Starting Fall Flower Bed Cleanup! πŸŒΎπŸ‚πŸ₯€ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going today we are going to do some fall cleanup in the flower beds we've had two nights where it's frozen it did last night and then the night before so some of the coleus is looking bad some of it still looks pretty good those that are a little bit more protected so it's kind of nice if you can get out and do a little bit at a time as the weather starts taking things now my approach to fall cleanup in the garden has changed over the years when i worked down at the garden center full time it was just crazy in the spring so necessity just demanded that i do most of it in the fall because i simply did not have time in the spring and most guides will tell you not to do the majority of your cleanup and fall leave the canopy of the plants because those will help insulate the plant the crown of the plant the roots help keep moisture in just provide extra insulation which is true but honestly zone five at the time we have now been moved to a zone six i never saw any adverse effects from cleaning up in the fall and if that's when you have to do it that's when you should do it so it's kind of evolved my approach has i do leave a lot more now than i used to i don't like to look at like a big mushy pile of leaves like so lilies i'm going to clean those up today so i just kind of go plant by plant and decide like will this hold up in the winter or is it just going to be a big mushy mess in the spring is it going to provide forage for wildlife that's one of my biggest factors now i like to leave seed heads for wildlife i like to leave some things that i know will stand up to our weather so that you know birds can get like harvest things from them and get underneath them and um you know find protection there so anyway most of my perennials are still looking pretty good right now i'm just looking at the big pile of lilies over here that's why i used that as an example i want to clean those up today so anyway i just want to show you a few things around in the garden and then we're going to get to work so like this area right here isn't that beautiful with the morning light kind of shining through there's standing beautifully right there i've done nothing to this flower bed this year because as you know we're going to be redoing this whole area so i knew i was going to be cutting this flower bed differently because the water is really difficult in this area to keep the grass nice in fact let me just show you it's very patchy and when it's very hot outside this area just looks stressed like this whole area takes on a very brown orange vibe that's not awesome but this bed is just full of gorgeous layers so russian sage right here this is an um cheyenne sky i think panicum or apache rose one of the two uh but gorgeous fall color i leave all of this stuff up actually yeah all of this stuff stays up through the winter we've got the lemon jade sedum right here one of my favorite sedums because the blooms are yellow and then look at this apricot blush that comes in i love it i feel like i had something planted here what did i have here that i dug up oh blue spruce blue spruce dyed and i have no idea what happened to that blue spruce it looked good for like two years and then it just started to decline and i don't know if maybe it was because of the willow i don't know though i mean the willow can use all the water at once and that blue spruce should still be okay so i don't who knows sometimes there's no reason or no reason i know of so we have a new opportunity to put something in there there's a wine craft black smoke bush here this is the firefly peach sky yarrow now isn't that beautiful this is why i do not trim it back this is from the first flush of bloom's early summer this is from the second flush of blooms late summer so you always have some beautiful stage that you can cut for arranging these hold up really well like they have sturdy stems they don't fall down easily in snow just love it gorgeous hawthorne the morton blush roses have started to bloom again and i accidentally trimmed these i forgot that i wanted to not deadhead them earlier in the season after their first flush because these create the most gorgeous rose hips but honestly i do think that it helped with rebloom because this is like its third time at least of reblooming aren't those just delicate and beautiful i do see one hip over here look at that isn't that gorgeous to use in arrangements and they dry beautifully too we also have pink profusion salvia there's some variegated iris in here there's a tiny wine nine bark honeysuckle that's an evergreen it actually stays like this all winter long there's some blooms gorgeous i planted some echinacea in here which i can still see one two three i think that's actually all i plan did i plant more than that i think i only planted three they're all there still and they've been dead-headed um black-eyed susans i used to cut all of these back in the fall and now i look back and i think what a shame look at how beautiful these are these look gorgeous with a layer of frost and the birds really love them we got some work to do over here though that coleus has seen better days now you can tell the lobelia here this is a laguna cloud white i think it's a new one for next year awesome plant awesome in the landscape it held up in our heat which is incredible and then you can tell how much more cold tolerant it is than coleus there so i want to pull some of these things i'm going to leave the hostas even though we do cut hostas back in the fall these will color up bright yellow as we get even colder so they're actually really beautiful fall interest so i leave them until they do that and then we will cut them back and to my knowledge i think hostas and peonies are two of the most important ones to absolutely cut back in the fall because they tend to harbor things over diseases and insects and things like that so those are a good good one to put on the list to do this fall even if you touch nothing else i just can't believe we're getting close to november and like i don't know if you can see over there supertunia is still going strong i've got blooms on this clematis over here the roses these are icebergs are just amazing look at these it's just been a wonderful year now this is not an iceberg i don't know what variety it is it was here when we moved in but it's beautiful over here we've got a few more hostas kind of an example of what they're going