Don't Belittle The Small Deeds - Sheikh Adnan Abdul Qadir

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second lecture for this weekend's program is entitled the importance of not belittling the good deeds not to be lit to anything from the good deeds so without any further delay we we ask to sheikh inshallah to present his presentation and peace and salutations and blessings upon his nabi and his messenger he said that at this i'm gonna expect from you a lot of deeds he said but after this lecture what he expects from you and he hopes from you is that you do some actions that are fuel because these small issues these that he wants you to do inshallah you will be able to do him they will be able to do more for you than the big ds and for this reason he used to be ardent in paying attention to these issues and encouraging do not look at anything that is correct from the good deeds don't look at it as being insignificant he said especially after what we have seen from the previous election what's going to happen because the person is going to feel sorry for every moment that pass them by and in those moments that pass them by he didn't do any good deeds in them and he'll become sad at the fact that he left off small deeds and for that reason then he says do not look at anything any good deed as being insignificant about and the hadith said even if it is looking at your brother or meeting him with a smile on your face that you're looking at him and you shows a sense of happiness and for that reason in the last moments of the life of the nebula he was still trying to do small deeds and if the day of resurrection is established and when it's established in the hands of one of you is a branch from a tree he said then hurry and try to plant the branch so even at the last of your life this hadith is showing that you should try to do the good deed even if it's small why is that what is the benefit the effect the impact of these small deeds those small deeds they will cause you to reach a high level he said there are two words that are light on the tongue when you say that it will completely fill up everything in the earth so he said how much time does it take to say these words he said let us look at the time and he says and that two seconds those words can fill up everything that's between the heavens and the earth the nebu one day and then he went into his house and she was still sitting in her place making the vikram allah i said four words in my absence when i left fell off him three words he said him three times if you would have taken the words that i said three times and compared them to what you've said all of this time it was more than that for here so those words he said they were heavier than the long statements that she made all of that time what are these words that he was referring to subhanallah subhanallah the number of things in the creation is as if the prophet is saying subhanallah would be for all of these things the second part is these words of meaning for the number of in the creation of what allah is pleased with meaning i have remembered allah and said subhanallah until allah became pleased well as if i have mentioned allah and praise allah to the big weight and the beauty of his throne i've mentioned this until it weighs the weight of the throne i have worship i have praised allah with the amount of time that it would take to write all of these words but although they were few and small in number the time that he left fajr to the time he came in the house and all of that vicar that she made those three words those four words he said three times outweighed what she said so this is the second benefit concerning the deeds that are few are literal so although they are few they equal actions that are meaning as he said in another about every single day that the sun comes out on that soul that soul has to give us and in the narration it said 160 sadaka and what will complete all of that and take the place and allow you to do all of that is when you just pray two rakaats so if you pray two raka's 360 not 160 360. and from that when a person makes salah of the lame and the layla ramadan the ayah said that the night of later is better than a thousand months as if you stood up for 380 years 38 is as if you prayed and that one night that one salad 38 but you encouraged him and you invited him to come to break his fast with you so as a result of that you'll get the reward of doing it although you didn't do it i'm he said it's a little bit of actions kim you're kidding me how difficult is that what does it take to feed someone and it's as if you have fast from fajr time 27 degrees so what does it harm you to make this the few d's easy d's will be multiplied 25 times if you go to pray there is one hundred thousand women and whoever fasts three days and every month it is as if if he fast three days every month he fasted the whole year so again small deeds they are these that are multiplied and if you were to follow the janaz after praying it and you follow until it was buried then you get the second kirat that you got similar to praying over it now following it you get a second karat like the mountain of uh and if you gave sadaqa and you speeded it up and you gave it today before tomorrow he causes it to grow with his own hands and the same way that one of you would take care of the baby the pony the pony the same way you would take care of it and cause it to grow if you gave sadaka today instead of delaying for tomorrow allah will cause that to grow the same way you pay attention to the cold the third point concerning this about small easy issues and how we should be taking care of them is that once you die they will be perpetual they'll keep going so for an example anyone who does a sunnah that is good he will get the reward of that and the reward of anyone who does it if you send we have these talks right here this conference and mr green lane you send a letter to someone he said to him you sent a text message saying hey why don't you come to the lecture if he were to come how much reward would you get for being the one who caused them to come welcome and how what did that cost you to do it we have a project here in this messages so whoever gives sadaqa you'll get the reward of that so all you have to do is send a text message you say i may be afraid to meet somebody and you just encourage him to come here so just send them a text message maybe that individual that you're encouraging to do he may come out and give sadhaka a lot of sadat of that issue one time a man after he died he it was seen in in in a dream it was said to him what benefited you he said i was benefited after my death i used to teach it to the young people a little person will come to him a youngster will come to him and teach them the fighting that's not gonna cost anyone anything it is the thing that benefited this individual