Star Wars: Complete History of the Galaxy After Endor!

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the Star Wars Galaxy after the battle of Endor had a whole bunch of factions vying for territorial control so I've made a sanki diagram showing all of the major territorial moves between episode 6 and the end of the Legends timeline if you don't know how these charts work the sides of each factions color-coded section shows off its relative size over time compared to the other factions and the flows between these lines show whose territory is coming from where for example in this first highlighted section we can see all of the territory from the rebellion and some of the territory from the Empire coming together to form the new Republic as it was by the time of the liberation of corusant 7 years after the battle of Yavin or 7 ABY in order to not over complicate it I've mostly stuck two large break points in the timeline in most cases being yearly territorial changes for the biggest factions and we are sticking to some of the larger factions which is still going to be a lot on top of this growth of the Rebellion the death of the the emperor also led to the fracturing of the Imperial Territory between different warlord groups while the Empire Still controlled corusant under Grand Vier State pestage until our first break point and many of these other warlord groups still paid at least lip service to him and the Imperial ruling Council in practice many Warlords had carved out large chunks of independent territory for themselves often in open conflict with each other one of these groups The arat Authority was run by General sander delaris based out of Darin's home world Ary Adu proximity to early Rebel campaigns led to many losses at planets like morja where delaris lost his Prader class Flagship thassa though it was overzealous attempts by delaris to expand against Rebel strongholds like solist against the wishes of aratu elite which lost him his territory in the end causing him to abandon the outer rim entirely and have the dubious honor of being the first major warlord pushed entirely into the deep core or at least the first one whose territory didn't already just start there like another of our Warlords who doesn't get heavily involved in the fighting against the early New Republic Admiral Blitzer hk's zero command another group the penar alignment under the leadership of Grand Moff artist C carved out a swath in the northern outer rim and made a similar decision to stay out of the early fighting they largely planed to abide their time aside from some border skirmishes with other Imperials and this would pay off over the years with their territory becoming the core of the remaining Imperial territory by the end of the war with the new Republic but will get there later a series of agreements between Imperial leadership and local corporate interests led to some new developments like the bespoke enforcer class picket ships made by KOAT drivey guards and galanto heavy works on the planet jamus for Kane's new forces next warlord zinge controlled portions of the outer rim and mid Rim heading towards the core just clockwise of the penar alignment in the galaxy in the early years Zing was arguably the most powerful and the largest of the Warlords making everyone wonder why his territory didn't just eat the other other ones although he benefited from being relatively far from initial Rebel and New Republic campaigns much like the penar alignment had one force that had been under his control during the Galactic Civil War the Crimson command built around a core of pinkold Victory class Star Destroyers which had been built as a result of a material shortage was absconded with by another warlord Admiral traon ptero who used it to build both a rivalry with zinge and a neighboring warlord Kingdom the greater maldrood named for its capital in the mude sector there were a plethora of other smaller Warlords running around the Galaxy but rather than have a bunch of single Pixel lines I've grouped them together in one category here it maybe a little slim for what it is but hopefully still gives a general idea of what's going on in the Galaxy over the year or so following the fall of corusant s pestage had been replaced by intelligence director asan isard and the Imperial ruling Council in charge of once again somewhat Divergent parts of the Empire isard fled corasan aboard the Superstar destroya lucenia and established herself on tyer while ARs dangor and the ruling Council moved to arinda despite isard stopping the flow of baaka a crucial Medical Supply from tyera in making herself a target of Rogue Squadron who resigned their Commissions in the new Republic to focus on taking her down the bulk of the new Republic turned his detention towards warlord zinge on top of his Imperial territory Zing had effectively annexed or subjugated the corporate sector at some point following Endor the corporate sector had been an autonomous Zone within the Empire established by loyalist corpor operations during the Clone Wars and given mostly cart blanch to exploit the territory at the tail end of one of the Galaxy's main hyper Lanes the hiyi and way the corporate sector had enjoyed a certain level of autonomy even under the Empire but now it was being used as a base for some of zin's questionable science projects for example in Project Minefield Zin tried to brainwash nonhumans within the new Republic to compulsively complete some kind of act for him those acts usually ending in either murder or explosions the campaigns against Zin actually included some cooperation between the New Republic under Han Solo and Imperial forces under Admiral Teran rogus but following the death of zing in the destruction of his Flagship the iron fist at the Battle of damir the alliance of his enemies fell apart about as quickly as his territory did it was however the start of a newer and much longer lasting alliance between the New Republic and another independent faction we haven't talked about yet the hapes Consortium they were an insular matriarchal society which had weathered the Imperial rule of the Galaxy by patrolling the transitory miss a nebula surrounding their home star cluster with their iconic clamshell shaped battle dragons their attempts to