Stations of the Cross - Pope Francis

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the way of the cross with Pope Francis our opening prayer holy God be with us now as we meditate on your son's journey to Calvary remind us that still in this present day many of your children continue to walk to Calvary carrying heavy difficult crosses may we be Simon to those whose burdens are too heavy to be borne alone may we be Veronica to those who need the touch of love and comfort and may we struggling with our own crosses always remember your promise of justice mercy and peace amen the first station Jesus is condemned to death our scripture is so Pilate gave his verdict that their demand should be granted Luke 23 22 I ask you Lord keep watch over our decisions bring them clarity fire light and lead us to ask the right questions evil alone never debts trees that sink their roots in the ground wither if watered by evil but you have set our roots in heaven and our branches on earth to know and follow you at the cross her station-keeping stood the mournful mother weeping close to Jesus to the last the second station Jesus receives his cross scripture reading is let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me mark 8:34 I ask you Lord that in the light of the cross the symbol of our faith we may accept our sufferings and enlightened by your love embrace our own crosses may glorious by your death and resurrection give us the grace to look back on the story of our lives and to rediscover in them your love for us through her heart his sorrow sharing all his bitter anguish bearing now at length the sword had passed the third station Jesus Falls for the first time scripture reading by his wounds we are healed isaiah 53:5 i ask you lord give us the courage to get up after every fall as you did on the way to Calvary grab that we may always appreciate the great and precious gift of life and that our failures and falls may never be a reason for throwing it away we know that if we trust you we will be able to get up again and find the strength to keep going oh how sad and sore distressed was that mother highly blessed of the soul begotten one the fourth station Jesus meets his mother scripture reading and a sword will purse pierce your own soul to Luke 234 I ask you lord help us to always keep before our eyes the example of Mary who accepted the death of her son as a great mystery of salvation help us to act with our gaze fixed on the good of others and to die in the hope of the resurrection conscious that we are never alone or abandoned by God or Mary the loving mother ever concerned for her children Christ above in torment hangs she beneath behold the pangs of her dying glorious son the fifth station simon of cyrene helps jesus carry the cross scripture reading and they laid the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus Luke 23 26 I ask you Lord to give each of us the courage to be like Simon of Cyrene who takes up your cross and follows in your steps may each of us be sufficiently humble and strong to take up the crosses of those whom we meet grant that when we feel alone we may recognize on our journey a Simon of Cyrene who will halt and help bear our burden is there one who would not leap whelmed in miseries so deep Christ your mother to behold the sixth station Veronica wipes the face of Jesus scripture reading he was despised and rejected by others isaiah 53:2 I ask you Jesus grant me the strength to approach others to approach every person young or old poor or rich friends or strangers and to see your face in all those faces help me never to hesitate in coming to the aid of my neighbor in whom you dwell even as Veronica came to help you on the way to Keller E can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain in that mother's pain untold the seventh station Jesus Falls for the second time scripture reading yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him with pain isaiah 53:8 I ask you Lord that we may be ready to get up after falling that we may learn from our failures remind us that when it is our turn to make mistakes and fall if we but stay with you and hold fast to your hand we can learn to get up again grant that we may bring to every one your message of humility teach us to help those who suffer and fall beside us to wipe away their sweat and just stretch out a hand to lift them up bruised derided cursed defiled she beheld her tender child all with bloody scourges rent the Athan station Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem scripture reading Jesus turned to them and said daughters of Jerusalem do not weep for me Luke 23 27 I ask you Lord grant that together with the women and men of this world I may become ever more charitable towards those in need even as you were give all of us the strength to go against the grain and to enter into authentic contact with others building bridges and not enclosing ourselves in the selfishness that leads us to the solitude of sin for the sins of his own nation saw him hang in desolation till his spirit forth he sent [Music] ix station Jesus Falls for the third time scripture reading and by his bruises we are healed isaiah 53:5 I ask you Lord grant us everyday the courage to go forward on our journey grant that we may receive to the very end the hope and the love that you have given us may everyone confront the challenges of life with the strength and the fidelity which were yours in the final moments of your journey to death of the cross [Music] Oh thou mother font of love touch my spirit from above make my heart with valiant of Accord The Tempest station Jesus is stripped of his garments scripture reading they took his clothes and divided them into four parts one for each soldier John 1923 I ask you Lord grant that all of us may acknowledge the dignity belonging to our nature even when we find ourselves naked and alone before others grant that we may always see the dignity of others respected and defended we ask you to grant us the courage needed to understand ourselves as more than the clothing we wear and to accept our own nakedness make me feel as thou hast felt make my soul to glow and melt with the love of Christ our Lord the eleventh station Jesus is nailed to the cross scripture reading then Jesus said Father forgive them Luke 23 33 I ask you Lord that in the face of good I may be ready to recognize it that in the face of injustice I may find the courage to take my life in my hand and to act differently grant that I may be set free from all the fears that like nails immobilized me and keep me far from the life you have desired and prepared for us Holy Mother pierced me through in my heart each wound renew of my savior crucified 12th station Jesus dies on the cross scripture reading then Jesus crying with a loud voice said father into your hands I commend my spirit Luke 23 44 I ask you Lord open my eyes to see you also in suffering in death in the ending which is not the real ending upset by my complacency by your cross shake off my drowsiness challenge me always by your disturbing mystery that overcomes death and grants life let me share with thee his pain who for all my sins was slain who for me in torments died the 13th station Jesus is taken down from the cross scripture reading they took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen cloths John 1938 I ask you Lord keep hope ever alive in us and sustain our faith in your unconditional love grant that we may continue our hearts inflamed to fix our gaze on eternal salvation and thus find refreshment and peace on our journey let me mingle tears with the morning him who mourned for me all the days that I may live the fourteenth station Jesus is laid in the tomb [Music] scripture reading and in the garden there was a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid john 1941 i ask you lord who revealed yourself not in glory but in the quiet of a dark night you who see not the surface but in secret entering into the depths from the depths hear our voice grant that in our weariness may we find rest in you seeing in you our nature and in the love of your sleeping face the beauty we have lost by the cross with me to stay there with the to weep and pray is all I ask of thee to give
Channel: Good Shepherd Parish Lakeshore
Views: 6,327
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Keywords: #StationsOfTheCross, #GSLakeshore, #Lent, #Catholic, #Jesus
Id: VUvIS5SpMlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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