STARFIELD Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (FULL GAME)

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foreign [Music] a lot of games over the years and I gotta say that you think after 13 years I would have kind of seen most of what is out there you know this game when I first started it I got like legit Goosebumps because they just felt like something special anyways I love this point drop on this greatly appreciate it I was actually going to try something on this video I have not done in a little while how many likes can we get in the first 24 hours I was gonna say a hundred thousand no that's that's way too much can't go that high how about ten thousand we'll try that but this does well expect a full series what I'm gonna try to do is just explore as much as I can do longer videos for this if I am gonna play because there's a lot of world to take in so all right love you all best science ever I have two copies giveaway both for the Xbox series s and X if you want a chance when you'd like the video leave a comment of your favorite Space movie if I had to pick one I would probably go with Interstellar right now better Space Jam I don't really count but anyways let's go ahead and jump in I love you all let's get this foreign Oxygen's good just do what you did last time and you're fine follow my one simple rule hella what's my one simple in boss lady knows best exactly listen to me mining's just like any other job go steady go safe go home with a pocket full of credits at the end of the day yeah totally it's just like um not working the stardock except with more cave-ins lasers and accidental dismemberment very helpful thank you ah you're gonna be fine your first outing was solid and you know let's be honest today exactly astrophysics that's why I keep him around good pep talks yeah and the fact that I can pinpoint a helium deposit from 300 meters not untrue a shame we won't find any down here but the metal deposits alone should pay for our own helium hell after this we'll have enough jump fuel to bounce from one end of the settled systems to the next more minerals more money and so the cycle repeats itself just no more unauthorized jumps in the house for room space okay he's just a big baby there are worse lives you know most dusties don't even make it this far I have a good feeling about you we're at group hug now or at the end of the shift one of these days hello I am going to leave you behind promises promises okay let's see what we've got how are we on time a little longer grab some samples always but not you check on Isabelle make sure she eases up on the breach I don't feel like getting buried alive today Roger that remember Dusty keep your breathing steady and never take that helmet off down here oxygen processors don't extend this far you know what I love about working in freestyle Collective space not a sledgehammer either Benning if you got paid per break you'd be a millionaire let's go yeah yeah okay what do we say you make your Cuts you catch your cut no exceptions come on pick it up Troy what's the yield Venable at this point occasional glimmer but it's weak what do you think stay the course no ma'ams juice ain't worth the squeeze well okay then let's call this one tapped why don't you move over to that big vein we looked at yes ma'am it's kind of letting all the dialogue play out since there's a lot of talking we're about to be on our own in a little bit but man this has been a excited to kind of see what this game's all about you know Dusty you're up grab a cutter and mind what you can metal deposits are in that cabinets one of the biggest things I've always seen people ask about this is it like Skyrim and space or Fallout in space because of the game and I don't think it's like that at all it feels more like a No Man's sky those you know doesn't seem as buggy either you know the character is like voice acting seems top-notch get back up here I might walk in Florida time to deal with me let's go Ella get the readings yeah about that problem uh not if you consider a spike in gravity reading is a problem I don't don't freak me out come on why is this place shaking that ain't good we're getting close I think yeah everything is just all in seriously there's something really effed up about this where is it hella through there I think okay you you you're up something goes wrong in there we'll come get you why would anything go wrong all right here we go not quite on our own yet but I'm excited to kind of see everybody just play through with this game gravity reading readings got something here take the strange object all right what could go wrong [Music] [Music] come on okay take it easy you were out cold uh no physical damage meant to leave the jury's still out you know who you are new recruit for Argos extractors bring any bells any of this look familiar oh we're creating a character nice all right Argos extractors we got biometric ID body face background we got Trail weight what is background uh hold on so it's like the presets okay I do too much customization I in most games I I don't like to go too far in depth because it's like I could be here for an hour this guy's been waiting to Star filled his whole life hold on rotate around I guess okay let's see what presets