DCS F-16C Viper | Basic Training for Beginners!

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hey guys Spud here and today we have a recording of a one-on-one lesson with one of my patrons I know I haven't been posting many of these lately but I'll try to get back to it because I know a lot of you guys out there learn quite a bit from them this awesome Channel supporter was just getting into DCS world to join his friends in multiplayer missions and needed some help getting up to speed in the f-16c Viper in this lesson we went over starting up the aircraft the basics of communic ating with ATC taxiing takeoffs navigation autopilot usage unguided Munitions employment with a proper rolling maneuver and the basics of Landing the f-16c while we definitely had a few helmet fires he did really well and I could see his confidence growing by the end of the lesson keep in mind guys I do one-on-one training sessions with all of my patrons as a perk of supporting the Channel with $15 or more thanks enjoy this beautiful game fly safe out there and we'll see you in the next [Music] one yep same thing on the AOA indicator on the left hand side um you can adjust the brightness on that as well okay yep so we'll go ahead and taxi on out I'll follow you out uh did you say left then right it's going to be a right followed by a right I'll give you Progressive taxi instruction so I won't won't let you get lost okay it's going to be just a kind of a big right-and turn and another rightand turn go keep going straight and uh try to get on that yellow Center Line put your butt right on that yellow Center Line if you can that's just off to your left hand side yep and I'll have you stop right here for me, cool so what we're in right now is called the non-movement area what that means it is this area around these hangers off to our right hand side or shelters I should say are basically uncontrolled so you can move your jet wherever you want inside here but once you get to right here where we're going to enter onto named taxiways that's entering the movement area where we need to have that clearance from a ground controller so um the ground controller already gave us permission to taxi to Runway not via Alpha so it's going to be a left hand turn up here the yellow signs off to the left and right show us where the taxiways are so a yellow sign with black letters is a taxi way that you can join by either going left on Alpha or right on Bravo and then also on air bases you'll see a black sign with yellow lettering and a black sign with yellow lettering is where you are so what tax you way you're already on does that make sense yeah cool so let's go left here just take these turns nice and slow nice and easy it's very easy to accidentally tip over an F16 yeah I've done that one of the things to remember and kind of like think about is think of your your jet on the ground being more like a very un unstable and Unstoppable freight train We Can't Stop very well and we can't turn very well um so in the air we might be a sports car but on the ground we're a free train so if you're in a big mission with lots of Pilots around you don't want to taxi any faster than about 12 knots or so and on on the ground so on the ground here if we go to on our deed and UFC we go to list and we go to number six ins we can see a ground speed readout on the bottom right of the DED oh okay sick yeah we'll talk about different kinds of air speeds once we get up into the air yeah I was always guesstimating on this I didn't know you could see it yep you almost never have to guesstimate in in the F16 it gives you lots of different ways to see the information and it usually repeats that information in different formats so if you're looking for a piece of information the jet will typically give you it in three different ways and we'll make a right hand turn here and we can see taxiway signs as well as Runway signs so you can see we're turning right onto Alpha here which is the black sign with yellow letters and the red sign is showing us what runways we're about to enter and go ahead and stop right there for me so do you know why this is Runway 9 like do you know the reasoning behind why it's called Runway 9 if I understand right one of the videos I watched if you're coming in left to right right here would be buing 9 right I can barely hear you let me turn down my in-game volume and turn you up some more okay okay sorry what was what did you say uh do you see my screen yeah so if I understood one of the videos I watched correctly like this is Runway 9 yep so if you were coming in left to right right here you would be bearing 009 right it's the bearing that you would have yeah so once you're lined up on the runway it's uh it would actually be 090 so it's Runway 9 because you'd be at a heading of 090 Dees oh okay okay Y which is due east okay that make sense yep yep awesome okay so once we are holding short of a Runway we of course need permission to take off from the tower controller so we would be switching frequencies from a ground controller over to a tower controller and then once we're on with the tower again using the same format we'd ask him for takeoff so we'd say something to the effect of almond hod Tower Spud 111 flight of two f-16s folding short Runway not uh ready for takeoff and the tower controller could come back with one of three different uh replies and options that he has to give you clearance the easiest one is just Spud 11 one clear for takeoff Runway 9 in which case the runway is ours we can take it and take off at our Leisure okay the second one would be Roger Spud 111 hold short Runway 9 which just means stay where you're at hold short of the runway cuz somebody is still Landing or somebody is still on the takeoff roll the third option which is a little bit more complex but controllers in my missions will use it in order to make Runway use more efficient and get jets off the ground or onto the ground faster is line up and weight so he would say spud1 line up and weight Runway 9 which means line up on the runway and get ready for takeoff but don't take off yet till I tell till I tell you you're cleared for takeoff makes sense so we'll go ahead and uh line up on the runway and as we're taking the runway we just want to make do some last minute checks make sure our caution advisories panel is out uh we don't have anything there we've got everything set ready to go in the cockpit everything's looking good and uh we'll take the runway when do you um when do we deal with trim uh that's not going to so I'm glad you brought that up so in the F-16 it is a self-trimming aircraft because it has a fly by wire system so what that means for us is we're not going to use trim as we fly until we need to use it which is going to be for having an asymmetrical load on the aircraft as we drop bombs or due to some kind of fuel imbalance things of that nature so okay so you would do it as you go yep as you go it's not something that we have to set here on the ground okay cool yep so let's go ahead and line up on the runway and we'll talk about how to perform a formation takeoffs okay so if you can instead of lining up directly in the middle of the runway line up in the middle of the leftand side of the runway okay and this may be like a dumb question but I'm asking cuz it's DCS is there any way to use the F-16 with the super