August Garden Tour! Trying to Keep Things Alive in the Heat! πŸ’šπŸ˜πŸŒΏ

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russell do you want to do the tour that would be excellent hey guys how's it going today we're going to do a garden tour first part of august and there's some really nice looking things that's why we're starting right here because i love this view right here but there's also some really rough looking things as well that we're going to show you we are coming off of quite a long hot spell and i don't want to complain about it because i know that we are not alone i know a lot of you have been dealing with intense heat this summer we had over a week of 107 8 9 and 10 degree temperatures we are high desert though so we are in eastern oregon zone 6. that means that we get really hot in the daytime it's dry heat though so it's tolerable in the shade like you can get comfortable in the shade we don't deal with a lot of humidity and it also cools off quite a bit at night so we might get 110 during the day but then we'll be like 71 at night and so things do get a little bit of a break and i think because of that i think our things survive like make it through but by this time of the year things like hostas i mean they're about half the size that they started off being this spring because we have to groom so much off of them because they just get tip burn and all kinds of stuff anyway we are taking advantage of the weather this morning because we had a tiny bit like a sprinkle this morning and it's overcast which is rare for us and things do look a little bit better typically when it's overcast so we thought oh we better run out here so we just popped right outside our kitchen door which is our main our main door that we use the most and wanted to just show you everything in this space i'm really loving the velveteen coleus is just so beautiful typically i do put a red type of coleus or something deeper in color but the thing i love about this one this year is the bright pop of pink in the middle of the leaf i think it brings a little bit of light to this area and it also makes it look a little cooler i used ridiculous i've used boy i've used a few different red colored coleus in this area that are more like a solid color and i love the dimension that this one has brought because i feel like the chartreuse and the leaf too kind of like ties the boxwoods together super happy with these this year so i didn't trim them hard you can tell they're a bit fluffy because i got to it really late but our window for boxwood trimming is pretty narrow because i i feel like i hit it wrong every single every single year we can go from one extreme to the next really quickly like one day it'll be 70 and the next day it'll be 95 and if you've just shorn your boxwoods that can be detrimental and then they'll look burned for the rest of the season so i'm real happy with this they look so bright and fresh and then the view across the incredible hydrangeas which this is the best year for these so far over to the willow tree i just think that's so so beautiful i love walking out the door and seeing that every single day it just makes me happy we did have a tremendous amount of wind last night though i have to say every time we get wind like that i'm nervous i'm like looking out windows in the middle of the night just making sure our trees are staying upright we did lose like one big branch of the coleus came out which is not a big deal at all would much rather that than a big tree limb or something i'm right here been real happy with the bloodgood japanese maple we have one of the new hookers for next year planted below is this a ball gown or evening gown dressed up ball gown dressed up beaming now there's two of them but i'm loving the bloom spikes look at this i mean they're kind of past their prime you can tell but i wanted to leave them until i got an opportunity to show you how thick they are have you ever seen a hooker with a bloom spike that thick i haven't i'm really impressed with that i think it's really beautiful and then the pink mink clematis perfect clematis for this space now these are the something trellis giant panda is a giant panacea cellist from gardner supply we put these up several years ago perfect thing for this blank space of wall i think and then this spot gets just a slice of sun in the morning which at first i thought oh these clematis are not going to do well because they're not going to get quite enough sun but it's just the right amount to keep them growing and blooming like this year they bloom kind of all at the top last year they bloomed a little bit further down and i do cut them back every like late winter early spring to about 18 inches or so but i think because they don't get more sun they're not as thick and you can still see the trellis which i really like i want to see that that architecture i don't know if that's right word but i want to see the design of the trellis because i think that's beautiful as well um let's walk this direction so the incredibles this whole area oh my word i'm dealing with some oh you guys we got a plug issue going on oh my goodness look at this oh well that's not good you got to figure that i'm just going to pull this drip right out of there for now it's running right now oh my goodness that's why it's a good idea to go check your pots even if they're on drip every day you can see i clearly didn't do that and catch that i could start a little pond garden in there right now either way lamium looking beautiful down there and during the heat you guys it wilts down so much like it has a drip line running through it i think once everything dies back i'm going to add a second line of drip there because it just can't handle the heat these though you guys so good this year this one's struggling a bit and i think it actually might be too much water i'm going to root around in there today actually figure out what's going on but these were we just did an update video on our highlights channel actually maybe we can link it down below and i kind of shared some of the details these were broken at the garden center they came in broken a tree had rolled on top of them inside the delivery truck so they're all smashed and weird looking and i just thought we'll plant them and see what happens it took quite a long time this is their fourth year third or fourth year and they're really just starting to fill in and i'm just enjoying them so much they're the perfect size they never flop over they've really strong stems and they're taking quite a bit of sun there's a locust tree right above us it gives them filtered light in the morning and then they get a several hour block of full sun right in the middle of the day when it's really hot and they're still doing pretty good now right on the other side of this sidewalk i don't know if you can see you know where the sidewalk came up i had actually the landscape crew was out here yesterday taking a look at this whole area we're going to have the brick walkway done here probably in the next one to two months including the area sorry aaron if you want to back up a little bit i should have mentioned this before but this area right in here here excuse me is also going to be lifted and we're going to leave these because i think they match the existing brick or the new brick the existing brick matches the new brick pretty good and i think this pathway is really nice but we'll continue that on so we'll have that walkway covered i'm very excited at the same time they're going to take all of these weird pavers that are tipped backwards and we're going to put in a