have actually got we'll kind of go with the Fear the Beard all right try to just see all the different ones they got okay uh hold on let me just go to 40 and just start going back a little bit I'm just curious oh wait a minute is this a guy from stranger things kind of uh all right you know what now I'm just not sure like I could be here for a long time maybe I just do a little cut at it maybe it'll take time and actually create a character put some time into it but I I'm just thinking about just going with like an actual default you know what I think I think character at hold on let's just start you start here okay uh we got body type one and two okay walk stop what is the different walk Styles hold on how would that change the gameplay I wonder all right skin tone I'll see face oh we got different okay head shape it's pretty in-depth oh it actually shows like thin round wide Square okay refined hair different hairstyles I was gonna try to make me but I didn't see any of that I'm like super Pasty a ghost so it's fine um I feel like the options are actually kind of cool it was not bad none that really okay yeah I think I'm just gonna go with uh probably this one for now hair color okay keep that the way it is and as far as eyes go oh it actually changes everything okay man this game's Graphics are really good now I'm playing on PC I know it's only on the series snx and on PC so I'm not sure how Xbox is I know it was like locked at 30fps which is one of like the main reasons I wanted to look at the first one I guess all right oh it goes all the way down knows everything I'm not gonna change all this stuff I could be here a long time even the teeth that's actually crazy we'll keep it there all right background it's what I wanted to check out so you pick different things all right we got Beast Hunter what is this Fitness ballistics Gastronomy okay bouncer we got boxing security and fitness okay I'm just gonna read all these real quick uh all right Bounty Hunter piloting okay targeting control system boost pack training we got Chef is Scavenging Gastronomy and then dueling uh let's just kind of go down each one hold on what is gangster shotgun certification boxing why is Gangster theft hold on Homesteader weightlifting I'm guessing you can carry more yep or maybe that's what that is I feel like that yeah the weightlifting might be kind of nice what does this other one say geology explore we got lasers and we're widespread use across settled systems okay Diplomat Wellness your persuasion interesting uh meta security lasers stealth that kind of looks like Donatello with a purple pistol I mean silly persuasion that actually sounds like it could be really good piloting oh man long hauler okay I kind of want weight lifting on one of these but none of the other ones are really standing out what is Ronin okay or actually towards the end what is fun I found interesting all right so after going through all of these I think the one I'm gonna go with right now is Soldier it just seems like the Boost pack training ballistics and fitness because the increased lung capacity sounds like it'd be really good all right let's go with that one what is traits alien DNA what is this increase health and oxygen okay 125 000 extrovert what does this say combat Effectiveness okay introvert I think the alien DNA is kind of cool I think I'll go with this one because it I mean increased health and oxygen sounds pretty good all right I'm gonna go with introvert I think that's the one I was looking at I was like all right use less oxygen when adventuring alone which is kind of what I'm doing anyways so all right think we're good everything else is fine um finish okay uh go my daughter's name Clem unless I do I need to do all caps hold on let's just do Clem there we go and then think we're good and then pronoun new character all right name character confirm here we go you were good find when we hired you former military always knows how to get the job done well you got the sample client's on his way then we all get paid you remember anything that happened uh there was this light in music huh well you passed out that's for sure everything else probably just your brain playing tricks either way we got what we were looking for all this trouble for that stupid thing sure don't look like much never mind what it looks like it's worth more than this mind has pulled in all month we'll be speak of the devil all right press Mouse three yeah first person third person oh man that's nice look at this big first person for now but oh that's cool a constellation contract is on approach wait the Explorers group I thought they were kind of a joke not a joke you're just too young to know better hey I'm just saying they got a reputation hell I bet half the crew here doesn't even believe they really exist half the crew doesn't believe Earth exists but it's still there same with constellation yeah but come on exploring space who does that anymore ain't the space we've already got complicated enough not to them apparently client is here let's go all right Dusty airlock put your helmet on I'm assuming I actually have to go to the menu uh select the helmets category okay here it is somebody told me that everything has to be done manually in this game so if we get