carrier uh no not really the the game is hardcoded not to let you spawn on the carrier right on y so go ahead and pull forward just a little bit more for me kind of get somewhere near where it says 09 on the runway okay all right and see how there's kind of like a middle stripe but on the left hand side of the runway that's just what you want to get lined up on okay and for a formation takeoff it's basically all about trying to uh take off smoothly in a way that's not going to leave your wing into the dust like myself here so what we'll do is we're going to hold our brakes we're going to run up our engines to full military power we're going to release our brakes and then we'll push our engines over into After Burner and we'll go down the runway together with this big load out here we'll probably rotate somewhere in the neighborhood of about 130 knots of indicated air speed sound good yeah can you say how we do that again you hit hold our brakes down yep so go ahead and hold your brakes okay ground brakes right not the speed brake yep exactly okay and then go so your wheel brakes are held now push your throttle up to full military power and then set all the way up yep release your brakes now okay and full After Burner nice job oh okay and start rotating Off The Runway do we rotate right or left get your gear up I just want you to climb up we're going to climb up at about seven and a half degrees nose up where do you see your degrees so 7° NOS up I should say not 7 and a half but it's kind of blocked by the sun here but it's on the pitch ladder of your HUD so you're climbing up way steep you're climbing up like almost practically vertically so start bringing that nose down yeah cuz climbing up that vertically it's going to make you shake your wingman real quick okay and we're just going to fly out towards wayo one and we're going to level off at 15,000 ft so come right for way point one I can't see you with the sun right there look at your hsd right yeah yeah I that's the only way I can see yep so like I said the jet has multiple ways of showing you the same info are you still an After Burner nope let's get out of After Burner okay and let's go for an air speed of about 400 knots indicated okay is there an easy way to do that or just slow down just just slow down okay and keep climbing to 15,000 for me okay and we'll level off at 15,000 and when you hit way point one we'll make a left hand turn towards way point two okay we're flying right to the sun yep we'll be out of it soon y so I'm going about 7 and a half right now right angle I mean yep okay between the 10 and the five yep exactly yeah I couldn't see that earlier but makes sense now okay almost at 15,000 we're definitely passed away point one right so let's go ahead and head to steer point two I think I was too focused on the seeing I didn't pay pinion of that it's all good and check your air speed you're really slow now 269 yep so try and really maintain a nice stable air speed and a stable altitude for me okay so we're getting a little low right and you're descending so go ahead and climb back up to 15,000 and try to maintain that once you're at 15,000 just keep your velocity Vector right on that big horizontal line that goes across your HUD which represents the Horizon so that way you're flying nice and level okay push that throttle up so that way you're start accelerating want to get back to 400 knots indicated [Music] [Music] not quite accelerating yet so push that throttle all the way up get back to 400 knots for me okay yeah I'm trying I was trying to inch it and it's just well going from 270 to 400 is going to go take a bit of H all right there we go now I can see you accelerating and now see we're climbing through 15,000 so bring that nose down try to really level off at 15,000 for me okay that's where the autopilot would be nice yep exactly but we got to be able to hand fly that too yep the reason why I'm being so militant about it is the more precise you can fly and the more gentle you can fly the easier it's going to be for you to use things like the targeting pod as well as laser cuted bombs and J dams and things like that right well I didn't know this had autopilot that's what I mean like now that I know it has it now I can see where all right so now how do I stay here without going down too much put the velocity Vector that little airplane on your HUD right on the horizon line which is that that horizontal green line that goes across your HUD okay so pull it back pull your pull your stick back see that vertical that horizontal line right at the top off of your Hut that's the Horizon so put your velocity Vector Wings right in that little break in the horizon line and then you keep flying straight level yep and then just inch it up just slightly to climb back up to 15,000 right and check your air speed I'm going 5 12 yep slow down a little bit to pull that throttle back and slow down the F the F-16 doesn't have an auto throttle so you got to get used to trying to maintain an air speed by modulating your throttle your throttle could really be moving kind of all the time okay trying to catch up with you here but you're definitely outrunning me I'm slowing down still it's all good so one of the reasons why it's so important to fly nice and smoooth and maintain uh con consistent air speeds and altitudes is because if you're leading a flight of jets your wingmen are consistently going to use about 20 to 30% more gas than you uh be because they're trying to fly in formation with you and so the smoother you are and the easier you are on changes and things like that the more fuel your wingmen are going to save right all right so if you're got 15,000 uh pretty well let's we'll go ahead and turn on the autopilot so on those two autopilot switches the two switches you're going to use the most are going to be or the switch you're going to use the most is going to be on the right hand side labeled pitch we want to bring that up to the alt hold mode to turn on the altitude hold mode of the autopilot okay so that'll hold me at 1495 then yep exactly do I break that if I roll or move at all yep so if you move the stick too violently it will kick the autopilot off however the jet is now in what's called uh uh steering wheel mode essentially where now your stick is more like a steering wheel and if you Bank the jet left or right the jet will automatically m maintain the altitude and it will just make you have a nice gentle turn left or right oh that's pretty cool yeah for instance let's go ahead and turn right to a heading of about 040 but not too steep so you're going to kick the autopilot off being that violent with it you want to be nice and gentle FL it like an airliner rather than a fighter jet okay and then gently come back to the Waypoint nice and gentle all right let's do that again see I think your autopilot may have kicked off cuz you're a little violent on my controls so take what you just did and do like 25% of how much you move the stick there nice and smooth nice nice and gentle nice and easy get that get back to altitude get the autopilot back on and then start comeing back to the right heading 040 nice and smooth nice and gentle as smooth as painful smooth and gentle as you possibly can nice that's much better can to be much easier for a wingman to fly with you and it's going to be much better for your