form an alliance with the new Republic were essentially their first overtures towards the wider Galaxy in Millennia alongside their attempts to like this video And subscribe for more something you can do as well not only were the new Republican Empire rushing to conquer as much as they could of zin's territory the greater malw now tried to swoop in and the CSA eventually reemerged as an independent entity we won't hear from for a few decades now as well basically splitting Zing's territory four ways there were still conflicts between those that were doing the carving rogress in the Imperials face pedok and the greater mud in a decisive battle at farai Junction ending in terod Do's favor and knocking the Empire out of the race but this victory was shortlived for the greater mude as Akbar soon countered padok at meridon and Thanos forcing padok out of the mid RM and securing most of zingis and ptero former territory for The Near Republic for those keeping track this now means the star alignment basically had the only significant amount of territory of any warlord outside of the deep core traon trodo and his greatly diminished forces linked up there in the Deep core with his brother Kosh pedok forming the new Federated ptero Union a grandiose name for yet another largely impotent core warlord technically with K's help Triton was able to hold on to some mid Rim worlds but it really wasn't a significant amount before continuing down the timeline too far there's a few other groups to mention the Hudson Huds space were largely independent during the Empire but they fully threw off any pretense of control after the emperor's death and they continued their rule of the criminal underworld of the Galaxy unabated along with the control of their own dedicated Worlds the unknown regions also have a few things worth talking about in the time between Endor and 9ab as the name implies we don't actually know much about what's there to talk about but a few groups relevant to the wider Galaxy did exist and they show up in some stories first is of course the chis ascendency the original faction of grand Admiral thraw their territory remains relatively static throughout most of Star Wars and they'll mostly start getting involved in stories in later periods next is the CVI Imperium this species of space fairing dinosaurs had been taking some outlying Imperial worlds to use the human populations as fuel in their soul powered technology within days of Endor elements of the Rebel Fleet and the Imperial Defense Force at the planet bakura teamed up and fought off a preliminary cvy assault assult leading to a multi-year campaign by the rebels and New Republic to remove them from their newly acquired worlds reaching their home world of lak only to find another group had beaten them to it this had been done by the Empire The Hand a faction originally established by thraw in cooperation between some Imperials and some chis assets during thron's Exile from the Empire while ostensibly established as a way for the Empire to Scout and maybe pacify in their words parts of the unknown regions thron grew the empire hand far beyond that in cooperation with various local species as well which is what the inflow charts here are meant to represent over time it would slowly grow to cover a massive amount of territory in the unknown regions geared mostly towards Mutual defense against a variety of other threats existing in that region some of these threats as well as the extra Galactic Invaders like the nagay and Toof who the rebels fought alongside the mandalorians and the early years after Endor may qualify for some level of inclusion on this chart if I were to follow up with a slightly more granular look depending on people's interest but generally in those cases they're either too small didn't conquer enough territory over long enough of a time or there's just not enough information to really work with if you do want to see a deeper followup let me know in the comments though getting back to the known Galaxy as we head into 9ab this is the year where thrawn himself took over the Empire and launched his campaigns against the New Republic over the course of this campaign a massive proportion of the new Republic territory was taken by him and he actually gained the tacid support of of many remaining Imperial Warlords however it was over almost as quickly as it started once the grand Admiral was assassinated by his bodyguard rook and their Republic followed up quickly with a campaign against the cutri hon a small section of Northern Imperial territory hoping to prove to the Galaxy that the thrawn campaign hadn't left them in a weaker position than before meanwhile Palpatine was beginning to show himself once again in the Deep core after slowly calling more and more Imperials together to serve him once again out of Abyss in fighting between Imperials had been both both allowed and encouraged to weed out the week or more likely waste a massive amount of personnel and material but nonetheless during operation Shadow hand Palpatine was able to bring together all of the major warlord groups in an attack against the ill-prepared New Republic conquering corusant among hundreds if not thousands of other worlds unfortunately for him in his many clone bodies he was repeatedly killed and one of his many new super weapons the Galaxy gun destroyed B this broke the Empire up once again probably in a Messier way than I could realistically show on a chart like this the penar alignment actually kept its pre- shadow hand territory although Kane himself had been killed making the alignment really the only warlord state to survive the death of its founder as well zero command also made out pretty decently here having seemingly gained control over some of the Southern Galactic territory out in the atrais sector though there's definitely some interpretation involved there regardless it didn't last long and soon Blitzer hark was back to being an exclusively deep core warlord along with almost everyone else albeit now he was probably the biggest fish in an Ever smaller Pond I have very rudely grouped delard sariatu and the Federated teroc Union as other Warlords here but frankly they should thank me for that in the wake of Palpatine's death the Empire and the ruling Council fell