State Fair of Texas Tour & Review with The Legend

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on behalf of one of the largest animatronic figures in the entire world Big Tex and myself the legend welcome to the Texas State Fair so let's kick off our State Fair Texas tour and review video about hooking about the ride and one of the most extreme rides to the fair here it has to be airmax with two x's - no it's twice to the extreme built by our buddies over at cam G this is a wild looking fair ride guys it has to go a good 70 80 feet in the air and pretty noisy eating looking so I woke up on a good affairs and there's a ride that I've never seen before and that is the case here with the some pretty wild if you have people in your car like Emily very different kind of like the same idea is an enterprise but with like breakdance cars and that's a rod loveseat garage so new to me it's right here named Magnum at the fair is a Mondale cake and these are pretty crazy ride as far as spinning puke rides goes you normally only see these at your bigger fairs I also love that they have sort of like that old style the group of the early 90s you can have one of those kind of sort of machines that danced around they have one of those in the middle doesn't dance but still my friends this is one crazy looking fun out here so check out this room right here with all the shifting back and forth now I've had a few beers today so this might be worse than it is in the camera but this is a crazy looking funhouse multi-level a lot of fun kind of decor on the outside funhouse mirrors Pollock and some like push-button ease and then there's this over here that I'm going to get you right now what on earth is this nightmare contraption [Music] doing that's not gonna hunt your dream y'all so this might be the most sickening ride at the fair it's labeled take no power it looks insane like I don't want to ride the tonight gloomy around the seafarers home - a gondola ride the Texas Skyway very much similar what we're gonna be getting at Disneyworld sometime next year to see one of the permanent rides here at the fair obviously this can't travel but I find it fascinating that the the fair has one of these I think that said this makes you know looks this fair on the map as opposed to a lot of other ones like those are as walt disney world would probably tell you right now they're they're not very cheap to build in a to have one here the fair that runs a month a years pretty impressive windsurfing i'm not sure who made this ride but it definitely seems like it has an attribute to like a host tops can stop spin but then it's simply not those are always double sided and if they do not do what this one does the picture in the background now it's going to more topspin styles ten coupon ride it's gonna cost for five bucks these people like crazy the biggest roller coaster at the fair this year is a windstorm and these at J's these are really fun rides as a guy that grew up on his venture land like my used to be my home park was adventure land on the island and they had one of these for the longest period of time I've been on a bunch of them they're really great riding really great rides per light traveling fare and there's no break right there before this drop of doom so that would be really intense so I'm really good travelling roller coaster having a fair probably beat best roller coaster I've seen a travelling fair because I have not been to Europe like other people's people who've step for a minivan scary part it's dark ride here at the State Fair of Texas it's pretty awesome it isn't this one of their eyes they're here year-round that started amazing [Music] is gonna hide right now so I'm not gonna share the full ride of the scary park dark ride attraction but here's a clip showing off a couple of different highlights of the ride overall this is one I really recommend if you're a fan of dark rides or haunted houses go check this one out cuz I love old timey dark rides and this lived up to the bill some cool stuff in there too another new to me right here is aeramax a second driving seat called air max with two x's that is fun at all thickening also they have the most confusing artwork I have ever seen Nelly with the band-aid and it over here is like on air Nicolas Cage horn ride in the artwork so one thing that makes it take the State Fair different than most fair together they have a couple permanent rides like rides that are here year-round and only operate when the Fair is here one of them is this out log flume yeah like full like permanent installation love boom Wow zero gravity spenders standards smaller round up time to talk about equinox and that is this crazy-looking fair I'd not to be confused with the celebrity cruise ship mean I'm probably went on back in January but oh my gosh look at that it is that's a pretty tall to like I'm not sure if that will be fun or nauseating I'm not gonna find out because it's 12 tickety so that will run you about six bucks to go on but