STAR WARS: THE FORCE UNLEASHED 2 4K All Cutscenes (Game Movie) UltraHD 60FPS

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're alive how long this time 13 days in isolation impressive the force gives me all I need the force the dark side my master Starkiller's Jedi menthol has been captured general Kota yes when your training is complete and travel to Cato Neimoidia and execute him Invader will always be your bastard he was still haunted by visions yes master I sometimes smell a forest on fire I see the general falling and I feel the ground shake as a starship crashes around me and I hear a woman's voice if I try to sleep they are memories of a dead man a side effect of the cloning process and the memory flashes used to train they will fade and if they don't stop you must destroy what he created to what [Music] wait don't know yes strike her down I can't you will you were created to do my bidding it is as I feared why is this happening to me the accelerated cloning process is still imperfect those who came before you went mad within months I believed you would be the first success but it seems you want to suffer the same fate what will you do with me [Music] [Music] so they can recreate lockdown procedures engage [Music] [Music] you don't want to hurt me by your friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you're running out of executioner's baron try the Karelian slice hums my lord [Music] a simple squat on the hanger I'll meet him there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was expecting lord Vader the Jedi where is he Oh his life for the movement he's been in the arena for seven days what are the Imperial security codes for this sector [Music] the security [Music] [Applause] I'm impressed you will shoot you this city lives for the sporty general contains the finest cabana we've had yet but I see more potential [Music] I've seen you provides now let's see you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the whole might of the Empire is at my disposal surrender to me now or be destroyed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sing out they'd go rock but my lord the arena's restraints they haven't been properly tested open the door or gate No you can sit this one out Johnny by the force I knew you were alive we'll see how long I stay that way [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you still use the same no time I'm not sure you can you're close just to push the chain back in the chase okay on the chase push them into place [Music] able to restrain that thing we need to take it out of commission it's a hanging shitty see what you can do about those supports oh wait I don't bring the whole structure down got a better idea not so much no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't get free [Music] that's much Thailand [Music] [Music] don't have a way out of this do you well I wasn't thinking that far ahead let's hope she can reach us it fine [Music] [Music] Juna where is she I don't know what the rebel fleet is scattered across the outer rim I lost contact with their ship after I was captured your alliance is on the run and I lost an entire squad here but now that you're back we can take the fight to the Empire a major strike is what we really need in order to rally the truth I'm not him I may be blind but I'm still connected to the force I to me I'm not star killer I'm a clone I was grown in that well is that what Vader told you yes I don't believe it no one can clone Jedi it's never been done and I can sense how powerful you are we can put that power to use you have no idea who I am or on Kamino Kamino if you could provide the Alliance with information on the cloning facilities there we could launch a full-scale oh I just want what I need a place to think this through to meditate to hide until I find her we're at war and you want a quiet place to think the Alliance will be destroyed while you're wandering the forest of Kashyyyk or exploring the caves of Dagobah you'll let the galaxy die to go find yourself I don't know nothing go wherever you want you can take the ship it's always been yours anyway just drop me at the nearest spaceport before you get lost in the Stars boy [Music] here's a healthy head start find the woman and bring her to me he will follow I'll need a squadron of stormtroopers they won't they coming back the Empire will provide whatever you require [Applause] they'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] you guard this place no only a watcher am I now then you'll let me pass brought you here the galaxy has your path clearly dizzy you know what I'm looking for something lost a part of yourself perhaps that would you seek inside you will find [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is captain eclipse I'm ordering defensive protocols primer shields [Applause] [Music] what you have seen follow it you must to the ends of the galaxy if I have to [Music] [Music] shut up please transmit landing card this is general Rahm Kota requesting permission to board the salvation authorisation Tallis Haroon ten eleven thirty eight there's no sign of attack stay on guard a powerful glimpse of the future like you experienced is rarely wrong and if it comes to pass you will be glad you picked me up on Malastare [Music] the Alliance leadership can't agree on our next move but we don't have the firepower to take out a meaningful Imperial target but nobody wants to risk lives making small hit and run attacks either Juno keeps pushing them to do something anything even if it's only a symbolic victory if you till dividend with you better that she sees you first knows that you're really back you still don't believe that I'm a clone I don't know but I'm beginning to think it doesn't matter [Music] an encrypted code cylinder they have coordinates and schematics for the secret cloning facilities on Kamino is everything the Alliance needs to launch a successful assault we can't pull off an attack like this without your help I knew this was gonna happen we should have warned her we can still save her let's go proxy master oh it's very long story you know where's June oh I don't know The Imperials must have taken her towards next Sabbath the docking bay where do they attack general master what's the situation general get that door open [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] there's something there something big and that's where I'm going [Music] attendance now Jota they're gone send the order to attack her I will go without you already done I've told the Alliance we have just this one chance to strike the fleet will converge on Kamino but you know thater is luring you back to him yes I know but he won't be expecting the entire rebel fleet my thoughts as well let's hope we're right prepare for Lightspeed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and shield you need to find a way to enable them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hear