Homemade Peach Ice Cream + Planting Three Gorgeous Perennials with Food Names! πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ«

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hey guys how's it going we've got some fun things going on today we've got some planting to do harvesting a little bit of cooking and I don't know if you can see behind me but Benny's guys are here shifting a water line so we can get the very last of those new Maples planted in the lawn so I'm hoping by the end of today I can show you kind of the finish the finished look of all the maples over there so we have kind of an unintentional culinary theme today we've got three different types of perennials here all of which have food related names except for you Russell we've got a brand new echinacea for next year called double coated butter pecan isn't that gorgeous love the color it's like a soft yellow but it's got a little bit of an apricot note to it absolutely beautiful we've got a hearty geranium called boom chocolata which I have in another area of our garden behind our chicken coop and it's just a wonderful highly productive huge these get huge in our landscape like a shrub just a wonderful perennial the thing I like about this one you can see how dark the leaves are so they contrast your brighter green and they almost add a little bit of a red or a purple element to the Garden if that makes sense without being bright red but they've got beautiful purple flowers and you shear them back middle of the season and they just spring forth again and create another beautiful show of color through the rest of the season and then we've got just one Sedum here so this is a new one for this year this is a rock and grow Tiramisu and I love the color isn't that beautiful it's like that Smoky mauve just gorgeous so I'm just going to tuck this in somewhere I do think I've got other tiramisus out there in fact we'll go out and take a look but yeah so beautiful looks really pretty with this actually and then to continue our culinary theme we're actually going to start in the orchard this morning I want to pick a few peaches so we have two peach trees out there we planted them last spring they had a beautiful crop last year like way more than I thought they would they were growing beautifully this year we always seem to have a false spring though in February it warms up kind of tricking everything to bloom a little bit earlier our peach trees were in full glorious Bloom and I don't know they must not have been in bloom with anything else in the orchard at that time but we had a cold snap and it fried most of the blooms on the trees so I got like six peaches this year which is fine because the trees look they look so good and to give them that year you know just kind of root in and just be there and not put so much energy into fruit is kind of nice but we're going to pick those and start some old-fashioned homemade peach ice cream and this recipe I've never tried before but there's a few steps you know you have to let your peaches kind of marinate in some sugar and you got to let them do that for an hour and then you've got to make your custard and you've got to let that chill for about four hours and then you put it in the ice cream freezer and after you get it out of there then you need to leave it overnight in the freezer so we're not going to actually be able to taste it probably today maybe late this evening but either way I want to get the process started early today so that I can hopefully make it through all the steps it doesn't seem complicated there's just a lot of that wait time you know between steps I'll wait until the last maple tree is planted to show you the finished result but just looking at it right now oh my goodness it's gorgeous oh a couple of the peaches are on the ground oh hopefully they're okay so our two peach trees are right here this is a snow Beauty white peach no peaches on this one this year and this is an Alberta which look at these oh something got to him oh oh I've been seeing squirrels around and I wonder I'll throw these in the chicken coop thankfully oh my goodness look at that is that not Perfection I only need three oh there's two more it was meant to be you guys wow oh they smell so good I would normally want to eat these fresh I mean just straight off the tree beautiful clean just gorgeous peaches but our neighbors have a huge Orchard actually the neighbors we bought this property from they have a huge Orchard on the other side of their house and they just brought us two big boxes of peaches that we've been eating on I've had so many peaches over the last several days so I thought oh it'd be so fun just to use ours for a really fun recipe side note grass is filling in in this area there's some like kind of patchy spots in the middle and some weeds and stuff but that's kind of typical it's filling in quite fast and the peach trees themselves just look gorgeous look at them here's our recipe we're just going to be following the steps so I just need to peel and slice these and get them sitting in some sugar for an hour foreign the first step for the peach ice cream is done we're going to let them sit in there in their juices for an hour while we go out and plant all of these beautiful things you know I'm wondering if we should try some of the boom chocolata over here they've got a beautiful purple Bloom which will kind of go in with our pink purple kind of theme we've got going let's try one okay but real quick the thing about this one they say that they get 24 to 26 inches tall do you remember earlier this year when I was doing some maintenance behind the chicken coop we went in and cut back the same variety because I have it back there in fact we should just walk there back there and take a look at it it was clocking in at like 41 inches or 42 inches tall it does really well