Stationeers Venus - Pressure Testing // EP35

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greetings everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode 35 of stationer's venus which originally is live on twitch given time [Music] all right then did a disc attempt vacuum activate oh let's uh have it linked right okay it's working definitely working so with the pressure regulator on and the temp this act event on it will given enough time evacuate everything in this system give it enough time like i said it won't work instantly it will take a while all right other consoles so i'm going to want to also read the temperature and pressure inside of the chamber so that i can adjust buttons like i'm some sort of like engineer or whatever uh to make sure i don't go kablammo so that will be a temp monitor i'm going to put temp monitors here and here of such readouts so i want to read the temperature and pressure inside the chamber and also the temperature and pressure inside the pipes i also do care about the temperature pressure inside the pipes uh for that i might just do a um not there i might just do a uh pipe analyzer so gold iron electron that would be a shortcut way to do it because i care less about the temperature and pressure in the pipes because the pipes can handle a lot more temperature and pressure than the room can the room is prone to exploding the uh the pipes should not be i you know if i'm really really really reckless like i could potentially do i have no more iron how oh no it's just here actually i'm gonna need this no just make one what are you doing change the recipe for oh were you still making the one i guess you were yeah the pipes can handle like 300 times the pressure that the room can um i want windows to see because it's pretty i could have made it with like steel frames to be able to handle a lot higher pressure but i don't actually want to over pressurize it because then it will require a lot more joules to change the temperature anyway so it's in my it's in my advantage not to put a ton of um pressure or temperature into the system i don't want to overload it with gas because the more gas i add the more heat i'm going to have to add to change the temperature of the gas so i want to actually not over pressurize this system anyway it's really in my disadvantage to do it i just want enough gas in there to reach you know wasp alloy and invar and constantine and that kind of stuff i don't want more gas than that because then it's just difficult for me to to manage um yeah i need enslave pipe how would i lower the temperature if i needed to uh if i wanted to lower the temperature i could either pull in noonday air from mars or alternatively i could uh alternatively i could run uh you know wall coolers in there [Music] all right let's few more insulator pipes or i could also another way to do it is to like right where these pipes are to have a volume pump to have two volume pumps circulate this air this uh this this stuff in this pipe through vacuum with radiators the same way i did my radiator coolant and that would be you wouldn't even need to do that you could just you could just put pipes in and have it yeah i mean there's there's ways to do it with like for no power if you wanted to um a long pipe from mars to venus no i don't think that will be viable that would be not viable i like the uh the ingenuity [Music] oh i want these pipes yellow all right let me steal a yellow one this is a three-way corner so it's gonna be a four-way junction once i'm done just straight there so now a little bit of the uh a little bit of the gas will run through and uh display information on this pipe analyzer as long as this pipe analyzer gets plugged in which is pretty easy to do because it's sitting right above a plug [Music] so now i can see oh yes it is 38 kpa and a temperature of whatever it is in k so easy peasy i have to translate that data but i mean that's not that bad [Music] yeah you could use digital valves to to change the input of the furnace you could do it that way too uh the thing is i'm not that worried about the low temperature stuff the low temperature stuff i could just do on this furnace here uh if i wanted wasp alloy what i could do before i even heat up the system uh for that alloy is just to run it to to run it and then do the rest uh los balloy is 50 to 100 mpa but very cold gas a max of 527 uh but the thing is my system will probably if i don't turn on my wall heaters it will sit at about less than 500 uh see so waspaloy is actually very easy for my furnace to do it's just all the other stuff that's harder because it requires heat hey dave ko but there's an argument to be made that like once this is hot it's a little bit trickier to do whilst boy and i i agree because i don't have cold input um but you know that would be an advanced project to do later on not what i'm doing now yeah i just need to vent out the whole system and start over and i have the capacity to do that i would just need to reroute this pipe outside instead of back into my filtration system so i'm not filtering piping hot ridiculous gas into everything uh but it would actually be you know i i sort of have the foundation to do exactly what you say which is like a system reset refresh we'll get those plugged in to glass for them yeah i'll probably um make a big thing of waspaloy initially like you mentioned so that i don't have to do it again do go big once and then i'll have a big old batch for the future and its ingredients is just you know silver nickel lead so on venus it's it's pretty sourceable what the hell just turned on and off everything is off uh but oh yeah so here's the readers so as you can see the compare is saying hey turn on the vent turn on the vent the active vent because it's hotter than uh 775 so not that i could mess up such a simple circuit but it is working i can confirm actually i i could mess up with such a simple circuit but let's be honest now but no it does work hey exo she see what it was