How To Dominate As Barbarian In Dark And Darker

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hey hey guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be telling you how to dominate as a barbarian in dark and darker so let's just go ahead and jump right into it waste no time the weapons that you want to be prioritizing on a barbarian are the Viking sword and the waral and I'm going to go into reasons why you want to Prior prioritize a Viking sword first off as your one-handed weapon because it has the lowest amount of movement speed it has an amazing hit box it has good damage on it and comparably to the Horsemen's Act and the hatchet the Viking sword just absolutely dominates both of those in just every category possible especially after some of the recent Nerfs with the Viking sword I also recommend carrying a lantern for an additional light source it imposes no movement speed penalty and the lanterns that are now found in dungeons also have stats on them that can benefit you so when you're running a one-handed weapon run the Viking sword for your two-handed weapon I recommend running the waral because it has high base damage it has 30% armor pin on it it hits it's like a truck which is perfect for a barbarian barbarian scale well with high damage weapons the animations on the left click for the waral is an infinite combo which means it has it can continually do it without ever losing like it doesn't have to reset its animation to continue going it just continuously Loops um the damage on it it's amazing animations are good the right click leaves a lot to be desired but we're not really looking to right click with the worm on so that's the weapons let's jump into the gear the gear that you want to run for a barbarian for your helmet you want to be running a viking Helm because it has base agility on it which is what we need to be stacking we need to be stacking strength and Agility so we're going to go with the Viking Helm as our helmet for a tunic we want to be running the northern full tunic your chest piece that's the best one in my opinion it gives good armor it has high magic resistance and it has a low uh movement speed penalty there is the Regal gamm but I feel like you lose a lot of armor rating because of that so I don't recommend the Regal gamon uh for gloves I recommend the riveted gloves I don't think I have any riveted gloves on my Merchant right now but I recommend the riveted gloves because they give you strength and higher armor but if you're picky about movement speed and attack speed you could go for leather gloves if you want to but you're going to be losing out on Armor and HP so I don't recommend them get riveted gloves they're way better as for pants you're going to be wanting to go with heavy leather leggings they give you base strength they have higher armor than loose trousers you can wear loose trousers for move more movement speed and uh more attack speed but again you're going to be losing armor and you're going to be losing HP these are a very fine example of some good heavy leather leggings they have base two strength and they have a plus three agility attribute on it so these would like be a perfect example of the kind of pants that you want to wear as for boots this is totally up to you you can choose from rugged or heavy boots in my opinion I think rugged boots are better you get armor rating magic resistance and you have a little bit more movement speed whereas like heavy boots they have no magic resistance on them but you're going to get higher armor rating out of them but you also move a little bit slower with them on so I entirely recommend running rugged boots instead so that covers all of the gear that you can see on your person let's talk about trinkets now I don't think I have any trinkets uh to show you but I can just tell you which ones to get you want to focus on agility trinkets so you want to be running rings of quickness Fox pendant and the adventurer cloak so prioritize base stats that have agility on it or your trinkets that's really important that's we're going to get a lot of our agility from so rings of quickness Fox pendant Adventure cloak now for the attribute priority in my opinion from greatest to least we have four stats that we really need to focus on agility strength plus all and plus armor raing I think these are the four most important stats that we can stack because in my opinion agility is going to let us move faster and it's going to let us attack faster strength is going to let us hit harder take more damage plus all is going to benefit both agility and strength but our other attributes as well which also contribute to very small minor things but plus all just in general is very good prioritize getting plus all on your armor pieces not on your weapons do not get weapons with plus all on them that's not good CU if you think about it you don't always have your weapon out so prioritize if you get plus all attributes get it on a piece of gear that you equip to your body not a weapon finally we have plus armor rating that's just going to give us more survivability now you could argue that weapon damage is also good and I don't disagree but I think overall the Barbarian already does a lot of damage and we need to prioritize survivability Mobility HP all that good stuff so that's just kind of my opinion now let's talk about perks okay so let's go aead and jump into the perks I'm just going to go ahead and rip everything off of here so we can just start from Scrat scratch I think the first best perk that we can take here is going to be Iron Will the reason being is cuz this is going to give us a flat 100% resistant rating to Magic which bumps us up to 26.7 Magic resist which is crazy and this is like I'm pretty sure if I put on some of this U default armor it actually goes up just a little bit more let's go have a look yeah it jumped up to 30.1% so like that's crazy amounts of magic resistance and I'm not even in good gear like I'm basically in default great gear for the most part so this also just got a recent change it ignores knockback so like the fireball effect for example or the a Rangers arrow that does knock back Iron Will allows you to ignore these effects now so the second perk I'd probably go with is Crush I know a lot of people are fence Riders on this they think it's good or they think it's bad the good players think it's good and I think it's good because I'm a good player crush is good because it gives you a ton of benefits all wrapped up in one perk even though