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[Music] [Music] [Music] thank you good morning welcome to TriStar digging I appreciate you joining us more we got a little job to go take care of uh going to build dig some Footers for a house and get that going to get equipment loaded up but I want to show you how mundies start out uh you know if you've got cattle you're going to know exactly what I'm fixing to show you is absolute truth so that's the frustrating thing about cattle is uh boy you just never know what's going to happen so this morning I come out here and she's already gone now so I've got some work to do to uh to take care of this but anyway you see this pole that's laying down here that's supposed to be standing straight up and there's a wire that runs from the top of that over here to the corner of the house that runs electric box for electric fence well I come out here this morning this cow was kind of walking around here acting a little funny I walked over here I had this wire down and in this corner uh so that uh I didn't want the fence on right now but hat down right here well she's got the wire wrapped around her head and Diesel's trying to chase her and so she's backing up with his wire wrapped around her neck and now then she's broke this pole down and broke the wiring too now she's in the woods with that electric fence wire wrapped around her neck it's not choking or it's just I've got to get it off so now she's over there the bull was aggravating her and uh so anyway they broke the wire down now then what I gotta do is I gotta get the cows down there in the crab pen and uh with some feed and try to get this wire off her neck so now what I got to do this morning instead of getting ready to go to this job I've got to go uh get the cows in the pen and uh try to get this wire off her neck and uh something else so I come over here to get a bucket to get some feed in it and I'd like to somebody tell me how that frog got in that bucket it's a five gun bucket sitting there was about two inches of water in it how did that frog get in that bucket foreign I believe the problem has resolved itself she has uh come out of the woods now uh minus that wire around her neck so that's good I ain't got a fool with doing that let me go just to make sure where she was standing over here make sure I can find that wire here's part of it and then she's broke that pole down Kenny uh do you have these kind of problems with your cattle Kenny's got a channel plain and dirt simple he's a Jet Pilot he flies a commercial uh uh Jet and he also does farming and excavation work uh so I watched some McKinney's videos and he has some some similar situations but uh uh this one is right there with some of the best of them she came over right in here I just want to make sure it ain't wrapped around her feet and there's Bowser he's aggravating me this morning Bowser where's that wire at found it there it is all right I found the wire it's right here um let's see if we can get our day oh well I've made it to the job site here and uh I have already kind of started laying out the lines around the foundation it's already staked out so I'm not having to worry about that it's already been laid out by a guy that came and done that and I've got to run some string on some of the longer lines to be able to paint those and get those accurate and straight but that's where I am for now so you see these lines I've already marked I've got the front Mark these little short runs are easy to Mark out without a string but those longer ones are not I'll also put a uh a house plan side on the video so you can see the house site so what I'm going to do now is I'm gonna put the Drone up in the air and cover this with a drone while I'm laying these strings out and marking these lines [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] as you saw there in the Drone video I got that laid off now got all my exterior lines marked there is a cup of load-bearing walls that's got to go I think the one of them's going right through there and then the other one is going right through here but the owner's coming to show me exactly where those load bearing walls are and where those need to be dug out this footer is going to be 24 inches wide and 12 inches deep and let's go down here and get some equipment off of the trailer get started digging [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right we are ready to get started now the property owners here and we marked off the load bearing walls now got those figured out that load bang Wall comes across here there's one there and a little bit of work right there that we added to digging the footage up so we're ready we also discussed the uh the depth of the footer situation and what we decided is this being our low point four inches lower as I mentioned than the rest of the Footers here we're going to come right here and set a benchmark and then we're 12 inches deep right here there's places that'll be 16 inches deep places will be 17 inches deep just because the change in elevation within the pad but that way they don't have to form right here and the way that he's going to do his blocks that'll work out better it actually will will save him some rock uh to backfill this with so that's going to work out pretty good we'll get the 304 fired up and uh as usual in a layout like this it's always