Starfield Weapons Showcase: Reckless Bombardment

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hello guys and welcome back to the channel uh today we are doing Reckless bombardment a unique heavy weapon based off The Negotiator uh if you've watched any of my videos regarding The Negotiator you know that I actually really enjoy using this weapon so this one should be a little bit of fun uh we're not in a particularly high level area so it's just going to be a very short showcase just to show you what this one can do uh I'm am going to compare it directly against an advanced negotiator and my own custom pick legendary version so you can see the stat difference uh to get the Reckless bombardment you need to be doing the mission hostile intelligence for the UC Vanguard and you buy this from the vendor gter uh he's the same person that sells the vampires gift unique rifle so if you found one you can get them both that is the only place you'll get this variant uh but The Negotiator is everywhere you'll find lots and lots and to be perfectly honest this is another one of those scenarios where you're basically paying for a name um that's pretty much all I can really say you're literally just buying the name and I'm not particularly certain it's worth the high price it's probably going to cost you in the region of about 70,000 credits I don't I don't think it's worth it to be honest and we'll just have a quick look I mean there is the basic status of the Reckless bombardment it's a blue weapon so it gives you crippling as the trait which deals 30% extra damage on the next attack after hitting a target's limbs uh comes pre-installed with the stabilizing Barrel Recon laser sight reflex site tactical stock and hornet nest if we do a comparison to an advanced negotiator uh obviously the advanced is a standard weapon so you don't get any modifications installed uh but you do get 156 physical damage compared to the 480 of Reckless bombardment um the rate of fire is exactly the same the range is exactly the same the magazine size is exactly the same you lose a couple percent of accuracy but when you consider it's a grenade launcher that's not so much of a loss so in basic forms as long as if you didn't want the if you weren't fuss about the trait then you could buy an advanced negotiator or loot an advanced negotiator and build Reckless bombardment um for probably half the price or free if you've got all the materials than what the uh unique weapon will offer you uh if you're really lucky you can get a legendary version and we'll use my customade aggressive negotiations I've already done a video on this so if you've seen that video then you know exactly what it'll do uh again 156 damage on my legendary versus 480 uh same magazine size uh my legendary gives you an increased rate of fire and 10 m more range and it's 2.5% more accurate and of course with the legendary you get three traits rather than the one and the aggressive negotiations is it's a custom name I named it myself but it's it was just an advanced a legendary random drop with some ridiculously long name that I just converted to my own personal needs and gave it a name um I've been using it quite a lot so yeah you're just paying for a name for reckless bombardment uh I wouldn't expect too much of it um we'll give it a go we aren't going to just give you all the stats and say it's rubbish don't bother we are going to give it a fair shot so we're not just going to say it's rubbish and then move on because that's not fair and that's not the point of these showcases so here it is obviously you get your uh your short site um aiming down the S side doesn't really matter that much with grenade launchers you can hitp fire just as well so that's not a huge [Music] problem let's uh's blow these up just for fun this won't be particularly hard I'm fairly certain we're going to be dealing with levels of probably about 10 to 15 be my guess so they'll go down quickly if not one shots even with this one I figured it was just a good opportunity just a quick play through in a bit of entertainment whilst we uh give you a showcase to see if you've never used a negotiator you can see exactly what what it's like all I got to do is remember how I get places there we are open doors are always a good way to go W they went down quick you quick reload uh now where I through [Music] [Music] there well that was ridiculously easy um what dead standing up that's a new one on me yeah level 14 nothing to really worry about uh like I was saying um it's just it's silly the fact that you're paying so much for a poor version um I I I try not to be too critical but in this case there just no need for it you could have made this into a legendary version and charge that much and it would have been brilliant it would have been well worth all the work you put into getting there you could have given it some really really unique ability that would have made it a reckless bombardment I mean it's not bombardment it's almost single shot so I I I honestly don't get it um I just feel that they missed something with this it could have been so much better it could have been something amazing to loot um when you consider the uh the credit cost of picking this one up I would have expected more um I I can't really be overly positive about it CU it is just so impossibly basic that's not taking anything away from the weapon itself in negotiator like I say is a fantastic weapon you can't rapid by what you get you can hit that button as hard as you want it is coming out almost single [Music] shot oh okay I don't want to talk I just want you to die yeah there's nothing more we can really say um if you're a collector of weapons and you want to show them off and say that you've got all the unique weapons then absolutely go for this one uh it'll completely it'll add to your collection this is totally complete depends where you are but it will it will add to your collection and you can go from there and yeah show it off you see fit but if you are looking for a negotiator to use as a primary or a back backup back backup weapon then don't bother it's not worth wasting all those credits I mean I know credits are easy to come by but there's no sense in just throwing them away I really do feel that they missed a perfect opportunity to do something really really good yeah they really should have made this legendary or at least [Music] purple his choice too much I mean you can find various other variants dotted around the places they're not hard to come by at all thought I pck that up um go away oh ow so yeah we'll leave that one there um like I say for me not worth it you can get better earlier and more powerful just by hunting through um quests and picking and looting crates and people you'll find a negotiator really early on that will work out better than this thing uh pretty much all that really needs to be said your Jud so yeah if you enjoyed this video a thumbs up would be appreciated leave us a comment if you feel like it uh subscribe to the channel if you're not already and I will see you guys in the next one and hopefully we come up with a slightly better weapon take care
Channel: Rat
Views: 470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Starfield, #pcgaming, #gaming, #games, #gamer, #play, #videogameaddict, #youtubegaming, #videogames
Id: QEgrqV8FbIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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