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[Music] thank you [Applause] good morning welcome to TriStar digging I appreciate you joining us today we have got an interesting little job today and for that job I brought the 304 and the 259 to pull this job off and what we've got is a really steep driveway this driveway was cut in by another contractor and it served its purpose to get access up to the top of the property there but uh the homeowner now has got his house up there and what the plan is to kind of kind of more formalize this road and get it in better shape more usable shape more than just construction road and as you can tell it is steep and uh so I'll get with a Tim here in a few minutes and see what exactly what we're going to do I think we're going to put in a culvert somewhere to get water out of that ditch on the right hand side get it over to the left hand side and get a majority of the water from coming down through here but this is going to be a challenge uh four short gonna be a challenge let's get this equipment off the truck and uh see what we're gonna do [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] we got a game plan and Tim is on the hunt for some culverts we're going to put a 40-foot covered in from where that water is going there we're going to run it across the road and uh over this area and then I'll make a swell where the water will run out and later he'll rip wrap that in and rip wrap that in up there our main problem is the water line that rough area comes in through there that's the water line coming through there and it goes right through there that's really going to restrict us on putting the Culvert in but what we've decided is to go ahead and dig through the water line for now it's not even to have water on it and then what he's going to do is take that water line and come down here and go around the end of the pipe and then go back over and Connect into it because that water line is probably 18 inches deep would need to be below that water line uh 18 inches with a culvert so this would be probably 40 inches deep in this area so that's not really a good idea to try to put that tile in that deep with that yeah and if you bring it over that it'll freeze so uh if you bring it over the Culvert so the really the only thing you can do is going to go around the end of it so we'll be digging through that water line probably if we can get the Culvert and what we're going to do on this is I'm going to slope the road away from where that water line goes through so the water's not eating the water line out anymore then over there on that side you'll see that dirt's baked up I'm going to shave that off get the water going shedding up in there and then make several water breaks up that I'd get the water off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] let's take a look at what we got so far that's exactly what I'm trying to do is get the water coming down through here to stop running down the road and get over into a ditch and what I'll do is carry this ditch all the way down through there to where it's going to tie into the ditch that goes across the road because that Culvert goes across the road but that's what we're shooting for and that side over there will uh look similar to this and then up here will be my water break I'm gonna come back up here and dig that water break a little deeper getting that water shut off down through here that's coming down the hill well Tim wasn't going long he pulled it off and got those uh culverts here I wouldn't uh I wasn't too hopeful for him but he did it he pulled it off we'll get this rolled off out of the way here and uh get those put in here a little bit it's anywhere and they're fine I'll move them okay that should take care of what we need to do there and I've had second thoughts about that water break going off in there because I got to look a little bit more in the woods there that's going to put too much water over on that person's property and it'll run down in their yard so we're gonna have to keep that confined on this property I've run into a little issue now and we were thinking Tim was still thinking that the water line was over here where that washed out area was because he thought that's where the ditch was cut but it's not I found the water line the water line was way over here and they had it covered up and they dug it in in this burn of dirt which that Berman dirt come my way over to here but the ditch needs to be where it's at and Tim and I have talked about it and basically probably what's going to have to happen is abandon that water line as it's going down through there where our ditch needs to be and move the water line over into the a little more of the center part of the road where the crown is so there's some good clay in there he can move his water line over here and get that pack back in good so the water will shed and come over and ditch because right now if if I try to reshape this and cover that water line back up and pack that in as as Loose as this dirty is that water coming down through there is just going to eat its way over there and expose that water line and it'll expose it all the way down through there because there's a trench that's soft going through there So the plan is to continue what we're doing uh putting the ditch down through here and abandon that water line for now and move it over that is unfortunate that the water line is there but there's nothing we can do about it other than move it because that ditch needs to be over here been better off with that water line had been put in right down the center of the road middle part of the road but it just seems the telephone lines water lines and whatever seem to always be put in the ditch line which is a disaster for me people like me that are trying to rebuild driveways because you can't cut proper ditches [Music] [Music] now let's see what we can do on here [Music] actually that's worse because my tracks are spinning a lot more I'm cutting