to start to do so they do still provide quite a bit of structure in here they haven't started to flop yet but they'll do something like this right here see that yellow and so in just probably a week or so these will look like a glowing mass right there it's actually very pretty and i love this flower bed there's something so peaceful about it first of all the birch which yes the birch has eyes that's a very common like right there and right there i see that comment a lot whenever i show this tree but this whole flower bed is almost 100 full of the palest of yellow columbine but even when it's not in bloom which it is for so much of the summer even when it's not it just looks like the most delicate sea of beautiful leaf structure i just love it and then lamium up here which i totally love i would have lamium in every single flowerbed in my garden okay i'll show you one other section of perennials in the back garden that i do want to cut back and then we should probably get to work i could just like show you around the whole garden today we just talk about all the plants it's so beautiful out here i just kind of want to soak it in i know that these days are numbered on our way into the bat garden these are peonies which we will cut back this fall but see how beautiful their fall color is so i'm not even ready to cut those back yet and this is the stand by me clematis don't they just have the most gorgeous seed heads love to use these as an element like a filler element and then a flower arrangement so i leave these up as long as possible i like to use them even if when they've kind of browned out a bit ah here it is i don't necessarily love to look at piles like this all winter long because you know once you get rain and snow they just get plastered to the ground and i don't know just not loving that that look so i'm gonna cut those back and clean up this area just kind of rake it up a little bit we do have a white pillar rosa sharon in here a rose that i've tried to dig out like a hundred times not a hundred i exaggerate probably like four times we've tried to dig this one out and it just still keeps coming back we've got karyopterus in here and butterfly bushes which we will not cut back until spring so anyway we've got some sedums down here i'll probably typically i don't cut sedums back so i might just leave those even though they're kind of flopped they still have some pretty seed heads there hey russell and then moving down the line here oh we have a climbing bathsheba rose maybe i can find a better bloom on the other side they are very lightly scented in my experience so far but i planted a few of these and they are just beautiful oh here's one oh my goodness planted i think three of these they're a climber i planted in bare root last spring and they are liking their situation yes and even this sedum which gets way too much water and that's why it's all flopped over but it's i think this is just autumn joy it's a very common variety of sedum it was here when we moved in and even though it's kind of flopped over i still leave it because i love the way it looks in the winter time and there's some really fresh ones still that i can use for cutting and i like to use them dried too as a dried element i do think i'm going to grab a kneeling pad though i usually don't do that because you know usually there's like grass i can put my knees on but everything's wet this morning i don't really want wet pants right from the beginning of the day also i don't mess around with my falcos when i've got a huge stand of things to cut back like the lilies i just take my hedge trimmers after them in terms of other tools i'll be using today of course my kangaroo pop-up bag here which already has some leaves in it we've got a little shrub right here i like this one because it's really flexible it doesn't wreck plants when you need to rake over them and then i'll use my falco's for more fine jobs so i think we'll go back and start with that big patch of lilies first something else to think about because i just ran across it right away when i started cutting back these lilies if you've dealt with any kind of insect issues on your plants it's a good idea to cut them back and discard the leaves you can see right at the center of this plant when i started to expose it check out how many aphids were in here like all those little gray things all over the leaves dead bodies but i also somewhere in here found a bunch of adult aphids too yep right there gross so we're going to cut these back not just because i don't want to look at the dead leaves all winter i mean that's a huge reason but i also don't want to provide a nice cozy home for all those aphids and eggs and things like that i mean even if it's a different issue i mean aphids spider mites all those sorts of things we want to discard those so we don't create a possible huge explosion the next season [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all done so i cut the lilies back raked them up blew off the area just to clean up the pavers and then i sprinkled a little bit of diatomaceous earth around and that's what the white dust is that takes care of soft bodied insects like aphids so since i exposed like tons of aphids i thought a nice sprinkling would not hurt and diatomaceous earth is about the most gentle thing that you can use out in the garden perfect right here in this case because i only really need it to work like a little bit because i'm hoping most of the aphids are on the leaves i'm going to get rid of whatever is left over in there will probably die from a freeze but just in case i just want to take care of the problem and the diatomaceous earth as long as it doesn't get wet it'll stay effective which we don't have any rainy days on the forecast and we don't overhead water back here so it should stick around for a while until those aphids are handled all right let's move on to the coleus that needs to be pulled [Music] all cleaned up i am always sad when i have to pull coleus out it was such a beautiful red accent right here which i loved i think it was the variety is it sedona if i'm wrong we'll put it on the screen but i figured out why the lobelia did so well all year it's not supposed to be this wet like my feet were starting to sink down into this flower bed so i got to figure out what's going on here also while i'm over here i'm going to go ahead and pull the sweet potato vine it did get nipped a little bit one more night and it probably will look pretty bad the begonias