under the short-lived sway of the former Royal Guard carnor Jax but the next big impacts didn't come until 12 ABY when natasi dala and gillad pelan United the Warlords at the SAU Beacon conference convincing them into the Spirit of cooperation by killing them all and taking all of their stuff daa then began an ill-fated campaign against the New Republic losing her Flagship night Hammer which he had taken from Dardis before passing military leadership of the United Empire's forces over to Pelion this period also saw the annexation of the penar alignment albeit with much less Bloodshed than the sauce conference at least as far as we know over the next few years until 17 ABY there were a few campaigns resulting ultimately in a much smaller final territory for the empire despite some early victories by Pelion but the situation had largely stabilized this is when we get to our only remaining unhighlighted line from these earlier periods the dusin league a new conquering warlike government formed by the Athan species in the corot cluster after the death of the emperor also emerged and was quickly shut down by the new Republic during the black Fleet crisis not much territory changed hands in the conflict between the New Republic and the athans but the athans had been conquering most of their home cluster so it was a long build up an kind of quick finish for the dusin league though there was still some semblance of ythan Government after this the next year there was an attempt to hijacked the corellian government in secede by Han's cousin and evil doppelganger thren Z solo involving the activation of the ancient Centerpoint Station which was used to create a huge interdiction field around the corellian system and ultimately the sector which the new Republic was able to defeat with the help of buuran Technology allowing them to jump into the interdiction field and face the corellians Han and Leia's kids Jason Jana and Anakin solo also helped to shut the station down by 19 ABY pan realized it was foolish to think the Empire could hope to overcome the new Republic and try to sue for peace despite opposition from many within the Imperial government including a plot to fake a return by Grand Admiral thraw funnily enough this coincided with the possible real return for Grand Admiral thraw had Luke and Marin not ventured into the unknown regions met with the still growing Empire of the hand and killed a gestating thrawn clone on their capital building while some other small Warlords would continue to pose problems this largely remained the galactic status quo for six more years the next big changes started in 25 ABY when a brand new thread emerged in the Galaxy the yuzon vong and their biotechnology arrived from The Intergalactic void and quickly began to conquer massive amounts of outer rim and mid Rim territory primarily from the new Republic but also increasingly encroaching on Hut space despite early attempts by the Huts to cooperate with the Invaders peling In The Empire along with several New Republic military leaders and the Jedi recognized the massive threat posed by the yuzon vong however the governments on corusant in the imperial capital of Bastion didn't quite accept the gravity of the situation the new Republic continued to sustain heavy losses until 28 ABY when the fall of corusant shattered any illusions of safety the empire in the core still maintained this brought about the formation of a new government the Galactic Federation of free alliances put together primarily between what remained of the new Republic the Empire and the hapens the Huts continued to hold out in bhana huta the garden of the Huts which had remained the home of their core defense fleets for Millennia even when they had otherwise disarmed while the Huts were barely weathering the storm the new Galactic Alliance was able to turn the tide of the war and finally liberate corusant once again this along with the discovery of a living world named zamot which had originated in the vong's home Galaxy brought the war to a close when the vong were given the planet to live on they were basically just loaded up and the planet flew away it wasn't exactly a clean Victory though some planets were completely uninhabitable thanks to the Yon vong including the former worlds of the athans who had been entirely exterminated despite the Yon vong War Master Nash choka's surrender many yuzon vong commanders would refuse to follow suit a problem choka promised the remaining yuzon vong Fleet under his command would assist in solving unfortunately this plot Point basically never gets mentioned again so I just assume it happened uneventfully and pretty efficiently in the six years between the New Jedi Order books which are about the use on vong war and Troy denning's dark Nest Trilogy which followed it up chronologically this Trilogy is where we see Focus move into the unknown regions where the chis ascendency is dealing with territorial encroachments by the kilix a species of usually peaceful insects who basically turn people into joiners if they spend too much time around them which makes them become part of their hive mind this had happened with a Jedi named RAR Thal and two dark Jedi by Lomi PLO and Welk who had been lost during a mission in the yuzon vong war lomy and Welk's influence had created the gorog the secret dark nest and led to massive rapid expansionism among the kcks and reprisals from the chis the capture of RAR now known as unu Thal the public face of the kilig Ness and the death of Lomi and Welk finally returned the kilick to their normal peaceful State and prevented the war from spilling over into the rest of the Galaxy luckily for Del re's ability to keep publishing books the rest of the Galaxy didn't need much help to cause more conflict the corellian Insurrection of 18 ABY had preced other issues within the new Republic and then Galactic Alliance and in 40 ABY Kia began another Galactic Civil War leading a confederation of other disaffected members of the alliance in Revolt the corellians were joined by other members like the bothans and elements of the hapens known as The Heritage Council who were opposed to Queen Mother tenel CA but they were also supported by groups outside of the galactic Alliance including the huts and the Corp corate