Start Your Own Empire In Old Market Simulator...

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this is Old Market simulator a co-op bizaar Adventure where you and a partner can team up to pursue your dreams of becoming thriving Market entrepreneurs you can face various events that can affect the price of goods from surges and demand to sudden shortages Every Day brings new challenges you can expand your Empire build your reputation enlist NPC assistance stay legal and stay profitable asz the government is watching your business all right so here we are at the old Marketplace the East Wind Market I need to change this to like the floppy Market or something I don't know if there's an option to do that so here it is here is our beginner store that we can take a look at what do I got cleaning will be available on full game good I don't want to clean anyway all right so let's look around it says to order goods from the dock on the top right on the top left we got 250 coins I got I think those are rep points 100 rep points day one of spring and it's it's night time so let's head over to the dock over here uh this way okay it's nice looking World a little Coastal Village we got a retail store over there we got the docks over here okay order okay so these will be delivered tomorrow I don't know what I want uh we'll go with like let's go with maybe the DK is like longer on some of of these so like seven and N for these almond bag let's do maybe some almonds maybe some apples how much money do I got okay and maybe some carrots 130 I don't know if that's a lot I want a little bit of variety I guess who wants to Mak the money okay I need stuffs to make the money let's go to bed where's my bed at hello bed do I live upstairs do I live in the back uh nope oh here we go see stairs let me get up here all right so here's the world we got the Grand Bazaar we got Lumberjack decoration store State officer architect different places here okay is it up here is this my bedroom this must be it there we go okay we got sleep Daily Report zero S zero reputation minus 10 rent all right purchase stand from The Lumberjack okay the lumberjack I think we saw that over here right Lumberjack let's go this way okay oh here we go uh wooden stand mostly used to place fruits a big wooden stand mostly used for placing large items like watermelons crates or hay barrels uh placing eggs and breads placing large items and can be used for all kinds of products except large ones let's go with this one then because we have a mix of like fruit veggies and nuts right the almonds who the hell are you that guy all right okay let me rotate this with r i don't know where we're supposed to put these but would look nice I'll just put it like right here in the corner or something it's fine for now I don't know doesn't look very good with nothing else in here but that's fine all right I use the cable car to transport Goods hello Cable Car a cable car goodbye house wonder if there's like little secrets around the world where you can get stuff okay is this my stuff all right so we got this off the off the boat I can place it no drop it holy almost rupted in the water okay be careful with this thing terrifying okay where's the button go back all right let's place this stuff into our Market let see what kind of sails we can pull in all right so these are my carrots here and we can place it on uh what's the place right click can I rotate you this way there there you go I'll put you right there cool uh set price uh whole SES three recommended is four I mean if you say so we'll try four then we grab some of these These are the walnuts wallnuts oh look I can put them here can I rotate that I like that that's cool no what the dude don't pick it up here you go set price X two okay don't seem like we're making a lot of money on those I mean I guess the profit is the same as the carrots but okay I'll put you right there there we go I like it and x and that's fine as well all right set a price for each item okay we did that open your Market using the sign out front open okay hey you want some almond no hey dick lips you want to grab a carrot and suck it back I know you want to hey what's going on welcome in Su chap assist a customer at the the checkout counter is that the counter here I guess how's it going sir how about these new inventions coming out lately huh like like toilet paper it's crazy it's crazy put to bag okay and take pouch okay thank you there we go what do we got this and this take pouch all right we're making a little bit of money View events on the calendar at the Grand Bazaar I'm I'm selling stuff here wonder if I can hire somebody actually we're selling pretty good okay I know what you do with that I know what you're do with those too there you go all right can I run to the Grand Bazar quick you think she is buying quite a bit we go a couple carrots there you go let's see there you go take a pouch there you go this is like a simple version of that Supermarket game huh the Grand Bazaar said to look at the calendar here's a calendar okay so we're in the second day of spring so there's Easter and the prices for eggs bread and carrots