difficult to kind of figure out where to start where you're going to put your dirt which walls you're going to do next so anyway uh that's to be figured out as we go but uh we'll get started on this all right we are ready to get started now I'm down here at this low point that I mentioned what I'm first going to do is uh put my bucket down there where that Mark is just like that Sprite there so now then that's my Benchmark I come in here to the machine I'm going to hit this quick button right here hit that it's going to say okay bench elevation success so that is what we're going to set for our bench and now then what we're doing here is go in and set a offset we're going to do a 12 inch offset because we want those Footers to be a foot deep so you go in here because you're going to go down you want to hit the negative so negative 12 I don't know what happened there standby what happened well we're back in where we're supposed to be so now I'm back here we're gonna go negative 12.0 inches to get the check mark now that we're showing negative 12 inches and we're going to use the center part of our bucket as our uh location where it marks that you can either use a left tooth the right tooth or the center so we are going to use the center you hit apply and now then it shows us these red marks here is how far we are from elevation if you also see that bucket lifted up off of the green liners or Benchmark then you go side profile of that now then what we want to do is because the laser is set up right over there we want to raise this up we're going to swing the machine over here so that we can dip the laser catcher down into that laser beam and what that does and you'll see just in a second when I hit it [Music] all right so it says laser strike Auto accepted now then what that tells me is this machine knows that that laser setting over there is my standard that's my my Benchmark for this whole job each time you move the machine you dip the laser catcher back into that laser beam and it tells the computer that you've changed the elevation based off of that laser so now then we're going to go over here where I'm going to start at and uh we'll get to digging this I'm going to set you upside the outside of the machine where the tripod is right there and uh we'll get started digging around we should be set up to dig and first thing I like to do is uh put my bucket out there where I'm going to start and I want to pull in to make sure that I'm lined up on the paint marks and I am so we are good to go uh [Music] oh that messed up I didn't dip down in the laser so I'll move I'm gonna dip down the end of the laser Auto strike accepted we are now we're good to go [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] dog right there and we got a bunch more to go so I'll check back in with you in just a little while we'll get some of this dug out and uh probably put the Drone up here a little while and watch a little bit of digging through the Drone and and see what we get done today a little bit of update now this is the first one Doug done through here and I dug this while across through here and then I have dug down to where I am right there so I want to stop for just a minute and explain uh kind of how I'm digging this out and placing dirt I'm trying my best to find places outside of the perimeter of the Footers to put my dirt so that I don't have to cross over in here and mess up my lines or try to figure out how to get the dirt out after I get all the Footers dug so that being said I've come to a part right here where this is the back wall offset from here what I did is dug straight through that and now then I can come down from that line and hook into here and go that way throw all that dirt out to that side and then I've come down to another wall here which is the side garage wall which Cuts back that way my plan is for that is to stop right there not dig through this line and then move in here dig this line back over to here throwing the dirt into the garage because there's not a footer going to be dug right there where the garage door is so I come in here and get this dirt which works out real well once I dig that line back to here to connect to that then I will come down here to this side and continue on with that ditch and bring it down to here and then I would come in from that way to come in here I said all that to say this I know that's a little bit confusing but as you're digging this out you figure out okay I need to stop here I need to pick this line up dig that line out and then come back this line so it's kind of like a maze to make this thing work out and you do it as you go where I do because I you know try to plan this out in my head before I start digging it would just be confusion there we are we're going to dig that line out and put you inside the cab for just a few minutes for this line here I suppose and then we'll go back to some time lapse and some drone in a little while [Music] so here I'm digging this line out and you see I'm turning to my left and that way I'm throwing the dirt into the garage and I know it's inside my outside perimeter walls but there's no uh I can come in here and get it without crossing over my footings that's the hardest part of digging Footers is planting where your dirt is going to go and how you're going to dig them [Music] this dirt right here is digging