Starfield – 38 Hidden Details You Missed

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you can also get things like joint pain and soreness hey guys Dan takes you back with another star field video I'm so incredibly pumped for this game as I thought hey why not meticulously comb through every scrap of information so you don't have to in this video there are 38 things you may have missed in these Starfield showcase be honest in the comments and let me know just how many you actually notice because there's a lot anyone getting over 30 has some big brain energy but if I pointed out something new drop a like also if you want to win yourself a 3080 or a copy of Starfield stick around until the end of the video let's begin here's a beautiful sequence except for the flying creatures in the background they're hostile as shown in the UI as red dots so yes you'll be fighting flying alien creatures the presence of lightning here May mean Dynamic weather which will add another dimension to the already vast and varied environments will you need to seek shelter during particularly violent weather we'll just have to wait and see here we have what looks to be a Barren Planet except this Monument here looks an awful a lot like the Saint Louis monument in Missouri USA it's so similar that I would be surprised if it isn't if it is the case this post-apocalyptic Earth is the reason why there's no one left on the planet we get a look at this Soul system here and Earth does not look like your typical Blue Marble what happened no doubt we'll find out why Earth is abandoned and why we took to the Stars you can scan the environment around you in order to catalog what you see and get more information when in scan mode however your watch UI shows further details the current temperature of two levels and gravity all three of which will affect your gameplay temperature will unclear completely how it affects your character but cold environments will do things like freeze water instantly low O2 levels will impact your stamina and gravity will influence how far and high you can jump ammo is weightless which explains how Bethesda staff were able to carry so much of it here we see the data menu you'll notice five dots around the circle indicating menu items we have star map skills ships missions and inventory but you'll notice that there's space at the top for another that's not shown yet this is one of the hidden things that even I missed Reddit professional cut 6408 notice that in some of the footage we see the menu again but it has that extra dot at the top the character is level 22. my suspicion is that we unlock some kind of Space Magic system similar to shouts in Skyrim at a particular point in the story and this is where they'll be housed we know you'll be special from the start with the artifact speaking to you and taught himself suggesting that the game tries to make you stand out and this might be one way they do it here are some example food items most restoring your health orange juice however negatively affects your health draining your health while boosting your O2 levels I guess space juice is just real time unhealthy if you remember alcohol had a stamina boosting effect but lowered your stamina gen in the Elder Scrolls games I thought that that would be more deadly to your health than orange juice but here we are Vasco checks these nails and hands like a human welcome back Captain Howard perhaps his goal is to become more human just like data from Star Trek notice that his minigun laser is covered when not in combat in my last video there was a debate whether we'll be able to land in and enter water I don't think Landing is possible but I can't imagine we won't be able to at least enter water we see here that water has descriptors radioactive none and safe so why would they say water is safe for you if you couldn't interact with it maybe this is mentioned because you can Harvest water for safe drinking at your settlement then radioactive water might need treatment first which is why they show that description same with biological not sure what you do about heavy metal water though here we see a beach and a lake at the very least you'll be able to tread water we know you can choose anywhere on a planet to land that safe but if you look closely you'll see it names the area for you in this case coniferous forest and shows you progress in it do also know that plants have traits you can discover with the astrophysics skill tidature one has the trait gravitational anomaly and those are the kinds of ruins that you'll no doubt want to be finding they may be procedurally placed on unexplored Plants so discovering traits will be very valuable another trait might include High resources to get from system to system we need to grab jump our ship has a max fuel capacity and that dictates how far it can jump rather than how long it can fly around for or just to note that is you can't just jump through multiple systems you need to explore them first so if you want to go from porimar to lenasis 2 we can't without exploring kyrex and lunara by exploring I mean visiting there's a bounty system in the game as you might have suspected but here we can see it each system is run by a faction for example Soul system is run by the United Colonies at the top we see we have a bounty of 650 credits with them meaning that we were probably caught stealing from them here we see a much larger Bounty with the Freestar Collective at 12 000 credits this has to be murder right so if you have a bounty with a faction those systems will become more dangerous for you you can have face tattoos and customize their look we've seen a Marion game which I think is an excellent addition not everything has to be black and white this is the beginning of the Character Creator before you get to this wake up who are you style sequence you'll be involved in a beginning sequence when you find and touch this artifact the one in her hand it seems to react to you specifically leading you on a quest to find out more that leads you to Constellation and captaining your own ship the mysterious artifacts most likely give you Powers so finding more shards will link together to create Gates that may give you new abilities like the walls did in Skyrim we can see here that even if you lock in your look it can be changed later at a genetics facility so don't stress too hard over what you look like your backgrounds and your traits will mean more now does this preset character look familiar no it's not basil faulty it's the astronaut Chris Hadfield discovered by the redditor my name is Volvo Chris has flown two space shuttle missions and served as a commander of the International Space Station so what do they eat at a fancy restaurant in