4 Hour Starfield Direct Breakdown

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hello and welcome to this complete breakdown of the 2023 Starfield direct at the posting of this video we're about a month away from Bethesda game Studio's single player RPG Starfield a game that has been over 25 years in the making dating back to bethesda's canceled sci-fi project the 10th planet in this video I'll be going through the 45-minute direct basically shot by shot examining the details chronicling what is shown and trying to make connections with past star field presentations although I will be using these older videos the main focus for this video is the 2023 direct I am not an Insider of any kind so any theories or speculation I bring up in this video are strictly based on what I've seen in the presentations and bethesda's previous titles without further Ado let us take off into the star field the direct opens on the planet of Aquila in the Cheyenne system this is Freestar Collective territory but we'll touch on that later Aquila is an arid Planet covered in a mostly Brown Hue from all the dirt and rocks covering the terrain and Aquila is a planet we see a lot of in the direct throughout this breakdown we'll be taking a look at the heads up display or HUD specifically this circle here in the bottom left corner which acts as the player's Compass we can see the planet's name its current position and oxygen and carbon dioxide levels which work as the player's stamina outside the circle is where we'll see markers or points of interest here we see a picture of a spaceship which I assume is just showing where your spaceship is currently docked on the bottom right we have our health bar this is also where we'll see the silhouette of our weapons along with the ammo count and throwable items one change from the 2022 gameplay reveal is that there's no longer a name underneath the weapon silhouette which makes it harder for us to identify weapons the next planet they show is albutani 5A and we can see some new markers inside of our Compass one is a red circle with a radioactive symbol inside this denotes an area of high radioactivity the orange circle right next to it in the compass is the marker for thermal damage in Starfield you'll have to plan for several different dangers by making sure you have the appropriate spacesuit these are actual stats on your suit that show your resistances to these dangers also note the planet name the letter after the Roman numeral seems to indicate that this is a moon of the planet albatani 5. you'll see other letters following planet names and these act as counters some planets have four moons and will be labeled a b c and d this certainly looks moonlike with not much in the way of topography and nothing in the way of Flora or fauna because of the low atmosphere the lighting on this planet is pretty outstanding with the star beaming more lens flare than a JJ Abrams film the next planet is karibua 5. at least I think I'm pronouncing that right we see the same radioactive and thermal markers in the compass the landscape is Sandy Dunes with a fairly thick fog we can see a giant ring planet in the sky and a moon quite a ways off from that I love how the lighting not only reflects off of the landscape and planets but also how well it reflects off the player character's spacesuit speaking of spacesuit this is the constellation suit that everyone will receive once they join the constellation group we can see the constellation patch on the side this is by far the most prominent suit in the whole showcase which makes sense as it's a base suit the Kari boss system is actually quite dangerous but we'll learn more about that later on keep that name in mind though the next planet up is algorab 3B and we have a new marker in our Compass it's a yellow circle with three lines this marker denotes a corrosive danger is it warning us about that humanoid figure in the background probably not as this figure seems to be just an oddly shaped Stone zooming in you can see the light reflect off the corner in the middle the first time I saw this during the direct I lost my mind but alas I think it's just part of the environment still the environment here on algorad 3B is pretty incredible especially these palm trees which remind me of South Carolina's state tree onto Cassiopeia 4A now we can see some more of those oddly shaped rocks along with a flying creature off to the right on our Compass we see the radioactive and corrosive markers but we also see red points at the top of the circle these as you probably guessed are enemy markers which either means that there are some hostile monsters on the other side of these rocks or there is one of many factions awaiting the player the ring planet in the background is so close it almost seems like the Rings are colliding with this planet our next planet is Freya 9B and just wow these creatures definitely caught my eye during the direct and remind me of a Crosby between crabs and Wall-E we see these creatures again at the 3541 Mark which gives us a closer look at these aliens I'll probably keep my distance from these guys on the compass we have two new markers to check out firstly the red triangle with the pill icon on it the other marker is outside the circle at the top right and looks like a mountain range this represents a cave location we'll see this marker many times throughout the direct we get our first look at lightning which makes this ominous world look even more terrifying we can also catch some raindrops coming in at a slant we get a bit of Morrowind Vibes on this next planet Rune Bridge 8A has these Cactus trees that remind me of mushrooms the fauna here is pretty wild as we see these rooster dinosaur hybrid creatures near the trees and what looks like walrus dinos here in the background we get a much better look at these walrus dinos at 9 35 and 1919 and they seem like sluggish peaceful creatures and we can't forget about these flying creatures up above often the left to the back we can see some floating Treetops although I believe these are just assets that haven't loaded in yet you can also see these in the background of the trees to the right too although I'm not sure why the tops would load in and not the stocks or trunks depending on if you're calling it a mushroom or a tree I guess on the compass we see a new blue rocket ship taking off and what looks to be a radio of some sort I can't confirm what the blue marker is although it seems like a quest Waypoint of some kind but I can confirm that the radio looking marker is actually for industrial outposts so anytime we see that on the compass that means there's a procedurally generated structure in that direction these types of markers will give us a better idea of how empty or not empty these planets will actually be the next planet on our journey through the stars is cirma 1. the terrain is quite Rocky with huge rock formation spiking out of the red soil the atmosphere is thick and hazy and we have a thermal warning on the compass one of my favorite shots of the whole direct and I do have a lot of them this game looks amazing is this shot on alchiba 10B the way the snow is laid out on the mountains the faint ring planet in the distance the jetting crystals to the side and while we're over here we have a new marker in the compass too this half-filled circle indicates potential Airborne danger after a brilliant shot of an unidentifiable planet we get our first look at the planet of jemisin perhaps the most important planet in all of Starfield jemisin is home to new Atlantis and the biggest city Bethesda has ever made we'll spend plenty of time digging into new Atlantis in just a bit but for now we'll admire this stunning shot of a field just outside the city jemisin is Lush and in this one shot alone we can see that we have a few different tree types with these flattened trees being the trademark of the planet we also see this flat build biped creature wandering through the grass we Cross Fade to a planet that is covered in snow and possibly some water puddles here Todd tells us that we can go to that moon in true Todd fashion we get what looks like a different shot on the same Planet this time facing the Sun and giving us a glimpse of more planets followed by our first shot of our starter ship the frontier it's just a landing gear piece but we can see how much detail Bethesda has put into every aspect of their spaceships next Todd talks about their Global illumination lighting system while we get one of the most exciting shots of the whole direct this is the Gateway Arch in St Louis Missouri one of the most recognizable American landmarks obviously both the arch and Earth have seen much better days the land is completely dried out and cracked and no signs of Life are present diverting from the direct to the trailer they played during the Xbox showcase we get this quick shot of a derelict space shuttle and at the bottom here we can see that it looks like it has a NASA logo except the a looks like it might be replaced with an X is this implying that NASA merged with SpaceX could Bethesda just not use NASA what happened to Earth and what other landmarks are there to be found after a depressing look at our home planet we Crossfade into perima 4C get comfortable as we'll be seeing a lot of the perima system going forward purima 4C is a beautiful planet and this gives me strong Elder Scrolls Vibes in fact I wouldn't be surprised if this is what Elder Scrolls 6 looks like to some degree as I think Starfield will be a huge testing ground for a lot of the things Bethesda wants to do in the next Elder Scrolls but we can save that for another video we get lots of different Greenery here along with a purple flower right in front of the player character these flowers show up a few other times with different coloring we also see a creature sneak off the screen to the right before the camera turns to the left to reveal some long-necked horned beasts Todd shows off the ability to play in third person and first person as is the case with almost every bgs game as we Crossfade to later in Todd's Journey we see a new marker on the compass this time a picture of a drill this is the marker for the abandoned mines which are quite prevalent in this video we'll get to see one up close here in just a bit but first we must scan Todd brings up the scanner and we can see that some stats pop up on the left side of the screen showing us our survey percentage along with how much flora fauna and how many resources are available to scan on this planet we also have two circles with question marks in the middle down below these are spots reserved for the planet's traits when the scanners brought up our compass in the bottom left changes to show some new info we still see the name of the planet along with its current phase but we also see the type of Planet the temperature the oxygen percentage and the current gravity this is obviously a pretty cold planet and the gravity is light but I'm a bit confused about the oxygen percentage it reads zero but there are no shortage of trees around wouldn't these trees be giving off at least a little bit of oxygen are these alien trees that work differently was my education a lie let me know what you think down in the comments below the scanner we have a list of different commands that we can use the a button scans whatever the cursor is on X lets you start the process of putting down an outpost right bumper opens up the planet surface map clicking on the right stick opens up the photo mode and left bumper exits the scanning mode within the scanning Circle we can see a blue Highlight this is the scanner alerting the player to scannable objects Todd hovers over a small marker in the distance and when he gets directly over it an unknown marker appears Todd scans it and it turns into a new marker which is the structure marker Todd swings the camera over to the right and we can see another unknown marker only about 150 meters away in the distance we can see a pretty large Watchtower as Todd scansia no marker it turns into the drill marker which means that we're about to get a good look at an abandoned mine but first Todd whips out his cutter tool to harvest some iron the cutter is not only good for mining but you can use it as a weapon in a pinch although the damage output is on the lower end as Todd uses the cutter we can see the numbers on the bottom right of the HUD deplete but the numbers do regenerate once he stops Mining and the little green battery display on the cutter reacts accordingly but enough of that let's get to some combat Todd approaches the abandoned mine and an alert pops up letting him know what he has discovered the game rewards him with 20 XP for his Discovery getting XP for discovering new locations is a bgs staple so I'm glad they kept it in before things go off the rails we can see the red markers on the compass pop up letting us know that this is a hostile area which is a good thing for those pacifist players out there Todd however is no pacifist as soon as the player comes into view enemies start opening fire Todd whips out his Grendel rifle and squares up to a level 14 spacer Punk the punk has multiple health bars the red chunks being his armor and the white bar being his actual Health Todd Sprints up the ramp and takes cover behind some bags and the spacer Punk also seeks cover Todd unloads half a clip into the spacer Punk's face gaining 25 XP before pushing forward leaping High into the air and taking advantage of that low gravity atmosphere here on perima 4C he spots a plain old level 8 spacer and eliminates them without aiming down the sights Todd is a bad man the spacer drops their Coachman shotgun and Todd runs off to the side to take cover her enjoying his 15 XP from the spacer while reloading his Grendel once the Grendel is reloaded he pushes further back and meets another level 14 spacer Punk another low G jump and some hip fire disable the spacer Punk and Todd finishes them off by aiming down the sights which looks great what looks even better is the spacer Punk doing a backflip in Low Gravity with no time to admire his work Todd heads back towards the front of the abandoned mine and goes after a couple of spacers in a tented area Todd boosts his way to the top of the tent and we cut to Todd Now using the Eon pistol made by the fine folks at combatec we see 15 XP flash across the screen meaning one of the spacers was taken out off screen and Todd manages to shoot the spacers boost pack sending them crashing to the top of the structure and exploding on impact on the left of the screen a message pops up that shows us progress was made on the ballistic skill challenge this is a part of ranking up your skills in Starfield but more on that later right now we got some Luton to do Todd drops down through the roof and picks up the spacer's carcass to find 77 credits three kilovolt laser cartridge and an equinox laser rifle which I'm predicting will be the most hated weapon in the game based on the reaction to the 2022 gameplay reveal and how laser weapons were in Fallout 4. we also see a flag marker on the compass which I assume is a planted Waypoint we see it several more times in the direct and I couldn't narrow it down so that's pure speculation on my part after Todd's done taking his spoils the camera approaches a star Freight Logistics container that's littered with items the first thing Todd hovers over is some ammo 7.77 millimeter caseless rounds to be exact we can see that they have a value of 9 each and a mass of nothing which I'm sure makes everyone happy it flashes for only a split second but we also see some 43 Ultra Mag ammo which has a value of 32. next Todd hovers over an hydraulic clamp tool with a value of 75 5 and a mass of 1.50 we get another Split Second hover this time over some boom pop Cola valued at 75 credits and a mass of 0.30 next up is a cred stick with a value of 248 credits as we'll see in the menu screen in just a bit but before we check out the player menu the other items in the area are this scanner thing a meal kit some sort of packaged food a yellow level and a cup of coffee from Terra Brew which is basically starfield's version of Starbucks here the player menu is shown to us for the first time it's got a lot of info on it but it looks clean at the same time we'll use the joystick to hover over different sections these sections include skills ship missions inventory and star map later in the video at the 1234 Mark we see some off-screen footage being played by devs that show a mysterious 6 dot on the menu at the top this character is level 22 so it seems like we won't have to wait too long to find doubt what that six menu is let's take a closer look at the original menu though in the top left we have the planet info including the name current location on the planet a visual of the planet itself percentage surveyed and both the local time of the planet and the universal time that I assume everyone goes by below that we have some ship information ship's name class crew travel distance and Whole Health moving off to the right just under the player character we have a quest name and objective moving up into the circle we see the player's name level and this logo here we can see from that same menu at 12 34 that the logo changes as you level up as this has two stars while our level 11 character only has one to the right we see the player's Health to the top is one of the players skills in this case it's lasers although I'm not sure why it's this skill in particular or what dictates the skill shown each skill has a woven patch graphic that will change with each rank of that skill I think the patch look is awesome and big kudos to the designer who came up with that idea under the patch we see a certification percentage which calls back to the graphic we saw earlier showing us the progress of our current rank challenge under that is how many skill points we have to spend I imagine these will rack up early on as we wait for each rank to unlock unless you plan to be a jack of all trades type character and just want as many rank 1 skills as possible below the skills section on the bottom right we have the weapons section shown is the equipped weapon which is the Eon pistol below the weapon is our current carry limit which shows a total 97 Mass taken up by our inventory out of a possible 145. in the very bottom right we see buttons for a system menu for options and saving a status menu which will likely show us our overall character like their health ailments and stats an option to set course for navigation and a way back out of this menu now we get a chance to really dig into some nitty-gritty stuff the next menu that pops up is the inventory menu an essential menu to every bgsrpg the categories available are weapons spacesuits packs helmets apparel throwables ammo Aid and all below that we see our total credits banked and our carry limit starting with the weapon tab we see the aforementioned refined Eon pistol which is manufactured by combatec a company will see frequently when it comes to looking at weapons in Starfield it has a very Tech based design you'll be able to spin the weapon model around to check out all the details which there are a lot of I love the amount of detail that bgs puts into their games to the right of the weapon model is all the extremely important stats about your weapon including your weapon's name type damage type ammo caliber magazine size total bounds in your inventory fire rate range accuracy Mass value and how many mods you have equipped compared to how many mods are available to this weapon this menu will extend once mods are attached Todd goes into the dedicated weapons menu to show us a bit more variety up first is the advanced Grendel this is perhaps the weapon we've seen the most in our Peaks at Starfield thus far the Grendel is manufactured by combatec and has a fast fire rate at 170 although this won't be the fastest we see during this direct the damage amount is lower but the increased speed makes it formidable my favorite thing about this gun is the ammo counter at the top we see this weapon a lot during this presentation including what looks to be a real-life replica behind lead weapon artist Dan olds in his Cube at the bottom we have some new options available such as comparing this weapon to our equipped one a way to inspect the weapon more closely an option to sort by different categories a favorite button to set up your Hotbar the option to drop the item and of course a way to back out of the current menu next up is the cutter and as you can see the damage output on this thing is not great nor is the value and there are no options to mod this weapon that's okay though because we know that the primary use for the cutter is to mine resources although we do see the cutter used as a main weapon too like I said before this should work in a pinch but it's probably not wise to main this weapon it looks cool though and will definitely be in my Hotbar for mining purposes as it is in Todds too I'm excited to talk about this next one as it's our first look at a MAG weapon in Starfield this is the mag shear and it packs quite a punch mag weapons are quote high-powered electromagnetic induction ballistic array weapons where each Barrel has its own targeting beam this Square grid right here that's the grouping of barrels don't let the load damage number fool you as this weapon has a 300 fire rate and will absolutely destroy most enemies in your level range as we see it do later in the video the value of this weapon Shadows that of the Eon and the Grendel at 28 192 credits and has five different mod options we get our first look at a modded weapon with the Razorback pistol we can see that Starfield uses a similar naming convention used in Fallout 4 for modded weapons weapon mods were one of my favorite things about Fallout 4 so I'm happy to see them return in full force for Starfield we can now see that the menu has extended to list these mods showing the Recon scope and compensator the fire rate is pretty low on the Razorback but that's to be expected with most pistols the damage number on the other hand is 109 which is one of the highest we see in the direct I'm a pistol guy myself so I can't wait to get my hands on this one while I can't see the manufacturer right here the wood on the handle makes me believe this weapon is manufactured by Laredo the makers of The Coachman shotgun and we later get confirmation of this in the direct I also believe Laredo makes our next weapon the tombstone rifle a tip of the cap I'm sure to the movie Tombstone as a big fan of wood grain this rifle speaks to my soul this tombstone has three mods attached long barrel iron sights and a large magazine which makes it difficult to know just how good the base weapon is but it looks like it'll be a good option early on with a solid fire rate and range other weapons are listed that we don't get to see like the equinox and the Beowulf but we do get a look at their stats a bit later on into the space suit inventory now and we see the very prominent constellation spacesuit next to the name we see the general damage resistance number but over to the right is where we start to understand how important spacesuits will be in Starfield firstly there are three different types of damage resistance physical energy and electromagnetic remember that electromagnetic logo for later below that we see resistances to atmospheric effects like thermal Airborne corrosive and radiation these are the symbols we see on our Compass throughout the direct so having multiple spacesuits to counter the different effects on the different planets will be vital below that is the total mass and value of the suit the design of the suit itself is detailed but understated we see some pretty flashy suits later on but this is not one of them we also get a new option on the bottom of the screen to hide the spacesuit in settlements by pressing the right bumper this is an excellent option and will help your character feel less out of place while handling your business within cities where everyone else is in street wear the Explorer spacesuit gives us a bit of a different look with beige coloring complemented with some silver comparing this suit to the constellation one we can see that the damage resistance stats are much higher but we lose some thermal and corrosive protection while making up some ground on the Airborne and radiation side still this would be a better overall suit than the constellation one and the value of 20 470 credits definitely reflects that also note the suit is separate from the helmet meaning we'll be able to mix and match if we'd like next up is the mercenary spacesuit which has a decidedly more armored look to it with plating on both arms and a thick metal chest plate the yellow black and red color scheme is also very cool surprisingly this suit has slightly worse physical damage resistance than the Explorer suit 8 less to be exact but has eight more energy resistance and the same amount of electromagnetic resistance this suit looks to be a great choice for planets with high amounts of corrosive hazards but maybe not the best choice for planets with lots of radiation the mass on this suit is also 5 higher than the Explorer and our final suit for this menu is the Navigator spacesuit when it comes to physical damage resistance this is by far the weakest of the bunch but does offer better energy resistance than the constellation suit and matches the mercenary suit in corrosive resistance still I don't see many people using this suit at least not very often unless you want a nice sky blue look we switch over to the helmet menu now where Todd has equipped both the Navigator spacesuit and the Navigator helmet to match much like the suit itself the Navigator helmet offers some decent energy resistance but is fairly unremarkable everywhere else on the whole helmets won't offer the same level of damage resistance or value as their correlating spacesuits will which makes sense but they won't take up nearly as much mass in your inventory either we also see the Explorer space helmet which offers 72 physical damage resistance and the constellation helmet which offers 35 physical damage resistance also the option at the bottom to hide spacesuits inside of settlements has changed to hide helmet in breathable areas with which is great for those who spend a ton of time in the Character Creator working on their character's appearance we now jump to the aid menu a menu I had a lot of fun going over in prep for this breakdown before we get to the highlighted item we can see options for a med pack which like ammo has no Mass thankfully and alien jerky which alien I don't know and I doubt the manufacturer does either speaking of mystery meets the first highlighted item is the midnight Delight which reads a snack made from a smattering of available ingredients on the package we can see a yellow label that says multimet confirming its Doobie's Origins the item has a mass of less than one a value of 55 credits and restores 5 Health on use which doesn't seem like much next we have orange juice of transcendence which reads rumored to be the most refreshing orange juice in all the settled systems that may be but we can actually see that this box of juice gives us -1 health for one minute but it does give us 8 oxygen for five minutes Tang this is not for me nothing beats a good burger and it's great to know that we'll be able to enjoy them 300 years from now as well the patty melt item reads a hamburger patty smothered in cheese and grilled on toast usually served with a side of chipped potatoes the item restores 15 health and has a value of 295 credits the burger looks delicious and there's plenty of ketchup to smother everything in taking the packaged meets a step further now we have syntha meat steak from the butcher's best brand there's a sticker below a DNA strand that reads 100 fresh lab made the flavor text reads butcher's best steak made from syntha meat the settled system's Premier synthetic meat product hey maybe it actually does taste good maybe it has a value of 155 credits and restores a paltry 3 Health which means I'll likely end up selling all of mine next up is the ta' Amaya Peta it only shows for a nanosecond but I was able to catch it two Falafel stuff flatbreads drizzled with a yogurt sauce like the patty melt it restores 15 health and has a value of 295 credits the asset itself looks good but I had a bad experience with a falafel in New York City one time and I've hated them ever since so uh I'm out but good food diversity though Todd also skips quickly over the toast but again I was able to get a shot of it and it's about as boring as you might imagine a piece of dry toast being the flavor text reads A Slice of toasted white bread best enjoyed when buttered or jellied but can be eaten as is in a pinch a value of 35 credits and a health restore of three means these will likely go straight into the trash or left to rot with whatever corpse I find it on and perhaps the most disgusting of all the food options are the trilobites which are small alien arthropods sauteed and surged with whipped butter they restore 15 Health but are worth 740 credits making this a fancy meal so fancy in fact we see a plate of trilobites on the bar counter at the Don's Roost restaurant at the 1437 Mark before we speak to Marquee Sutherland about his Beast problem bugs are not my thing but the whip butter looks pretty amazing we're out of the menu now and back to perima 4C where Todd moves out of the forest towards a spaceship we see the flag marker on the compass moving in line with the spaceship itself which is why I'm guessing the flag is a planted Waypoint by the player as Todd moves through the beautiful Flora of Prima 4C the Starship Frontier comes into view I just want to point out the lighting here as it seems to reflect off of each blade of grass Simply Stunning we cut closer to the frontier and we see our robot pal Vasco waiting by the ramp to agreed us Bosco is examining his hand as Todd approaches and when Todd gets close enough Bosco welcomes him by saying his name welcome back Captain Howard similar to codsworth in Fallout 4 there was no mention of how many names were recorded like there was in The Fallout 4 presentation back in 2015 so I'm not sure if this is the same amount or if fosco isn't a human voice actor after all but instead an AI voice I would highly doubt that but we'll have to wait and see the camera cuts to Todd moving up to the frontier hatch to get inside the ship but we see from the HUD that this is not the same spot or same time as the clip that came before as there's now an industrial Outpost marker on the compass to the left and the weapon ammo and health bar are all different the health bar now displays a bit of yellow on the right hand side which I believe to be an accumulation of all the hazards the player has been exposed to this looks to work the same as radiation in Fallout where accruing radiation station lessens your max Health until the radiation is removed since there are now many of them I also want to point out these tiny gray Diamond markers around the compass which likely point out points of interest on the planet as well as this Arrow which I haven't been able to identify quite yet but enough of that let's board the spaceship Frontier after boarding we cut to a scene of the frontier taking off from perima 4C this is the cut scene we'll see every time as Todd is confirmed there will be no in-atmosphere flight on a planet I do think this is a bit of a bummer as flying around planets in no man's sky is pretty fun and keeps Planet exploration interesting but bgs is going for a different approach and felt like atmospheric flight wasn't impactful enough to spend the time engineering that feature next art director esphon and Senior concept artist John go over the art direction for Starfield claiming that their aim was NASA Punk which they Define as rigid technology mixed with style we see a bunch of cool concept art before switching to the cockpit of the frontier where the player character is getting out of the captain's chair the player walks in a first person view through the cabin and we can see a character in the distance at the navigation table this is Barrett your constellation crew member here's something that I didn't put together for quite some time not only is this Barrett but Barrett is also on the poster for Starfield he was there the whole time and I never put that together until now I think what threw me off about Barrett is that the first time we saw him in the 2022 gameplay reveal his skin tone is much darker than it is here or even on the poster and even then his skin tone seems to be much lighter here than it does when we meet him later on in the video Barrett isn't the only one that got a visual change but we'll cover that plenty later on going back to look at some of the ship Interiors looking at this bunk area we can see that quite a bit has changed since the 2021 teaser trailer well a lot of the assets are the same but where they're placed is quite different although maybe things can change places or show up as you advance the story looking at this wall we see a lot of the same stickers we saw in the teaser trailer just in different places there are some missing however like this Freestar Ranger badge and this astrodynamic