Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace by saintmillion in 49:03 - AGDQ2019

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Deno my boss Randy and my friend's daughter Amanda who have all battled cancer the last few years good luck to all the gamers who contributing to this great cause alright looks like we are ready to go for some Star Wars Episode one The Phantom Menace let's throw it over to Saint million for his run what's up what's up everybody thank you first off for donating for the incentive to turn voices on just as a preface voices make the run a handful of minutes longer but it's very much worth it so thank you for joining for that I'm st. million on my couch that I have authorblues he did the 12 hour challenge of this game probably the only other person who's done a full run of his game at this event cave man the leader of the PlayStation nation himself and a studio he has no idea what's going on this game and I have never seen before he's really just here to make sure I don't say anything very stupid I've at least played it I grew up with it now there you go I think a lot of people grew up with a PC version of this game which is actually a very different version but we can point out differences later but I think we're ready on time so we'll just go ahead and start 3 2 1 go the good way is to help you actually so again the voices make these cutscenes a little bit longer without voices on these just the dialog boxes just blip up and go away really quickly but just starting off we're in this room with qui-gon we're not going to be in this room for very long and because there's actually a few ways to get this little done this meeting will be short hopefully so this is a tank control game which is just great the game also has oh my controllers just doing whatever hold on this happens with this game it's a good start make sense all right we can move sort of all right so we should go out and fight the droids but we can just kind of this thing also qui-gon just knows it's poison gas and we escaped qui gonn is not coming with us unfortunately we're gonna walk over here and since this is a very good game we're gonna go ahead and save because this is already very dangerous we're gonna try to fall out of bounds in a very specific way to get to another room we can't jump because it's gonna make us take a little too much first right look at that that's really tough to do so where that puts us all so you can kind of run into a wall at a slanted angle you get a little bit of a wall boost just a little a little jank on the game's part so what that did I'm going to also do another little puzzle skip there's so much going on doing this little backflip skipped a couple button and box puzzles I'm trying not to overshoot it because if you overshoot it you die and you gotta redo everything so I'm being a little bit safe here but um like that which is why I have a backup save just for this so what happened when we did that drop off out of bounds we actually went to a hangar where there was supposed to be a sort of boss fight but because of because we never entered the room normally we missed the trigger to spawn about there there we go first try easy and we're gonna get a few more wall boost here and qui-gon still trying to figure out how he's gonna escape since we won't just kind of jumped into the ceiling and disappeared forever and that's the end of the first level a very long level two skips and you're just out of there by yourself yeah I'll be one like entered a cage and just walked into a ship yes yeah and coincidentally the the ship that blows up in the movie I expect everyone watched the movie before watching the speedrun just to refresh themselves the ship that they came in never got blowed up there's there's no political issues going on we're all good there he is the legend I like how the level starts just with dreaming burn so since we didn't meet the incentive for including Jar Jar in this run we'll be doing quite a few Jar Jar skips throughout mm you're welcome there are many many Jar Jar skips going on especially in this level much thanks to Perry Perry who picked this game up after I did he's a lot better at finding little tricks like that so right up this left ramp here charger is waiting for us with a 12 second cutscene where he screams about robots for a second but there is a little bounds here if we jump in here also this is riddled with death falls so you gotta kind of line yourself up there we go so we just skipped Jar Jar and on the left there on the left there is also a platforming section you can kind of see it on the left we also skip that so but he's here anyways he just teleported and thank you for donating for voices again because this is just great alright so in our hand hold on so we're gonna chase Jar Jar here another little ball boost and George are just dispute again so we picked up some Gungan energy orbs that we're gonna use to clear out some enemies coming up apparently people are fans of this and we're just gonna chase Chowdhury around a little bit now's a good time to also just explain forced push which is your only force ability that's there right there you usually don't have to fight a lot of droids because you can just send out a force push really early in a boots this is fine goal is to not very much to do any actual combat so forced push would be a good way to not just get things out of our way but in addition to that often it can be used to trigger by the way right there sorry going no you're fine just it it often will trigger things to move on things to progress in the same way that doing combat would have so yes here's another skip that pretty found a very good set up for so up ahead is a box puzzle again very slow I'm a pause buffer the game so we can