stacked stone wall so i think that'll be a really fun change in this area and it'll be nice to button it up honestly like it hasn't been horrible but you guys know when you have an open pathway like this it's just dirt and it leads to your main door that you use all day you should see the state of our floor like you can clean it and then about an hour you can see pieces of mulch and footprints like dusty footprints everywhere okay going this direction this area is staying the same so for those of you who maybe haven't seen any of our garden tours or know the history of our house this fireplace is original to the old side of our house which was built in 1919 in fact i think this may have been built before the house was because where our greenhouse is now where the hartley is there used to be what they call the sheep herders dwelling it was kind of like a little hut and then after that was removed then the gazebo went in and then we you know donated the gazetto gazebo to our city and put in the hartley can you hear the chickens i'm trying to talk here oh my they're i think they're laying eggs at the moment anyway we love this space right here it's so cozy and we use it a lot in the fall winter and spring if i switch spots with aaron here look at the view this way isn't that so pretty you see all the layers of boxwood hydrangea there's the flower bed over there you can see all the way to the west side where the surefire rose begonias are we'll end up over there and the urns i just love this area so much and i'm thankful for it because you guys know we have so much of our garden torn up and in process and you know a lot of areas we're going to change it's nice to have some spaces where you just feel at peace with and like they're done and like this area here is just almost almost maintenance-free because it's so full of plants the japanese anemones are amazing do you see that one is now blooming their amazing fall interest and i just let them go to town i love things like that that can just naturalize and their weed suppressor they also help with water if you have things covered and shaded it just helps so much okay let's go this direction out into this lawn i did want to show you this is a perfect example of what happens to our hostas during our summer heat right here that's looking really rough and it's taking every ounce of restraint not to take those burned leaves off so this one gets a good block like a good portion of full sun in the morning which right now it would be in the sun and so it burns all the leaves now if i were to take these off and expose all that wonderful fresh growth down below below it's still too hot out for the plant to take it and those leaves will just go ahead and burn real fast so we're leaving it alone until it cools off enough for those leaves to handle it then we'll come in and clean those up but that's kind of the name of the game with hostas around here and i would love to pack out our beds in fact let's look at these over here i would love to put hostas and ferns everywhere in our garden because it's just such a lush lush beautiful look and they're easy plants to take care of but here it's just typically so dry that they just do this they just burn so you'll probably notice over the next few years we're going to be shifting a little bit away from things like that and putting things in like russian sage sedum things that look really good and that can handle the heat at the moment russian sage oh i thought you were pointing at something like we've been we've been having some weird animal activity around here you guys when you point now i'm like what what is it a flock of turkeys or uh there was three deer not that far from our house at the edge of a field the other night my parents had a badger go through their garden the other night uh something tried to dig under the chicken coop the other night i'm thankful that we have all those big stones buried because that's what it came up against we've had a lot of frogs in our garden this year which is really exciting i think that that's kind of a sign that you have a healthy garden space when you have things coming in we've had a lot of bird activity this year tons of pollinators so those are all really positive things but he was actually pointing at the russian stage back there so and i mentioned that that is what russian sage looks like this time of year and that's what we want to kind of shift toward we have things that just thrive in our space and i'm just kind of coming to the realization that i don't want to fight so much like there are some things that are worth the fight for me like boxwood hedges i love but other things we'll be doing a little less of and waiting until we have ideal locations for them like full shade for them in order to keep them nice through the season so speaking of russian sage let's walk over here and take a look you'll notice i did not trim a lot of our boxwoods this spring i just i just missed my window i didn't have time to do it which is okay i don't mind that much i mean i would love for these to look tidy right now but they're green they're healthy they are all of our boxes are rebounding from a horrible mite spider mite infestation last year we've dealt with it a little bit this year as well we did do a video on spider mite control last year i think or maybe the year before that showing some of the things that we use but we've been using captain jack's and then paul just discovered something the actives in it are like rosemary oil clove oil and garlic oil i think i might be wrong about that but he said he's having the best luck with that and it's just extracts of natural a plant material which is awesome so anyway we had one of our juniper topiaries that flanked the chicken coop got just spider mites horribly bad but most of the time you know i'm not inspecting every single plant that we have because we've got a lot going on but it'll be like the infestation has taken hold and all of a sudden i'll think that doesn't look right that plant looks dusty it's got that spider-mite look and so a lot of times it's not until the infestation is pretty like taken hold pretty strong that's when we notice it and that's where he tested that oil based spray and that topiary is making a complete rebound most time we have to bag them and throw them like carefully so we don't spread the mites everywhere anyway that's probably our number one biggest issue here is the dry heat and then spider mites you can see right here uh the grass is looking a little bit sad in some areas these little jelly beans on either side have been they've been hard every single year and we haven't been as diligent with sprinklers in this space typically you know we do hand pulling of a sprinkler in this in this area it does get hit a little bit with sprinklers over here but not fully it's an area we do eventually want to rework i mean even if we kept it exactly the same we would need to rework the sprinklers in this space and then the russian sage this variety is denim and lace one of my absolute favorite varieties and one of my favorite perennials just because like i said i mean full heat or full sun full heat drought resistant doesn't want to be fertilized ever all i have to do with this plant is go in and cut it back once a year it's just amazing we typically do it in the fall and then it just goes through winter comes back fresh from the ground every year and just looks amazing when everything else a lot of other things are just looking a little bit weary pollinators also love it and it's beautiful color i just think it's the most beautiful beautiful plant around it