Starfield looks UNBELIEVABLY Good

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all right sit down chat you're going to want to be sitting down proceeding for this it's the one that's what we've been waiting for oh boy I'm so excited I'm so excited dude transmission and the facial animations aren't even that bad I think a lot of people like hating everyone thank you so much for joining us today and welcome to Bethesda game studios you know we've been so lucky over the decades to make the kind of games that we love here and that's thanks to all of you from the Elder Scrolls The Fallout we love creating these worlds and playing in them just as much as you do and throughout all that time we'd often talk about and dream up the space game what if we could take that feeling of being who you want to be and exploring a new world but set it in space where you weren't really Limited in where you could go or what you could do and that is Starfield obviously we've come a long way since then with the games we've built our technology we've done so much together but well we've never tried to make a game like this today you'll get to hear from many on the team and see so much of what we think makes our game special so let's jump in and take take a look so excited [Music] Starfield is our first new universe in over 25 years but it's still a Bethesda RPG through and through where you step into a new world and you get that feeling of unlimited possibilities this time it's not just one world it's over a thousand worlds because the choice of where to go it's not ours it's yours and it wasn't until now that we had the technology to create it that makes you so happy from the rocks at your feet to the mountains in the distance to the people and creatures that live in these worlds that isn't just a backdrop that moon is actually there orbiting the planet yes you can visit it too you could go to that Moon we realistically simulate the Galaxy around you our next Generation lighting model uses real-time Global illumination to light the world based on the type of star and the makeup of the planet's atmosphere that's crazy man so not every Galaxy will look the same an all-new animation system and of course you can play it in third person and you can play it in first person yes by Bethesda that love exploration and rewarding it but you do explore differently in this game given its scale that usually involves exploring an area you've landed in you can collect resources do a mission and maybe even stumble upon something unexpected there's actual locations filled with these planets which is so nuts oh Gunplay looking slick man oh it looks so good that combat looks fun man we do love stuff and all of the items allowing you to pick everything up and you can view all right and you're like everything like every this is the hub for everything you're doing from your skills to your ship your missions and your inventory clean menu to pack a ton of detail in every object of all of your weapons beautiful spacesuits to food just obsess over the details and food we obsess over food when you're done exploring you can walk back the food looks good they did it the food looks good with you I left Vasco here back at my ship welcome back Captain Howard the amount of detail they can cram into making things feel so real is so oh it looks good man 16 times the details in the food imagine space exploration to evoke the Romance of the golden age of early space flight and we've been referring to this approach as NASA Punk this means a design language where the tech is advanced yet still looks grounded and relatable for us it's a contrast that's where the visual interest is obviously the NASA which is the rigid pod function over style and then Punk which is all about style huh you can see I like it I really like this style your ship is your home for you and your crew gosh oh good it has a slightly Troll and rather than sci-fi where everything is well used oh it looks so good all righty what's the plan captain this is your star map it starts with the planet you're currently on you can see all of its info and resources you can choose a landing spot or fast travel to known locations backing out further you can view all the planets in the system obviously the game is big and it's here you can see planets that have key locations missions or life on them versus the many plants that are Barren but resource heavy zoom out even further to see all the systems in this part of the Galaxy here you can plot a course to ones that are light years away this uses your ship's grav drive to fold space and jump to these systems and you will need to upgrade your shipping skills if you want to jump to the most distant ones but for now we'll plot a course to the Alpha Centauri system where we can find the city of New Atlantis oh baby we're gonna see new Atlantis we're gonna see it but look at the detail on everything Shay it's so not what Bethesda games usually look like usually the details of the weapons and stuff like the ship details and stuff it's insane even the food oh wait I am so gonna lose my life into this game you can bring Contraband you can be a pirate your eyes are guided upwards to just these boundless vast buildings it's the biggest city we've ever made not just in size but also in the amount of custom art crowds and quests wow it looks at the main focus when we're designing a city is obviously what supports the story we try and tell as many small stories as possible this is a colony war memorial it's a few moments of gameplay that make the space feel like it's full of let me guess if you shoot the memorial somebody's getting it bad at you it's paralyzed if you really stop and think about it buddy it's coffee it's also where your