What are they hiding...? Roblox Sushi Buffet Story!

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[Music] [Music] guys we are all so hungry today that's why we are going to a sushi buffet yeah i'm starving wait dracula you don't eat seafood that's why i will just eat the sea grass okay wow that girl has a pretty shirt it says cup hi are you will you be joining us don't talk to a driver okay never mind um let's just get into the bus so we could go on our way to the sushi buffet guys are we sure this buffet is going to be busy because no one's on these buses look i heard it was five stars five stars no dude we're not late we came on time we never missed for food we never missed the time i'm glad you guys could make it hi i wouldn't miss it for the world trade that's right let's head inside and have a great time that buffet looks huge oops looks like we've arrived too early the buffet is still closed what you can all explore the strip mall to pass the time i guess you were right funny the bus was too empty this parking lot is huge they're sporting goods dude i wasn't jumping around for no reason look at that there's a couple advertisements look how intense that looks the ultimate flavor experience luna is that your dream ad yeah i i wish to advertise cup noodles all right the buffet is open i also invited one of my other friends please treat him nice why would you say don't worry taj we will thanks guys well here he is hey what's up nick hey nick i hope you don't mind the extra company oh there's plenty of time to chat inside let's go excuse me he likes us i don't want him oh there's i'll give you all some sushi on the house oh thanks so much tasha thanks taj this is a buffet so technically you're not giving it to us but okay ooh look at all this wait get social guys look at this cool table let me get a picture of this moment it's lightning you guys made it oh it's the final fantasy table let me take a picture with them was he the one on the ad oh this sushi is so good he's famous i know right we gotta thank nick for picking such a good place i just hope there aren't any catfish eggs i'm specifically allergic to it um gold that sushi you're eating is a catfish egg special no gold oh no gold is having an allergic reaction someone saved them i should have um i put a backpack it's it's somewhere you guys go find it in the girls watching is there always someone with an allergy in these types of parties gold's wishables oh where's your backpack oh you're so dying i guess the fish egg made me forget oh i see it's right sushi it's outside guys it's right here in the corner grab it hurry grab it right here gold you are all so fast you're heroes yes indeed anyways why was the medicine so hard to find we don't know taj i remember all of you leaving your stuff at the entrance i don't know did somebody hide it oh hey it was him let's just ignore what happened and continue with the party maybe someone accidentally relocated it sure a few hours later i have a problem with nick i'm gonna throw this sushi at his hair oh what a night yum yeah i love this sushi very good very good it's raining pretty hard outside do you think we'll be able to get back home oh i don't want to be it's just rain oh no the power went out what was the reception what happened i'm scared i think the storm did something with it jam the generator with water i'll go fix it uh oh no oh no i'm the receptionist mixing a generator is not my job how about you do it fine one star rating for you no we will do it taj no he won't i don't know why i offered it we don't want our birthday boy getting wet it was brilliant the first box for the generator should be near the back i think it's near the dumpsters you're right birthday boy birthday boy don't worry it's his birthday it's his special guys the fuse wait did you bring an umbrella no no but can we just leave a giant like for these graphics they look so good look right i love it oh wait it's hard it hurts hurry up [Laughter] where's the dumpster out out he said it's in the back rainbow i don't think this is the back wrong back oh my gosh this is the wrong way rainbow i think you're lying to us i'm pretty sure there's a back door rainbow do you work right now you're trying to insinuate that i'm a savage yo you still have sushi can i have something in the backpack no i just ate it all right are you trying to say that i want to spend here did i want to stay here forever because it's a sushi buffet i think so i think that's the true question are you kidding me okay i have a feeling i know where it is follow me guys as maze master 500 that's my no why are we going back outside go right we stay in the shade so the rain doesn't hurt us i don't know why rain hurts us ow still turning look how cool it looks and then we just dip back here oh come on where's the fuse box oh the back at night dude i'm going and then fuse box why is that car turned on who kissed the fuse box is right it's over there oh man these trash cans are huge look at it we could fall in it all right fixing it did it boom i'm amazing you have to run back no we're