targeting pod to be able to track a Target things of that nature okay okay we keep flying up towards our Waypoint here now the other switch of the autopilot is for the roll mode of your autopilot and so bringing that switch to the down position where it says steering select or St strg select the jet automatically Fly to Your currently selected wayo so go ahead and turn that on okay and now the jet is automatically flying you to steer Point 2 and it's maintaining your altitude because you've got Al stre hold mode turned on so yeah so now the jet is completely flying itself and you can spend more brain cells doing other stuff like uh using the radar targeting pod things of that nature right all right so check your air speed you're getting slow 336 yep and now I'm finally saddled up on your right hand side so the smoother and easier you fly the jet the easier it is for me to fly information with you okay y so let's push it back up to about 400 or so and go ahead and turn the steering mode on the autopilot off yeah I don't know how to hold my speed very well so one thing to think about is in your car when you push down the Gas Pedal your car accelerates right and it accelerates more or less instantaneously jet engines aren't like that so jet engines require some time for enough fuel to get into the uh get into the combustion Chambers enough air to be compressed in those combustion Chambers to spin up the turbine even faster to keep the perpetual motion of a jet engine keep it on going so it takes a while for your throttle inputs to actually make anything happen with the Jet and as a result because of that slight delay you're always going to be moving your throttle constantly and you need to anticipate what the Jet's going to do next all right so we just passed way point two so what we'll do here is we'll just enter into a little bit of a holding pattern over the Mendon Peninsula down below us and that way we can set up our weapons to drop some bombs okay so we'll go ahead and I just want you to very gently roll the jet to the right hand side and that way we will have have your altitude hold mode on your autopilot on and that way we can also set up our weapons okay okay next I want you to go to air to ground Master mode on your ICP which is the uh uh row of keys right in front of you and you can see that changing over to other screens on your uh mfds made them go dim again so you can turn up the brightness uh once again and once you got the brightness up we have the smiz or SMS page the stores management system up on the right hand uh MFD now and that will populate by default and so you select weapons by hitting the right hand the top button on the right hand side and we only have one weapon on board at the moment so it's very easy for us to just go ahead and set up our Mark 82s okay and uh let's see is your autopilot altitude hold Mode still on it's it was but it wasn't working okay go ahead and turn it off and then back on again awesome uh it's still going down a little bit that's kind of odd um you may have been uh sometimes the autopilot if you are too violent with the stick it'll think something's wrong with the Jet and it'll kick off and you can't turn it back on again yep so it it's because the jet thinks that there's something wrong with the aircraft and it doesn't want to have the autopilot get you into a bad position okay okay so um the the bombs by default are basically all set up and ready for you ready to go for you to drop the bombs in singles okay and so we're in what's called ccip mode or constantly computed impact mode for delivery of our bombs try and maintain 1 15,000 if you can just keep that velocity Vector right on the horizon as we keep this rightand turn coming and uh so essentially you can see when we went to air to ground Master mode we could see some new symbology up on the HUD coming out of the Velocity Vector we have this long vertical line with a little Bullseye at the bottom you see that yeah so essentially that is how we aim our bombs you just want to put the bullseye on your target as we're diving down to it and then press the pickle button and that will drop a bomb and it'll impact where that Bullseye is okay one Wrinkle In This is the fact that the fall line which is that big IAL line has a little hash mark across it kind of like roughly about a third of the way down do you see that yeah I do so that's what's called the reflected reticle indicator the actual Bullseye where the bombs are going to impact the ground is below the field of view of a HUD so as you dive you'll see that little hash mark get lower and lower and lower and once it disappears completely that's when you know the actual ccip Bullseye there is valid and the bombs will actually hit the ground where you press the pickle button that Mak sense and pickle is uh the same as the missile release right yep exactly okay okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to do what's called fencing in which is essentially how you get your aircraft ready to go for combat so the few things that we need to check include our fuel we want to check how much fuel we have make sure we have plenty available to us to actually engage in combat um next we want to bring our Master arm switch to the armed position we and then we want to ensure that our counter measures are good to go whether that be our Jammer pod or our uh actual chaff and flare buckets so I want to make sure those guys are all on and ready to go we want to check and make sure that our rwr is on and then finally we want the dowe our external light so use that Master external light switch and bring it all the way to the off position to turn off all those lights which one is it the master switch where it go from Norm all the way to off okay did I do that let me double check for you look down there again and so that's the I master switch it's the other master switch that's in Board of that so definitely bring the if switch back to Norm and then the other switch is literally right next to your left hip in the cockpit here it's in Board of that uh master I switch it is the master external lighting switch so look down into the left a little bit more see right there right on the edge this one uh yep go ahead and turn that off and there you go now your external lights are turned off okay and we are fenced in and ready to go the radio call for this your lead flight lead will say something to the effect of you know Spud one one Spud one flight fence in and you'll do all those things and then once your jet is ready to go for combat you're going to come back on the radio to him and say uh Spud one two is fenced in state 1.9 or whatever your fuel state is so I currently have 1.9 on my fuel what's your fuel state I'm not sure how to read that so your fuel is the little gauge uh to the right of the ti gauge for your engine right um the totalizer is on the bottom so it's going to be I've got 99,100 lb and that's expressed is 9.1 to other Pilots so I'm at like 8.4 okay perfect probably leaning on the After Burner a little too much um probably so from here let's go ahead and fly out to wayo 3 where we've got some targets set up for us wayo three and it's that little star yep exactly off to the left hand side just follow that guy and you'll also see that you now have a little arrow pointing towards it and the number of degrees off to the