like a new weapon or I guess a space suit we can only change it by going to the actual menu there's not like a like in most games a weapon will you can like scroll up or down and it changes or hit like one two three four um this game you actually have to put it on at least as far as I know there's our Mass which is our weight we got credits there we go [Music] oh my goodness one small step Mission updated oh here we go about as far as I got last night when I was messing around I played it for a little bit but I spent most of the time in character creation oh backpack oh wait we can take this so this is the same thing is a okay so did put it there damage is 11. interesting also put it on right [Music] oh it's kind of nice a ship design is really nice Barrett [Music] now what is this it's been a long time yes it has that mine on bendy right hello like this place rare mineral contract your tastes are a bit more sophisticated now huh so you've found something right here the new girl found it bad right and everything went cool just like grabbing those minerals on bendy and no Barrett not cool she passed out after the extraction woke up saying all kinds of nonsense is that right I went on a trip huh uh you could call it that and find nothing to talk about how would you know about that let's go to the first one that fun huh not the most gentle push into the great mysteries of space but hey been there look just hand over the credits and I'll be happy to never see this thing or you ever again that's why I like you Lynn all businesses Spirit the scanners on the frontier are reporting a [ __ ] coming in hunting from orbit really sorry oh there it is hold off the Pirates what the fighter was oh yeah they're all getting set up [Applause] canisters everywhere okay our propane tanks are we just supposed to shoot when they hop off are we gonna talk to him I'm not even sure if I got anybody there let's do a little bit of damage like how they're using the uh combining stuff that's funny oh you can actually loot them nice they just left them here all right I gotta get a little closer because I'm missing a lot of shots here crit damage interesting oh we got a rifle too much too they're all fighting rescue ax okay where are you going all right combat so far is actually kind of nice mouse and keyboard is definitely the way did you see Lynn ramps of course Barrett was being full now that was some fine work on the pressure you dug up the artifact right that means you saw it the Visions you're coming with me to Constellation you're part of this now all right uh if they can tell me what this artifact of yours is I'm in marvelous oh no Barrett no you think you're just going to take off after the mess you caused all right I guess I did just put you all on the Crimson Fleet hit list how about I stay and I send your dusty here in my place I I know I know but she's not some minor anymore Lynn as soon as she touched that rock something changed don't tell me you can't feel it fine it's a deal get out of here Dusty you're on to bigger things uh thanks for everything Lynn no way not my job but you can actually just choose not to go now that we've been attacked we've got to pack up and move on August will come for the rest of us you get going uh thanks for everything Lynn uh yeah let's do the first one just go before I say something I regret well that's settled let's go get her to the lodge no deviations unless absolutely necessary okay protocol Indigo indigo again very well oh and hey take this you'll find it very useful out there and it even tells the time laughs a watch nice Chrono mark hey look at that the watch fits you perfectly questions uh why send me shouldn't you go you're giving me your ship technically it's not even mine consider it alone Vasco will keep you on course besides I'm making an exception since you can tell constellation about that Vision you had come on you're really not at all curious about that light and music show you experienced why it only affected you because if you didn't notice we've all been handling it since with no problem the way I see it constellation needs that artifact but they also need you this mystery is only getting bigger each step we take and you're part of it now I think we're good I'm just gonna go ahead and just exit and Vasco don't let her break my ship I like Vasco already so this is our ship now well technically it wasn't his either so it all worked out med pack nice anything else there we go [Music] Captain I assume you know how to fly a Class A Starship it's as easy as learning two runs I will attempt to post the shields just in case there aren't any difficulties first time in space is up to you all right get up out of the seat exit ship or take off here we go and hold it down man I'm still hyped right now I want to see what space is like in this game it's like a big mystery I've kind of avoided all spoilers of this game oh we're here all right we got left shift for some boost okay we got Mouse one we are into four pictures and systems to ensure they are not on the verge of catastrophic failure I can step you through the entire process or if you're already an experienced pilot just power up all the systems and we'll be on our way all right hold left Alt allocate power okay you can skip the