The Legend Goes To Central Florida Fair

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oh my god that was so much fun what's up everybody it's your boy the legend here and I meant the Central Florida fair Molly's with me as well hi we're going to show you all the good stuff love a cheesy fare and let's go on check this one out Zoe bear without a petting zoo yeah goat out packets and this guy this guy is just adorable this cow town and there's a zebra and there's a zebra molly was very excited she got the pedasi bro it's a little zebra it's a very loose a zero kind of cool and then they've got some adorable animals over here I have cute guy coatimundi is he's tiny funny little nose you're so cute you've got lemurs lemurs are awesome time around ruining your stuff somebody I wouldn't expect to see one of these it was servo we just sort of chilling really cool animals that's more stuff over here like this camel yeah that's the parasol from a circus of course no this fair is complete without some food and we've got a winner right here this is a bacon-wrapped cajun chicken on a stick pretty good size comes with a biscuit on top big cup of barbecue sauce a big ol heart attack waiting to happen right here I get work this is awesome it's just what you think it is you take giant chicken tender wrapped in bacon and then deep-fried I don't feel well at this point Molly's decided she no longer wants to live anymore and decided to die by calories and she went with the bacon cheeseburger on a donut donut donuts plural there's two donuts there good luck mulling thing take a bite let's see how this is don't uh queue on your nose do you feel your heart clogging as we speak no one way through though all right we got plenty of rides here - we'll get to that in a little bit but right now my focus is on the bacon cheese going up I've never really got it some livestock the balloon and I just don't get it there's like sheep everywhere baby sheep it's kind of weird I guess I'm you know not the redneck they're looking forward this crowd I just don't get it with your thoughts of sheep everywhere never more terribly delicious horrible for your fair food we got it right here is frozen cheesecake dipped in chocolate and then of course a staple of any fair the deep-fried Oreos give it try Molly I'm really good and those are probably too hard they'll burn your mouth are you gonna try it anyway no it's really hot the dough's good all right some more fair food course so even please could have a great great model with a whole bunch of different rides that they have on the mid layer and in the Midway in years past and it's really really cool I'm going to take you through the ride to the fair in a little bit I just want to show this off as it is something I find to be really pretty neat somebody must have taken a lot of work to do all this let's meet them very very cool kudos whoever spent months of their life and now cakes look at this one kind of exhibit here with different end of cakes on display this giant thing I guess people competed in try won medals and things like that you've got some really really neat ones we're going to show you around some of my personal favorites this guy over here is snowman shaped cake now how he will do those are just incredible it's really cool god I love this one it's a Flintstones themed like house cake very very cool and if you know me you know one of my favorite animals in the world are penguins and look at this adorable penguin cake the only thing when there that's called his face this one is hanging off the first penguin leg there's a penguin up top very very cool this is some really neat stuff got an awesome awesome ship cake over there something very fancy looking professional cakes regal I'm going to go around the table here to show you what will clearly get the legends vote for the best cake in all these cake competitions and that would of course be New York Yankees jersey table okay one last thing here it's a DJ chili cook-off for all these people are having a contest to see who has the best chili and you get to say what you have to offer and pick your memory really long winter ones 200 bucks oh and I get free chili so I hope right win-win all right it's finally time for the rides here we're stirring the outing Kitty legs that's a really neat flat run six kids up in the air oh you hella Cochran thankful people whoever fits around about twenty thirty var something that's kind of a neat idea mini Himalaya over here I want to wait till the night time to do this to get the really cool you know the LED light packages and all that kind of thing just going to take one big walk down you know the the rides row here the Central Florida fair of course for your credit horse there's a dragon wagon there's also a wacky worm so you would get double the credits anyway chose not to do the rides this year it was about a twenty five dollars for our wristband it's like yeah you know I'm gonna spend that money on food that is completely and utterly terrible for me so skip the rides this year after they've had better ride selection some years have universe but up there is there is some cool some cool stuff yeah this ride is a video the most sickening Rockets I have ever been on ever in a trick flip I've seen it with a gambling theme where it is uh I mean it is the most sickening ride I've ever been on I'm going to sit here for a minute and just watch this thing go because it is it is that disgusting your little cage moved around like that yeah this is it's one of the most sickening rides ever it's really just gross I can't do that I could do a lot of them that one I can't do you know a theme-park favorite over there you've got the scrambler Hey cliffhanger when a kite flyer style ride the big old ring a fire one of the tallest rides and all the in all the fair if you can't hear me that's of course because I'm an affair and every ride has to blur some sort of music at me at high volume to my right we have a ride called twister let me tell you something folks a ride called sister without Phil Paxton is not really a ride about twister now is it you know if they had Paxton in their ride maybe they would have gotten my five bucks to go on but lying cow twister alley the tanker truck but no Paxton ridiculous to be ashamed of yourself in Florida fair bumper cars of course moving along over here this is one of my favorite rods on the Midway the big a frisbee kind of thing love that ride and as also I mean nighttime as the fairs always great you got these LED light packages that really make everything with just awesome in the evening over there on the other side you got the zipper hanging out also another one of my personal favorite rides so much fun very similar to them all they have at a Hershey Park the fall got off your normal pirates swinging ship over there on the left really get up there now so much fun now for those of you playing along at home good news Molly didn't die and her favorite ride is all of the fair is the Gravitron isn't it Molly I love it so much it just definitely does not make me get sick no there's no way I've taken around that in years past and gotten in trouble for it not at all is that ever happened and then you got another very very large ride here a rainbow ride and I remember this because I used to go to Lake George every year on vacation when I was growing up they had one right in the front of Great Escape a great ride and really fun side a really really fun ride and I think Molly you look at the most expensive ride in the whole place six tickets which a it's pretty crazy I mean it's good ride very very tall for carnival ride looks good you get the weird creepy Sun face right there all right if you're a man wearing a tie or a lady wearing a pantsuit feathers over there for you kind of up in the air kind of scrambler type right over there similar to a sandstorm I think a little kind of the same idea of sandstorm that used to be over at the old Busch Gardens Tampa got a very large music express pile of crap I'm going to walk into some people and that's not good all right and now I you can't have a fair without a fair few there's a couple of years past got an enterprise over here kinda cool the pictures or Star Trek but you should are correct there's kind of neat very very cool get a cool light package on the first they have a flume ride to believe that those chilly yesterday I don't think anything on the food run yeah this ride is one of the coolest looking rides in the fair I have no idea what kind of a model of ride this is it's something I really never seen that much when our last year he made a terrible banging noise and I thought I was going to die I just saw like up this town going out I'm going out to look right at the Central Florida fair they are the top of the drop tower ride which is the tallest ride in the entire fair they're getting ready to go now I'll do a lot of things I have no fear going on something like Falcon's fury at Busch Gardens Tampa when that opens in May May first but uh I don't know if I would do that and trusting my life to the carnies at uh you know 100 feet in the air just a little too much over here you have extreme ice cream oh yeah I'm nothing to say about that scream got a magic maze call the crazy cat for standard kind of galaxy models I'm a pretty good roller coaster fare specific or fair hope you've enjoyed I've had a fun time showing you up and we'll see it occur
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 312,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Central Florida Fair (Building), central florida fair, 2014, sea lion splash, no joe's circus, petting zoo, harvell's, bacon wrapped chicken, on a stick, frozen cheesecake dipped in chocolate, fried oreos, racing pigs, cake, competition, chilli cookoff, rides, fair rides, new fair rides, crazy fair rides, wild fair rides, wacky fair rides, scary fair rides
Id: ygIbsgO1rMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 06 2014
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