we have sprinter boxwoods which i think even in the last tour since the last two tour these have rebounded so much from the spider mites last year i was kind of a little bit in despair about this one area in particular because they were hit hard they were almost white like so damaged they were white and they just look so good you can tell i did not touch these with the hedge trimmer they just needed time to recuperate so this fall i might come in lightly and just kind of share like this just a little tiny bit just to tighten them up a bit before winter and then next spring hopefully we'll be able to come in and really do a bigger prune job on them something i'm so happy with you guys these containers are just they are phenomenal they look so good they get morning sun this one gets more this grouping gets more than that grouping you can tell i need to do a little maintenance but the two can yellow cannas as a centerpiece and there's one two three pots in this grouping you can't even tell the plants have gotten so big so in the tall container we have the canna we've got this plectranthus right here this is a variegated swedish ivy i think is what it's called the common name right here we've got wicked witch coleus clearly loves this spot because it's just so good and i was worried with the wind last night i thought oh boy please don't take maculius in the pots because they're such a centerpiece plant the raven sweet potato vine beautiful contrast for a lot of these plants new supertunia mini vista yellow for next season this is my favorite application of it i tried it in several locations here in pots out in the south garden then also i planted a few in the ground and i think it looks the best right here this is probably one of my one of my faves this year too this the queen tut it's a new grass for the tut line for next year there's something very striking and clean way cleaner than the others so there's baby prince and king tut they have much bigger plumes and they tend to burn in our dry heat unless you give them a ton of water they are kind of bog plants you have to give them a ton of water and adhere a lot more shade but this one is just like rocking it loves its life it's doing really well and i'm super happy with it another super tuning mini vista yellow there's the luscious citron lantana popping through there love that bright color another really fun thing is this lobelia so you know lobelia is a pretty common plant this is laguna sky blue but here where it's so dry i tend to not have very good luck with it it wants to scorch wherever i put it but it just took to this location i love that and then a new supertunia another new one called persimmon for next season and i love that bright punchy color right there it's just a fun blend of plants that just have loved their life right here i just love that anyway the uh containers underneath here and at the in the portico i've really been enjoying these palms i'm just much more of a tropical vibe up here with the cannas and the color too like that tropical pink and the blue and then the palms i was a little nervous about the palms because they don't get very much sun right here typically want more sun but they've done really well in fact i think because they are so protected under hair and get more shade i haven't had to groom a single leaf off of these because they just aren't getting the exposure so they're not tip burning they're not drying up they're just looking really good and i love the lushness of the plants around it i do have some coral impatience which is just like the six pack impatiens not performing amazing under here but they're still a nice lush green they don't have spider mites or anything like normally i deal with spider mites on on patients hippo red and then this is a type of creeping charlie uh we've got organ that's a type of creeping jenny or charlie i don't remember anyway it was a new a new one to me it's got like a lot bolder leaves and it's nice and shiny so in these boxes right here the other one actually looks a little bit better but we've got golden dreams coleus which i haven't pruned on at all if we have this plant in a sunnier location it'd probably be three times this size and a little bit more vibrant in color looks really pretty with peach tones out in the sun but i love it right here i think it's just such a beautiful lush look yellow begonias popping through see the impatiens right here no color on them there's buds so maybe we'll get to see another flush of color but i just like the green it just looks so like opposite of everything else in our area so dry and brown right now so just the green has just been lovely right through here we'll see look at this box this one looks pretty darn good there's ferns in here too which are perennial these were part of our spring planting and i just left them in there so we'll probably pop them out somewhere else um our lawn's doing pretty good you'll see do you see that dry spot can you see that from here the kids pool was out there i mean they've got several like little things you can hook to the hose and they shoot water all over and it's a perfect place for them to play because uh right at the moment we have a swing up here for samantha it's funny the difference in kids personalities we got benjamin to swing when he was little he just he hated it she could spend all day in this swing so we have chairs sitting here we just sit in the chairs and push her but anyway it's a really nice area because it's always pretty shaded right in this spot but for some reason it just burned a spot in the grass it wasn't even out for more than maybe two yeah two or three hours and then everything's always picked up at night so that's just the weirdest thing uh this table and chair set is actually whoops going to my sister monica and her husband just built a house they got the keys today so they closed and got the keys they get to start moving their stuff and this is actually going to their back patio i told them they could have this so we'll you know stain it up they got new cushions already for it so that they can have a place you know right after you move you're not really normally in a position to go buy brand new stuff for your you know outside and whatever so i mean we weren't when we moved into this house we had no we had like two pennies to rub together barely um so anyway we actually thought this would be a good spot possibly for a little swing set for now i mean it's not ideal it is ideal in terms of shade and proximity to the house and it's nice that it's central you can see this spot from a lot of areas so if i'm working out there i can see the kids playing right here that's really nice and it won't be for very many years so we've been looking at just smaller swing sets something with a slide and a climbing wall and a couple swings we'll probably put it right here for now and then we'll develop the gardens around it we have plenty of other spaces to focus on we can just let this one be the kid area for now right in this area we just put in the oak leaf hydrangeas which are doing great loving that now this is an old school variety this is like the just typical russian stage it's a lot bigger this one tends to want to the pollinators are just everywhere on it but it wants to flop eventually we don't have any water run to it so i think that's helpful and it does typically get a lot of sun so this plant really does have a couple of things going for it and usually we don't deal with a lot of flopping but that's what's nice about the denim and lace is it stays so much more compact and a little bit sturdier this space right