adventure with constellation begins psycho run looking good it's gonna be good welcome to Constellation we have a lot to talk about yeah constellation is sort of seen as this mythical group most people don't even know they exist anymore they're the last true explorers in the galaxy and they're trying to find the answers to some of Humanity's biggest questions one of them reached out and spoke to you the artifact if you could place it on the table here oh my God look at how it's coming together that means set built by an intelligence outside the settled systems it's definitely an Eclectic cast of characters you've got Sarah Morgan the ex-soldier in Adventurer now constellations leader Mateo the Theologian who believes that there's definitely something else out there Noel the gifted scientist and Sarah Morgan's Protege and Walter a very successful businessman in the settled systems and constellations financier anything goes as long as you have the money there's also Vlad the ex-pirate Sam Coe the former Space Cowboy and baron you know what I hate about these resistant to my otherwise irresistible charm that Bethesda charm man many young the settled systems is home to all kinds of different stories people and Adventures for you to uncover fuzzy camels unbelievable the United Colonies is where you'll find new Atlantis the first major human settlement in space that's gonna be like Firefly you know value law discipline and the legacy of humanity let's consider themselves the true children of Earth you ever think of joining up with a Vanguard of the United Colonies even get your UC citizenship new Atlantis isn't the only city within the United colony in factions the city of cydonia on Mars to this day serves as the largest Mining facility for the United Colonies beyond the United colony's reach you might find yourself in a much more wild and independent Coalition of star systems this is Freestar Collective space oh look at that it looks City Stone route inn is an Aquila City fixture Ranger relies on judgment and intuition to best for the neon started out as a fishing platform but is now known throughout the cellar systems as a pleasure City where almost anything goes if you've got morality issues this definitely isn't the job for you morality look at like the clothing and the costumes and stuff chat everything is so get yourself killed all right outside the bounds of civilized space there are still plenty of unclaimed systems to explore but these areas are also home to the most hostile factions in the galaxy shall be made Dust In Time a new face this is the face of a brave Runner here to challenge the red mile it always has you get to see just space that's such a cool cause the settlements further than we ever have before it's all there waiting for you a slice of Humanity's future so ready to get out there oh man throughout the Galaxy there are so many things to see and stories to experience but the most important story is the one that you tell I'm the type of person who spends hours in character creation and I think people are going to be really excited when they see all of the improvements we've made one of the biggest overhauls was done through our character generation system we scanned a wide range of faces from different age groups and ethnicities and by mixing and matching all that data we were able to create highly detailed and diverse characters we use that exact system to create all the characters and NPCs you're going to see in the game so any character you see almost always is a character you could make yourself huh hey come on come on okay take it easy you were out cold uh no physical damage mentally hey you you're finally awake you know who you are new recruit for Argos extractors ring any bells any of this look familiar no the intro you start your character creation Journey as though you're cycling through employee records you'll pick from a lineup of 40 presets and that'll be your starting point your journey from there can be as detailed or as quick as you want it to be this new system has more to offer than ever before [Music] it's also the simplest character Generations this we've ever had we let the player get as close as possible to make whatever they want with the various facial morphs you can blend together the thermostatic and makeup blemishes scars piercings teeth settings it's a lot but I think it's the most fun to use character creation is more than just how you look this is also where you start to decide who you want to be that's where backgrounds come in backgrounds give you a bit of backstory and start you out with three basic skills from Chef to Dusty you know the crew still has a betting pool about which restaurant critic you must have crossed to wind up here what's great about backgrounds is you never know when yours is going to come in handy you could be in the middle of a fancy restaurant talking to his life pads that matter and he needs a beast hunter to help track down a monster fine I probably should stick to professionals anyway given what happened the last time we're also giving you the option to customize your build even further by letting you pick up the three traits traits are completely optional and they come with their own advantages and disadvantages you could choose to meet your biggest fan [Music] is it really really huge on your cruise but it's the voice and everything I believe I get to stand near you breathing the same air I've got to have every molecule my favorite trailer with some credits to support your parents but they're very sweet and it's really fun to go visit them honey we got ourselves a visitor oh my God I came across some hostile zealots in space but because I've chosen a tree that made me the same religion as them I was