Knoebels Tour & Review with The Legend

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hey what's up everybody good morning and we're coming at you from Knoebels today here the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania legend Molly's here and can't wait to show you around and show you all the rides of roller coasters the food the games all the fun stuff there is to do here at Knoebels and I mean part of the adventure of Canova's is getting to Knoebels Google took it sound like a one-lane road on the hills and mountains of forest of Pennsylvania oh my yes it's an adventure getting here but I'm excited so let's kick off the tour of Knoebels by starting off with a parks newest rollercoaster this year is impulse built by a year a couple of years ago not many rides like this in the u.s. built by those guys Eurofighter style ride pretty fun great first drop in this big barrel roll here that barrel Cobra roll and it's a fun ride smooth I love that it's flat bar only awesome vertical loop right here yeah that lap bar only with the vertical lip and then the this is my that's on my partner coming up after this turn is my favorite part of the ride where you get this big slow inversion and then you go down into an upward helix and that's my favorite part of the ride now Molly you had something you found really really interesting on on impulse here there's booster seats yes if you're there's like a high stick a double height stick so they they measure your child and if the kids are tall enough for height stick one but not height stick two they they put these big booster seats onto the coaster what is to give the kid a sticker yeah they know that they need a booster seat yeah like that's crazy to me I mean it's it makes it you know not something I was expecting to see right family-friendly absolutely now when do you think it's noble to ride that probably comes to mind is the famous Phoenix roller coaster old-time roller coaster they moved it here it was early but I think the 40s moved here and I sometime in the 80s I think this might not be the right date so please don't be kind to me comments section but up being some fun ride great airtime roller coaster i we just wrote in the famous Row three which is known first to be like the best airtime on the ride and it looked up to the hype really fun ride quite enjoyed it we wrote it towards the back and then we wrote in Row three was definitely way way better that second visit of Row three I am NOT the super Phoenix fanboy like there's some people out there that I'll have this isn't one of their top ten wooden roller coasters I am definitely not in that camp but it's one of my favorite rides if not my favorite ride in the park so my most anticipated ride of this entire Pennsylvania trip was this guy right here this is flying turns and you can't really get a good shot of it but it is the wooden bobsled coaster that they were working on for like six to seven years and it was fun it's a you know it's so incredibly unique and it's not particularly wild there's like one or two turns when you're like oh whoa but it's really kind of like you're riding a giant piece of furniture and a piece of rollercoaster history that they brought back to life here at Canova's can't get a particularly good shot of it anywhere but uh it's it's your and just free rolling down these big giant barrel like turns and I really enjoy it it's weird though like they make sure they weigh you beforehand to make sure you could ride and then you got a ride in a certain order based on weight so it's definitely a very different kind of thing but uh you know I liked it it was so unique and uh I'm happy they finally got it working it for all these years and give it a thumbs up for me and here comes a dog you bring dogs to Knoebels and you see them everywhere and it makes me smile every single time this large building here is home to the Black Diamond an indoor roller coaster and dark ride theme - uh I got haunted coal mine I love this ride it's so much fun it's really long I feel like you're in there for three minutes at least more of a dark ride than a roller coaster but just some some weird stuff in there like a dinosaur a spinning tunnel a coal miners smoking a cigar just some bizarre stuff now this is one of your favorite rides in the park Emily I think it might be my favorite because it's so unique it's so different very very different I believe this arrived they moved from my sink to Jersey Shore like that the hardware and they even a whole new fresh theme here but uh you're come to the park do not miss the Black Diamond and I believe for a while the Black Diamond was not included with response it is now included with wristbands so I'd make sure you check this out good shot on what the cars look like on Black Diamond is growing so I got one two three four row cars it's really really this is the second of the two major roller coasters here at the park this one the second major wooden traditional wooden roller coaster it's the twister and first of all I love the sign for the twister like that is a great great roller coaster entrance kind of sign on the rides really weird it's got to lift hills and it's LNA it's rough I would say it's a bit jittery this real big helix I turn that it runs through twice but over I really like the ride he's gonna come through the turn again right here Molly are you a team twister or tuam Phoenix Phoenix me to get beatings better beatings more of an airtime rollercoaster two more my thing but this is uh it's a really fun ride too and also that layout it's so unique it's got a fun tone it's really cold in the tunnels kind of weird parks home disclosure it up a big old shoot to shoot ride and this boat