kind of clip in here and just skip a lot of that now we're gonna use our orbs to clear out these battle men robot men good orbs yeah they're pretty good all those a perfect cutscene skip okay so let me explain to happen the blasters are pretty random and I had to hit this cutscene from behind and George I would you know talk about some stupid stuff for a second and then go on but if he gets shot by a stray blaster during that cutscene he just goes and he just got hit by it instantly that was pretty great so because I entered this area from behind I'm waiting for Georgia to get clear so to end the level qui-gon needs to be there the trigger for that's right in front of me I must shoot it and this is gonna spawn qui-gon it also spawns these droids right here those are stealth units yes so by hanging that trigger Quiggins here Chargers here we can end the level he used the trick in that stage that we'll see in the next one as well where you can pause the game and unpause it and this little spike in lag will sometimes allow you to just completely clip out-of-bounds from that so he'll use that a lot more in the next level it's extremely useful so the plot as I one shows up the planet Birds free met him and then he tries to avoid chargers as much as he can but really can't but he cannot okay it is like purgatory essentially we skip charge our and then he materialized in front of us which I think lends a lot of credence to the dark charger theory yes I don't know Star Wars is George or Jedi oh yeah he's part of the dark team the bad ones yeah the bad eggs also all the cutscenes are CGI render just create ps1 graphics there he is the big dungus himself Brian Blessed everyone's favorite character so taganga this is level you can do you're supposed to do peacefully we will not be yeah you're supposed to just talk to the Gungans and find your way through it starts off by running into a cutscene with boss nass but right before the boss nass room we're we're gonna go a little bit hostile here we're gonna force push this guy just to get them out of our way this doors gonna appear and we're effectively softlocked now people are gonna try to kill Georgia and qui-gon which would give me a game over by my pause buffer and jump here a few times and we clip down into what would be a later part of the level and you're gonna get these voice lines no this is a long level and they won't they will not stop well sometimes they stop but hopefully not so now we can be as hostile as possible oh we don't have to worry about qui-gon or George or getting hurt we just gotta go we gotta go and proceed with level and there's some some of the hardest tricks are in this level but it is pretty long l suppose now's a good time to describe or explain how double jumping kind of works this is have a deceptively or a double jump so the way you want jump in this game is you jump and you want wait as long as possible and hit the end of the window for the double jump so you get the longest jump possible here's a nice view of the level this game actually tries a lot like this is a ps1 the fact that they have moving like this under water levels is actually and we are running in orbs these are all orbs it's a it's a literal city of herbs is great sorry George Lucas calls it Oda goombahs so the guards blocking this door you can talk to him where you can kill him he's still talking for some reason so this is another place where he's gonna use that trick there's a little block pushing puzzle he could do here or if he can set up enough lag by jumping up and down he's gonna try to clip through the floor here which he did first truck yeah that's that's the rough trick and he really this is just the world record run right here this is it voice is on category also the same as I've been doing you probably wouldn't do those during a normal like a really like fast attempt I guess but it's really frustrating because a lot can go wrong right there is infuriating let's grab is not guaranteed the guaranteed mechanic of ledge grabbing does not always work yeah and that's the intended jump that he did right there so the fact that it's pretty hit or miss isn't great yeah it's a bit rough so at the very end of this level here once we get down we're gonna go forward through that hallway and we can go left or right and I'm actually gonna kill a few of these guards because they're gonna get in our way for a trick we're gonna do a pretty recent trick and we started doing if we go left you rescued Jar Jar he's in a prison cell but if we go right this is where we would escort Jar Jar when we're done rescuing him there's quite on down there with the bongo I think it's cold and we're gonna make a save here because this is a very very iffy trick but essentially we can just jump out of bounds kind of and then try to jump in but clipping into that room is seemingly random I'm gonna pause buffer to make it a little bit easier and oh my go wow everything everything's coming up obi-wan today don't you wish you didn't have the voice lines on really it's pretty great so even though we just kept Jar Jar and left him in a prison cell he's inevitably gonna show up again I feel like the characters are just judging you right now just yeah the TV that's not the way you're supposed and down the best state this is level in the game you'll see it's very very fast so this is a pretty large level it starts off spoilers we might get separated from our team here was doing his dumb walk up there who could have possibly seen this coming no time so you can see all those pillars down there that's where we would normally have to go pretty long level I might wait here wait for that to blow up and this pillar down here I'm walking around a bunch of triggers that would make this fall and I'm gonna make a quick