after his death fourth point from these small ds is that these small d's can be the reason for your success the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said in the hadith and he will have 99 scrolls all of those 99 scrolls will be his bad deeds that were recorded it will become quite clear and apparent to him that he's going to be destroyed it will be said to him you this man you have one good deal with us and then a card will be brought to him what is it going to do in relationship to these 99 scrolls that have been filled up with evil deeds and these scrolls these 99 scrolls they will stretch out and spread out for as far as the eyes can see again the fourth point this one small hasana look how it gave him the jet mo now let us imagine that one of us all he needs is a microscopic particle something small just to be saved and then that small thing that he did in the dunya it is put on the good side of his phone his throat is his mizan and as a result of that he's safe so the hassanet they are outweighing this and then it will be said to him because of that enter into the agenda he said it would be said to him here's your book go ahead and read it and he said this of the quran verily i thought i was going to be called to account on this day so he would be living in a high a life that is pleasing to him in the jannah that is high in exhaustion and the beauty of it will be low easy accessible all of that is because he did a small hasanah and he will be given his book in his right hand as allah mentioned in those ayats foreign all of them are a reason the rewards are reason the rewards that these ayat are referring to is because the person did small deeds for that reason he said there is no one from amongst you except that allah is going to speak to him and so the person will look to his right and he will see the hell fire well by using half of a date and if you don't find half of a date then say a nice word when you meet your brother you say that nice word to him you call him all of these examples of very small d's that we can do the fifth point concerning the small dsl told us about a man who was traveling and he saw something that was harmful that was thrown in the way of the road like for an example a piece of wood that's in the role of the cars in the street a piece of glass broken glasses in the walkway of people a piece of a piece of wood that has been thrown in the place where the people walk if the person were to take this out of the pathway in the harm of the people and that man went he took that thing the person takes it and he takes it out of the way from harming the people prophet said about this action this man who moved this thing out of the way allah to him appreciated what he thankful for what he did so allah forgave him for his sins look at something that is even bigger than that there was this lady who was a prostitute every single day she would go from man to man not only that she would have multiple men every single night and this was her this was her career this was her actions when she did her job one day she left from one of those people and she was going through the desert and she saw a well that had water in it thin is that she had she herself went inside of the well she drank for herself then when she came out of the wall she saw a dog outside of the well and he looked thirsty panting with his tongue she said this dog has been afflicted by what afflicted me thirst so she had mercy she felt sorry for the dog a dog and as it is said you don't even look at a dog and also if he got his saliva on you his saliva's neck is dirty and it's not permissible to have him in your house and although all of this is the case she still felt sorry for the dog so she went back into the world and she had her shoes with her laces she didn't have any vessels so she filled up her shoe with the water she came back out of the well so brothers here's a lady who fell into this big major crime in this sin william tesla insane and suckered and when a dog she didn't like the fact that a dog any harm would come to and it wasn't just any dog it was a dog it was an animal that was dirty and nasty and although this is the case in the reality here allah still forgave her for what she was doing again the small deed when you do it with us it has the ability to wipe away and to destroy the bad deeds the sixth point is that a small deed that a person does it can outstretch the big major deeds the big things that he did he said an overpowered 100 000 dirhams how is that roger of that and he gave 100 000. but that other man he had only one dirham so he gave all of his money he gave all of his money so he gave it and the other one he gave 10 of his money still had a lot of money so the one who only gave one dirham his reward with allah was greater and bigger than the one who gave more money than him if he gave a pound or half of a pound or a quarter of a pound to an islamic project like the project here in this mischief don't ever think that because you're given something that may seem as being a little don't look at it as being insignificant in fact the seventh benefit the small d's and actions that you do it can build for you a big castle an example of that is what happened in the assembly of the great scholar and imam is he started to speak to the students like in this great assembly all the people here it was like that he was talking to the people he said to the students if only one of you would just bring together a book that compiles the authentic hadith of the nebu about the sunnah this hadith or this book that tells the people about the sunnah of the nebula the days went by and the years went by after that statement was in the audience that statement and advice of the remain tied in his head about this issue this statement of the it found his place in my heart how much reward does he get as a result of being the one who initiated and encouraged that action that's just a word that he was saying passing by just a word it came out of his heart with sincerity and the blessings in that word that he said just like a bedrock just like a seed that you throw in the earth when you throw it in the earth and you put it in the earth lo and behold it becomes a big great tree but he didn't pray so i said to him you are from the best of the people if you would only pray he said may allah guide me don't worry about it i saw a young man who faced me and looked towards me and he had a big beard with her and his toe was short tanya was testing and he came towards me and he was smiling he came and he stepped and stood in front of me he said i was surprised and i was surprised that he would come and say who is this what is this about he said you don't remember me he said i started to to try to remember who he was 15 he said so i smiled and then the young man said it may be that you remember the word that you said to me i started to