here again i didn't do very much in here other than like the recent oak leaf edition because we were planning on possibly redoing we i just noticed sorry my i get distracted so easily like looking at something pretty and then i'm like oh there's a dead branch overall the evergreens are doing really well that we had put in so this blue spruce we need to trim that one branch out clearly the norway spruce i'll show you in a minute it's looking really great the maple not so much we'll see we'll see if it survives uh but we've got some really pretty things in here even though it's not really been messed with you know some flocks we put in here opalescence starting to fade a little bit and then this is the ultraviolet probably i think is the name i recently cut back a bunch of poppies so that's what this big open area is but we're going to be developing you know this whole space to the driveway over there eventually so that might change a little bit of what we've got going on in here and i'm always a little tentative about i mean we move so many things around i don't want to go ahead and you know do a bunch of planting in an area i know for sure we're going to be moving stuff around in right around persephone here we planted some some patience light has it blush pink light pink something like that kind of weird so when we planted these it was fairly early then we had a cold snap come through was it like in the 20s erin like mid-20s i think we had one night i went around and covered everything that we had planted that was tender and then i drove around another one or two times and i was wrecking my brain thinking what have we planted that needs to be covered for tonight forgot about all of these so they got nailed in that cold snap the plants looked horrible for like several weeks afterward like they looked like they had melted and then they started coming back um so i mean the fact that we have any color up here is pretty impressive i think this spot right here though i am actually not sure what happened to this corner i mean it's wet you can see the sprinklers did they go off this morning kind of looks like they did there's some wet in the gravel over there so i'm not exactly sure what happened to these here the rest of them have some color i think we're going to do a white supertunia up here next year aaron that's what aaron was talking about the other night and i think that would look really nice okay let's head back toward the hartley we recently did some swapping of dead boxwood so i showed you what those pots look like in that video and then if you saw our recap video the last one on our highlights channel i did talk about the hartley kind of what's going on there let's run back there you'll notice like some dead spots in the grass and that's because you know when we had all this grass scraped up in this whole area it kind of dug up it took out some sprinklers that used to hit this grass which clearly don't anymore but we were retooling this whole area so we just didn't worry about it it's kind of hard to see those especially this time of year when it's usually so hot but i know that we'll be handling those pretty quick so our water that we had run back here there was a big trench right here that leads right to that frosty free hydrant over there and the frost freeze just that means that the line is buried far enough down that it doesn't freeze in the winter time and we still have water access so when they were right here they teed off of that went into the hartley for our faucet which is in there i just learned that they came up um like they didn't run the line as deep as they should have underneath the floor before they popped it up to go to the sink it's like way it's at normal faucet depth i don't know what that is like what is that a couple feet erin one foot one foot it's not deep enough to withstand our normal winters so it could possibly freeze break the lines we would have to turn off all of our frost freeze in this area because that's attached to it so they have to re-dig up this whole area he thinks they may not have to break up any floor but they might have to break up a little bit just enough to get right inside the door so that they can reattach the line at the proper depth run it up and then elbow up once it's in the heated part of the greenhouse so there's that he said that would be a pretty quick fix so he could do that and then we are going to have all of the beds that we have i shared my garden design for this area all the beds that will be back here we're going to line them all with brick and then put gravel down for the walkways and uh he said it would be done fairly quick i told him like i really i've got boxwoods out there i really want to get this area buttoned up and he said oh you'll have time you'll have time for fall planting in this area we'll get it done so i was very encouraged now these containers here may as well not have put any white geraniums in here because the plectranthus are just nuts now you can see some blooms that were in here so i put three white zonal geraniums a queen tut and then three plectranthus which i mean it's gorgeous even without the blooms this one has a little bit like a little bit of white popping through right there so if you need a good filler or a good spiller and filler plant the plectranthus is just amazing and then another example of queen tuts looking awesome look at that just so clean and such a nice green color and then inside here let's just pop in for a second don't look at my dead flower arrangement i've been pretty good about keeping fresh flowers in here except for like the last week because it's so hot i haven't been even wanting to cut flowers um so i showed you the countertop and the base that we had built built made for in here and they did get all the water run so there's a filtration system which makes our water drinkable in here and there's also a little water heater so we've got hot water i'm going to be making a little curtain like with some real pretty fabric to kind of hide this stuff and then the rest of this area will be stacks of terracotta pots they also came over teed over and put a faucet so that i could put like a little hose in here and wheel the hose out to water plants and then we just went with so i've got now i would really love i had actually one of you guys send me pictures of some gorgeous like vintage was it like copper or bronze or brass or something like that i don't know it's like a gold color faucet and i would love that in here but i gotta find one that's a touch like our kitchen faucet's a touch and every time i go to anybody's house i'm so used to it that i do this and i'm like what's wrong with your faucet like it will turn on and then i realize oh it's not a touch one um so we just picked that one up because it's like the one in our kitchen and i'm so used to that and i like that so anyway if we can find you guys know of like a really vintage-y looking gorgeous faucet that's also a touch faucet send me the link all right russell got in here the cats are actually not allowed in this greenhouse out you go out you go i don't want any any cat presents in here nope the area behind we haven't done any changes except for you might notice the one arbor vita that was right here we removed that because it burned so bad in our heat i mean the other one looks okay but we had one here that had already been damaged you know when our elm tree that was right here about where the fountain is behind the chicken coop it lost one of its big trunks fell on top of that arbor vita and kind of crunched it a bit and i had it tied to the fence which we