in something else I love these women is steaming outside the attraction - yes with some bushes and some buckets but uh that is a that's the ride guys we're about to check out the most expensive ride here at the Texas State Fair this brew a slingshot oh my one person $35 two people $60 see this thing in action alright they are getting ready to launch and these rides I think never been on one of these rides before and then they go lunching 200 feet into the air and that column is moving and this is moving so you're probably moving a whole bunch I'd be so scared like I've never done one of these look like a cedar pullian or anything like that where it's permanent so they're doing a bear I'd be especially terrified maybe the biggest thrill you can get here at a State Fair time of the slingshot the most expensive is the skyscraper same fry stay to operate discount if you wanted you both to rides for $50 that's still a lot of money and here goes the skyscraper these rides are para fire you go about 70 miles an hour 150 feet the air and you are flying you're upside down your right side up I do want at Luna Park it on Coney Island it is one of the most scared I've ever been on any ride ever and the fact of this travels around you can hear you gonna hear the wind I mean I love this ending like this for example instead of here here graviton growth I arrived there fun dinner Farrah who doesn't love a giant slide answer through the internet but here at the State Fair they have one what it looks like about six humps in it and that is a that's a very big fun slide now another expensive rides ten coupons but you know it's pretty awesome slide evolution is a mystery and it's also here at the Texas State Fair now guys I don't normally do spinning Duke rides especially the Bears but I am really timid to do this one it's a bit of a smaller ride than what I'm used to but uh I'm one of my whole heart through six month great adventure and I've been six left st. Louis twice since this rides been there and every time I've been it either one of those parts it has been closed so I'm really really tempted to do this one I'm probably not gonna do it because it's six dollars but that is a strong fair ride another large scale roller coaster here is crazy mouths wonderfully sized roller coasters is a fare any size spinning while amounts things most famously I think the home be primeval world at Walt Disney World you're gonna get these even go through the spinning portion now yep he goes free spin and these are fun right if you're like me that you've been a lot of rollercoaster I've probably been on over Timothy's same exact ride at various parks throughout the country but they're still fun and I love the artwork you like like the artwork on this one is very kind of uppity and a big Muppet guy I was looking spinning drop there at the end in the dip yep this is the ferris wheel at Texas State Fair 200 feet tall permit ride it is a beautiful looking ferris wheel this right here is on my beaver vibes at the fair these spinning pendulums the inverted spinning pendulum ride they are an absolute blast all of the artwork on this one with Oh I guess fate Oh home in there big iron man yeah best of luck who this is I don't even know next a big Wolverine but these Reds are a blast here is the store it looks very dizzy as it's one platform today second spinning platform and then with spinning cars your your triple level spinning here on the story Jessica the big bamboo it's a fun house and it is an insanely beautiful fun house chicken there's a waterfall and I guess you walk behind it's very very pretty it looks like you end through the mist Jen a spinning tunnel well it's not the biggest or probably best funhouse Sid look at the cake the prettiest anybody a very very pretty sweet ride for a fair travel classic pirate ride these are always along fun give it that the old poster balls freely as you like to say here on the loop Darkrai here at the fair and nobody fear dark rides are always terrible but this one looks pretty solid check it out there's a like right when you go in it looks like you're gonna get soaked by this fountain and then these people getting soaked you're gonna say you know if it turns off but a very new looking very good looking dark ride you've got a I'm guessing what used to be an animatronic particularly there it's to level but you don't normally eat a lot of traveling fares very solid all right so the which it does move I said a traditional matterhorn flying Bob Bell ride I doesn't look like a more modern version release saying say bupkus one more reason lady looks great all right guys let's go tell you iron dragon his Tito launch suit the last time I went on it so another one of the roller coasters here same name is that the famous roller coasters Cedar Point your standard kind of galaxy sky over rollercoaster fun think about this it's only one car the cars hence they have a really cool kind of like dragon paint scheme on them and these are they're fun you can see