save here so this jump isn't it's not terribly hard blow if we mess it up then we're gonna be sitting around and totalling our thumbs for a little bit alright take a rocket to the face and that's what made us not make it because rockets to the face tend to push you back that's a good mechanic yeah you know its parts are worse this was in the movie everything going on here is in the mood okay there it is and there we go so here's the end of the level we're gonna jump over here I'm gonna force push the lever over there and so that is definitely where the coolest trick in the entire game it's very easy to the debris is always set to launch in exactly that way so and our punishment for having such a fun stage is to get to play this stage right afterwards a massive escort quest for the next what feels like 3 to 6 hours yes casually and speed run wise this is probably the hardest part of the game especially author knows himself he did this her 12-hour challenge this even in a run knowing the strats this was about 6 hours of it it is really difficult that's why she looks like that ironically enough that's not even the Queen that's her handmaiden according to the lawyer's sorry you find that out in episode 2 or something daring yet this is one of my favorite scenes because they just all walk off and you it and the Queen's stay behind as if you don't expect this oh my god how could this have happened all right here we go on to the best fastest court mission in gaming if you get too close to the Queen by the way she complains that you're stepping on her dress and they just she just stands there for about five seconds yeah this is a damned if you do damned if you don't stage because if you're too close to her she'll stop moving and if you're too far away from her she'll stop moving and if you're kind of like within range of her she'll stop moving anyway so yeah she just stops moving a lot is oh yeah you're right so right here we have an infinite saber glitch so by doing an attack and falling off the ledge my hitbox is just always out for this lightsaber now it works exactly like Ocarina of Time in fact they stole that terminology from this speedrun I'm pretty sure but it does work exactly like it and makes this run or it makes this level a lot more bearable as you can see you just run into things then they die which was in the movie which is the way you would expect a lightsaber to operate yeah I also call it the realistic lightsaber would because okay she won't come on alright I'll so you gonna kind of round these corners pretty wide so she doesn't get stuck on them if you get too far away from the Queen you don't realize she's stuck on corners she dies instantly it's like a death tether sort of mechanics going on she can take quite a few hits but even then you really don't want to take that risk because if she ever takes damage she'll kneel down for ya like a leavener so seconds yeah so what I did there is I just Rock a launcher right into the tank because the only reason that tank is there is because there's a little droid dude sorry robot man hanging out back there Manning the tank they're both you know it was fine there before so that was a pretty significant skip he did right there she wanted to stop for a while so you can clear out a bunch of guards if you can beat her to that area really quickly you can actually get her to skip it entirely and move on there's actually quite a lot in this stage of gaming her AI if you will where she sort of doesn't register where she's supposed to stop because you either moved too far ahead of her or stay too far behind her and so like in this case she wasn't supposed to join us until you go back and collect her but because he had left her at the right time she never really registered that she was supposed to stop yeah it's a it's an AI manip oh cool she's just taking blasters to get here she does have health by the way you do need to watch out so oh here's a good jump so there's a clothesline over there it's a little black line that's the intended route here you can yeah so all grabbing again yeah you can fall oh there's also a back up here that never works let's try it now's the time in fact I just made it all up just you got me we're gonna take the clothesline of shame this is fine happened in the movie I remember you remember that yeah I got the director's cut yeah the George Lucas directors done all right you made it was the director yes first-first ray so the whole point of this is to open the door right there so the Queen can go through it all right so it gets really hairy from here because now the game is going to throw a ton of robot men in our way and we would very much like to run into those make sure that they don't really give her the business yeah they'd like to give you the business a lot also I just jumped and forced push that lever I think they expected you to like walk forward and kind of platform around but you can just jump and force push it so walking right here will trigger some robot men behind us I gotta make sure that flash-crete doesn't fall through the world which it can and we got cleared this out real quick if you don't move quickly enough or probably move too quickly or really if the game feels like it it'll just spawn a ton of guys behind you as well which there's not really much you can do to prepare for that so yeah you really have to go quickly here but not too quickly yeah never too quickly that's my kind of speedrun yeah because he always guy make it interesting next time you exactly yeah yeah yeah the ebony saber glitch here does make a huge different date of wonderful yeah I'm in so glad they exist also you can't not run into those starships they will blow up and do a lot of damage with your eyes Gian there's also a little mouse droid around