able to get by without any issues oh you can have religion there's another great one that gives you a damage Buff when your health is low but mercenaries will radically show up and try to kill you no matter what you choose there'll be plenty of ways for you to tell your story and if you want to remove a trait there are ways to do that too what a view It's A Feast for the eyes off we go we'll let you discover that on your own [Music] oh man 11 out of 10 game baby oh that's so bad once you've built the perfect character that's when your journey can really begin we took what we loved about skills and perks from our previous games and put them together to create an all-new skill system each time you level up you get a skill point which can be used to unlock or rank up skills ranks are unlocked by completing challenges associated with that skill good oh my goodness I was gonna say I really hope it's a system challenging not just about jamming points it's whatever you want but you actually have to do things you know there's a lot to choose from I like the Xeno sociology skill because it lets you mind control aliens that's back out of the gate I'm boost packing everywhere fixing out my physical tree so I can get neuro strikes and just punch my way through combat yeah let's go that one's a lot of fun that's so good invest in the skills that suit your play style I'm very much a stealth player so I'm out there pickpocketing everyone a favorite part about being stealthy slowly creeping through vents like you're in a movie and then jumping out and swinging on people whatever possible I like to talk my way through situations is there is off limits fine I'll issue you an access card I'm more of a run and Gun player I like doing a death from above thing where I'd boost pack over guys and I throw landmines at them [Music] that's awesome man I like blowing stuff up [Music] oh Chad I am so stoked for this that Punchy Dev knows Kev style yeah I'm gonna beat the darn of people exploration is a key aspect of all our games Starfield there are full star systems with new life resources and Adventures done design and stuff 2A just clean our team worked hard to strike a balance between fun and realism we studied data from NASA and a multitude of other sources to help us make the world feel we visited over 30 different planets to understand military atmosphere the alien life why we placed biomes based on the planet's distance from the Sun once we had created a grounded world we could start looking at all the things that make that world fun when you leave a planet and head into space you'll be navigating asteroid Fields having chance meetings with interesting strangers dog fighting in space and exploring derelict ships it's all out there ultimately it's about rewarding your curiosity because whether it's on the surface of a planet the alleys of a city or the vastus of space you never know what you'll find but 10 piece nug knows what she's gonna find space exploration is possible thanks to your ship your ship is almost like having another character or home you can make all your own I think you'll be blown away by the amount of stuff you can do what you can buy a ship I'm sure you can find something you like customize and upgrade that ship and hire a crew to keep it up and running dude tears of the Kingdom ships as a ship technician where you can purchase sell and modify ships anything I can help you with maybe you start off with a speedy fighter that's perfect for bounty hunting then you might round out your ship roster with a hulking space braider to run cargo missions or even do a little smuggling like cargo missions smuggling take our starting ship the frontier and make some changes like this game is gonna be the lives and you have two ways to do that you can quickly upgrade individual systems like your weapons or Shields or you can deep dive and enter the shipbuilder mode here you can change anything from the systems to the look and layout adding a new habitat module can give you more room for crew adding cowling can change your ship's overall silhouette an improved grab Drive allows for longer distance space jobs you can even fully customize your paint job to get the exact look you want the parts you choose to build with don't just affect your ship's stats they'll also affect what you can do inside your ship you can yeah I'm sorry I quit my job wait don't you just want to take a day off no I quit starfield's in-game [ __ ] it's not enough a year is not enough time from living quarters to cargo holds mess halls and control rooms like being a mess of like Stargate fan modified Frontiers practice and just sci-fi in general your ship can look like almost anything you want it's a bit odd but one of my favorite ways of customizing ships is um making giant inappropriate models the HMS platypus as I called it oh wow where I had like a giant tail to it the Platypus and we've done spiders we've done mechs so it's really Optimus Prime imagination is well you can build your home Among the Stars the way you want to so the only person who will call your ship home [Music] ready to lift off when you are captain engines ready tear is fueled and ready captain some of the members of constellation can join you on your journey these campaigners can serve on your crew and they'll always be there when you travel we'll be traveling together until we either find an artifact or this lead Runs Dry each companion comes with their own valuable skills for your ships and outposts as well as unique quest lines eventually some friendships might blossom into romance I don't know that I've ever really loved anyone accept you and if you're looking for a little extra I love you I love you you can always hire additional crew at spaceports