USS Enterprise G Complete Breakdown - Star Trek Picard

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What better way to honor a ship that already has a namesake lineage. A ship whose crew sacrificed their lives, including its captain. Who valiantly halted a full-scale invasion; who saved Earth and by extension the entire Federation. What better way to honor it than re...naming it.

I about died here!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HaphazardMelange πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never miss a Junkball video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AwattoAnalog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s nice to see Rocks! getting a full segment. ;-)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scarred2112 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm a simple man, I see Junkball, I upvote.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/datusernames πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Should I be a fan of his video work ? (honest question - not familiar with him)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/adamsorkin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ngl. I loved the F and don't think she got the love she deserved. The G is too homely for my tastes. It doesn't feel like a advancement in human achievements like the rest of the flagships. It feels like a support ship.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Linkz98 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Junkball is wrong about not having an in-universe explanation for why the ship looks retro. The Instagram background description at 3:00 says, "[The] Titan [honors] the retro design of the Constitution Class II." In other words, the in-universe explanation for the design is almost the same as the behind the scenes explanation at 5:26 of, "[wanting] to bring back that Constitution Class Kirk movie feel to the show." In either case, it's kind of arbitrary preference, and that's not a bad thing behind the scenes, but I don't care for it as an in-universe explanation.

Given how reminiscent of The Wrath of Khan the early PIC s3 episodes are, the above is pretty obvious. For once that's not a negative. Trek movies have been trying to poorly recapture TWoK for years and this is the first time it works, because it uses it as inspiration rather than trying to copy it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MalagrugrousPatroon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I swear if we get this ship as a model before we the Enterprise F, I'm gonna write a serious letter of complaint to AMT over there failure to release a popular ship model and jumping over an enterprise.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/princesshusk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is the Titan a it's got an unconventional backstory both in world and in real life we're gonna dive into its history its design a breakdown of its interior and why this new ship looks so old and there's no way of covering the story of the ship without covering the story of the Season spoilers are among us and could be anywhere well we know where they are they're in this video so if that's an issue here's your chance to disembark this question all right so in five four three two one so here we are at the end of the Next Generation and most likely the beginning of a new one there's a ton packed in this video so let's get going we've seen the Enterprise A B C D E F and only two more letters until we get to J this is the Enterprise G and Titan a let's set the stage for the Enterprise G or rather the Titan a I'll refer to it as the Titan since that's its name through most of the Season here's a recap of how we got here Star Trek Picard season 1 happened season two happened and season three begins with Picard receiving an Urgent Message from the estranged Dr Crusher she needs help but orders him not to involve Starfleet no starling so it involves Starfleet he reconnects with Captain Riker she's located just outside Federation space so they hatch a plan to use a Starship to get there enter the USS Titan a it is and it isn't the USS Titan that Riker once commanded in some of the books and lower decks it's simply being named the Titan a implies that it's a different ship the Enterprise a wasn't a refit of the OG Enterprise it's the new refit Neo Constitution class as they approach what looks like an entirely new ship Picard reminds us that it's Riker's old command Euro come on so which is it a new ship or a refit just for a little context after Picard season 1 the series took on a new showrunner and production designer Terry matalis and David Blass this explains much of why the series looks and feels so much different by season 3. matalas actually started off his career as a production associate during the tail end of Voyager and through the entire run of Enterprise he also received story credit for 2 episodes of enterprise and appeared in the series finale [Music] anyway this is what he had to say in an interview with Screen Rant he elaborates that Riker's Titan which was a Luna class ship at some point was severely damaged and needed to be decommissioned some of its systems were placed into a new ship the US's Titan a the Titan a is a new class of Starship known as the Constitution class 3 or neo-constitution Star Trek's official ship bio backs this up work began on a refit using the original Titan space frame however with the development of cutting-edge propulsion technology the Titan's design changed mid-construction and a new ship took form as per tradition Starfleet Engineers affectionately designated it as a refit having kept much of the original Titan's internal components it should be noted that this