them up go ahead go back up here to the top and work my way back down again because uh that was worse on my tracks gosh this is steep [Music] [Music] [Music] okay as you saw there I got that cut in now got that water turned to come right through there and I'm changing right now when that water hits this right it's going to be humming down through here uh that's just all I can do with it I can't do anything else we could put a culvert in up there and run it across the road get rid of most that water but again it's dumping water on the neighbor so we can't do that this is just uh just one of those roads you just do the best you can with we are making some progress I moved up to about three quarters away up the road now and uh working on this right side ditch going down and it's going pretty good it's getting it deep enough on the right side that I can uh slope that water over to it hydraulic pump of winding back it up this hill okay so um when you're trying to cut a ditch with a skid steer what you first have to do and you saw me coming in from the side like this is you've got to build your slope into the ditch and then once you get your slope into the ditch you can move your machine over here and start working down unless you've got one of those tilt buckets for a skid steer you cannot cut this angle down through there unless you start from the side or at least out that's the way I do it um so just kind of recap that build yourself a slope down into the ditch where you want it and now then what I'm going to do is bring the machine over here and I'll be setting in this at an angle and then I'll be able to cut all the way down through there thank you now then you can see what I'm doing right here is the natural well I say natural this is the way the ground was before I started it sloped down into here where that ditch is now that if you can see camera doesn't do it right but now you can see the the road is sloped away from that and moved over from right here over to right here probably a good three feet which gives the customer three more feet of road instead of the water cutting the ditch right down the edge of his tire tracks so that's what I'm going to do like that all the way down and tie it back into somewhere right in there where I'm at got a little more action going on on property guys putting in a septic tank I'm gonna walk up here and see if it reminds me shooting a little video of him putting that in all right I'm up here working and uh what was your name again Justin and then who you're digging with who excavator that's on his head actually milco Excavating so he's a three-man Crew putting in his septic system so he didn't mind if I video a little bit I need to spend a day with y'all learn how to put in septic tanks how many feet of line you're putting in 108 308 feet and uh Pulaski's going there digging that out obviously got a guy in the in the ditch running the uh the stick and when he gets on grade he just moves a little bit farther and this is the carry man he's carrying on the pipe and they've got three runs of it uh actually might be four there might be another one up there [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] good now I got this uh all beveled off to the side that area right there this looks like a berm that's that uh water break up there on that side and I was able to clean it out good with skid steer this one right here is a little different story I really can't get the skid steer in there to right angles want to so I brought the 304 up here and I'm going to dig sideways and clean that out all the way up to here and reshape that a little bit so that water will cut and go down through there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] got that water break cleaned out now and it's uh looking pretty good so all the water coming down through there is gonna hit that first one let's walk up here and take a look at it uh first water break and it's a lot better than this one down here but this one's gonna catch most of the water coming off the house side but now that ditch is cleaned out all the way up through there and uh that water comes zipping down through here hit that water break and off it goes matter of fact I do need to come up here and clean out the bottom end of it that I couldn't reach the skid steer and then uh dinner before the tripod is you can kind of see with a second break takes and goes off to the left are very important that these water breaks stay clean uh because if they stop up with sticks leaves debris whatever and the water no longer hits that water break you're just creating a river down the side of the road hopefully to hit the next water break and go out but if it stopped up too it ain't long before the road is in bad shape again [Music] okay I spoke with the septic tank installers and they are good with me putting this in so they'll be here for for a little bit longer so what I'm going to do is build a catch area right here for the water make a pretty deep little hole here to catch water we in and then he'll rip wrap line that rip wrap um and then I'm gonna use this tree really as a backstop for that little catch area and then I'm gonna hook my covered in there take it across the road wherever 40 feet runs out at that's where we'll bevel it out and let the water run out of it but uh let's get started on it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] got that covered in now and and I'll be the first to admit and and Tim uh was talking about as well that wasn't the uh ideal stuff to put back in on that over top of that Culvert but that's what we had run what you brung and up here on this end I left it exposed and left it uh an area underneath it so we can fill that in with some rip wrapping and rip wrap around the edge of that same thing down here I left the end of it exposed he put some rip rap kind of build like a little Dam up here on this top side across to fill all that rip wrap what I like now is uh taking the excavator and kind of cleaning