ship to tour by powering on all systems including grav Drive okay all right so left Dot thank you man it's nice accessible on a ship requires power allocating power is under your Direct Control let's go over the engines engines control our maximum speed trying increasing and decreasing our relative velocity so you basically take one point from one you got 14 total on the bottom left for better handling during turns draw your attention to the HUD you'll notice a speed indicator in the lower left with a gauge that goes up and down as you adjust the throttle try to Center the gauge so that it lines up with the center of the vertical bars to its right all right what's happening now can we just go anywhere is that you've proven an adequate pilot that's right so I kind of just got jumped right there we will need to disable their Shields laser-based Weaponry is particularly defensive all right should combat is actually very smooth all right 15 XP for that assuming we can like loot them or something hold on congratulations on Surviving your first Starship assault captain we should search the wreckage force their parts and other Salvage you will need to fly close to it before we can access the remains nice are we still whatever that was I didn't get a good look [Music] I wonder if like can you just go anywhere is it just like you gotta pick a planet and stuff all right nothing's really happening free chips are jumping into our location Captain more wait a minute okay one at a time hold on gotta be careful they're locked on there we got one might as well do like a drive battle like the Looting I guess we took it all right we're done with that one what up under me nice let's go far more than anticipated at this rate the odds of continual assault from their ships are high enough to jeopardize our mission short they are after the frontier and will not stop we will need to deal with the local Crimson Fleet Captain a recent scan indicates an abandoned facility on the nearby Moon of Crete a perfect staging area for pirates all right press tab to open the data menu okay all right travel between Stars zoom out and see the entire star system oh wow [Music] social resources show me uh scent Landing one small step still being done okay let's sort of set Court oh my goodness oh was this one this is the right one so we're going over here and we're gonna pick this I wonder if it's like no man's Skyward shows us actually going into the actual planet or if it just transitions we'll find out oh I'm already I'm doing it over and over okay uh clear routes oh wait so once you select it you just go there we go we have arrived in the orbit the abandoned facility with our Crimson Fleet Captain is on the surface uh assistant press the tab again okay I haven't seen skills yet okay so we picked this and we're gonna land okay here we go I got everything's so new you know I don't know what to expect here we go [Music] uh get up exit here we go this is cool the event and research facility is in this direction probably should get out the mining equipment right I got the other ones too let's go and use the cutter a little bit so gravity here look at this jump all right we're going down there they say kind of mentioned Like Pirates in there so I don't really know what we're gonna fight again if we can just go collect stuff we'll find out all right scan creatures minerals and plants oh my God how you doing I'm the most damage but I'll take it got some tissue okay or Fiber tissue really not like actual tissue this game's all right so far I like it I kind of wonder what the reviews are going to be because I don't know if everybody's played through some of the exact same or you always come to this planet I don't know all right first things first I don't see any other like mining spots so what I'm gonna do is put back on highest damage well I'm not gonna go melee it's only four damage but I mean it's a it's a rifle uh let's do this one again I had fun with it ball damage 20 XP okay for what I just discovering interesting well I actually close it okay let's go back what is over here hold on foreign it's kind of cool he's gonna be with us so to keep that open I guess it doesn't really matter I don't think so the Looting is a lot like the Fallout stuff but I felt like everything else is just truly a unique experience no idea what that is okay here we go curious these are United Colonies markings but we are in Freestar Collective space it then stands to reason that this was once a secret UC facility I don't want to just like pick up everything so I might just try to only like collect things that fill or maybe like that will actually help us Hammer uh what is this hold on oh it's a book chapter one but for deposit I would sit here and read that for a while but it would take me way too long probably uh empty chunks Packaging notebook all right what is this purple wait what did it just like shoot out of there it's kind of creepy all right let's tell that alien movie started you know something small might also take that whatever it is wait document Trey um hey what are these all right so what happened here exactly oh oh my goodness what is what is this all right so something bad is going down here they saw me anyways I'm out of bullet that is not good hold