okay what can i call you besides that because that is um that's a tongue twister of a name all right let's get some additional heavy cables to plug everything in and then i'll probably want to um as suggested go for uh initial batch of wasp boy yeah i could i could make wasp boy in an advanced furnace outside just with a volume pump shoving gas in from ambient that's true i could i could have a totally separate uh furnace for waspaloy and and that would actually be very very very efficient because why reinvent the wheel it doesn't need it i'll be djing just a sec i hear the silence youtube's thing like just oh no it was just a long silent song swanky yeah maybe i should just do an advanced furnace outdoors for a wasp boy so i don't have to add so much pressure because all the other things asteroids still requires like 30 pressure i guess so i'm not really saving me a lot of pressure i don't know i'm not really saving myself a lot of pressure anyway so now these bad boys could turn on uh if you know transformers on and they need to be set up to a gas sensor will the events blow up out there uh i could just have the advanced furnace like in its own uh frame housing like i did down here because technically yeah i could just stick the advanced furnace into a frame like this the frame doesn't have an atmosphere so your advanced furnace but you know it yeah there's ways to like game it in other words uh what was it doing i was oh my god uh gas sensor yeah it's like being in stasis exactly do i have enough heavy cables that probably do pipes float 60 yeah that's why waspaloy is so difficult because it's just over the pipe blowing it's just under the pipe blowing um amount but you know that's why it's hard okay there's my gas sensor this is a complex thing huh all right let's rename this chamber gas sensor and chamber temperature monitor chamber pressure monitor done so now we have monitors for the chamber's temperature and pressure so that we can uh we can hit vacuum if it ever gets over pressured right and and once we set this up i will reroute this with insulated uh piping to be able to vacuum in an emergency so we don't blow out and that's that's kind of why i wanted to vacuum uh the the air vent here permanent as a permanent installation as a security measure so worst case scenario i can slam that button and we're good uh let me save because i'm very paranoid about that now because i can see the back pressure regulator uh not keeping up and uh it becoming a bit of a problem i'm trying to think is there anything else i need to add if you guys can uh brainstorm for me hey y2k [Music] i'm gonna need a glass and for that i'm gonna need silicon so let me get outside and get some silicon but if you can think of anything else like in this system that i'm lacking other than maybe a backup coal jenny uh once the glass is set up we'll do the evacuation uh stuff i already have monitors for the tank pressure and temp [Music] it's part of the uh pipe analyzer are you kidding me literally i one freaking step outside and it's like nope so dumb oh right the uh act event the act event will be destroyed i will have to replace it with a [Music] with a volume pump and a uh a pass event act events burn up uh at like 200 c or something yeah 200 c or something like that every time i step outside without fail it's like stupid storms but that was to the second that was like is it good up nope like the abraham since him mean how do the outside ones work i don't know all i know is i've broken active events in testing this system that's all i could say so let's put in a pass event and a volume plug the advantage of the pass event and volume pump is um is it uh is better it's more airtight anyway and by that i mean like air can't you know it acts as a it stops air from flowing back uh unfortunately volume pumps require a ton of power thank you i can also have the volume pump outside the chamber so i don't need a console for it it's another benefit i can remove this console all together i actually might want um monitors for um [Music] monitors instead of a pipe analyzer for the chamber because the pipe analyzer can be hard to interpret because it's in kelvin not celsius uh yeah [Music] [Music] let me in [Music] i mean i know i'm at 50 but still [Music] i can hook up the data port to the tank yeah and just sell my pipe analyzer the data port is there so let's do that you guys want that i think so i'm gonna do that so i'll have two monitors there uh for that information [Music] i'm going to interconnect everything though um just so it's one big network and not severed networks crap and i'm out of cables [Music] and i can just sell the pipe analyzer uh to robo the hobo robo he's a hobo because he's you know homeless uh what was it doing uh cables cable cable cable cable kit and that means this gets sold um and these things get broken down so these i'm gonna replace down here uh let's put these corners back it frees up the nice view though there is that all right let's stop the heavy cables i know i never went for silicon but this comes first all right so that's the chamber pressure temperature next to the vacuum uh this needs to be reset up so i'm just going to turn that off up i don't even know what that's trying to do uh because obviously it's not really plugged in anymore not yet it's about to be so i still want the volume pump to be able to be remotely controlled because if i'm staring at the pressure and i see it going up i want to be able to slam this button rather than have to run all the way over here and do this one um but i am going to want to remove these in lieu of insulated ones because we're going to be using this system later on and it needs to be insulated because if it's not it will be dropping super super super hot gas into my uh into my base here which i don't want so i'm going to set this up to actually evacuate outside i'm not going to have it feed back into filtration and i'm just going to eat the cost of losing some of the ammo that exists in