not gonna have enough life oh we did it taj we turned on the generator for food more sushi please yes is that a no looks like funny found the fuse box thank you you're very weather didn't say anything about this though what did the fuse box just get hit again no i'm gonna stick i'm gonna go ahead and just eat guys what do we do just eat [ __ ] just eat taj oh i can go outside and check all right thanks nick doesn't nick seem weird to you guys he just disappeared out heads he's always been that way to me he's too quiet maybe he just has grumpy vibes maybe he's grumpy bye nick yeah maybe he's just a grumpy guy next guy well more sushi for us sushi party let's go if he doesn't come back in 10 minutes uh he did it oh he did it hey good job he's faster than us good the power's back on again nick no was that nick did someone just yell is he okay guys what happened i don't know should we go check i hope so taj you think we should go check on him even though he was like oh cool guys whoa ow rainbow i don't think you should be stepping on it lunar lunar all over the i think he's a seaweed monster he's under me he's teleported nope he can't catch me all right never mind he's mr monster guy just come here eat some sushi it's all good we know you're just typically i'll be friends you will never kill us guys leave a comment down below if you like sushi we want to know you guys saw that right nope talking about sushi taj yeah and like definitely i don't like do any of our phones have power we need to find what's going on all right let me check back oh it looks like i just got hacked from the rain how old is your phone i broke mine while we were running from that monster no lunar wait we have a busted up radio if you can find the pieces we need we can fire it up again where are the radio parts exactly mustache man i don't know you gotta find them they're everywhere around here i know the engineers them lying around they're all over you are hungry i'll help mustache man inside mustache man we're giving you a one-star review it's outside see that outside what is that i hope we don't have to go outside wait wait wait wait wait people outside that's not people dracco it's monsters is there any parts nothing in the toilets nope there's nothing ever the other side someone's gonna leave a comment saying oh what what expects you to think of radios in the toilet sometimes okay baby all right who's going out first i think we have to divide ourselves dividing parker three two one run i'm just gonna hide behind the cars and they're chasing us but you guys didn't get mad there's a lot of these guys walking around what do they look like are they big cars do you see anything else it's really blurry out here oh maybe they're just customers let's tell them to go to the sushi buffet go eat sushi buffet it's very good there's a big radio here grab it we're not sushi don't eat us uh funny there's one right behind you um a lot is chasing me in gold that's not good these pieces are so far away guys why did the engineer just drop them everywhere i know so clearly he's not in that dude we're just three okay i'll distract them you go good job goals don't die right there got it let's go four six i don't see anything on my side lunar to the dumpsters let's go whoa that one's chasing you hurry you guys hey what's up wanna hug okay no hog no hug it just should have done that i don't think monsters there's another piece behind this car grab it good job okay okay one more one more i feel like they're not in the back so much walking to get back there final check please don't be creepy please don't be creepy i hate alleyways oh yeah totally forgot to check on nick uh oh yeah there's a radio part i'll just grab it there we go let's go nice yay let's just turn it on and call the cops good news we found all the radio parts bad news nikki's not there i think we got it to work i can't believe it's rain proof too unlike your phone someone turn on the radio you turn on the radio we have confirmed reports look the radio is working i repeat confirmed reports shadow figures have been spotted all across moose county north and east moose county has been compromised no wait what county are we in west we recommend everyone to stay at home stay away and stay safe more info is yet to come we'll keep you all informed out of alpha aloe patch pit what i don't believe this i'm out of here receptionists go through here we're compromised said don't leave he did it's okay he wasn't dude he's so dead why does he look evil taj no no he's dead i gasped why didn't why didn't someone tell them that they were literally attacked we were literally attacked by monsters minutes ago not the sushi friend just got kidnapped by some shady shadow spirit wait what there were chefs in the kitchen this entire time yeah you idiot sorry we were we chefs are really hard workers we actually just cooked the food during the night so we don't have to serve it later okay he's not feeling he's not fresh got to save my friend i saw that monster drag him into the basement there were a lot of those monster things no way you can