Starfield Exploit - Reset For Legendary Armor And Weapons

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this exploit will allow you to collect as many pieces of legendary armor as you would like it will allow you to collect a whole bunch of legendary items and will allow you to collect a whole bunch of mines and other miscellaneous things if that interests you first thing you're going to have to do is go to the boore system all the way in the upper right you're going to go in and we are going to land over here on this planet here this Moon and you're going to land on the deserted robotics lab this is a static spawn you're also going to want to be a member of the Crimson Fleet my audio might cut out here but it doesn't matter so we're going to head over here and you can pick up whatever you would like go after that chest if you would like honestly go make yourself a path through here and find what you would like to keep um big thing is right over here if you want them there are going to be mines there's going to be all sorts of stuff here let's get down here here we can have a stun mine shag grenade mines you know stuff like that here you can grab credits antimicrobial here you can grab some ammo whatever you want to grab there's all sorts of stuff now once you do that we're going to head inside this is where the fun really is going to start so we're going toe and open the door and because your Crimson Fleet coming here there are no enemies but there are bags of loot essentially so we're going to get inside here and we're going to go ahead and you can check this guy if you want you can check any of the bodies you can open these safes whatever you would like to do but right here we're going to open this door and we're going to quick save now when we open it you'll see here that there is a rare veterans deep mining pack the bad thing about this is that all the legendaries will be deep mining stuff but if we load the save before you open the mannequin you have to quick save but you can already have the door open go to mannequin veterans again go ahead back load try to get a legendary and you can see there's no none there and you can just keep loading this until you get Legendaries first time I actually opened this case it was pure luck I had two legendaries here but if you're wanting to farm some legendary gear you can pick it up here and let's say we do take a pack we're going to take a pack just to prove that this will respawn so there's no pack on that remember that now we're going to head inside now once you're inside you can do whatever you want there's all s different places you can loot you can open things it's up to you the world is your oyster I'm going to go show you the best stuff though there's going to be all sorts of little tidbits you can pick up here there's brillium toxin the dead bodies generally have 3 or 400 credits if you want to pick them up right here you can grab some stuff here I'm going to go ahead and run over this way and this is a big loot chest so as you can see here there is a kraken we'll go ahead and take that it's only a rare you can also take some stuff like bio supressant Xenon whatever sealant and then you're going to turn around here and we're going to go down into electrical and you're going to see here that there is a weapon case you can get good weapons here I right now want to tell you that sometimes you can see it's Master sometimes weapons will clip through the walls but you don't really have to worry about that you can come right over here and pick up a weapon rack key and just pop it open and get whatever's inside sometimes there's good stuff sometimes there isn't grab some credits here Med packs you know ammo case if you want to unlock it this body here just has a Thea but basically do whatever you want there's all sorts of loot in here you can find of various types depending on what you want healing items uh digipics all sorts of stuff up to you once you fully looted this place what we're going to do is we're going to press B and we're going to go back and you can do this for other static locations so if you know a really good static location share so we can exploit it together so we're going to go back and now I need to go find the planet that I'm going to forget it's location because I always do you can go to Venus um I don't want to do it because a lot of people don't have the um stats to go to Venus I'm just going to go to Bessel so Bessel if you go to Bessel and you go to 3B you can actually just go and make yourself a camp here and when you make yourself a camp you can um reset like on Venus but with double the amount of time so it be a 12 hour wait instead of six um me I'm going to be honest uh I've been playing around with a whole bunch of stuff and I dumped a whole bunch of stuff I don't have the um the uh ow I don't have the um materials on me to build a camp so for my reset I'm going to come here which as you can see everything is respawned so you can farm this too if you'd like and there'll be some enemies with legendaries here if that's your uh thing going to go ahead and heal myself um but yeah there'll be enemies with legendary here too if you'd like even though this is a lower level system again if you know a high level system with a bunch of hours per day like like like UT hours kind of like Venus let us know so I kind of like this too cuz I can just Farm some more so I can go and just shoot I need ammo obviously a gun that shoots faster be better there see there's a I think it's a guaranteed spawn there this is also a static encounter so you can do this on your world world go ahead and just all right so that's defeated and there's one more somewhere I got to find um they're probably outside let's switch a weapon real quick but basically what you're going to be able to do is um you're going to be able to rest here so I can't do it because there's an enemy I'm have to go outside and get him um but as soon as you get through here you wipe everything out you can pick up all the ammo and whatever you want I think they're outside um yeah they are so here I'll go ahead and do that that's what I should have done to begin with so we're