the cars come by in just a moment there we go nothing against these ride it's an excellent riser to fare let the paint scheme on the cars I'm trying it this one is going off this and yeah no but please know also right nearby it's a crepe fire right puzzle of disease station is painted up in dragon style as well another the permanent attractions here and the State Fair kicks is that carosone and they have an eight beautiful carousel beautiful old property carousel and I'm not the biggest carousel guy but I get respect and I will love this dragon bed if you carousel person check it out kitty right Affairs a mini Alpine bomb for it's called veto Bob they've got a couple of different kids coasters here at the fair this one's the puppy Express and I love it looks like a nerdy dog it's just a wacky worm but it's got a fun name and a fun front car these kids bumper cars they're pretty adorable I mean it wouldn't be a fair with that one of these right so you can tell this is the one that Kenny's kid will be in the NASCAR won yes that's where it baby chase would be so last week on our channel hi Dan Ellen from parks cope film what they thought to be the the smallest kiddie coaster they've ever seen and guys I think I bet you beat this one looks to be about maybe three to four feet tall but it does smile I mean only makes sense if he takes a State Fair we have a kids track your ride right here NATO's all right you'll see a lot of places kind of like a cheek up in the air kind of thing Mikey check-ins much more of your normal fear funhouse style attraction do love the artwork Billy artwork over there you can see the cutscene classic fair ride the monster which I only really want this is right here though they saw find my heart and since they ride these two boys have at the Dollar Tree care for the Strawberry Festival where I grew up on my island and so is one of the biggest fries it sort of moves in a circle and goes all the way upside down not a great ride [Music] you surprise them to Mike they're back home over this bunch of time so I love defuse that affair for the first time in quite some time I met amazed another more standard like mirror maze attraction with the duty most fairs some of the big girls in this Texas State Fair is the food and there's food everywhere I mean a food court with all these wacky crazy kind of food items and I started here at the bacon nation booth and what I got is the sweet bacon sweet bacon bacon there's a 14 coupons seven dollars and it is a prefilled sponge cake which is then wrapped in bacon dipped in funnel cake batter and deep-fried this looks like something else a good way to start right so here's a shot of what it looks like after you eaten all of it this is delicious it's got a nice cream filling there and the sponge cake you can see some of the fake in there this is a winner very tasty and get a breakfast key so if you want to start your day this might be a good one to go try so one thing I love about the food court area is that they have all these banners showing up what won the award for best tasting our most creative in that year and there are tons own you're curious what won this year most creative is a cotton candy taco this tasting sweet is arroz con leche and just say some savory is have Bernie's hoppin John cake with J I don't even I have no idea what that means that is a hilarious idea and here at East Texas nachos here nacho chips are yes in the estate and the che particular your switch look at that thing funnel cake case Oh bacon burger 22 coupons check this after this booth in the food court area 14 coupons get you mango on a stick that's different so something you will see everywhere at the Texas State Fair is Fletcher's corny dogs apparently the original State Fair corny dogs and it's absolutely everywhere and it's one of the most famous thing so I think I'm gonna have to try one of these also look there their icon kind of thing let's give one of these try it's a twelve coupon so six bucks all right so here's the corndog got a loaded it up with some mustard some ketchup absolutely worth it this is a delicious corn dog big thumbs up well not a finished product I like a coat where it's heavy boots they have the big heavy bull as I find them completely mesmerizing and then this one's elegant old fashioned wrapping the cheese style too that is different turkey leg taco over here's the hilariously named Stifler's mom cookie factory and a very important if you pick up that guide map there are coupons in there one of which gets a free cookie don't have to buy anything use somebody or get a free cookie they also have pretty cheap beer as opposed to the other places in the fair beers eight bucks I'm gonna go ahead and look at these cookies as I taste testing them out go a wonderful food he'll buy them by the bucket and a super near bucket about three dozen is good Emily good so big points for creativity here that pride at Thanksgiving dinner stuffing turkey mushrooms all deep-fried it looks amazing but I don't