the base already setting it up for long term rather than for short term [Music] i already have a pressure sensor in there uh but this could be sold yeah we'll we'll set it up for the long run so i'm out of silicon entirely i can't even make more insulated tiles pumps whatever they call it so i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick and give you over to yoda [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that felt good catharsis plus 40. here comes the sun yeah it's been hours since i've blown up i did have a little oopsy today but it wasn't me blowing up it was me removing a frame that i needed like a dummy come on silicon oh here's water there's silicon uh oh that's more water can't wait to see it in action watch it fail spectacularly like my last one did even though i will say i built i could well if that was the case i could just load the one i had built already offline uh as a proof of concept to be like all right i built it maybe a lie but no i i spent a few hours today building one oh i have chunk load bug no it's loading now good that's what you're scared about has what i'm scared about man and me both but i don't think it's gonna happen because i did prototype this already and i got my prototype up to um uh up to like iron smelting temperatures hotter than uh venus is so i just didn't wait around to get it any hotter because i had proved the concept that i got it hotter than ambient all right 44 is enough if it works can you get a copy yeah i can share the save game oh look there was silicon all right note itself there's silicon right next to the base i like how this furnace is cooking too well actually what is the temperature for silicon uh hang on it is oh no never mind it's 600 and okay forget it i'm not gonna be able to do that with ambient [Music] 627c [Music] yeah i could always share the uh share the save surely [Music] like i did an oxygen not included if you're wondering my oxygen not included series when it concluded i shared the safe because why not oh and also i'm back on cam under blue light pink light red light yellow light low light i like low light i really should optimize this stupid thing there's not a good reason for it to be this slow i've just built it poorly oh that's the music oh panic i was like what is all that clicking i flexed that i haven't blown up in a while but actually my uh my nitrogen looks quite high i'm gonna pull the nitrogen filters because i don't have any um i don't have any redundancy or uh fail-safes for that tank or any of those tanks whatever just roll over i don't care if i don't i don't want to blow up uh why is it slow like that um because uh they're wah [Music] it's slow because of the the the atmo in the available spot is lower uh i could i could speed it up by doing a few optimizations did you really just roll back where i can never get you i'll have to disassemble the darn it i'm gonna need another locker i also heard my silicon finish up but i think it oh no it's still gone i think else i'm waiting on so i'm waiting on windows um i could do the consoles that read uh the gas temp for the tank let's put those in now i needed another locker like five streams ago yeah you're completely truly correct [Music] i'm thinking that it would make more sense if uh if everything was um maybe here what do you think about here this works so we'll have chamber over here and uh tank over here yeah that makes sense oh there's my there's my silicon uh yeah you can put hard bags into backpacks for storage so if you print up um the best way to do it is uh the uh well you can do jetpack basics uh but well uh uh space pack back would be really really really good storage um the hard suit space pack back would be better but i need the upgraded thing for that and you can nest your bags if you wanted storage is rabbit hole yeah it's i don't like nesting my storage only because then you have to just dig deeper to get things out of where you nested it it's it seems like a good solution until it creates more problems than it all ever solved and for my two cents but i also in this series specifically i'm running real lean um and by that i mean i don't have a lot of extra stuff and anything i have extra i sell to uh mr trader face so running real lean i have almost no extra ores so yeah doing that let's get these plugged in so that's not the right thing data disk so what was this uh temperature on the left so um tank temperature monitor a pressure monitor and then um for a small tank nope uh that's not connected to the data is it not data comes out oh no it isn't right right i can most assuredly say it wasn't because it ran out of cables i remember now it's connected all right there we go what am i trying to do with this machine conquer the world pinky alright furnace small tank this is gonna be a furnace it's uh just a high-tech furnace and furnace temp oh i did that backwards this is temp and this is pressure all right so as you can see the chamber is higher pressure than the tank which makes sense i did not pressurize the tank um then i want to wire this thing up to be the uh volume pump uh thing so let's rename the volume pump uh evacuate volume pump or uh vacuum volume pump i guess vacuum that's a better word just left lung on long enough it would vacuum everything out so let's search for vacuum and then this is the vacuum console was that linked oops don't do that yeah it is linked okay and let's make sure it works it does i saw it turn on all right cool cool cool uh this now just pumps into a nothing so i'm gonna need to make some more insulated pipes so i'm missing the pipes that lead outside and then i'm missing glass and that that would be it i think let's do the pipes first yeah seal the whole thing save seal the whole thing up and then start doing the pressure tests all right so that's where the gas is going to go out so i'm going to connect it like i saw i like a saw voila now i just need a passive end out there i think i have one here's one and uh a few more insulated