Wild Fair Rides & Wacky Food at the Florida Strawberry Festival

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it's the legend in Mali and we're here at the Florida Strawberry Festival which meant I ever been to this fair and it is awesome they've got tons of wild rides over to go and try and show you a whole bunch and it got starting off here with your typical galaxy Wildcat kind of thing which is a really really great ride for a fair man I've been impressed with lots of great food some interesting sights we're going to show you around all of it but of course we're going to start with a wild and crazy ride scrambler kind of things just like sanskara but garden pretty crazy before class and this thing is really filled with you be so sick so there's very few times I go to a park or a fair and there's a ride I've never seen before but I have no idea what this thing is kind of looks like a breakdance but different really kind of sickening I can't wait to try out it's probably be the first rod I go on absolutely wild look at this thing go oh you can't slow down this fit and it's got that we're like mr. Pepsi chair in the middle let's see this thing any of my videos and you know I love this style of ride and this is a different model that I've seen before I want to say it might be a sham heat tomorrow but I'm not really sure but it's a smaller one I see TV hosts recycle and you get pretty high up there what crazy stuff on these things I got a bunch including a wacky word got to say it's at every carnival for the zipper amazing it isn't a carnival without a terrible carnival there guys you now here's something I don't normally see in a carnival they've got full 5a go bumper boat with a big ol bumper all the goon of course it wouldn't be affair without a giant Ferris wheel cute registry the monkey on that by God to Larson blooper so this I really really enjoyed they have an old-timey double ferris wheel Pisa theme park history I've never been almost before it was a lot more scary than you would think because we're to have like you're rotating down that way big arms going down that way you kind of get up going around there also not the most secure ride in the world but I loved it noise but historical ride a lot of fun I'm really glad they had one of those here and I got to try one over he was partly on a drop tower and was a pretty toy seven but the interesting thing here never seen where it's only half like the ring doesn't go all the way around when I've never seen like that probably freak me out if I was on one of those end seats and it get held up there it's a push to drop like rock right there Rises very different there but the power struggle this one looks very very sickening join really easy the music the free so the second controller conjured here is a crazy mouse which is spitting factors kinda neat but here I mean pretty to be a traveling fair ride and they're over here at a rifle the hurricane because it's another ride I've never seen before really there because they have so many wacky flattered eyes that I've never seen before this one definitely does look different now pumpkin which may not look like much but if you ride holy crap incredible affair I love it if I show this I'm like oh my gosh gotta do it I have great led package again look at this that's terrible you're outside down spinning around a circle that looks like the worst ride ever whose idea was that thing who would look at that and say like man that looks like a big bowl of flood no this is awful here we go and spinning upside down marble so this one is definitely up there for most adorable ride the wiggle worm there's a big long worm birds and it's just super cute ever see before you a fair fight at the Moonraker and it's uh it's wacky look hit another one with a great white package on it it's really weird it's like kind of like it very visually a feeling ride not really sure how fun it would be does the ride itself is a wonderful thing to watch do for the rights of their awesome right to arise for a lot of fun crazy crazy rides but now it's time for some high-quality fair food and we're here at the Amish big company prison since doughnuts gone it's really cool because they make all these doughnuts bread down the river priest there they'll dry it glaze them there come on this thing this guy's picking up all the dough fresh and then you get this awesome going right now we reach a varsity extreme it's a Strawberry Festival so we get the sweet part which is chocolate sauce whipped cream and strawberries on it all right Molly go for it you know come on sorry sorry that is a really good doughnut it looks pretty fantastic look I'm you can definitely tell it's homemade some of the carnival foods in gaol that we may but this is definitely stoked amazing no it's so good would not be a strawberry festival without some chocolate-covered strawberries so we got them here at the chocolate barn it got different things on the menu like you know frozen bananas we went straight from a truck over probate only one dollar and can't go wrong here right yeah that's good you can choose chocolate or white charm I won't with chocolate I think it's all over my face so sometimes at the fair you walk by a food booth and you're like man what the hell is that there happen to me here at the Brandon farms good because they've got strawberry pizza which is actually I get dessert style pizza with a butter crust Amundson having first of all it looks delicious