this hangar if you run into him I've lost a run right here when you were running through and he kind of can't see your character I ran into a mouse droid blew it up fulfilled me fun fact qui gonn runs here to meet you you can actually just run out of the hangar back to the right level and he will continue following you trying to make this cutscene happy out of here what happens if you let him catch you hard locks very awesome harder than I've ever seen I have created some art with this yeah a lot of colors and lines go everywhere that's wonderful if that was a potential skip like oh maybe you can get quite gone to come to you like the queen takes forever but uh no the game does not let you do that at all for what it's worth he made that stage look very easy but it's incredibly painful to get any part of that to go right yeah everyone should pick this game up yeah you know so this is where the game takes a big change of pace you don't play as obi-wan for a little bit we're playing as qui-gon and we're gonna do three Tatooine levels and it was a lot of action I know it's very action-packed a few levels here we're gonna throw it down we're gonna chill out do some questing in most us book and we're gonna go get a nice G because there's a there's a bunch of Tusken Raiders and this is I asked you here sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad you really don't know if you get a good is Vives law damage or not this one seems good so just gonna let them come with us here so you have to kill these before you can get through this section because you have to escort Padme through this area and the Tusken Raiders are brutal new law damage so if you were to play this casually it's going on this area's nearly impossible but come on HP does make a big difference they go so make a nice cuddle puddle of Tusken Raiders here I like to call it a Star Wars death metal album cover alright so we only needed the escort Padme do a certain spot there and she'll just teleport into the town otherwise shield she'll die cuz you went too far away thank you for doing four voices by the way with a lot of it excuse me like as a champ we're gonna force push this guy and take this podracer part it's it's part of the main quest line of this level you're helping and it can give a bunch of podracer parts and that guy is specifically you can kill him or force push him to get that part to drop but if you kill anyone in this level it will softlock anakin will know you're a murderer and you just can't finish the level so you'll be pretty careful he can't just go kill whoever you want it'll actually come up labor in some interesting ways he's gonna open this door right here to give himself a path for later in the stage it doesn't seem relevant right now but it'll matter later so he's Anakin we're chasing them and he runs fine his mom's Shmi Skywalker but we're gonna slip right into her backyard right there it's called that's called a shish lip yeah this fish meat there's no reason that just seems in character very aggressive actually so these machines that are patrolling the junkyard here they don't just kill you they evaluate you they kill you to death I'll stankin just called us low it's not cool he's also very fast so it's very what does a nice beaver in the game it's good question required dialogue here we got to talk to Waldo so in the last level we actually picked up a part that we're gonna give to him it's optional to do it that way what I didn't say anything what do you need to fix your podracer what about Votto I'll see what I can do all right now we just gotta go get George over to come over here one more podracer part hello and then we'll get here again so there's a little setup that he's going to do with this that I think he'll talk about when it actually happens but he's gonna try to time two things to happen simultaneously jar-jar arriving back with the rest of the group at the same time that he gets back there retrieving one of the parts but there's gonna be a little mix-up yes so earlier I said you can't really kill a civilian it will softlock the level but we're gonna do a little bit murder here just a small murder right here this guy well killing him triggers a his item to drop in his shop we do the jump attack because it's it's the strongest attack at one-shots and it's the only thing that one-shots him actually and anakin does not know where a murder yet we're gonna wait for George I get here and I was perfect yeah so yeah if you arrive back and talk to Anakin at the same time Jar Jar arrives he's like locked into this dialogue option where he says Chargers back let's go if you talk to him any other time he just runs off he says nope you killed someone by Jar Jar is more powerful than murders what he's the Dark Lord hmm be over Ezzat there's a gift like and that gift is murder most less Barinas is one of my favorite levels in the game and the run there are too many bosses in this level a bunch of skips a bunch of clips it's really great so we're gonna run straight forward here and right this gate I roll set up and jump straight through that clip right there is fun because if you take too long to do it you're kind of shoving the guard out of the way and he gets a real mad yes he I think he liked to shot to you or something so we just clipped through a couple walls with that circumvents is a side quest where yes you would have to mind trick a toilet dancer to let you in but that's much faster and here's already you can't believe this happened on the floor at there also origins of funk this is where it came from all of it right there I like to call them the the chicken nuggets the golden chicken nuggets but they're 50 gold coins called packets we need them to make a bet with Waldo and this is the first mini-boss he's gonna