on uh yeah different type of ammo so let's just try that oh this guy's nice it's gonna switch sooner I guess that's like zebra recoil perks of playing on mouse and keyboard I guess what do you rescue axes right now one more time oh wow take those even if I don't really need it right now I could sell one I guess dinner plates yeah there's so much stuff I'm gonna collect everything obviously but that's blocked off all right here we go how do we use these [Music] foreign [Music] at that point my goodness that's funny I've never seen zero be used in a game nice hey we're level up nice level up P okay close all this receive one skill point every time you level up okay also unlocks a challenge to complete the challenge and then spend someone to rank up the skill uh we got physical they can only choose Fitness which is I guess what we chose in the beginning okay this is where it comes into play interesting more oxygen we didn't get any social ones yet and what does this do 10 more damage oh my goodness what is Tech gonna do you know what here we go yeah let's rake it up if we can uh we got hold on let me just look at everything else oh there's the shotgun certification okay I want to see if we can actually unlock it oh we can nice okay well I wanted that trait in the beginning anyway so it all worked up we're still in combat though man this gun is really nice if they're a lot like this we're in for it what is this oh a laser gun s that was kind of weird it like wouldn't let me aim okay how you doing I could have shot that Barrel I guess we're helping here nice I'm on it no one's getting through yo let's try out that laser gun really quick where's it at the equinox all right what if I hold it down or if it's like a rapid fire type they 100 see my flashlight but I don't want to turn it off because the video will gonna be too dark you know not bad oh that's six you're like the weak points and it does that so we're going up uh terramorphs specimen Xeno Warfare not much there but I'll take a safe nearby oh my God personal property rights fill in all the slots in every layer to open the lock interesting select a key and rotate it until gotta make it to where they all fit uh it's probably there okay I don't think this is gonna work all right let's keep it going I feel like the lock pick and be easier once we level that up uh select that maybe we should go ahead and top off my health too there we go that's a lot of stuff let me change my gun as well because I felt like my voice is already cracking what is this a rip Shake well I have two I probably should drop the mass is getting pretty insane okay [Music] honestly I think I'm just gonna go with this one [Music] I got plenty of ammo at least the frontier has a new captain you working with Barrett or did you pry the ship keys out of his cold dead hands dialogue interesting okay I could lie we could try it I guess oh no you see we weren't really after Barrett we're after that ship every Crimson Fleet Rook hears about the frontier that constellation keeps treasure hidden in the cargo Bays the loot from a hundred planets that statement is partially correct the frontier as into many planets and moons but the only things held in the cargo bays are spare parts dust desiccated food articles and a variety of species of ant I don't care what kind of Lies Barrett program that robot to say we're taking that ship persuade hmm like what is the success rate on something like this I wonder you're not talking us out of this score our persuasion uh let's see another person you need to make successful choices kind words to distractions to threats oh wow okay uh really Auto persuades actually a thing I'm not gonna try that I kind of like this one it's a little more aggressive I kind of want to try plus five not a bad point I can't believe this there isn't any treasure we've been trailing that old constellation ship for nothing get out of here take your robot and your ship and get out of here I see you all again you're dead we should now be free to travel to constellations headquarters without Crimson Fleet interference you can just fast travel up there I kind of want to like walk up there though so this is like our first time on this planet and everything that's pretty cool they let us go I was ready to fight too I was like all right I don't want to fast travel too much because I felt like we already kind of fast traveled what onto the ship out the space and now we did one thing here on this planet now we're leaving again I don't know where you go from here sprinting melee attacks and jumping okay O2 we got to be careful that bottom left-hand corner it's been a really good game so far I don't know like I'm kind of wondering if it's more like a No Man's sky where it's got many different ways to go about the whole game or if it's more of a structure type thing I want to go sell some stuff though because I got a lot of extra like weapons and everything and then land in the city of New Atlantis I'm not worried this will all become second nature before too long here we go hey please don't like support you drop on this video it's really cool to see this thing do well so we'll see how it goes but I would love to like a full series and just kind of do some crazy content for this game because I feel