in our location that's the thing about hearty geraniums you guys they like kind of crummy soil they can handle our high pH without skipping a beat they don't deal with chlorosis none of that stuff so I do need to consider that they're going to get quite a bit bigger than their tag actually States they will and the only way to know that is just to grow it and experience it unfortunately plants just react different in different climates okay so here we are behind the chicken coop you can see their machine is here they're going to be bringing water into a lot of the sections that we have designed back here behind the Hartley and then they'll be leveling the whole thing anyway it's very exciting back here behind the chicken coop we do intend on keeping the pallet walkway and right here there's going to be some Evergreens so we will hopefully like real thin ones we'll hopefully keep that kind of quaint Cottage Look Around The Coop I haven't done a whole lot of work around here other than I pulled the borage out like you guys remember I pulled it out I didn't even cut it back and look at it again it's just everywhere I think I planted three four inch containers of borage back here but this is the boom chocolata after its first flush so the first flush you know was this tall and we cut it back all the way to the ground and its second flush is much more tame it's much more to the size that it's supposed to be but you can see the color of the flowers right here they're beautiful now this is all dusty so they usually look a little more bright than that but you know we've got all the powder around and we've had quite a lot of wind the last week or so so anyway I'm super happy with this perennial I think it's wonderful we've got baptisia right behind it that we've cut back and they are coming back already and these I planted probably two seasons ago so it's kind of nice to see what a plant looks like after it's been in the ground for a little while the annuals have done amazingly well in this area so it was a lot more full when the baptisias were big but we've got plain the Blue Salvia some jazzberry supertunias this is basket of gold alyssum right here perennial and then this this sweet potato vine is the uh Bewitched after midnight absolute Beast of a plant I had no idea clearly my word but the view from right here is quite pretty I'm gonna use this again but now I know what it'll do so I'm going to give it like its space okay so all that said let's just pop Over the Hedge here and see if we can't find a good spot for something like this uh I want delphiniums right there there are a few things I am repeating in this area such as delphiniums Iris ladies mantle that sort of thing hmm I don't know if it's visually different enough I feel like I need a ladies mantle section right here that's got more chartreuse oh and I've got other geraniums right here so out to the South Garden we go lots of space out there for these I cannot wait to see what this West Side does next year because so many of these plants are brand new this year and you know so they look a little struggling and that sort of thing but once they kind of fill in oh it's going to be awesome I think oh it looks like we're having a water issue right here see that I'm thinking the boom truck a lot it would look really good right here we need kind of a bolder you know chunkier texture right here at the edge but it looks like something blue over here it looks like it's already been fixed I bet you that blue sometimes that happens and then it'll shoot water across oh yeah I think that will look really pretty right in here let's do that [Music] geraniums are in I think they're going to look really nice out here we have got lavender nearby and a rose desert plants penicetum right there but you can see that everything I've planted in this location I've bounced back from the edge because most of these things get a little bit bigger and I want to come in with something really short and kind of like ground cover toward the edges of all these beds to really just kind of give that really full Lush look and like I said these get a lot bigger than the tags say in my area so 26 to 28 inches is what the tag says spacing about 28 to 30 inches apart so this should be just a really beautiful Mass like in the end a lot of these things right now look separate because you know you want to spray them out properly but once they filled in and matured it'll be like just a big drift you won't see individual clumps out here which will give it a kind of cleaner appearance zone four through eight and they do attract bees as well I popped a few Arctic fire dogwoods in this location I'm going to let them set for a day just to see if I like their placement but we've got Spring Grove arborvitaes out here there are three of them really good winter interest they're growing beautifully they were so little when we planted them and the ground is so hard out here the auger was smoking literally like I could smell the drill it was getting hot when we were trying to dig the holes for these and I thought oh my goodness I don't know I don't know if these are going to survive but they're doing great I thought it would look really pretty to have some bright red stems nearby so anyway I'll think about that for a minute while we go plant everything else I've got echinacea in quite a few locations because I love it so much there's more right there we've got more around the corner I was kind of thinking maybe buy these blue geraniums over here nope nope we've got yellow yarrow too close by you know what on this side they would look really pretty so these grow about 18 to 20 inches tall and they recommend spacing of like 16 to 18 inches so I think we've got some gorgeous purple Salvia we just planted those little sedums in this area and I've got this little Rose which I don't I can't remember