like mushrooms so I'm gonna have to pass on this one a more awesome stuff here tamale doughnut cotton candy taco fun stuff you will find absolutely everything on at the fair deep-fried spaghetti and meatballs deep-fried chicken and waffle on a stick this one also sounds delicious difficult fat smooth three cream puffs in a cafe du monde beignet batter with chocolate and caramel sauce 12 tickets and that's in here by the other dog in the pic show guys this was the winner first of all the ventilate industry's name and then you get a fried PB&J with banana or one with bacon fried cookie dough bright chicken parmesan work belly sandwich love it my friend I don't think I've ever seen this mini turkey legs in my entire life and I live right next to Walt Disney World but they serve more than they want to planet but good god that it that is a point the grill there is a very nice selection of funnel cakes over here the original red velvet birthday cake to draw berry shortcake turtle and chocolate had to try with these stuffed wing with seasoned chicken and rice looks like that on for 14 coupons or $7 Saruman bite it is pretty awesome like that is he fight if you buy the chicken leg jiggly's stuck pretty damn good now this is a food option for 48 tickets you get a piece covered in pepperonis that is the shape of Texas that's amazing now guys one thing I was not expecting here is to take the State Fair was they have a great beer game there's beer everywhere this fair from cheap beer not so cheap beer for things like that I'm here at the beer Haven the Great American Beer station which is this like kind of Mack truck with a million taps on it and we're going to start off the drinking here by showing off the a cotton candy beer chosen from the tick's Hale project as you can oh we're at the fair you gotta have fair beers right there is there is cotton candy tasting that but there's a lot of cotton candy tasting that beer exactly tastes like cotton candy really does so uh one of the more interesting beers here you can get and then you walk around if you want cheap beer you get cheap beer too lucky this guy over here he's serving beers up for six tickets which is like three bucks for a beer now I went to get some fancy stuff we're gonna get some non fancy stuff but there's there's fear everywhere this fare and based on if you want like nice craft beer there's certain places you go you want a non nice craft beer there's other place you go not spend anything so if you want to drink this is a good fare for you but let me tell you man now that is a specialty drink rice beer kool-aid pickled dilly sangria now I don't like cigarettes or pickles so I'm gonna stay away from this one but man that that's interesting so I think the cheapest place to get beer here at the Texas State Fair might be the beer barn which is right next to the Cotton Bowl over here in the Cotton Bowl of promenade section oh yeah it's real cheap it's uh six bucks get you a big glass and it's nice beer to like I'm drinking this idle time beer that I've never heard of before and it's a I got a passion fruit pineapple and it's good three bucks for a beer like this that's what's up they have a large selection - they do have one candy apple beer that's 12 coupons but then there's a nice selection of craft beer for three bucks like that's that's what's up with the really good cheap beers free bucks a beer they have another location right here next to one of the air maxes a tornado and evolution not too far from the Sky Tower I am NOT going to order like mixed drinks at a especially but I have to give this one a pass as they are fairly at this stand here at 9 F sorry hard butter beer for 12 coupons aka six dollars which barely is some sort of flutter beer with drum and like I've been a universal engine puzzler for years and years and years I was at the opening biggest Diagon Alley and I just assumed that Molly my very best friend and wonderful girlfriend would be mad if I did not order a heart butter beer for sure colors so I'm gonna give this a whirl right now here at Stifler Street you know what it tastes like if you poured a crappy room into a butter very universals I think it's pretty accurate and six bucks I can't complain so I look ears I also love hard cider so I had to try this bishop CrackBerry drink cranberries blackberries and apples and crack 14 coupons oh it's not a cheap drink but I let me give you a taste test oh that's good I like hard ciders too especially when you get something that's done an apple hard cider hey now this is good every night at the Texas State Fair the best way to end your day is by going to see the big nighttime show and that here the Fair has the incredibly original never ever been used before name for a fireworks or nighttime show of illuminations now this show actually it's a lot of fun it includes a dancers and some glowing costumes fireworks along with dancing fountains and a fun soundtrack it's probably the best way to finish up your day at the Texas State Fair inside