Start DCS Beginner's Guide + Giveaway | DCS World

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[Music] if you want to check the giveaway make sure to check the pinned comment in the description below hey everybody welcome back to another video I just wanted to show you guys how how easy it is to get into the f-15c from the Flaming Cliffs bundle take off and start shooting targets it's really easy there's nothing to be worri of and look at this I think it's four binds okay so the first one electricity to the jet shift L now I can close my canopy uh contrl C I already used two of the binds I have two more left and that's it the jet is going to start so let me show you this those are the engin RPM those two gauges right there with left Al uh right alt and home I'm going to start the left engine and I'm going to wait for the RPM to be at 25 now I'm not about procedures I'm doing it because this is how the Jil works I can do with Russian this I can turn the them at the same time this is just how it works the other engine will not start if it'll be uh below 20 I think uh here we go let's start the right engine by hitting right shift and home and the engine starts that's it that's it yes now I'll be able to move forward taxi and take off that's it the jet is up and running we're good to go the one thing that you want to do is to bind your AIS commands to whatever flight controls right up down left right so let me show you that real quick I'll go here to access commands here we have the joystick which is like every other joystick works the same roll to the sides up and down that's it that's all you're going to need and and Rudders Rudders you're going to need uh for taxi on the runway okay so right and left it's going to be very comfortable for you guys if you guys have a stick that have a zed XIs which you can twist which this is how I started my DCs with a really chip stick that had this uh Z AIS of course and uh oh man that was a very like I think $15 $20 a stick it had this it had this small lever in him that was my thrust oh which by the way thrust if you have dual throttles you can bind to uh whatever left and right engines but if not you can bind just the thrust bind that's it would you get a little bit of a Thrust just start rolling that's it the jet is started it took like what uh 1 2 3 four key hits and that's it the jet is started that's it we're texting to the runway and we're about to take off that's how simple it is uh just to take off and I'm going to break it down for you guys we have we're going to have three Mig 29's coming in and we're going to engage them and I'm going to show you how easy it is uh the part of the fight I just I just wanted to break it down to show you how easy it is to take off and then to fight it's uh it's not a big deal at all that's it if you're going to be a newcomer to DCS my public server you're going to search for Long Shot official server in the uh search tab under the multiplayer um option from the main menu it's very friendly for newcomers very very friendly for newcomers in bunch of missions especially if you guys that like to fly helicopters very challenging as well that's it we're lined up full thrust just maintain uh your jet on the line uh simple enough I think especially if there's no wind 150 knots rotate and like every default in games g to um unfold your wheels and F to uh unfold your flaps it's a toggle so whenever you're going to hit this toggle it's going to do the opposite of the current situation so if I'm going to hit G again it's going to deploy the gears that's it gear is up that's it you're flying in F15 that's how fun and easy it is to start DCS really important case if you're getting the Flaming Cliffs you're not not getting only the Flaming Cliffs you're getting all of the mods that use flaming Cliffs which is a lot so bank for your buck I think is a understatement you're going to get the Su 35 the F22 uh the suco 30 um I can't name all the the grippin the uh uro Fighter the O I can't even think of all of the Jets right now having a you know brain glitch here okay so what I'm going to do now I'm going to head up north and we're going to set oursel up to a bvr engagement because we we know that we're going to have those uh Bandits coming in so I'm going to head up north and you're going to see how simple it is uh to start splashing targets okay we got rwr contact and let let me pause and show you how simple it is to start fighting targets we're going to go to all the binds right here and you see those first it's five the five is missing never mind you see those first uh binds right there navigation mode all those stuff think of that as uh I guess you guys played uh first person shooters right you can number one will be your primary weapon number two will be your pistol number three will be your grenade and so on and so forth right those quick things this is the same concept right it's whatever uh tool you're selecting to whatever Mission you want to do so we said we want beyond visual range so that's it I'm going to hit the number two and I'm in Beyond visual range mode the air members will be selected uh the only thing that I need to do is to turn on the radar which the default I think is I yes uh radar on off again it's a toggle you just hit I the radar on you can hit I again the radar off uh that what uh a toggle means I think um one one more thing is to bind uh the target lock here we go Target lock and this is when you hover with a with a Target designated control which is this bind right here up down left right I don't have it bind because I'm going to show you it's in the AIS it's imagine like on the radar screen if you can see through the thing right here I'll show it to you uh you can hover with a small Mouse essentially over the Target that you see on radar and lock them you locking them with this bind right here you move the uh the uh TDC the target designated control horizontally and vertically here you see the binds I have a small stick on my x56 so this is left and right up and down that's it and here let me show you how it works so we're going to going to start with putting the jet in bvr mode number two here we go the jet is in bvr mode you can see the amount of MMS you have uh in that Circle across the HUD we're going to turn on the radar so I and the radar is on you see those two lines right there this is the TDC you see I'm moving it and if I'm going to bump it to the upper edge of the screen I'm going to increase the range which I'm looking at right now it's in 40 mil bump it again 80 miles that going to be enough oh one other thing you see here 53 and 20 let me pause this is where the radar is looking uh up and down you can move basically you move the antenna of the radar itself where it's pointing and it tolds me it tells me that it looks between what was it 53 and 12,000 ft so scan Zone up scan Zone down that's all you need scan Zone