left hand side actually scratch that never mind that was for my data link track okay trying to get back to 15K hold the Horizon yep right at basically right at 15K right now okay so our Target is going to be the airfield on greater tomb Island and we'll just take turns just dropping bombs on it and uh should be no problem so what we want to do to actually drop our bombs is ideally we want to execute what's called a Rollin maneuver where we are going to fly offset just slightly to the right of our Target and we're going to roll over and pull our nose down to the Target once the target it crosses roughly uh about 45° behind our nose so you can see that Island out there that's our Target so let's come to the right just slightly let's go for a heading of about uh 280 or so let's see how what that gives us okay that should be good okay the reason we do a Rollin maneuver is because it's going to put positive G's on our jet uh our jet is stressed for more positive G's than negative G's rather than just pushing the nose over to get into a dive our body takes positive G's better than negative G's as well um and it prevents us from losing the target behind our nose cuz if we fly directly at it we're not going to be to see it cuz our cockpit is going to block our line of sight to the Target it's also going to prevent us from accidentally hit hitting our own bombs on the way down the shoot because it's going to prevent us from accidentally dropping that bomb while putting negative G on the aircraft so it's best to drop the bomb while you're rotating uh no we'll we'll take a look I'll show you just a second okay yep I was trying to follow but yeah it's all good it's a lot of information so if you only can pick out and remember little bits from today that's totally fine they keep that 280 heading for me oh sorry okay I was turning towards it yep so we don't want to we don't want to fly directly at the Target cuz we won't be able to see it if we're directly at the Target right yep makes sense it also makes it harder for bad guys to shoot at us if we're not flying directly at them because they have to be pulling lead from their AA guns to actually be able to hit us whereas if we were flying directly at them it's much easier to hit us with AA guns right all right let's come back to the left just slightly let's come to a heading of 270 try not to use those Rudders just use just roll the jet okay and there you go right there roll out okay and we're just waiting for that Target I want you to hit the runway anywhere on the runway it's totally fine we're just waiting a little bit more just being patient waiting for the right proper moment for the roll in so when you st roll and then it's like at the last second we turn then go bomb the target yep exactly so I'm going to walk through it here I'm just going to put my aircraft on autopilot so I can walk you through it okay and roll to the left and keep rolling keep rolling roll left left left left left keep going keep going almost upside down almost all the way upside down okay and now pull down onto the target roll back Wings level okay and don't use your Rudders push forward on the stick here so we kind of didn't we weren't quite aggressive enough on the rolling so push forward on the stick keep coming down the shoots yep keep coming down keep coming down all right no more pushing forward and now we want just want to fly that Bullseye onto the runway and press the pickle button and pull off the target you dro the bomb so pull off pull off pull off and the bombs start falling and fell a little bit short that's okay so when you press the pickle button try not to press and hold the button just give it one quick press okay yeah I noticed I did that yeah the reason why we want just one quick press is pressing and holding is going to put the jet into a different bombing mode I'm just trying to show you this most simple bombing technique right and so climb back on up to 15,000 ft so on that one we want to roll first then pull you are rolling and pulling at the same time which makes you kind of do a bit of a barrel roll and climbing into the maneuver and we didn't get our nose far enough down towards the Target and that's why you had to push forward on the stick and ideally I wasn't sure what you meant oh yeah yep so uh just keep in mind just for you know specificity of language purposes um roll means roll the stick left and right pull means pull back on the stick right so I I was saying roll so I just wanted you to roll the jet roll the jet over okay you were going to roll and then you're going to pull the nose down onto the target as opposed to Rolling and pulling which is definitely New Concept all right so I'll go ahead and have you fly a little bit WS from the uh Target here so that way you can get set up and perform another attack so now you can see that if you let go of the stick you can feel the jet kind of rolling to one side correct yeah yeah so that's what trim is for so release pressure on the stick and then tap towards the side that the jet is rising on so you want to tap that left wing down trim until the jet stops rolling okay and now you're look like you're pretty trimmed out so now you can start flying again do you see how that kind of balanced out and stabilized out the airplane for you yeah awesome go aad and climb back up to 15,000 I got to get better altitude that's all good you got a giant helmet fire going on right now so it's all good that's what that's what you call it when a pilot gets overwhelmed in training as you call it a helmet fire oh right on all right should be ,000 awesome and go ahead and turn back around towards our Target and now that we're in combat you can be a little bit more aggressive we've already broken the formation so definitely be a little bit more aggressive with your turns you want to kind of like it's kind of hard it's kind of like you need to know like when to be aggressive when not to be aggressive flying in formation flying to the Target no need to be aggressive over the target be more aggressive make sense yep awesome I don't mind that you're climbing at all that's no problem ideally the the ideally the higher we are when we drop our bomb the better because the lower we get the more vulner vulnerable we get from more and more uh AAA guns down there everything from large caliber tripa all the way to a guy with a rifle right so we're going to keep turning to the right and we're going to bring our nose further to the right than just the target area keeping ey on your altitude get a little on the low side now keep coming to the right for me keep coming right just to set up that good rolling maneuver nice keep coming right keep coming right try to level off on the altitude so that way we can see the Target and roll out okay nice we can see the target perfect on this one I'll tell you when to stop rolling okay so don't even turn towards yeah don't turn towards it yet okay so start rolling roll left roll left roll left roll left roll left now pull pull your nose down to the Target there you go keep pulling keep pulling keep pulling keep pulling keep pulling keep pulling and roll out and now you're in the dive so that makes sense how we separated out the roll and the pole yep fantastic we were just offset from the target a little bit far and that's why our dive is so shallow waitting for that reflected