is the second straight season they've done this in season 2 a new USS Stargazer appeared by the looks of it it's a new ship with a similar configuration to the Stargazer that Picard once commanded prior to his time on the Enterprise D I have a video on it however they also say that it's a refit the older these refits get the younger they look unlike myself so I don't know with Picard and his Android body maybe it's a symbolism thing again it's like poetry so if they rhyme I want facts not poetry this season picks up in the year 2401 with the introduction of the Titan a soon to be Enterprise G to help Orient us here's where we are in the timeline it's roughly 22 years after the events of Nemesis where the Enterprise E was still in service as of the Year 2379. according to the official ship bio the Enterprise F launched in 2386 meaning that the Enterprise E wasn't around for long in 23.99 or season 1 we were introduced to the inquiry class which at the time was the latest and greatest ship that Starfleet ever went star trekking with I'm on the bridge of the toughest fastest most powerful ship Starfleet has ever put into service this may not look like an evolution of this but it still looks like something we've seen before it being a neoconstitution class you can see Design Elements lifted straight from the original Constitution class there's no real explanation provided for why this relatively new ship looks so old kinda like how Jack Crusher is supposed to be 23 in the show you're uh what 23 24 . again Terry matalis supplies his reasoning in an interview the Borg factored into the design of Starships like The Sovereign class USS Enterprise E but now that the borga no longer considered a threat Starfleet design looked backwards to the classic constitution-class vessels like the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 yep I'm definitely a constitutional there are other instances of Star Trek going retro like when smoking became a thing again to be fair metallis also stated the real life decision behind going with this classic look but I really wanted to bring back that Constitution class uh Kirk movie feel to that sort of iconic this clean design uh that was on all those posters hello beautiful if you're enjoying the video as much as this dipped from Chicago was enjoying his Blue Steak consider subscribing it helps smaller channels like this more than you'd think and you've certainly made worse decisions in your life alright on with the video you tell me how to behave there's more to this story though this design actually dates back to a 2015 fan contest for Best Physical vehicle model yeah that's a thing their model maker Bill Krauss entered the USS Shangri-La it was designed to be a contemporary of the original Constitution class it caught the eye of Doug Drexler who invited him to provide renderings for the Star Trek ships of the line calendar series the only place where Star Trek fans can find a date that is a joke I get it it is not funny you've been duped into watching your first calendar in rapping the Shangri-La was the featured ship in February here's one in the foreground it's the USS surprise and down here is another one the USS Shangri-La and just in case you're in the market for a 2022 calendar you should be aware that these are only about 10 calendar the Shangri-La is essentially the Titan a just Ctrl C Ctrl V and there you go though to be thorough they also did fill in the rear of the saucer and swap out the cells even though this model is purely digital it continues the Star Trek tradition of Kit bashing with how it reuses the same the cells found on the new Stargazer for those of you who don't know kit bashing is when existing model sets are rearranged to design new ships which isn't the same thing as kit bashing somebody's behind [Music] me I heard that you haven't seen it despite replacing the motion picture error in the cells with Picard error ones they still have the same vertical forward leaning profile they also Incorporated that classic TNG look of orange passard collectors and blue glowing strips down the side these missiles are used on other ships as well in fact the cells get a lot of screen time in this season in episode 4 the Titan is nearly out of power they rig a system where they open the radiation vents or whatever these things are to capture energy from a shock wave to regain power circling back to the saucer the most striking feature are the ship's six nacelle exhausts the ship's official bio provides an explanation for this it says the ship is designed for interstar system Duty in other words it plans to do a lot of work zipping between neighboring planets using impulse speed at those distances using warp would be like moving down to the neck well there's a neck coming at it from an in-world perspective Starfleet ship design had all but eliminated this element from its chips just look at the Enterprise E or Voyager or even the inquiry class no necks so it looks like this design component has returned for this generation of Starship it's Star Trek the next next generation the drive section is the most unique area of the ship it has Design Elements reminiscent of other ships while still being completely original the navigational deflector calls back to the refit Enterprise and also the original version on the Enterprise E the rest of the secondary Hull is an entirely original shape and Design it's slightly reminiscent of the Constitution and Excelsior classes and with a hint of the Galaxy class with how it flares and tapers on the sides the pylons and the shuttle Bay also call back to the classic Enterprise shape and design placement around the saucer you see a few TNG error phaser arrays there are these little thin ships however you also see the TOs movie