skill patch I wonder if you get stickers as you accomplish missions throughout the game one of the stickers says purima 4 Expedition which is the planet of the Moon we were just on earlier in the abandoned mind gameplay harima also comes up in this video a few more times but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it here we see a kitchen setup with a poster for lunar robotics on the wall with the slogan except no limitations and we also get a recipe for a sandwich with a separate piece of paper saying missing chunks referring to the packaged food item we saw in the teaser trailer we head back over to Barrett standing at the navigation station as he asks us what's the plan Captain the star map opens up and we see the planet we were just on perima 4C by the way I might call Moon's planets throughout this whole thing please forgive me about that the star map gives us a ton of information to consult including planet name system survey percentage type gravity temperature atmosphere magnetosphere fauna Flora the water situation available resources and the planet's traits most of these planets we see in this direct are either Barren or Rock but we do see an ice giant later on at the 2942 mark this gives us a pretty good idea on what the terrain of the planet will look like gravity of course dictates our movement with the lower value meaning the planet will feel more floaty while a higher value will feel more heavy temperature is pretty self-explanatory atmosphere will give you an idea of how much you'll struggle with oxygen while magnetosphere indicates the magnetic field around the planet although I'm not sure how this will affect gameplay fauna are creatures Flora is vegetation and I'm assuming we'll be able to swim in Starfield depending on these water conditions here probably not wise to swim on this planet the resources we see on this planet are H2O iron argon chlorine hydrogen cyanide chlorocilane what I believe is carboxylic acid and neon there seems to be quite a few resources in Starfield so hopefully that means a lot of things to craft with them looking at the planet itself we see two markers one being an industrial Outpost which we already know about and the second marker is a civilian Outpost which looks like some sort of igloo with a flag in the top unfortunately we don't get to see much about these civilian outposts but I like the idea that you'll be able to find communities of NPCs out and about on your travels much like the settlements in Fallout 4. at the bottom of the screen we have options to see our missions a button to show me and we also have the option to set a landing Target and a button to either back out of the system or back out of the map entirely by holding down the button when Todd chooses a landing spot and sets a landing Target we see a graphic pop up on the right hand side showing us the planet name and biome that you're set to land in which in this case is the coniferous forest Todd instead elects to back out of the planet map into the system map here we see all of the perima system with everything revolving around the Sun in the top left we have our system info including the system's name level how many planets and moons there are and the survey percentage the blue triangle under this planet here notes where we are currently while the Green Planet notes a Target area systems in Starfield will be open to explore but you'll likely want to adhere to the level of each system or risk getting into a bad spot Todd hovers over purima 1 which is on the first ring closest to the Sun it has two moons and we can see it's a Barren planet with very low gravity and very few resources next Todd floats over to perima 3 another planet with two moons purima 3 is of interest to us not only because of the quest marker telling us to clear all dangerous creatures from the cave a of which there are seven creatures but Prima 3 is home to the red mile an interesting yet sketchy place we'll talk about later on the planet of Prima 3 has a high gravity rating and a cold thin atmosphere which likely means it'll be a tough place to explore but at least the water's safe we see some new resources Down Below in helium-3 aluminum and lithium there are also some colored diamonds on some of these resources that may speak to how rare they are possibly working similarly to the item tier system also if we look back over at Prima 4C we can see a blue arrow pointing to the Moon indicating that that's where we currently are after giving us a look at perima 3 for a bit Todd moves over to purima 5A amuna Prima 5. low gravity deep freeze weather and a standard nitrogen atmosphere with no plants or animals but tons of resources to collect including new to us elements like copper c6hn chlorine and calcium as you can see being able to read these Maps gives us a pretty good idea of what the planet will be like before we even touch down learning these Maps will be key for survival Todd backs out even further to show us the Galaxy view he's currently hovered over perima and on the left we get a new graphic that tells us some of the same system info as before as well as the spectral class more on that in a bit catalog ID temperature Mass radius magnitude planets moons and outposts which I assume means player outposts as we know there's a civilian Outpost back on Prima 4C and that isn't accounted for here I want to talk about spectral class real quick I'm no astronomer but I did dive a bit into what spectral class is and I'll do my best to explain it crudely and quickly here basically stars are evaluated by their color and temperature and assigned a spot on the spectral class scale they're given a letter followed by a number the letter indicates the temperature area on the scale and the following number fine tunes that acting as a subclass unfortunately for us the letter classification doesn't start with a and go from there but is rather laid out as o b a f g k m often remembered by this mnemonic sequence oh be a fine girl slash guy kiss me with the O being the hottest and the M being the coolest the color is also usually identified by this scale as the hottest star will burn blue while the coldest star will burn red I don't think this is quite as important to know as the planetary info but it's still good to learn hopefully I didn't screw that up too bad some other systems we can see on this Galactic map are cricks which is home to the Crimson Fleet pirate faction Vol 2 the home of the pleasure city of neon Olympus and Cheyenne home to Aquila City and the Freestar Collective Todd hover over Vol 2 and we get the info for that system Volt 2 is a level 5 system which means we'll be able to visit neon early on we can also see by its spectral class and temperature that it's a cooler system than perima it has six planets and five moons moving to the top right of the screen we see that this is Freestar Collective territory further to the right we see travel data info which shows us our current route how many jumps with our grav Drive it'll take to get there the jump range and light years are cargo capacity and just how much fuel this jump will consume Todd said in an interview that at one point in development you could actually get stranded by not having enough fuel out in space and it was cool to see a player put out a beacon and see who shows up but they scrapped it because it stopped the player's momentum too often for it to be fun Todd did mention that they may add it back for a potential survival mode at some point which I think would be a great idea Todd diverts his path from Volt 2 to Linnaeus which shows us us a few new things on our travel data firstly we see a message appear that says route goes through unexplored system and it's accompanied by a red warning graphic at the bottom it's no longer just circle to Circle either as we now have a circle with a 3 in between our destinations indicating how many stops need to be made before arrival this route will take four jumps even though it's the same jump range as Volt 2 and the distance is 73 light years instead of just 14 light years to volt 2. the fuel consumption gauge shows us that it'll take more fuel than we have too also note that Linnaeus is a level 45 system which is certain death at this point for Captain Howard we can also see a new system appears in lunara in a document shown on the video entitled into the star field the Journey Begins design director Emil Paglia rullo writes that the Crimson fleet has extended beyond the crix system and have established footholds in the Sagan Cheyenne lunara and nerion systems and that both assist death and Vanguard are committed to ridding United Colonies space of these parasites as you can tell this area is filled with tension and fighting over territory Todd zooms the map over to the Alpha Centauri system which is home to the city of New Atlantis on planet jemisin but before that we can see the soul system at the very edge of the screen soul is Earth's solar system and it looks like there will be early game content here Todd sets course and we get a first person view of the Frontiers cockpit we can see that the control panels are made by dogstar one of the many ship part manufacturers in the game I won't go fully into the ship stuff yet but starting at the bottom left we can see the ship power allocation system which currently has 14 total points that can be distributed to the different ship areas these systems include lasers ballistics missiles engines shield and grab Drive in the middle of the screen we get a large Circle very reminiscent innocent of the scanners circle with an option to shoot ballistics with the left trigger missiles with Y and lasers with the right trigger each of these have a cap of 100 near the bottom of the circle we see a speed throttle option which works by moving the left stick up and down and we can put the ship in Reverse by going into the negative we have a boost option which works by clicking down on the left stick similar to how sprinting usually works in first person games what's really cool about this is that if you get the special edition Starfield controller the markings on the face of that controller correlate to the controls of the ship rounding out our cockpit view we have the whole Integrity in the bottom right that shows the whole health bar along with our Shield strength Todd sets the grab drive to make the jump and we see a grab jump graphic pop up on the screen with a countdown to the actual jump we see that Todd put four points into the grab drive system which makes the countdown faster we get a look at the trippy grab jump cut seen as we birth through to the Alpha Centauri system well I guess that's not technically correct as starfield's traveling actually folds space towards you instead of you bursting through a portal or something like that as we arrive in Alpha Centauri space we get a notification that we are in a patrolled area and that our ship must be scanned for Contraband before being given permission to land in new Atlantis we can also see an auto save notification in the top right corner the scan proceeds as Todd racks up 40xp presumably for reaching a new solar system we see other ships go by all different sizes Todd gets the green light to proceed to new Atlantis and we cut to the map of Planet jemisin as we can see by the planet info jemisin is a lot like Earth temperate weather abundant flora and fauna plenty of oxygen we also get a new resource to find in lead which will be pretty important when it comes to building outposts the planet is beautiful with plenty of water green mountain ranges and large snowy areas showing us that this planet has multiple biomes to explore there are three markers here including an industrial Outpost a mining Outpost and most importantly new Atlantis Todd picks new Atlantis as the landing spot and we see the landing cut scene as the frontier Falls gracefully to The Landing Pad we get a top-down shot at the frontier which shows off more of the insane detail of the ship before we get a shot of the Towering buildings of the city it's time to pause and pick out some details first let's take a look at the compass we see the same marker that we saw when looking at the new Atlantis marker on the jemisin planet map here at the bottom but it has a white background which would indicate we have discovered that point however we see two more of those markers at the top left along with a marker that has more pointed towers and one that looks like maybe a couple of Swords crossed to form an x to the right of the compass we have a few advertisements the the first couple of ads are for something called Trident the text at the bottom of these posters reads style Among the Stars and a universe of leisure I'm not certain but these could be advertisements for a cruise ship not unlike the one we see at 2813 with the Terran preservation Society in fact if we look closely at that cruise ship we can see a t on the outside which could stand for Trident next we have an ad for enhance there are actually two enhanced ads in this shot with the other one being off to the right again not certain but I believe this is a genetics facility which is referred to in the Character Creator and promises that you can change your look at one of these facilities after you create your character we see a few art installations as well which plays up the cultured Vibe of new Atlantis this next shot shows us a prominent new Atlantis building here with this giant glass structure plastered with the United colony logo this is the Mast building which stands for military administrative and science triumvirate this is the pride of the United Colonies and we'll get a few more shots of it as we go on to the right of the mass building we have the gal Bank skyscraper gal Bank as you might have already guessed is a Banking Company it's been referred to in the character background section the next shot shows us some landing pads in the background and if we pause just before it cuts away on the right we have a sign of some sort that looks like it's solid gold I can't fully make out what it says though something land next we get a quick look at the jemisin Mercantile where you can buy food or clothing take a look at this logo and remember it because we'll be talking about it again here soon this is a neat store that reminds me of a gift shop at Universal Studios or something on to a shot of the player character moving through the arrivals area of new Atlantis this area is right after you get off your ship and before you enter the city proper we actually see a few shots of this area from different angles and we even see this area in the 2022 gameplay reveal although we see it from the side I want to focus back here and to the left real quick because I think this might be an approachable Quest situation we see a UC security guard standing next to a child a man in a lab coat and a few others the same types of NPCs are present in every shot of this area now it could be a coincidence but I think with the likely situation here is that this kid got into trouble and those folks are trying to Hash it out as we see a sign directly above them that reads warning active launch pad do not proceed unless authorized trespassers will be prosecuted for endangering life maybe the kid really wanted to check out the ships and ran onto the launch pad or something but I'm pretty sure this is a quest of some sort reading some of the other signs we have a direct questions to pad a sign followed by a sign that reads notice to visitors no entry for passengers without a valid visa for interplanetary passage prohibition on audio visual recording without permission of ucss and finally a sign that reads arrivals proceed to security for screening can't get away from the TSA even 300 years from now let's take a look at some of the fashion here in the crowd firstly I don't see anyone wearing the same exact clothing which is great we'll definitely see that later on but there's at least some variation to this scene I love the 90s water cup style that this guy is rocking here this attendant is sharply dressed and we got some really weird looking hats in the crowd there's also this UC security guard in the middle of the frame as well as a utility bot zooming around among the crowd there's a big welcome to New Atlantis sign to greet you claiming itself to be the capital of the United Colonies and that it was established in 2161 we have a UC logo to the left and a guard station here on the right our next shot shows us what ssnn stands for settled systems News Network big Galaxy news radio Vibes here in the background we see more advertisements for enhance and to the left we have those signature jemisin flattened trees next up we see a group of people sitting together and listening to a person give a lecture of some sort I speculate that this could be the sanctum universum religion which is referred to in the traits during the character creation looking at this guy who looks like a cross between Drake and DJ Khaled we see him wearing this puffer jacket which is the same jacket we see potential crew member Marika boros where at the 2347 Mark we'll see this same jacket again quite a few times with the sleeves a different color we also see another art installation to the right this is a really great shot here here we see what looks to be the entrance to the Mast building again Mass standing for military administrative and science triumvirate this building houses the most important bodies of the United Colonies all under one glass roof outside the mass building we see several Flags which I'm assuming represent all the branches of mast in front of the flags we get more advertisements another from Trident with the same a universe of leisure tagline and next to that is an ad for Oishi Oishi in Japanese means delicious so I'm assuming this is a food product of some kind we do end up seeing this brand again later in the video on a poster in a base on the planet Washakie so we know it's probably not exclusive to new Atlantis the thing that probably grabs the eye the most in this shot is the security robot that Waddles past the player informing us of the colony war memorial the bot is painted a United Colonies blue with yellow trim and has gun turrets on his shoulders protected by big shields I love the design of these Bots and I'm assuming this bot can mow you down pretty quickly if you make any trouble in their presence as for the memorial we see a cool sculpture with a Burning Flame in the middle the text around the circle reads in memory of the Brave service members of the United Colonies while listing some names like bung cha skong Clara strothers Francesca Abbott and Leticia Anderson the war being referred to is the one between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective which ended in the year 2310 20 years before the time of Starfield in those 20 years there has been an uneasy piece between the two factions but I speculate that will all fall apart as we play through the main story playing the video forward a bit more we see a sign for the commercial District off in the top right corner as someone who loves sunsets this next shot is incredible I could definitely see myself hanging out up here while the sun falls down below The Horizon at first I thought this was the same area just above Don's Roost as the scene across the way looks similar but there are some differences in the architecture which makes me believe that there are a few places that look identical around the perimeter of the city we can also see some landing pads down there below as well as some possible structures way off in the distance our next shot is inside the Terra brew coffee shop but before we talk about the shop itself we're going to look outside these windows here if we recall back to when we were in the Jemison Mercantile store I told you to remember this logo well we can see that logo off in the distance next to what might be a kiosk meaning we might be able to shop at the Mercantile in several different areas of the city instead of having to backtrack to that one store every time we can also see more of the flattened trees outside of the coffee shop and a nice outdoor seating section to the right just above the tarot Brew door hours we can see once again the jemisin Mercantile logo this is what I assume is the same store we saw back at the 725 Mark as we can actually see inside the store I do wonder if these stores will be open at all hours or if they'll close down at certain points looking at the seating area inside the Teri boo shop we see that it's not very busy at the moment but if we compare that to a shot later in the video at 9 52 we can see that it's much busier both inside and outside of the building so it looks like shops will have more foot traffic at different times in the day which is a great piece of immersion I wonder how awkward it would be to just go sit across from one of these NPCs and you know stare at them like how long would it take them to just get up and walk away this next shot gives us a view of the front counter at Terra Brew including a good look at the terrible logo the shop offers baked goods Donuts desserts and of course fresh coffee and espresso for the coffee options they have classic espresso cappuccino macchiato and Latte along with another option we can't currently see due to this kiosk blocking the way the other sign off to the right looks like it's just showing their Brewing process it looks like you can order at the kiosks or talk to the terror Brew attendant at the counter I definitely want me one of those Terra Brew jackets these two NPCs are having a conversation at the counter this guy on the right with the weird hat helmet questioning life and the universe while the other NPC just wants his coffee now that we have our coffee the player makes their way towards this big golden door which we already know to be the entrance to Constellation HQ but before we hold up our chronomark watch to open the gate we can see that the door is a bit different than the one we saw in the 2022 gameplay Reveal video firstly the door in the 2022 video was more of a bronze while the markings on the bottom look completely different when we get up close we actually see that it's the same just not as clearly defined from afar the chronomark watch looks the same as far as I can tell and the animation to open the door is similar but the wrist doesn't turn quite as far in both the 2022 video and this one we see the player characters bear arm which is interesting because we see them in their constellation suit walking up to the door in the 2023 video and in an Argos extractor suit inside constellation HQ anyway the doors open up to reveal a rich tapestry of mahogany and Curiosities standing directly before us is Sarah Morgan the leader of constellation she's flanked on her left by our robot buddy Vasco who is not in this spot in the 2022 video but instead seems to lead you into constellation HQ we can also see on the right side that the bookshelf with the ship on it has been replaced by a simple table with the same ship placed on top Sarah is linked on her right by Walter constellations financier and Mateo a theologian who suggests that not only is there something out there but someone directly above Sarah's head we can see a portrait of someone posing in front of a star most of us assume this to be constellations founder we can see more portraits to the left of that one that looks to be Amelia Earhart a famous female aviator who went missing in the 1930s and an unidentifiable female astronaut perhaps the most striking thing about this shot to me when compared to the 2022 video is how much the lighting has changed everything is much brighter in the 2023 direct than it was in the 2022 video and I think it makes everything look a bit worse not to the point where I think it looks bad but I definitely like the more dramatic lighting of the 2022 video my guess is that adjustments had to be made to get the game running better but that's pure speculation our next comparison is with Sarah Morgan unfortunately there was a pretty big downgrade in the detail on her face from the 2022 video although I heard most people say that she looks better here her iris color went to Almost White and the detail in her hair is not as sharp the one Improvement I do see here is that they seem to fix her cross eye issue not that a character with a crossed eye would be an issue if that's the way they intended it to be but it seemed like that was a technical issue in the 2022 video rather than a thing that was done on purpose before we move on we can see a manual on the bar behind Sarah that says the constellation space fairer's guide and it has that space station we've seen many times now on the cover we see this guide in the 2021 teaser trailer next to the helmet and constellation box and I wonder if this will actually be a manual we can read through or if it's just an item that gives you an Explorer boost of some kind up above Sarah we can see a sky which seems to be a decorate duration as we can see from the windows on the side that it seems to be daytime here we can also see the player character in what seems to be the Argos extractor suit which we assume is the suit you start out with meaning that this stretch of footage was cut from several different playthroughs directly behind Sarah we can see the floating artifacts that drive the main plot of starfield's story lead Quest designer will Shen explains that constellation is the last of their kind curious explorers of the deepest reaches of space we get a shot of a model ship with a picture of what looks to be Ferdinand Magellan arguably the most famous explorer in our history we then fade to a shot of a United States lunar module model with more portraits in the background unfortunately I can't identify either of these from the shot next we see what might be a lunar mapping camera used by explorers from Earth in their expedition to expand Among the Stars or it could be an early prototype of Vasco as we can see Vasco in the background next we get a look at the floating artifacts we've seen in previous videos as Sarah Morgan says she's certain that one of them spoke to us as we see a shot of the player character touching the artifact and having a Trippy experience Sarah asks us to place the artifact on the table and the pieces start hovering and forming together now it's time to formally meet the crew first up is Sarah Morgan as mentioned before she is the leader of constellation and besides the player character seems to be the most pivotal character to starfield's main quest she's got a pretty sweet red leather jacket that evokes Todd Howard himself and it's got a constellation patch on the side emel informs us that she is a former Soldier and adventurer but now she spends her days running constellation we already talked quite a bit about how her appearance changed over the last year so we'll move on to Mateo I'll be honest until this presentation I don't think I'd ever heard the word Theologian before but then again I took one semester of of Community College so a scholar I am not while I don't hate the character of Mateo I mean I barely know him I do hate this thinking cap and will likely remove it the first chance that I get maybe I'll replace it with this guy's hat I don't know now it could just be the lighting changes that I referred to earlier but Mateo's skin tone here is way lighter than it was in the 2022 gameplay reveal this is Noel and she received perhaps the biggest makeover of anyone over the past year as we can see she got a completely new hairstyle and her eyes relaxed a lot we can also see her skin tone is quite a bit lighter too to me she looks like a completely different person as far as her credentials emel says that Noel is a gifted scientist and Sarah Morgan's Protege next we take a look at Walter in his natural habitat dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase through a Stroud eklin showroom Walter is constellations financier so I presume that he either owns Stroud eclin or he's a major player in the ship manufacturing game of some sort is he Walter Stroud Walter Eckland after that we get a ticket to the gun show as Emma introduces Vlad a former pirate and now apparently bartender at the constellation Lounge we see Vlad later on in that gold space station we've seen before and Manning that station seems to be his main job with constellation next up is Sam Coe a space cowboy with deep ties to Aquila City we see him in front of the Freestar Collective logo with the words The Rock painted above it over his left shoulder is an ash to creature which has been described as a mix between a wolf and a velociraptor thankfully for Sam it's dead and just for display Sam's attire is very Western with a cowboy hat a big old belt buckle and a six shooter which we've identified as the Laredo Razorback Although our modded version looks a bit different Sam's also got a creature's tooth on a necklace which I'm assuming is an ash the tooth since that's the creature we've seen talked about the most when it comes to Aquila City and finally we have Barrett who we've talked about already Barrett gets off the spaceship Frontier with vosco trailing behind and greets us while we're still in our Argos extractor suit Barrett is in a constellation suit but has some customization going on with his name on the chestplate and the constellation patch on his right shoulder on the left shoulder we see a skill patch that is obviously ranked four as the logo burst out from the oval frame because of the oval frame we can tell that this is a skill on the science skill tree as that's the only tree with oval frames with the other skill trees having different shapes for their patches unfortunately I can't find that skill patch anywhere in the footage and oddly enough that skill patch doesn't show up on Barrett's listed skills later in the video when they talk about the skills your crew members bring to the table the only Rank 4 skill we know Barrett has for certain is the Starship engineering skill one constellation member that we don't see or hear about can be seen in the 2023 Gameplay trailer she can also be seen in a quick clip in that same trailer standing in front of the Paradiso Resort Hotel though who she is is a mystery this shot shows us a gravitational anomaly which could be our clue that one of our precious artifacts is nearby as we saw similar floating rocks earlier when the player character finds the artifact that Garners the attention of constellation this planet shows us what looks to be an outpost of some kind that has a launch pad this seems similar to a Trading Post in no man's Sky a small Outpost where you can dump any resources you need to find unique weapons and trade with incoming Pilots That's What happens in no man's Sky anyway and I'm not sure that's the case here we do see what looked to be turrets in the background so this is possibly a civilian Outpost this is one of my favorite shots in the direct we see what looks like the player character with their helmet off kneeling next to a child in front of what looked to be grave sites I'm guessing this is a quest of some sort maybe the child is the only Survivor after an attack on their colony maybe the child will ask you to join you on your ship we did get some concept art of a kid on a ship so that would be interesting Skyrim does allow you to adopt a child so there's precedent for it at 9 32 in the video we see what is a lot of people's favorite creature this furry biped ET looking thing it looks at the player with a big grin on its face and gives a shake very reminiscent of an emu it has a pretty interesting looking tale too at 9 35 we get another look at the Moon groom Bridge 8A we can see these beasts with tentacles hanging from their Mouse from earlier as well as a closer look at the Flying creatures including one that's perched on this rock here any warm feelings disappear when we get a shot of what looks like the creature featured in the crete-based gameplay from 2022 we see see a close-up of its maw a horrifying hole filled with sharp teeth we then get a shot of the creature leaping over shipping containers and pouncing on an unsuspecting Beast the Beast looks like a formidable foe in its own right but it's no match for our creep monster this looks like it's possibly a cut scene something we don't see a whole lot of in bgs games as things usually play out from the player's perspective once the creep monster pins the Beast down we can see blood Splash all around before the screen cuts to Black after that scene we fade into a sunny new Atlantis where we see the mass building from afar but this time from the direction of the entrance way that we saw from earlier with the war memorial we also see the galbank building with its corset design off to the right the pawns here have big lily pads in them which is a nice touch we get another look inside the terror Brew building much more busy this time and the Sunshine is much harsher we can see some interesting Styles going on with the mpc's clothing too and including the red puffer jacket again we cut to a table in Terra brew that shows us two NPCs having a chat and we get some interesting clothing here as both this lady's jacket here and this man's jacket back here have the geology skill patch on their left arm I wonder if this means that these are recruitable crew members and the