had removed so once we removed the fence it no longer had that support and then it burned the summer so we decided to remove it it looks so much better in fact it kind of lines up with the door of the harley here to where like if we were to keep going and we put an entrance into that garden space it opens up that view so i can kind of visualize what that would look like i like it anyway we're going to be you know doing some changing back here doing some changing with that garden nothing is really that different except for you can see the norway spruce back there it just looks really good that's another one of the big evergreens we had installed and it's put on new growth candles it's looking really great our maple tree right here so this side of it looks decent and we're actually surprised that more of the leaves leaves haven't gotten all crunchy and wilted like it's hanging in there kind of like by a thread um sometimes with with trees like this it can take him a couple of years to rebound especially one that was damaged as bad as this one was when it was moved if we move to the front you can see it better i did recently okay so i got to just show you this we recently cleaned this out on video for you guys i pulled out all of the borage in this area because of how badly it had taken over and i told you guys it doesn't matter that i pulled all these plants out they'll probably just pop back up all of these are borage seedlings like in less than a week it's just crazy how much they grow and i put four or three four inch plants three four inch borage in this area and they will eventually like want to take over your space so just know that about that plant right in here you can see some stakes and strings and we um i talked about in this in the video where i gave you a heartly update and talked about how we're doing a step right here so that this area and this area feel a little different we'll also have boxwoods with big pillars you know on either side with some urns and then boxwoods that will attach to that box would hedge over there creating a different space and then the boxwoods will go here and then swoop around and then connect to you know a run of boxes over there and then we'll create a new patio area in this space but if you take a look at this tree from this side you can see where all the damage is aaron actually had to bolt well first off you can see two cuts down here those were the two huge branches that were broken on its way over and then the one right above it was cracked pretty severely and i think it's dead i think i think that branch is going to go which means that is about what was damaged when it came over and then that branch make up about half of the tree's canopy and i'm a little bit like i don't know if we want to keep a tree in here that um is half a tree i don't know i mean especially since it's brand new we've got this area open it would be easy for him they do guarantee their trees for a year thankfully which surprises me but really with this one he said it was probably one of the hardest ones he's ever moved and one of the biggest and i'm kind of like well i wish i would have known that i probably would have picked something a little bit smaller that was easier for you to maneuver but i'm new to all of this as well but it would be really nice while this area is still just powder dirt for him to get his truck and remove this one and probably put something else in and it might be something that we just wait until next spring it's you never know if that branch might pick up and do okay it might just be stressed because it's so hot it might leaf out in the spring so i don't know exactly what we're going to do there we recently showed you the chicken coop area because that i think that video just went up today or yesterday one of the days it was recent i went through and did some maintenance here i've been really enjoying these containers right here kind of wishing i didn't put the black petunias in it was just a whim they look better in this container i used to buy like some of these specialty random colored petunias and now i remember kind of how they perform comparison to super once you've grown super tunias you're kind of like i mean these aren't supposed to spill i know that but the foliage is like so weak and yellow and they stain everything they touch these look at this look at that bloom see where it was laying on the pot they stain dang it but it's really pretty blend anyway velveteen a limetime coleus there's a raven sweet potato vine icicles helichrysum sun patience compact white another plectranthus and then our black petunia still really pretty underneath the golden rain tree it's starting to sprinkle a little bit you guys it's just such a gift this morning uh this is another area where i actually don't think the water was running to this space for a little while and so some of the host is completely fried they're coming back i see new growth coming from them like i came in and completely cut them back but i mean just the hosta leaves honestly like i feel like brunera is almost a better choice than hostas for us because bruner just tends to handle all of the heat they don't get the burn on the tips they still have the nice big round bold texture that you're looking for when you're you know usually planting a hosta that might be something i transition to a little bit in these shadier areas something that can handle a little bit something that can handle it a little bit better okay let's run through the vegetable garden really quickly we need to come in it's time to shear back the sweet romance lavender so this was its first first flush of blooms here so we'll come in and do a midsummer shear well it's kind of getting to be like past the part mid-summer at this point but we'll just shear off all the bloom stocks and then it'll push more blooms later in the season it's actually starting to push a few so we probably should do that pretty quickly i've loved this mix right here uh acapulco sun is that right i think i think that's right i loved the stratosphere white gara it's just such a really fun whimsical looking centerpiece and the super bells have done it pretty well supertunia bermuda beach there's peachy keen which this just has happened in the heat so typically superbenas you do not have to deadhead but i feel like this pop because of our heat there's always exceptions in times where you feel like you need to go in and do a little cleanup job just because of the extremes that the pots or the plants have had to go through so that's something i'll probably be doing we recently planted seeds in here that are just now kind of starting to pop through oh boy look at the winded sad this is our volunteer sunflower i staked it so the whole thing didn't come down thankfully but it did lose some of its lower branches bummer but there's not a tremendous amount going on in here there's onions i need to harvest there's seeds coming up the colets are starting to bloom again there's another little flush coming out that'll be beautiful the lime light standard this standard is just like it just does so well in this space i'm just absolutely loving it i need to figure out how to like keep these branches up a little bit better because then we wouldn't have like that gap you know but either way such pretty blooms it's just now like in the last two weeks starting to really come out and these will get big and white and gorgeous ambridge rose this is a david austin right here this is it's like third flush of blooms i already need to come out and do some deadheading here one of my favorites in terms of growth habit i mean