come out of this door right here but we're gonna kind of cheese him a little bit so quite guns forward attack combo is really good because it kind of just blocks this guy's collision box whatever you want to call it from ever coming out as boss lay I just never starts but he is taking damage god forbid his AI does turn on because that's does law damage he's very fast and it's very dangerous also the spikes do damage which is a problem so right here I'm lining up a pretty dangerous jump there are a lot of places you can fall out of bounds here which seems like a game where I actually wondered not how the speed room works but how people beat Icaza game work yeah do this an adventure so yeah that's a little bit dangerous so what this is doing is we're going straight to Waldo but to normally get over these you would need to do a side quest where you buy a couple people drinks in the bar they just jump right through and those are people skills this is the longest dialogue in the game oh my god this is the only time I'm going to show off this tech you turn the voices off and back on these get but we could be doing that for every single blind in the game but I feel like that's the only place do it how long it takes about 12 seconds into the arena now luckily there is for some reason you can just jump down here without taking fall damage everywhere else down there you will die every single place there is one spot you can land on safely it is made of pillows it's actually baffling why that exists so this is the part of the movie where this little monkey wizard stole its podcasting part oh I don't need this health that's back up health in case you took damage for the first mini fight maybe boss fight here's the secret flash grenades from the movie and we just got chased this guy around he goes to predetermined points that we can just kind of run straight line here he leads us to the second mini boss in these flash grenades he's normally a very dangerous very difficult boss but these flash grenades are gonna make quick work of them can make a quit quick save right here because this is a little nothing bad ever happens here I can go south by no fault of your own cuz he can shoot your bombs out of MIT earlier the flash grenades out of midair mm-hmm like just in your face yeah yep solid entirely in your face and out of range of them doing any damage to him and I have one left on my throw to Anakin oh it went to the world nevermind me it was not meant to be my friend and now this is where the fun begins but this mod racing oh yeah yeah and now I have to do anything for a bit here now good time for yes yes time for donation Jobos hastings really tie that game together and man the voice acting is just magnificent game of the year 1999 good luck on the run and let's put this donation towards my boy boy choice go ahead and put that towards the cup I bet you thought we were gonna play something here yeah we were all be doing being the funny guys I feel like there's been podracing games in other games there might be some Padres in this game that the movie about Padres you know it's a cutscene where you don't look at pod racers you just look at people talking about I love this so much they describe in such detail it really leaves it to your imagination like this game is actually insanely detailed for a ps1 game and I'm not surprising that I didn't have the budget the time or like the processing power for an actual Padres author proposed a pretty good a multi game category row my gosh they just pick up a z4 podracer yeah and then just just do a quick run on that Henry says now that's pod racing I feel like that's the perfect time okay that definitely fit now that's pod racing is the pull every Star Wars game right now this is it yeah speaking of cannon we're gonna change the timeline in this level here things are gonna go a little bit differently this is where we we kidnap panic in and fight Darth Maul spoilers sorry whoa so normally Shmi Skywalker dies in Star Wars Episode two attack of the clones but the game lets you just do whatever so she's dead also the younglings do why not no Anakin didn't see it it's fine right here's a cutscene that we can normally skip but because I killed people actually have to trigger this cutscene I just did half of the cutscene skip made the rocks fall on me which means I can clip through it so I'm gonna skip this first segment I also don't know how he pushed all those rocks down he's strong guy he's strong with the dark team of the forces so we're gonna run over here in our little spot and fight Darth Maul this is based on a timer you don't have to fly and we're gonna do a quite a gun to pin hey why not in the honor of the Mohawk run just pread nausea you a little bit more actually I think yeah because it's the Phantom Menace so he looks at Darth Maul there yeah there is a very random chance when he stopped and looked at him sometimes qui-gon will just run straight to the ship I call that quick gun but it's totally random there is no way to make it happen for sure and if you get it you just think that he can stand there from anywhere from no seconds to 11 seconds so you just hope you get lucky hope you play well yeah yeah you played correctly you get it true don't get better ng if you want good time now it's time to play everyone's favorite character captain panaka it's only a short air taxi ride to the Senate played a prominent role in the movie Romani so captain panaka has no double jump you can't force push he has no lightsaber his jump sucks and he just uses guns but not any special guns because the Jedi can use all the guns and this is also an escort mission he can punch yes he can punch you can actually infinite punch glitch but it's really bad oh that's unfortunately so we just ran and