patch is a quick way to identify what skill they specialize in if you're going to be building a ton of outposts you're going to need NPCs to run them so this seems like it would be an excellent way to quickly identify the crew that you're looking for we cut to another shot in front of the colony war memorial and we see a very cool outfit from a lady with an equally cool haircut behind her is the security bot from earlier and we see people paying their respects in front of the memorial next we get a sweeping shot of all the different flags lined up in the area and we see some interesting logos my guess is that these are all different branches of the United Colonies or possibly the different branches of the UC military we see some new recruits being sworn in in front of the mass building and we can tell by their uniforms that these are new members of the UC Vanguard we see a Vanguard exhibit a few seconds later that shows a Vanguard member holding a large flag with a ship model above their head and the Vanguard logo in the background the exhibit is being guarded by a UC security officer we can see another Vanguard suit displayed in a glass case over to the left jumping back a few seconds we get a close look at the UC security guards and their suits I love these suits I'm a sucker for a futuristic police gear I guess I blame RoboCop for that and this definitely hits the spot for me these guys are padded to the gills with protection pouches knee pads and gadgets and their helmets are fantastic with their yellow shade advisors and the detail of their calm systems however I hate the UC SEC font on the front here it looks horrendous to me I really think it's mainly the lowercase e here sorry that's been bugging me for over a year now so I'm glad to get that off my chest in between the two guards is a really cool United Colony sign this man that attempts to recruit the player to the Vanguard is whom I believe to be John Tawala who is referred to as Lieutenant at Mast for the Vanguard according to a document seen in an into the Starfield video as John continues his speech we see more Vanguard members sporting different suits saluting in front of the United Colony sign we saw just a few seconds ago John mentions getting your UC citizenship so that seems to be a quest for the player to tackle at some point I wonder what the benefits are for having your citizenship no more Security checks maybe no more ship scanning for Contraband discounts in the shops the ability to buy a house there are a lot of cool directions they could go with that and hopefully they did just that here we get a great look at the size of new Atlantis it's definitely big but doesn't seem over overwhelmingly big although IGN's Ryan McCaffrey stated that when he played Starfield he traveled via Subway to different points of the city so maybe it's bigger than this view lets on we also see this flower-headed mantis creature we see a similar creature later on with a different colored head at the 3833 Mark and that creature is named Coral bug scavenger so it probably wouldn't be far off to assume that this too is a coral bug our next stop is the city of Sedonia on the planet Mars in the soul system we can see by this text here that the United Colonies control Seoul Sedonia is a mining City that to be honest looks like all business and no fun we see in some writing in the 2021 teaser trailer that apparently Sedonia security doesn't have a sense of humor we can see Sidonia written on this wall to the left and plenty of mining equipment storage tanks and piping built on top of the Cliffs of Mars we walk through a door and into an industrial hallway of some kind guarded by a member of UC security the guard is holding a grindel rifle and we can see NPCs in the background the way the MPC is leaning against this wall makes me think they might stop us and give us a quest but that's pure speculation in the background we see a sign that says 11 hours without incident indicating that this is an extremely dangerous job I doubt morale is very high here we get a shot of one of those workers using a cutter to mine which looks pretty badass strong Sigourney Weaver Vibes here not only are humans working this Mining facility but we see a bot welding something in this next scene as well very cool color scheme on this bot with the complementary orange and blue here we get a closer look now at the incident sign which we can see says stay vigilant stay alive there's still a lot left to learn about Sedonia as we're on to the next city just like that this is Aquila City home of the Freestar Collective Aquila City resides on planet Aquila in the Cheyenne system Aquila City seems to be built on freedom and taking care of their own we can see that they Farm their own food using Bots to work the fields due to the dangerous Ash to threat big sprinkler systems are connected to these circular structures making me believe these are some sort of liquid tanks possibly holding water or pesticides often the distance we can see what looked to be silos for storing harvested crops and we can see one of the walls of Aquila City off to the right our next shot shows the player character walking through Aquila City first let's compare what we see here with 2022's gameplay reveal the obvious difference here is lighting much like we saw in constellation HQ the lighting is much brighter and I think this makes some things look a bit better and some things look a bit worse I should also note that the lighting could change depending on the time of day this 2023 footage may be high noon while the 2022 footage may be sometime in the early evening let's focus in on the 2023 footage now as that's closer to what we'll be seeing when when we actually get our hands on Starfield starting on the left side of the screen we have a heavily armored MPC here scoping out newcomers we see this character in the 2023 Gameplay trailer standing next to who we presume to be the Freestar Collective leader and Sam Coe so he's obviously someone of some importance next to him is a signpost showing directions to several different locations pointing back the way the player came is the Spaceport so we can assume that this is near the entrance to Aquila City especially when we account for this guard here holding this large rifle which I'm guessing is the Laredo lawgiver that's an awesome jacket by the way the first of the signs pointing away from the player character says Co Plaza the name Co should be familiar as it's the last name of our constellation companion Samco more on his Connections in just a bit we also see signs pointing in the same direction for Midtown and the core which I believe is this large building directly in in line with the player character's path we also see an NPC sitting on the ground down on his luck which reminds me of the people in Fallout that beg for water behind this man is Shepard's General store which we also see in the 2022 video a ways down the road is a sign for Roland arms because of course there's an arms dealer in Aquila City next to the arms shop is a statue of a similar color to the Statue of Liberty we get a closer look at the statue at 2335 in the video with our buddy Sam Coe standing beside it this statue is of Solomon Co who founded Aquila City in the year 2167 some six years after new Atlantis was founded and 163 years before we start our journey in Starfield Samco is some five generations descended I'm guessing but likely has a lot of pride in his family name hopefully Solomon's jacket is a legendary item we can find because that thing is incredible moving back to the city entrance we can see that the player character is wearing the same hat as Sam Coe as we can see the intricate band design we see later during a standoff that the front of the hat is the same as well off to the right is the hitching post a neat open-air bar to drown away your Sorrows on the compass we see a new marker which looks like a pot of some kind the only other time I could spot this marker was at the 12 13 Mark which is also in Aquila City at 10 39 we get a closer angled shot at the main building that I believe to be the core and we can see a terror Brew sign off to the right showing that Terra Brew much like Starbucks is everywhere off to the left we see a sign or flag of some sort that looks similar to the railroads markings in Fallout 4. it reminds me of a symbol painted on some of the Crimson Fleet Pirates helmet but I can't be sure that there's a connection there or not here we get a shot of a Backstreet of Aquila City there are spices in the foreground and Foods hanging up from the awnings we we also have little flags that say AKC short of course for Aquila City this NPC in the back here looks like he's wearing a poncho which is awesome and further back there are some advertisements but I can't make them out this ad seems to be for a person named Bobby something Bobby Vaughn maybe he looks like a musician of some sort which lines up with one of my theories that I'll talk about in just a bit behind Pancho man there's a sign for directions the up Arrow points towards the east gate the right arrow points towards the core and the left Arrow seems to point to something saying the stretch I think I can't quite make it out but that seems pretty close this guy looks like the younger version of the Mogwai salesman in Gremlins as his eyes are blank whites pretty disturbing actually above him there's a lit up sign that's hard to read but we know that this is the stone root in as it's introduced in the very next clip the door to the stone in is directly below and there's an info kiosk to the side of the door I wonder what these info kiosks are going to provide the player maybe they'll act like a directory for an ATM perhaps we also see several NPCs hanging out by the wall including one of the farming Bots we saw on the fields of Aquila City earlier entering the stone route in now we continue the old west motif of Aquila city with a horned skull mounted above the bar below that is an advertisement for erda brow alcohol which reads if you know beer you know urdebra there's another erda brow ad to the right in white as far as patrons go we can see someone in a white lab coat hopefully partaking after his shift and not before we get another view of the ashta this time from the side and the detail looks phenomenal hopefully these things live up to the hype after that we get a shot of this Freestar Collective guard keeping watch on an imprisoned Crimson Fleet pirate which makes me think that the rock is a jail which would make a lot of sense since this is an obvious reference to Alcatraz Island in San Francisco home of one of the most notorious prisons in U.S history I don't think we'll be getting any crazy Nicholas Cage Sean Connery quests out of it though the guard also has a nose piercing which is pretty cool to see on an NPC after that we get a lecture from one of the Freestar Rangers telling us what it takes to be a ranger we can see a sign for the Rangers behind him before cutting to a showdown outside Aquila City Limits we see the player character on the left and an unidentified cowboy on the right the shot changes to behind the NPC and behind the player character we can see a large creature remember this guy because he's gonna show up on a hat later in this video the player character raises his Razorback pistol and we cut to Black our final City to check out is a doozy neon holds many secrets and a lot of things to do neon is built off the popularity of the drug Aurora produced from a psychotropic fish discovered by the xenofresh corporation Aurora is only legal in neon so people come from far and wide for some Fear and Loathing our first shot of neon is outside the city where it just looks like a big fishing platform because that's exactly what it is but we can see the welcome to neon sign so we know exactly where we are neon is in the Vol 2 system which is controlled by the Freestar Collective our first shot inside the city gives a lot to look at so we'll be here for a little bit firstly the player character is wearing the same puffer jacket I've mentioned about four times now but this time it's yellow instead of red I have a theory that we'll be able to change the color of our gear but you'll have to wait on that a little bit longer to hear the reasoning behind it starting from the left we see a sign for Secrets Outfitters which is likely a clothing shop next to that is a Stroud Eklund sign the ship part manufacturer with links to constellations financier Walter there's a very flashy sign that I can't make out unfortunate moving on to the right we have a sign for the settled systems News Network to the right of the player character we can see more signage for enhance which I speculate to be a genetics facility there's the Vol 2 hotel and a clinic of some sort called Reliant Medical as far as the NPCs hanging around we see this very strange hat twice there's also a mini bot sweeping the streets although it doesn't look like it's doing a great job but hey maybe it's doing the best it can here we get our first look at ryujin Industries they've got this wicked looking Dragon hanging from the ceiling above the reception area and we can see their logo on the wall behind the receptionist these waterfalls also look really cool we hear from this reugent employee who tells us that if we have morality issues this definitely isn't the job for us what is ryugen up to next we get a shot of this businessman who totally doesn't look shady and some sort of henchman standing behind him the print on his shirt is absolutely wild I can't say for sure but but I think this man is possibly the head of the xenofresh corporation speaking of xenofresh we get a shot inside the Aurora Lab where we can see crates of product with the Aurora label accompanied by the xenofresh logo underneath it we can also see the fish used to produce Aurora hanging from up above along with equipment used to make Aurora in the background the person in the middle of the frame is wearing a suit with what's possibly an oxygen tank on their back yet this guard is not covered up this leads me to believe that these suits are used to go into the water and hunt fish needed to make Aurora and that this is what working for the xenofresh corporation in Starfield entails now that we got a chance to see where the Aurora is made it's time to see where it's used this is the astral Lounge a nightclub in neon dedicated to those who just want to have a good time we see a poster on the left promoting Aurora saying it's the best trip in the settled systems and of course the xenofresh logo is down at the bottom we move further into the astral lounge and we get these people dancing on a platform in these extremely weird bodysuits is this what it feels like to be on Aurora we can also see these types of dancers in the background on a higher platform with astral Lounge signs hanging up we cut back to the streets of neon in what is labeled the ikuchi market we see NPCs headed to their destinations some carrying shopping bags duffel bags and suitcases we can see a few more of those clam hats which will probably make me laugh every time I see them up on the left we can see a sign for reugen apartments so it seems like all employees of ryugen Industries reside here maybe we get our own apartment if we get hired on at ryujin Industries down here we have an advertisement for the neon Legend who looks like a famous DJ perhaps this is one of the areas with a radio station that Todd was referring to in his interview on kind of funny x-cast but I don't think it is this is likely just a DJ for the astral Lounge this giant sign shows us that the Freestar Rangers have a presence in the city though it remains to be seen how effective they are on the far right there's a general goods store but I can't make out the name I also can't make out with this red white and blue sign says the sign here that looks like an Astro Pop off in the distance there's a yellow sign that says Authority and we see a big pink sign pointing out the Spaceport terminal getting a more grounded view now we have two NPCs in the same clothing indicating a gang of some sort to the left is security HQ and off to the right we get our first look at a physical enhanced location after that we see a very dangerous looking man with a knife in the foreground he's got a cool looking jacket on that says Strikers on the left arm and the man off to the left is wearing the same jacket folks I think we got us a new faction but more on this in just a bit our next shot is back at the ikuchi market where we see NPCs line up at an info kiosk we see a guard patrolling in the background and another one of those cute sweeping robots that has a logo that says drone on it we also see a huge poster on the wall advertising reugent Industries hey it's our old pal the puffer jacket unfortunately it's on this poor soul that's about to get blasted by security for what I don't know this guard is wielding the Grendel and we get a closer look at his suit which is all black as we see this play out a voice tells us that everyone has been chewed up and ground up by Neon this is the voice of the Striker's gang member we saw earlier he tells us to try not to get ourselves killed as we see a murder scene in what looks like an apartment building not to take away from the serious nature of the murder at hand but we can also see a solar Frontiers board game on the surface underneath the TV we get a turnaround pose from this NPC that we know nothing about but he looks pretty important gives me Han Solo Vibes him and the patron next to him are both looking in the same direction likely towards the player character will Shen then introduces us to the factions section and we start with house Varun worshipers of the Great Serpent this faction coincides with the Serpent's Embrace trait that we see in action at the 1534 Mark where the player was able to get out of a hostile situation by being aligned with the faction as a dramatic woman talks about the Great Serpent we see Varun soldiers clearing some sort of lab and we get a close look at their all black armor I love this suit it reminds me a lot of my favorite armor in Fallout 3 the Chinese stealth armor we can also see that they're using Equinox laser rifles their helmets have lights on either side and their visors are pitch black so we can't see their identities we cut to the player character crouched in a stealth position and we see the hidden Hood at the top of the screen before the player character stands up going just a bit further we get our first look at the Big Bang from combatec which looks to be a laser shotgun awesome design on this weapon the player character leaps over the railing and uses their big bang to obliterate a level 20 Varun Zealot in one shot not much on the Zealot as far as Luke goes but we see a 54 count 3 kilovolt laser cartridge and a modified Equinox for the taking better yet the Zealot gives us 35 XP and we're on our way back to the perima system this is purima 3. as we saw on the planet map earlier this planet is cold and heavy and probably a nightmare to explore an all red sign beams from the smokestacks in the distance as we make our way inside we're greeted by a Hostess who seems way too excited for our arrival everything's probably on the up and up here our next shot gives us a lot more info about what kind of place red mile is if we zoom in on the screens we can see that these folks are playing video poker and blackjack meaning this is likely a casino of sorts but it's not just a casino in the back we see a door with a sign saying run in lights this reminds me of the Running Man a movie from the 80s with Arnold where convicts go on a TV game show and they're hunted by professional assassins I don't think it will be one to one that scenario here in Starfield but my guess is that people place bets on those who run the red mile based on whether or not they can survive I'm definitely eager to find out if that's the case and it would be cool if we could also bet on NPCs running the Red Mile 2. next we get a look at a star yard that has seen better days this is the home of the pirate faction the Crimson Fleet our first shot inside shows that the Crimson fleet has completely taken over control of this structure as we see the Crimson Fleet flags and even the Crimson Fleet skull and lights here in the background we also see a crimson Fleet pirate on guard it down to the right our next shot inside the Crimson Fleet base prominently shows a United colony's poster that says the United Colonies become part of a better future but an X has been spray painted through the poster and the words what future have been painted around it it's clear that the Crimson Fleet does not agree with the United Colonies or their philosophies before we move on we can see a blurred advertisement in the foreground this is for the chunks brand of food next up we see a crimson Fleet pirate leaning on a railing in front of a damaged United Colony sign which indicates that this star yard used to belong to the United Colonies S K and S have been painted on the wall to turn the UC into sucks off to the right we see a sign for something that says Operation Center here we see who I believe to be the leader of the Crimson Fleet we saw him in the 2022 gameplay reveal and I'm sad to say that it looks like his appearance got a pretty big downgrade it may be a different person but the red Gator around his neck tells me that it's probably the same person as this person tells us about what belongs to whom we get a shot of what looks to be a lounge area for the Pirates Of The Crimson Fleet we see a pretty badass person hanging out on this table which tells me they're probably a special NPC and she's talking to a fully geared up pirate while two more casually dressed NPCs watch on from a distance in the background we can see a neon open sign above that we see a makeshift sign saying last Nova with the Nova being from the Nova Galactic logo this is likely a bar for the Crimson Fleet and I believe we see it here in the 2023 trailer as well next we get a shot at the Crimson Fleet weight room with a pirate doing push-ups on his fists and the words work hard painted up above with the Crimson Fleet skull for the O we then see the same scene that played out from the 2022 gameplay reveal with someone going to stab a pirate only to be blocked and shot through the Torso the character models are different but the suits are largely the same except for now we see a marking on the advisor of the guy on the left a marking we see several more times on the visors of the Crimson Fleet next is a quick shot of a character dressed in the same suit and helmet we see the launch pad workers in new Atlantis wearing they're walking in the snow before we cut to another shot of Aquila City to the right we can see the circular crop fields and what looks to be a vehicle or bot of some kind though it's not moving at all below that we see a wooden board with the words no shot painted on it and the first n and second o are more prominent for some reason we can also see the welcome to Aquila City Sign directly in the middle of the frame overall Aquila City reminds me of a level from Metal Gear Solid 5. next we cut to new Atlantis and we're back in the launch area with the frontier before we cut to this Beach area with a big hotel in the background this is the Paradiso Resort that we saw in the 2022 gameplay reveal this is definitely one of the areas that looks better due to the lighting change from the 2022 video on this beach we see two human NPCs enjoying some Leisure Time in their bathing suits with a beach ball nearby and we can see what looks to be a robot Model A these guys that we see later attacking the player character the robot is heading back towards the resort off in the distance we can see Chairs set up under some umbrellas and beyond that we can see a few lone standing buildings spread out underneath the massive Paradiso hotel from what we can count there looks to be about 22 rooms facing this direction and I'm assuming that there are just as many on the other side meaning there's likely a total of at least 44 rooms in this place as for the traits of the planet it looks absolutely stunning we have these skinny white trees with beautiful orange leaves sprouting out of the top along with a bit of greenery and this Beach area is sort of tucked in by these Majestic Cliffs the sun glistens off the water nicely and I cannot wait to visit this area we go from Paradiso to Neon as we see some xenofresh Corporation employees hanging out out on a Ledge we can see the xenofresh Corp logo in the bottom right and lights and we can also see the xenofresh X on the pants and jackets of these employees note that they're wearing rain boots to protect from working in water all day behind them we can see another one of the fish that was hanging in the Aurora Lab check out the jagged teeth here and how the teeth turn into spikes that run down the jaw if we're going to be tasked with killing these fish to farm Aurora that's probably going to be a pretty dangerous task hopefully the pay is good in this shot we get another look at Aquila City this time showing us the launch pad area and we can see where the entrance to Aquila city is this store right here is where we come in from the launch pad and we can see the Hitching Post here to give us a better reference of where everything is after we get a stunning shot of a crater we see the player character once again in the mercenary spacesuit but this time we see them with the matching helmet not sure I'm as big of a fan of the helmet as I am the suit but if the stats on the suit are any indication of what the stats on the helmet are it might be worth wearing the magic pair after a short reset we see some off-screen footage of devs checking out the soul system this is of course our real-life solar system the system is Level 1 which tells us we'll likely be exploring what happened to earth right off the bat which is great because I'm sure we're all chomping at the bit to know there are nine planets listed and the player has 38 percent of the system surveyed over on the top right we see that the United Colonies claims this system as theirs and we can also see the player has a bounty of over 600 credits as far as markers go we can see two unknown white markers one on Mars and one on earth and a black satellite marker over on Mars if we zoom in on Earth we can see that it's totally blank no blue at all which furthers my theory that Earth completely dried up the player hovers over Mars and we get some Planet info that verifies that this still isn't habitable planet the gravity is also very low which checks out with some action footage we get on Mars later on in the vid but wait a second under Flora we see the word primordial and the video Cuts before we can see the water situation could planets in Starfield evolve over time we also get some off-screen footage of our old Planet pal parima 4C looks beautiful here too we can see a structure in the distance and since we know what this marker means we can identify this as an industrial Outpost The Outpost has a landing pad attached to a ship currently landed on it the large weapon shown is the drum beat a rifle we see later on now we get an off-screen look at the player's menu we can see that they are on piazzi 4C at a mining camp they've surveyed 75 percent of the planet moving into the player's circle now we can see that their name is Tara and as mentioned earlier they are Level 22 with an icon here indicating their Advanced Explorer status over below Health they have a red radioactive symbol and I'm sure that we could look at the details if they pressed y as for their skill the one showing is ballistic weapon systems which has 100 certification below that we see the ash detamer which looks to be a shotgun made by the Laredo company due to the wood paneling on the handle areas though this could be a weapon named by the player after some quick looks at concept art we move on to the character generation system where we see lead tech artist Felipe amazing jacket by the way working on a new character they talk about scanning wide ranges of faces to help make the creation tools more diverse we can see a Dev playing around with facial tattoos although it doesn't seem like we'll get tattoos on any other part of the body we can see at the top of the screen the text Argos extractors which is the company we work for at the beginning of the game this Creator acts as an employee file of sorts which is a neat idea we also see the Argos extractors logo in the top right of the screen we see tab options for biometric ID body face background and trades of which we can have up to three but you're not forced to take any at all if you don't want to some of the options visible here include complexion blemishes scars facial Form 1 facial form 2 and Tattoos we can assume that these larger markers indicate where we are in the slider which can give us an idea of how many options there are for some of these sections in the complexions blemishes slider the dev isn't even a third of the way through it and they're already at 12. so we can assume that there will be plenty to choose from here however the tattoos option the slider is about a fourth of the way through and is only at four so we can assume there are about 16 different tattoos to choose from you can also adjust the color and intensity of the tattoo which is a nice touch as the player character wakes up we're greeted by these two Argos extractors employees the woman on the right is the woman we saw in the 2022 gameplay Reveal video who helped us get our suit on but the man on the left seems to be new his name is Heller and we see him later in the video stranded on a planet Heller is recruitable and we can see him hanging out on the player's ship at the 24-45 Mark we could be pretty confident about this due to the Argos extractor suit he's wearing and that interesting haircut I like Heller he seems like a pretty charismatic guy and a good choice to man an outpost with an outpost engineering skill rank of three in the background we can see a suit being held up very reminiscent of a power armor stand and there are a couple of employee NPCs the woman to the right is holding one of the artifacts which indicates that we find the artifact before we even make our character which reminds me of the opening of Skyrim where we have a bit of pageantry before we actually do the character creation bit Heller hands us a tablet and we're off to form our own identity we're told that we have a total of 40 presets to choose from that we can then take and alter from there if we choose I know this is likely supposed to be real life astronaut Chris Hadfield but it'll never not look like Mr Feeney me space Feeney RP anyone on the body screen we can tone our body shape with this wheel menu and also pick from two different body types and two different walking animations judging from where the marker is on the skin tone slider we have about 12 skin tones to choose from looking at the face tab we see we can morph our face by using this interesting cross with thin Square wide and round options judging by the sliders it seems we have a little over 40 hairstyles to choose from about 24 hair colors and around 20 facial hair options the facial hair is probably my biggest gripe here as it just looks fake the way it contrasts against the skin just doesn't look natural to me we get to see a few more face options here including facial hair color eyes and eye color using the slider points we can see that we have about 24 facial hair color options and 14 eye color options a few more face options we see here are chin neck jewelry jewelry color and Derm aesthetic next seems to have a about 12 total options and thermostatic has what looks to be over 40 total options which will allow us to add the appropriate face texturing to make our characters look less plasticky jewelry looks to have about 20 different options we also see options for nose ears cheeks mouth and teeth and judging by the slider on the left hand side there are quite a few options here when I first saw this I wasn't all that impressed by The Character Creation Suite but after slowing the footage down it looks like there will be plenty there to create some radically different characters so long as they're grounded in reality we head to the background tab now and I feel like this is where I'll be spending most of my time weighing the pros and cons of each choice before I actually launch into the world of Starfield backgrounds are a group of starting skills set to a theme of The Player's past it's important to know that a lot of these background starting skills have changed since the 2022 gameplay reveal and there's a possibility that they'll change again before release the first background we see is Explorer the text reads they said exploration is a lost art you didn't listen as the major factions argued over the space they desperately tried to control you were busy uncovering the wonders of the settled systems this background would be great for players who weren't too concerned about tackling the main quest but instead wanted to explore and discover what is out there on all 1000 planets the starting skills include lasers which reads personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the settled systems