they stay so compact and just so healthy looking and beautiful color and then our new area right here is coming along you know most of this stuff you guys most of it is new this spring stuff we transplanted from behind the hartley like all the roses many of the perennials we transplanted from back there and so we're just kind of starting to fill up this space little by little this is our biggest gap right here but the stoke zasters are starting to bloom look how pretty big beautiful late summer and fall color we've done some perennial cut back i showed you that already in a video there's more stokes asters i don't know it's just really coming together beautifully loving it next year you guys when these perennials like really start to thicken up and fill fill in to where we can't see drip tubing and they're really just like kind of intermittent mingling together i cannot wait for that we've got benjamin's scooter these pots right here it's so funny okay so first off i put an unplugged pink salvia in the center i don't think i'm going to use any more of that plant just to be completely honest they just do not perform as well and the bloom panicles when they're done blooming they just they don't have the same look like playing the blues you don't feel like you need a deadhead this one they kind of are looking dry and i don't know if it's our heat or what but i feel like i need to come in here and clean it off anyway on one side i did a supertunia vista jazzberry which is like trailing down crazy coming up and like engulfing the salvia these are not vistas so you can see the difference this is a just a regular supertunia raspberry blast rush i don't know and then this one's supertunia bordeaux and you can see how much more like compact and tidy their growth habit is compared to the vista i mean the vista is just crazy so i feel like i need to remember that and just do all vistas or all regular supertunias so that one side of the pot doesn't look like it's exploding and the other side side is like nice and tame really pretty color combination though i'm really enjoying that right here from about this like if you took a picture the other night like showing this and then like that view it's just so pretty drops of jupiter oregano we've got the mary rose david austin stand by me lavender clematis got a little bit beat up in the wind last night looks like it's just such a pretty look together all of these things we've got a button bush right here sugar shack like this plant looks so fresh i can't believe i thought it was dead this spring i've got a few more i want to get in the ground but things that look like this like that glossy deep green this time of year that have gone through our heat our dry heat gotta love those and then we just recently took after this flower bed in a video we did some you know cut back of some salvia we cut back daisies we cut back penstemon i also trimmed up the crab apple here just did kind of an overhaul so this space right here is kind of in its interim phase when it's just recharging to bloom and grow again the basketballs look really good these have also grown beautifully nice and thick this is they've just been in color all season long i do need to come out and do some deadheading again but if we come around this side oh here's a good example of what the prince tuts do in our garden in the sun see that these are on drip plus we supplementally water with a hose on hot days and they still tend to burn i mean nice and thick this side gets afternoon sun and you can tell a definite difference this is just the morning sun side it's a lot fresher on that side and where it gets the afternoon sun uh but the surefire rose begonias have been just a beautiful plant in this area just beautiful the wonderful part about these is that you can see we've got maple trees planted in each one of these little boxwood swoops and uh i can't even believe like i'm just noticing how big this trunk is is that crazy how long ago did we plant this four and then were the other ones the same year this one was planted first right i can't even remember anyway you know when you plant a brand new tree uh every all the space around it even is full sun because it's just not big enough to shade things and then as you know they grow they start shading the area below them and then this area we've got big locust tree and a big juniper over there so some of these wells stay pretty shaded during the day like all day but some of them get some full sun for pockets of the day so to have an annual that can perform equally as well in full sun and full shade is really nice so every single well looks exactly the same and we haven't experienced that the last maybe one or two seasons because we've dealt with such light variations that when you do supertunias that need full sun they just you know will thrive in one area and look a little bit more meager in another area right up here the fountain's doing awesome we haven't planted anything in this space yet we actually were waiting until after the heat spell to clean it it's got some uh some green going on in it so we'll drain it and get it cleaned here pretty quick now that we're cooling off it looks like we're going to be in the mid to high 90s and some of the days will be up over 100 a bit but not 110 and there's a there's a difference but i've been really enjoying that this bed up here has struggled quite a lot i don't know if it's it's just the extreme heat it looks they look good right now but a couple of days i thought did the drip not go off these plants were just wilted down like hard wilted so bad and the blooms like were just you know completely wilted down so i'd come out here with a hose and and hose them down make sure that they were really saturated the drip was going off it was just so intense they couldn't handle it quite as well and this spot does get sun for a good part of the day until the like mid to late afternoon is when they start to see a little bit of protection here and these containers did really well they're still looking pretty good i think the heat has kind of taken a toll on them as well but lots of good color here and then at last roses we had some hollyhocks which we have cut back in this bed but that's pretty much it in this area not a whole lot of changes okay i want to show you a flowerbed where we planted a bunch of annuals and i probably should have started the tour at this flowerbed because it's so spectacular it starts right here with superbena imperial blue this is my favorite annual from this year like hands down favorite annual they looked so leggy and so sparse when i planted them and it didn't take them long to just like completely explode the color is so saturated and so gorgeous it looks beautiful with these poet's wife roses and then we've got toucan coral cannas again i need to come in and do some pruning on those some deadheading and then we've got the sweetheart lime sweet potato vine we did more color blocking in this area this year which i really love supercinea vista snowdrift kind of through this space and then a block of superbena block of sweetheart lime a few grasses in there i mean look at these annuals do you remember what this looked like when we planted it sorry about the they are building a house very nearby where we're at so if you hear a lot of noise that's what's going on but i just can't even believe this space and how beautiful it is now back against this fence we just cut back a bunch of hollyhocks that we're completely covering this space right here so those will start to flush back they had spider mites so we cut them back to to take care of