era design turrets both use during the season it's a weird combination it's like the Navy using pirate cannons the maneuvering thrusters which are often mentioned but rarely seen make an appearance as well they play a critical role during the season when the Titan loses power and needs to navigate an asteroid field they saved the crew and the ship from one of the greatest threats to Starfleet now let's do a size comparison highlighting how the Titan compares to other ships this may hinder your ability to make eye contact with people for the rest of the day so consider yourself warned even though the ship looks like the original Constitution class it's actually much larger we get a sense of its size a few times like when Jordy is standing by the conference room windows in world it's about 560 meters which makes it a tad longer than the Enterprise C but when you remove it to the cells the actual habitable space is much less let's run through some overlays to see how it compares to previous Enterprises it's completely dwarfed by the F the same with a D in fact you can fit the entire Titan inside the D saucer ditto for the sea it's closest in size to the e but even then it's still much smaller and here they all are with the A and the B just because though the shows haven't really gone for the city and space concept since the Enterprise D if you were someone that had way too much time on their hands you could compare it to Something in the real world and see that it spans about this far on the Golden Gate Bridge but what kind of lunatic would do that it would also take about seven minutes to walk this distance for reference for this reference it takes about 10 minutes to walk a kilometer the VFX team did a nice job with the surface details on the ship especially with the more subtle things like the running lights which gives it the skyscraper night Vibe lots of Windows are pure white though surprising since the Stargazer window detail was so intricate last season because when you think about it white Windows mean this some of you may be wondering whatever happened to the ship at the end of season 1 that was supposedly the bestest ship ever right now I'm on the bridge of the toughest oh wait I already played this clip well Doug Drexler provided an in-world explanation as we saw in season one Starfleet built a ton of these [Music] the problem was that once an exploit was found the entire fleet was compromised which explains their absence by the time of season three which is like a year later but this would happen to the fleet anyway so whatever now just a few personal thoughts I started off thinking this ship looks like a hodgepodge of various ideas that just didn't come together but over the course of making this video it's really grown on me for that very reason it isn't as graceful as other Enterprises but it's gotten the ugly duckling thing going for it the individual pieces look fine enough but they just look kind of weird together kinda like your face when you stare into the mirror long enough I think he did a little too much LDS all the Titan's interior sets are reuses of the Stargazer sets from season 2. as you can see here the bridge design is virtually identical this meant continuing the updated L car's console art throughout the ship classic Star Trek artist designer renaissance man Michael acuda was brought onto the series as a consultant when the Stargazer artwork was being developed he's the guy who wrote The Star Trek encyclopedia whereas I like to call it the Star Trek encyclopedia this is a step in a different direction from the 3D holographic UI art from season one pretty much the entire end credits are elcar's Beauty shots the bridge retains that classic Star Trek bridge layout with a little bit of the Enterprise D with how these rails enclose the command shares and these ramps lead down to the front there's also a little of Enterprise E with the maroon seats and the excessive number of steps in a room prone to stuff like this happening the Titan's command chairs receive swinging consoles for whatever work you're able to do on a screen of this size they also wrecked Captain Shaw's leg the rear of the bridge features double doors to the conference room there you'll find gold relief models of the other USS Titans one that appears to be the Shangri-La and another of the lunaclass Titan whether it's the Shangri-La or not it's a ship that's virtually identical just with the motion picture error in the cells turning our attention to the dedication plaque it has the usual information such as Starship class its registry number and the names of the people who helped get it from page to screen down on the bottom there's the customary quote here it's second star to the right and straight on till morning which are directions to Neverland and Peter Pan the cartoon the book only says second to the right and straight out to morning so they're actually just quoting Disney or Captain Kirk quoting Disney the traditional Starship view Screen through the first couple decades of the franchise became a giant window view screen hybrid thing many years ago with the JJ Abrams movies now this show attempts to walk the fine line between maintaining the current design aesthetic of the giant window screen while also trying to link it to the classic era through most of the Season it appears to be the same giant window screen design we've seen for many years now until we get a decompression scene where it's revealed that it's actually a traditional view screen when the large opaque hatch doors open behind it whatever the case anything's better than the original Enterprise E disappearing view screen that's just a blank wall most of the time this season features one of the best Star Trek ship battles in years it's the