and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness astrodynamics which reads advanced technology is one thing but it takes skill patience and a little bit of love to Koch's even more capability out of a ship's graph drag and surveying which reads Humanity now has access to Untold alien worlds and the ability to decipher all that data while on the round has become an essential skill set the next background shown is Diplomat a good background for those who prefer to talk their way out of situations it reads the war's over peace now Reigns The subtle systems but only because there are those quietly fighting to keep it because of you agreements were signed words were heated lives were spared the starting skills include persuasion which reads in the settled systems the nuanced ability to listen and discuss can often accomplish far more than simply shooting first and asking questions later Commerce which reads in the settled systems free market economy almost anyone with the right skill set can open and run a successful business I'm very intrigued by this as someone who loves management Sims and wellness which reads by embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits one may improve their overall sense of health and even gain prolonged life expectancy the next background is cyberneticist for those of you who want to steal and fight with laser weapons early on the description reads robots mere toys neuro amps good for parlor tricks The Colony War may have made implants and upgrades available to Veterans but you once saw a greater future humans and machines as one this text indicates that implants only became widely available in the last 20 years since that's where the colony Wars ended compared to where we are now in Starfield the skills for cybernetics are medicine only through advancements in medical training and technology has Humanity been able to withstand the Galaxy's many dangers security while the standardized digital locking mechanism is renowned for its security any code can be broken with the proper training and lasers our next background is cyber Runner which is all about being a sneaky thief from neon to new Atlantis the mega Corps stay into monuments of power Prestige and profit you've worked both for and against them on the in inside and out often sacrificing conscience for credits the starting skills are stealth for a combatant who values discretion Above All Else the ability to approach a Target while undetected and kill with a silence weapon is as terrifying as it is effective security and theft while not entirely honorable and certainly not legal it is nonetheless occasionally necessary to discreetly remove property from someone's person combat medic is for those who tend to take a lot of damage it reads leave it to human beings to fight over something as infinite as outer space that's where you come in you've never been afraid to take on the enemy but you'd much rather take care of your friends the starting skills are pistol certification considering the popularity of the personal sidearm in the settled systems familiarity with such weapons is often considered essential medicine and wellness and finally Chef which is a great starting point for you melee a Crafters while the unrefined masses scarfed down chunks by the ship load you cater to those with a more Discerning palette in your kitchen countless alien species became true culinary masterpieces the skills are Gastronomy access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients and there's almost no limit to the delicious foods and drinks a talented Chef can prepare cooling considered by many to be a lost art close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner and Scavenging there are those who can find just about anything and their success is usually dependent on knowing how and where to look the next shot after the Argos extractors employee quips about our Chef status we see a shot of the player character walking into what I believe is called Dawn's Roost a fancy restaurant in New Atlantis off to the left we see a plate of trilobites with that delicious mound of whipped butter to the right we can see in NPC with a high top fade carrying a drink we can see that the Sun is setting in the background meaning this restaurant is all about taking in a fancy dinner at dawn with some incredible views of jemisin next the player walks up to a man seated at a table the table is set for two but it looks like he's dining alone tonight we see two unidentifiable meals on the table but from what we've seen so far these will likely be dishes we can buy and craft ourselves or I suppose you could just steal them right here off the table if you wanted to the man seated at the table's name is Marquis Sutherland he Bears a striking resemblance to 80s pop star Billy Ocean Billy or markif asks you to take care of a monster problem for him and a few dialogue options pop up of the options we can make out and one we can kind of make out the Top Choice is the most interesting it says I'll do it but given my skill set I'm worth twice the usual rate with the term Beast Hunter in Brackets this is special dialogue for the Beast Hunter background some thought this meant that you could only accept the quest if you were a beast hunter but as you can see it instead just doubles the reward we also see the options I'll track down the Beast and bring back your beans this seems to be all over some beans whether they're of the coffee variety or something else we're not sure we also see an option to turn markif down by saying sorry I can't help you an option to ask where would I find this predator and we can sort of make out the bottom option which says shouldn't the person's remains be the priority which really thickens the plot here is marquee running an illegal Bean smuggling business is that how he's able to eat at such a fancy restaurant it all seems a bit dubious to me now it's time to take a look at traits we start with raised Universal which says you grew up as a member of the sanctum universum you gain access to a special chest full of items in the sanctum universum in new Atlantis but you lose access to the house of the enlightened chest can't be combined with any other religion trait this description is slightly different from the one we saw in the 2022 gameplay reveal there it referred to a sanctum universum Church store in fact this goes for raised enlightened as well so it seems the religion stores were cut from the game and instead there's just a chest full of loot that you can access in each religion's HQ the next trait we see is neon Street rat which reads you grew up on the Mean Streets of neon you gain access to special dialogue options and better rewards for submissions on neon crime Bounty by other factions is greatly increased can't be combined with any other faction Allegiance trait this text is the same as the 2022 video I like that a lot of these traits seem to be multi-layered not only are you getting additional dialogue options here but you're also getting better rewards all at the cost of getting into far greater trouble when you break the law or make someone mad at you I'm also assuming the Neon on Street rat faction are these NPCs in colorful get-ups we see later in neon kids stuff reads a bit different from the 2022 presentation saying your parents are alive and well and you can visit them at their home but you will automatically send two percent of your credits home to them every week this was changed from 10 of all the money you earn is deducted automatically and sent to them not sure why this changed perhaps it was a bug or a balance issue but if you can learn when that deduction will happen every week it'll probably be pretty easy to spend that money before it happens so you won't get as much taken from you we now know what it looks like to visit your parents but we don't know exactly what perks and benefits you get from it if any at all it may just be a pure role-playing thing next up is introvert and this was also slightly changed from last year's presentation now reading you really need your alone time exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring alone but more when adventuring with other human companions can't be combined with extrovert the big difference here is specifying that you use less oxygen instead of endurance as the 2022 video showed although it seems to be functionally the same before we move on to the trait that got everyone buzzing I want to point out here that starter home is now called dream home I absolutely love this tray and I think starting with that is a good challenge modifier I actually wish there were more of these not only that but with the percentage being taken away from you every week in the kid stuff trait it really seems like there's a nice economy set up in Starfield add on top of that the description for the Commerce skill and mentions of outpost trading lines and it sounds like we can play Star field like a full-blown business management Sim which again really gets me excited and now on to Hero worshiped you've earned the attention of an annoying scoring fan who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly on the plus side he'll join your ship's crew and give you gifts this was not seen in the 2022 presentation so perhaps it was going under a different name at the time or it was content they weren't sure was going to make it but perhaps the delay allowed them time to get it in either way this is a direct callback to the adoring fan from Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion upon the player becoming the grand champion of the arena in the Imperial City they are greeted by a blonde stalker who fawns over the player and if allowed follows the player around in Starfield it looks like it'll work much the same way with the adoring fan even being voiced by Craig seckler the same voice actor who voiced the adoring fan in Oblivion this is what I love about bgs their callbacks make me feel all warm and fuzzy and this isn't the only callback to the Elder Scrolls games but we'll cover that later on we also get some stats for the adoring man although they aren't much to write home about the boy has Scavenging rank 1 concealment rank 1 and weightlifting ring 2. they might not be much but those are decent companion skills to have especially the weightlifting which allows them to hold more stuff for you also look at this view of Freya 9B this looks completely different from the hellscape we see back at two minutes in one second and 3540 in the vid although that just might be the weather causing things to look vastly different if nothing else that just shows how Dynamic weather and lighting really are in Starfield it's also implied that we can get rid of the adoring fan as the player takes out their Coachman shotgun and aims it at the pack of the adoring fan but will he stay gone or will he respawn after three days I'm assuming he'll stay gone for good as we're told there's ways to get rid of each trait in the game of course we have to take the attention away from the adoring fan now and analyze the scene where he comes running down the steps this is obviously new Atlantis to the left we can see more advertisements for enhance and this MPC standing in front of the signs has that weird clam hat on I'm also going to point out this NPC with the pink and white gradient shirt on as we'll see that shirt quite a few more times but in different colors off in the background we can see the jemisin Mercantile store and yellow chairs sitting outside which makes me believe this is the Courtyard area we can see through the terror Brew Windows earlier in the vid moving off to the right we can see this group of people here standing and having a chat the two rightmost NPCs are wearing the same shirt and the same shirt I just pointed out a few seconds ago only in different colors I expected to see NPCs wearing the same clothing the more I dug into this direct you know it's gonna happen it happens in real life but I'm glad there seems to be a lot of color variants to at least help with the variety next up senior UI programmer Dana Christo tells us her favorite trait is kids stuff and we get a solid look at what our parents look like I'm assuming the game generates your parents based off what your character looks like much like how Fallout 4 did with mixing the male and female protagonist's appearance to create Sean only in reverse this time I'm sure the voices stay the same no matter what though we see that there's somewhere on planet jemisin most likely residing in new Atlantis we see a door to what looks like a fancy apartment opened and our dad is standing there to greet us like he hasn't moved since the last time we left we get a quick look at our mom in a pretty awesome white and black suit with gold trim before moving on to get a look at the Serpent's Embrace trait which allows us to avoid hostile encounters with the house Varun due to us having the same religion if we pause the video fast enough we can see that this Varun him ship is a level 14 vessel and we can also get a good look at its power balance between the ship's different systems we can see their Shields are all the way powered so they're ready for a potential attack cutting to the communication between the player and the Varun him we see three options the ability to use our skills serpents Embrace by saying we can distract him with the Litany of the faith I will give you a passage to recite another option is so we need to get that Beacon without being attacked and there's a third option that says I'm opening fire those zealots are a threat to the whole system if you want to go the Hostile route the player chooses Option 1 and we see a mission status update in the top left corner the mission's name is the old neighborhood which we know is what they call the soul system in Starfield and the objective of talk to Sarah gets checked off and a new objective appears telling us to examine the satellite meaning the dialogue options that we just saw were actually directed towards Sarah Morgan next up we get a look at the trait called wanted which gives us a damage Buff when our health is low but mercenaries will randomly show up and try to take us down we see a pretty large ship land in front of the player cutting to a battle between the player and some bounty hunt Hunters we see the player use a Maelstrom to quickly dispose of a level fight Bounty Hunter Captain gaining 10 XP before moving over to a level 5 plain old Bounty Hunter you can also see another Bounty Hunter running at the player in the distance but they'll likely stand no chance I can see this trait being a very lucrative one I mean if low-level bounty hunters are just going to deliver their ship to you and put up almost no real fight than people who choose this trade are going to be rolling in the spoils we can also see that this happens on jemisin and there's a relay station and an industrial Outpost nearby next we cut to a cowboy reloading his scoped Equinox laser rifle wearing the same hat as Sam Coe followed by who is presumably the leader of the Freestar Collective we see this fella in the 2022 presentation and he looks largely the same although I do feel like his appearance in the 2023 presentation is slightly downgraded from how he looked in 22. one big difference I can see is that he now Now Sports a Freestar Ranger badge on his lapel instead of the three symbols he did in the 22 vid we get some dialogue options for him including a special Diplomat trait option saying I've got experience with these kinds of situations we also see there are lives at stake let me help you it's clear you're not getting the job done so let me try and will you at least hear me out at first I thought this was for the ash to threat but with the Diplomat trait uh maybe there's something going on with other humans that you have to actually discuss out what's interesting to note is that the persuasion box does not appear here though it does appear on the next screen when we're talking to this person who looks like they're in neon it's obvious that the persuasion system is a thing that you have to go into but it seems like it's only available at certain times here we see the persuasion system in action at the bottom we see several markers next to a turns counter each reply has a plus number and each of response is also color coded the responses are green plus one there's no reason for us to have a problem is there orange plus four who knows how long it'll be before you get another offer orange plus 4 cyber Runner why don't you cut a fellow Runner a little slack and red plus four can't you cut me a break here it seems the goal here is to completely fill the persuasion meter without upsetting the MPC although I'm still not entirely sure how this is working here why would the hardest speech option to pass give the same amount of points as the orange options here we get a look at the player character wearing the navigation suit although this suit looks like a deeper blue than the blue we saw before but that could just be the lighting the player character is also holding the Big Bang energy weapon that we saw taking out the Varun earlier next we see a man into military armor with very few indicators but we can see the tag on his cap say UC and if we zoom in there's also a UC marking on his weapon which could make this gun military issue to his left is another Soldier this one wearing a beret and sporting some different armor and a different weapon these could possibly be soldiers on the UC vigilance a very important ship we'll see later on next we head to Neon where we see a hooded Striker gang member standing in the akuchi market area again this jacket is awesome and the masks are pretty menacing this is one of my favorite attires in the whole direct here we see a man with a brown leather jacket over a red flannel shirt and a trucker hat with this odd looking creature on it I believe this creature to be the gelatinous bird beak cow thing that we see on Aquila it seems like this creature produces some important resource important enough to be put on a hat anyway I would assume this is a farmer or a space trucker and space trucker is definitely one of the characters I want to role play in Starfield so this get up would be perfect for that here we get our third look at the mercy mercenary armor and here's another look at how much lighting affects colors in Starfield these parts are yellow but they look like a greenish Brown in this low light setting we cut to another shot of this reugent industry's employee she's more than likely the CEO or some high-ranking position she certainly looks important in this attire okay we got a few things going on here but first let's talk about this Freestar Collective officers uniform because holy schnikes this is some intricate attire everything about this dude screams Awesome from the huge sunglasses wrapped around his hat to the strong mustache to the buttons and straps on his jacket just incredible stuff here we see him holding a tombstone rifle complete with a pretty sweet scope and he's got a patch on his shoulder with the number one indicating some sort of ranking within the Freestar Collective however the more important thing in this shot is this a blurred poster here in the background round although we obviously can't clearly see what it is we've seen this poster before in the 2021 teaser trailer hanging up in the bunk area of the spaceship Frontier we can sort of make out that this poster is promoting a violinist by the name of Alyssa DeMille and we can see that the poster cites her playing live in Aquila we know that this blurry poster is hanging up in the stone root Inn in Aquila City taking it a step further we know that Todd said there would be a radio station in one of the areas of the game and that is a local to that one location I'm assuming that Alyssa DeMille if I'm getting that last name correct there is a pretty big deal and that a whole questline could revolve around her and potentially a radio station on Aquila but wait remember that poster outside the stone root in for what looked like a singer Bobby something it looks like music is a pretty popular attraction in Aquila City but this is all pure speculation of course finally we get a look at one of my least favorite spacesuits from this presentation can't win them all I guess okay now it's time to talk about skills we kick off this section of the presentation looking at an amazing whiteboard drawing of the player character experiencing a moment with the artifacts lead producer Tim lamb informs us that they've mixed the best parts of what they've done with the previous games and have come up with an all-new skill system we cut to the planet Nirvana too an arid red hued planet with this giant octopus creature called encephalopod hurtling towards the camera this is a hunting cephalopod and it's level 45. the player dispatches the creature with their Beowulf gun earning them 75 XP but an obvious console command Awards the player enough XP to level up so that we can see how the process looks real quick before we jump into the player menu here we can see some sort of structure in in the background we can't quite tell what kind of structure it is as there's no marker on the compass that we can identify but there is a gray Diamond marker indicating that there is indeed something in that direction to discover when the level up notice shows up on the screen it shows us our new level our current constellation patch and that we have a skill point available to spend loading into the player menu we can see the player in that orange launch pad suit we saw the workers wearing in new Atlantis reminds me of the University of Tennessee Volunteers at the bottom of the screen we can see that the player is currently doing a mission for the Crimson Fleet indicated by the Crimson Fleet skull here the mission is called the best there is shout out to Brett The Hitman heart and the objective is to enter the command Bay in the bottom right of the screen we can see the Beowulf rifle the player used to take down the cephalopod and we can also see that the player is over-encumbered by nearly 700. I'm sure we've all been there before in the top right we can see the skill patch 4 survey saying which the player has zero percent certification in under that we can see the player has one skill point to spend now we're gonna go over the skills shown here in this presentation only since we know some of the backgrounds and traits change we have to assume that some of these skills that we've seen previously have changed as well the first skill we see highlighted is robotics which is in the third tier of the tech skill tree unfortunately the skill is locked and the player must spend six more points within the total Tech skill tree to unlock it we can assume by the description here that the robotic skill will allow us to hack robots to be on our side the next skill we see is the payload skill which is in the second tier of the tech tree this one is also locked but the player only has to spend two more points within the tech tree to unlock it this sounds like it will allow us to haul more cargo on our ships which will be vital for a space trucker or pirate build the cursor then moves up to security and before the player clicks on the skill we can see it reads you can attempt to hack Advanced log and two Auto attempts can be banked this is of course referring to the new digipick lock system in Starfield when the player clicks into the skill we can also see the skill name and color a brief description of the skill the skill patch and all the ranks that correspond to that skill for instance the player can unlock the rank 1 skill to use here but they must complete challenges to gain access to the following ranks Rank 2 allows a player to attempt to hack expert locks and three Auto attempts can be banked Rings now turn blue when The Pick can be slotted Rank 3 allows the player to attempt to hack Master Level locks and four Auto attempts can be banked and finally Rank 4 allows a player to expend a Digi pick to eliminate keys that aren't required to solve the puzzle 5 Auto attempts can be banked as you can see those that want to make their living in Starfield stealing OPP will find lots of use in this skill and its various ranks as the player elects to unlock the skill we see the patch gain color and the next challenge pops up below that this this one calling for the player to pick five locks to unlock the next rank we fast forward to the player unlocking Rank 2 of the security skill and we see that the patch now gets a busier design along with a second border surrounding it the next challenge calls for the player to pick 15 locks before Rank 3 is available to unlock we now jump to the intimidation skill which is yellow as it's in the social skill tree rank 1 of intimidation allows the player to force a Target NPC at or below their level to flee for a limited time we can see that as the skill ranks up it increases the number of intimidated foes by 10 until we get to Rank 4 which just says that targets now Flee for a substantial amount of time as the skill reaches its top rank the patch on the left evolves to show the graphic burst out of the frame letting us know that this is a Rank 4 skill which I think is a pretty neat aesthetic the next skill we get a peek of is decontamination which is part of the physical skill tree and is a tier 3 skill we can see that this player actually already has rank 1 of this skill unlocked and we get a chance to see a mix of different rank skills in the tree we can see that decontamination rank 1 allows the player a slightly increased chance to recover from infections naturally and the current challenge is to recover from five diseases yes Starfield will have diseases in the game this shouldn't be too big of a surprise as diseases in some form have been a part of bgs games for decades but it definitely seems they're far more prominent in Starfield I am surprised that they're in by default as Fallout 4 had diseases as a part of its survival mode except for mole rat disease which isn't much of an issue personally I'm excited for diseases in Starfield as odd as that sounds I'm a big fan of survival features in open world RPGs and it's just another thing we have to account for hopefully making gameplay more Dynamic the player then zooms right over to the social Tab and we're able to pause it to catch what the leadership skill is all about at rank 1 leadership allows a player to gain Affinity with companions 15 percent faster no doubt a must-have perk for those who like to romance in these games the challenge for the next rank tasks the player was sprinting for over 1 000 meters with an active follower another skill we're able to catch is rapid reloading which unfortunately is locked one skill we can see and just barely catch is astrophysics in the science tree at rank 1 it allows the player to scan the moons on their current planet and they have a 10 chance to discover a trait when scanning this one's obviously for the explorers of us the challenge for the next rank is to scan 10 unique planets or moons the skill directly to the right of astrophysics is chemistry which allows the player to create improved cams and research additional chems at a research lab this is the track for those who want to cook up some space scooma the challenge for the next rank is to create 10 cams this next shot gives us a good look at a lot of the skill patches in their Rank 4 state but before we look deeper into a few first off is xenosociology which allows you to control the mind of alien creatures we then see footage of a player on the planet Vern 2. the player is being threatened by a level 80 hunting Thorn mantis the player bust out their scanner and we see that the thorn mantis's temperament is fearless which is a pretty frightening position for the player to be in but the player opens the Xeno social menu with the a button giving them options to pacify flee frenzy and control all being 100 percent the player picks control stopping the thorn mantis dead in his tracks Thorn mantis is terrifying but does this cute little wiggle animation so I'm torn I would imagine that this is an example of a fully maxed out skill as I don't think we'll be able to mind control level 80 aliens early on next up is Boost pack we get some gameplay of the player using their boost pack in combat against some Crimson Fleet pirates on jemisin this seems to be an abandoned mine as indicated by the marker on the compass we see a few other markers including this odd marker here that looks like a face we can see yet another appearance by the mercenary suit this time looking much more yellow than the last time we saw it the player boosts over and eliminates two level 2 pirates for 5 XP each and get some progress in their boost pack training challenge which requires the player to boost jump 10 times while in combat the weapon on hand seems to be the Laredo Tombstone the next skill we see in action is the neurostrike skill I'm not sure exactly what neurostrike actually does but we can see that it makes unarmed attacks very strong first we see the player strike a level 8 spacer with their fists not only is this a strong attack but we can see the symbol for electromagnetic damage that we saw earlier when looking at the suit resistances perhaps this puts him in a disoriented state for a certain time we also see on the left hand side the martial arts skill challenge makes some progress requiring the player to deal 250 total damage with unarmed attacks below below that in the compass we can see that there are Litany of enemies around this area which seems to be a relay station on Mars as for loot we can see an anti-personnel calibrated Solstice with one star Solstice being an energy pistol I'm guessing this is like the system in Fallout 4 as we see a legendary item later on with three stars the spacer also has a 42 count 1.5 kilovolt laser cartridge a frag grenade and a UC Naval Cutlass which they seem to have equipped the Cutlass is knocked from their hand after they're struck we continue on Mars and we can see that this place is pretty trashed in the top right corner we can see a Mech over here but I believe that's just set dressing we haven't gotten any real indication that we'll be able to control mechs but that would be a pretty great way to Traverse a planet on the ground if so that is also something you can do in no man's Sky the player has a few more spacers to dispatch of which we can start to figure out that these are like Raiders in Fallout 4 just a bunch of nameless goons to gain loot in XP from the player levels the spacer and we can see that the player is wearing the same space suit as the MPC over here although the pack is different we move on to the next scene where the player uppercuts a level 8 spacer once again inflicting the electromagnetic effect and knocking the spacers Coachman shotgun out of their hands the next scene shows the player delivering a body shot to yet another spacer and we can see some loot including 48 count 50 caliber caseless ammo and a modified law Giver 15 XP is awarded the final spacer to catch these hands gets uppercutted up over the railing showing off the gravity physics in all its Glory we can also see that this enemy's pack detaches from their body as they get hit which is a cool effect now we head over to alchiba 7B where we get a couple of first looks first we see the player using a different kind of pistol than the Eon and the Razorback that we've seen before this is the urban Eagle manufactured by Allied armaments we can see that it has an extended clip and a targeting laser attached to it here but we see this gun more prominently featured later in the video when talking about Stealth combat that version of the urban eagle has a silencer and a different colored targeting laser as for the enemy we see a level 42 ecliptic specialist and they seem to have a thermal filter over them indicating that this skill can be used interestingly enough only that enemy is highlighted even though another enemy is revealed to be right next to them in this next shot we catch a glimpse at the player character in full Striker's attire loading a pistol of some kind and sneaking up behind a security guard in some facility because of the footage we'll see in just a moment we know that this is a slate and security guard but what is Slayton well I'm glad you asked because if we skip ahead to the 2137 Mark we can see a reference to Slayton Aerospace here in the shipbuilder menu meaning that this is a slate and Aerospace facility is it a manufacturing facility is it just corporate HQ or what is a player doing here sneaking around and taking out guards we can see by the compass that this place is on the planet Vol 2 Alpha and it seems to be a very corporate facility complete with water cooler here we see the player character sneaking behind a slate and security guard and we once again see the hidden graphic at the top with bars telling us just how hidden they are from the enemy when the player goes to pickpocket the guard we see the usual loot listed but we also see percentage markers next to each item indicating how good the chances are of taking that item without the person knowing or at least that's what I assume is what's going on here the loot on hand is a 40 count 6.5 millimeter CT a CQB Dash X which could be some sort of Close