it's gonna come down we got big giant splash don't worry about in the loop the camera there and not these are not me rides you know I don't like getting soaked I do like that they have this giant Viking statue here right by these and I was like the look of the ride like the I don't even know what you call that rock wall kind of thing I think it fits in with the river another absolute classic here at the elbows the Flyers and these that they have a reputation for being the best fliers and I really think they are I'm not great at doing the Flyers but I get these things moving pretty well I do you see a lot of other people do too and it's just wild I also love that this thing appears to be powered by a legitimate like tractor motor but man these are pretty wild I I definitely dig it because if you get them moving [Music] the former guard when they crash they're rougher than most right here man yes big-big home with you it might be hurt by Beauregard the whisper if they've got one of these Flying Tigers so it's right so there's an adult bit frightning for the kitty whip which i think is a really cool placement thing welcome foolish mortals to the haunted mention I am your host the legend who's I'm gonna talk about the right rights great this is a classic classic dark ride a million gags in there the rides in really good shape and you tell there's some like kind of projection effectively buzz had it recently they must continually upgraded and even that like I jumped a couple of times this it's extremely dark in there I'm not sure we really get the story of the ride you're in a a haunted house for most of it and then for the last 20% for no reason you're in the jungle one thing about this that's a bit of a bummer it does is not included with your wristband so if you do want to ride the haunted house the Haunted Mansion here it is two dollars and fifty cents per person so just be prepared for that if you're going with tickets here Knoebels then it's just gonna be a ride like anything else but I love this I'm a big fan of dark rides so this is you know one of their best it's might be my favorite ride in the park just cuz I love the dark rides so much Molly what are your thoughts on the Haunted Mansion here it was definitely unique I don't know if I understand it because there's a ghost in wishes and monsters definitely unique and you should probably go do it yeah here's the personal log flume attention no surprise to a park like this would have a log flume and to Dropbox but not the biggest log flume doesn't really do anything to particularly interesting good to have some water rats here cause it's pretty warm in Pennsylvania today moves out of the station over there goes up drop one goes around the back goes through the woods a little bit which looks nice down the big truck first class gotta love the carousel here at the nobles because when you go around you can try and grab the brass ring currently we're on this chairlift here at Knoebels and uh like a lot of things that can almost it's kind of weird um it's essentially a cheer lift to know where it takes you up a mountain Nexus to the park and now that that's kind of all it does you don't get off you just turn around at the top I do get a really cool view of the park in general though see the impulse roller coaster over there really nice view of Twister all the numerous flat rides the giant pool and water slides we're not going in there over there but they do about giant pools and water slide complex here to Nobles not a lot of water sights like a couple of those old-time you lookin motor slides right there and that giant pool so it's a like ever a lot of things here it's kind of old-fashioned okay great view of the mountains is something surrounding area though I'm assuming this is probably by the sky rides here the ride up is not it's really not a very interesting so if we see like bears or something but there's known just just some corn here's a view from the top of the chair look you are really really high up so we just got off of the cosmo tron which is advertised as a sound and sight experience essentially it's an indoor himalaya ride but then they have effects in there so there's lights there's lasers there's a disco ball and haze machines but what made the ride out of all the songs the guy put on The Fresh Prince of bel-air theme song it was amazing like a full one that nobody knows most of the verses - like the ride started going the music cut ahead just started laughing like that was so much fun and they have different songs they play I guess but that being one of them like oh that's awesome that that's a blast big thumbs up I think that was the most I've seen you smile Sifu cave the kid oh boy okay great so just got off this thing called downdraft it was a terrible mistake because it spins a lot more than I thought it would I don't throw you up in the air like that might be some fun air time didn't really get that feeling but uh just spun around so quickly that I almost vomited up my pierogies probably I don't think enjoyed it either giant she has fun with how much fun fun I had oh and then at the end it goes into death spin mode here so if you're not already really sick now you're going to get really sick thumbs down for down grab so it would be double stomping some fascination if you haven't played before attending like bingo except you roll the ball now and then depending on which row you get it's a very interesting selection stuff sure the Sun here for the thousand one not which is not a good ride the restraints are so tight it feels like the whole time you're riding it you got a brick in your stomach uh all I really wanted to ride it because just that weird YouTube video the person that's