sector who had managed to largely avoid the yuzon vong war during this war the galactic Alliance was taken over by Jason solo who had become the Sith Lord Darth kidus leading the alliance to split even further with the formation of the Jedi Coalition which included the Jedi elements of the Empire the hapens the mandalorians and even some former members of the Confederation basically anyone who decided they hated Jason solo more than they hated each other the war ended at the Battle of aoru station where J solo killed her brother which also forced a peace between the galactic Alliance and the Confederacy who saw the writing on the wall with the Empire and the rest of the galactic Alliance now fully arrayed against them however notably the Confederacy was not forced to rejoin the alliance and it remained an independent state or collection of states the hapens under tenel CA in the empire under the new leadership of jagged Fel also withdrew from this increasingly less fittingly named Galactic Alliance the fate of the Jedi series which followed up that conflict which was covered in Legacy the four included less of a galactic conflict and more of an existential crisis for the Galaxy as many of its inhabitants fought abalo who was basically an immortal Dark Side chaos being who' been trapped by Centerpoint Station and its sister station sinkhole in the ma for our purposes though there was a power struggle in 44 ABY for leadership of the Empire dala who had ended up as the chief of state of the galactic Alliance and yes this is the same woman we talked about reuniting the Empire earlier had been removed from that position and decided that it would be to try to rest control of the Empire from jaged Fel amassing her forces at exodo 2 Jag had been informed of this by a mooff who had been spying on dala Forum to gellis who dabbled in warlordism himself in his younger days Jag was able to mount an attack using not only his own loyalist forces but forces he was able to pull from the Empire The Hand having been raised among the chis and trained as an Empire of the hand pilot the Empire the hand is a pretty messy place lorewise after the Yan vong war with a lot of authors not really agreeing how it works worked and some amount of contradictory in Universe accounts for whether it still existed but it seems like it had just been laying dormant for an occasion like this I would say it's most likely a loose Alliance of local forces with the Imperial and chis assets having been allowed to live in chis territory and keeping that Alliance Together full annexation by the chis of the Empire of the hand would never have really made any sense since the chis were way too xenophobic to really want that much to do with the big collection of other species thrw a Mass for the Empire of the hand but it's potentially reasonable that some of the Empire of the hand territory may have been directly incorporated into the new empire under Jagged Fel or the Fel Empire as it would later become known this is largely the state the Galaxy is left in as of Crucible the final Legends novel chronologically however the Legacy Comics Jump Ahead about 80 years giving us another look at the Galaxy starting in 127 ABY by this point the Confederacy had been brought back into the galactic Alliance or in the case of the Huts struck back out on their own assuming the Huts hadn't already been in that position much much earlier we really don't have a timeline on the confederacy's dissolution the haens though still did remain independent the Galaxy at this point retained its negative views of the yuzon vong from the vong war a century earlier which the Jedi hop to rehabilitate by enlisting the yuzon vong in their biotech to help restore some of the planets devastated during that war interference by The Sith caused this project the osus project to go horribly wrong this was interpreted by many as a renewed yuzon vong attack and the galactic Alliance was div ided the Fel Empire declared war on the galactic Alliance urged on by the moths despite reluctance from a skeptical Emperor Rowan Fel over the course of the next 3 years the Empire quickly took over most of the alliance's territory while many systems wanted to secede from the alliance once again at the conclusion of the war achieved due to the helpful intervention of Darth crate and his Sith in service of the Empire crate the poost fell and took over leaving himself in charge of most of the Galaxy opposed only by the galactic Alliance remnant in the empire in exile over the course of the second Imperial Civil War from 130 to 138 ABY the Jedi Order was once again nearly wiped out during the Legacy period but Cade Skywalker a descendant of Luke was able to kill Darth crate and the galactic Alliance reformed this was now normally referred to as the Galactic Federation which is still part of the same Galactic Federation of free alliance's name which just used to go by Galactic Alliance and after nearly a 100 years away the Empire Reg joined the alliance which was now led by a Triumph with a representative from the Jedi Order the alliance and the Empire The Legacy Comics are followed up by Legacy 2 set from 138 to 140 ABY and include a new Insurgency led by Darth red but I don't think they had a major territorial change in this period and to be entirely honest it's probably the series and legends I know the least about so it's best if I don't pretend to thank you for watching though I hope you've enjoyed this excuse to make a chart which has taken most of my time over the last little while I want to once again thank you all for the support this year and ask that if you have enjoyed the video remember to leave a like And subscribe as we head into 2024
Channel: Corey's Datapad
Views: 36,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, first order, star wars explained, star wars legends, star wars history, Star Wars, Lore, Legends, Yuuzhan Vong, Second Impoerial Civil War, Legacy comics, Dark Empire, Operation Shadow Hand, Imperial Warlords, Grand Admirals, Thrawn, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin Solo, Corellian Confederacy, galactic empire, galactic civil war, rebel alliance
Id: T2GTT7D-kYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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