hood so what's our excuse when grandma asks where all of her cookies are because that baskets empty dude oh yeah wait please I'm sure why don't we go into the house there's no cookies in there is that the hug that exploded you know this is a different heart it's a different kind okay right no it's different why are people just littering everywhere with their crowns I've clean up your campsite wait there's boulders blocking it seems like a rock fall has blocked this path jump don't drag we'll use your bloom what is that yeah I think there may be a tool by the old campfire we just passed uh minecraft that's right yeah really can you go and check if can you go and check if there's anything useful yes there is a pickaxe what a coincidence okay guys let's go whoo my Wham let's go smack some rock alright Riding Hood it was one pickaxe that turned into six very helpful yeah yeah all we just got to do it ourselves but from the rocks falling on her head this is the remix place to take an Instagram picture everybody oh yeah I'm still grandson Wow look at these flowers do we eat them yeah oh my gosh they're so pretty what if they're poisonous oh look in luck I'm an instant flower I think we should get some for Grandma for my grandma she will love them are they took her we need to find her right away oh dude why don't we do anything okay what else a friend let me go here happily we didn't even see him yeah it's only so quiet that the person disappeared I didn't even know in a smart way I'm following the developer yeah oh whoa hey technically I figured out myself what's there wait why are they waiting over here I'm scared wait a picnic basket she dropped it over here I'll pick it up wait guys I think we found her oh he's helping all we're so dumb brains are supposed to jump she's the Frog no we're not collapse the bridge mummy why is he jumping over here yeah yeah that's gone now what's it to this tree and ran away she's angry yeah Oh No how are you that's not a safe spot quick let's cross this bridge and save her I'm not teaching it someone [Music] we need we can jump over these lily pads all right let's do this ha go quick before the alligator hood taxi oh wait was I don't flying alligator you guys yeah yes I was oh no please flying alligator oh wait I know why I did it I did I was epic Oh Caleb flavor come on riding hood why would the wolf tie you right beside the house just say how did the boat tie her if they have sex let me untie these ropes funny why are you running away I'm sorry I got sidetracked it let me untie these for you don't be angry Riding Hood we saved you thank you so much no problem just best friend that we totally didn't let hang on inapt where is the basket of the cookies in there I saw it man I'm not yeah you got it you got it dropped it on the other side of the bridge wow I keep racing robots okay yeah go get it you go you go yeah you go yeah hey you think it's safe to thank you no okay we got the cookies let's go to Grandma and give her the cookies I will go in and meet my grandma now you guys stay out here okay I don't like that hey Fred you came all this way we want to meet grandma too we left you for two seconds when you go Jack oh okay I'm looking through the window grandma how are you oh hello riding-hood clean waitin for you oh she's so high yes really nice name Oh grandmother your voice sounds so odd is something wrong well shade don't worry I just have a little cold it's off your hands grandma okay I have some cookies to make I have some cookies to make you better ah how lovely can you put them on my cabinet um sure through this perspective we're just looking through the window I think they're happened Wow grandma what big ears you have aha mm-hmm no that's rude yes if they are all the better to hear you with riding-hood Wow grandma what big eyes you have I don't know how she does your grandma look human to you yes all the better to see you with if she does not know this is a werewolf oh my grandma well what big teeth you have guys we're not supposed be laughing this is small the better - I'm sorry if you say eat you eat you with huh Oh No who would have expected aha Captain Obvious mm-hmm you are the wolf yeah it's nothing get er did you just hear that scream again not you Lerner something is not right to create the dog I'll kick it down with my boom box oh my god the wolf is inside oh no um hey we need to save her a Hello it's kind of her fault pretty obvious that there we go inside we will die let's see what we can do to help Riding Hood we voted to go inside hey I got voted no bang on the why pitchfork oh hey what if we attacked the wolf with something from that shed over there Oh rainbow found it hope see that is a good idea you're a very smart boy wait so we chose nowhere yes what happens no no I found some pitchforks in the shed I found them I found I found it no these at the wall how many Pidge world we have unlimited amounts now we wait for him to come out we're smarter we're big brain don't we all found the pit pitchfork comes hi I'm keeping an eye oh right II would just come back out come on oh wait what struck Oh where's my pinch cooler what I'm right here that was our pitch for what hats oh there it is oh it is all a swing go oh there's the wolf okay really oh you are a big bad wolf which is a boss battle die wolf use the power of are you lying calm down we have