will go up so eggs bread and carrots so we probably want to buy and sell those on those days with jacked up prices I wonder if the recommended changes or if you just do it yourself okay good good good like Supermarket simulator a little bit huh all right we're got the slowburn purchase a lamp from the decoration store I couldn't find bread all right I'm not selling bread couldn't find carrot are we out of carrots dude okay guess I could remove this right throw what do I how do I get rid of these just have a huge stack of old there old crates all right thank you have a good day what's up get yourself a Tickler there first mustache I've seen all right let's uh oh Jesus look at this guy that has to be the blacksmithy all buying nuts love your nuts huh there you go almond AR nuts floppy I don't know that it could be true sure like them though there you go at 250 looks like the day is maybe starting to end a little bit here I'm not sure how it last we're in the afternoon it says okay get that money get that money find honey Jesus could find gooseberries getting crazy now give this a ye perfect and we'll buy these but you've in the bag put you in the bag and we're probably out soon what's that guy doing outside my store like he pissed on the barrel all right let's grabb these thank you thank you all right I've had enough get out get out my market please get out okay see if I got to finish this one okay I couldn't find almond is it empty I'm assuming it's EMP wait oh yeah she bought the last one go and eat this there we go and we got two coins all right so we want to get the decoration store um is that over here decorations are over this way Grand Bazaar how bizarre State officer decoration store uh I can't see buy a big carpet oh here we go uh 40 coins enlightens the store okay I like the game so far feels good uh place the lamp in your Marketplace guess I'll put it by the the cash register here that actually looks pretty nice can I buy another one kind of want two probably waste of money but actually like it I have another one of these thank you would mind a little carpet there we go perfect all I like it it looks fine he AES some light I like it all right I don't know if I have an electricity bill or not so this is closed for now let's go ahead and order our stuff because we have to do that at night right it gets delivered on the next day purchase a permission from the state officer okay I guess I shall do that all right this guy view permissions uh we can buy alcohol one it's a beers box champagne box and whiskey box whiskey bottles brand new C purchase an expansion from the architect uh architect architect oh here he is okay expansion expands the market okay now what is that it come over here so what happened here oh there you go right so we got this little back piece I like it let me remove this and I'm just going to rotate and I think they come on I mean that side there got to put you right there for now so it's easy grab stuff and then and then pay out right here uh less walking around might be a little bit quicker too to get them out we have the retail store over here so we got Apple crates looks like she's actually selling for more so maybe that's if you're desperate and you need stuff to sell I don't know so we got this dude order all right yeah so it's like $9 more over there whatever it was we got Beer's box let's sell some beer uh I don't have much money holy what was that 8 oh 84 I read that wrong so let's sell uh I mean the almonds and stuff did pretty good we seem to have a lot of them and I mean bread rad sounds good uh we got eggs here coin let's do corn corn and maybe what do we got 21 maybe some eggs I guess we need 10 bucks for rent right all right so that's good hopefully I can put eggs on that stand so I think there was an egg stand or some uh and on the fourth day we can start selling Easter stuff right and put the prices up let's come up here go back to bed yeah 200 bucks 60t reputation rent was 13 maintenance and tax all right there we go all right I might edit this video so if you see little Cuts in the video which I don't normally do uh it's because the game has this bug where even though I have the music turned off it uh keeps resetting itself after I sleep and it's got music blaring so I don't know if it's copyright safe or not so just if you're wondering holy I almost threw that overboard there is an element of risk there here we go let's go back see if we can get the stuff on my little stand what's this building there's anything in there all right let's go with the Almond bag again I shall place you right here and rotate you're good what was this one is this bread like sourdough give floppy to sourdough I just had sourdough bread for breakfast with some fruit I mixed it up today usually I'm all about the meats sourdough Bread's so good all right let's throw this eggs on here right here excuse me all right still getting over like a thing I got a thing going on with my throat and stuff so I'm a little congested but I apologize for that but we're good let me rotate maybe there we go looking pretty good so we got price of bread three let's try putting the prices up a little