really really nicely I did get into a little bit of rock there just two minutes off camera and it was a man is Rocky you hear that tone in the background that's what I listen to all day long actually and that tone uh tells me what I'm supposed to be dead [Music] that's what I'm looking for that solid tone that's what I'm looking for if the tone is slow means I'm too low fast then that means I'm too hot what I like to do when I get close is put my bucket extended out like that right there let's prep solid tone and poor grade right there so as I'm pulling the stick in I'm rolling the bucket down to keep those teeth right on great just like that now in I need to move back so I can reach slower so we'll simply just roll the machine back drop the plate pull my teeth in to make sure everyone remain on the line and I'm not so I'm going to put my bucket down spin the machine just ever so slightly now then checked out again yep now I can pull that line dip back down into the laser got it now we're ready to dig [Music] what I've shown you today and what I'm using is a 2d grade system if this was a 3D GPS system I wouldn't have to dip down in the laser and I also wouldn't have to keep up with my lines because that would already be programmed into the computer I would just follow the computer at that point uh the computer tells me exactly where I am uh what line I'm digging and keeps up with the depth of but that system is very expensive compared to what the system is that I have and really yeah I mean I don't dig I don't do jobs that are typically engineered there's an engineered crawling for that you would have the ability to plug those plans into the computer I generally do jobs like this the Footers are laid out and I come dig them and also what I like to do as I'm going is keep the sides of the ditch clean and I do that and a lot of other people do it as well because when your concrete guys are up here walking around or whatever they're not knocking dirt into the Footers that are already clean so we just kind of side swipe that with your bucket and keep those hitches clean on both sides keeps it nice and clean then you just set your bucket back down in there on great all the way through [Music] [Music] now then we reposition to come back in here and pull that load Bear Wall all the way through [Music] dip down the laser laser accepted and uh I'm not far enough in it a little bit more get the laser again [Music] when you're trying to connect the corner like that you really only want to take off just a little bit of dirt at a time because we're trying to take off too much you'll break that corner off not saying it won't happen taking a little bit of dirt but well it broke off right there but there's nothing you can do about that really you just try to do your best to try to take a little bit of dirt okay so that is how that I do those Corners like that we'll get a little bit more done and I'll be back for a while foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're making some good progress now I got about half of it done most of it with all those little hard turns are done now they don't get these Corners cleaned out take the skid steer clean up what dirt piles I've got now and then the work on the rest of it [Music] does hot job I'm glad it's done for now all right got those Corners shoveled out we'll get skid steer out and uh get so much dirt move I'm gonna throw the Drone up in there and get some of that on the Drone and uh out of breath and we'll get back to uh digging Footers a minute [Music] we'll take a look now at where we are at the end of day one we got everything done all the perimeter dug and the load bearing walls Doug the only thing I like is a little bit of area right there where the excavator is uh there's just like a little jotted out area right there and that'll be all that I've got to do in the morning to finish up the Footers and I would stick around to take care of that and get all this dirt moved and load the trailer up and leave but there's actually a couple little add-on jobs that we talked about today making a little spot for the RV camper making a little spot for a storage container so because of that that's uh that'll take me a little bit of time to do those as well so probably got three quarters of a day to work to do tomorrow so we're gonna knock off for today and I'll see y'all in the morning good morning I'm back for the second day to get this job underway and uh first things first I got to get some bug spray on these mosquitoes are tearing me up and I just got out of the truck so uh we'll get that taken care of get those mosquitoes off of me and we're going to start cleaning out corners while it's not uh while it's still cool and not hard I'm gonna do the same thing I did yesterday is come in here and clean this loose material out of these corners and uh that won't take too long I'll get that done and then we will I think we'll go ahead and move dirt this morning and get all this dirt out of the way that I dug out yesterday evening and then got just a little bit more footer going this way that way zigzags a little bit and it comes back in behind the excavator so that's about an hour and a half uh maybe two hours to get that cleaned up and get the dirt moved and then we'll have that done let's look at the other couple little add-on projects that we're going to do while we're