tiles or insulated pipes so it's not right next to the window and i have two glass downstairs if i recall alrighty no i thought i could make it back in time and i fingered it i wanted to turn on the traitor oh well anything's blown up nothing's blown up nothing ever blows up here that's such a lie i just fell down the stairs yeah i smashed my face through the glass to plant it if only right all right cycle back please so i believe i need six glass let's see i need uh two four six eight total i have two here so six yeah sixth glass and this is sort of like leftover waste eventually the floors and plastic sheets will line the floors uh the active event can be sold so i'll go sell that anything else here i can sell this dead filter i can sell this pollutant will switch with a dead filter and i'll sell the dead filter i should probably check all my filters again so that's more or less dead filter here's the digital pipe analyzer that i wanted and uh it's possible to have monitor for ammo composition yeah sure yeah i would the easiest way to do that would be to have the pipe analyzer that i just pulled out um fine fine i mean the thing is i i already know what the atmo comp analyzer is going to be it's just venus it's just going to be venus it's not going to ever change but uh i'll see well i want to see the price of this thing and then i'll i'll i'll not sell it no i just put the wrong thing in there all right pipe analyzer is uh it's worth 45 bucks yeah you ain't i'm not selling that to you give that back that has electrum in it why would i sell it to you you're so cheap you're a cheap bot very cheap hell the active vent almost sells more than the pipe panel that's just a joke [Music] what else do i have carbon filters pollutant filter done all right so i'll have a pipe analyzer for the gas makeup if you want it it's very cheap and easy to do so that's the uh that's the gas out pipe the vacuum pipe that smile where he never frowns too creepy too creepy he's obviously hiding something so many dead bodies so many dead bodies so the concept here is there is free gas exchange between the chamber and the tank so its composition should be identical more or less there might be a little bit of lag time but it's more or less going to be identical so i don't need two uh two analyzers i only really need the one oh my god this is slow he's smiling because he's cheating me i know he knows he's cheating me too he's well aware of how much of a cheapskate he is but he also has a perfect monopoly so who am i to uh you know i'm in no power to uh to complain i do need uh some carbon dioxide funny enough so let's pull some co2 from atmo and i'll have to keep an eye on that because that's liable to explode so for me to get atmo compo zishon all i would need to do is to move the move this bad boy over one oops [Music] and then put this back keep walking into stuff [Music] and the pipe analyzer and now this tells me what the composition inside is but let me get my ticking time bomb off how much co2 did it get only two oh okay i can leave the ticking time on a little bit longer yeah that only comes out of the tank data but the tank and the chamber free exchanges gas so if i'm curious about the gas composition it's basically true because i have uh i have the i have the back pressure in the pressure regulators here which freely exchanges gas between the tank so whatever that says is is uh yeah all right there and then of course having done that uh i've screwed up again the um what is that cable is that just a cable that goes nowhere oh yeah that is a cable that goes nowhere i need to go upstairs and stop my carbon dioxide pole but there that was never going to be able to be plugged in no blow up for the base all right six good that's enough what's left what is left uh hooking this back up to the vacuum and then making sixth glass right i think let's make sure that this is still yup cuz i uninstalled it [Music] now vacuum volume pump really you're telling me this filter that's been at zero for like an hour is low cool game super useful information that all right two of two of eight check the saves sure that smart last one was this minute when it works it works constantly when it doesn't work it screws you so very hard all right filter go away glass i like how i can print glass before it even boots up and thirst yeah updating the filters to include all all filters i mean if we have four filters in your suit like imagine if you have four large filters there's no way that missing one of four large filters is filters low that is filter is still ridiculous you're good for hundreds of hours not filters low but of all the things that i want to be fixed in this game that is like least amongst them so i guess pick my battles all right we're glassed up and hey you subbed thank you well here um if you want to see some absolute nutty big bases from someone that only really plays this in ksp and i have never even seen you play ksp um head over that channel because i only play this once a week and uh he plays it far more so if you want more content he's your man okay i'm cheap and that's all the flooring i'm gonna be able to afford uh what's left this can turn on i think we're good i think all i need to do is hit the vacuum switch and wait for the pressure of everything to drop oh also the pressure regulator and wait for things to go and let me see first because folly to the person that thinks they're done so i'm going to save and we're going to have to remember that venus 10 is like the test so now uh yeah the pressure is dropping the volume pump the volume pump works much better when the volumes are large it doesn't work so great when the volumes are small but this is just how we built it we built it to move a lot of stuff turn on all the logic uh i don't want to yet because i'm trying to vacuum things out and if i turn on the logic it would be doing the opposite it would be pulling things in it wouldn't hurt however to have a a light or two um so while that is vacuuming