at the pub with it if you haven't seen this board makes the rounds on Facebook all the time or YouTube it's it's bizarre so that's why I wanted to ride that I gotta say don't don't quite agree with that person's emotions Molly alright would you be in love with the ride no no it's done nothing good ride this sickening looking ride is the super roundup you fly rod because you stand up all it's going it's also of one of the larger models of let's do like I think they have a lot of smaller ones that hit fairs but this being it the super version and so it's pretty big it's some more stuff that's unique here it was a way a bald eagle sanctuary for bald eagles who can no longer fly and they have two of them they tell you all about the two Eagles here and how they and why they're in the habitat because then able to camp fly and exist in the wild anymore and it's just interesting oh there's more weird canola stuff like right next to this is a house of some type I don't know if these are rental things through the campground in this building that's that's not actually in the park what is that I just had kills is kind of a strange place like cars and stuff and I'd never been on a miniature train before so they're just kind of neat for me by the seats are tiny rivers in the park really cool table seems like Walt Disney within the miniature train so I've never been on one and I think those stuff like this crazy-looking slide here Oh and just great I didn't even know there was a ball pit we've already been around the heart twice another temple pumping pumps like it Knott's Berry Farm has some really unique stuff here I love the Canopus come on like a museum about theme parks with prides a good prize it's a very unique place and miniature train is definitely part of that and again a lot of things are just why so your miniature train is now going to go over the motor boat cruise area in almost a classic pirate-ship style ride it's good actually it's kind of up raised a little bit so it looks bigger than it is nope definitely not for me unfortunate 21 yet [Applause] more wonderful and you know what makes me even better it goes backwards [Applause] there are not too many rides of the theme park that I actively dislike the power surge here is one of the very few I just I feel like you're upside down the whole time and this is this it's very much this is not a me ride nope no well at least favorite rides out there that research I know spreads the DES classic arc like noblest tunku a classic scrambler attraction looks like one of the older ones from the look at the inside there feels like an older experiment also probably looks pretty cool at night with these uh old-timey lights on it come on the corner buy at the Phoenix roller coaster there couple of black rides here there's a wipeout there's a big spinning pendulum ride called Fandango no one in larger models of it here's over-the-top the ride they've built hidden I believe 2017 and they have not been able to really get it to work it was not running today it hasn't run much of anything since they hope this ride so do not expect this guy to be working on your visit either but it is right next to the antique cars which I look like a good time takes you out on a nice long journey over through the Phoenix roller coaster and things like that well one thing I've always wanted to try is that they do that like a scary version of their antique cars during their Halloween celebration with scare actors and theming and stuff like that it sounds pretty neat so this is a really fascinating ride it's it's a motor boats there's no track you can drive this boat wherever you want this little like trough thing gasoline powered mini boat there's some really low breach effects like right here they're also not the easiest of things to drive but it's such a unique attraction this and I guess it goes right underneath their kids coaster ever very cute it book driving here we go now I got it the stratosphere is the parks a drop tower now a good hundred foot it would give you a really nice view of the park and it's one of those drop towers where you don't know when you're gonna drop because you can't see the top of the the the tower and then when you get to the top it just releases you right away so it's a little bit freakier than some of them roto Jets over here your pluses dumb low style ride and a favorite of our own through the intern the paratrooper because they move this turntable Knoebels has some weird stuff to like here we're currently in a carousel museum with a whole bunch of different carousel horses and then we're tearing some animals it tells you like hello gorillas I like this Tiger here by the Herschel company and a racial thing to me in 1818 if you're a theme park history buff it's kind of a really neat area so not only is Knoebels amazing because it allows dogs but once a year they do doggy dive in the big pool here like that would have to be the cutest day ever but it can also smell wet dog is not a not a happy scent noble son really miniature golf course so if you want to take a break and play some mini golf in the middle of day if it looks like 450 or so no hand steps are included no tickets are included and then right next to this I was finding this interesting there's a sign here this part hence the flood just about every year and this is the different flood levels under 72 at the high level so then you look like 2018 when it's right there so uh my and you post it to the side so people know how tall it is see so 2018 it but he was at midriff level if this was 19 it's with 2011 or 1972 she'd be drowning but I you can see there's the flood level and the river is like right over there look at how cute the building is for