Starsector Modded Let's Play 7 | Explore and Salvage

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all right welcome back to star sector uh part two of the last episode we're heading back to uh dassault mikleon space god just go let's get power through here sorry guys like just constant spam text is my new way of life now and until i find another way to like i don't know i gotta get with my phone frankly i just i rely on it but i have to like go into solitude when i record from now on that's kind of a bummer but anyway so yeah last episode wasn't super exciting um this episode may not be either since we're just gonna go out and get those pirate stations taken care of uh 300 000 is not quite gonna be enough to do a colony unless i get some really good salvage but uh oh yeah we're gonna get there man we are so punishing ourselves on supplies and i know there's a ton of stuff to salvage in this ring system but we're gonna pretend it's not there that's a terrible price so i'm selling on your black market you don't give me a fair price i sell it on your black market um we wanted fuel and another chunk of supplies i think that's it 64 days derelict ship just a derelict ship should i grab more crew no because it's not cheap here is it illegal to trade yeah okay let's just go there's no other interesting intel well actually since we're here 80 units i accept uh medium suspicion oh no no no no damn it well oh well they didn't find anything my shielded cargo holds are the best okay free money basically is that gonna be enough man you guys are really pricey you know that god that is high maintenance we need more all right let's get us out there how many days oh easy that's a base burn level and we're going sustained burn level yeah we'll get there no problem we didn't need the extra supplies oh please no okay level up yeah just push through all right what's next that i want uh more than these is um this one fleet logistics less supply use okay old earth or bust repair is complete thank you wow we got nicked is this us no wow i am tempted to stop here but let's go ahead and get to our destination first both of these stars i would like to check out what is it outer reach ah damn it out of reaches i should have checked that absolutely if we can capture that that'd be awesome i don't think we can something we have trans plutonics ooh debris field thank you yep we lost heavy machinery anything more no i'm not going to do that discovered orbital habitat can we bring this online or do we need transplatonics oh you just need heavy machinery what's in this system nothing just trash okay that will help a bit so out of reaches i think we want to head out to here oh there's something there what luck if that turned out to be it all right there is a unidentified contact mining station is not what we want go ahead and do a sensor burst anyway what's in there they look like friends i think they're our friends yeah let's go ahead i hope that that will yeah that's not it hunter class forget ah leave it nothing huh hmm hmm all right let's go check it out i don't think that's it because i would have said it was in orbit that's not it nada oh what fun i don't have a neutrino scanner so maybe that's something i should take there we go please say that's it that is definitely the outer reaches of this system so oh my god okey-dokey here we go let's keep looking for that jabroni we got good sensor strength right 1180 that seems good to me nothing oh man oh there's a ton of stuff around the gate of course i don't think that's going to be it let's go discover them that might be it oh okay you're my friends there we go it's the last one come on let's go scan it thank you yeah we'll go ahead and [Music] no definitely take your fuel though oh too much fuel too much fuel now we've got just this one left well hmm 11 supplies per day no we don't want to do that okay okay oh they did turn evil well how about that i guess uh lesson learned they weren't our friends after all don't you guys dare okay yeah we could not afford to try to haul that fuel back that would have been a bad idea okay well uh we are really playing it dangerous with some of these fleets that are out here that could have been a pirate fleet and then we would erect us i got to be careful i've got to be more careful oh yes we wanted i forgot i wanted to check those out damn it oh poop oh hey what do you guys want me to do not going up there anytime soon not going over there anytime soon sorry guys okay then ricky nope maraca here we are [Music] okay there we go terrible price on metal that's my suspicion level none and have some metal all right uh right so we need our fuel is that it oh my god six days to complete okay i guess we're not doing that one then let's go back and look at these other ones ah damn i should have taken the other ones oh i'm disappointed that's okay hmm well damn uh that is a monkey wrench approach the quartermaster sure definitely i'll take those supplies 280 that need to be delivered to elm yeah sure now how am i going to do that you've already got auxiliary fuel tanks i don't really want to buy another tanker not really um oh i hate to buy more trash ships i don't want to um i really don't want to i want us to start getting back prepped for colonization so colonization how much money do we really need i'm thinking i think i'm gonna think about it off camera um in the meantime [Music] sell this