one of these two heavy federal letters use an aquarium this is not an animal you see often a Patagonian heavy very cool looking guy they've got a couple of African crested porcupines which are really cute when you see their little faces there's his little face oh my gosh look at the ZBT pot-bellied pigs they're so tiny Mika's doing compared to this man oh and they're very fast they're so tiny but doesn't you know wouldn't be a fair in Texas that cows right cinema here's a new gal a native to Asia and there's some little ones here too [Music] who got screwed look at their feet color in there Peter really cool anabolic Alice this Scottish Highland is by far my favorite they're the fuzzy ones over here you've got a beeper right next to a little donkey pretty I'm sorry you're trapped in this pitting zoo I feel bad sir come here you have a couple of very small one humdrum very chemist and you could pay by feed for like a dollar definitely be worth it feed the camels and some of the other animals to cool it is about the miniature Zeb use again native to Asia and these are really really cool animals and you get to get right up next room here is the biggest pig I've ever seen in my life next do a couple of very tiny baby pigs they're all sleeping so peacefully good - a giant pig got a beautiful smaller sized bison here oh he's so good-looking I'm not normally side with the PETA people with a bison should not be in a pen that's like ten feet by ten feet that's that's not right sorry pal in the evil bird section of the hub petting zoo area you've got some big giant ostriches and then right next to them is our smaller cousin the EMU ostriches are more dangerous as you can walk right up for you couple of Sicilian dunking over here including a little baby guy look how cutely this arena here has a couple different shows earlier in the day is racing pigs with those guys over there and then later in the day it is stunt dogs so that's cool so this is really the birthing barn just pop down the I mean everyone and see him up I really need come over here you see the ones that are a little bit older and way cuter we'll say the birthing barn exhibit is pretty cool like this guy has been born less than 12 hours as somebody that is not a poor boy like this is amazing piglets there are and tired my friends I have been to my fair share of theme parks and tourist attractions and this might be the most bizarre photo op I have ever seen at any of them get to post a pork chop or a piece of bacon and this is right outside the State Fair swine barn like I guess growing up in New York is the culture I never quite understood fun fact about me things I'm not a fan of snakes something I will not be doing at the Texas State Fair this the guys for me I'm a dog because he set us an affair like I travel fur in the arm every weekend I can't have dog and I'll have like a pin heart don't play with all the dogs and a couple more pray over me like this he'd be adorable I'd love to have him this guy he looked right at the camera now he's down looking the camera but he's biting his tail ding admitted yep I think like that like oh I receive our oats I can't have a dog because I'm traveling a little move every two weeks oh man well that's the saddest part of the pair there's the ferris wheel they have quite the Barker here that's right the Barker here I know everything look if he has the person I want to be afraid of the person standing next to you instead of that's not the best battery this greenhouse pivoted here all the innovations in agriculture to turn your plants and stuff like that might be a spot for you for what I love these jack-o'-lantern pumpkin carvings they have [Music] insanely skilled and and these things are mastered as well that it's so cool the snails and a couple more over here not quite sure which one's my favorite it's gonna be this guy here with a hat but it's up for Jess to ride it's for like a demonstrations of people that really know what they're doing I suppose the most time when you go to the water park is just like fools like me calling poorly and losing my bathing suit but these guys are good I mean that's pretty unique so like most state fairs I've been doing the State Fair of Texas has like designated gift shops in a really really strong merge game I'm gonna show you a bunch of your things first of all I love this they've got a like a figurine a Big Tex you could buy for $25 for a bobblehead a book all about the fair a very fancy ornament over there so you got also today it's a really really strong merch game I do love this if you're like I drew the Internet's about to have a baby it's a hell of a bib and then they like they're their most famous vendors the Fletcher's corny hogs when you put that on the t-shirt things like that they're they're merch game here at this fair very very strong lots of really nice t-shirts like that one with Big Tex on it with his like sort of a engineering specs very very neat this guy is sold all over the fair it's $10 but the refills