pass through them so easily how can we fight them off there's a sports shop outside that big green building there's a lot of baseball bats in there we're going after this beast oh somebody shoots us before you go i got some extra food here you're the best oh thank you okay guys we're going we're going to sporting goods let's go this is the best place to get trapped uh rainbow maybe too soon two seasons where did the waiter's body go where the reception is i think they ate him yeah let's just or he got turned into that billboard of that happy uh baseball over there tapping his face why can't we all just be happy like that baseball yeah yes why can't it doesn't like that trying to kill him lenny's sporting good you think the front doors are opened let's try it out probably not here it is the sports shop yes draco there's a lot of those shadow monsters wandering about let's just stay quiet and grab what we need make no noise got it okay boy oh super bad it's rope for roblox we'd be dumb not to spend money on this it says temporary tackle technically there's no one in here so can we just have it for free oh i went back to start guys don't get caught oh this is harder to travel this is harder than i thought come on there's one draco rainbow come on luna follow me follow me later i can't there's that figure following you right now you're on your own no this is actually challenging oh my gosh you get sent back to start it's hard no no okay i understand this game it's more challenging than i thought seriously i took the wrong way guys it's always left left left left do not be getting trolled yeah you got to go left you can't go over the rubble don't no no oh my gosh it's a trap it's trap oh come on i think i'm almost there guys i think i'm almost there just gonna get to the stash are you kidding me invisible wall this is careful two of them i got it just jump just jump luna tracker where you going bro wait up what i'm making it is that the rubble with the stash uh no it's the rubble leading to the stash i'm pretty sure come on crew hurry up careful wow they can't see us the weapon stash is very far back guys come on you got this come on come on taco come on wait wait wait wait wait wait okay oh my gosh this is fun we're almost there we're almost there guys we'll get the weapons ryan turn where's rainbow whoo draco has found the sass the stash of weapons yeah good job good job we have the baseball bats guys help the shadows are taking him oh i'm in a bit of a pickle oh we gotta save taj um let's go i got it he could have said he was in a sticky situation a sushi situation stop all right this is super bad this is baby bad so let's see how strong super bad is yay hog not bad they're quite all right so the power of robux with the power of roblox with us and our buffet right guys monsters left one yeah yeah i get rid of them you didn't even get cake yet thank you guys i didn't know you were all so strong you looked good let's all head inside you all must be soaking wet he looks kind of evil now if you think of it yeah i'm so sorry this birthday party was ruined i should have been a better host don't worry taj it's not every day an apocalypse happens thanks if this all ends i'll invite you all over to my father's cruise ship you have a great cruise ship whoa enough small talk the entrance to the basement is in my kitchen okay we got it okay why didn't you just tell us you were here no no we went on we went on too many cruise ships did anyone know that taj is very rich yes yeah this is it the basement of the sushi buffet is this lava what no this is all grease from the sushi really disgusting wait what's going on is this a trap are you what are you doing floor is sushi grease what are you doing the grease it's going to drown us ew quickly right through the convention in conventionally placed props where did you guys go stop slowing down where are you going what am i going the wrong way wrong way how does sushi even have grease i don't know why sushi would have happened i don't know i'm i'm reading this buffet one stars i think do you think fishy is going on yeah i think it's something with the chef actually the chef might want to make human sushi no i'm kidding let's go maybe the ghost is mad that they're making sushi wrong oh look what happened is that one of the chefs oh my gosh this all being so intensely hide i don't even know where to step on these seaweeds let's go i mean this can be see guys i think this is where the monster is you got to look at this rainbow hideout did rainbow fall i'm here come on come here i made it we made it i never really did expect you to make it this far give yourselves a round of applause okay okay where are our friends where's nick you mean those meat bags we asked them to comply with or our orders they denied and so we had to get rid of them you you demon like what you look like they aren't i am more than just a demon i will make you remember the name [ __ ] pretty it's a pretty uh well why not like kreevil well we're crew nice to meet you and meet our super bats can you come down here you must kill his