the name of this one this is the Ringo double pink so it's a soft pink with the soft yellow will be pretty I want to make sure not to put anything right in front of that though which means I'll probably get a few more of these purple salvias just to continue on until they meet up with these echinacea yeah I think that'll look nice okay let's get it done [Music] well I ran into a half inch drip line right there so I went and got a straight coupler we're going to fix it I probably won't need to water this echinacea for a long time and these are always a real treat to fix when the water's on [Music] echinacea are in they look really good especially by this cariocarist the Beyond midnight look at those those are just so pretty and you know what I love about these that I didn't even realize when they're just coming out and budding out they're kind of that bright chartreuse that really fresh color so we've got the Beyond midnight so that yellow and blue pairing is beautiful we've got a Golden Privet ticket which kind of like draws your eye back it kind of connects the two yellows there desert Plains penicetum and the reason why I kind of put these in a line which I normally don't do them quite as much like that I want to put an evergreen right here and I don't have that much depth in this area so I wanted to push them as close to the edge as I could while still leaving a little space to finish off this Salvia drift so we'll have the beautiful Autumn Joy pink of the Salvia these are mock orange so they'll be white in the spring pinkish like a mavi pink Daylily purple kind of more of a fresh pink the soft yellow and then the blue I'm loving it so I did hit that half inch drip line when I was digging the last hole I uh so spraying out water and I thought well I need to run back to the bar and get a half inch coupler so I can make a cut and connect the two I got back here and made the cut I didn't realize that that Nick in the line was right on one of the inline emitters which means you had to take out quite a lot more of the drip line and use two couplers and an extra piece of tube so it's gushing water because of course the you know the zone is on because that's you know what happens that's how it goes and there's no way with the system that this is on that we can pause the zone or stop it otherwise you have to start the whole thing over again and it's such a tremendous waste of water to do that so we don't do that so I'd erase back to the barn while this thing was gushing water out and get another coupler another piece of tubing I got the repair made I'm not going to have to water that last echinacea I planted for a really long time in fact I didn't even water it in today it's got plenty of water in the hole boy what a gift this huge cloud has been very pleasant out here okay so this is our last one to plant before we go in and do step two with the peach ice cream you know what looking from this side I think I'm going to need something with more structure in there I don't know if the Arctic fire is going to be what I end up putting there you know what we're gonna pop this Sedum in right here at the end of the coreopsis drift you know we just moved the four of these that are right here so kind of like the the blooms that were on them kind of dried up but the plant itself themselves looked pretty good like there's no Wilt or anything like that but you can see the fresher ones here um so anyway they really could benefit from a good cutback at this point but I think if we tuck this one in let's see how it looks maybe we should look at this 18 to 20 inches tall 30 to 32 inch spacing dang okay sedums are awesome though you guys full sun track the pollinators I think this might be too close too similar a color what do you think definitely a different texture not digging it nope we need to find another spot for that that gets quite large and I kind of want it to contrast what it's next to so let's see I did forget to mention that that echinacea is a zone four through eight and it wants full sun and it can handle drought once this is once it's established so anyway a really great one I think these are are these tiramisu I never could remember which ones those were these look darker but these might look that way from a year being in our garden let me see if I can find what these are yeah you guys these are tiramisu aren't they gorgeous so these are clearly way further along in their Bloom cycle have been in the ground for a year these are the Sedum there's a variegated variety there and then the Tiramisu and then the cesky gold dwarf Birch we planted these when Jenny and Jerry from Creekside Nursery were here and I could just never remember the name of this variety I don't know why I won't now I'll I'll remember it now but this one is clearly not as far along as this one is so we can kind of get a picture of what this one will look like so it's got this very smoky pink Vibe then it turns into it's still got that Smoky mauve kind of coloring but it's definitely a little bit more fresh looking a little bit more bright looks amazing with the skull cap you guys this plant you gotta get it you've got to put this one in your garden I had never tried skull cap before we did not run drip to it because it says it likes drier soil and I thought well maybe just the amount of overspray it'll possibly get from the grass sprinklers will do it clearly the plant has loved it it's never been without blooms this entire season from the moment I planted it it's almost like planting an annual for like that color punch that you get and the productivity of the plant and it looks gorgeous with everything over here it looks gorgeous with the tiramisu it looks gorgeous with this variegated sedum right here and it looks beautiful with the microchip pink bubbly is that we planted recently okay well I know why I planted those so