like there's so much potential here let's go to the tab really quick all right uh select missions in the bottom section okay foreign you can set the course to that grab jump here we go this is so sick that was awesome Starship Frontier this is United Colony security maintain course and prepare to be scammed scan complete no Contraband detected you are cleared for landing at new Atlantis so we can go here okay so wait we get the mining up post new Atlantis is up here okay [Music] oh almost took off right back into space for no reason y'all look at this area this is awesome all right talk to the ship Services technician here we go again how you doing sir and he's our new captain my crew can take a look at your ship and you can stop by and trade authorities uh see yeah you can modify it interesting where can I go if I need more crew for my ship interesting I would try to viewport it'll be on your left once you get into the Plaza should I spend a thousand credits I don't know sure how about it all right here we go we got Frontiers our only ship right now ship one of one kind of just like pick whatever you want to upgrade so you can upgrade the ship you have anything okay total I don't have enough credits it says vendor credit 72 000 I don't have that much so yeah a little bit behind so we'll come back to this later on I think we're good everything looks good here I'll be at my booth if you need me I had no idea was gonna land in an area that looked like this this is really cool what's the gravity here normal okay new Atlantis the capital of the United Colonies established 2161 sanitation that he bought Sergeant yumi's looking for a reliable people to help the guard contact him if you're interested we'd all appreciate it this place is huge man okay we're going the right way as far as I can tell what about the water hold on water effects seem pretty good doesn't really change you think so happy you can ledge grab without that it'd be tough times so as far as frame rate the game runs very smooth not playing on PC I got a 30-90 5950x ryzen I think it is is my CPU and I mean I'm running everything on my alternate High settings got a few things to simple like the motion blur film grain stuff like that but overall the game runs pretty steady I think it's 60 FPS and it sometimes made diff below that but better than playing at 30 I feel like I just couldn't go back to that I feel it's funny I can just have my gun out can I shoot it here too no one bats an eye all right kind of odd s here we are the lodge location Discovery door should unlock if you hold up the watch that Baron gave you I have messaged the other members of constellation they will be waiting for us inside and a watch does everything then okay Captain everyone will be in the library just inside it's buried we're here we appear to have a visitor welcome to Constellation we have a lot to talk about would you care to tell us what happened to our friend why you're here and he isn't uh Parts Tech uh asked me to deliver the artifact I see vosco verify all statements made have been official this is just typical Barrett hands over our ship and our robot to some random employee of that discount mining outfit he uses Walter and if we hadn't insisted on installing those emergency protocols I guarantee you this rock breaker here would be halfway to Neon but that didn't happen she's here with the artifact thank you Matteo now let's focus on what's in front of us shall we what happened when it was extracted did anyone see anything hear anything uh there's bright lights and music I mean that's really always saw I'm actually gonna ask this bottom one I'm curious we think it's anyone else who pulls one out of the rock for the first time why we're not sure yet so if you wouldn't mind adding another data point thing almost killed me let's go with this top one interesting similar to Barrett's description of the experience with less embellishment expect us to believe in fairy if this is the greatest mystery in the universe why couldn't it be part of the ultimate mystery that gentlemen can we please Focus Noel I think it's time we tested your theory right I let's see we know the artifacts react to each other the pieces we already have move when they're in close contact now if we add this new one to the two we already have the artifact if you could place it on the table here that's it just like the others imagine we thought there were only two of them at first oh my God that's it they're reacting look at how it's coming together that energy that's arcing between them no manufactured material in the central systems can do that none of them easy girl you'll have a hunk attack she's not the only one if they're coming together that means there's a set built by an intelligence outside the settled systems still to a thousand credits for our little wager you're on Walter well if you had all the answers it wouldn't be exciting now would it not to take away from the moment but what are we going to do about our new friend here so you ready to get to work see if exploration is the life you want to lead in this little Universe of ours all right a man tell me what happens next let's see we're all here because we're committed to exploring space Humanity may have settled the stars but that