fuel back oh damn that's so disappointing uh take a faith on that seems a bad idea let's just grab another dram okay where's my dram um autofit where's my dram autofit all right there we go to that end do they both need auxiliary fuel tanks nope okay great that's good that means i can put solar shielding back on that should that might save me some efforts in the long run okay so yeah let's let's go do this ah they still got me i got an emergency burn quicker got to emergency burn quicker there we go nice and close i accept no keep going yeah i know oh man yeah nice and close doesn't pay as good but that's fine i don't care it's close by take care of elm okay uh we got plenty oh stuff now i actually need that fuel i think i got plenty of supplies too let's go do this one i think that's what i want to do yeah yeah let's just do it oh leave me alone you can't catch me i got away quick enough of course oh get us out of here oh man i think they could have caught us if they had been looking too that worked out okay we might have had enough ships to destroy them but i don't want to be dealing with pirates period oh goody well what kind of system are you no planets in range frozen yeah it's trash all right where is it located in the outer reaches joy oh what joy what's my sensor range 480 considering how it much increased just by bringing that array online i'm gonna go do that like that basically doubled my sensor range like more than doubled uh we got over 30. 30 is the magic number i want on my current on my current heavy machinery so much stuff we can see when we do that it's great makes this makes these exploration contracts so much easier something over there man that's great it more than doubled our range easily i don't care what that is that's it huh just in case we've been surprised before nothing oil sensor arrays help nothing hmm well damn nothing out here just one part per million space dust or one part per cubic meter shoot man really come on come give me a break little remnant fleet all right come on that's gotta be it it's a big old yeah okay let's get this scanned run the package cheap and easy let's go ahead and salvage it all good all right we got one more over here let's get this one done too yeah lane of course and then we'll call this episode done and yeah still gotta work on those damn income where is it located jump point good that'll be easy yeah i don't trust any of those dudes i wonder if i should have built an outpost between here and my presumed colony i don't know like i said i think i wanted to save up and go straight for getting a colony we are hurting on us on our supplies is this us yep that's the only jump point so good again oh nice salvage nice all right guys desert world you know what while we're here oh and now that was a domain error probe that's why okay three heavy machinery slightly over now possible then no sonata never pays good for metal where does i think ragnar complex does we could head back there show me ragnar complex oh it's easily in range uh we have not been to atu refining complex that sounds like they might want uh i think they might want some uh metal all right well that's where we're gonna head uh i gotta do some ship naming off camera guys and uh yeah we don't feel like we're making money quite quick enough i know there are easy ways to make money but i want to do something different um part of it is we haven't found any really valuable stuff um hmm yeah i got to think about a little bit off camera basically what we need and what i haven't found is we need a hundred uh heavy machinery 200 supplies and a thousand crew 1000 crew can be expensive uh the problem with the crew is you don't wanna stockpile the crew because they add to your monthly expenses so that's why i kind of don't wanna just buy the crew and hang on to it as opposed to like heavy machinery which i can hang on to and it doesn't cost me anything except cargo space obviously supplies you do run out of over time and same issue with heavy machinery it costs you money we got to be able to afford a nebula class transport so that's going to be a bit of an investment but yeah we might barely have enough money to do what we need to uh the thing too is though you get out there i mean it's gonna take two nebula class frigates basically um it carries what 600 people so even with the additional birthing it's not gonna be enough so yeah i don't know i think we're close but that's why we're really skimping right now is to try to get to the uh the number we need maybe it's 400 000 is my is my cost expense and that's and then even when we get the colony up and running i'm gonna have to like basically put all of my ships into storage because i won't be able to have i won't have any supplies or crew for them so that's another trick that's another trick we're gonna have to pull off to get that colony as quick as possible anyway that's the plan i'll talk to you guys next time until then bye bye
Channel: WadeStar
Views: 3,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starsector, faction, mod, summary, introduction, gameplay, Nexerelin, Blackrock Drive Yards, Tyrador Safeguard Coalition, Tiandong Heavy Industries, Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering, Roider Union, let's play, hard start, spacer start, ironman
Id: L9TAUXzmM_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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