started a kidnapping sequence this is this whole level is based on protecting the Queen from gang kidnapped but um we're not gonna be escorting her for that long okay this is the hover cannon they'll come into play in just a bit here also you can't start this little hover Vader this this thingy while the Queen is either not in it or if you shot a kneeling if you start it well any of those things are happening she dies instantly she just can't take it for every card Ange probably read like one donation here we're just kind of walking through yeah totally so we have a $50 donation from Aaron 172 says I remember renting this game back when I was a kid I'm sorry I never finished it thankfully but it's great to see this game broken in ways that I could never believe it's very good speedrun for some reason I'm gonna jump here and shoot this hover cannon that's gonna show up or else it's kind of good to clean so those are a couple of cans more hover cans will probably be coming so we got to hurry a little bit we have few high here so we have a nice box puzzle here while the Queen kinda yells at us yeah we do there's only there was someplace you could jump yeah so this whole area here normally get that second box on the right as well and you need to push Posey both of these boxes so she can proceed with you but uh she would get kidnapped this is where she gets kidnapped yeah rescue her but there is a way to see comes sequence break this we're gonna just pull one box and we're gonna go so just like other levels if you get too far from your escort they die but if you hugged us left wall she does not die and she never stops talking about the hover cannons if this is a long level by the way of a level of non-trivial length yes yes so oh geez more hover cannons okay yeah well even more over camp that's never happened all right well we have a 15 dollar donation from aim freeze thanks everybody for your amazing work I couldn't help but donate for the best game in the gdq awful block and also the best movie in the Star Wars franchise come on people you know it's true right it gets better with age sounds like someone hasn't seen the Star Wars Christmas special really it's so controversial so brave just make this a little faster I'm the term listen I just think that I love you for dying and your immediate response was the most casual oh jeez yeah you know it seems appropriate it Star Wars that's big there's a big oof we maybe overestimate but that's okay my silent the music sometimes doesn't start in levels just what happened here all right forget it make sure she's not yet and we do a few more donations so we have fifty dollars from Marcus 255 it says good old Jar Jar the true villain of Star Wars best of luck with the run st. thank you it's not going well it was probably donated it was probably looking pretty good it was a little while ago but it's a different time all right what if we just pretend you didn't die oh I'm all right I'm all right with that is everyone done with that yeah to open the door yeah yeah you could talk to him but you gotta go fast I guess so just explain it exactly this please yeah yeah okay so there's a hover cannon here I got shoot hit that thing so it doesn't shoot the Queen box puzzle over cans get it down there okay she's not jumping down here man I bet you wish I had a double jump if actually if you had a double jump in this level you could skip pushing this box which would be great yes it'd be great she came up with some way to expedite this process like jumping down like jumping down yes this is the yelling at him while he's pushing giant boxes actually her dialogue was not the exact same because I was waiting to repeat some jump down there joke yeah I just went ahead without yeah I knew we were both on the same page okay we're getting out of here again hug left wall there's this death to everything boba whatever I'm not gonna save here I'm just not gonna do it are you sure this is a level of non-trivial length I feel like I got the yips with this jump okay we're good Moo's laughs in the game please clap so if you want to do a little donation game on your own you can count how many times she says hover cannons or if you want to grab your favorite beverage of look lacrosse drinks I like I like I like the grapefruit flavor I like green green dress a good well unfortunately we have some slightly long elevators here we think the situation is with the hover cannons I'm not sure that is update not looking good yeah that's the only guy you have to kill to get this force field to go down we got another nice elevator right here should you stay or should you leave I love that song just casual out of bounds or up track you know oh yeah sorry things are happening whatever oh I didn't mention before I mentioned the donation game you could probably play I can just match circle and feel just never I don't know why this is like this but more will be coming whether you like [Laughter] I'm not gonna stop Matt she's gonna stop talking now I'm just kidding she never stopped this is like a real real very real actually happening button puzzle mm-hmm allegedly hope your credit card was ready for the people I'm sure people's like all right you have to pick the correct password here girls to turrets popular ground and just absolutely obliterate you so he's gonna go out of bounds here because there's a little mini boss right here that's just great to fight again and even now that he's trapped himself in this cage it's still a nightmare fighting this dude yeah because he can reflect any or all of your shots with just incredible accuracy yes so I'm gonna go down here to fish him so I'm jumping back and shooting this guy is way better than he has any right to be more than Darth Maul literally he's also pretty dangerous