Quarters blade and a Maelstrom we can also see on the left side of the screen that the premises are under security monitoring whatever is here is extremely important our stealth Adventure Continues as the player opens up event and crawls through the Ducks before opening a hatch and dropping down to take out a Slaton guard our next player likes to use speech to work their way through situations we see the player approach a member of the Freestar Collective guarding the door to a secure Wing the player is wearing a jumpsuit with a patch featuring constellation colors I love how 80s this jumpsuit looks the Freestar Collective member tells the player that this area is off limits which takes us to some dialogue options as we once again see the persuasion system in action we can see that the persuasion bar is almost completely full and the options for dialogue are green plus one I know you'd like to help me if you could orange plus three I know you have to keep some people out I admire someone who respects rules red plus 5 negotiation how about a few credits that change anything 2500 credits red plus six I've got a narrow window here okay times wasted we see that the player has two turns left to persuade this guard and seemingly only needs one more point but opts to go for the orange option which seems to work although if the player only needed one point I'm not sure why they wouldn't just go for the option that was most likely to pass unless I'm totally way off base and this is not how the persuasion system works anyway the player gets 10 XP for passing the speech Challenge and although it's cut off we can see on the left side of the screen that they've made progress in their skill challenge for speech next we take a look at the Run and Gun approach to gameplay Gunplay was a huge sticking point for people in the 2022 presentation so Bethesda was sure to show off plenty here along with a much wider variety we're back on Mars in some sort of facility still fighting spacers here the player encounters a level 8 spacer in a crazy all-gold suit and pack the spacer also has three chunks of armor but that doesn't matter much as the player pulls out their pacifier shotgun which we can identify thanks to 4044 in the video the player Blaster the spacers armor and health knocking their Equinox laser rifle out of their hands the player's cover is blown as we see the danger graphic up at the top player moves on to the other spacer in this area a level 14 spacer Punk to be exact the punk raises their weapon but before they can get a line of sight on the player the player blasts them with their pacifier taking them out with one shot we see a ballistic skill challenge appear on the left next we go to the planet Kumasi 3 so we can see how versatile the Boost pack can be for combat we see a large industrial Outpost ahead of the player and the player leaps about what must be at least three stories high once in the air the Boost pack steadies the player and moves them into position to drop land mines down from above to the feet of a few spacers the landmine detonates and causes a blast that doesn't kill the spacers but puts them out of commission for a bit real quick before the player finishes them off with their big bang gun let's take a look at the landscape for kamasi 3 are these cherry blossom trees could this be a Japanese inspired Planet I could definitely see myself finding a force of cherry blossoms and setting up an outpost there anyway we can see that the landmine took out a good chunk of this this level 8 spacers Health but the player finishes the job with a bang gaining 15 XP before heading around to hunt down the other level 8 spacer who received the same amount of damage from the mine the shot from The Big Bang actually activates the spacers boost pack and causes a blinding explosion the player turns to find that a grenade has been thrown in their vicinity and we see an indicator that they're being shot at from the right side of the screen we get a level 14 spacer Punk tag as the player turns to the right and then we cut away to lead producer Tim lamb saying I like blowing stuff up before we see the footage of the player on planet Aquila boost packing up to throw a grenade at a level 6 pirate brigand if we check the compass we can see a new marker a blue triangle although I haven't been able to identify what it is on the left we see a boost pack training skill challenge update we also get a quick Glimpse at the player's weapon which I believe is the ash detainer we saw back at 1234 sticking on Aquila but inside a facility we see the player is using a gun called The negotia Creator from Allied armaments we can identify this thanks to these incredible shots at 3911 the player shoots a level 2 Pirate causing a huge explosion and we can see a red crit indicator pop up signifying that a critical hit has been made which warms my RPG heart we get an update to the demolition skill challenge on the left the next shot has the player taking aim at a level 6 pirate brigand with their Ash to Tamer scoring a critical hit and gaining 10xp we jump over to planet washaki now so the player can pull the Old Dutch oven trick on a group of enemies throwing a grenade into a room and shutting the doors just before that we get a notification that the player has completed their shotgun certification by taking out 20 enemies with a shotgun which makes sense as we see they have The Coachman shotgun equipped and we see a 10xp notification pop up by the way I've seen a lot of people complain about the XP location let me know how you feel down in the comments below should Bethesda reposition it before launch or is it no big deal one more thing before the pirate here meet their Doom over in this kitchen area we can see a poster for Oishi which we identified on an ad earlier in new Atlantis anyway a pirate yells [Music] as the player closes the door and Cooks the Pirates gaining 15 XP we now jump back to Mars and we're deep inside some sort of mine unfortunately I can't seem to find a name for this futuristic sniper rifle but we can see that it's made by combatec and we see it again later in the vid at the 3918 mark back on Mars a player Scopes in to identify a level 2 Pirate and scores a critical hit on the Pirates boost pack sending them flying off to the right of the screen the player then Scopes in on another level 2 Pirate and shoots their boost pack as the player exits the scope view we see the pirate fly back into the middle of the frame and a giant explosion happens we can assume that that's it for this first pirate but the second pirate still seems to be alive before we cut to Black next we get some absolutely stunning shots of just a few of the planet Starfield has to offer we get back to first person view on the planet karibua 5 a planet that's home to some Sinister creatures we see the player holding this futuristic sniper rifle again that we just saw take out the Pirates in the mine and the light here gives us a chance to zoom in and catch some details about it if we look at the very bottom of the screen here we can make out the words combatec pkst and a model number as well as manufactured in new Atlantis we can assume that pkst is an acronym for whatever is printed right here below the combatec logo so from now on I'll refer to this gun as the pkst also the way the light hits this gun in this setting gives off major Halo Vibes to me and oddly enough Halo is not a game I've heard Starfield compared to but with how much combat seems to be in Starfield I think Halo is a pretty fair comparison I'm not saying that combat and Starfield will be as good as Halo nor am I saying that there will be multiplayer in Starfield but you could definitely RP Master Chief if you wanted to and Microsoft is definitely missing the boat if they don't come out with a Master Chief armor of some kind our next shot is of Aquila where we see the dead grass some Barren trees that are common of this world the player has their cutter equipped and it looks like they're sporting some Crimson Fleet attire we see these creatures that look like a cross between crabs and ants and we see them again at 3552 in what looks like Aquila as we can see the same dead grass and tree types in the background along with what looks like a pretty cool ship we also get another look at that weird Cowbird that seems to be on the hat of the space trucker back at the 1610 Mark and he's chomping away at the trees while the ant crabs are going after something in the dead grass this shot at 1902 is of a planet with little to no atmosphere and a tower of some kind in the distance while this shot at 1904 shows a planet with some pretty thick fog on the ground and this odd structure on the left where we can see what is possibly one of those gravitational anomalies at 1909 we get a look at a sandstorm on the planet rossau hog one with some gnarly looking rocks that have no doubt been eroded to look like this by these sandstorms I'm not saying that that's a fee feature of the game by the way but more of an art Direction decision we also see that the player is in their Argos extractor suit here at 1912 we get our first look at everybody's favorite dwarf planet Pluto it looks extremely cold and there are some rocks jetting out of the surface here judging by the health bar it appears the player is having some troubles with the environment after another look at groombridge 8A we head out to space where we can see some scope of the planets compared to our spaceship next we see a ship battle with a level 14 Crimson Fleet Specter before eastvan tells us we can also explore derelict ships these will probably be the vaults of Starfield and no doubt we'll have some awesome environmental storytelling at 1953 we can see this very bright red thing in the background but we can't really tell what it is I do want to point out here that the bottom of this planet just Blends into the atmosphere and looks incredible at 1954 we see the player walking down what looks like an Alleyway in the city of neon but there's not much to point out here on unfortunately and now it's time to talk all about ships as we see the frontier come in for a landing the ship then changes to what looks like a more freight oriented ship just before the shot Cuts we can see these jellyfish creatures in the background floating through the air we get a couple of different cockpit views of ships landing and we see this dashboard here with the brand Tayo astroneering on the side they're one of about 10 ship manufacturers we see throughout this direct we get some more looks at all the different possible ships that you can create using starfield's robust shipbuilding tool in this off-screen shot of some concept art we can see that the title says black Fleet ship cockpit Hab the black Fleet is what we assume is a faction that has been referenced since early leaks but we haven't seen much about them is this a splinter group of the Crimson Fleet like the outcasts where a splinter group of the Brotherhood of Steel getting into the ship menu now let's break down everything that's on the screen here we start at the top left of the screen where we see ship systems this is all about power allocation your ship has a certain amount of power that can be distributed to the different areas of your ship the different categories here are ballistics particle beams lasers engines shield and grab drive though this can change depending on which systems you actually have installed on your ship each system has a cap as to how much power you can put into it and those caps are affected by the different parts you use to build your ship below that we have the ship overview which shows us our total fuel which is important for making grab jumps our whole Health which is like our ship's overall health our cargo capacity which is how much Freight we can carry our current Shield capacity the ship class reactor value number of crew we can bring with us jump distance Shield value ballistic damage particle damage and Laser damage whether or not the ship is registered to us the total value of the ship if we were to sell it and the mass in the top middle of the screen we can see the ship's name and how many ships this vendor currently has we can tab over with the bumper buttons to the right we can see how many credits the vendor has compared to how many credits the player has on the bottom right of the screen we can see options to inspect the ship sell purchase and exit the editing area itself gives us an idea of how long and how wide the ship is as well as an orientation as to where the front of the ship is and where the back of the ship is which is very handy when building as for the ship itself the celestial 2 looks to be a pretty impressive ship with a solid balance of Defense cargo and crew capacity it's got a Sleek design with some great coloring it is pretty pricey however and clearly out of The Current player's price range the next ship we get to see is more of a freight hauler as the cargo capacity has far more than doubled that of course shoots the mass of the ship up to nearly double that of this Celestial 2. we can also see that the damage values look different as this ship only uses particle beams and ballistics for defense and we can see that the lasers portion of the ship system menu has been removed because of it another incredible design with a long body and large engines in the back this looks more like a fish to me than a dragon but it's an impressive ship nonetheless something that's a bit more affordable is the slipstream too unlike the two previous ships this would not be a good ship for cargo hauling this seems to be a bit more of a battleship as it uses missiles and particle beams for defense and is pretty unremarkable in every other category I'll be honest I'm not a huge fan of this kind of Submarine design and definitely wouldn't be spending 264 975 credits to add this to my Arsenal wow this is a ship the Voyager 3 here boasts 272 missile damage a 1 315 Shield value 1500 80 cargo capacity and a very strong Hull it's a serious ship for serious business but it's going to cost you a fortune at 656 300 credits you have to sell a lot of chunks to get your hands on this one for some reason we skipped the fifth ship and go to Marathon which is the lowest costing ship of the six it's a fairly weak ship overall but it does have a good cargo capacity and decent fuel making it a solid space trucker ship the design is decent and they're really showing off the paint customization here with most of it being a mustard yellow and what looked like cargo pods in Blue on the side here we see the ship Merchant from new Atlantis he's got his headphones on in a way that aggravates me a bit but he seems nice enough as he attempts to persuade us to buy a ship from him imagine the commission on selling a ship my word we hop into the shipbuilder now the first ship part we see being added to this ship here is the stormax 30 cargo hold from dogstar if you're you recall we saw a dog star on a dashboard earlier in the video this part seems to add 210 cargo to our ship and five onto the hole the description reads spaceship cargo modules increase your ship's inventory space the part has a value of 750 credits and a mass of 44. I wonder if the pre-built ships for sale are marked up in price and if it's cheaper to build a ship yourself I doubt it as I can see people really getting mad about that but that would be more incentive for you to dig in and learn the shipbuilder yourself anyway at the bottom of the screen we can see a lot of the ship's stats including now being able to see mobility and top speed above that we see options to delete flip accept and cancel and just above that we see there's currently one error with this ship that will likely not allow it to leave the Builder screen when the part is added to the ship we see how simple the snap connections are to use but it shows us that you just can't attach any part you want wherever you want the next part we see C is a stability Pro Landing Bay from Stroud Eklund the company associated with constellations financier Walter this is a way to board and exit the ship with some stairs for able humans in a ramp for Vasco and other Bots it adds one to the hole and the description reads spaceship Landing Bays come equipped with an auto deploying ramp for quick access to and from a planet's surface the park costs 1 000 credits and adds a mass of two if we look over to the bottom right we can now see that there are two warnings which I'm curious to know what those are and if the Builder will allow you to complete the ship with warnings we can see on the far right of the screen we'll be using the d-pad up and down to move the y-axis on the camera we're then told we can hire a crew for our ship and we cut to the inside of said ship to the left is Sarah Morgan looking as bored as ever in her constellation jacket after her on the left it looks like we have three generic crew members I really hope they're not just named crew like settlers in Fallout 4. I'd like to see everyone you can recruit have real names to help with immersion to the right we see Samco checking on some systems we also see someone just leaning against the wall in the background a slacker perhaps I'm sure some of you will run your ships like tyrants I can't wait to see what y'all do with someone like this next we get a close-up look at the launch pad suit the orange really pops and the helmet is pretty damn cool hopefully I don't have to make one of these guys disappear just to get one not much to say here other than this ship looks like a turtle and I love it we're told that every Spaceport has a ship technician so that means that there will be plenty of ships out there to buy for you ship collectors although it's unknown just how many ships we can own in total here we can see one of those info kiosks except it doesn't say info kiosk it says trade Authority I think what happens is we buy ships by directly talking to the worker here so I wonder if the tree trade Authority kiosk is for other Goods besides ships that would actually make a lot of sense if you need some extra credits to buy parts or a whole ship then having a trade terminal right next to the salesman would allow you to get the credits you need without having to go into the city proper speak ing of the city proper if we look to the left we get a different view of the arrivals area we looked at earlier here we can see that the same scenario we discussed with the kid and the security guard is playing out so I'm almost certain that this is a quest we'll be able to get involved with if we look further we can see that there seems to be some turn styles of some sort so that could be the security to get into the city we also see signs for shopping Nat which stands for new Atlantis Transit and UC security we also see another launch pad worker crouching over to the right we go back to talking to the ship Merchant and this time we see some dialogue options the options are 1000 credits my ship needs some repairs I'd like to view and modify my ships let me see what ships you have for sale where did you say I could sell things where can I go if I need more crew for my ship these are some pretty standard options and what you'd probably expect if you've played a bgs game before unfortunately we don't get a look at how damaged the ship is to know how far this 1 thousand credit repair job gets us we get a higher Viewpoint here of the area we were just standing in to talk to the ship Merchant we can see the same launch pad worker is crouching in the same spot we get a few different looks at ships with different purposes before going back to the frontier it's time to see if we can Gussy up the old gal in the shipbuilder assuming this is the base Frontier let's go over the stats to see what we'll be dealing with early in the game let's go from the bottom to the top this time we can see that the value of the frontier is laughable at best fetching a mere 7375 credits if it were to be sold I do wonder if they block you from selling the frontier if it's your only ship or if they'll let you just be shipless I'm just thinking about the people who accidentally sell their ship and have to find work on jemisin to build up enough credits for a new ship or maybe take out a loan from gal bank and be in debt early on I highly doubt they'll let you sell your only ship though the mass here is pretty low at 359. it looks like the frontier is a missile based fighter as the missile-damaged dwarfs ballistics and lasers here shield and jump are both pretty paltry and you can only fit two crew members on the ship at one time I wonder if vosco counts as a crew member we can see this player as a tad over encumbered by 17 651. what does it mean for your ship to be over encumbered though does that mean you won't be able to make a jump until you offload enough cargo the hole and fuel are both pretty low as well but what do you expect from a starter ship at the top under the name we can see that this is ship one of one and it's marked as our home ship the player has 82 000 credits to work with which is a respectable sum when it comes to upgrading next we get a nice graphic of everything we upgrade on our ships including cowling Shield generation Docker fuel tanks grav Drive weapons Hab engines cockpit cargo hold reactor Bay and landing gears we have two ways to upgrade the the quick way is directly replacing the existing parts on your ship with new parts or if you want to be more involved you can enter the ship building mode and take things apart like Lego first let's look at the simple upgrade system when we enter the upgrades menu we can now select a part on our own ship and pick from a menu of parts to replace it with here the player is highlighting the weapon 0 slot which currently holds a dragon 221p MW pulse laser from Horizon defense on the left side we can see the name of the part the manufacturer the park class range fire rate hole damage Shield damage max power Hull and crew capacity which may hint at how many crew members it takes to man that station or it could just be an area to stick crew but we do know skills have an effect on different parts of your ship this part description reads your ship's weapons affect enemy ships differently in combat depending on the damage type used energy effects Shields ballistics whole and EM systems so in a way this creates a rock paper scissors system of sorts although that's not an absolute description since you can have all those damage Types on one ship however you could just choose to take one of those systems into space and that would likely put you at a big disadvantage if you come across the wrong ship the value of this part is fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty credits over double the total value of the frontier ship itself talk about value depreciation a menu opens up on the right that gives you all the available options to replace it with which includes a picture of the item the name and the cost back on the left hand side of the screen we can see the values compared to what we currently have equipped so we know if it's a worthwhile change or not when we get down to the flare 15 mwir laser we see the manufacturer change from Horizon defense to light skythe which I assume is a company dedicated solely to energy weapons we also see that the the part on our ship changes in real time as we cycle through the options we have the option to go deeper with the shipbuilder mode which allows us to rearrange parts and build the ship of our dreams here we see a Nova Galactic all-in-one berth two by one B that costs 1600 credits adds five to our whole and adds two passenger slots the description tells us that the Nova Galactic habitat modules come in several different interior configurations for a variety of personalization options back on the menu to the right not only do we see what we saw when we were upgrading Parts but we now see that nearly every part has a group of tabs that we can cycle through to change the interior design of the part it doesn't look like we get to see what the interior looks like while we're cycling through but I assume we get to check out the interior of the ship before finalizing everything Nova Galactic isn't the only manufacturer for Habs as we see some options for Deimos as well we see everything from companion ways births stored rooms armories Captains Quarters computer cores control stations and Engineering Bays all costing around 1500 credits each we can see that some add passenger slots and some don't the Nova Galactic control station two by one adds a total of four crew stations so there's a lot to consider other than style here when choosing a part there seems to be 28 options for halves alone and possibly more when we venture out into other systems here the player adds Nova cowling to LTM from Nova Galactic to make the ship look sleeker the description reads structural components are largely cosmetic and allow you to modify your ship's shape size personality and silhouette so the opposite here of what I just said about style cowling is all about style here they add cowling to the sides to give the ship a sleeker look here the player is adding a new grav Drive the SGD 1300 from Slayton Aerospace the menu on the left shows us the drive's class s grab Drive value jump thrust health and whole and the description reads A gravitation Loop array or grab Drive allows your ship to jump to other star systems upgrade to increase your jump range the cost on the drive is 6600 credits with a mass of 32. we see how easily the parts snap onto the back and when the part is accepted the error in the bottom right turns to a nominal message with a check mark not sure what that means exactly but we can also see the mass below it is in red now now we get a look at my favorite part of the shipbuilder color changing we see in the top right corner that we get three tabs of areas to change the color of and we can make virtually any color with the option to change Hue saturation and brightness and we can see that it saves our most recent colors so we don't have to worry about trying to replicate the same color ourselves there's also an option in the bottom right hand corner to set the ship to the default color inside these ship parts we can have craft modules or weapon storage slash displays in this shot we can see a few identifiable weapons the bottom most racked weapon is the mag Shear which is a super powerful mag weapon that we see in action at the 40-07 Mark above that is the pkst sniper rifle from earlier in the vid this here's another mag Shear that seems to be modified in a different way and has a crimson Fleet paint job above that is the heavily modded Laredo Tombstone that's looking downright deadly moving over to the cart we see a weapon I can't quite identify on top with a solstice energy pistol down below we can also see that this Armory is a Nova Galactic one next we get a few looks at the different Interiors you could possibly put in your ship as well as a look at all the different shapes and colors your ship can take on then we get to see what some of the developers have been up to with the shipbuilder including making them look like animals and even mechs we get a look at the HMS platypus the dumpster fire would agree and this Mech which is either Optimus Prime from Transformers or a nod to Gundam or both whatever the inspiration is I can say that this is absolutely mind-boggling that you can get this creative put this much detail in and still have a ship that functions I really wish we got a shot of this Mech flying around in space that design had to cost an absolute Fortune though managing your ship's crew can be a big part of Starfield I say can because it doesn't seem like it's forced upon you if you want to fly solo except for vosco maybe as Bethesda begins their crew section we see Samco over to the left Sarah Morgan to the right and bear it down in the bottom right corner as the player character walks through their ship Sarah says ready to lift off when you are captain and then looks longingly at the player character Barrett chimes in with engines ready and Vasco lets us know the frontier is fueled and ready Captain we get another shot of all three human crew members huddled around the navigation station then we cut to Sarah Morgan telling us we'll be traveling together until we either find an artifact or this lead runs dry now we get a look at Sarah Morgan's skills or at least a few of them Sarah's strong suit here is astrodynamics as it's a Rank 4 skill this is all about the motion of things in space so what that helps us with I'm not certain but I would assume bgs would give the second most important character besides the player a pretty important rank for skill next we see lasers Rank 3 so it'll probably be best for Sarah to wield some energy weapons like the Equinox or the solstice or perhaps the Big Bang Sarah's also got leadership Rank 2 for faster Affinity gains with the player and botany rank 1 likely in case someone wants to put her on an outpost after the main story has concluded next on to Sam Coe Sam's Rank 4 skill is piloting so you can make him the Joker of your crew he's got rifle certification rank 3 which makes him pretty handy with that Tombstone rifle he's got gotten his hands here payload's Rank 2 means he's probably an excellent space truck and partner and geology rank 1 like Sarah's botany rank 1 will make him somewhat useful at an outpost and here we have Barrett his shown skills are Starship engineering Rank 4 particle beam weapon system rank 3 robotics Rank 2 and Gastronomy rank 1. Barrett looks to be a solid overall player and the man can cook we've already talked at length about this shot here but a quick recap this is a statue of Aquila City founder Solomon Co and standing close by is his descendant Samco no doubt there will be some questing surrounding this lineage here we get our first Look At Romance as we see Sarah looking longingly again at the player character but she also seems to have a laser pistol in her hands so that's pretty creepy at least the player is holding an equinox laser rifle in case things get dark next we see Sam Coe standing on a balcony with the player character overlooking Aquila we can see some sort of structure in the distance although that could just be rocks Sam says I don't know that I've ever really loved anyone sub you didn't know they still had CW historical documents in the 2300s that's a Galaxy Quest reference by the way we get a chance to see Aquila city at night here and it looks pretty great we also get a bit of a closer look at the shops here on the left side but still can't see much though this next shot shows a Stern looking woman leaning on a bar in a joint called Madame Savage's place this looks like a potential crew member since the developer is talking about finding new recruits when this shot is seen we can see an NPC in a Striker's jacket off to the right so we can assume that this is a neon there's also some erda brow lager on tap to the left next the player character heads to new Atlantis to find some new crew members but there's only one person in View and we soon find out that it's Marika boros clad in our favorite red puffer jacket Marika is enjoying a cold one but seems eager to join the player's crew her skills are marginal however with rank 1 shotgun certification Rank 2 ballistics and a rank 1 particle beam weapon system she might be solid to bring with us out into the field however and the direct shows us that she's ready to roll with her breed shotgun next is where we see Heller who looks like his ship was shot down on this Barren Planet interestingly enough there is another ship in the distance and some sort of structure nearby we cut to Heller who is clearly injured Heller pleads with the player to bring him along and we get a look at Heller's skills he's got geology rank 1 and outpost engineering rank 3. so it's clear Heller was destined to be assigned to an outpost we can also see that Heller still has his Argos extractor suit and cutter equipped here we get a look at the crew roster menu where we can assign our Companions and crew to ships or outposts here we get some verification that Heller and Marika boros have no other skills than what was shown in their introductions we can also see that only the skills we saw in the constellation character skill introductions are visible we're currently under the all tab where we see Barrett is currently unassigned point and is located at a crimson Fleet Outpost not sure why maybe that means he's out with the player Heller is unassigned Marika is assigned to the frontier which is currently in jemisin Samco is also assigned to the frontier Sarah is currently unassigned and hanging out at the lodge which I assume is the official name for the constellation HQ and the player has a security minibot assigned to an outpost on jemisin there seems to be no scroll bar on the side of the page indicating that this is currently the player's full roster and probably a good look of who will be meeting early on the player then moves down to Heller and clicks on the assign button this menu pops up and the only option is to assign him to The jemisin Outpost which currently has zero of one capacity that would seem to indicate that the security minibot does not count towards the Outpost crew capacity one puzzling thing we see on the screen are these