however are looking awesome double up pink and then around this side there's a couple things everything's looking pretty good in here like look at the coleus see just a different location and it's stood up to the cold i mean i think it's the tree over the top of it it's kind of tucked in here on that side even though it's got like a background of shrubs i think it's just a little bit too open over the top but i'm going to pull these supertunia priscilla improved they have seen better days i was impressed with their growth though i have grown supertunia priscilla before and did not have as good results as i had this year with the improved version which i think is coming out in this next year and i always loved it because it looks like a bordeaux but it's a double and i was always bummed that i couldn't really use it because it just didn't do well but i used it in the barn pots and in the landscape and it performed well in both locations so i'm really happy about that i don't think there's much over here i do have a geranium that's self-seeded in this container and a clematis that's looking pretty bad so i think i'm going to cut those back powdery mildew weird my stuff doesn't get powdery mildew here not not normally anyway and over here things are looking pretty good as well uh the albrighto coleus hanging in there and i love cleaning flower beds out this way just a little bit at a time instead of just coming in and cutting it all back all at once because it kind of helps ease you into winter a little bit it eases you into a more empty look in your flower beds [Music] so [Music] sweet potato vine all cleaned up the coleus in here the newly noir actually looks pretty good but you can kind of see see right where the sun is that's where the other coleus was so you can see how much more exposed it is it's just not as protected by something over the top of it over here supertunias have been pulled i kind of blew off the area a little bit it looks a lot better just to have that cleaned up and then this planter right here which more lamium i love this plant so much so i cut back the clematis it's still in there kind of hard to see right now let me see if i can shade this planter it's like in half sun half shade right now and it looks kind of like christmas meat valentines i guess i have some fall annuals still sitting back by the greenhouse i kind of love it though because this will go you know we've got some fall color in there with the red there and then it'll look kind of christmasy and all of these plants are really cold tolerant so they should do okay right here and the geranium roots are still right there they're actually growing around this trellis here so i kind of had to cut it in order to get it out it was really kind of stuck in there but we've got the ornamental cabbage the white pansies and the red snapdragons and when i water i will clean off the excess soil there doesn't that just look sweet tucked in right there i love it okay so now planting that container up which i didn't plan on kind of made me feel motivated to plant up the galloway iron which i might plant it up the same way so this urn right here recently just cleaned it out of the summer annuals i had the truffle of pink gomphrena luscious citron lantana which is a new one and blew my mind evolvulous the trevor pink of course did great the lantana did great it's a full sun area right here in the afternoon that blew my mind of volvulus though i keep trying it and it just doesn't do it it sits there and it looks okay but it never flourishes and i think it's because we don't stay warm enough believe it or not like it gets really hot every single day here in the summer but it dips down at night we're high desert that's just what it does and i think they like it in the south where it just stays hot day and night no escape from the heat so anyway it was okay as an accent plant but it never really like did it for me exactly but it was fun to try so i'm thinking we go get more snapdragons cabbage and pansies the pansies i do have left are looking kind of sad though i kind of have to put two together to make them look really nice i do want to show you real quick what i do to prepare the cabbage in order to plant it in a container like this you can plant it all as one like from the same root ball because that's how they are planted but you also can separate them which i like to do and i kind of manhandle the root balls too in order to fit them easier so i got to do a little grooming too first of all roots at the bottom of the can i just peel those off so i can get the can off and then i groom off all the junk on the bottom oh look that's a slug that did not originate here that came from the grower i think okay so now i kind of just take my thumbs and go in between two of the trunks there and i just start easing them apart so there we go look at that i just made that root ball a lot smaller [Music] now the other two [Music] so there's a second one third one and i'm left with this right here when you have such a small reservoir and you've got such a huge you know that's a gallon size can that's a huge root ball it makes it really hard to tuck them in so it's just so much easier when you can reduce the size and this one has plenty of roots left never say never but i haven't had a cabbage decline after treating it in in that way i really love how this turned out it's just so simple but so pretty it's got enough like bold texture in there with the cabbage some really bright pop of color with the snapdragons which i know you guys might be surprised to see red but i usually like for christmas and fall things it fits in a little bit better and these are annuals it's not like a perennial that's coming back every year i still do need to water this container and kind of clean it off a little bit on the top but everything fit in there beautifully and these plants are super cold tolerant like i said so these should last a while i want to give you guys a quick look at this area it is filling in slowly but surely there's nothing else that needs attention today but you know i've got golden dreams coleus right here which did really well surprisingly this area gets nailed with afternoon sun and i didn't realize it in fact i was worried there for a minute for this japanese maple that i transplanted from behind the pond actually the one that greg woodstock came in and installed here last year anyway it needed to be moved and i moved here it did fine uh we've got lamium again right