bit can I do like a no so you can't do like 3.5 you have to do whole numbers I'm going to try putting the price up for everything it three see we'll see if we piss people off do four and we'll do three okay let's open up I need to get out of bankruptcy can I move the desk um if the devs are watching this can you let us move the desk maybe so I can have the cashier wherever I want be cool if like open this up put it right here then have a bunch of in your store I'm just waiting to rip people off come into my store pay an extra 10 bucks and I'll jerk you no mind is everything too expensive he didn't even buy anything this isn't going to work oh yeah they're they're not happy okay set price three two so you just set it to recommended like there's no there's no challenge here you just you know you kind of want some people to buy it you know maybe they do maybe I didn't give it enough chance but come on in sir come on in you smell like cow what's going on did you just put that in your pocket okay why are they going on that side of it all right take that all right minus 19 we're still in De here I got to got to make some money dudes let's go hello sir SL lady have any good Adventures today okay I want to be this guy if I can pick my character I want to be that guy all right this one right here looks like a boss look at this guy he just did an 80s workout plus while he was blacksmithing smashing a hammer okay there we go good buys all right we're up at nine I need to make way more money this is not enough okay there we go we go we got the grind going $21 don't even know if that would cover everything my rent and my maintenance and all that get taxed on a daily apparently get the out one piece of bread dude worth my time where's the Big Monies all right thank you couldn't find an Apple I don't have apples you didn't find it cuz I didn't buy any there you [Music] go what is this guy some type of I don't know there we go there you go what is this outfit is it a religious outfit or is it like it's just a cosplayer my eggs gone okay there we go I like that sound that plopping sound plop plop plop plop okay hello come into my office there we go have a good day have a good day thank you for the monies how many supplies we have left getting a little bit low the almonds seem to last the longest they're pretty good buy cuz all of your profit margins are like $1 one coin huh I couldn't find corn uhhuh so let's get rid of the corn crate I don't know if this is where I put them but I have no idea there's like a recycling place or some what's down here oh never mind that's the the docks I was looking at that building hello hello let me take your monies there you go thank you all right there you go all right there you go thank you my eggs are gone right I don't know what the idea is with those like is there a way to deal with those or you just literally throw them in I couldn't find potatoes we ain't a potato shop guy okay I strictly sell almonds and bread all right that that that we made some money today which is good we've survived we have survived what's up sweet cheeks looking for a man what the hell you doing to that guy holy you just pegged that guy all right let's do this how's your prostate uh weird okay let's see a couple more dudes here I don't know how late they come till GL we have the lamps now at least go and find almond oh I think we're out of everything now yep I think we're out of bread I think we're out of everything thank you okay so I'm guessing yeah we just keep throwing these in the garbage because I don't know what the to do with them so just keep throwing them in the water it's like I don't know what year it is is like, 1650 or some so nobody cared about polluting back then littering I don't know if that's true either so we need some more supplies 141 coins we'll stock up in some stuff what's up Mary all right let's get maybe the almonds are good well they do cost 4 40 bucks though right so are they actually good you know eggs wait um wait wait wait wait wait it was eggs bread and carrots right was it bread I'm going to sneeze oh God oh God oh God it's everywhere excuse me [Music] hey Google remind me to mop the walls later thanks uh this calendar so it's egg bread and carrot yeah it is bread okay I wasn't sure about the bread get off my screen what's happening oh God do you all see that or is that just me am I freaking out okay little bug all right my phone is actually asking me to set a time for that wall mopping all right that was a joke all right let's go order this stuff and then I guess we can get the prices up right for the next three days so we need eggs uh where's the bread bread and carrots okay so I can do maybe more eggs and then I do need money for the night okay so we'll keep 52 bucks because I can't go bankrupt again we might actually be close again I don't know how much it costs the taxes maintenance and then the rent right and we'll sleep okay so 166 sale reputation maintenance okay so everything's going to be at 19 bucks there oh it's Easter hey cool look at this we got decorations and everything hey cool all right I know there's like Halloween and stuff in the game they