reticle to march on down just like you are now line up that Target you want to drop on right on the fall line and now your reticle is valid so now once the circle is on something it'll it'll hit it yep okay remember quick press on the pickle button this time yep and pickle and now pull up pull up pull up don't fly formation with that bomb a lot of new DCS World players will end up still in the dive after they've dropped the bomb and they end up hitting their own bomb and then wondering why they just exploded randomly oh so now if my radar was on soy my left MFD would the bomb still have dropped uh yeah that would have been no problem okay yep so when you're dropping bombs in ccip mode the radar goes over to what's called AGR or air to ground raging mode because your jet is essentially doing a continuous Pythagorean theorem to determine where the reticle is pointing so it's basically creating a triang like a mathematical triangle to figure out where the bomb is going to drop and it does this through the very accurate ranging of using the radar as to where the ground is out in front of you that makes where you want me to go by the way just kind of fly out away from the island and just keep on practicing we got four more bombs left okay so are these considered dumb bombs yep exactly these are unguided dumb bombs all right so looks like you're about 9 miles from the target so let's come back around towards it and we'll try it again not meaning the climb either yep so keep it to where I can see it yep okay and go ahead and level off you're still descending so you're getting more vulnerable the lower you get right yep all right and just wait wait wait wait be patient be patient be patient be patient and go ahead and roll roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling and pull down roll back Wings level there you go that was great and but don't but don't pull back as you're rolling right cuz that's why you brought that nose up and we kind of ruined our di oh okay yep so we're separating out the roll and the pull okay and pull off pull off pull off pull off don't fly formation with that bomb all right I climb back on up okay and so once you drop the bomb obviously you get pretty darn asymmetrical right and that's why you rolled off to the right hand side was that intentional or was that kind of like what's happening uh no I dropped the bomb and then when you said that I just jerk to get myself out of the way faster I guess that's what I was thinking yeah yeah safest thing is just climb climb climb climb climb climb all right so you got and make sure you use that trim hat to trim the jet out so are other planes different like you don't you don't do it as you go uh in terms of trim yeah yeah so in a lot of other Jets uh specifically nonf flyby wire Jets like if you started flying the F14 you would be constantly trimming it all the time um and that would be just a requirement of flying the airplane so as a result like the F18 and the F-16 are much easier to fly because you are the jet is auto trimming for you except for in the roll so high yep just try to separate out in the dive that roll and that pull so you did a really good job on the initial roll and pulling your nose down to the Target but when you rolled back to Wings level in the dive to drop your bomb you were still pulling back on the stick and that's why you climbed right out of your dive and didn't get your reticle down onto the target does that make sense yeah something I going to have to work on yep that's no problem okay just passed right underneath you yep I saw you so what do you think of uh like us versus China capabilities in terms of Air Force um well I mean that's kind of a really broad question um you I'm a I'm was military I grew up in the air force and it's like I I I know what I know we're capable of yeah but I think we underrate China you know like I don't think it would be good I still think we're on top I just think you know yeah I think that they're a lot more like the Russians than we give them credit for so I think that they're kind of a bit of a paper Tiger but still dangerous yeah um so it's like you're far enough away from the Target now so come on in and go for it again so with dumb bombs you always want to do the roll ideally it's it's basically the the most basic tactic that I can teach you here to get to get you going with it and it's it's like the first weapon delivery method that they talk or teach uh pilots in upt as well oh right on all right so that's looking good you're set up really well but you're descending don't use the ruds you're way overusing the ruds okay so the Rudders in the F-16 are are basically more or less just for being on the ground for for our purposes today okay yeah so leave those Rudders alone keep going keep going I'll I'll tell you when to roll keep going keep going the more patient we are the steeper our dive is which is better and start Go For It Roll Roll Roll Roll keep rolling keep rolling keep rolling and pull pulling the nose down okay stop the pull and roll okay there you go see that looked much better right now pull back on the stick to get that reticle onto your target okay so that was much much better that was awesome and pickle nice pull off pull off pull off pull off don't fly formation with that bomb if you explode randomly then don't blame it on me right right cuz if you hit that bomb you are going to explode as well as all the down there shooting at you the lower you get the worse it's going to get for that I haven't even seen it uh the explosions these bombs do yep so basically if you on the pullup if you roll off to one side and keep pulling then you can kind of look over your shoulder and see your bomb impact looking good all right for this next one I'm not going to say anything I'll have you do it all by yourself all right what's your fuel State uh it's almost nine I would say 8.6 okay perfect if I'm reading it right yeah so in the F6 your ruds are because the jet is fly by wire the jet automatically uses the ruds for you so you basically when you say fly by wire what exactly do you mean by that is this not all aircraft like that no so like let's take for instance like a like a Cessna 172 the controls in a Cessna are connected via cables and pulley to the actual control surfaces so you door acting on the Yoke and say a Sessa 172 actually deflects the control surfaces like physically however in an a flyby wire airplane the controls in your jet are connected to a computer and the computer then tells the control surfaces how to move in order to give you what you want and what you're telling the jet you want from the controls does that make sense yeah and so there's no physical connection between your controls and the control surfaces of the aircraft and so what that means is um the jet can be made very unstable which increases performance for maneuverability and still be flyable by a human pilot and so in the F-16 and the fa8 it's already using the rudder for you so if you just need to say make a small correction and heading you just roll the stick left or right as opposed to putting in Rudder does that make sense yeah the way you were using the rudder earlier is also too much for really any airplane if yeah and if you're too if especially in like larger airplanes if you're too uh rough on the rudder you can actually rip the entire