exclamation points by some of the characters names does this mean they have a need of some sort we then get shots of Heller working in the output post as the ship can be seen landing outside to have Windows next we get a shot at Vasco frolicking through the grass as our attention turns solely towards our robot pal we finally get some footage of Vasco in combat and we see him shoot lasers from his chest as he makes a humorous remark behind vosco we can see another poster for chunks the logo reminds me of a cross between Jack In The Box and Circuit City the designer's goal was to give Vasco a humanoid personality so they made his limbs longer so he can punch enemies in their stupid faces after a few more shots of Osco and the frontier we get another look at Heller hanging out in the ship probably thinking what am I doing on this ship with no ship skills then we see Marika doing a philosopher's pose while looking at a monitor I'll point out here that the smoke effects look way better than they did in the 2022 gameplay reveal even with the video slowed down as we fly through space we get a look at this interesting space station in the background as we fly away from what looks like a very habitable planet which is likely jemisin the ship on display here has a very rounded profile and we can see clearly into the cockpit then we get a look at the dashboard that looks very similar to Fallout 4 power armor we can see on the right that the screen says hole critical but we can't see the actual whole Integrity to see if that matches up with the reality of the player's situation we then see the player do a grab jump now next we see the player engaging in combat with a level 12 spacer raccoon we can see both the ballistic and Laser numbers going down as the player shoots up the spacer until they reach zero at which point the shooting stops we see the blue health bar deplete first which likely indicates the enemy Shields and once that's depleted the white bar begins to drain they then go over the power allocation system showing that when they put more power into the engines category their ship can go faster they then show how allocating more power to your grab Drive will shorten the time it takes to make the jump as we can see the player's Shields are taking a lot of damage even with their Shields fully powered so tuck and tail seems to be the best option here the grab jump countdown starts at 8 seconds and as power is allocated to the grab drive that 8 seconds shrinks down to a second or two it seems like all the things like spooling that might have to be manually done in some other space games are done automatically as a part of the grab jump system which I'm more than okay with next the player shifts power to their weapon system to show off more ship combat we see a level 6 Crimson Fleet haunt warp into view and their Shield Powers up once they fully warped in we see the Crimson Fleet skull underneath their level which helps us identify distant shifts more quickly this also helps because as we see later factions can get a hold of other faction ships this will be really useful especially when battles get out of hand and there are multiple factions in The Fray we can see the player locking onto the target which is not an instant thing and takes time to get to 100 percent and the target has to be in view until the target is 100 Locked we can also see the weapons filling back up to 100 here so there will be cooldown periods to using your weapons unlocking the targeting control system skill allows the player to zoom in to a ship's different systems and Target those directly disabling them from using it so if your ship is particularly weak to missiles you can Target the enemy's missile system and take them completely out of battle this diversity really gets me excited once you have the desired system disabled you can go back to attacking their hole here the player destroys the enemy ship and obso loot The Remains from their cockpit the loot on hand is four count of cobalt three count of semi-metal Wafers and a paramagnon conductor the player also receives 30 XP for the win our next enemy ship is a level 14 Crimson Fleet Specter quickly to the left we can see Ballistic weapon system skill challenge being updated which reads deal 1000 damage to enemy ships with Ballistic weapons the player quickly disposes of the Specter and gains a nice 80 XP which isn't the highest XP gain we see during this direct and no I'm not counting the 4000 XP from the console command earlier but it's still pretty high the next enemy ship is the ecliptic stiletto level 12. ecliptic being a gang like the spacers we see a symbol here that says Eng which implies that we are locked on to the enemy's engines we can can see that the engines aren't completely destroyed yet the docking option does appear to which the player holds down the x button to initiate as just pressing X is reserved for the Target lock function we see a docking animation and cut to the interior of the enemy vessel it seems like the gravity is turned off as things float precariously around the ship and the player pulls out their big bang energy weapon no matter how many times I see it I can't get over how cool this gun looks it's like a 1980s cell phone or a Gundam headpiece or something our Compass lets us know that we're on the ecliptic stiletto as the player reloads the big bang and makes their way to the cockpit when the door opens we see some level 50 ecliptics floating around before the player gives them a blast of energy taking down one ecliptic for 11 XP which seems to be pretty low for a level 50 enemy we get a nice exterior shot of the player's ship docked with the ecliptic stiletto with the player ship being on top the player then plops right down into the Pilot's chair and slides right up to the control panel manufacture by Tayo astroneering we see a drum beat weapon floating inside the ship an eerie image of a weapon separated from its now deceased Handler the player speeds away with the Stiletto and is now Theirs to keep although we've heard from Todd Howard's interview with the kind of funny x-cast that you'll need to register a stolen ship in order to make adjustments to it and registering costs money time to get a look at some more ships here we have the spacer coyote 3 a more rigid militaristic looking design with a cool green and yellow color scheme looking at the stats this is a pretty incredible ship nice fuel capacity large cargo capacity big missile damage this is definitely a ship I'd want in my fleet despite the great qualities of this ship we can see that the value is quite low at 47 806 credits this is a way to tell that this is our ship because this surely wouldn't be up for sale at this price seems like ship dealers drive a hard bargain in Starfield next we see the Freestar narcissus which looks like a very modest ship and definitely something that would fit right in parked on the paths of Aquila City while this ship isn't remarkable what makes me excited about seeing something like this is having a whole playthrough of just finding poor ships and pimping them out like a space-faring exhibit we get a bit dark now with the ecliptic Claymore the ship is quite dirty so I wonder if there's an option to get your ship cleaned up the thing that sticks out to me about this ship is the high missile damage in the bottom right hand corner we can see an option to make home ship in case you were curious as to how we can have multiple ships and Main just one the ecliptic stiletto 2 has a an interesting form uh moving on we now direct our Focus to Star yards and some of the other locations in space that we'll be able to discover and explore it's time once again to play I Spy as we get an interior shot of the demo star yard with plenty of things to look at starting from the left we can see a large model ship displayed and we could see another one hanging up on the right side they look like slightly different ships to the left of that above the player character's head we can see a security camera here it doesn't look like it's got any turrets or anything but I wouldn't be surprised if it shot lasers when triggered to the right of that we see a United Colonies poster we've seen before and in front of that is a UC security officer armed and ready to put an end to any tomfoolery behind him is a terrible coffee cup that someone left on this little side table here leaning up against the guard rail in the middle of the frame is an NPC wearing the same jumpsuit we see the player character wearing during the speech check at 1756 which we could only see from the back so this gives us a look at the side and some of the front of the suit back in this area here we can see a poster depicting a headshot of someone it looks like a movie poster but it's too far back to really make out what's on it coming back out of that area now we see this guy walking into that area and we see these pan chance quite a few times throughout this direct the remind me of wrestling tights especially with these boots to the right of him is a poster that shows a man reaching for a planet that says nothing is beyond our reach when we work together this poses very similar to the one we see the player character doing when they interact with one of the artifacts and finally on the very right behind the model ship we can see a sign for the United Colonies letting us know who this star yard belongs to in this shot of the player character walking down the hall we can see a demo sign off in the distance as well as a really cool shot of a planet outside the hall window we then see the player talking to this gentleman with the Kraken face tattoo who seems eager to sell the player a ship there's a huge ship model in the background and an NPC to the left checking things out with a tablet we see those same wrestling tights we were just talking about a moment ago on them too stepping away from the demo star yard now we get a look at a fleet of ships all surrounding the UC vigilance a level 1 100 United Colonies Battleship hard to imagine anything given this Beast much of a challenge space Gods help you if you try to take this on by yourself our first Peak inside the UC vigilance is this hallway shot where we see what looks like a pilot leaning against a wall eyeing this crew member clad in the gray and blue of the UC vigilance next we see a large Bridge with a bunch of beret-clad crew members going about their business here we see a command center with more crew members and two more important looking NPCs at the nav station while I'm unsure of who this woman is here the main character here is kiwe ikande we've seen commander ikande in the 2022 gameplay reveal asking the player about their Diplomat background as you would assume a person commanding a level 100 Battleship must be pretty important to the world of Starfield we actually get a closer view of this area in the 2023 Gameplay trailer ikande runs UC sisdef a group that likely patrols space making sure this systems as a whole are safe earlier while we were examining the advertisements in new Atlantis we saw a few for something called Trident that seemed to be selling some sort of leisure activity if we look at this shot here before we get inside the wealthy Elite cruise ship we can see this T logo on the side which I believe stands for Trident inside this cruise ship we see a scene that reminds me a lot of the Fallout 76 Reclamation day design we see balloons at each table and well-dressed NPCs having some casual drinks we can see these banners hanging from the roof promoting the Terran preservation Society Terra is what people in Starfield call Earth so Terrence would be people of Earth and the banner depicts planet Earth as well we then get a shot of the same area from up above as the camera is positioned behind a bronze statue of some kind some cherry blossom trees are blurred in the foreground and we can see a few guards making sure everything stays civilized there's another balcony up here with a patron sitting down and an armed guard looking over the party from above we're back in space now and we see a level 10 UC narcissist which is the same ship name we saw with the Freestar Narcissus the player locks onto the ship and hails it and we can see that it has the same design as that Freestar ship but the colors are far different after the player hails the ship some dialogue options open up including let's trade piracy I want everything in your cargo hold right now anything you can tell me about the United Colonies and heard anything interesting we cut to a communication between the player and a level 34 UC Trader Highlander now and we see that the top two options and the bottom option are the same as the communication with the UC narcissus but we see a third option saying what's the trade Authority when the player picks the piracy option the dialog box closes and the trader responds with let's do this speaking on piracy we cut to the player on an ecliptic stiletto ship shooting a level 5 ecliptic with an eon pistol for which they receive 11 XP we see more ecliptic bodies on the floor as the player moves over to a sandwich sitting next to a container of some sort we see that the sandwiches were 75 credits and has a mass of 0.30 next to the container we see a notepad and some measuring tape we then fade to the player's cargo hold on their own ship where we can see a stack of sandwiches piled on a table looking at the player character real quick we actually see this attire later in the video at 4307 but we can see that the player character here at 2841 has this extra bit of a tire on it seems to be some sort of sleeve collar combo and says ft armor No7 protection on the elbow with a barcode is this a separate clothing item or can our apparel have multiple Styles gazing at this pile of sandwiches I estimate there to be over 50 sandwiches on this table but it doesn't mean a whole lot other than this being part of the charm of a bgs game I know it sounds odd but if this weren't a thing that you could do in Starfield there would be a lot of upset folks we transitioned from a floating sandwich to outer space as we see a large space station in view of the player the devs talk about making connections in the darkness of space and we cut to Grandma grandma is level 10 and she invites you over for a meal and you have the option to dock with her ship or hailer and talk I wonder if this is only available with the kids stuff background or if she's available to all backgrounds next we see the player character in a Robocop looking suit walking a hallway surrounded by glass and we can see a spaceship coasting on the outside we cut to inside ademos armored transporter as the lights flicker and the structure shakes we see a deceased Crimson Fleet pirate on the ground in the bottom right corner and the player has an eon pistol equipped we cut to a giant wheel spinning before cutting back to the player character floating along with all the objects on the transporter I will say that if bgs didn't have all these I items as their own separate entity the gravity effects in Starfield wouldn't be nearly as cool next we get a look at a structure that has been overrun with nasty alien goop we can see a spider monster Scurry along in the background and we can also see this odd spike thing over here on the right that moves ever so slightly this place definitely creeps me out and I'm not looking forward to stumbling upon it here we see a bronze statue of an ancient warrior surrounded by cherry blossoms and security turrets we then get a look at the same statue from the opposite direction our view is behind this person who seems to be very important this seems to be the same statue we see in the 2022 gameplay reveal at the 722 Mark when the player goes to talk to The Collector could this be the Terran preservation Society headquarters here we get an interesting look at a woman clad in Egyptian attire she has two cobras on her headdress which leads me to believe that she's the queen or some high-ranking official of the house Varun next to her is a businessman and this actually gets me pretty happy because this is our first look at more traditional clothing in Starfield which gives me hope that the clothing selection is vast we can see some other items on the table but I can't figure out what they are exactly we're back in space as the player comes across at level 30 ship named the ECS constant we cut to the player opening a door on an unidentified ship we can see a marker with a rocket in white on the outside of our Compass as the doors open we see four NPCs standing in front of the player and these two on the right and yellow jumpsuits have pistols equipped I can't be certain but these pistols look more like pistols you'd see in our time which would make sense as the leader of this group says you're human we thought we were the only ones to leave Earth I think this woman is the best character model we've seen so far in the 2023 video and the different colors of the same uniform give off heavy Star Trek Vibes we can see see that this ship was built to be self-sustaining for a long period of time as there are mature trees growing out of small plots of dirt and hydroponic areas that seem to be growing a plant that resembles nurn root the infamous plant from the Elder Scrolls games no idea if that's what these are or if it's just a nod but I'd imagine the sound of growing that many nurn root plants that close together would get slightly annoying we now see a level 23 party cruise ship which brings up dialogue options I'll join the party no thanks and what's the occasion I know that some of you can't wait to crash this party here we see some orb connected to several tubes it's lit red with these lights here and it looks ominous but I have no idea what it does now we see the player trying to jump to the RNA system which is level 15. we can see a bit of how the star map handles 3D as when hovering over Erin a we can also see an option for Olympus as the two overlap from this angle we can can also see that stars here not only have different luminosities but we can also see that they have different coloring as well referring back to the spectral class system that we talked about earlier as the player selects rnae as their destination we can see that there will be one stop along the way that being the Alpha Centauri system the player has plenty of fuel to make the jump next we get a look at the RNA system it has five planets and six moons and we can see another one of those rocket markers on the third ring here we now get a bunch of Quick Cuts showing off different planets like the ships I'll point out what I find unique about them and show off any correlating footage I can find kazal is a moon of the planet kazara in the Nera system it is a heavy gravity planet and we see that the magnetosphere is powerful and there's a moderate amount of both flora and fauna the water is marked as biological so that would seem to indicate that the waters are brimming with life we see markers for a sulfur mine and a deserted relay station Arcturus 3 is a planet in the Arcturus system it's an ice Giant and even though the planet is marked as surveyed with a cool constellation color scheme the resources on the planet are still listed as unknown it doesn't look like this planet is worth visiting but then again you never know what you might find on your travels Nera is a planet in the nerion system we can see markers for an abandoned mui Bridge Pharmaceuticals lab and an abandoned gravity Farm both seem like very interesting locations speaking of gravity we can see that the gravity here is light and there isn't much in the way of life here the water is not only metal but it's heavy metal and this planet is Rich with resources we actually do see some footage of Nera later on in the direct at the 3933 Mark but it's inside a cave of some sort so we don't actually see the planet's surface at the 2952 Mark we see the player back on purima 4C on the compass we see some sort of tree marker that looks like it's fairly close to the player due to how large it is we can also see the player's health bar is filled nearly halfway with orange meaning they're having a bit of a rough time with the elements here the player looks off to the right and sees something highlighted in blue like what we see when we have the scanner up the player brings up the scanner and we get a chance to see how it looks with the third person view at the top we get a message that says unexplored biological feature and on the right we can see unknown feature 0 out of two scanned I believe this has to do with the planet's traits that we can see on the planet map now this is an interesting picture here we see the player engaged in a space battle with two ships one is a level 4 UC dagger and the other is a level 60 Freestar Caravan 3. both ships are being controlled by the Freestar Collective as we can see their little icons below their level numbers they're in red which means they're currently enemies to the player we can also see a level 4 UC Discovery ship off to the far right that seems to be controlled by the United Colonies and we see a marker for new Atlantis pointing to this planet here making this planet jemisin what is the Freestar Collective doing with hostile ships in Alpha Centauri a United Colony system perhaps not all stays peaceful between the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective throughout starfield's main quest speaking of quest we can also see a quest update here in the top left corner the quest is called failure to communicate with the objective being to talk to Alvin Lopez on Tau seti 2A in the top right we can see a DOT with taucetti and 854 386.52 astronomical units away and an option to hold down the x button underneath it next we cut to a battle with a level 58 Crimson Fleet ghost 4. we can see a message at the top in red that reads enemy missiles locked on and a ton of red enemy markers to the left despite the intense amount of fire at the player their Shields seem to take no damage at 3013 we see the player going after a level 20 Crimson Fleet White 8 and the player's Shields are currently offline even though they do have some power allocated to their Shields after a short shot of the player working their joystick we see that the shields are back up and the player finishes off the Crimson Fleet vessel earning themselves 165 XP which is the most XP given by one entity that I could identify in this direct again not counting the obvious console command for 4000 XP earlier on the fact that it comes from a level 20 ship is interesting we now break to check out the constellation Edition the Collector's Edition for Starfield it comes with a replica of the chronomark watch that the player uses in the game The Watch can link to your phone and give you notifications and this was leaked what seemed like an eternity ago Todd in eastvon also show off a special edition Starfield controller and headset which I have been able to get my hands on and both are fantastic here we get a look at the lighting in what looks like sunrise on this planet the player your character is in a suit made of mostly leather probably good protection against sandstorms here are some spiky back creatures with long snouts we see them again at the 3542 mark from the front and it looks like that spiked back is actually a shell that wraps around the creature's body there's also something here in the sky that doesn't really move skipping forward to 3314 now we see the player on Alpha undrossed A3 watching a ship take off with several red markers on the compass indicating that these were hostiles who are now tucking tail and running the player is holding a Coachman shotgun modified with a scope here we get a quick shot of Luna which is quiet and Barren but we do see a civilian Outpost marker on the compass so it seems that even on these types of planets there will always be something to find now we get a look at the nerion system it's a level 1 system with seven planets and eight moons it's controlled by the Freestar Collective and the player has a 12 000 credit bounty on their head we see several markers in this system and including these satellite markers this meteor marker and this marker here which looks like a tombstone or a snow globe with stars around it the player hovers the cursor over a Magrath which has a gravity very close to one unless you're looking for helium lead or aluminum lead in aluminum being vital to Outpost building then you're probably going to want to steer clear of this one as the temperature is labeled as deep freeze and we can see there's no life here here we get a good look at the player scanning a planet this is Tau seti 8B a moon of Tau City 8 in the Tau seti system we see the resources are largely in concentrated areas and the scan tells us exactly where we need to land to go after these resources we also see a structure marker a mystery marker behind that and a relay station marker down at the bottom of the planet the planet is Rich with resources and has a moderate amount of life we can see that hovering the cursor over one of the colored areas brings up a sign saying what resource is there we can also see that resources shaped to the land masses meaning the system won't waste your time by showing you resources in areas you can't go to with your ship this is a shot of numeria 4A we can see some tropical trees and the player holding a Laredo lawgiver rifle with the sun being blindingly bright the player then brings up their scanner and identifies a relay structure off in the distance the player goes too quickly over the ship marker to give us a name for it and instead opts to settle on the cave marker a bit further back while the scan range is only 10 meters it looks like our range to identify points of interest will be much farther if we look at the compass area we can see another cave marker on the bottom right meaning in this one area there are at least four things to explore and loot inside the compass we can see that the current temp is zero degrees with an oxygen level of 18 percent and a gravity of 0.4 next we skip forward to see the player at the cave they identified with the scanner the Lush grass here and the lighting creating Dynamic Shadows just looks amazing here we're back on jemisin as the devs talk about how the planets are procedurally generated as the player approaches it and I have to say I know not everyone's a fan of procedural generation but this is some gorgeous procedural generation look at the Variety in tree sizes mountain ranges flower and rock size and placement seriously this impresses me a lot and kudos to the team that worked on this they should definitely be proud now we cut to tydaka one where we see this gravitational anomaly floating in front of the player we see a marker for this at the top of the compass and we also see two others that have already been visited by the player at the bottom along with an Undiscovered cave these must be related to the main quest somehow but if there are multiple on one planet what does that mean are we collecting fragments in order to locate bigger pieces like the one we bring into constellation here we get a look at an abandoned robotics facility on Alpha and Josh stay 3 and we can see that its marker symbol is a structure we see an Undiscovered structure on the right edge of the compass as well the player has their Grendel equipped and is ready to loot some Robo parts here's another shot of alpha androst A3 as a level 35 twin tail herbivore charges at the player who already has half of their health bar missing player has a Coachman shotgun equipped but opts to jump and boost themselves backwards out of the way of the twintel's charge attack the player gained some progress for their boost pack training skill challenge in the process the horns on this twin tale are pretty Majestic but the spider eyes make it instantly creepy for me we now go to Beta attorney on 3 where the player is picking some Forest wisps with their Eon pistol equipped we can see some horned spider creatures scurrying along as the player moves towards another plant area next we see the image of a skeleton posed up against something as a robot Model A Patrols in the background how is this skeleton staying together is gravity help helping keep it in place cool visual but this doesn't make much sense we're back at Alpha Andross day 3 now where the player has discovered a science Outpost which shows up as a structure marker we can see some equipment here on the left and a person is standing guard at the base of the tower we cut to inside The Outpost where the player is talking to a scientist who is asking the player to help eliminate some creatures that have been disrupting their experiments we can see that the scientist is wearing our favorite puffer jacket only this time it's a neon yellow which I approve of and the vest portion is gray after that we get some walking rock monsters taking their morning stroll next to the frontier here we are on washiki again as the player stumbles upon a deserted robotics lab the planet itself is looking pretty rough as we see a sandstorm raging and several hazardous elements on the compass the facility looks like a pretty impressive size too the player reloads an unidentified weapon and heads into the facility ready to fight we can see a sign above the entrance warning that there is no admittance without security he pass the player ignores the warning and walks right in we see a loading screen and if this is how long the loading screen really is I don't think these screens will be much of an issue as the player walks into the facility we see a suit and a glass case here I wonder if that was planted to help with the corrosive damage in this facility as we can see a corrosive marker in the compass the player enters the main lobby of the structure and we can see two signs here one is for the lab straight ahead and we see a blue sign on the left that says WC which stands for water closet meaning bathroom to the right we can see a couple of people by this weight bench they are pirates and they don't take too kindly to the player being around a fight breaks out instantly but before we get to that we see this poster on the wall over here that says blade gliding be all that you can be in zero g and it shows two suspended people about to stab each other back to the fight the level 10 pirate free Booter catches the first shots with the automatic and tries to hide behind the stairs but it's no use 20 XP for that enemy then the player turns their focus to this level 2 Pirate and quickly disposes of them hitting their boost pack as well even though their health is drained the animation from the Boost pack still plays out and the pirate launches into this air fan ragdolling to the floor and giving the player 5xp we skip to further in the facility now where the player is dispatching a level 10 pirate freebooter on the left we can see some chemistry on the Whiteboard way above my head and a container with a hazard symbol on it gee I wonder what happens if we shoot that the free Booter goes down pretty easily and the player earns 20 XP now that the pirate is down we get a better view of the facility and it looks intricate to say the least the player spots another pirate this time level 2 but this pirate has some armor and a special icon the player has to deplete three of their health bars to eliminate them and uses their Hotbar to switch to The Coachman shotgun to get the job done the player then boosts over to find the next pirate also level 2 and catches them with The Coachman for another 5xp now we're in a different part of the facility and we can see that this mod monitor here has some bullet holes in it judging by the shape of all the other monitors and the facility in general this looks like it was done in this battle I wonder how much of this facility you can actually destroy anyway back to the action we see a level 6 pirate brigging with some armor the player now has a pistol equipped and it looks like a more traditional pistol like the ones these two were holding back at 29.22 we know for sure this is not the urban Eagle we see 5xp pop up before the brigand is put down meaning the player had just taken down an enemy before we saw this the brigand goes down to the pistol and the player gains 10 XP as well as some progress for their pistol certification we see some more smart folks gibberish on the Whiteboard as a level 10 pirate freebooter appears to avenge their buddies but the player pops some shots at them before we cut to a pirate trying to run away the player catches up to him and whaps him on the head with their Solstice energy pistol putting the free booters lights out for good the loot we see on the free Booter is a 36 count a 6.5 millimeter CT a pirate rating balance pack and a calibrated Maelstrom the player gains 20 XP and we're off to loot an important looking science crate next to the crate we can see that a scientist has fallen to the Pirates in front of their desk inside the crate is some good loot including 10 count nutrients three count Vanadium isotopic coolant heel paste and a legendary item an incendiary calibrated deep mining space helmet with three stars this helmet has 42 physical damage resistance 26 energy damage resistance 34 electromagnetic damage resistance no thermal protection 20 Airborne resistance 10 corrosive resistance and zero radiation