space Trello bites of course okay one percent stop trying to sell us some bugs we aren't eating bugs did something feel off about this level up when you first watched it you've got a Keen Eye if so this is a level 45 creature and you get 75 experience wait no you get 4 356 experience and go right to level 10. yes this was clearly a console Commander level up the good news is we know to get from Level 1 to level 10 or level 9 to level 10 is 4 356 experience more disrespectful though is showing us that a low-level character can kill a level 45. compare this to destroying a whole ship which gives 80 experience in Fallout 4 there was rad damage that lowered your max Health amount it seems like in Starfield there'll be a similar thing here we see a yellow bar that Filled from the right to the left and we see it again here perhaps it's toxins in a particularly unwelcoming world now no man's Sky Had wacky and random creatures but Starfield wants Theirs to feel like more native Wildlife rather than crazy here we see an example these creatures are not just walking around they're grazing on vegetation These are nice small details in what I can assume is is a lot of different creature models I've had to make you can land on Pluto and it's what you'd expect you can also land on Mercury and other planets and moons in the soul system like IO you can buy steal or build your own ships as you know but did you notice their value this ship here the Voyager 3 is valued at 656 300 credits a huge payday if you stole it from someone by comparison the frontier which is your starting ship is only worth 7 375 credits only a handful of trellobites ships will be massive here we see the small ship they mentioned in the Showcase compare it with the human here it's still quite big then we have this monster it seems like this radius indicates the max ship length as anything else would fit in the yard though we know we can build upwards as seen by the mech so you built your ship time to name it here we see the dumpster fire what will you name yours this is the crew allocation system we can see constellation members Barrett Sam and Sarah as well as hella who we just found on the moon and Marika who we just hired what's interesting though is that Barrett is unassigned at a crimson Fleet Outpost what is he doing hanging out with pirates or perhaps like the Fallout 4 expansion we can make bad guy Outpost if we choose the pirate live also note that we can have Bots at our settlements and ships the mini security by protecting our Jemison Outpost with the targeting control system skill you can have your ship Target particular systems on enemy vessels as was shown but you may not have noticed that the pilot was using lasers to bring down the Shields and then switches to ballistics to take out the hull different weapon types will do different damage weapons can crit and know it's not tied to headshots there's a skill or a set chance you can quit with weapons so when you take out ship's engines or leave it down in the water you can board clear out its crew and then you can take it for your own well it seems you can fly your ship with the Enemy ship still attached you can see it here if you look closely below your ship this is the ecliptic stiletto you disabled and bought it before when you consider ships have the status of registered and unregistered maybe you need to take us somewhere to be fenced or find a way to make it legal else bounties are incoming if you're scanned with a stolen ship here we see the player entering a building what's this a short loading screen okay pre-order cancel get me off the train icon era thinks that this is the end of gaming as we know it when in combat you might see enemies with red bars below their white health bar so what is that it's armor taking down a white health bar will fully remove one pip of armor so with three Pips you've got to get through three health bars though I suspect you can use things that pierce armor there are item Rarities in Starfield legendaries come with three affixes on items where lower Rarities have less and there's also unique named items in the game there'll be a host of interesting creatures in Starfield but did you know that they can have abilities when scanning we see this hunting sailgater has a ranged mouth attack and this swarming dragon has burning damage its temperament is wary so just don't piss it off and keep your distance I'm sure you'll avoid burning to death though nothing is going to stop you from getting sick here we see the character has developed a cough noted on the watch UI you can also get things like joint pain and soreness no idea what they do just yet but no doubt they'll require your medical attention else you get to deal with a debuff you can build your own Outpost almost anywhere on any Planet but did you know that this will set a waypoint for you and if you've built a landing pad this is where your ship will land I can foresee people building fortresses only accessible from space yes there are snipers in the game and yes you can hold your breath for stabilize before taking a shot you'll notice that this consumes oxygen to do so an elegant way oxygen works better than stamina as a concept here we see the player using a MAG weapon and a freezing landmine to take out a robot Model S the model S is needing better cooling than the model X's what you might not have seen is that the player fully heals after a kill I originally thought this was a skill but we can see it's because the player levels up finally we have this shot the positioning makes me think that this is the player character but they're wearing some kind of weird alien suit it's more likely that this is just some alien creature but the way it's standing on the Rock and its limbs make me believe it's not there's definitely some Shenanigans going on here and there's clearly more to this NASA Punk theme than we've been told and that's everything so how many did you get let me know below I recently upgraded to a 4090 so why not give away my 3080 and a few copies of Starfield if you want to be in the running all you need to do is be subscribed hit the bell and like and comment on my Starfield videos for more entries do the same on other staffer videos or check out my Twitter and Discord the winner will be chosen using RNG so more entries give you more chances best of luck and thank you so much for watching I'll be covering the game more than anyone else and be sure to stay tuned ciao friends [Music] thank you
Channel: Dantics
Views: 107,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, breakdown, new, trailer, gameplay, details, background
Id: Exu3KPHRn64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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