commentary back to alright so as little bears about ten years long so you can read some donations good we have a $50 donation for mid-bite it's this long time viewer first time donator Phantom Menace was the game of my childhood I spent so much time exploring tattoo even with qui-gon jinn shoutout to everyone involved in this awesome event and may the force be with you and also with you we have two hundred dollars from preach thank yo Mike when you said you were running this I told my kids how amazing would be to finally have Jar Jar back in the big green why don't we take this moment Mike preach from fun fact the voice of the queen in the game is also the same voice actors Azula from Avatar The Last Airbender he doesn't stop even doing cutscene also on the voice acting that's game the only characters or sorry actors who play their own voices or on that best Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd an effect we have to get we may be able to get a quicker resolution if you raise a vote of no-confidence we will be able to remove valorum and elect someone with more authority excellent your highness right this way the Senate is about to convene politics yes they're coming oh they're there on the way was that was a little right yeah the level the level yeah my personal favorite I've never watched it cut so back to actual cool speedruns fads I'm a whole force push here so when you walk into this hangar I would normally get pulled into a cut scene where Darth Maul swings his lightsaber at you and does everyone talks it's really dumb and then you would play app at my level but instead but just by holding force bush that never happens we just have free rein to walk around and this is a multi segment level this is where love would end up and the end level triggers down here so I died but it doesn't matter we finished it he actually skipped a very enormous ship it is a is the biggest skip in the game this is a similar level where you play as Padme and obi-wan it alternates back and forth but similarly we're gonna try to skip large portions of the back-and-forth switch he's gonna skip one of the switches to obi-wan and then we're gonna go to obi-wan and skip one of the switches to Padme yellow of the what ultimately like six swaps we were supposed to do you only do one yes another level cut very short by a lava bounce so we're pushing this box you can only imagine why towards this wall we got something to do over here just good jump oh we have a sound glitch situation there's no Zaki's apps so oh this could be good no I get I can hear a little bit a little bit yes oh there it is there like I'm really happy that this happened because you are now getting the real Star Wars Episode one ps1 experience we'll see if it goes into full blowing sound glitch but um yeah you'll just hear this when you're right oh don't you dare try to eat you that I mean we see you all to you ma'am you know what just cuz the damn gang this in getting us home I don't know what's gonna happen this is the part of the movie where a man goes Rambo on just a lot of a lot of robot men of the dark team the dark team of the side floating Keys it got louder please please get louder sometimes it just turns into a full symphony of just pain and really you can't do anything about it alright so this is the second last Oh going yeah that's a new one alright I'm liking where this is going it's just like falling apart this is a treat for my ears trying to mercy kill itself so up here we got another skip to skip the Patton a segment on the Left er you see this big window we actually need to get in there this is gonna skip a box puzzle skip sorry a box puzzle and also these little final Padme level I'm gonna make a save here because it's actually a fairly dangerous jump I think this was one of the cooler skips on the run because it actually takes some pretty interesting acrobatics to get around the triggers they're much larger than they look and he's just going to barely end up missing the trigger for entering the padme section she has the prairie prairie for this setup right here it's very consistent that didn't work out feel so bad but yeah just don't worry I still have you're basically just up ahead that's where the trigger for the Padme segment is and you just barely get past it and now we're on our way to fight earth dark mall can I get a little more than though yeah a little bit more yeah actually oh that's what I'm talking about also I still have a my rocket launcher oh good oh yeah just like in the movie yeah just like in the movie and my flash grenades Jedi's love rocket launch it's true I've heard him say that George Lucas [Laughter] [Music] I have killed your master now it is your turn to die young Jedi we said so we fight Darth Malgus game we're going over there and we're gonna get the old isg out and just look at him he's gonna give us a couple hits and time is we're giving her a real reign face everybody yep times coming up and time I'm just gonna assume that was over estimate is of course not but nope no I could but I won't I I could if I I would if I could you guys yeah you have this power everyone in chat make the sound and everyone will hear it ease in the track so there's still one really high-quality thing left in this game bad boy a Jedi Knight dude so after this little cutscene here fully rendered cutscene there's one more little cherry on top we're glad to see oh no yeah they are oh it's the blue Georgian blue gungi they're awfully fine with the fact that we murdered like half their city any of these people yeah sit on that looks like Walt Walt greens action all right so here's the final timer two hours 52 minutes we made it sub three sub three hours if it's not if it's not obvious unfortunately there's no real comedic values in this