minions oh hey crazy you want sushi i don't think credit wants sushi minions corrected what do you call them your crew your crooblings uh [ __ ] sidekicks crap i don't i got nothing i got nothing they're crazy no crinions i like cringing that's funny all right too easy look i could face this way and hit you see bam wait a minute is this dessert they kind of look like jello yeah but i don't think uh correction like sure jokes about his evil mob oh no no okay he really chokes it he really hates it okay i'm sorry we're laughing we're not laughing at you okay together come down here so we can smack you we can't survive all the time yeah dude calm down maybe we gotta get under him let's get under him whoa oh are you supposed to jump on the shoulder who aren't those things oops come on over here that's too late come on move over move over down here everyone jump up and smack him it's stabbing you got this still boss fight dude we're going to smack you with this it's going to hurt so bad i don't fall hey bam hey crappy we're so weak come on smack him no come on get him hi jack that's cheating hey you're cheating why whatever we're just going to beat up your jello babies you think you can beat us crying look at this we're ready gold you have your sassy sunglasses yup i do what's your slogan when you beat him take this you krusty [ __ ] uh thanks for helping guys should we help you take this oh sorry crouton yeah over there wait wait what's that show we need we need to say something we need a slogan like when we destroy evil people like as as a team that's sushi is served oh i actually like that one you just got served sushi oh funny you're like one barber yeah you're gonna die i'm not dying as low if you get tackled one thing you're dead nothing will touch you oh yeah sushi yum yum yum yum the sushi oh my god oh it does genius oh she died i died eating the sushi i cried all the pillows are coming oh it's time come on guys no guys the parkour's getting harder oh are you kidding me this is so sick and cool so cool this this is that bed no oh no no no come on we gotta get him and the five crew members tried to jump no oh no no no no no please help me funny i can't i'm sorry no guys come on i can't be the only one dracco some of us aren't that good at obbys yes obviously forever making our way there we will destroy cracking obviously ridiculous longer jumps longer [Applause] are you kidding me we should have smacked him more we should have stopped him gretchen come here you man crescent's annoying question is annoying where'd funny go where'd funny you i'm not helping where are you she's just gonna wait i'm lazy i'm not doing this what i'm gonna chill up here okay ha ha i'm gonna practice my back what makes you think the parkour is gonna link back to that pipe i don't know maybe i'm lucky and i'll smack crying in the face come here we'll see you're not gonna say sushi is served show us what you got credited you camper get down here preston is a camper yeah come on cotton don't play like that hey i'm not just i can't hit anything from here stop sitting on the green tube i like standing on the grease too i can do whatever i want okay he's back up come on all right all right whoa you're kidding me that's the easy one let's go john whack him come on crain guys if all of us just hit him i think it's time i know everyone get up here it's time to everyone just hit him with your super bats just don't oh good enough no come on you are so no whoa okay we're sorry uh you're somewhat annoying no okay what is that i'm insane this your hands aren't stopping just make a circle make a circle guys get into the parkour guys where's the parkour just bring it down he's too mad oh my god oh my god oh my god over here it's coming it's coming the finale come on guys this is it [ __ ] any last words before you get muted yeah you got served oh yeah i forgot slogan slogan yeah slogan you're getting served a bowl of sushi i'm not stopping oh you mortals tire me i think it's time for me to leave he can't die can he kidding me he's immortal hey come back you coward yeah he's gone great um what's in that room oh it's nice is that nick and the sushi shack i told you i told you the sushi shop happened here he resisted and they just killed him i don't want to be here anymore please take me back i'll take you all somewhere nice no please not again oh wait oh evil hey we're back why is it red except not really um look outside i mean everything's red oh we've gotten taken to the dark oh where is this upside down oh we're in the upside down or the dark world version or or did you wreck the world we need some confirmation do we get the bad ending this is not good oh to be continued smash like and subscribe if you love sushi
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,104,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox krew, roblox sushi, roblox sushi story, roblox sushi buffet story, roblox stories, roblox scary story, roblox sushi itsfunneh
Id: gIXqIChd91k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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