underneath we've got hakana koa japanese forest grass the ariella variety in there long wart that i transplanted from the front garden underneath the crab apple tree this is the variety spot on and it is gorgeous there are a few hostas in here that i transplanted little lime punch i don't know that i can like emphasize how much i love this plant you know we just planted these this year we replaced a hedge of lymeta hydrangeas that just did not thrive in this area but look they just they're so pretty they didn't skip a beat they handled our heat and the wind and this has been the best year ever for hydrangea color for us they just are gorgeous i don't think there's any burn on them either like no burned blooms which is crazy so you can kind of see this one is a little bit more fresh so they come out of the creamy white and then they start changing you see that one's changing a little pink and then to this gorgeous deep color even deeper than that too i like that one right there the drift of hookers around the seducer hostas they're doing really well i've got some dipped in wine coleus it just kind of filled in this area i didn't really do much here you can tell it's because i was going to try to do a little shroud to kind of cover all of this stuff and i never got to it so i didn't really want to plant heavy knowing that i might need to access this area i also transplanted a bunch of brunera back here with these ferns and i'm going to plant more brunera back here i have more in containers and i thought a big mass of that silver color with some fern foliage popping through it would be really pretty and there's a japanese maple right there katsura empress wu hosta this is a diane witch hazel that i planted this year isn't that gorgeous the fall color is so pretty and then we'll get winter blooms i'm so excited for that no it was a helena not a diane la hosta there's some just salvias in here that oh so easy paprika rose right here which still has some color on it really beautiful we've got the weeping white spruce great accent evergreen over here growing beautifully this sweet romance lavender one of them got a little bit pushed down by some of that nine bark over there but i'll fix that more sweet romance there the italian ice roses i did have to move one because it was in the way of my hydrangea hedge so i had three over there moved the one over here didn't skip a beat there's more lamium here we are going to finish this sprinter boxwood hedge and the little lime punch hedge probably next year this lilac is probably going to come out there's just so much debt in it i could probably pull that big branch down all by myself there's so much borer damage in there it's so weak that's why we're seeing all this dead in there because these were not treated we've got some kind of white jello right here i can't remember the variety some hellebores we've got black pearl heucheras with some accuracy ogon grass in there limelights are looking great yeah just coming together and then we get to landscape this whole big flower bed next year i'm so excited i think we got enough cleanup done in this part of the yard i'm going to run out to the cut flower garden i know a few of the things i have out there need to be pulled so just a little bit at a time i'm just going to tackle probably a couple of things and then i'm going to be done i think i didn't intend on planting pots so that was kind of an extra fun bonus i also i'm gonna do something around this ac unit too it's on the docket on the list my list is long all right my intention is to clean up all the bean kind of refuse that we have here from when we picked the other day look at this we just did our flower picking day two days ago i'm so glad we did it then look at these flowers now oh my goodness the birds though have been hanging around certain plants and so i'm going to leave some stuff up as long as i can i'm going to pull the marigolds they're not looking super hot oh that basil seen better days we'll get that pulled oh but you guys the lettuce buttercrunch lettuce cilantro looking awesome the spinach down there looking great there's still some good cosmos in there some china asters that are done and we'll clean up all the pepper plants from our harvest day as well eddie is back there working on the cut flower shed which is super exciting but you can see right here all the sunspot sunflower heads we went ahead and pulled all the plants but we saved all the heads and just put them on the ground so the birds could feast and benjamin had a great time doing this he thought it was so fun there's a lot of other things that we could pull today but i think just those few things we'll do it we'll get those done and then call it for the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm and that is it for today's projects what a beautiful morning out here it's just it's absolutely gorgeous and temperatures between 50 and 70 that's my jam i do not like our hot summers i don't like it really when it gets above 85. like i don't love to be out working in it so like mornings and evenings are the best time when it gets hotter for me i know that's probably the same for many of you guys we're kind of in the same the same boat there thankfully we don't have humidity so at any point of the year really so that is nice either way i love it when i can start layering up to work out in the garden because i like to wear like big vests with big pockets so i can just put all of my stuff in there it's so handy anyway i just wanted to give you guys a look at what we are doing to kind of start fall cleanup kind of how we attack it and really how we attack everything here is pretty systematically small consistent efforts to keep everything under control instead of letting everything become this huge job so they'll probably be many more oh there's a bee did you see it fly in front of the camera right then anyway you'll probably see more project videos where i just bring you guys along to show you what i'm cutting back at what time and it's just been a beautiful fall so far i mean i can't even believe we're just a couple weeks from november and our super tunia's still look amazing a lot of our annuals still look amazing so i'm loving it thank you guys so much for watching i hope it was helpful and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 251,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: C1mUZha4x8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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