the fudge kitchen and I like this too some of they have signs around Knoebels to show you how old some of the buildings are like this Stoney Depot's building built in 1933 and I mean it's just adorable and I have to go in because Molly said it smells amazing in there let me open the door and it does you open the door and you're hit with a big taste of Worcester deliciousness and of course the chocolates would look amazing so here's the old Millard get some ice cream in fact I love to get it over a little bridge to get there but what I really like is just water real we've sent in all these different contraptions and levers and stuff like that which then ends up spinning this entire route structure that people dine underneath eat so that you got more classic theme park stuff here in a water fountain inside of this giant lions head see Molly's gonna eat by the line now love it this comer in the park has some local artisans selling their crafts so you got a woodworking over here and then over here you've got a blacksmith over by the hunk mention is laser command which is a way to play laser tag apart there's a laser maze in there as well more fun midway games here this is tic-tac-toe it's 50 cents and you roll the ball and you try to get three in a row let's assume all these skills all right she's got one number two all right she has no chance to win but at school I love the new a game spirit they're so inexpensive and they're fun to play like this is very different more Knoebels weirdness like this giant toy soldier guy who guards the bridge going to the other section of the park here I think this is an incredibly adorable sign that there swing ride is not in action today not even then I wouldn't gone on the swings anyway but the signs just adorable I mean that's just adorable please feed me paper you curious what the most terrifying photo op is it Knoebels got to be this right but he has a dog wearing top hat I mean he's cute within it you know Ronald McDonald over there with abnormally large hands freaky if you're a press petite man they have 37 different press pennies it could almost and this sheet here shows you where every single one of them is general store impulse and shaft mine museum shell a treasure chest so neat for Greinke Nova's charm right here love the French fries sign with Cosmo on top drop its salt on them the parts are really really nice Christmas story that that was like a box write letters to saber and that kind of thing what I love they have up like their own collection of ornaments and it really nice take a look at some of these guys swore off Halloween one look for the Phoenix impulse flying turn here which i think is my favorite yes there's the classic carousel twister and then just house nor carousel or cannolis kind of one for the Haunted Mansion which is cool just like the sign from out front but I'm not twenty up down and then something I really like not Nestle I would use they have a remodel trains they have two nobles boxcars and stuff like that so if your big model train forces that's so much more unique stuff here this building is home to a mining museum and also a Knoebels History Museum and again an interesting place Canova all about mining mine rescues and of course for some reason dinosaurs so this qualifies does something I did that no good almost ever had the country bear a Jubilee which the Bears sang songs just like at Disney World in it jeez yes now Molly I'm guessing you're pretty sad it's no longer here so the cool stuff in here they go in old ferris wheel and one of the over-the-top cages and then just watching pictures and stuff like that all about the history of the park so if you're a fan of roller-coaster t-shirts Knoebels has you covered they've got an insane selection like most of these shirts this is the shop nearest of Enochs most of these shirts are all for the Phoenix roller coaster so if you wanna buy a video roller coaster foot there's no way you would have a reason not to buy one as there's about a million they do have a couple for flat rides and like they're going for the over-the-top ride that they just open in the analytic quite works but I holy cow they have so many shirts so Knoebels is famous for their fun food we're starting off our fun food section of the video here at backyard BBQ a couple of fun things I was thinking pork chop on a stick but I couldn't pass up the bacon on a stick so three bucks did you pick it on a stick a sizable piece of large eat bacon how does it taste Mon jeezum baby he's a bigot three bucks not bad we got a soda - soda for 275 and I just love the weirdness of Knoebels that there's a photo-op here - remember your trip to the backyard barbecue yeah corn with one tooth they pad of butter on his head holding up the world wonder what the creative process was well they built this thing so if you want to sell me something at a theme park just have a cool-looking penguin pointing the way and that's what happened here at the cookie Nook which is uh like kind of their baked goods thing and it looked so tasty various cupcakes I almost went for the mini cannolis without the day look there's also an awesome rice krispie treats and of course a whole bunch of cookies from ship opieop raisin snickerdoodle rainbow I'd shining sea Foothill I messed up all right - over the deceit result of the chip looks good taste very soft of the amazing wireframe but very very soft go penguins never leave me wrong up next on the food tour it's Mama's homemade pierogies 684 575 this is located over here by the PowerSearch I don't really think this building has a name maybe it's the Oasis but we're getting from you they do not skimp on their portions here at Knoebels this is what that 555 got a