mentioned on the steam page so how many holidays they did but that's pretty cool what's up dude let's go get our stuff okay across on the little cable car we'll grab our and we'll bring it back and set it up into the marketplace okay I'll go here all right probably the safer way to put stuff in just stand up against it there we go and our eggs so not a whole lot of stuff but we don't have a lot of money all right perfect I have my kets okay let's drop this for a second and let me remove you I'll put you back a little bit the the way they walk around it is kind of strange they go to like the back of it for some reason I don't really understand why it's kind of weird um just put you on there and we got the breads we don't have a whole lot to sell today but maybe the pricing will be will be good the bread we got some eggs okay you can fit quite a bit on these stands huh and we got eggs okay being picky about this all right actually I'd kind of like you over there we'll just leave you there that's fine all right so the pricing X six see how it goes up so because it's Easter we got some extra profit margins on this eggs four and four oh it's set both of them cool all right let's open this up let's get the monies baby all right cool what's up here haven't even looked up here nothing what's that weird sound is that supposed to be the seagulls like a whistling sound or some couldn't find lettuce gross there been a lettuce band lettuce bandage hello are you looking for some meat cuz I'll sell you some meat better than them carrots there you go get out of here all right 53 bucks I like that they're uh we're making good money on the carrots there pretty decent profits all right like our old timey our old timey Marketplace here I like the vibe it's pretty chill game it runs pretty good couple bugs so far but nothing crazy nothing gamebreaking yet all right let me do this this this and this all right cool it's like a helicopter what the hell was that all right there we go thank you come again I will what uh uh all right go I'll take you I'll take you and take you just pushes her out of the way I love it thank you thank you thank you there you go next all right perfect grab you you you you and you all right what are we up to 155 so we're making money a little bit quicker for sure for shies okay come on come on come on in you're good how's our stuff looking I think this one's empty isn't it all right put in the bag okay happy Easter have a great day bye little slow pit placed here slow paced here we go this probably gets pretty busy when you have a whole place right so I don't know if there's any option to hire anybody yet could find bread bread let me grab you I think we're out of just about everything I have anything left this the egg huh okay good all right one egg cool there we go I think that's probably it I don't think we have anything left to sell we're all out of the goodies all right so we made 237 bucks not bad well that's what we're up to I think we only had like 19 right when we started something like that 18 all right perfect I can't grab those I guess I want to steal the eggs and flowers and sell them hello delicious [Music] all right let's make some orders and stuffs same thing right cuz now we have some money let's do do um wait did their price is up now too yeah they did they like doubled oh you guy are you serious and carrots right that is a lot uh 36 for one of the breads there we go I'll do that I don't like your goddamn never mind I mean you expect the price to go up a little bit but not double how am I going to profit now we're at 41 okay store's closed I can't buy anything I was going to buy like a carpet or something can't sleep before night excuse me yeah that sucks we got the Lumberjack we get more shelves and stuff we're okay so far we're not really running out of space big old egg I think we've seen everything trying to see if there's anything else to show this guy you got the rugs little small rugs the big one for 25 Easter flowers I mean okay I you got me I kind of want my own Easter flowers wonder if these disappear I put them outside the shop no okay I'll put you rotate but you like right there I guess there we go decorated uh it's still evening I still can't sleep don't see anything over [Music] here what's this chick selling eggs and stuff for over here got hey B Bale potato crate eggs are 40 bucks here holy lady they're 10 bucks on a normal day this guy's selling them for 20 she's selling for 40 Hells I guess that's the same for me right cuz I sell on a per egg basis can we sleep yet dude come on man let's go hello lady what's going on oh wait lady think so I'd risk it I'd risk it all right yeah there's nothing else for me to do I'm waiting for the the clock to change Here For Me Maybe hopefully it's not bugged or anything um permissions this guy's got alcohol we already bought that I don't know if you can unlock more be cool then we have the expansion guy we already built that as well so it's night time so we can go to [Music] sleep let's head up here and have little snoozers so we're under by three bucks we went bankrupt on that one not bankrupt but we we're on day one of