are only six coupons if you want that that's a pretty neat souvenir as well corndog mug stuff like that like the merge game at this fair is a fantastic so one thing I love here just sticks of State Fair is that a bunch of the booths have this which we have you play the game you can win a plushy Big Tex of varying sizes depending on which game you play I think that's wonderful now the Fair Park Texas State Fair area spoke to a couple attractions pet believe our home open year-round like the Texas discovery garden here in the butterfly house and bugs not too much to go in not sure if I'll go in today but this is a $5 some of the different things to see over there another one of the year-round things here I believe they're year-round it's the children's program at Fair Park sharks stingrays feed stingrays that kind of thing not too much again it's only six dollars during the State Fair here we show the stage bears don't go a couple of big billions like this which feature different shopping things this one is just random stuff to go buy kitchen products timeshares whole whole bunch of hot tubs beds cowboy hats also stuff interesting definitely every booth is pretty different than the next one so that's quite the thing check this out we love to display it so forth could be our gain me to play one of these blue sensor I'm at the cost but an interesting setup I will say some of the architecture here at the State Fair is really really awesome so the exhibits might be okay but the architecture here is amazing it is hard to even talk to you so far away come up here on a bale of hay so I can talk to you there you go I can barely see you back here come on up you're closer it's okay out of this camp here in this tree so they got a lake here with a whole bunch of pedal boats on it swan boats if you would but then I know which one I am I good podcast co-host my one of my best friends in the world drew the interim would decide he clearly think the mallard duck his favorite favorite animal in the world as opposed to any of these swans but cool that they have pedal boats check this out it's in sort of a rush right furniture firm is sitting like one of these big massaging chairs and watch is the bouts go by hats that's wild let's hit that up later so every night around seven o'clock or so there's a parade [Music] there's a horse representing a bakery and a corn dog mastered the temperatures hitting coaches [Music] also in the parade is this man guy in the Dallas float I guess not sure what's going on here but you my favorite booth so far I'm not really trust way on there here's the wind power float okay whenever honey Pizza flow [Applause] having nerve ended that takes a State Fair before there's a lot of things that I would not expect like there's a giant Auto Show I mean this thing is massive they're like cars and car pavilions from a whole bunch of different manufacturers and things like that I did not know this was gonna be here tons of it you're gonna fold air gate down this model building is massive I have no interest in buying a car but it is super air conditioning here so that really helps so for driving simulator 360 movement and access to motion pretty snazzy wood let's see what an amazing name [Music] there's a second hall filled with cars goodbye including the one you would buy if you were Kenny get ready set go go man go man I have one better than Cedar Point right guys guys that'll do it from the State Fair of Texas trying to zoom in on a big Texas belt buckle right there I loved it here this is uh I've not been to many state fairs so I'm not like a an expert or anything but uh this State Fair I feel like it's an event like this is way better than the Florida State Fair food is amazing they have tons and tons of drinks if you don't have the Florida one I would say the Midway was about the same like the specialty rides that were built for here on Texas one port were better than what we get in Florida but if you had the chance to get here it is it's a good time enjoy it I spent a lot of bring your wallet though like today I probably spent about a hundred dollars between admission parking food and beverage rides and stuff like that so definitely bring your money but it's a good time so come over here to the State Fair of Texas
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 275,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018, State Fair of Texas, Texas State Fair, state fair, texas, dallas, TX, state, fair, rides, wild, crazy, insane, wild fair rides, crazy fair rides, food, carnival, animals, exhbits, parade, big tex, scary park, beer, shows, tips, advice, tour, review, vlog, fried food, roller coaster, ferris wheel, rides 2018, food 2018, haunted house, slingshot, sling shot, skyscraper, sky scraper, flipper, air maxx, magnum, fun house, equniox, evolution, carousel, fletchers, games, cars, shopping, lottery, car show
Id: YKn4ZkWh5S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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