table right here but I think I watched you trying to make sense of it for a good no I mean it we figured it out I'll tell you right now what the answer is oh my god oh the ones column of the seconds and then skip over the tens column and all the others are just the number of seconds you played the game so this means that you played the game for twenty five hundred and twenty seconds okay that makes sense it's awful yeah I promise you often will get entries in that table that says that you took two hours in 89 minutes yeah the game also I'm going to show off one glitch it's very short and just a fun little extra here I know what a guy only it'll take about 30 seconds and I promise it will pay off dividends all right so if you remember this is where Anakin runs into the junkyard and you chase him around so I'm gonna walk just enough Tory goes to the second point we're gonna go back so remember we gave me the slip and she's still back here there she is how it happened but wait and Anakin's really mad and [Applause] [Laughter] he's Super T posing on you this is the video game allegedly Phantom Menace thank you thank you for donating as well for the voices all right thank you so much blood awesome run Saint million up next will be dragon's lair the legend by sheriff which is the Gameboy platformer sequel to Dragon's Lair so that'll be interesting we definitely had some donations come in during that run so I'm gonna go and read a couple off we had $25 donation from a mere in who says more hover cannons will be coming I can't stop crying we also have five dollars from Nicole Moss who says I think more hover cannons are coming and also oddly enough five dollars from hover cannons it says I'll be coming back I appreciate those thank you we also have a twenty five dollar donation from dawn back who says all energy from the Living force from all things that have ever lived feeds into the cosmic force binding everything and communicating to us through the middle chlorines we also had a $25 donation from stable table who says I did a frame perfect breakfast skip to catch the start of Star Wars The Phantom Menace it's one of my favorite games I've ever played may the force help us to beat cancer well I hopefully you got some food now after the run we have a $25 anonymous donation who says I've donated before but this year my uncle was diagnosed with mouth cancer and my mom had her own scare with a benign tumor so this donation is a lot more personal many thanks to the runners and volunteers who make this such a great event every year we got a $10 donation from dark fear och or dark dark fire rock this is four hours of smiles laughter and nausea thank you for all the awful goodness shout out to the crowd tonight by the way for being extra awesome and has been we're staying up with you all yeah real talk the late night awful crowd is so good yeah shoutouts to you we had a 250 dollar donation from night-owl 9000 says so glad to finally catch an awful games done quick block I'm usually sleeping when these games are on so good luck to all the runners and man that Mohawk guy during the mohawk and headphone jack run sure was trippy oh no not the guy the game both were trippy to be fair but thank you for the donation want to go ahead and mention one of our sponsors as well a JD Q 2019 is sponsored by the Yeti have we snagged your official agdq merch yet head on over to WWE calm agdq to see all the incredible designs we've got available there's T's pins and a finale patch that will only be available for a limited time and a portion of every sale goes to the prevent Cancer Foundation the Yeti has been a gdq's official shirt sponsor for quite a while here and they providing teas and other merch for nearly seven years as well they've also donated almost a million dollars towards gdq's partner charities make sure to visit them at Yeti calm / agdq to check out the agdq collection and we got a $5 donation here from a Gabi who's this grad school homework check insomnia super check a way to discover it's the awful games block heck yeah that's a check thanks for the fun times and love you guys well thank you for staying up and watching awful block with us look as a connoisseur of awful games I just got to say give me the garbage I want that garbage games just give it to me just whoo gonna devour that stuff we got a 15 dollar donation from oh hey Mike K says had to donate during the awful block I've been laughing my butt off the entire time good luck to all the runners and man y'all are gonna need it winky face emoji which I'm sure chat knows how to type but definitely a winky face emoji wink we also got a $10 donation during the last run of Star Wars ups to won Phantom Menace from Jed the Jedi says man I remember playing this game from my childhood and I gotta say this game has not aged well at all surprisingly I think the graphics for that game are still pretty good especially on ps1 but yeah it's definitely starting to show its age as well as more and more hover cannons of course we also got $100 donation here from Roxas - 3 - who says man I am really enjoying the awful block as always thank you for another great gdq thank you so much for the generous donation I also want to give a huge shout outs whoever's controlling the camera right now on the crowd cam doing amazing work as always we also got a $25 donation from crabby XD who says I love speedruns i love awful games i love agdq but I do not like cancer so let us do our best to defeat it come on everyone
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 623,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, AGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: pg06OeoJRVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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