down scan Zone up that going to move the antenna to whatever altitudes that you want to scan in here we go so 53 and 20,000 ft I'm moving it down 11,000 ft moving it down there we go we got the targets so they're between 38 and 5 38,000 39,000 and 34 and 1,000 ft oh one else uh now I can basically hover over them and lock the targets but I see that there is more than one thank God the F-15 have an option to lock more than one targets so I'm just going to search track while scan here we go radar track while scan and you see our range well scan and track W scan so if I'm going to press it once it's going to go to track wall scan if I'm going to press it again it's going to go back to range W scan so again it's a Tuggle here we go let's choose oh uh track well scan and now I can see all of the targets I'm going to hover over the one of them and over the other and I'm hitting Target lock to lock them oh we got three targets of course here we are third target lock all three of them locked that's it now I'm just waiting to be in range how would I know that I'm in range you see those two squares there we go you see that the circle is big and two yellow lights and the range is 35 miles fox 3 that's the first Bandit that I lock now I'm going to oh I lost the lock on the second guy right here so let me lock him again there we go now it's going to automatically switch between the targets that uh by the order which I've locked so you see that's why I'm not in range here we go in range that's fox 3 on the second target I'm going to wait to be in range in the third one here we go in range fox 3 we're going to hit a crank and we have a missile out on us that's fine the F15 can get really fast now now we have missile out on us so we need to defend first of all we're going to hit that crank the crank is where you know what let's not talk about tactics but basically all I'm doing is putting the targets on the gimbal limits of the radar which is the edge of the screen right there let me pause it for a second we're going to talk about defending moves so uh you want to drop counter measures we had a missile notification that means that is a radar tracking missile so chaff is the cter measures for that you're going to write chaff in the search and we have chaff you will not hear a missile notification from a heat seeking missile and for that if you're going to see it it's going to be flares so here we go bind your flares bind your Chef we're done oh one other thing let's say you are in emergency and want to drop the fuel tanks I want to be faster okay so you're going to write jettison jettison fuel tanks oh let me show you this see this right here this is it's not going to change it's going to stay like that that shows you uh what load out you have on the jet it shows uh uh the 9 M's that I'm carrying the M uh 120 C's that I'm carrying but here in the upper row you can see fuel pylon fuel you see that it means that I have on the nothing on the middle well I have pylon but no load out and two fuels once I'm going to hit the jettison you're going to see all of them going to display uh pylons here let's take a look going down MK 1.3 1.4 if you see it let me hit the jettison button take a look Boop bons and chff chff chff chff chff chff chff chff chff chff I still have him somewhat locked on the gimble limits of the radar I'm going to start slowly recommitting being so fast going to defeat that missile that missile will not be able to stay here with me because I'm so fast that's how beastly the F-15 is all and you're going to really going to get you know you're going to have fun with that we're losing targets from radar broke the lock on almost oh look at you see how he's behaving in radar that's a SP okay Splash Target oh I should just look forward uh what do we have here what is that in the controls let me look higher I saw two splashes but there is something here that I'm not sure if it's a splash or not if we're going to get into a dog fight I'm going to pause and I'm going to show you the dog fight binds I see something there I hope it's an ejecting pilot I actually don't want to do a dog fight tutorial on this one scanning up I'm using only the binds that we oh oh look at that okay what is that it's an ejecting pilot yeah right yes parachute oh okay no rwr contacts looks clean I think that was an ejecting pilot as well up there yeah yeah that's an ejecting pilot okay that's it Splash 3 with an F15 that's how easy it is to DCS it's just it's very fun I mean it's I I said that it's the closest you will ever get into to fly a real life jet it's fun and you can do everything you can shoot you can crash as much as You' like uh which is which is I would argue is the best uh learning tool right you can see those uh cinematics and I remember days that I used to fly DCS just to relax without anyone uh on the map no no fighting no nothing just fly and look at the scenery and that was back when DCS was 2.4 2.5 I can't recall it was before the clouds and before the 2.9 upgrade where you can see depth of field much better and all that good stuff and even then that was uh very fun so right now it's it's amazing and I can't wait to see what we're going to have in the future especially with a new graphic engine if it's going to come out hopefully soon it just you know just enjoys the scenery do some aerobatics here we go let's do some aerobatics a bit of a roll you can pull some G's you know go fast go slow whatever your heart's desire fly through the clouds dive into a valley it's just look how fast M 1.2 and speeding up still keeping my throttles up and the F-15 is so amazing because I I was after burning the whole time 8,000 lb of fuel in a valley I still have enough fuel to manage it correctly and go back to whatever Airfield here in the caucuses map which is the free map that you're going to get once you download DCs anyway guys I hope you're going to uh enjoy and remember put in the comment section # DCS uh for the giveaway two of you lucky guys going to get the bundle of uh flaming Cliffs 3 uh thank you for Eagle Dynamics to the help of this giveaway and it's going to continue all throughout from January from this January till May May uh two lucky winners in the end of every month that I'm going to announce in a video so stay [Music] tuned [Music] a
Channel: LongShot
Views: 24,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, dcs supercarrier, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, F-18 Hornet, Eagle Dynamics, JF-17 Thunder, air combat, world war 2, war thunder, navy, us military, dogfight, f22, f18, f16, f14, viper, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, funny, Eurofighter, virtual reality, vr, rtx, world war ii, battle of britain, topgun, top gun, f4, topgun2, topganmaverick, tom cruise, top gun 2
Id: wdpjfA7jKHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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