going to go back inside and I'll show you just an idea of the loot you can get cuz we'll go down to this legendary enemy down here and see they're I got a purple so I can go pick that up if I'd like and then right back in here is a chair you can sit on there's other chairs I don't think any of them let you sit except this one and you rest here this is what I'm doing again you could just make a camp um if you don't want to do this 600 hours I know works so we're going to do 11 and we're just going to wait now when we get out of this the enemies around us are not going to respawn obviously because we're local but when we return they'll all be back like you just saw so basically theoretically and I need to do this if I could find a another location with spacers not spacers but with u Crimson Fleet you could go make rounds to a bunch of medical stations I might I might make a video on this or like abandoned stations that they've taken over like the one that we're going to go back to and um you could just do all of them once you've reset them like in a row that' probably be a really good video I just have to find a bunch of them um so here we so let know in the comments if you know a location that has a static spawn like this here so we'll go back to this no it's not it where's it at it's here we'll go back to this um deserted robotics lab believe this is the one these are newer planets I'm just now trying this route so I do forget them you can drop a save though a like hard save if you want or your quick save to remember so like for me I go to here and go to save and see where was my quick save my quick save was on boore of 5B is that where I'm at I think that's where I'm at why did I throw that that was dumb doesn't matter and yeah so I'm in the right place as you can see and we're going to head back down I'm going to show you that all that stuff has respawned it's just a neat little exploit you can do especially if you're in the Crimson Fleet because normally you'd have to fight all these guys but now it's just a loot pinata now if you could find a place with crimson Fleet like this that also has a really really long timer that would be perfect but um let's see here so we're going to go ahead and grab the stun grenade as you can see there's a frag grenade here credits and there's some more ammo here as I said just pick your path now remember I took a pack off of this mannequin that's important so let's say you reset this mannequin multiple times to get whatever legendary effect you liked on it uh cuz you're rrolling every piece every time right so you rerolled it you're all excited uh you go over here also you can grab med pack here open it open and you'll see it has a pack again so you can just roll legendaries and it'll keep refilling it and as I said there might even be other stuff in here that I don't know about that's worth grabbing but I can guarantee what's worth grabbing is going down here of course there's all the stuff in there if you'd want it opening this up grab this if you'd like go all the way to this case all the way over here and as you can see there is a mirrored Advance Veron skip I don't even know what okay that's kind of interesting and then we have some you know random stuff here you can get yourself a s uh synapse Alpha run back down here where there's that Master Lock now as you can see here this one we can just take but you can open it actually I can't open it I have to go over here and grab the weapons rat key again open it grab whatever's in there these can be legendary too and of course you can grab digipics and whatever else you can check all the bodies if you'd like this one down here still just has conu bacon but yeah that's uh just a nice little path you can do there's all sorts of loc uh places in here I have barely scratched the surface here's a whole bunch more bodies here's a random Inferno mine you can pick up I think that's a static Inferno Mine Heart nutrients and you can just make trips around this place and find of here's healing paste ammo ammo ammo all the sorts of stuff um I need to find more of these locations so I can obviously make videos with a whole bunch there's digipics and credits especially if you're just starting back out saying New Game Plus this is really nice I think in here there's a pile of food that has effects yeah so here's a meal multi pack if you want it chunks and here's an ammo crate you can unlock all sort but I think these relock every time you come back and of course I haven't shown this yet but this is a static spawn I believe but there I get extra weapon damage with tool grip um that's just sitting there for me to grab so hopefully this helps you all out that's a I'm sorry buddy Sor that's how you went out a lot of cool stuff to do here a lot to grab um definitely probably some better locations there was a location I can't remember it I found where it was like a couple seconds to run in to reach that chest the big chest you're wanting to look for um is going to be this one right here this is the one that's going to have the really really good stuff in it hopefully this helps some people out maybe you'll find some better locations in the comments making a run of multiple locations like this where you can take advantage of the fact that the Crimson fleet's not going to fight you um just throwing it out there because the thing is we have the glitches we have today but we never know what Bethesda will fix but I don't think they'll fix this
Channel: Mon Facts
Views: 35,401
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Keywords: starfield guide, starfield credits, starfield tips, starfield credit farm, starfield money making, starfield credits glitch, starfield infinite money, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tips money, starfield best ship, starfield best background, starfield best credit farm, how to get credits starfield, starfield how to get rich, starfield credit exploit, starfield best farm, starfield credit farming, starfield best way to make money, starfield glitch, make money fast
Id: 5SyrLUma8AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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