it's not immediately obvious it gives you good map Mobility it allows you to chase people it allows you to overpower blocks like there's a lot of good stuff here in crush I highly recommend you always take crush the next perk we're going to take is Berserker now the reason we're going to take Berserker is because it allows you to have better trade efficiency so what that means is is while you are fighting someone if you're taking damage your next swing that you land on them is now going to do more damage because you have taken damage CU they gives you more physical damage attack power based on missing HP so the more damage you take in a fight the more damage you're going to be doing so that's why it is a very trade efficient ability which you're a barbarian you're going to be doing a lot of pushing you're going to be probably the frontliner of your group this is really important for just stacking tons of damage and then just outputting it on your enemies finally there's two perks that you can tra uh trade out here um if you're going to be playing in a group setting I think taking robust is important because it's just going to give you a flat 10% HP increase you really can't go wrong with it here now if you're picky and you want to choose some of these other perks that's totally fine the only time I would change robust is if I'm playing solo if you're playing solo run morale boost morale boost is going to give you 12% of your HP back after killing a player this is going to be way more beneficial than robust in a Solo setting so only take morale boost in a Solo set setting if you're running Duos uh trios whatever it might be and you're playing with a group playing with a group run robust now if you're playing Solo in a trio or a Duo map run morale boost I still think it's good in that setting now let's go ahead and jump into the skills so there's four skills that we basically can choose from some people would argue five let's just jump into that we're going to go ahead and just cut these two out right here blood exchange life siphon they both suck ignore them never use them they're not good the first ability that we're going to talk about is rage rage is your bread and butter always take rage no matter what I think rage is basically your staple ability and you always need to run it no matter what so always have Rage with you so let's talk about the three abilities that I think are worth taking and we'll discuss why and then we'll talk about the fourth that you could potentially take as well and then I'll give my recommendation as what I I would prefer to run here over all of them okay so we have ailles strike ailles strike recently got nerfed it got it's damage removed but it got its movement speed penalty upped re Achilles strike can be okay but I don't run this anymore because I don't think it's a good skill anymore sure it slows somebody down which allows you to land a hit but it doesn't last long enough and I don't think it's impactful enough to really make a difference in a fight it does not contribute to your damage at all it only allows you to get in more hits because it slows the target so you could run a Killy strike if you're having trouble catching people but I don't think it's necessarily worth it you have Reckless strike which ignores 75% of the enemy's defense but you also lose 55 armor rating at the time so this makes you more suscept uh susceptible to damage while it's up but it allows your first hit if you landed on somebody to ignore that 75% of the enemy's defenses right this is a pretty good skill I think this is more of a high-end skill where you're going to be playing it more in like higher tier lobbies where you're going up against super geared players but I don't think this is the best ability run now let's move on to war cry now war cry on the other hand I think war cry is ultimately going to be your best ability because one it's going to increase your survivability but two it also increases the survivability of your teammates if you're playing with them even if you're running solo I think war cry is still really really good now the fourth ability that I mentioned that I could probably argue you could still take and do well with is Savage Roar so what this does is this basically cc's mobs around you for 6 seconds but it also reduces the physical damage bonus of whoever it hits by 25% i' see some people run this because they want to make other melee players that they go up against while they front line whether they're Solo or in a team whatever weaker so they're taking less damage from them so I could argue that this is okay to pick but ultimately guys I'm going to recommend you run war cry I think war cry is ultimately just going to give you more HP which is going to allow you to survive longer it's just overall better if you're playing in a team setting it Buffs your team anything that you can do to make your team stronger is ultimately in my opinion going to be the best thing that you can do for yourself now guys with all that in mind go out there Crush some skulls dominate some people for me I'm glad I could get this guide out to you guys finally I wanted it to be really quick and short because my last video for it was like 40 minutes long and I've cut that down into about 11 or 12 minutes so tell you what guys let me know down in the comments below what you think about Barbarian how are you liking it are you hating it are you loving it if you have any questions about it join the Discord and ask me we've already passed 100 members here pretty recently it's been everything's just been blowing up on my end which is awesome and as always guys if you enjoy the content that I make leave a like subscribe if you want to support me monetarily the first tier starts at a dollar and as always guys I really appreciate you watching and have a wonderful rest of your day
Channel: Dylan Smith
Views: 10,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, dark and darker pvp, dark and darker solo, dark and darker gameplay, dark and darker best class, dark and darker solo guide, dark and darker how to play, dark and darker high roller, dark and darker hunter class, dark and darker solo fighter, dark and darker solo gameplay, dark and darker hr goblin cave, somekindadog, dnd rogue solo playthrough, dungeons, longsword, zweihander, war maul, falchion, bow, double axe, trinket, crystal ball, arming sword, class, skill, perk
Id: FPN3ogHW970
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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