got any room on your ship for someone like me dude this is great you'll also meet potential crew members you can just abduct people still think there might be a spot for me on your ship I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go around the Galaxy kidnapping the sign crew to your [ __ ] we're outposts and they're gonna be great skills will affect how they run like 10 piece nug is about to make this galaxy most crew members can lend a hand in the field take Bosco for instance these designed around the core basics of the NASA machine please avoid getting shot you might die I still want to give it almost a humanoid personality so I elongated the limbs this tends to make him feel more human-like and give him a little personality it is a shame exploration requires so much bloodshed using the ship building laser weapons you'll be able to build and Captain the ship of your dreams and now let's take to the sky foreign that system is gonna be so fun to play around with me we're putting you in the cockpit of your very own spaceship and telling you that you can do pretty much anything and that is really cool for us as Developers space flight should be exciting and dangerous and you should feel like you're in complete control every step of the way we've extended that sense of control to ship combat it's not about just hitting your triggers to fire your weapons it's a complex dance between your piloting skills and our power allocation system power to your engines will make your ship faster that is so cool what powering up the ground dries will shorten the amount of time it takes before you can make a jump It's power allocated space combat that's so cool and moving your power to your weapons and shields means you're ready for a fight to always be on your toes because you're not alone out there like look the way to looks too with the glares of like the stars and everything will allow you to zero good looking subsystems of the ship you target no you can like shoot specific parts after destroying an enemy ship you can loot The Remains from your cockpit you can always turn any ship that engages you into scrap you can also take a more personal approach by docking with the Enemy vessel and boarding their ship it just freaking it is I'm just gonna kidnap people on their ships and bring them onto mine once you've taken control psychopath Run's gonna be great that is so cool and retrieve it at any Spaceport but space is way more than anything baby dude this game is going to be sold on your planet's side there are plenty of sights to see and stops to make on the way to your next adventure like these massive star yards that is so cool so it's like Dungeons Halls they're like Skyrim dungeons but in space whole new ship a civilian in my star yard let's see about getting you a proper ship one worthy of you worst tattoo maybe you'll dock with a gigantic Battleship like the UC vigilance or rub elbows with the Galaxy's wealthy Elite on a cruise ship fit for the Stars [Music] there are plenty of personal encounters to be had as well you can hail any ship you come across to trade swap info or maybe even commit an act of piracy oh like the more piracy routes I want to take over ships I'm going to board ships I'm like this is now mine I steal all these sandwiches and put them you know in my cargo hold that I have specifically for sandwiches I don't want to play the hero um but I want to go out and just start taking things some strangers might be looking for a little human Connection in the darkness so it just looks so good these are my sandwiches though the best moments are the ones you discover on your own the thing I love most about Starfield is that it is a Bethesda game through and through about going to strange new places meeting interesting people and getting sidetracked on zany Adventures then realizing two hours later that you're involved in a completely new story you'll we thought we were the only ones to leave Earth that DNA is so present here it's in our Random Encounters it's in our handcrafted quests and it feels so cool to play it and just make your own path in this universe there are over a thousand planets out there just waiting for you to visit we want you to feel like explorers breaking ground on new planets exploring every inch of a mostly untouched Galaxy we want you to feel her sense of awe and wonder and sometimes I'm feeling it right now holy freaking a massive playground and a ton of toys and just setting you free dude I'm so ready I'm so ready for this oh I could feel it [ __ ] I'm feeling it buddy we've shown you so much stuff but we thought we'd just take a little break and show you something a little bit different you know we put so much detail into our game worlds and we love the opportunity to bring that into the real world with our Collector's Editions oh man do I have to like get ready to pre-order this we've done a watch it is the constellation Explorer's watch um this is the watch that you actually get in the game that acts as part of your HUD where it's the compass and then environmental information it connects to your phone to give you notifications and other information design that's really cool right now yeah we really took as much care and designed as cases we did to watch our attention to detail and to gain totally translates to this inspired by the cases that the astronauts used during the Apollo era to bring back samples from the moon it's got to intricate locking mechanism authentic heavy comes with a constellation patch native strap and the overall functionality and believability of this as something that I don't want to like you suck it into thinking like oh yeah perfect oh take this you'll find it very useful out there and it even tells the time