Starsector -- Beginner's Guide on Starting Out

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all right guys mr. G here with a QuickStart guide to star sector we're firing up a new vanilla campaign we're gonna do it in an older galaxy a little larger one so we have more option to colonize later down the road we're gonna do a quick start with this one we're gonna grab the Hammerhead class destroyer mainly because I've been playing the Hammerhead forever and it's one of my all-time favorite destroyers and cross-outs I go back with this game year so that ship has a soft spot in my heart now if you've been playing star sector for ages you do not need to watch this video but for this one it's for you new guys we are gonna go through the tutorial relatively quickly first skill being at a salvage debris so yeah this is gonna work for us but you will give diminishing returns if you just do it over and over we're gonna fight a really easy pirate fleet here there's literally no way we can lose this but this whole video is gonna be about how important supplies are and cross out because supplies will make or break you we're gonna help you learn how to make some basic money give the tutorial and spec out your character in a way that lets them make some money so we're gonna blow up this poor guy slap our shields on we're gonna shoot him hopefully then the combat tutorials already there right to the point and this game's pretty easy to pick up we've already blown this guy up that didn't take long we're gonna pick through the wreckage we're gonna grab everything we got room for all of it and then time to do some quick saving and some character specking because we've got some skills this is just all part of the tutorial we're gonna try and blaze through this boring stuff as quickly as we can all right let's get to it off we go okay we're gonna pick up two super important skills for starting out these are gonna be in the leadership and the technology trees first one being logistics the second tier of this skill will reduce maintenance by 25% next skill we're gonna look at is navigation tier two reduces fuel consumption by 25% you're gonna want to spec out both of those skills to tier two and then eventually we'll graph transverse and navigation which is a nice thing for running away alright let's wrap this up let's get to where we need to go check your map there and you can always just set a course right click and head to somewhere we're gonna just get through this tutorial alright bing-bam-boom and so they're gonna unlock skills for you as you go through for example they're like hey maybe we could get there a little bit quicker can we have the skill for sustained burn we sure can this is just gonna it's gonna burn through your fuel it's gonna take a little bit of time to spool up but it's gonna be a much faster speed than your default speed you'll use this for running away from guys and trying to catch guys star sector is very much like mountain blade so we're speed and being able to catch guys or run guys or from away from guys is pretty important so we're gonna open up the column directory you'll see a little icon next to the person we need to talk to it doesn't really matter what we say we're like hey why me well they need us to do some jobs of course they do because it's a tutorial yeah what if we get noticed by some pirates well we're not gonna get noticed so we're gonna fly to a station here in a minute we're gonna covertly pick up some data and we're gonna learn another skill which is going dark this games all about how you move through the world in particular all right we got some things we can sell off here do pay attention to this you could do left click shift click control click to do different quantities and we'll even fill up to your max that you can take if you just control click so make sure you don't miss those tooltips there because it makes it a lot more easy for you to transfer items so shift and control are your friends for doing it all at once or one at a time and like I said earlier everything in star sector takes supply so all your money most of it is gonna go to getting supplies because battles take supplies moving takes supplies it's also why you don't want to get your fleet too big too quickly because you will burn through supplies now we've got a contact there on radar unidentified we're just gonna sneak around them in dark mode transponder needs to be off easy peasy lemon squeezy so we're going to hope talk to our contact there and then we're gonna be good to go and back to our mission we'll be able to turn that mission in alright so there's our person in the comms is there a problem I share it more stuff we need to blow up alright well let's go take care of this next task of course we'll see what we can do because we're the player-character and you need to teach us tutorial stuff alright let's go find what we're supposed to do we can go ahead and just click on that and click show on map so we need to go near this planet let's go hunt somebody down here see what we can do so there's the sector map you can actually go in between star systems and that will cost fuel before where we're going we're gonna find this domain era probe we're gonna find it we're gonna get ourselves some AI cores and if you don't know anything about star sector lore there was this big war that's started from artificial intelligence meaning that cores are super illegal so you're gonna get some and you might use them in your colonies later down the road I'll do a colony episode later and it's gonna get you into trouble