return to the classic Star Trek Vibe of submarines in Space the Titan faces off against the shrike in a cat and mouse back and forth over the course of five episodes which is half the season the Shrek is named after the bird don't Google it and is more heavily armed than the Titan so they attempt to level the playing field by taking the fight into a nebula on the surface it's a rehash of the wrathicon battle but there is enough new here to keep things fresh like they play portal at one point compared to how ship battles have played out in more recent years it's a nice change of pace here each shot mattered and each hit changed the course of the battle it's the first effective Battle of this nature since Star Trek 6 which coincidentally starred Christopher Plummer his daughter plays the villain here she's ham-fisted and over the top but so is Chang Ed and let's slip the dogs of war and the season loses some steam when she's defeated it turns out she was just a mini boss the in boss is like Dr palowski or something a major subplot of the Season features shapeshifter imposters who infiltrate the ship to track down Jack Crusher they dispose of various crew members and take their place roaming the ship to hunt them down Corridor sets don't usually play much of a role besides giving characters a place to have a conversation while traveling to a new location however they play a small role in the story this season sections have Windows that provide A View to outside the ship and sometimes to nothing during the nebula battle with shrike the sensors are ineffective the crew must resort to looking out the window to spot them it's nothing much but it's kind of neat given that these windows are along a straight Corridor they're probably located along this straight stretch of the saucer during the season the Titan visits the fleet Museum which is the forever home of every Star Trek hero ship in franchise history just a quick rundown of the featured ships there's the Excelsior the nx01 refit the Enterprise a stargazer defiant and Voyager there's also a TOS Constitution class which makes things tricky to fit this into the same continuity as this in any case it provides a sense of closure for each of these ships and in a way their respective shows while hiding out there they notice Alberta prey which just so happens to be the bird of prey from Star Trek 4 the one with the whales it's once one of the most menacing adversaries in Star Trek history it took down two Enterprises and scared the out of some Whalers the jacket's cloaking device which allows them to sneak back to Earth now's as good a time as any to hit upon the Enterprise F which precedes the Enterprise G because that's how the alphabet works I did a whole video on it it has a fascinating backstory so you should go check it out when you have the chance short story short it's a part of the frontier Day celebration what's a frontier day 250 today it's Maiden voice we see Commander now Admiral Shelby commanding it as an exit space dock it turns out that the ship is set for decommissioning following the festivities the official ship bio says it has something to do with the critical ship system being compromised currently scheduled for decommissioning after critical systems were compromised during the monfet candidate the rescue efforts for the Riley and refugees on Fenton 4. the Enterprise F's final flight will be on display during this year's Frontier day we get a narrow view of the Enterprise F's Bridge it's the same set that they're using for the Titan just with blue lights and I think someone forgot to close these doors again check out that video on the Enterprise f for the full breakdown this brings us to the big reveal roughly a year following the events of the frontier day assimilation we pick up with the crusher Picard family aboard a shuttle heading towards Jack crusher's first posting since he's a nepo baby he was fast tracked through the academy and immediately signed as a bridge officer a Starfleet to put you on such an accelerated track trust me it's it's nepotism when he enters the bridge he's coming straight from the conference room which seemingly has no one else in there seven is now the captain which is a weird trajectory considering what we saw in the first two seasons anyway there's a double reveal with one Jack Crusher being assigned to the ship and two well what better way to honor a ship that already has a namesake lineage a ship whose Crews sacrificed their lives including its captain who violently halted a full-scale invasion who saved Earth and by extension the entire Federation what better way to honor it than renaming it it's now the Enterprise G which is kind of eh but there's always something to nitpick if you're looking for something to nitpick overall this is the best season of any of the new Trek shows it certainly isn't perfect but I think it's a much better send-off than Nemesis the fan service was a bit much at times but it was a sincere effort for metallis and crew to honor the franchise's history which included a reminder a reminder of the danger that all Starfleet officers and ships face foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'd like to thank these blue steaks for helping support the channel subscribe to help this channel fulfill its Destiny of being the ninth most popular YouTube channel about Star Trek Starships alright that's all from me till next time this message
Channel: Junkball
Views: 181,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, uss titan, uss enterprise g, picard, legacy, season 3, new ship, strange new world, enterprise f, fleet museum, constitution class, neo, 7 of 9
Id: 7DflErrGcNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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