tail off oh which is not good so I see how how much altitude you're losing in that turn yeah so try and bring that nose up bring that nose up the the the steeper your bank angle the further you have to pull the stick back to maintain altitude cuz what we're doing is we're killing our vertical component of lift and so we have to increase our angle of attack in those steep Bank angles in order to generate more lift in order to maintain altitude and if we Bank all the way to about 90° like you were there you can pull as hard as you want and you won't be able to maintain altitude all right so wait on it wait on it wait on it just a little bit more and I'm not going to say anything more you do it okay nice looking good roll the jet to get the nose over there roll and pull yep no rudders I like it nice and good job pulling off the target this time and if you look over your right shoulder roll roll right now and look over your right shoulder and you should see the bomb impact the runway there we go and there it is just barely missed right on all right how many bombs you got left here uh one I think okay if they were on the inboard racks and you couldn't see them if you look on your Smith page in the top right where it says M82 there's a one next to it and that's the quantity of weapons you have on your aircraft okay and while you're doing that I'm going to go ahead and put a string of all six of my bombs right down the runway yeah I got to work on my staying at altitude better yep but it's also you know it's it's all it's all learning experience and it all just takes practice alude what's your favorite uh aircraft and DCS to use um I like different airplanes for different reasons I suppose um I think my favorite airplane of all time is the F4 so I'm super excited for for that to come out um I really really like the f-15e and the F-14 uh but honestly all the Jets are fun to fly for different reasons do you do helicopters too or just fixed Wing yep I I fly the Apache around and I've flown the and I I have the Mi 24 and the mi8 I fly those around it's pretty cool you do those in your Missions at all or no yeah I definitely have a pat missions that I've done I'm actually sitting on some footage right now that I need to edit and put out there for a mission video in the Apache would this be too soon uh nope that's perfect roll roll roll you're going to be nice and steep on this one which is great he good altitude altitude and now that we've dropped off all of our bombs we will go ahead and start flying on Hall let's do it so let go ahead and turn to a heading of roughly 170 and I'll join up on you all right get the 15,000 ft as well yep so keep an eye on your air speed let's bring it down to about 400 indicated is there a wayo uh yeah stand by let me find the number for you let's just fly 170 on the heading for now okay here point 7 is the is the way point we want to go for so it's going to be a slight right chy start pulling the throttle back to bring that speed down for me let's go for about 400 knots slowly doing it I do you jettison your fuel tanks before you land uh no I don't what so I guess it depends on if you want to fly realistically or not so in real life a pilot would only jet Us in his fuel tanks in an emergency so that could be like oh man I just got jumped by migs or I just got a Sam fired at me or something you know something like that or you need that extra performance right away or I have a problem with my airplane or or something like that so let's go and fly to way point 7 it's going to be off to our right hand side and um do you know how to selectively jettison your your external tanks I have yeah I just didn't know if you were supposed to do that before landing or what nope um cuz those tanks are expensive so we can't be wasting those tax by our dollars right fair enough but yeah so you would never just be dumping your tanks willy-nilly and also you know for reasons of right now we're over the ocean but if you're over land like say you're flying close Air Support over a rock or something like that might be dumping your tanks onto uh civilian uh civilians down below kind of a funny thing is so many external tanks got dumped in Vietnam LA and Cambodia during the Vietnam war that people who live there would cut them in half and turn them into canoes is that true I feel like I've read that somewhere yep it's totally true ey on that air speed we're getting below 400 now just always need to be moving that throttle always paying attention so one thing to kind of develop here and I'm not quite sure if you're doing it already or not but we want to develop what's called an instrument scan where we are scanning across the cockpit all the time in a bit of a pattern I like to go from uh Center at the top around to the right and back up to Center to the top um and so we want to keep in mind our and keep in our scan our navigation so whether we're headed to a waypoint or not or holding the correct heading our altitude our air speed and any other systems we might have in the cockpit so I like to sweep my head around or at least my eyeballs around from the right top middle to the right side side along to the left side and back up to the top middle okay and if you kind of develop that scan of trying to keep everything within your vision at all times that's going to really help you with kind of like oh man I'm off the altitude oh man I'm off the Speed you know and then kind of neglecting one of those to the detriment of others right one thing that I'm interested to see here is if you do want to keep your external tanks on your aircraft I think in the F16 it might actually help you with Landing the aircraft cuz it's going to make you a bit dragger and allow you to slow down a little bit easier that could be one of my issues cuz uh my my problem is when I land I don't know how to slow down I need like a six mile long Runway you know yeah so one thing one thing the F-16 is designed around which is difficult and it's why it's probably the hardest jet to learn learn how to fly or I I I guess at least to learn how to land in DCS is the fact that it requires Arrow breing oh and if you didn't see me I'm saddled up on your right hand side um and what arrow breing means is when you land you land with your nose up right you never see a jet land nose down so your main Wheels touch down on the runway first but then you pull back on the stick very gently and just enough to do a wheelie down the runway and that wheelie down the runway makes uses your wings and your fuse Lodge like a big air brake to slow you down even more so than just getting the nose wheel on the ground and getting on the brakes does that make sense so yeah interesting I wasn't sure if you pull back or if you push down or if you did that at all when you landed I didn't know if it was just break if you touch down perfectly with a perfect angle of attack and a perfect gentle touchdown on your main Wheels then the nose of the aircraft will stay up and you just have to pull back on the stick to maintain and keep it up as long as possible you want to do that Wheely down the runway as long as you possibly can until the jet just physically runs out of energy and there's no more lift to keep your nose up and then the nose wheel should ideally gently come down to the ground and that's when you get on your brakes if you get on your