out i'm gonna go get a light or two a collab given that he's on australian time and i'm on north american east coast time as you well know cheese collaborations are tough they're very very tough my schedule is like you know it's tricky yeah he has cool bases and hilarious commentary yeah my my little bases are like tiny little efficient smart like uh micro homes eckenberg braves are like massive behemoth high complex bases late game you know mine mine are basically early game bases where i putts around and kind of like make moderate improvements here there and his bases are like skyscrapers so therein lies the difference no music no bad music i really need to curate like an ambient list i need to get off my button finally do it let's do an angled light here i think that would light this part up good and maybe one here but that's going to be wired up to like just whatever cables are above [Music] let there be light that's one of two lights i have no idea what network this is but i'm gonna steal power probably just default base there so now it's illuminated uh we're down to like 20-ish kpa so much much much much lower than it was it was at 100 something i do want to pull it all the way as far as i can tolerate waiting down because the lower it goes um the easier it will be to heat things when it comes time to heat things my power everything else is fine turn off the traders all right was that light on the trader oh no all right that that that one's not gonna work it's on the trader cable i figured that that was the case right when i turned off the trader it's like the one cable that i couldn't like i could use this one just not that one because it's the only one that ever really turns off to be fair like i generate a lot of power now i probably don't need a min max the like whatever 600 watts it is to turn on the trader but i like to just power down the base so that bot sits out there all for lauren and whatnot brings me a little bit of joy yeah there's a lot of chatter on discord for stationeers i came to brave so if you ever want to hop on and give your two cents because you would be somewhat of an expert uh i'm sure the your input would be most appreciated because we're you know we're constantly sort of um it's not quite like the chatter you're gonna find on uh on the stationeers discord which is legit chatter uh but we mull things over we're not much of a brain trust though unless you expect the brains to be small and smooth hey guys look what i'm making look at this a locker i'm making a locker yeah trader trader and and everything associated is ultimately like 1.5 k kilowatts so there's a good reason for it to be on its own like little i can turn you off uh setting i i think i calculated mine at like 600 or so but you could be right i haven't recalculated it i know lockers right uh let's get uh three let's get some floors and frames so i can actually put these things down and then i'm even gonna put like floors down i'm gonna make things look pretty while i wait for things to become vacuum or close to vacuum i might not wait for full vacuum because i don't need to but close close works do i have batteries in this thing yes i do and i could even move everything downstairs locker wise i know we didn't vote for this project but i don't think i'm gonna have a lot of uh vocal descent of uh adding storage down here as i have had a embarrassing lack of it for a long time did i set [Laughter] how wrong did it yep no actually that's not wrong right that's just recessed but it's not it doesn't disappear i thought it would disappear into the wall and that's why i was laughing now i have a place to put all my dead bodies i put dead bodies in the basement that's the implication here with my luck i'm just gonna start painting all right is it uh yeah it is glitched into the wall let me let me just fix that it doesn't look so right if i'm going to set up lockers after all this time it's got to be ones that aren't glitched into the wall so there we go don't touch the trust the glitch hey glitch is fine a little glitchiness is no problem uh i'm gonna make two more lockers too if i have the iron i hope i do yep two more hey sether or seth45r thanks for follow and welcome whoa whoa calm down i know i know i'm just getting the lockers out now and then there's gonna be a third one it's so crazy i'm gonna have no organization down here though project zomboid intensifies all right how we're doing oh yes so the tank is empty and now it's just the chamber itself that needs to be van evacuated right on empty tank all right so the one i just made is gonna be my uh my farm box of which i have like one seed each i can also start to do a um if i want to run water down there i could start to do a uh mushroom farm down here well i would have to turn off the lights and stuff so maybe not but this will store my my seed my seed bank this doesn't even sound like music no well the song was called hypnosis so maybe it wasn't music is any of you getting sleepy uh the other thing is like i don't know if i want my fancy alloys down here because i would need to run down here every time i want to access them but i don't know well so i might want shelves that was suggested who suggested selves again someone suggests themselves above the the craft table it was uh droiden ah i remembered who it was can i pat myself on the back it took me a minute but i remembered i remember jordan i said it before you said me well at least on my screen i don't know about your screen because of like lag time and round trip and that concludes episode 35 of stationeers venus which originally are live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream has the information you need thank you for watching i'll catch you next episode farewell everybody you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 3,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stationeers, Let's Play, Twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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