giant bowl of pierogies how they they look really good it's to give them a taste test to the you pick these up or they gonna fall apart I think you can give up Oh huh well they're really good we told in there they feel the hits very fresh really good so I love that the park has a lemonade booth that is straight out of roller coaster tycoon that's wonderful we're now hanging out over by the Phoenix for the next stop on the food tour and it's a Tiger Tail this was two dollars and fifty cents it is a hot pretzel stick put it in cinnamon sugar and then striped it with caramel and hotfoot chocolate so something like that but I guess we cut this probably right it looks wonderful there's only a $2.50 so not very expensive we're just normally would think it'd be like a churro but for it to be a pretzels kind of here and she's going for more that probably means it's very good it is very good it immediately melts in your mouth super-good nobody expected really good check it out our next snack we got a Dole Whip sampler five bucks it's adorable it comes in its own little boat and it's pineapple mango lime and strawberry awesome alright Molly we're stuck on the top of the ferris wheel time to end up the video our day Knoebels I loved it here this is my third visit to Knoebels and this is the first time I really spent a full day here first time I bought the wristband and been here for more than like two or three hours the other time it was just like hit the credits in the classics and get out so I really enjoyed that I got that you know stay here and relax and ride some things I wonder if ride price wise for the wristbands it is a little expensive they're $44 if you want to come in and just do a couple of rides that might be the way to go to save some money it really depends on how long you want to spend here but I did enjoy going and doing a different trip here this time where I went on a whole bunch of rides that I would not have rode if it was like a ticket thing you know I love the things I've never been on before my life I've never been on a roller plane I've never been on a miniature train and I loved the time here at the noble situated nicely in the mountains as you can see the new rise I really like impulse nice smooth ride but uh flying turns with the winner for me just cuz that ride is so unique and then the whole park it's just I'm a Knoebels guy so I'm a fan it's such a unique place so many rides that are here that you would not find somewhere else so I get a big thumbs up Molly not the big amusement park person what are your thoughts on Knoebels here it was way bigger than I thought it would be I I mean like the only time you took me here we said maybe to our races and all I remembered was yeah I mean they do have a ton of rides on a dancer I think there's like 64 rides in this park or something absurd like that snacks are amazing and the prices on the food is really good very cheap oh yeah like we're kind of dog people and we don't have a dog but we're dog people so the fat like every time I would walk by a dog I start smiling because it's just neat to see a dog in the music park yeah I also like I love their dark ride stuff like the Haunted Mansion and the Black Diamond those are you know they're classic styled dark ride all kind of things and that's a lot of fun so if you're anywhere near the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania that Knoebels is situated in I would definitely make my make an attempt to come here if you have all day get a wristband if you don't have all day come here and buy some tickets really kind of look at the prices and see what's best for you but I cannot recommend this place highly enough I I just think it's it's so unique it's we travel a lot for theme parks and we thank you for that because without watching these YouTube videos we would not be able to travel as much as we do and couldn't thank you guys enough come to Knoebels skip downdraft very very unique ride yeah yeah the ride lineup is there's so much stuff you just don't find elsewhere you're curious what that cheer looks looks like we were on earlier all the way up there and back and I really I'm excited for the future of Knoebels see what they do you never know what they do they could do something like impulse or they could go and do something classic like flying turns you really it's a very unpredictable Park it's also one thing that was weird they'll loaf here they don't serve any like bread or anything like that I would think it would be like a sandwich location no it's the cookie check and frozen yogurt bomb oh they're delicious yeah whoo geo favorite snack WI I'm thinking that bowl of pierogies and the raspberry Joel whip was really good to you yeah and overall great day real nice place so if you get the chance to come to the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania hit up Knoebels have any question about Knoebels let me know in the comment section below they get so much for watching we will see you all next time
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 43,654
Rating: 4.8612719 out of 5
Keywords: knoebels, knoebel's, roller coasters, coasters, rides, food, best food, things to do, 2018, tour, review, vlog, tips, guide, advice, haunted house, flood, impulse, water rides, phoenix, twister, flying turns, flat rides, skloosh, carousel, brass ring, boats, black diamond, bumper cars, flyers, amusement park, PA, pennsylvania, fascination, cosmotron, haunted mansion, train, whip, log flume, skyride, downdraft, 1001 nacht, eagles, museum, super round-up, kids rides, galleon, power surge, over the top
Id: 0muKeCMKMJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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