me are you there what's the situation general the Empire was waiting for a start we need to launch our y-wings well this is going to be one short fight clearly next our chiller we need to get our fighters out there I'll take care of it general I'm locking down the hangar bay check out those boarding ships [Music] nice work the hanger is clear now I'm lifting the lockdown now get up here to the bridge we have imperial troops in the engine room you need to clear them out before they disable the ship you can access the engine room through the drive core master look for a maintenance hatch in your vicinity [Music] it's bad Kota leave the pessimism to proxy the guns are online and we're still flying I'm sorry my prediction to attach you but yeah Padma gunnery general I'm on it don't let them do the main cannon [Music] we won't get another chance to take this target keep pressing the attack planetary shield this event of any kind of ground assault we can't hold out much longer and this ship is falling apart we've already lost at 8 through 12 head of the rogue shadow I'm pretty sure those shields can't survive a direct hit from a cruiser abandon ship you sure about this anything I can think of you just be ready to clean up after me [Music] it's a straight shot to planet below but you'll need to clear a path yeah I hope this is worth it we committed everything to this assault she's worth it general this is bigger than you and Juno boy were fighting [Music] general I'm making my way into the city to find you know we're not far from your location we're coming in behind you Starkiller we're in the security center across from you after we take out these Imperials will deactivate the security screens in your sector Empire is a lie make your way to the command center we'll meet up there I'll destroy anything in my way - ever but I'm throwing alright we're deactivating the security screens in your location now you should be able to proceed [Music] [Music] [Music] general that father just took out the fridge is there another where let me see what I can do try using those tie fighters to take off the clock we've gained a lot of ground [Music] you have to give it to the umpire taste it we will not retreat Eddie bridges out general [Music] let me give you a hand [Music] just get over here this isn't as easy as it looks what do you see fader hazard there at the top of the city the main access ways to the central city are locked down I don't know how we're going to get up there I'll find a way general Starkiller I know you want to find it Juno but we need your help one Jen I could turn the tide of any war we need you on the front lines The Imperials have regained control of the security centers we're going to suffer heavy casualties this is bad to Starkiller I'm not one to beg but I know how you feel about her but she's just one officer we're gonna lose the entire rebellion if you don't help us I'm sorry [Music] what is this place in the general are you still there proxy come in do you read me someone answer me general do you copy yeah we were able to hold them off barely okay quite Odin's there are thousands of them east blow me and army there I can feel them strong in the force what are you talking about he's cloned and army that's impossible that we're on our way what does he plan to do with all nothing if we have any say about it I wonder if easier somewhere do the original Starkiller we don't know what you're looking at yet I told you no one can clone a Jedi I hope you're right don't you leave us here I can't wait listen to me you can't do this alone and we can't take this fertility without you we can do this together there's no time don't go in there alone the Dark Lord is waiting for you she's close general I am not stopping we're losing your signal Starkiller just stop I'm done arguing general I have to do this Juno Juno worried say something they are memories of a dead man come out judo you know it's me you're a monster no please you're Vader's puppet just a body filled with the memories of a dead man why are you taking her if what he loved [Music] it's me you coward [Music] [Music] [Music] I knew it was only a matter of time before you returned now you will surrender to them or you will die here when you created [Music] eat [Music] [Music] hatred destroyer [Music] [Music] you are a shadow almost destroy him [Music] where is a bow before me or she dies wait wait I will do your bidding just let her go find and kill general Kota if you refuse the woman dies you will return to me and give yourself to the dark side if you resist she dies and when your training is complete you will hunt down and execute the rebel leaders if you fail she dies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't you want to know where he came from [Music] Kelly out lies upon face she means nothing or death gives you strength embrace it by well tally out if you wish to join the woman so be it lies upon face she means nothing she loves a dead man she would have never loved you you will die were you sad [Music] you've taken everything from me your feelings for another or not real they are rail to me wait you wanna bet as much as I do yes but not yet not until we fold up the Empire's secrets you wanna take in the prison to a hidden rebel base where we can interrogate him put him on trial for crimes against the true Republic and that so the galaxy did we don't need to fear him any longer [Music] yo HUD me forever he is the only one who knows if Starkiller really survived he can't tell strike me down it is [Music] get something to hold him yes general I can't divide sorry [Music] she stayed here [Music] your life [Music] we'll send a dozen small freighters in all directions even if someone finds out we have him they won't know which ship to follow excellent and a security detail we have it covered your highness we'll contact you again once we have Vader safely locked away I'm down to me good this is a turning point for the Alliance you should be proud may the force be with you [Music] I'll let you live you tell me I'm a clone but I chose to sperry maybe code is right maybe this is all a trick way to get me so confused that I'd forget who I really am and become your slave again either way I let you live finally broken your hold over me as long as she lives I will always control you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] prepare for Lightspeed [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,362,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, star wars the force unleashed 2 4k all cutscenes, force unleashed 2 light side ending, force unleashed 2 gameplay, force unleashed 2 darkside ending, force unleashed 2 cinematics, star wars, star wars force unleashed 2 4k 60fps, force unleashed 2 4k movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 34sec (4654 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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