protection it has a value of 1057 credits and a mass of 1.90 we also get to see the added benefits from this item technician minus 15 damage from robot enemies hacker plus two Max Auto attempts that can be banked while hacking incendiary 10 chance to ignite nearby attackers so it looks like legendary items have multiple of effects and not just one like the Fallout 4 legendary items do we see here the player in some Crimson Fleet attire roaming the planet of sumati which we can see again here at the 3622 Mark looking a little more yellow tsumari is derived from ancient Sanskrit language and means good or Beautiful Mind slash memory we do see a creature here behind the brush but we can't really see what kind of creature it is we're back on jemisin now and we see these flat mouths biped creatures with these columns sticking up out of their heads we saw them early in the video at the two minute 15 second Mark and we see them later at the 3554 Mark both at this point and the 3554 point we see them do this Roar which probably means they don't like anyone getting close to them but they also don't look like really big threats either although in packs like we see here they may just be tough to deal with we can see one of them lifeless on the ground so perhaps the player just provoked them by taking one out the player does have a MAG Shear strap to their back which we'll see in a bit how powerful that thing can be e there seemed to be industrial structure and relay structure markers on the compass also I can't get over how beautiful a planet jemisin seems to be next we see the player on EO mining some iron with their cutter with an outstanding looking ring planet in the background once the iron breaks we see a message pop up on the top right that says iron added the planet here looks empty but we can see on the compass that there are actually three structures in the vicinity an industrial structure a mine and a civilian Outpost again I point these out to show that even on seemingly Barren planets the player should have stuff to do and this is of course all outside the main quest now we get a look at perima 4D and it looks quite different from purima 4C we see that epic volumetric lighting creating fog over the mountains and there's some sort of structure down here in the valley we don't know which kind unfortunately as the marker on the compass just indicates that it's a structure beyond that on the right we can see something else but what we can't be sure it's definitely tall and seems to be made of some sort of metal the player seems to have put a waypoint over in that area but we have no other indication of what it is back on tydaka 1 the player scans this sporious route which changes the percentage scan to 13 next they scan this crab creature here called a herding crab herbivore the scanning percentage goes from 13 to 25 percent and we get info on the creature's temperament which is wary so probably best to keep our distance still on tydaka 1 the player shoots their scanner up to the sky to complete their scanning of the mothwing Grazer which adds their health info to our list the list also shows us temperament which is peaceful the resource they produce fiber and the biomes they can be found in which include mountains swamps Frozen Plains coniferous forests and savannas the player also gets 20 XP for completing the scan we're then told while scanning this hunting sailgater that we can build an outpost and collect resources from nearby plants and animals this sailgater here is wary produces pigment which makes me believe we'll be able to change the color of our apparel and use this source for paint jobs on our weapons but probably not our suits also this Tailgater can be found in the mountains and coniferous forests has a health of 170 and can attack you from afar as it has a ranged mouth attack not sure if that means it spits something at you or what but that sounds pretty dangerous the player gains another 20 XP and we move on to the next creature the swarming dragon has 345 Health can inflict burning damage and produces sealant as a resource imagine running into a pack of these guys with only your cutter equipped if we look down at the compass we can see that several of these markers here look like space shuttles although they could be shrines of some sort we also see two cave markers lots to do in this area it seems we can also see that it's raining now but the temperature doesn't seem to change from the minus 18 degrees that we see in all these tidaka one shots and obviously the low attempt doesn't make it snow which is a bummer another thing I'd like to point out about these scans is that some have this virus looking symbol near their name While others don't and have this pulse line by their name we know that there are infections in Starfield so this likely shows that if you get bit by this creature you'll have to deal with treating an infection so having meds on hand for explorers looks like it's a must we can also see a marker on our scanner off in the distance but I cannot identify what it is the player now moves on to scanning some Flora this ice creeper reaches 100 scanned and we see its resource toxin biomes mountains Frozen Plains coniferous forest genetics standard Helix carbon based and it reproduces by self-cloning which could be just a fancy way of saying that it responds we see two markers outside of the circle that correlate to the gray diamonds on top of the compass but we can't see what they are until we scan them also in the compass we can see the word cough prominently displayed as we we just discussed ailments are a thing of Starfield I assume this will affect stealth players much the same way watchdog's Legion has characters with traits such as hiccups and flatulence that give away their position as they try to sneak around enemy areas this is a really neat idea if that is indeed how this works that is pure speculation on my part within the scanning Circle above the ice creeper we can see a swath of land highlighted in blue which could be one of those unexplored biological features that we saw back at 2953 or perhaps it's a resource area of some kind the player once again receives 20 XP for fully scanning the ice creeper here we have an unexplored ecological feature if we pause right when the footage pops up we can see that the feature is currently labeled as unknown it says the player has scanned two out of three and it gives a description reading dense Roots fibers and other biotic structures merge into a nutrient-rich storage cluster that sits on channels extending off towards other clusters once the player scans this the scan progress turns to 100 percent and we now have a name for this feature Hive structures the description stays the same and an icon pops up of what looked like hives with the words ecological Consortium appearing below that this scan also completes the current biome progress to 100 percent as the player has scanned all eight resources all seven fauna and all five Flora we see a survey Banner appear with the constellation colors and the planet traits are now revealed listing both gravitational anomaly and ecological Consortium the player just discovered on the compass we can see four markers including one of those artifact markers off to the right which seems to go hand in hand with the gravitational anomaly Planet trait this planet here gives us a look at some of those oddly shaped rocks that can look humanoid in the distance in the right lighting we also see some gnarly spider creatures with horns and backs that look like brains as well as a creature flying off in the distance the next shot is a closer look at the the big-eyed creatures from Freya 9B we saw back at 2 minutes and one second they seem to be telling the player to step off as Lightning Crashes through the sky we can also see a little slug creature crawling around behind it we already looked at this shot earlier but I wanted to take a closer look at the head of this creature here as it has four eyes on the left side of its head we can assume that it has another four rise on the right side too what does it need so many eyes for this is one of the coolest creatures in the whole direct this bird is a great mix of eagle and dinosaur lots of detail of these claws or horns coming out of the Wings and the legs are tucked back as it soars through the air great detail in the beak also even the eyes have this Raptor feel to them fantastic design here and I really hope that we get a bestiary with a detailed explanation for all of these designs the developer says they didn't want alien monsters they wanted native Wildlife but it's hard not to look at these creatures and think of alien monsters although I suppose if someone from another planet came to our planet and saw What creatures we have here on Earth they might think of them as alien monsters as well so I get where they're coming from Mostly all the creatures we see in this direct we can compare to creatures here on Earth such as this thing being a crustacean also it's heavily blurred due to the depth of field effect on this shot but we also see this large bug creature moving in the background this blue scorpion creature definitely gives me bad vibes I hate scorpions and still groan anytime I have to deal with rad scorpions and Fallout this is another shot we've looked at before which is going to become more frequent as we get into the back half of analyzing this direct but we could take a closer look at the detail on this creature it has several pincers on its neck along with some sort of opening here we can even see the mesh-like texture on the eyes another fantastic design here here's another look at the flat build creatures from jemisin when the creature opens its mouth we see two rows of teeth on the bottom we have some Mashers on the outside here as well as some spiky teeth near the tongue here we get a wide look at the planet vectera as lead lighting artist Keith beltramini talks about how the lighting Works in Starfield he says all the light is calculated in real time through the atmosphere which means planets can look starkly different depending on the time of day the thickness of the atmosphere and the weather here the player takes a moment to take in the lighting at Casio po1 with their scoped Equinox laser rifle in hand I love how this rock branches out like this one of the biggest criticisms I have of procedural generation is the way it usually produces topography and I can see here that it handles topography really well now each tile is cleaned up by the dev team and these tiles are procedurally placed on the world so the biggest concern of the procedural generation of Starfield that I have is seeing familiar formations too close together this area looks great but imagine walking for another 30 seconds and seeing this again I don't believe it'll be like that but if it was that way that would definitely be immersion breaking this shot gives us a great look at the contrast with the lighting on the left we see volumetric lighting creating a hazy fog effect while these rocks here on the right aren't in that light's path the same way and we can see how clear this looks compared to the left side look at all these Shadows created from the detail in this rock I mean truly amazing stuff here we cut here to another shot on Cassiopeia one and on the Left Behind The Player's boost pack we can see some rocks with some blue hue to them which are likely resources that can be harvested with the cutter this is also another good comparison of how the lighting affects the environment here in the distance we see no detail because of the haze of the light but on the left we can see that the detail is definitely there in the right lighting this shot here looks like a shot out of Fallout 4 with the ruined facility and the green Haze that calls back to the glowing sea Keith talks about how they use color to make planets more cinematic and we get a few shots of some stunning topography but more importantly variety stopping here at 3618 we get our first look at the brain Sprout creature that gets shown near the end of the direct this fly Beast has these Sprouts growing out of its eyes which indicate that it's being controlled by a fungus what's not terrifying is the landscape that surrounds it as we have some colorful flowers and leaves mixed with Majestic trees this looks like another shot of Pluto here before we cut to another shot of tsumari here we get our only known shot of mercury in the soul system as the player is exploring a cave with some luminescent fungus on the cave walls the player also has their Grendel equipped complete with a targeting laser the following shots are just stunning I know I've said that a lot but really truly stunning and I can see many players spending most of their time in photo mode I can't wait to see all the pictures that everyone shares on social media of this game here at 3631 we see the player approaching what looks like a pipeline of some sort we can see a storage tank to the left of the player character's head and a small structure to the right this setting looks like it could be straight from Dune although we haven't seen any semblance of sand worms yet here's another shot of what the Elder Scrolls 6 could very well look like these rock formations may look odd but these are the types of things that are really going to bring variety to these planets we can also see a sliver of the surface on this planet in the distance which just looks beautiful I also want to point out this floating thing here in the background it could be a planet in the distance but it doesn't look perfectly round these rocks here jetting out of the ground at a slant are some of my favorite rock formations that we see again just the orientation of rocks can make planets feel unique this is a structure we've seen quite a bit in the accumulative footage that we've gotten from Bethesda about Starfield so far this seems to be directly connected to the artifacts that we're hunting for this here looks like the background of a Bob Ross painting unfortunately we won't be able to build any cabins from the looks of it we cap off the exploration section of the direct with this amazing shot of the player character standing under a rocky Archway taking in either the sunrise or Sunset the gradient of the sky mixed with a view of the Galaxy C is just breathtaking now we get a look at the planet El Chiba 4A which doesn't seem to be the most ideal place to place an outpost due to the very uneven terrain but that's exactly what we're about to see happen it's time to talk about outposts for some players for most it seems the settlement system in Fallout 4 was one of the low points of the game and I can understand why taking a game series that was focused constantly on being on the move and adding a feature that had you staying in one spot for longer periods of time while managing NPCs was not what they played Fallout 4. however for some the settlement building was a logical advancement for a game all about rebuilding after a nuclear apocalypse however even for those who really enjoyed settlement building the feature left a lot to be desired the building was finicky and the MPC management was irksum as it all had to be done from a first person point of view staff field is offering the next evolution of this system without Post building but will it have the quality of life upgrades to win more people over let's take a look first thing we need to do when building an outpost is to put down an outpost Beacon which is this circular thing here we can see that the beacon comes placed on a concrete block so that it can sit evenly even on terrain as Rocky as the one here on alchiba 4A in the top left corner we can see the available resources in this area which only seems to be led at this point in the bottom right we have options to confirm rotate with the trigger buttons or cancel once the beacon is placed an antenna will rise out of the beacon and we get some new HUD information in the top left we can see the name of the item that is currently being hovered over which is The Outpost beacon in this case in the bottom left we can see a picture of the object highlighted and The Outpost name which we assume you can change although there's no option here we see the planet name and system name below that to the right we see a a build limit meter much like there was in Fallout 4. on the bottom right we have options to move the object toggle The View and exit the build mode below that we get some statistics for The Outpost including cargo amount crew needed power total power being generated and the production yield of our Outpost per minute next we get an overhead view of the habitat modules or Habs for short we can see that they come in different shapes slightly different sizes and different coverings we can also see what looked to be a few satellite dishes as well how this particular Outpost is set up we see the stairs here leading up to the airlock there are no other airlocks visible so this is the only way in and out of this connection of halves after the airlock we move to this white square Hab which then branches off to other halves showing that each side is connectable there's a circular gold satellite dish on top down below we have this hexagonal Hab with a green roof and a very cool looking satellite dish on top moving back the the other way we have this rounded tab where much like the first Square Hab has all glass walls and a glass roof it also has this blooming onion device that looks to be catching the sun's Rays for solar use attached to that is a smaller Square Hab which is also completely visible due to the glass surroundings all three hap Toppers we see here are spinning this Hab interior is quite small but we see a nav station in the middle and some tasteful rugs that really tie the room together this interior is very classy this is our first tab here by the airlock we see a model sailboat on the coffee table next to what seems to be a lamp on the right side we have an art piece and a fancy globe on the left we have a chunk of rock on display along with a potted plant best of all we get an excellent view of the alchiba 4A landscape skipping ahead we get another look at this Hab at 3740 and we can see that it's quite sizable this is a little bigger than the other square glass Hab we see at the end of The Outpost we see a dartboard a a chest a white board a desk with Terminals and more odds and ends we even see a plant hanging above the nav station I can't wait to see just how much we can actually customize here as we hear about how we can assign crew to our outposts so they can work the Outpost while you're away we see the player character checking on the beacon whilst this robot walks nearby this is not Vasco or at least not the Vasco we know as his coloring and the front panel are different this either means you can have several Vasco style robots at your outposts or it means Vasco is customizable we also see a couple of extractors which are automated machines that Harvest resources we also see these wind turbines which are likely producing power for The Outpost while just looking generally cool next developer Dana Christo tells us all about the new flycam building view which essentially gives us a top-down camera angle for building our outposts that is greatly appreciated for sure now we'll be able to assemble our buildings in a way that more closely mimics Sim building games as the camera floats up we get a look at the part selection menu in the top left corner we see the name of the selected part and the build requirements which are the resources and amounts needed to build this part these are all resources that we've seen throughout the direct as aluminum and Lead were found on several planets and the sealant was found from certain creatures although I'm sure that's not the only way to get it over to the right we see the structures menu which has a total of 12 tabs we can see the following parts Outpost airlock four wall Hab hydroponic cab a science Habs small military Hab Hab round hydroponic cab round small hex Hab hallway industrial and Watchtower all the parts that we can see that get highlighted have the same building materials aluminum sealant and Lead down in the bottom right our controls menu has a few new things on it firstly there's now an option to track by pressing X I'm guessing this is a way to quickly identify if you have built any of that part in your Outpost so far and where they're located if you did which would be extremely handy next we see an option to modify mode which is different from toggle view I'm assuming this option allows you to move an object on a vertical axis in order to raise it up and down as we see here as the part is moved around the landscape we can see an error message pop up several times indicating that the part cannot be placed because it intersects with an existing object this will be important to keep in mind when planning out your outposts as you'll want to make sure you have ground clearance to allow Outpost parts to connect here we see the players struggle with that ground clearance issue as they try to connect several parts to the all-white Hab but they get an error message saying that the foundation is Too Tall forcing them to move on to the square Hab to the right this isn't a huge issue as unless your first tab is placed on a very pointed Mountain you should be able to connect to at least one of the three connection points that aren't taken up by the airlock we can also see that while the player is on a part with different options they can use the d-pad left and right to switch between different variants of that part as The Outpost section plays out we can see how much the build limit in the bottom left jumps up and it looks like we'll have plenty of space to build fairly substantial outposts so long as we stay within the boundaries placed by the beacon then we get a look at this glasshab round this mop and Bot is currently doing a little housekeeping we can see several different decorations including a new model boat on this coffee table this model spaceship which looks awesome this space suit which looks like it's a dimly lit constellation suit and some exercise equipment also take a look at this gnarly rug on the ground looks like someone melted a piece of Swiss cheese to the floor here we see a hat that's all business as we see a warning sign on the right that says employees only Beyond this point tons of Terminals and white boards and even what looks to be an old Macintosh computer over here we now get a more grounded level look at the Outpost from the beginning of this section we see a landing pad off to the right here as well as some storage containers which will no doubt be needed to catch the resources that you harvest via your Outpost we then get a glimpse inside this Hab and Through the Windows we can see this large white and orange device next to the wind turbines and I'm not really sure what it is but it looks pretty cool maybe it's a battery of some sort to store power or perhaps it's some sort of defense for the Outpost we see another bot rolling through this glass round Hab we looked at earlier and he seems to be about half the size of the mop and Bot I could definitely understand what Dana Christo was talking about when she says I love the robot so much you can also see a large ship landing outside hopefully we can have random NPCs stop by our Outpost to trade or possibly join The Outpost here we get a look at a different Outpost often the distance we can see a structure that is not a part of this Outpost one of the things I'm excited to experiment with is building outposts near different structures and creating a series of close outposts around it to create the illusion of towns or cities I wish we got a better idea of what the Outpost limitations are as we Builders like to plan ahead whenever we can fixing our view back to the Outpost we can see that this Outpost has two airlocks one on each side which is smart we can also see that solar onion top now on the white round Hab this looks like a holding cell of some sort on the far left here we can see that big white and orange device again but we really don't get a better clue of what it is exactly this is a view of the same outposts from the opposite direction and it gives us a much wider view we can see this cluster of has we are zoomed in on in the previous shot to the left along with the beacon we see this Outpost has five turbines lined up as well as some storage containers this blue object here looks like a rolling lift and not sure if that would be functional or just for show to the right of that we see the spaceship Frontier currently sitting on a launch pad and we see another ship landing on this second pad I tried to look inside but I can't really make out who this might be is it possible that we can just park our other ships at our outposts and take other ships off into space is this a Trader a spacer I don't know we can also see these unknown devices here on the side in the middle of the Outpost we see this Cube that looks like it has some sort of terminal in it but it's hard to tell from this distance we do know that the circular Hab next to it is a Hydroponics Hab as the next shot shows us the inside of that Hab and we can see the same plant all around the hab we get a nice view of one of the turbines just outside next we see see an outpost on a Barren snowy planet looks very lonely but also very peaceful we see these spinning plates here that say HD Pano ts3455-0 are these resource Gathering machines here we see a couple of chairs pointed towards a Hab window and we see a ship taking off outside I can see why Todd has been romanticizing the idea of building an outpost and just watching the sunset bgs really seems to be building a world or rather a Galaxy that we can live in there's still a lot left to question about Outpost building but I'm pleased with what we've seen in this brief segment crafting has been a part of bgs games for decades so no one should be surprised to see that Starfield has its fair share of the mechanic before we can craft everything the game has to offer we have to research the different recipes This research lab is in a structure on the planet in Lil 5. we can assume that this is an outpost as we see a marker on the compass here that looks like a have we also see this at 37.17 and 3737 in The Outpost section of the direct when the crafting menu pops up we see five different categories including pharmacology food and drink Outpost development equipment and weaponry each category has a certain amount of available projects and all of them have this exclamation point to the right we can see that none of the categories currently have research in progress you'll also see that the Outpost marker here is similar to the marker we saw on the compass just a moment ago pausing the video before the message flashes up on the screen allows us to see a bit of what's going on in the background here the player is currently researching Barrel mods 1. if we look back to the 2022 gameplay reveal we can compare these two screens the 2022 screen shows the menu before clicking into Barrel mods 1 while the 2023 screen shows us the menu inside the barrel mods one tab comparing the two we can see at the very least the sealant requirements are different with 22 require wiring 10 sealant and 23 requiring 5. perhaps this could differ depending on skills either way we can see that the general function is to put resources into these research projects and then wait for the research project to be complete we get into the modding menus now which we can see at the top left corner that the player is at a weapon workbench here we have a modified drum beat characterized by the drum on the bottom of the gun it has a physical damage of only eight but a fire rate of 160. we can see that it currently only has one mod attached to it which is a muzzle break there are several different categories to mod 7 in all including but not limited to receiver internal optic magazine and battery and muzzle going into the magazine and Battery components menu we can see the options for armor piercing rounds drum magazine which is currently installed Explosive Rounds media magazine and small magazine back over to the left we can see how the this mod would improve and or worsen our weapon in all the different areas to the far right we can see what resources the mod would need to complete which looks like three tungsten 2 adhesive and four lead the video jumps ahead a bit and we're able to see more mods from this category such as Explosive Rounds medium magazine small magazine and white hot rounds which we see in the direct attached to this Razorback pistol the player chooses explosive rounds and that seems to jump the physical damage up by nearly double to complete this mod the resources required are three adhesive three tetrafluoride and three lead the player confirms the mod and earns 2 XP we then cut to a base on the planet jemisin where the player is ready to test out their modded drum beat on this level 12 Varun robot Model S before the shooting begins we can see that Roots seem to be growing through the ceiling here implying that this base has been deserted the player fires off their explosive rounds and eliminates the robot updating the mission in the top left corner of the screen the mission's name is friends like these with the completed objective being explore the basement and the new objective being eliminate the robots sounds pretty spooky we're now talking about Stealth Combat on the planet EO the player fires off a couple of headshots on Varun and we get that sweet close-up of the urban eagle from Allied armaments complete with a suppressor and a green targeting laser the player gets 2.1 times sneak attack damage as we can see up in the top right corner and also reach their pistol certification goal of 20 enemies downed with a pistol here we get another look into the player's weapon menu where we see a barrow knife has 22 damage Beowulf has 36 damage and The Coachman shotgun has 52 damage we get a full look at the combat knife which does 16 physical damage and has a value of 505 credits the knife is gray and has a blue trim with United Colonies combat knife printed on the blade we also see in the list of weapons the Fortune's Glory magpulse mag shot mag storm modified Grendel modified mag Shear modified mag sniper the rescue ax which says 17 physical damage and is worth 650 credits and the rip shank the design of the rescue ax is pretty incredible I hope there are some good mods for this weapon so that I feel compelled to use it far into the game we cut to the player on planet Cassiopeia 1 where a coral bug is up in the player's face the player is attempting to use a knife with a wood handle more than likely the Barrow knife that we saw just a bit ago this could also be issued by the Freestar Collective it sticks the creature with it next enemy to catch a melee shot is this level 5 ecliptic it looks like the player has a Cutlass equipped and stabs the enemy we can see that the stab was a critical hit and the elliptic has a Grendel 56 count 7.77 millimeter caseless ammo and a technician's ground crew pack which is a one star rank the enemy also gives the player 10xp but before we move on let's look at the compass we can see that at the O2 CO2 bar which has been white this whole time is now red and the oxygen is dropping doesn't look good for the player speaking of things not looking good for the player we're now on Caribou 3 where we see the player clad in this gold and brown suit and pack using the rescue ax to fight off this maggot maw this area looks similar to the shot we saw earlier we then get a montage of the Eon pistol being reloaded in different areas the Eon probably won't do all that much damage but it definitely looks great as a fan of using pistols in these games I'm very happy with what I've seen so far here we see the player lobbing a grenade at this level 14 spacer punk in a mine on Mars combining it from a shot with this unidentified shotgun and gaining some progress on their ballistic skill challenge if we pause at just the right time we see the spacer drop their weapon and the player hovers over it for just a split second this is the law Giver it has a value of 2 395 credits and a massive 3.60 hero I believe that this is the rifle we see several times throughout the direct there's also an option to hold the a button to equip the weapon which is super handy after getting 25 XP for Downing the spacer Punk the player then turns their attention to two spacers down by these mining tracks the player throws a grenade right in the middle of the two and the grenade explodes next to two barrels which may have added more fuel to the fire back onto Planet EO the player is in some sort of Frozen facility we see a level 14 Varun Zealot with armor standing next to this container the player aims for the container with their Maelstrom and blasts it instantly turning it into an iceberg the Zealot does take damage from this but more interestingly the Zealot is frozen solid and they slowly tip over allowing for the player to finish them off with the Maelstrom player receives 25 XP and moves around the corner to find two more Varun both level 14 zealots the player boosts up and blasts a cryo container to distract them before retreating back and finding another