far apart now given the fact that they say a 30 inch spacing isn't that fun when you have plants that perform like that oh that's why I like sedums and echinaceas and Hearty geraniums they all perform like that I think it would be awesome to do some sedums like that in containers I do have two pots with Sedum in it and they're the most low maintenance containers ever but I think like using them in more of a central location is one of our centerpiece containers I think putting like three of those sedums in a pot all by themselves would be just amazing hey dude you got planned it's beautiful out isn't it I gotta plant one more plant and then I'm going to go inside and make some peach ice cream does that sound good [Music] I don't know if I like it or not well we'll give it a try huh maybe we should just tuck it in right here that'd be pretty wouldn't it we've got the Russian sage you know the Tuscan Sun heliopsis an amazing perennial you guys you can see the first flush of Bloom so this is what you can kind of expect from this one we really should come along and deadhead you don't have to but you know clearly you'd be able to see the new flesh of blooms which are lower in the plant better if you would deadhead but boy it's been a tough one looks so pretty with the Russian sage over here and the Violet Knight lobularia this was an afterthought I had a few left in a tray after planting at the college and I thought well I didn't really have a plan for these so let's just go find a drip tube somewhere in a flower bed so I just went along and found wherever there was an emitter I just popped one in in this area so we didn't had to have to run any extra drip to them which was awesome and they're just such amazing plants they're the type that will go all the way almost till Thanksgiving some years but I just haven't popped in all over the place around here I so wish they were perennial wouldn't that be amazing tucked them in around the edge here kind of around the hose link and then I drew some of the same interest over to this side too since the entry plantings are the same you know the these are the Fire Light tidbits there's three here and Russian sage same on that side so more of the alyssum in this area oh yeah that's the best spot thus far especially knowing it's going to pink up a little bit more so let's do it well that's not what you want got a little loose there on the last one [Music] oh it looks good there all by itself I love it I think the color is going to be perfect I think it's going to really like its spot I don't think that this will uh well be in shade for ever if at all are you gonna get me yeah I mean eventually this Redbud this is the one that I dug up and moved over here uh eventually that will be big and that will shade this but I don't know how long it's going to take it's clearly loving it I mean it's doing really well in its location thankfully do any of you remember when I tried to dig that up it was in the bed right in front of me so it was in this bed right here kind of like uh I don't know maybe 15 feet 10 15 feet away from that pair that we have there and it was when we still had the fence over here and we had just bought this property and I knew I needed to do something different here anyway so I dug it up it was a beast it was an absolute Beast I had no idea how these things root in and I thought I thought I was going to either break a shovel or that I was going to kill the tree I got as much of the root ball as I could and I just kind of thought well we'll see what happens it's done really well so this one is a three through nine the pollinators love it you know eventually it'd be nice to have I don't even care though if it's just a single one but if we had a few more right here along the edge I think that would be really pretty it's kind of an ideal location for you know being so close to the Gravel Lane it's going to catch a lot of heat right here and they can just handle it they just can so that's it for planting projects this morning now I'm going to head in and we'll do the second part of the peach ice cream which consists of mashing up those peaches it does talk about how not to leave a lot of them real chunky because they freeze really hard so you want to pretty much mash them up to a good pulp I guess and then you make your custard and you incorporate them together and then chill it for four hours so anyway that's what we're gonna go do what yeah you can get on but I'm not going very far we're gonna start making the custard for the ice cream perfect [Music] okay okay go dude you want to get in there mash them up with the fork there you go smash them up really well great job so you keep working on smashing them and I'm going to make the custard okay and the custard is made up of five egg yolks one and a half cup of heavy cream one and a half cup of whole milk and one teaspoon of vanilla whoa you're doing a great job bud keep on smashing [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] okay so here's our custard base right here I strained the smashed up peaches to where most of the liquid came out we're supposed to reserve these and add these into the ice cream freezer like 20 to 30 minutes before it's done I think no 30 seconds before 30 30 seconds before it's done we add these in uh to the ice cream freezer so this has all the liquid though from the peaches and then the custard base so we're going to cover both of these put them in the fridge for around four hours and then we'll get it out and freeze it while I was in there working on ice cream the guys were out here working on the trees so let's go see how far they got [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they look so good I hope you can see it really well in this shot I wish you could stand here and really just be in this space and feel what this does to this area oh my goodness