we actually have something else now that we're part of Xbox we get to work with the amazing people on the Xbox Hardware team and together we have created this custom limited edition Starfield controller it's awesome it is now you know our favorite controller we love this because it's inspired by the actual controls of your spaceship and not only that we've created the first ever custom headset with Xbox and this is a perfect pairing with that controller dude I'm jealous of myself that I'll get to play this in September [Music] departure [Music] every one of our games we always put so much care into all those little details that breathe life into our worlds but Starfield isn't just a Bethesda game studios world it's a Bethesda game studios Galaxy so why go this big with Starfield because we want to give you freedom on a galactic level freedom to experience both the exciting Shivers Jet and The Quiet Ones scanning a planet before you land is a great way to get a sneak peek at the available resources you can use for crafting building wow okay so that's how they're going to do is cool that's really cool that's actually fun then you know where to go right but the handcrafted content itself comes as the player explore okay our system builds a planet as the player approaches it and we stitch together the luck of terrain after that we have the system that adds interested locations for the player to explore creatures to encounter wait I just Owen plans to pick up so long since an RPG was teased that just grabbed me like this one has aggressive creatures have been disrupting our experiments their habitat isn't far from here if you could take care of them for us we would be in your debt so even if your friends were to visit the same planet that you had you would have a different story to tell it just like looks everything yeah I'm gonna have to upgrade my PC to play this game so how violent is the game like it look I can see like blood splatters and stuff Doom gun the weapon every weapon is designed so well and they actually made the combat clean it's completely up to you later the first trailer was kind of bad like this combat actually if you want to really clean and see what you can find Harvest resources like that delay oh yeah that that delay made this we're simply taking the views with the help of your scanner you'll chart me I'm so excited to cover exotic wildlife if you have the skills you can even figure out that certain creatures and plants you can build an outpost and produce resources from those plants and animals you can get experience and rewards for fully surveying planets and fully surveying a whole system when we were concepting these creatures we really wanted to think of them as natural Pokemon environment we didn't want alien monsters we wanted native wildlife something you've never seen before that is so cool man when it comes to our exteriors when the sun moves all that light is calculated in real time through the atmosphere our biggest goal for lighting with Starfield was to make the game man it just looks like good in color to really make it feel more cinematic [Music] I love the uh the armor and stuff you can tell they really put a lot of focus into that [Music] foreign track after some exploring you can find a spot to set up a base camp outposts can be built almost anywhere on any planet and the habitat modules come in all shapes and sizes filling all different purposes you can even live in them assign crew and companions to work at your outposts for added bonuses and set up extractors to harvest resources while you're away something cool we have this time is we have a new flycam where you can toggle between on foot buttons or you can now use a top-down isometric camera which helps plan out larger parts of the Outpost and placing those larger halves so that way you can really plan your structures and what the overall feel of your Outpost is and then when you're on your feet you can really decorate and fine-tune things much easier people are gonna go nuts with this game and modding man oh September 6th yeah [Music] I just like what an ambitious crafting and research like it's almost unbelievable what they've meant sources you find they already have mod your weapons to adapt them to your play style different weapon sites and Scopes larger magazines a selection of grips and barrels different ammunition like Explosive Rounds all you stealth players out there will surely need a suppressor choose to go Hands-On with melee weapons I think it's always a delicate balance between like I love the melee animations like sort of air on the side of like what's fun for the player with Starfield we've completely overhauled our combat it's more Dynamic the animations are more fluid it just feels great we probably have more mods and more weapons in this game than I want to say any other game we've done before there's a lot of variety beautiful gear is just one of the many factors to pay attention to when engaging in combat you may need to switch things up based on your environment gravity is different for each planet and boost packs are excellent for getting around [Music] in combat [Music] sometimes you'll even feel like you're flying zero gravity environments pose a different challenge firing a ballistic weapon in zero g will actually push you backwards they actually have how stable shooting experience we also have mag weapons these are high-powered electromagnetic induction ballistic arrays each Barrel has its own targeting laser and can dish out some serious damage wow wow and Joe level 24 pirate pretty quick whether you want to get up close and personal with your own two Fists like more compact weapons deck an animal right in the Noggin or maybe you prefer something bigger