STARFIELD MODS #5 : StarUI Inventory

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the Starfield user interface is a typical Bethesda game studios user interface that seems to have been designed to be viewed on a television across the road through the neighbor's window okay I'm being a little hyperbolic there I will admit but you get the point for those of us who are on PC and we sit right in front of the monitor the user interface is a little too large and it doesn't make good use of the possible real estate luckily for us we have a mod called star UI and that name probably invokes memories of the sky UI mod for Skyrim and yeah this mod does a very similar thing at least insofar as it changes the inventory menu the container menus and the trade-up menus the top level inventory is similar to the vanilla UI actually except you can see more categories at a single glance and instead of just having the quantity of it items in each category it actually shows you the combined mass of all of those items which can be very useful for finding you know exactly what it is you've picked up that's currently tiring you out but it's once you head into the individual categories that you really begin to see the differences there are so many more items visible at a glance and you get a lot of information that you can compare and indeed sort by so if you want to sort by value per Mass you can do that just by clicking up here and you can quickly filter the weapons by things like Melee pistol rifles shotguns and heavy weapons and if I click there again it just shows me everything different categories will show different sets of information so for example your meds will show you exactly what they are going to heal and you can even show more columns if you click on the plus up here perhaps you want to show how many rounds you have for each weapon and perhaps you also want to show the quantity of them you've got there you go you can do that close that and you now have even more information and yes you can actually sort by those columns as well now it doesn't remember these columns that you've selected between saves or sessions so if you basically load the game again it will be back to the default however you can actually Define which columns appear as default through an ini file I will show you that a little later now you might be thinking yeah but this gets in the way of the preview and it does you still compress the inspect key and inspect as before but you can also if you want just click the arrow there and it pretty much goes back to the same size list as vanilla and you can see all of them so you really have a lot of control over what you are seeing at any one time there is an amazingly useful column now added if you are trading and it is the owned column this will actually tell you how many of any item you're considering buying you already have but it actually combines the number of items you have on you plus the number of items that are in the cargo hold but if you'd rather see each individual number you can you can actually see for example with neurojax I've got one on me and one in my cargo this is very useful you can also see how much you're carrying and how much stuff you have stored in your cargo and yes the same is true when trading with your companions you can now see how much they're carrying as well as how much you're carrying for me this mod is just an all-round improvement I think it looks better because I sit right in front of my monitor I find a lot more useful information at a glance and just being able to do things like sort very quickly through all of these different columns or even add new ones they're just these are just massively powerful features the mod is very easy to install I'll leave a link down below use whichever mod manager you prefer and if you haven't yet got a mod manager or you don't really know how to mod yet I'll leave a link down below to a video that will give you a quick guide how to do that once installed you can customize it via an any file I'll show you how to do that on Vortex I'm going to right click on The Mod I'm going to open in file manager and then I'm going to go into Data interface and I'm going to find start uiinventory.ini I'm going to right click and I'm going to edit with notepad plus plus you can edit it with whichever text editor you use if when you go to this folder you don't see an ini file but you see something like Star UI inventory and nothing else it's possible you are hiding known extensions what you want to do is go up to the top of Explorer go to view and find where it says file name extensions and select that that will start showing things like dot ini files there are a lot of things you can tweak here I'm going to let you play around and discover that but I will show you how you can add a column to the default columns for weapons for example I'm going to find the section that says s weapons equals and currently it's damage DPS Mass value VPN and ammo and I want to add something else and what I want to be doing is looking up here and trying to find what column I want to add the column I want to add is actually ammo rounds and it'll tell you what it does there I'm just going to right click and copy and I'm going to go here press comma Ctrl V to paste ammo rounds and then I'm just going to press Ctrl s or you can of course just go to file and save if you want and that is it now when I load a new game and go into the weapon section rounds is already added I no longer need to add it each time and that's it it's a brilliant mod that is very useful and very easy to set up how you want to set it up I'm hoping this video has given you enough details to know what the mod includes but also how you can begin to do that customization process I will be back soon with more stuff field mod videos in fact I'm already working on two more right now I'd love it if you could join me for those or any of the other videos I create on this channel But whichever videos you decide to join me on I look forward to seeing you there and until then remember as always have fun this is Where We Belong [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gopher
Views: 19,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gopher, gophersvids, game, gaming, Starfield, mods, modding, starfield mod, StarUI, User Interface, UI, inventory
Id: Eqh504Y7Utg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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