think about it every single day for the duration of two years once you said it and then after two years of you telling me that i began to start to pray and then allah but it is a word of truthfulness so look how it affected this particular individual one of them said that there was a young man was really handsome and it was expected because if he was he was such a handsome guy that the women would be interested in him and in reality the sheikh said this was a student that we used to teach in the high school secondary school and all of the characteristics of beauty being handsome he know that the reward is comparable to the action that you do he said what you do to the people's people the people's women they're going to do it to yours as well so the days went by allah guided him all right he said to the he said every time something almost happened when i was about to fall into something and they were like trying to force me to do it as well i would remember those words that you said to me and i would think about my own family members and then i would not do it like the pill that protects the orange and also the fruit the banana you see the yellow pill on the outside it protects the banana on the inside or the apple the pill on the outside that protects the inside of the app what's going to happen if you take a little bit of the pill on the outside you just take a little bit off of it what's going to happen to the fruit it's going to cause the fruit to spoil you and to become rotten he said this is how the small d's are they protect you they said that in the days there was a dam a barrier that prevented the water from coming yes this dam used to protect the town the city from the flood destroying the town and one time a small rock just a small rock was thrown inside of that thing and the person started to talk about himself to himself he said what is my role in this dunya you say this is just a small rock and he said the rock said around me are big big bigger rocks bigger than me and no one sees me even and these big rocks that surround me they are bigger than me and they i overshadow me so what's my what's my role here this little rock is saying to himself what's my role here he said i don't have any road at all just let me get up and go to my own place move from this place go to another place so this rock moved from his place and the people they woke up that day except that when they woke up that day the dam was broke because of the movement of that and the flood came that small rock in his place used to protect the city also similar to that are the small deeds that we do the same way also from the benefits of the small deeds is that they break for you the barriers that exist between you and post person is overwhelmed so he winds up not doing that big thing no other small thing whereas if you were to stand up and to begin with something that was small that small thing will have the effect and the impact of carrying you to help you to do and manage the big thing and as a result of that small thing as a result of it you are able to complete the big deals the small d's smiling in the face of your brother can break the wall it can break the barrier that exists between you and your brother there may be some coldness between you and your brother and and you don't need you don't have to just talk to him it may be enough that you just smile in his face this is a small action but this small action which was the smile it had the ability to destroy and to break the barrier that exists between you and him someone he once said there was between me and my brother some coldness and i became saddened by the many years that transpired between us and we had this coldness between ourselves suck up another just roof as being insignificant even if it is meeting your brother and putting a smile on your face when you meet him have different ideologies does it require that you tell them to do big deeds and actions can but if you would do a small thing to something small that effort of yours may cause the issue to turn into the correct akita he said that this doctor who was here his apartment was next to the apartment of a big priest a preacher in this country he said he used to try to give him dower to al-islam and he said he never even said a single word to me ever not a single day what is what is it nor did he listen to me ever so the doctor started to ponder how can i give dhawa to this man how could i reach him he said he he said what did you say to me three days ago this was the first time the priest ever spoke to the other person quran he said to him i told you three days ago that in our book there is a chapter called maryam the whole chapter is called maryam and the man said what's the relationship and the connection of you people to maryam the man started to tell him about who she was he said no you're lying to me he gave him the mush the quran he said no here it is look at it so he read suratul maryam in english after some days passed by the man bore witness that there's no god worthy of worship at allah and that muhammad is his messenger became a muslim and he himself became from those people who were calling to al-islam again the point here the small words that he said in our quran is a surah mari for that reason the prophet he said do not look at anything that is don't consider it to be insignificant from the biggest reasons why a person will be successful in his relationship with dealing with the brothers is for us to take care of and to protect and maintain these small actions and deeds so what what what's our situation if we were only shake hands yes the man comes to his other brother say how are you doing shaking his hand how could he was like he said smiling and shaking hand and touching he said what is this how is it possible that the relationship between the people can can can can be increased from what this deed is insignificant this individual can be a difficult person he doesn't smile doesn't want to listen to you but how would this affect him why do some people instead of doing this shaking hand they just said um so these small issues these small efforts they help to solidify the relationship between the brothers do not look at anything that is being insignificant even if it is you meeting your brother and you have a smile on your face and all praises are due to allah
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 5,459
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, sunnah, bidah, abu, usamah, at, thahabi, usama, green, lane, masjid, mosque, salafi, refuted, publications, khadijah, bilal, davies, davis, wright, street, salfis, quran, hadeeth, red, brick, media, bakr, umar, islam, islamic, khutba, sheikh, deeds, good, bad, grave, death, paradise, hellfire, kuwait, afasy, kabir
Id: mDRi0gPokxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2012
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