we'll start taking this thing down I'm interested cautious but interested oh good it's very desert heat up the cream cheese kind of powers everything but it's really really good cutter in mindo in the barracks lasses we got some straight up with some congee for home come back with your choice of dipping sauce we got jalapeno ranch Molly go ahead and get you described you got a little cheese curds and they were made fresh right there in front of us we have to wait for them to get out of the fryer you get a whole bunch of too good amount of cheese curds in there for six bucks very very quite being very very nice annual trip yeah this might not go well I don't know here's a winner deep fried avocado I like avocados I like fried food I'm not sure if I'm going to like this why are you digging yes all right I love it's like fried guacamole really really good I'm shocked people haven't thought of this before very tasty we're now on to our final food item I mean we just couldn't resist we saw a giant inflatable Doughboy we're like man what we're gonna have to buy from them and then when we saw that they had deep-fried chocolate chip cookie oh yeah you know zon and here is what it looks like four balls of cookie dough and Molly loves cookie does Mike ever have the first fight here I bought a cookie dough and I you you ate the entire thing of cookie dough we you never actually made the cookies there we go hmm see what it looks like on the end oh it's got melted chocolate not really good that looks amazing and it's a good good snack to end up like a dessert kind of it's delicious all right I'm gonna put down this camera so I really don't know what this is fun for everyone horn playing big weird so we talked about through the internet one souvenir commenting check this guy and that's somethin else honestly there's not a quick games that are more memorizing than attacking machine it's like a lava lamp impressive here too in the kids area the Midway has a lot of rides for kids a very very large section nothing you know nothing too innovative here like in the other section but there's definitely a large collection of kids arrived definitely more family-friendly than your average fare yeah lots and lots of Raj to Lou look at that adorable elevator really neat idea over here you got a set up an exhibit set by the Nathans company with giant wieners everything but they've got it's like free play game for you can welcome there yes and you free free games so you get to go there and try to win a prize by playing skee-ball or Papa Chak and save got the yellow mustard pills this year 100 the hundred 100-year anniversary to meet this year's there is the people are burning crushed up their lambs in custody very very different man braces well folks they'll do it for our time here at the Strawberry Festival Molly what are your thoughts I think it is the best Florida fair that we have been to yeah we've been to the like yeah seola fair you've been to the the Central Florida fair and this I agree definitely debate my favorite tons of stuff to do we didn't see any shows that you know racing pigs and circus and magic medium and get to see all that they have seen they've got a giant concert arena data at reaction to the concert tonight so that's your thing that's an option it's just there was a giant fair me I'm the right guy so man those rides if you have rides in your fare especially multiple rods in your fare that I have not seen before you've got something going for you and you probably have really good fair because I did a huge Midway so I love that I mean I got to write out a top scan again haven't forgot one of those in years kind of rides rides I've never been on plenty that Molly did not enjoy I got sick or nauseous yep but okay what was your favorite food item might have been the cookie dough but after that it was doesn't don't it was yummy oh man that that Amish doughnut the fresh hot doughnut with the eye with a whipped cream and the fresh strawberries aw man and it was Amish like the Amish good cook yeah but all wrong it was the cookie dough yeah but it was awesome I had a blast here I mean we probably spent a good 40 bucks we were here on Tuesday when rides were only two bucks but uh you know good times something I do recommend I hope you enjoyed the video if you got any questions be sure to leave them in the comment section I'll try my best to get back to them subscribe we do videos from all over the country all sorts of stuff theme parks amusement park anything we think is cool so check that out hit us up on Facebook if you like what we do best place follow us on facebook.com slash in the loop podcast you want to follow me and my adventures follow me on Twitter at in the loop legend and thanks for coming it's been a wonderful strawberry day and now I'm going to probably have stomach pains from zany rides in too much fried food
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 279,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fair, carnival, festival, 2016, strawberry festival, yellow mustard belt, nathans, nathan's, rides, crazy rides, wild rides, wacky rides, double ferris wheel, drop tower, roller coasters, spinning rides, crazy, wild, wacky, food, best food, florida, plant city, techno power, magnum, ride, hurricane, spin out, orbitor, freak out, zipper, bumper boats, ferris wheel
Id: kHcpyGbQzNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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