other Zealot waiting for them on the left side the player takes to sell it out using the Maelstrom and gaining more progress for their ballistic skill challenge here we can see the player using the mag storm gun to quickly dispatch some level 8 spacers we can see all the targeting lasers that this gun possesses and the lights turn red when they're on a Target and blue when they're not progress is made for the heavy weapon certification skill challenge and there's also a poster here to the right of what looks to be a woman in a lab coat but I can't make out what it says here's our close look at the Beowulf rifle which looks very similar to the Grendel both Beowulf and Grendel are taken from an epic poem set in 6th Century Scandinavia in which the warrior Beowulf battles the monster Grendel the Grendel and Beowulf guns both share the same 7.77 millimeter caseless ammo cartridge although the Beowulf has a much lower fire rate and higher damage per shot this Beowulf doesn't have any mods currently attached but we can see that it can have up to 8 mods Total The Equinox laser rifle is up next and I think this weapon really hurt the 2022 gameplay reveal and the reception to its combat I honestly don't think combat looks all that much different here in the 2023 video but I think the main issue is that this gun just doesn't demo very well which is why they opted to show us so much more variety in the combat this time around it wasn't just the weapon but they were also using a lot of hip fire in that 2022 video and it just didn't come across all that well but if you compare the Maelstrom footage from both videos it looks about the same at least to me anyway back to the gun itself there's a lot to unpack here first off this is a rare weapon we can see that it has a prefix which here is brawler and it has that star we've seen a few times now we can now assume that there are three Rarity types from what we've seen one star which is rare two stars which we don't know the label for but we can guess it's something like epic and 3 star which is legendary much like legendary weapons in Fallout 4 these items come with passive skills giving variety to the special loot that you find the brawler designation deals double damage when gun bashing it also seems like rare weapons have one trait while Legendary Weapons have three this Equinox also has three mods installed including electromagnetic beams removed cover and fully automatic which makes sense as to why the damage output is so low it is a laser rifle but it has the electromagnetic beams mod which switches the damage from energy to electromagnetic and has an impressive fire rate of 180. the design of the gun is what I'd call Tech and even has some cable management going on here next we take a look at The off-mension Coachman Shotgun by Laredo in all its wood finish Glory Laredo weapons have more of a traditional look to them but the hard lines of the barrel give it a more futuristic Flair we can see the Laredo name here above the trigger no mods installed on this one so we can see the base stats it does a fair amount of damage for a base weapon but the accuracy is really poor as you would imagine for a shotgun the drum beat is another weapon we see quite a few times throughout this direct it has a very clean combatec design I love the drum here on the bottom and we see the gun name right above that with the compotec name over here to the right this here is a bass drum beat and as we can see it does a fair amount of damage for an automatic weapon this will be a fun gun to mod for sure this orange and yellow gradient beauty is the compotec solstice laser pistol however we can see that it's been renamed here to Ember likely due to its coloring and modded ammo that we'll see in just a bit at 40 23 in the direct we can see a player character shooting a solstice that's colored white and blue this verifies that we'll be able to have different paint jobs for our weapons like in Fallout 4. I imagine the pigment resource has something to do with that this Solstice has three mods attached standard barrel with laser sight focal lens and ignition beams it does 12 energy damage and has a fairly high accuracy but mostly it just looks cool especially with this paint job next up is eternity's gate which seems to be a unique weapon as there are no manufacturers labeled on the weapon nor is there a name we see that this is a rare particle beam rifle that does both physical and energy damage the ammo type is heavy fuse which might be harder to find it has a good range and a pretty high accuracy but this is also far from a base weapon first we have the hand loading trait which reads volatile rounds that are designed to pack a bigger punch but aren't as stable and can fail on occasion this might be why the gun also has physical damage and the possibility of failing can make this gun a liability eternity's gate also has four mods attached including long barrel Recon laser sight short scope and tactical magazine the design of the gun is very alien with sharp accents and not much in the way of trim here we have the breach shotgun from Allied armaments this one is named experiment A7 and it has a rare designation it has the Exterminator trait which grants it plus 30 damage against aliens it has three mods installed including reflex sight tactical stock and fletchit rounds which are bullets with Barb sticking out of them this is a pretty dangerous gun and if you want to buy one it'll cost you as the value of this one here is 14965 credits although this is a rare version with mods so we're not sure how much that brings up the value we don't get a closer look at them but Hard Target and micro gun are both in the list which are likely renamed weapons back to the action now we can see the player using the pacifier shotgun to take out some level 14 spacer Punk on the planet Altair 2. this structure has signs for com Center living and cafeteria after taking out the punk the player gets a crit shot on the level 8 spacer next to them now on to some of my favorite shots in the direct here we see the player character holding The Negotiator by Allied armaments while possibly wearing some Crimson Fleet gear not much I want to say here other than Marvel at the detail in both the gun and the attire we then flip the camera angle to the other side where we get a better look at the drum on The Negotiator as the player definitely in Crimson Fleet gear reloads their weapon we then get a quick clip of The Negotiator drum spinning before we cut to a heavily modified Laredo Tombstone we can see compared to this Tombstone we got a closer look at earlier in the direct that this piece here is colored differently this version also has a better scope muzzle and bump stock with tally marks etched into the wood also notice the gold trim which wasn't present on the first one we saw we also see the player wearing a suit with UC Navy on the side of the helmet here we see the player character firing off a modded maelstrom we can also see tally marks on this weapon the suit the player is wearing is far more interesting however first let's look down here on the chest plate we see this symbol here which looks to be a sword with some wings we see a few sword logos earlier in the direct on these flags but neither of these match this directly we can see a 74 on the helmet and if I had to guess this is a suit from the special ops section of the United Colonies military but that's pure speculation now we're on the planet nebus which looks like Shadow Moses from Metal Gear Solid we can see that this facility here is a mine thanks to the marker down on the compass the player uses a compotec pkst with a scope that shows thermal body heat to take out this unsuspecting Soul the player gets their sneak attack damage boost and progress for their stealth skill challenge now it's time to talk about gravity and boost packs as we get a good look at how the gravity on jemisin works the player jumps and gets some solid hang time then uses the Boost pack to get up and over this rock here we can see that the Boost pack drains pretty quickly so unless we upgrade it we won't be flying for minutes at a time across the planet I also want to point out how hazy jemisin looks here compared to what we saw previously here a player uses an unidentified SMG to take out this level 8 spacer from above on the planet Nira we can tell this is a particle beam weapon as the skill challenge pops up for that on the left although it could be modified the player gets 15 XP and turns to a different level 8 spacer all the while maneuvering around with the Boost pack I can tell that boost packs are going to bring another level of strategy into combat in Starfield we cut to a player clad in the golden brown suit we've seen before doing their best Air Jordan but instead of a basketball it's an ash to Tamer firing explosive rounds down on some spacers on Mars Space Jam indeed we then cut to Montana Luna where the player is showing off their drum beat to the this ecliptic member on an industrial Outpost the player is once again wearing the UC navy suit we saw just a moment ago as the player turns their attention to another enemy we can see this enemy has a thermal filter over them now we take a look at zero gravity in combat as the player floats around a cargo hold with their Grendel in hand we then cut to the player character in the third person view using a Maelstrom to battle this level 8 spacer interestingly enough there's no designation as to which planet or structure you're currently on slash in did Bethesda block it out for spoiler reasons anyway we see that as the player shoots the weapon their body is pushed back but as we see in the next clip using the Equinox energy rifle allows the player to Hold Steady while floating around this gives more purpose to energy weapons which I love we cut back to Mars where the player takes out a level 22 space or Troublemaker with their Max Shear gun in this Mining facility for which the player is rewarded with 35 XP the player then boosts up to get a better vantage point point on this level 30 spacer scum and level 22 Troublemaker here we get a shot of the player character holding the magpulse gun and they're wearing that golden brown armor here we get a look at the front of the armor and we could see t-07 Xeo reinforce aramid Fabric aramid or Kevlar is usually gold in color and requires very sharp shears to cut so now we know that this just isn't gold for style there's actual reasoning behind it here we get a better look at the mag Shear it is no doubt an impressive gun both in performance and look but let's take a look at the spacesuit this player character is wearing here first off we can see here on the Torso the UC Navy label but we can also see up here on the helmet you see sy-920 as mentioned earlier we actually see footage of sy920 at the 1144 Mark here's a top-down look at the mag storm a heavy mag weapon we then cut the gameplay on Alpha Android day 3 as the player is ready to demonstrate the power of the mag storm for us it looks like this level 2 Pirate also has a MAG storm but they're too slow and the player guns them down first okay pirate went down fast but he was only level two alright says the player how about this level 24 pirate Marauder no challenge for the mag storm well around the corner comes a level 28 robot Model S to really test the max storm and the player needs a little bit of help on this one so they throw out a cryo mine to slow the robot down the model S mimics the movements of a big cat and has a turret on its back so long range or close up it's a pretty dangerous enemy the mine freezes the robot in his tracks and the player unloads although it does take longer than the human enemies the mag Storm still finishes the job in a matter of seconds the player now has enough XP to level up but we don't get to see what that level is as the camera cuts too soon before we cut from the scene I want to rewind and point out that there's one one of those crates that we find the legendary item in from earlier in the direct on the side over here next we're back on Mars and we see the player delivering an uppercut to a level 5 ecliptic that drains the health bar completely and we can see the loot on the ecliptic member 24 count 7.77 millimeter caseless ammo digipick modified Grendel and brown open weld helmet the player then graduates from punching ecliptic to punching this level 25 flocking shroom head Grazer on the planet groom Bridge 8A we can also see this flying creature spectating the fight here we see another pistol from Allied armaments that is not the urban Eagle there's a name on the side here but I can't make it out something star maybe this suit here has some very strange markings near the ear and something that looks like it spells out ncmocu seems very alien to me next we see the player character shooting off a combatec solstice which we saw earlier when comparing the paint jobs of the Ember pistol this suit right here may be my favorite suit shown off in the direct it's more the helmet than the suit but it gives me chunky Chinese stealth armor Vibes the player Walks Behind a column and comes out from behind now equipped with a Grendel but the coloring is different than we've seen so far with this one being black and neon green we also get to see that suit in better lighting and it just looks incredible to me next we're back on Caribou 3 with the level 75 hunting maggot maw the rescue ax isn't going to get it done this time around so they pull out this minigun and blow up the container next to the maw as the minigun fires we see these shells raining down from the gun we get another look at the breach before we cut to the shot of the law Giver rifle the player character has Crimson Fleet armor on with this interesting helmet that looks like it has blood smeared on the visor I'm really digging the red and gold aesthetic of the Crimson Fleet here we get a look at the player character clad in heavy United Colonies armor shooting off a rifle I can't identify fi what I think might be the coolest thing in this shot is the way the visor on the helmet reflects the sunset facing the player it looks fantastic then we cut to the player running through a hallway with a modded Razorback pistol in hand the pistol has been modded with a few different things including these white hot rounds before the player lines up their shot there's a boom pop Cola machine off to the left here now that we've gotten that out of the way the player goes to town on these level 2 Pirates and if we stop and look at the ammo counter on the screen here we can see that the Laredo name is here at the bottom another level 2 Pirate runs out to avenge their Pals but the player agrees them with a grenade which takes a little more than half of their life the player then brings up the quick menu and selects their modified calibrated pacifier which we can see uses 15x25 CLL shells and the player has plenty of them the gun also does 105 physical damage which is more than enough to finish off this pirate we then get a close-up of the player pumping The Pacifier before moving on to the Beowulf rifle the player moves in and gets a head shot with the Beowulf before moving on to the level 14 spacer Punk right behind him it takes a few more shots but they go down and the other spacer Punk to the right tries to Run for Cover the player uses their boost pack to get in some shots from above before the camera cuts and we see the Punk's loot 139 credits 24 count 11 millimeter caseless ammo and a drum beat onto the planet in the soy now where the player uses their Grendel to take on a level 20 hunting twist fin the dinosaur creature goes right after the player and when it's up close we see the huge size of the creature it goes in for an attack but the player butts it in the jaw with their Grendel temporarily stunning it we get an artistic transition of the player budding a level 5 ecliptic next in the Nova Galactic star yard the ecliptic is equipped with a rescue ax and that's the only loot we see on them when they perish we can also see what looks to be a Grendel and a pacifier laying on the floor next to the deceased ecliptic members as the player moves around the corner we we get confirmation that this is indeed a Nova Galactic star yard by the looks of this giant Nova Galactic logo on the wall the player then boosts up the stairs and takes on a level 5 ecliptic and a level 12 ecliptic Merc further into the star yard now the player has a katana equipped as a level 5 ecliptic is chasing after them the player quickly throws out a cryo mine like we saw with the robot Model S and freezes the ecliptic before delivering a final blow with the sword the only loot is a rescue ax next we move to bardine 3 where the player is using their Maelstrom to fend off a level 60 herding spider wasp Grazer which is terrifying what's even more terrifying is the army of these little fellas it has jumping around behind it I guess kill him with fire didn't work here the spider wasp rears back and shows us its gaping maw before the camera cuts and we get silence we fade back in to see the player character holding the weapon with a crimson Fleet paint job as seen by the skull here this way weapon is called the Kraken and as a part of its paint job it looks like no Gods no Masters is written here on the side no Gods no Masters is a slogan used by the anarchist movement so very fitting for the Crimson Fleet we see that the Kraken is indeed a monster as it tears through these spacers with ease here on this retrofitted star station this level 14 spacer Punk tries to toss a grenade at the player but it goes over their head and the player rushes in quickly equipping their combat knife and finishing off the punk we get a look at the Punk's loot which includes 54 count 3 kilovolt laser cartridge two count shrapnel grenade which is new to us and sounds awesome calibrated deep Recon spacesuit and a calibrated Equinox the player then tosses a grenade at some spacers before turning left and taking on a room full of enemies with their mag pulse which has a slower rate of fire but is obviously quite powerful we see the player has completed their ballistic skill challenge before we move on to jemisin as the player fights off these level 6 Varun robot model A's on the table to the left here we can see some scripture for the Great Serpent the deity of house Varun and we can also see a star-loked board game the player is using a gun I haven't been able to identify so let me know in the comments if you think you know what it is back on Mars the player uses the Grendel to heat up some spacers and get some progress on their rifle certification now to Altair 2 where the player boosts up and gets a good shot with this sniper rifle on these spacers this weapon has a similar aesthetic to the drum beat but it's more compact like an SMG the player uses it to shoot off a single round on this level 10 pirate freebooter and hits their boost pack eating them across the planet in the soy which is such a great visual the bgs charm is here in full effect also take a look at how many enemies are around the compass I count at least 15 in this industrial Outpost and now we get the moment that got a lot of people talking as the player character walk slowly through a hallway that looks like it could be the same facility on EO that we saw back at 3854. there are at least five enemies shooting at the player when the player raises their left hand and seemingly manipulates gravity disabling all the enemies we even see these little rocks or chunks of ice float upwards along with them but the player seems to stay grounded the whole time could this be a power we inherit from the artifacts is this limited to enclosed areas only will this power be op unfortunately that's all we see of it as Todd appears again to thank us for watching the direct as we wind up the direct numerous devs talk about their favorite things about Starfield and we get a few more shots some of which are definitely worth going over this shot at 4233 doesn't have much substance but I just want to point out how good this looks with the planet so close that we can see the grooves on its surface but also the shadowing of the light makes most of of it disappear in the atmosphere speaking of beautiful shots this shot showing a flying fish of sorts with the moon in the background shows off some of the Whimsy of Starfield just look at how the Moon is lit we can even see the craters on the surface this Purple Haze planet is just wild with this Coral looking vegetation here even though they clearly aren't underwater we can tell by these flying creatures which look like winged demons would you set up an outpost and live on this purple planet we get another close look at a coral bug with their head being sort of an emerald green color and they're surrounded by these Jagged crystals with what looks like to be a cave entrance right here next we see constellation member Vlad being the lone Soul inside the constellation space station lo-868 this will likely be our communication point for constellation missions without having to land in new Atlantis every time we're ready for a new job we've of course seen the space station since the very first teaser trailer and no doubt it's an important piece to Starfield overall here we get a few looks at photo mode which will no doubt be incredibly popular with the Starfield Community we see that it's very similar to what we get in Fallout 76 with options to pose the player character change the brightness and exposure and the ability to add filters and frames you can even toggle your helmet on and off and the picture frame gives you a grid to line up your shots with in this first photo the player poses with a giant slug Beast with Rocky teeth the next shot is on the dancing platform at the astral Lounge where the player has joined the Psychedelic dancers the player is clad in some neon Street Punk gear this one just seems to be an explosion in a facility of some kind but we can see the player is wearing the brown and gold era mid suit from earlier this next shot is of the player posing in front of the collector it is here we can see that the facial hair in the game really did get a downgrade a as it looks far more natural in the 2022 gameplay reveal than it does here there's another NPC off to the right here clad in Boots and overalls we can see a few of the collector's trinkets over here along with a bell that he uses probably to summon his servants here we see the player in some Argos extractors Gear with a thick beard and mustache standing in front of the Paradiso Resort there's another word above Paradiso on the sign but I can't make it out we can see who is probably in attendant standing just outside the entrance or maybe it's a tourist this next shot is interesting as it seems to imply that we'll be able to roam around space we can see satellite paneling over here on the bottom right but we also see some rocky terrain although that could just be part of the satellite and just be some chewed up metal or something or it could be a player on a planet this is the same player character from the Paradiso shot as we see their mustache in Argos extractor spacesuit this shot gives us another other angle of the mass building we can see the war memorial off to the right where we stood for the earlier shots and we can see the security bot over here talking to some NPCs there's that damn clam hat again and the player is fully suited up in the launch pad attire I count at least 22 NPCs in this shot which shows how Lively new Atlantis will feel I also really like how NPCs will walk together giving the impression that there are relationships between NPCs straight back in the middle we see a sign for something that says Outland which seems to be the same business we saw back at 723 just a different sign and location back and to the left we can see a United Colonies building that seems to say distribution but that's all I can make out the last thing I want to point out before moving on is just the variety of NPC clothing here that sort of detail goes a long way in creating good immersion back here on neon we get another look at the intro entrance to enhance as well as a peek into the Vol 2 Hotel I was going to say the snowy area here looked to be an outpost because of the mining machines but with this cart here and this tinted area to the left I feel like this is likely a procedurally generated location either way this gives off strong John Carpenter's The Thing Vibes stopping here at 42.55 we can see another Outpost what's interesting about this shot is that it seems we are indeed able to stack halves as we can see this smaller glass Hab sitting on top of this larger glass Hab if Starfield doesn't have ladders I'm not sure how one would get up to that second Hab as I don't see stairs being involved either we can also see this Standalone have in the background complete with airlock showing that not all your halves have to be connected I actually like the idea of having a personal room overlooking the rest of my Outpost like this I really can't wait to dig into this Outpost feature and uncover everything it has to offer and we know Bethesda will probably support the game with new items new parts and all that good stuff we get a look inside one of the glass Habs now and see lots of decoration including this starlock game board on the table and some relics from the old neighborhood like this basketball encased in glass and these motorcycle models it looks like there are plenty of Decor options to choose from this next shot is extremely important and shows us how procedural generation Works in Starfield in this first bit we see the player clad in this mercenary spacesuit overlooking formations of large crystals when the camera swings behind a rock we're met with a new shot of the player in the constellation space suit and instead of crystals it's now a man-made Dome structure everything else seems exactly the same the water The Rock placement the creatures flying in the sky even the placement of the structure it's just the structure itself is different that means what I find on a planet likely won't be what you find on a planet and even if we do find the same structure in the same area there's a great chance that the next structure that you find won't be the same that I find but we also do know that there are certain structures that are set for every player like the cities the Red Mile the star yards Etc so the game will have a pretty even mix of handcrafted and procedural elements here we get our first and only look at the reldyne company or the only one I can identify anyway they're a ship part manufacturer and this is their Supernova 2000 engine in fact I believe this is the only engine part we see in this menu so let's go over the info on the left real quick listed is class max power engine thrust maneuvering thrust engine Health hole and crew capacity the description reads every spaceship needs engines upgrade to increase speed and acceleration the mass of your entire ship will affect performance and there it is confirmation that the mass of your ship really does affect how it handles and performs so we'll have to keep an eye on that when digging into the shipbuilder I wonder what the mass of that Mech ship was we see the value of the part is a pretty hefty sum for one part being nineteen thousand one hundred credits and it has a mass of 334. so if you have a Sleek fighter ship you may only want one of these engines on your ship whereas if you're running a freighter like this ship seems to be you might have to go for two or more we can also see that this part requires the Starship design rank 1 skill after that we get a quick look at the demos DS 20.3 Phobos cockpit being added to the ship and this part also needs the Starship design rank 1 skill in the next shot we can see that it looks like they went with a different cockpit and the final result is this the UC Navy polis a cargo ship with a whopping 2700 cargo space these shots really give us great perspective of just how huge these ships are in the Builder it looks like a model ship but once you get the ship on the launch pad and are standing right next to it it certainly gives me a greater appreciation for just how magnificent it is that we get to Cobble these things together and have it look this good and substantial in game this shot here looks like it's one of those scientific research outposts with the same ramp and Lighting on the left side I can definitely say that seeing these look the same every single time we'll break some immersion so hopefully there is some variation on each procedurally generated structure we can also see a robot here way in the back and wow this planet in the distance is just stunning really looks like this is a scene out of a movie which matches the dev's goal of making things look more filmic here we get a terrific shot of these plants that look like alien eggs this is one of my favorite shots in the direct because it shows that the game isn't all space horror Doom and Gloom this is on a beach at the Paradiso Resort and we see the straw umbrellas and red trees from earlier these two here are in their swim trunks relaxing with a fish tank for some reason we see a few more NPCs relaxing down the line here and out charges Vasco the foot placement of Vasco is actually interesting as we see the foot land on an invisible floor and then sink into the sand as it plants and then there's this shot wow so many theories here is this a suit can we cut aliens open and disguise ourselves is this A different race that we can choose after we beat the main story we can obviously see that this is a biped and my safe guess is that this is just some Goofy costume we can get like the bear head in Fallout 4 but maybe there's more to it I also love that this planet in the background reminds me of the cover of the film Hocus Pocus here we see the player making the Trek up this very important looking gravitational anomaly we also see the player interacting with this gyroscope thing and it seems to create a portal or a black hole when asked about black holes Todd opted not to comment so I think that's a pretty big hint that black holes will be a part of Starfield will we travel to another dimension and meet another intelligent species is this a warp for the far side of the Universe I can't wait to uncover the mystery of Starfield we get this final Montage from Todd and the first thing of note is we see the UC security trying to fight off this creep monster as the monster Palms this UC security guard and gives him a choke slam causing blood to Splatter everywhere here we see a full Crimson Fleet set as this character is in a crimson Fleet suit and helmet and is wielding a MAG Shear with a crimson Fleet paint job next we see what looks like mole rats going after the player letting out a guttural roar they're pretty aggressive but behind them we catch glimpses of these lion type creatures that we don't see anywhere else our final shot to look at is this view of the player out in the field with vosco and another companion studying the terrain as the Starfield logo appears in the distance Starfield will be keeping its September 6 release date but is offering the chance to play the game up to five days early with the digital Premium Edition there's also a pre-order Game Pass bonus of an old Mars skin pack featuring a red deep binding helmet and a laser cutter with a different paint job also with the digital Premium Edition is a digital soundtrack and art book the constellation skin pack and the first story expansion shattered space which sounds like it could be similar to Shivering Isles in Oblivion where things get weird and trippy or perhaps it could be the story content for whatever or whoever it is we find out there as a part of the main story and there you have it hours and hours and hours of digging into Starfield footage when I first watched the direct I was stunned at how much there was to Starfield now having taken dozens of hours to dissect the footage I'm absolutely blown away at how much content appears to be in this game I don't know what I'm going to do until September but I do know that When September Comes I'll be glued to Starfield and I cannot wait for everyone to experience a new Bethesda game Studio game together real quick I want to thank gokamu's Starfield companion guide and Starfield DB for the reference material and most importantly I want to thank you for watching this video especially if you watched it to the very end until next time this is Lex signing off
Channel: Lex Marston
Views: 98,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, bethesda, xbox, direct, breakdown, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, todd howard, combat, ship building, outposts, companions, romance, vehicles, mechs, ships, mechanics, speech, persausion, cities, akila city, neon, cydonia, new atlantis, review, preview, vasco, constellation, pc, steam, game pass, news, starfield news, ultimate, definitive, weapons, exploration, scanning, creatures, monsters, aliens, ufo, uap, stars, planets, systems, maps, procedural generation, robots, united colonies, freestar collective, crimson fleet
Id: sp6R3U5TOMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 265min 20sec (15920 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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