with the hegemony and they're gonna come track you down because they're not gonna be happy that you're using cores but that's a mission for later right now we're just gonna go ahead and slap on autopilot and wrap this up I have kids that wipe so often times they're like hey we need you to do stuff just hate you and you can let your ships just autopilot a battle for you and you can just hit tab and watch from the tactical map it's really handy if you got to run off and do something and you want to let a fight go and then maybe it looks bad you can drop back in which is a really cool feature in my opinion okay we're gonna pick through the wreckage we're gonna take a look grab ourselves there you go now looks like no core and this one's just some gear that's final I was just rambling on about cores because they're gonna become more important later we want to be careful that we're not overloaded so we're gonna control click to dump any extra gear here that's too heavy there's our course because if we're overloaded that's gonna cost us extra supplies and like I've been saying this whole video we do not want to burn through our supplies too quickly when you set ourselves of course back for chorus just like we've got a few more points to spend here we got one more we want to spend it on logistics would we want to spend it on navigation so you'll notice each skill has three tiers so you have to upgrade the skill or the attribute I guess before you can actually get to the skill I do highly recommend though leadership and technology of good places to start technology will also unlock mods that you can install on your ships which we'll talk about in a minute when we get into ship refitting this is just a really basic overview just trying to give you guys a little bit more than what the tutorials given you we're gonna try and go around the star a little bit because stars can sometimes slow us down and make us burn through extra fuel now the tutorial is just really pretty brief a lot of people finish the tutorial and like what am I supposed to do now well it's an open game do what you want to do which is the joy of this game and if there's more you want to do well there's some great mods you can grab we'll talk more about that later so let's jump on comms let's get our mission reward here so you've said their forces are significant and we're gonna have to go blow some guys up so we're gonna go salvage some ships I'm going to tell you the ships that you're gonna want to grab from these ones you're not gonna want to salvage all the ships down here because that's gonna cost you too much supplies which is gonna burn through your money too too quickly and there's a whole pile of ships here you got away benefits versus negatives whenever you're salvaging any ship maybe it's a ship you really want go for it otherwise most of the stuff you're gonna get is gonna be garbage and it's gonna have what's called d mods meaning it's not gonna be a great ship we're gonna grab this guy because it's a carrier and carriers are always excellent support ships to have and we can put cool fighters in it later and we're gonna grab us a second hammerhead destroyer namely because I love the hammerhead so these are the best two ships that you can salvage in the tutorial there are other mods you can get next : for example where you can start out working for another faction and choose your starting fleet because if you've been playing this game forever well you kind of want to jump right into the action of starting your own Kingdom and star sector which you can do you can create your own faction we'll do a video more on that later this guide is about saving money and just getting started with your fleet and how to beat the tutorial and choose some of your first beginner missions so here we are back at the station let's take a peek alright let's talk about refitting ships which is one of the best things about star sector is you can kid out your ships and all kinds of different weapons you have different hardpoints of different sizes for your ships and you have like kinetic and energy and beams you have these different kinds of weapons and missiles and it's a very rock-paper-scissors system some things are better at shield some are better at hull damage etc you'll figure that out as you play through the game so we've got these ships now that we did repair but that doesn't mean they have any weapons we need to go and we need to clean them up so we need to go ahead and get into the refit section here so rambling on so we're gonna click down here on refit also you notice we have an extra core from that mission we can sell it on the black market which is nice I use the black market a lot because you do not have to pay a tariff which you do on a regular market you will incur a penalty if you keep doing it they will be mad and chase you down because if you just do it a little bit you can get away with it so you can just auto fit your ship if you want to save you some time if you're a new player I recommend doing that we're a little short on cash so we're gonna go ahead and just use some of the weapons that we have laying around in our inventory so we don't pay for anything so we're gonna fill that up you're gonna have capacitors and vents capacitors let you take more flux before you overload and Vince let you get rid of your flux and dissipate it faster when you hit that key to vent all your flux and then you can add some mods as well so you want to make sure you're using all the points you can under ship and you're not leaving any fun used all right now we