that out so the water has a a path to going out so just pulling up right here causing the issue [Applause] [Music] okay got that uh cleaned out now so the water will take care of the rest of that and wash that on out that's looking pretty good and I'm going up the top and uh take care of that but on the way up I think I'll probably just show you guys around the road on both sides that way you can see what it looks like and uh that'll pretty much wrap it up here we go up the hill now this is where we put the tile in but anyway we'll take a look at this as we go up through here and uh you saw this morning on both sides of the road it was just banked up and there was no ditches and now then we've got good clean uh slope ditches on both sides of the road kind of got a pretty good crown on the road now he's gonna put some Crusher running on it a good a good coat of crush around thick and pack that in and I don't want to do real well so uh those two water breaks are going to be a big Lifesaver for this road on that side to shed you know a lot of that water coming off down through there and then just as a steep Road always is there's a lot of Maintenance to be done and it'll uh it'll hold up good as long as you keep the ditches clean and keep it graded that's going to the end of this video I appreciate you watching and I stick around for a message as well God bless thanks well I hope you enjoyed that video that was probably not probably that was the steepest driveway that I've ever worked on as far as rebuilding or building a new driveway there are some places that I've worked that was steeper than that of clearing a power line uh easement was one of them that was boy that was a really steep job but this road was insanely steep uh the the video and the pictures doesn't do it justice it was uh it was really difficult to kind of come up with an idea how best to get that water to shut off that road and it was really difficult and it's real Rocky too you noticed that there was a lot of rock in that dirt that's trying to move around and up top where Tim has his house boy it's just it didn't it didn't stop The Rock was just continue there so he basically built his house on a rock up there on top of that Hill you know when I finish up that video he said I got an idea for the message on in this video about building your house upon a rock and I thought you know what that is a great idea and there's a passage of scripture found in Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 that talks about a wise man who builds his house upon a rock so we'll take a look at that and talk just a minute about it and see what the word has to say for us Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 it talks about that building upon a rock but previous to that in some previous scriptures there Jesus spoke in some Parables talking about asking seeking knocking if you're familiar with the Bible you know that one another one talks about the narrow way that the the way that the way to heaven the way to glory is through the narrow gate and the broad gate the broad path leads to destruction another one talks about that you can tell a person by the fruits of their life and then the second or the not the second one but the last part of that Jesus is talking to people who claim to know him but never had that relationship with him summing all those up summing that part up we come to verse 24 and it says this therefore talking about the previous scriptures therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will locking him to a wise man notice there it's important that Jesus is talking about the people who hear these sayings and apply them and and and and do these things in in their life that's who Jesus is talking about here there are people that have a peripheral knowledge or have some awareness or some understanding of what Jesus has said here but when he talks about hearing he's talking about hearing to the extent or to the point that is applied to a person's life so let's read further than that it says therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon a rock verse 25 says this and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on the house and it did not fall for it was founded on the Rock that's talking about there uh that the house is represents religious life the rain represents Divine judgment only the one built on Foundation of obedience to God's word word stands listen to that only the one who whose life is built upon obedience to God's word stands and it goes on from there it talks about those who repent those who reject salvation by works and those who trust in God's grace to save them through his merciful Provisions that's what the scripture is talking about there when Jesus is talking about it's a wise man he builds his house upon a rock what is that Rock that Rock is Jesus Christ and the truth and the power of the word would teach us that if we place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ building our house our house of faith upon the rock of Jesus Christ then we have a firm foundation the house cannot be destroyed the house cannot be knocked down by the winds and the waves and the floods that come into your life that you have Security in Jesus Christ by trusting in Him let the world come as it may but you have a firm foundation in Christ I hope that you're a believer in Jesus Christ I hope that you're trusting in Him as your lord and savior most important decision you'll ever make in your life is to come to realize who Jesus Christ is what he did for you on the cross and accept that for the Forgiveness of your sins and have your home as a word would say Eternal in Heavens so God bless you I appreciate you watching
Channel: Tristar Diggin'
Views: 25,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tristar Diggin, Tristar Digging, #gravel driveway, cat 304, mini excavator, cat 259, road build, road
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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