starfield's got you covered also reload animations crispy oh dude [Music] all right terrifying only prick [Music] oh man what was that huh thanks again for being with us today we are just so grateful that you've taken the time and spent it here I know there was probably a lot to take in there's a lot to the game even more than we could show here you know as we play it we're always sharing these unique and special moments that only a game like this can bring when I think about what makes it special it really is the people here this game is a reflection of the incredible and passionate team that made it all of them putting something special of themselves into it so let's hear some of their favorite moments I love the way that our final combination of all the new tech has come together to create some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises we've ever had game looks really good I love the creatures the exploration every biome is different the word that comes to mind is vast I like to use our photo mode to take Rockstar photos I just love that constant feel of Discovery and wow I can't believe that there's more here I'm most excited about our Outpost Building Systems my favorite part is every time you step out on a planet it's a unique experience you spent all this time building your ship and you see it on the landing pad these things are gigantic it's the kind of thing that you just can't get anywhere else there's something about seeing a tower over in the distance and going I know the gravity is low here I think I can make that jump my favorite part is spaceships audio design planets the day night cycle those details matter to me diplomacy exploration Freedom the ending basket obviously I love the robot so much the incredible amount of Worlds we created sniper rifles come on lever action rocket launcher brain sprout I love but some people might find creepy no that's right man the thing that I enjoy most about the game is the freedom to be who you want to be do what you want to do it's what you've come to expect from a Bethesda title but on a much bigger scale on behalf of all of us we can't wait for you to play Starfield and make your own special moments oh chat ah this is so good [Music] men I like have not felt this excited for a game in a very very long time that is like one of the most incredible experiences like even just watching that oh man wow that game is going to be incredible [Music] what a presentation holy Crick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's okay [Music] holy frick what a presentation that just dismantled any other presentation that we've seen this year unbelievable wow 235 000 people watching that all right that that was nuts I whoo chat I don't know what else to say like what a banger of a presentation that was just like good game after good game after good Game it just it just never ended that was it it was just like oh we're just gonna make this a perfect presentation just you're never gonna be bored you're never gonna be tired this is gonna be the best thing ever um yeah well there you go uh that was nuts I guess Mr Maddie is probably freaking out right now he's probably more excited about persona uh yeah that's actually nuts man that is so crazy um Starfield I Starfield a vowed fable man I am just so ready I'm so ready for Starfield man that game just looks absolutely nuts like I I get I can't believe how much that delay fixed a lot of what looked pretty bad in the first preview and now that game just looks unbelievable it just looks unreal like everything about that game looks perfect uh Fable release doesn't no there's not a fable release that was the one thing that was kind of disappointing it was nice to see a valid gameplay though I want to go re-watch that again um no no they they they actually showed off the Fable trailer but it was much more CGI and it was kind of like to show off that they're not um they're not changing up what we know Fable to be so it's very it's very funny like the trailer was very charismatic it was very well done um but uh I've never seen your face before yes me uh welcome here Lord party donut uh the Starfield devs look like the actually see that's the thing that's what I've always really appreciated about Bethesda when Bethesda makes a game the devs behind it always look so interested and when I was when you're watching that you know sometimes you'll watch like a Dev presentation where it's like oh yeah there's a script or like you really tell that it's like almost like forced and who knows there's a script Behind These Guys they're confident like they're happy uh every single one of them seem to be so you know into what they're making that it it just feels genuine and I feel like in a lot of these it just feels forced and disingenuous and so this is kind of nice to see just so many people so excited for a big game I think I think Starfield it's gonna have its problems it's gonna have its bugs like every game does but that delay did wonders for that and holy frick I really think that game's gonna be it's gonna be a banger chat holy frick
Channel: Kevduit Casual
Views: 28,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Starfield, Starfield Showcase, Xbox, Starfield Xbox, Bethesda, Starfield Character, Starfield Direct, Starfield Character Customization, Starfield reaction, reaction, react, Kevduit reacts, Starfield gameplay, Starfield crafting, Starfield trailer, Xbox Series X, Starfield combat, Starfield adoring fan, RPG, Best games of 2023, Starfield review, Starfield first look, Starfield ship customization, Starfield choices, Starfield armor, Starfield weapons
Id: GUV_nM5TCgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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