them at this point we've got some rudbeckia right here which is funny because i started all these from seed these are a perennial rubecchia kind of a perfect plant out here for full sun this is where we park all of our cars it's just a really hot space but this one right here doesn't look the same it's like one of the annual rudbeckia seeds got mixed in with the perennial but the mix of the superbina with that rudbeckia right there oh it's so nice i've just i mean this whole space has just been such a beautiful thing and it's been so fun to watch it fill in love it so i recently showed you through the cut flower garden area and the grapes so i'll probably skip that but i thought we would walk through the grass pathways just real quick just to hit some highlights also we still we're going to be putting a bunch of trees in this grassy area i know it just looks so vast at the moment but we're going to have a bunch of shade trees put in i'm also still needing to in fact paul's been collecting cardboard so we can do that no dig method and put cardboard down on the grass and a bunch of compost but we're going to widen out this flower bed quite a lot like probably i want it to kind of line up with where this grass pathway ends so right about here and it's just going to be massive right here we'll put a big tree in here and then all along the whole edge we'll keep a pretty good section in the middle open for the kids to run and play and such but all along here we're going to be doing the brick border we'll carry that on from where it ends which will line the driveway and then we'll have big trees so i don't know if that's going to happen this fall or next year or the year after who knows but that is the plan this entry area has been so fun everything's looking pretty good we've got the denman lace russian sage we have one hydrangea i have no idea what's going on with that one the other ones are doing great starting to bloom that just happens sometimes so it looks like scorch we're just going to be keeping our eye on it see what happens we may have to replace it the tuscan sun heliopsis right about the time where we need to start deadheading a little bit so if you come in you can see the first flush of blooms which have been glorious starting to look a little faded so if you come in you can deadhead them back to all the new blooms that are forming down below it's a little bit of a chore but not bad you can leave them though you don't have to deadhead them they'll just keep blooming but you know it'll look a little bit more tired if you don't echinacea is still looking amazing cats meow nepeta we put some ginger wine nine bark and some yarrow in here on this side we have white echinacea more cat's meow these are actually yellow twig dogwoods so right here back in there and right over here bud leah you can see we haven't done any more of our pathway we got just you know to here and then stopped because that's about the time it got really hot and we just thought no this would be an excellent fall project maybe we'll just we've got pallets of stone over there we'll just take off with this later we're in no hurry but this will cruise through this area it'll circle around inside and then come back on the other side over there and then we'll have just this whole area will be decked out hopefully in the end we don't see anything like we block our whole view um that direction that's the goal serendipity alliums are opening a little bit more than they were before i see like a few of them are almost all the way open what a pretty perennial that is though i love it and then the supreme cantalope echinacea you can see the older blooms here and then the fresher blooms there and then we've got them front planted with the coral jade sedum it's kind of a really perfect blend in this area okay so let's head over to the other side we'll take a look at that annual bed over there we're gonna look at this bed from the outside here and then we'll pop into the grassy area but this area is hasn't filled in quite as quickly as the last one uh but we've got the two can yellow cannas in here we've got some vertigo penicidum which are the big grassy things we've got some unplugged so blue salvia in here so these stay more compact you can tell than the plain the blues salvia does look at the unplugged pink i am just like not impressed with that plant this year bummer i love the color it just i don't know the fun thing about this space is that we had a volunteer watermelon come up so that's what this vine is look look at this right here i didn't plant any melons this year so it's kind of fun to have that one i have no idea what variety it is but we decided just to leave it see what happens a few toucan coral cannas popped in i you know a lot of them weren't blooming when i planted them and you know it is what it is i didn't mean to put the pink ones in there they were meant to all be yellow this will look better too and a little bit more kept once i come in and do some can of dead heading that will make them look a lot cleaner but again more superchina vista snowdrift there's some truffula pink gomphrena in here sweetheart lime sweet potato vine it's just been fun because i didn't really have a plan for this space this year i just thought well you know we had leftover plants from the college project i kind of over ordered for that project because last year i didn't order enough so i kind of knee-jerked anyway we ended up with several things we could pop in blank areas out here so i was thankful for that let's go into the grass area so on first glance right here you notice that the grass is like completely brown in this area dead the reason for that is that we we have not seeded the grass here this is the next area i think right you're going to do this section here and then the section on the other side we're going to seed that with grass the sprinklers that water this section also overlapped this section so even though we seeded this and it kind of came up it doesn't get enough water to keep it going so it needs that overlap so anyway this area when we see this will reseed this spot and then that will start looking a lot better these containers i i do not like at all in fact i think i'm going to pull them here pretty quick now these don't look these look way worse than the ones over here maybe we should stop at one of those they got aphids horribly bad first off second the coleus i used elbrado cannot handle our sun our full sun so it just bleaches out and it starts to dry up it just looks so bad this is a supertunia vista yellow mini vista yellow but see this side looks a lot better this is the morning side morning sun side right here nice and fresh ish persimmon the midnight the mini vista yellow this is the upside black coffee this is looking spectacular right here that's the bright spot in this pot but this incredibles never have really been a super great centerpiece plant for us and they definitely couldn't hold up to the vigor of the other plants early on they looked great for a long time and this happened with the heat so i think we're going to pop these out because i just yeah i don't like it let's keep going this way we'll look at the other ones over there they look a lot better but we've got just a lot of beautiful pockets of perennials in here we are planning on touching up with compost over over the top of all the drip tubing before winter this year so that we don't see that all winter long but we've just been working on you know popping things in here and there what is this aaron did these cypress get like little like little seed pods this is the first time i've