brakes while you do the wheelie that's going to force your nose down we don't want that we want to use that Arrow breaking for as long as we possibly can okay do you hit the speed brake on the way down so we want to hit the speed BR as soon as if not before we get the gear down so what we'll do here is I'll put my jet on autopilot and I'll just let it fly in a circle here while I kind of guide you through it okay and then I'll share my screen and I'll show you what a landing from my perspective is going to look like perfect and that way it'll give you a nice sight picture for the next time you practice and hopefully I don't it up for you and like do a terrible Landing no that's a lot of good information yep and like I said I know I'm throwing a lot lot at you right now and I know that you're probably not going to retain all of it and that's totally fine we just want to try and take sips from the fire hose right is there an easy way to I to to Mark a friendly though without having to like dig through this panel uh Mark a friendly in what way like if I'm playing online with my with my buddies well if you're using data link then they should already be showing up as friendlies unless somebody's being a dingus and didn't turn on their I okay what what is probably a bad guy is either going to be marked as unknown know which is white in this jet or as red which is definitely a bad guy so let's go we'll go ahead and fence out at this point so we'll go back to navigation Master mode so hit the AG air to ground Master mode button to go back to navigation mode Master arm off and external lights back on where was the external lights again back by your left hip this one uh yep okay all right I'm going to put my jet on autopilot here okay and I'm just going to fly in a circle and let's fly towards Waypoint uh 8 which should be on top of our Runway here and let's descend down to 5,000 ft I'm just going to guide you through a nice gentle um a nice gentle just very easy um straight in landing for today okay your autopilots on and that's why it keeps trying to pull you back up I think oh [Music] yep was your autopilot on while you're trying to drop bombs I don't think so it it was I kept trying to turn it back on but I would break my own altitude with it uh beforehand so keep coming around to steer point eight keep turn keep the turn coming a little bit of a tighter turn so that way we get lined up for the runway here okay remember no ruds just the stick okay so that Airfield there is not your Airfield the airfield's actually off to the left hand side at way point 8 so it's over there see the Point marker in your hmd yep so that is a different Airfield I think that's all on International Airport that's a civilian airport all right so now we have to set up and get the geometry right so let's go ahead and keep coming on down to uh 2,000 ft and start bringing that power back and throw the boards out so that way you get slowed down get that speed break out there power to idle how do you do power to idle pull the throttle all the way back there you go is it yep Oh yep you're good as long as your your hotas throttles all the way back you're at idle oh okay okay and uh vge which is your speed for gear extension is 250 knots so as soon as we get the um okay can you see the Airfield there with the runway yep off to the right perfect keep flying this direction don't turn towards it yet we want to get in line for the runway so we got to get the geometry right for a straight in approach okay and looks like we're a bit high for our distance to the runway so let's make a descending two 360° turn to the left try not to pull back too much keep that descent coming just nice and gentle and you can pull back just slightly just a little bit okay that's looking better all right I think our altitude is going to be fine and there's our speed we're just getting close to it so let's get the gear down okay and keep the speed brake speed brakes fully extended for me so I hold that down the entire time uh you just want to press and hold it until they're fully extended then you can let go of it oh okay okay so we just want to keep on slowing down and you see that little like uh staple that just showed up on your Hut uh kind of so we want to make sure that we get slow enough that we get our velocity Vector inside that staple it's that kind of like vertical looking stap looks like a staple on it side all right so now start adding a little bit of power so we don't get too slow and we need to start bringing our velocity Vector onto the runway so keep coming to the right come to the right slightly we need to get the geometry right for the straight in for the runway okay don't worry about the Rudders we're not using Rudders to on the ground and keep that descent coming just a little bit all right keep coming this Direction that's looking good right there keep keep going keep going keep going and come slightly left towards the runway we're starting to get lined up and make sure the pull the throttle back a little bit we need to slow down okay all right keep throttle coming back throttle coming back probably go to idle right now and keep that nose down we want to put that velocity Vector right in the touchdown Zone markers just to stick forward a little bit there you go right there bring it some throttle hit behind the power curve so we're descending pretty rapidly bring that throttle up no worri all right so now we just need to get back that's looking good just keep it coming down nice and gentle nice and easy okay and power to idle okay and just fold it here wait till she settles on down and now do a Wheeling oh no down that's okay yep so do that wheelie down the runway and that's going to really bleed off that air speed now start to get on the brakes okay gentle nice and easy easy with the rudder so that way you don't actually like flip your jet over and there you go so see how that wheelie doing that wheelie that Arrow breaking on the runway really slowed you down a lot right that was sick and ideally yeah ideally we want to try and touch down a little more gently so that way your nose doesn't slam down cuz you had to kind of pick it back up again right so if you want you can uh despawn and I'll share my screen here and show you what it's like from my perspective okay okay let me share my let me share my screen here how do I turn my no uh there you go you got it okay sharing my screen and can you see my cockpit yep got it perfect so I'm going to turn on the controls indicator here which now you can see my throttle moving on the left there as well as my stick and the Center there uh so you can see what I'm doing with my stick and throttle uhoh I think I just I think my DCs just crashed what is going okay that was weird my screen yeah that was weird Discord streaming has been weird lately so hopefully we won't have any more problems so number one thing is we need to get the geometry for the runway correct right so the better you can get lined up on the runway the further out the better your shape you're going to be so the runway is goes this direction right so if we were to draw a line out into you know forever basically the the earlier we get onto this line the easier it's going to be because out here you're kind of going like this to the runway does that make sense you're kind of like s turning to the runway so what I'm