here so the property owner wants to take that RV right there and put it over here and he had a temporary service put in here by his Transformer yesterday some will make a little bit of an RV pad right here it was so steep somebody came in and did a little bit of work for him but uh I just want to dress that up a little bit make that a little bit more level so it gets RV in there in the second little add-on project we're going to do is he had this area right here uh flattened out for a storage shelter and it's not really wide enough this needs to be 12 foot wide width of the ability to walk around on both sides of it so we measured that's like nine feet where it is now what I'll do is come in here and take some more out take this dirt from this side and put over here so make this three foot wider here add a couple feet to that and that'll be what 14 feet wide and I may actually add a little bit more on this side to make some walking room but uh this probably won't take long either just to dig that out and move that dirt over making a place for his uh shelter there well that is the agenda for today let's get started the machine's warming up we'll get this dirt cleaned out of these corners and move on [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] start digging now and I want to reach over here and this is my Benchmark I've been using for the whole project touchdown right there it's a benchmark got that set now and we will set our offset of 12 inches all right we are good to go all of a sudden 12 inches we'll dig that line right there where I got the camera set up then we'll do the the uh lining front of the house foreign [Music] well these Footers are almost done I'm down to the last section right here and I'll show you two things one is the way this Foundation is it comes down through there and it jogs in a little bit and comes back out those are hard to do and get them to look clean the edges keep falling in or whatever but uh anyway I've got enough room in there for the concrete it just it doesn't look necessarily good because it's so difficult to try to dig those out the second thing I want to point out is bringing one line into another line or one foot or into another footer so what I did was I dug this down to a certain point and stopped and left myself room this little section right here left myself roomed for the machine to go in there to start digging this out and dig it all the way out to here so what that allows you to do is you're not crossing over your ditches and collapsing caving them in so now then what I'll do is I'll set up on that side of the ditch and then pull this ditch into that one and that way you're not crossing over anything and like I mentioned clapsing ditches whatever that's how I do it that's how I join my Footers when I come together like this so let's finish this up and then we got those little things to do now then I got that footer connected right there got a little bit of shovel work actually I got more shovel work than I really wanted but but uh that's it and then a little shove work in that corner moving this dirt pile down in this area here and finish great on that and and then we're going to work on the RV pad and the container pad so we'll be back in just a minute finish this up [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wide enough all right hey gives us the thumbs up we got this one done let's go do the RV pad [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] pad done at some point the camera died I'm not sure when it's the time I'm recording this I'll figure out what I'm editing it but the battery died but we got this RV pad uh built now leveled out and sloped to water run away and now that he put his camper in here and uh start spending the night what do you think about the job thank you Sam you get an awesome job it looks really good all right I think he's pleased with it and uh got all the pad work done the Footers are done and this take care of it so I appreciate you watching God bless stick around for the message well I hope you enjoyed that video there and our title the name of this video our house footer is really that important and uh I'd say if you uh talk to a fellow building the house I'd say he would tell you that they're very important there's really two two important parts to the house one is the foundation making sure you get a properly dug foundation for the house and get that poured properly for the concrete the second uh probably equally important is the roof if you don't have a good foundation the house is going to be in and have problems if you don't have a good roof you can't keep the rain rain out and the rain will destroy the house but what I want to talk about today is the foundation and how important that really is but before we get in the message I want to mention a new hat I got I got this in the mail so Lance I appreciate that from HoneyCuts brush and more has a YouTube channel where he does brush cutting and along with that hat came a very encouraging letter so Lance I appreciate the words that you spoke in that letter and how it encouraged me and and thankful to know that the messages that are in the end of these videos are a blessing to you and and so many other people I get messages a lot about how uh thankful and appreciative people are for these messages at the end of the videos so I really appreciate