a bankrupt ruptcy whatever so I didn't judge that properly thought I did all right nice big ship will drop you off put you there all right perfect all right good good good we got some goodies all right let's go back hopefully we'll make money today the prices were a little much when I bought them I had a good deal the day before cuz he didn't Jack the prices up yet grab these we got the carrots hopefully I can fit all this stuff on here would you uh there okay sound like I have a peg lag or my ecker's draggon on the ground one of the others one of the others okay we got some Breads and then I just think it's the eggs right is it yep all right so yeah this is cool I mean I can see how you can build this up over time all right there we go and put you in now the price is six four and four all right let's open up let's make some monies going to make some monies yeah I don't know what the price is going to be this is the free version I believe the prologue uh or the demo is this the prologue at the demo let me take a quick look for you while we're waiting so this is the prologue yeah got pretty good reviews not sure when the the original game comes out let me take a quick look on that just you can add it to wish list but it doesn't really tell you this is a co-op by the way an online co-op if you want to play with a friend which is rare in these simulator gam so Props to the Developers for that appreciate that I don't know why you need a second person though really at this point cuz it's kind of slow paced but I mean it it would still be cool and yeah hopefully there's just more to do in general you know I don't know maybe steal some ideas from the supermarket Simulator game I don't know don't steal ideas it's bad and stuff okay if you wanted to get some ideas you know what I'm saying to make it a little bit more you know game loopy I like this though this is pretty good I like it it's pretty good the old Marketplace it'd be cool if you could kind of make your own stuff too like let's say you sold Maybe started selling equipment or tools or weapons even maybe you could blacksmith your own stuff like have a little maybe you could have your own little stations where you can set up stuff and then having a co-op doing that that would be kind of cool You' have a guy run the shop maybe a second dude uh actually creating some of the products that you sell maybe actually set up on the back have a little piece of ground of dirt or like uh some planters cut this all out and maybe you can put a fence around it and then have your own Farm back here grow your own prod produce and fruits and veggies and whatever maybe have chickens that's what I would do that's what I would start working on personally but I'm not going to tell anyone what to do but then then you have a game then we have a game you know right now this is a little I don't want to say it I don't want to say the big be but it's a little boring you know it's it's a it's a good game it's calm relaxing but it's it's a little boring so far it is early access it hasn't even come out yet it's the prologue not sure what the full game has in store for us so we do know there's some cleaning but all right hello sir would you like to suck my carrots my freshly homemade honey carrots brown sugar and honey with a little sprinkle of love what's the love you ask weren't you in for a treat I'm going to get arrested okay uh there there there there there there there all right now we're going now we're moving we at 177 bucks I have some products still I think you guys are out oh we got some distance on that one I jumped okay all right there we go pass this in and this one's empty let's get rid of this one there you go no it's a it's a good game it runs good couple little bugs I think it's only a Twan team you know it's just a small little little team making this so we'll take it easy on them I haven't had any real complaints I just wish there was kind of a little bit more to do right overall not bad all right with the prog you get a good look at kind of what the game will be so hopefully they stick with it I like seeing the developers come back and update and stick stick with their games there you go are we all out of eggs eggs [Music] knowwhere okay enjoy the carrot DP hello ma'am oh my okay you too huh got a lot of carrots here or something oh we all out okay let's close up the shop here cuz we got nothing left there you go have a lovely day bye no I we're yeah we're not open idiot all right this has been Market simulator check it out on Steam Link in the description as always thank you so much for watching I appreciate you please subscribe if you're new I need more subscribers I'm addicted to it I need all of the subs please need you in my life I can't live without you kiss [Music] me
Channel: FloppySword
Views: 9,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, simulation, business, tycoon, shop, sell, selling, life sim, sim, make money, money, buying, bartering, relaxing, chill, calm, casual, new, new game, old market, old market simulator
Id: 5jz30kMBlXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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