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morning everyone start up a new job here breaking ground get still in today got all the black stripped and hauled out it's going to be a great day [Music] welcome back to another video everyone so it's a gorgeous day here in central Minnesota this job's kind over on the east side of the city I don't know what the site is the site's maybe third quarter acre so it's going to be a 4unit uh town home so stripping off all the black digging the footings back fill hookup there's a bunch of storm so all this grade kind of runs down toward the back here so there's a bunch of storm all the way along the back here that runs up and ties in to the road over there so there is sewer and water stubbed in here already so we don't got to do any wet Taps on the main or anything we don't got to go into the road for anything here so that'll save a little bit of time in hassle so there's one Big Pine Tree here where the sun's coming through we got to take out and then all the black off the site so today's going to be about just stripping top soil and Hauling it out so stay tuned let's get right to it you see it's some really really nice black and then about a foot down it's all clay so all the blacks going out and then we're haul in a bunch of fill sand to uh bunch of fill sand um once we get the foundation in so so anytime there's a new building like this it's been an empty lot forever then you got neighbor here neighbor over there neighbors are typically never super super stoked about it but is what it is not much they can do about it future development Town's growing in around them so is what it [Music] is [Music] see there roughly a foot you can see there's roughly a foot of black and then It Gos down just kind of clay kind of moist clay there the top soil is really dry it's really powdery it's like all powder but soil but a little wet [Applause] [Music] so we have five big rigs but we can never keep up so we hire local companies like this all the time the D in that Northern Edge [Music] [Music] a [Music] we estimated 40 loads haul out you can see he around a foot thick on average and it's been 37 and we got two right there so it looks like be about 39 loads right on budget right on time plan for one day truck it out and that's what we did so overall everything went good get the silt fence up today get some construction entrance in over here so right about here is where the project didn't go as planned you'll see here shortly we have a bunch of test pits here kind of dug scattered throughout once we had majority of the black dirt stripped off we started to smell a faint smell of diesel fuel so we kind of dug a few pits in a couple spots and you could smell it stronger so we brought it to the developer attention and we dug around a little more and the more we dug the more we smelt it you could basically just smell a faint smell of diesel so this lot used to used to actually be uh like a storage um a fuel company had it and they had like stock tanks here uh for fuel diesel gas whatever and uh it's been sitting for about 20 years they vacated about 20 years ago and then this guy recently bought it and so it was strong enough to where we figured we better get looked at so the next day uh this was day one the next day we went out and we had a soil scientist out we dug a bunch of test pits they took a bunch of samples brought it back to the lab and sure enough there was some uh some remnants of diesel fuel in the soil so we had to do a bunch of other testing and come up with the game plan so we basically took about 6 seven months or so uh the NPC was involved and we had to come up with the game plan to do a soil correction here in order to continue on with this project so that was spring of 2023 spring of 2024 we'll be going back to continue the project we have to export a bunch of contaminated soil and then import a bunch of clean fill sand in order to still build this building here so this job has basically been sitting empty since spring just getting it all sorted out um thankfully with nothing on our part just uh happen to be some contaminated soil here on the lot from the previous owner so it's a little bit of a delay and it's going to cost a little bit more to do this project but we will still get her done in the end so not much you can do with something like this other than other than work through it the best we can so thanks so much for watching guys hope you enjoy this video let me know you want to see more of in the future I think today is January 1 hopefully we get some more snow here soon usually January February is pretty pretty snow heavy here in Minnesota so thanks for watching remember it is what to make it to be we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Garrett Williams
Views: 44,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Znls-KsQI9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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