need to go and do our hammer head to test some stuff still on it some weapons still on it we're gonna slap some point defense on there it's not great but it's gonna get us out the door I'm just going to get us started let's make sure we use up the rest of our points here for our ship we have enough left over to grab a mod for this thing [Music] but yeah if you put unstable injectors in there and get some more speed why not let's do it it's good enough for now and then we're gonna want to go over to our lead screen we're gonna want to prioritize now like I was telling you about skills as you get other technology it's gonna unlock more of those mods you can put on your ship weapon groups are also important you can do those automatically okay now this screen is important because the higher priority your ship is the more it's gonna give the resources that you have if it's near the end it's gonna be less priority and getting repaired so I usually gonna leave your tankers and your freighters down there you're the least important ships we also need to make sure we assign commanders to these other ships I forgot we hired on a guy and I forgot to assign him to a ship it's going to take care of that now all right let's stabilize this jump point so that these guys are connected to the neighboring systems and can get into hyperspace doing favors thing you know what let's grab we catch these pirates while we're at it it's always a game of emergency burn and sustained a burn trying to catch faster fleets sometimes they'll just outrun you you can't click on them and just Auto target them but sometimes you got to guess where they're gonna be and kind of slingshot yourself into their path to be able to catch them anyone who's played a mountain blade knows how important it is either catching your target or running from your target those guys weren't worth the fuel and energy to run down so we're going to just go ahead and let them go we're going to wrap up that mission and that's just about wraps us up so we've you know gained some points with the hegemony good for us we're best buddies now you will still pull you over if you're smuggling illegal goods or you're running with your transponder off but for now we're okay we're gonna go ahead and take a look that like bounties there's two kinds of bounties there's bounties on characters found these on just killing any pirates in a certain system we want to take out the character we want to get paid one lump sum for blowing somebody up so first we want to make sure that they're close enough to us that we don't have to burn tons of fuel warping halfway across the galaxy to get to it let's go find a winner it's gonna tell you the system that they're in and it's going to tell you a planet that they're hanging around like maybe barren planet whatever they're not too hard to find most of the time so we're gonna go ahead and jump to hyperspace which is gonna require that we use some fuel we do have a fuel tanker so we've got enough fuel for this I recommend not jumping right into the star of a system that's gonna cost you extra fuel your autopilot will automatically just shoot you for the star at the center of the system it's usually better to jump a little further out then you're not fighting the gravity well of that star to get out so we're gonna go check find that planet this guy's rumored to be hanging out around I'm gonna go find them a go blow them up as we fly right into the Sun they're nice driving Jeep okay here he is you can see just like the tutorials now we just got to catch him wipe the map with them and make it a little bit of money so bounties are gonna be one of the first ways you could make some money you can also jump in and Germany battles against invasion fleets and things like that and help mop up the extras you can get into trade you can get into smuggling but for this first video we're mostly going to focus on just finding bounties that are easy to do if you're interested you can do survey missions as well that's gonna require you have a lot of fuel I'll be able to go a long ways that's gonna make sure you have lots of supplies to do those so these are probably the easiest kind of mission to do when starting out we're not gonna deploy all our ships [Music] it's all about making sure we don't burn so much Amer it is 52 K you know made some relationships there with the Germany we also learn some skills we'll go ahead and add that extra skill point into logistics which is gonna save us on supplies hopefully you guys found this useful it's a great game it just doesn't hold your hand too much starting out and if you like this game they have an amazing disc court server really helpful guys I'll answer your questions I remember I will try and link it in the description but a simple google search should get you there like and subscribe for more star sectors stuff I'm gonna catch you guys later mr. G out [Music]
Channel: Mr. G
Views: 52,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr. G Plays, Starsector, Starsector guide, Starsector tutorial walkthrough, Starsector how to make money, Starsector how to find missions, Starsector easy ways to make money, Starsector beginner's guide, Starsector tips for new players, Starsector good tips for new players, Starsector how to startout, Starsector tutorial, Starsector mount and blade in space, best space games 2019, Starsector an amazing pixel art space game, space, pixel art, Starsector new player guide
Id: Ov_YmpnW2lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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