that uh means a lot to me to hear that back and it truly encourages me to keep going and pushing forward with these kind of messages also uh it has been really hot today my goodness it's been hot this is uh Saturday I did this job but you just saw back earlier in the week and man it has been a hot week so I've been working on the 308 I'm actually sitting on it uh now for this message and uh this is probably the last video there may be one more video of the 308 on the channel I've actually sold this machine uh to a guy up in Missouri named Lee and uh if you're familiar with Brandon with Elite Earthworks and Larry from dirtdaddy953 uh lee lives right there um uh between both of them 30 minutes I think from Brandon or so and uh next town over from from Larry from dirt daddy so anyway actually actually he's been on that dirt day's Channel he's got a skid steer uh lead us and he's he's been on Larry's Channel there a couple times on dirt daddy you might see this again I don't know he might sit on dirt day's Channel or uh up that way so uh I know he's excited for it and Lee has two daughters Josie and Amelia and uh from what I hear Josie is a she's a fan of TriStar digging uh five years old and and I think uh Lee's family is coming with him on Monday to pick up the machine and and try it out probably gonna work a couple days with it on a job that I want to uh help him with but anyway uh Josie I really appreciate you watching the channel and uh I will see you on Monday looking forward to that looking forward to meeting you so uh like I said 308's on its way out uh been replaced by the 313 and you've seen those videos all right already and uh I've got some videos coming up 313 uh shortly probably next weekend so anyway let's get back into the message and what I want to talk about is the foundation having a foundation that's grounded and and built upon uh Jesus Christ without that Firm Foundation Upon Jesus Christ the Rock as the word would call it then uh when troubles and Trials come into our life the wind's blowing and the in the rains coming down hard and it beats upon the house if you don't have a good foundation that and a good roof that house is going to fall and fail so I want to read to you a few pieces of scripture and talk about them and you'll find these in Luke chapter 6 verse 46 but why do you call me Lord Lord and do not do the things which I say whoever comes to me and hears my sayings and does them I will show you whom he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep that's talking about the foundation who dug deep and laid the foundation upon the rock and when the floods arose the streams beat vehemently against the house and they could not be shaken for it was founded on the Rock now listen verse 49 but he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation against which the streams beat vehemently and immediately it fell the ruin of that house was great now there's two different uh people spoken about there one is the person who hears the word of God who try trust in it who has their house of Faith their house the believing in Jesus Christ has their health of Faith built upon the rock which is Jesus Christ so when those Storms Come we trust in Jesus we trust in God to see us through those storms of life and we go safely through those because we we are grounded upon the truth of Jesus Christ the second man they are talking about is people who who have say Lord Lord in the troubled times of their life or they claim to know Jesus Christ or they claim that they're a Christian Christian the following Jesus Christ but the word says hears but does nothing about it they're not applying the word of God they're not applying that to their life and allowing that to change them and mold them and make them as what the word would call it into the image of Jesus Christ two people talked about there one who builds their house upon the rock Jesus Christ and one who builds their house upon the Earth without a good foundation that man's house will fail so the any any kind of claim of faith and belief in Jesus cross is going to struggle fall and fail because it's not grounded on the truth of Jesus Christ so I simply want to end this by reading a statement that I found on the internet talking about this and says Jesus is our Firm Foundation he is our Rock when we build our foundation on the truth of Jesus and who he is then we are on unshakable ground so that begs the question and I want to ask that question before we close are you on unshakable ground or does when the winds and the and the waves and the storms in your life they come and beat upon you do you falter and fail and struggle to know where your help's from but your help comes from the Lord I hope that you're a Christian I hope that you're believing in Jesus Christ and he is your Firm Foundation if he's not that's the most important decision you can ever make in your life is to trust in him for the Forgiveness of your sin so that your home is eternal as a word would say your home is eternal in the heavens so God bless you and I appreciate you watching
Channel: Tristar Diggin'
Views: 15,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tristar Diggin, Tristar digging, mini excavator, cat259, cat304, Trimble earthworks
Id: KCr7nLf5aZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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