doesn't mean we should stop diving into the unknown beyond that you'll be expected to use your own judgment just like the rest of us uh Scott on each one I guess individually they're just odd hunks of metal another Oddity from the Uncharted reaches of space as to what they are what they're building well you'll be part of solving that puzzle now fair enough but you need a place to stay in the city right why don't you settle in here we owe you that much come find me when you're ready and here I think you've earned something for bringing the artifact to us in addition to credits set you up with a backpack with some boost capability you'll need it out in the field anyway just mind your head yeah jet pack or what all right let me level up these skills going all right so why couldn't I create this we'll see I gotta use it okay so once you get to that first rank use up all oxygen 20 times okay that's why the fitness one I feel like this might be the most crucial so let's just get all the different ones we want okay we got that what about these other ones laser uh 10 more damage what about science hold on 10 additional Health 10 faster okay what about tech uh we got this boost pack this is actually one of my default things as well interesting piloting ship thrusters okay hack Advanced locks ooh security [Music] I feel like stealth is really yeah hold on let's get this health one first that's big time okay are you ready to get to work or was there something else I kind of want to ask you about the artifacts and then we'll do the I'm ready not March but you've seen them for yourself it doesn't take a lot to realize we're dealing with something extraordinary just what that is we'll have to figure out it's what we do I kind of like how the game has an actual like story that it's following as well so you can either like get lost in space or you can do this I like this a lot I don't know what you've heard but I can imagine first of all I think you can dismiss any stories about us no longer existing I don't believe in smearing our name everywhere we can exploring the universe charting the unknown that's what counts besides having a little mystery it gives us room to maneuver a fixed reputation could fence us in a lot of ways I listen to ask all these because I'm extremely curious what's going on we're explorers Humanity has always hunted for knowledge in the unknown we just take that a little more seriously than others we were founded decades ago by a man named Sebastian Banks he wanted a small group of people from all corners of the settled systems dedicated to the biggest question of all what's out there these artifacts could be everything we've been looking for another great secret the universe is asking us to unravel I understand you've been through a lot just let me know when all right so actually well I didn't get a chance to do the other one hold on she's running away from me just to get back in spot that's funny ready to get out there all right let's get it we're going to be doing some old-fashioned detective work the artifacts are relatively inert once they're out of bedrock that means people can pass them around not even knowing what they are I've been letting my contacts know to be on the lookout for strange metal objects get back a lot of noise usually but a tip from the UC Vanguard sounds promising what is that a volunteer force that helps defend the edges of United Colonies space they're always looking for recruits lots of retired veterans and dangerous professionals mixed in with part-timers who barely have a laser cannon welded to a hull my contact is in the recruiting office so he hears a lot about what the volunteers are up to we have to assume that we're not the only ones to have stumbled into this mystery but most people going into space looking for the unknown for places to settle resource to extract territory to defend an odd looking rock where a single strange hunk of metal wouldn't mean much to them that's why constellation exists in a way to put pieces like this together I'm just gonna ask all these again all right here we go you've done this before eh wise words we watch each other's backs we'll be fine but it's not just that I want to take this opportunity to see how you handle yourself and for you to learn more about us I'm going to be sticking with you for this we'll be traveling together until we either find an artifact or this lead Runs Dry I'll be locked as a follower if you oh we'll need to head to Mast check in with the Vanguard Recruiting Office where my contact works and listen whatever you were before or whatever you do once you're out there I don't care so long as you don't bring UC security to our doorstep every member of constellation is their own conscience understood ah see yes good let's take a little stroll through new Atlantis shall we all right we're getting the tour let's go active companion and your crew I wonder because I chose a lot of different options here like I wonder if if I hadn't done the dialogue she wouldn't have been my follower at that point right so there's more of these pieces all right she's with us here we go or maybe it's supposed to happen like that I'm not really sure I don't know what scripted and what's not all right she's chilling man look at this place