I'm loving it so much and it does look like we are going to get some sort of weather here yay that's so exciting so the first Maple here you can see they've already staked that one a little bit but it's going to be nearby where the big flower bed comes off I might even incorporate it guys because I'm going to significantly widen this flower bed I don't really know what I was thinking over here other than the fact that I just needed to make a line so that we could get things kind of buttoned up in this area but we'll widen that out and then toward the end here I think I'm going to just bring it way out over this way so this will kind of be in not the center of the bed but I'll have this tree and then I'm going to probably put another tree right in here and then another one over here to kind of frame in this walkway and kind of bring some weight because this walkway is enormous and it kind of has to be for how long it is but we need to get some big pieces in here to balance that out anyway all the trees so they got the first five done that that first day and so the four right here are the ones they did and then I'll show you where they had to do a little digging for the water line oh they're so pretty now I do notice that they've got more fall color than of course ours that are planted because you know the upset to their system it's a little bit of a shock to be pulled out of their home and uh you know brought over here so like that one right there showing lots of color already but you can see what's going on here the funny thing is is that they had they had the grass dug out you can kind of see they had the grass dug out right there and I drove by that evening after they got all these done and I told them like I think that the measurement might be a little bit off right there like it looks too close sure enough it need it needed to go over here but there was a water line that came right out of this box and shot this direction so they came over this way and reconnected it so that we could properly plant a tree and not have pipes right next to the root ball I want to go over here though and look at the color we've got going oh and can you guys imagine when we have the brick edging and it's super tidy along here you know a really good border between grass and gravel oh so this is just like a little preview just a little one oh isn't that so pretty okay guys so I'm gonna go get a few other just little chores done actually inside the house I've got laundry going to today and got a lot of things going on I think we're gonna make homemade pieces tonight so I'm gonna get that dough started but um I will be back in a few hours when we take that custard base out and put it in the ice cream freezer foreign [Applause] all right guys it is the next day I went ahead and put the custard through the ice cream freezer late last night so that I could get it in the freezer because after that point you have to put it in the freezer for four hours it says minimum so it's nice and firm now I've only had it out of the freezer for about five minutes moment of truce it's probably pretty firm at this point but we're gonna taste this look at that so I did taste this when it was really soft you know right out of the ice cream freezer last night and it was good um really cold I really taste the peach a lot more today maybe that's why you have to put it in the freezer for four hours maybe like the flavor develops even further but I tasted more today than I did last night when it was at its soft stage and it is delicious and I am glad that the recipe said to cut the peaches or mash the peaches up into small like a real small almost a pulp because the if you left any chunks they would freeze too hard that is beautiful so you can kind of see the consistency of the chunks you know Benjamin and I went after it with a fork trying to mash those pieces up and then I ended up taking an immersion blender to it and just kind of lightly you know put the immersion blender in a few times just to break up the bigger chunks because we were having a hard time they're really like swirmy you get it under the fork and it just like shoots out from under the fork so that blender worked really nicely I did make some Ginger Snap cookies just real quick in fact they might still be a little bit warm because I thought wouldn't it be good to make an ice cream sandwich out of this kind of that peach with the that pie kind of flavor we're gonna try it here's our Ginger Snaps I managed to sneak a few by the kids they wanted to eat them all okay I'm gonna try to get some of this out in a kind of a flat piece look at that oh my goodness I need to make more desserts more often for video projects um that's peach pie oh my gosh it's so good um so the ice cream is really creamy and really delicious if I do this recipe again I might add just a few not a little Peach liquid but I might mash up more peaches um use the same amount of liquid from them but use more of that like Pulp peaches in there because I think that adds a really really wonderful texture The Ginger Snaps with it amazing love it you guys and that is it I'm going to tuck into the rest of this ice cream sandwich here in the Hartley and just enjoy the heck out of it thank you guys so much for watching this video I will link the recipe for this ice cream down below definitely give it a try if you can I might even try it the nectarines would make excellent ice cream as well I even thought of like putting some of this in the bowl and then slicing some nectarines right on top of it because I'm out of peaches at this point so anyway thank you guys again for watching we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 161,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: b4Mk2UuaPw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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