going to do here is I can see our Airfield right over there and this was the airport you thought we were going for um so I'm just going to do a descending 270 to the right and that way I can get nice and lined up while also losing altitude I'm just keeping an eye on my Runway here and we can see we're already nice and lined up for the runway and that way we don't have to make any turns when we're nice and close into the runway I can turn off my hmd now looks like we're slightly off to the right hand side of the force so I'm just going to keep the altitude coming down we know that H air base is roughly about 200 ft above sea level and when Landing an airplane it's really just all about patience patience patience patience we don't want to rush it cuz if we rush it we could make a mistake that might be hard to recover from is there is there any way this is probably a dumb question there's only you can only carry six AMS right there's no way to carry like a double payload nope you can only carry six on the F-16 unfortunately okay so we're nice and lined up here so we're still coming on down and then from as far out as possible we want to try and get our velocity Vector on the runway where we want a touchdown so your velocity Vector being the circle with the the line yep okay it's this little guy here that looks like an airplane that's where your airplane is going so wherever you put that that's where your airplane's going to go and we'll start to slow down we'll start to get to gear extension speed and configuring the aircraft for landing so getting the landing gear down just getting ready to land further out is no problem with that especially when you're learning how to do it the further out you get configured the easier it's going to be for you just flying the jet as we're slowing down to keep the velocity Vector right on the runway and looking at the controls indicator in the bottom left you can see just how gentle and smooth and easy my control inputs are so there's 250 knots so we can get the gear out and you can see when the gear comes down the jet automatically extends the flaps and so we get that little like kind of bump we can see the Lost Vector kind of climbed up a little bit there cuz from that extra amount of uh lift that those flaps provide and one thing that I also like to do is potentially sometimes turn down the brightness of my HUD so that way I can see through the symbology a little bit easier to see the runway so now that little you call that the end zone or the touchdown area that little vertical bracket uh no so the touchdown zone is on the runway itself so if we zoom in on the runway you see the little white markers on the end of the runway there yeah that that's the touchdown Zone oh okay yep the little staple that you can see on the HUD this little vertical line here yep that is guiding you to be at the perfect angle of attack for landing so as we slow down the jet is going to get closer and closer and closer to being in that staple and you can also see this reflected over on the AOA indexer over here and we ideally want to touch down with a green donut right in the middle sometimes that's a little bit on the slow side but we will see so I'm just slowly bringing the airplane down we're also in What's called the region of reverse command but when we get slow and we got our flaps and gear out we don't want to climb by pulling the stick back all we want to do is push the throttle forward if I push the throttle forward my velocity Vector comes up if I pull it back my velocity Vector comes down it's the reverse of how you would fly in normal forward flight that's why it's called the region of reverse command okay as we keep coming down just being nice and gentle with it just trying to keep that velocity Vector glued right onto the touchdown Zone see how much my throttle is moving we're always adjusting the throttle always you want to hit the air what's the maximum speed to hit the ground it's basically predicated on I would I would pause it to explain this but let me get on the ground first so here we go we're coming over the overrun throttle the idle we're going to flare and gentle touchdown we're going to keep the nose up doing that nice wheelie down the runway doing that Arrow breaking keeping that nose up all the way down until we just can't keep it up any longer nose comes down and we're just going to gently get on the brakes we don't want to slam on the brakes because that could get us into a bit of a skidding situation even though we have anti-skid brakes we don't want to are you are you using the air brakes uh nope it's going to be the uh wheel braks once we're on the runway yep only okay yep so when you land we can see that our speed brakes are already extended right because we did that when we got the gear down so in the F16 you always want to have the air brakes fully extended for landing now there's two reasons for this reason number one you have more drag to slow you down once you're on the runway but reason number two is if you carry more drag to the runway that's going to force you to spool up your engine and have your engine at a high higher RPM to maintain altitude and air speed because you're fighting against that drag with your engine and that what the reason why that's important is because an engine or a jet engine I should say will spool up faster above 50% RPM than below 50% RPM so we want to ideally have our engines up higher in the throttle uh length of travel while we're Landing then all the way back idle because it takes a long time time for the engine to spool up from idle to full power especially if we have to do a go around or something of that nature um when it comes to the speed for The Landing in a fighter jet you really don't need to know what speed you need to land up because you have AOA indicators which is this guy here as well as this little staple inside the HUD so if your velocity Vector is inside the staple or really close to the top of it there then you know you're at the correct speed for landing because to land the jet you have to be at the proper AOA which means you're going to be at the proper speed if you're going too fast your velocity Vector won't be inside the staple oh I see does that make sense yep yep the reason is of course if we're slower we're not developing as much lift off of our wings which means we have to be at a higher angle of attack so there there go you if you're too fast you won't ever get inside the stable make sense yep awesome man any other questions or concerns before we end it here no uh give me a lot to work on for the next couple weeks so
Channel: Spudknocker
Views: 23,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dcs, dcs world, dogfight, eagle dynamics, hornet, air force, air combat, navy, war thunder, f-14 tomcat, dcs dogfight, f-18 hornet, world war 2, f-15 eagle, f-16 viper, f18, us military, viper, bfm, dcs dogfight tutorial, dcs dogfight compilation, dogfights, acm, tutorial, digital combat simulator, dcs f/a-18c hornet, real pilot, air to air, sidewinder, f/a-18, basic training, dcs f-16, dcs f-16c, dcs f-16 tutorial, dcs f-16c startup, dcs f-16 dogfight, dcs f-16c tutorial, f-16, f15
Id: exjn7Qos2aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 6sec (4926 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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