to wait until he oh it's just a wall that guys come down it's just a wolf head attack attack do I like to use this pitchbook at the scary werewolf all right it's pretty simple don't just go let's go you're are you monkeys no a wolf you know yeah we have a lot of roebucks how come it's head keeps following me follow smile please would be my laser beam eyes oh like double hopscotch this is kind of epic like okay that's a not very epic come on come on he's one of cookies you could have just asked we do negative one health priority negative need a lot more players really you have a spent let's go mr. whale wolf you ain't going down with a fight see we waited for you to come out and now you're gonna die in the hands of a pitch fit you think if I went made probably oh well Oh laser eyes laser eyes be careful OOP jump jump jump okay he's almost dead let's go oh this is getting a lot more complicated oh she's almost add you know what's that okay we just gotta stand farther and then throw it the closer one wins right here we go he's almost dead oh geez game yeah that's the game for me oh yeah we did it yeah clearly God God oh wow thank you so much for saving us no problem Oh yep you are a very strong hero I know right heroes yes thank you very very much you have truly saved our lives why are you gonna give us more cookies now because I want more you should be very proud of yourself I cook ease as payment we're men I want double chocolate-chip cookies as payment oh yeah guys I think we did I think we got the good ending so the bad ending would be to go in there we're big brains no guys that ending was good but we don't want a good ending we want a secret end don't know so we're gonna go ahead and get the special ending right now but before we start I bought this cool game pass called become the wolf so I'm just gonna chase the crew and kill them evil so that's one of the things I must kill everybody can be the last person in this game what just not some cookie oh no help me yeah in order well no you have to die in order for the heading to West grave great now I'm kissing the floor well he'll die if the ropes in the floor come here we can't it's blocked where are you think I'm a joke she rattled bushes I'm hiding man hiding she's mad cause we were laughing at her company she whoa wait rocky won't forget big secret adding oh come on you're pretty bad wolf yeah it keeps appearing me thank you I think I'd rather you be a monkey so yada yada yada we need to save her and this time we go inside but by ourselves myself okay let's go inside and save Riding Hood by you hoarding cookies - cookies well it's cuz you guys were dying and then every time you died you dropped your cookies and now I know what wears Riding Hood funny wait she she can't have gone out of this house because I just was in here I'm scared oh I think I should go down and check if she's in the basement Oh fridge no sorry I guess I tracked it fireplace the basement dude basements are so creepy why would anyone go down to a basement okay chronic Riding Hood is your friend no not for the cookies we must save my BFFL where on earth is she yeah I'm going back up something else too late you're locked down here Oh what hey I checked that closet there was nothing in there great now the hungry Wolf's gonna eat me oh my gosh the wolf is coming hi I gotta hide guys what do I hide back you know behind the boxes I can handle out at UPS boy here gets a call all right here I need to find a weapon quickly to defend myself it's telling you to find a weapon I mean this crowbar works right I guess so Bart come on let me pick it up oh wait I got it have it why would Bigfoot still have whoa funny angry I'm triggered did you really think that you can hide from me down here yes sure I'm smart why did you kill my friends all of my friends you killed Shh have a cookie they were a fine dinner well Jacko was well fed with cookies oh yeah stomach do you miss your friends yes of course no she died we don't die well lucky you okay you can join that no no no in hell I will not cuz I have a cookie how come your friendship what I don't want to join them have a cookie how about I send you to him oh wow this is not intense e oh dude okay handsome you read get you did oh no you don't oh yes I shall you're very small yah ute you heartless B's revenge revenge [Laughter] wait where's Red Riding Hood oh man I really love that crowbar writing oh no no no he's not dead you didn't confirm the kill funny I'm sorry I just need to knock him on the head riding hood victory secret dancing yeah well we did it hey you got a replay it but I gotta say this crowbar is amazing well guys that was a very epic story if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like don't forget to subscribe if you're new and these crew cookie munches we'll see you all in the next one bye bye bye and remember dance monkey dance monkey dance monkey dance [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,311,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox let's play, roblox itsfunneh, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox funny moments, roblox story, roblox funny story, roblox red riding hood, roblox riding hood, roblox riding hood story, roblox red riding hood story
Id: kLhukJtK-zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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