ever grown bald cypress so i don't know what to expect yeah that's interesting they've been really really pretty like a brighter green like real chartreuse in the spring they look a little bleached out maybe from the sun right now as they're getting established but they've been they've been really nice i'm loving the addition of the hearty geraniums in here that's been really fun there's that heliopsis the bit of honey with the variegated leaf everything you guys is just looking a little bit like i feel like i want to get my falcos out in just a bag and come out here and just like strip dead leaves and dried up leaves and deadhead some things drops of jupiter oregano looking much more vibrant out here in the full sun than it does on the west side both pretty these are awesome these are a totem pole panicum and they will continue to grow for the rest of the season like get up about this tall or so just a really tight strong vertical accent i love the color that blue we need more of these i think in the garden we've added some agastaki and some echinacea in here coreopsis and the daylilies blooming must have watered out here yeah the hibiscus is crazy look at this planted this outside last year or outside of course i planted it outside i planted this out when it was like 103 last year and it wilted down and looked horrible oh my goodness i thought it was gonna die and it has just like crazy growth this season this is its second season in the ground second full season i think it was july last year when i planted it and you cut these back to the ground every year and you can imagine i mean look at all these buds we're just about ready to have blooms like crazy over this whole thing limelight prime hydrangea hedge i struggled a bit with chlorosis like you can see right in here so i don't know when did you treat these last week ago yeah so they'll pick up and probably start looking a little bit better here within the next seven to ten days or so just have to kind of stay on it with maples and hydrangeas in our space but you know things like this this is a blue sky serbian spruce look at how beautifully this is growing beautiful new growth tips beautiful purple cones i mean i'm just so excited about that oh this is an area i really need to deadhead this is the orange smoothie day lilies oh my goodness planted these out last year they've been blooming like crazy but a lot of the bloom stocks are done now and i need to go in and clean up the undersides of you know the under leaves there undergrowth looking a little bit uh messy i also need to clean up the flocks a little bit but the superbina is looking so good ugh i love it and then we've got some cats meow nebula here echinacea the tiger eyes sumac some new echinacea here some salvia and just a whole bunch of perennials in here this is one i've been really happy with this is that skull cap ground cover that i know nothing about never have grown before and it apparently like super dry soil i didn't run any drip to it and i've never watered it since that first day and it's getting just enough overspray from the grass sprinklers to keep it happy but looking absolutely gorgeous and then this whole area it looks like a jumble because it kind of is we've got a lot of plants back here yet to plant out but we've got a lot of drip tubing showing as well so this is an area we'll be coming through with compost now i was thinking the other day i wonder what it would look like if we got some kind of like beautiful round gazebo and made a pathway back in here because we're not going to store plants back here forever and put some kind of a beautiful like seating area right here and had a pathway come back in here and had it tucked in with a bunch of evergreens and beautiful things right here wouldn't that be beautiful so i'm thinking i i forgot to tell you about that aaron but i think that would be a fun thing to add right here and last let's look at one of these pots that look a little bit better right here this one looks a heck of a lot better than the other ones look at that see that's pretty that looks good you can see some sunflower the coleus looks a little bit better and i think too those first two just got nailed with avid so bad and then the drip i had to change the drip out halfway through so i feel like those really get quite a fair shake but this looks really pretty huge i did have to cut out the nasturtium at one point because the nasturtium had grown up all the way up here and it was all the way down to the ground and it was just engulfing this whole side so i came through and cut those out i don't think that pot was even getting enough water to bring the nasturtium back but this one's coming back and it was kind of interesting i wanted to show you the one thing we did on this new piece of property we bought this spring that joins up with you know the south garden and the lawn area so we did have a fence put in and that was our only plan for this space this year is just to get the fence put in and then we will figure it out as we go so you can see the property line a lot better it starts up flush with our current property line and then goes over it kind of goes at a diagonal back and then it takes off straight back into the trees back there so you can kind of see this whole space it's really you know exciting we've talked about so many different things that we could do with this area we still haven't decided yet and we're not planning on developing any of the space i don't know if you aaron had talked maybe about seeding it this fall with some dry land grass mix we've got a lot yeah he said we have a lot of other things to work on so and that is true and that's kind of what we thought we'll get the fence in and that will be our only goal for this area it is possible we may have one of the back areas kind of leveled out and we might put a high tunnel or two in this space and that's kind of where we want to do plant storage and then maybe some more winter growing and things like that it would be nice to get those we do have those sitting on a pallet so it would be nice to have those constructed and up somewhere but we may not get to that i mean there's just a lot of things going on and right now it's just been about keeping things alive you know keeping things watered and this weather this morning is a gift i mean it feels it's way more humid than i'm used to i'm probably like just i feel like i'm dripping sweat right now which i don't even feel like that when it's 105 degrees outside because it's usually so dry but boy it's just a break for everything when you get that overcast you get a little bit of rain and anyway we just thought it would be a good opportunity to show you where we're at with our garden at this time of year things will start to look better though after the heat it usually takes them a few weeks to kind of recover from that and then they start to look a little bit fresher we start in with some fall planting with fresh stuff and it gets really like really fun again there's just that moment in the summer because i'm not a heat person i don't really love it above 90. so there's that moment in the summer where we're like oh just trying to get through and get our plants through and then it's back to the really fun exciting we start planting again and all that so anyway that's it for today thank you guys so much for watching this tour i hope you enjoyed it and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 378,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: Zy8MlNaP8Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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