the Well's been having brownouts all the time Mast finally sent someone down there but nothing's changed investigate brownouts in the wealth okay we're going over here can we can we scale this area hold on I gotta admit this game is definitely taken me by surprise I was not expecting it to be as good as it is I feel like obviously people were like pretty hyped about it because it's like you know Fallout success Skyrim success this is like a brand new thing can I just hop down there hold on good day man we'll go around I'm assuming if I do this it'll show the path saying go back this way okay the more you know I guess [Music] this game has a pretty in-depth system as far as like okay that's the holster nice now which way does it say go I didn't see anything I think I'm supposed to go down we hop over the edge right here [Music] I guess you pretty much go anywhere you want oh what can you actually get in the water hold on hold on gaining CO2 in full you'll take damage instead okay let me just wait a second that makes sense stop sprinting everywhere I guess so that's how I'm leveling up the other things so I'm kind of like using this as much as I can call it to the best of your abilities hold on honor royalty self-reliance in all your actions as members of the United States welcome to Mast if you have an appointment you may proceed inside all right uh you see Vanguard here we go another space Explorer hey you ever think of joining up with a Vanguard of the United Colonies or some credits you even get your UC citizenship maybe later we have constellation business discussed first you can actually just join up that's funny all right all right can't blame me for trying right I mean I still haven't given up on getting Sarah to reenlist it's a game we play he asks I say no here's what I got for you two Vanguard volunteer by the name of moera Health Patrol the old neighborhood Soul Mars Neptune you know the soul system which Admiral did he upset to get that posting he's Martian born and raised not like I can get anyone else to care where it is he's got some fancy metal ornament he's been showing off to the old grounders matches that description Sarah gave me I'll see hey vanguards risked their lives every day to keep people safe so what if he doesn't understand whatever this fancy thing of yours is easy version we all have our sore points everyone agrees we need to talk to your Vanguard about what he found let's leave it at that all right I'll let it slide no good for the recruiting office to be seen arguing with the serves anyway Soul system is a lot of planets but a vet like moera will be checking in at Sedonia on the regular you mean hitting the bars don't you John hey nothing wrong with a little refresh between Patrols uh all your help okay yeah anything for Sarah UC always takes care of its own even the prodigal children ah brother I'm serious about that recruitment offer by the way you just come talk to me when you're ready UC is a good friend to have all right we're good to go wait where did this person just go they just vanished [Music] all right here we go [Music] it's been a really good game so far Go part one by the way I don't know how long this first video is going to be might stop here in a minute we'll see I've flown across most of the settled systems in all manners of spacecraft and yet I still get sick on the gnat man this this game is so well designed he's liked that statue isn't it I wonder what the artist was trying to represent how far away is that 150 something okay oh wait is it oh it's behind that yes whatever let's keep it moving we'd actually just Sprint over there every time I Sprint I'm actually leveling up the other thing Securities chemical snippers United Colonies sure isn't taking any chances uh talk to the bartender at viewpoint all right ships inventory all right so we're just taking off that's it here we go foreign okay all right so the actual like main mission is this one all right B showing map oh my goodness all the way over here here we go [Music] you are entering United Colony space maintain course and prepare to be scanned and we're done welcome to Mars we good it's actually funny going to Mars okay here we go time to land the red planet let's get it baby [Music] all right that's it for part one we just got the Mars I cannot wait to see what they do with it so all right love you all feel more of this game quickly just throw the like button I'll see how the first video does in the first 24 hours and kind of go from there but for now love you hey take it easy peace
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 2,636,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield Gameplay, Starfield Part 1, Starfield Gameplay Part 1, Starfield Walkthrough, Starfield Review, Starfield Full Gameplay, Starfield Walkthrough Part 1, Starfield Character Creation, Star Field, Starfield Full Game, Starfield Ending, Starfield Reaction, Starfield Xbox Series X, Starfield 2023, Starfield 2023 Gameplay, Starfield Game Part 1, Starfield 4K Gameplay, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Starfield Xbox Gameplay, Star Field Gameplay, Starfield New Gameplay
Id: lXsgmyTOBGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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