Star Trek: 80 Secrets About Starfleet Ships You Need To Know

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10 secrets of the USS Voyager you need to know number 10 the arrow shuttle going to start here with the exact same place I started for the Enterprise D do you remember when you watched in Direction you thought oh a captain's jot a mini ship built into the ship wouldn't that be a great idea for a long running television series well not only was the captain jot a part of the Enterprise D but Voyager actually had one of these a really cool version of these built into the bottom of its hole it was called The Arrow shuttle was it was there they wrote about it they talked about it they even filmed concept shots for it but you never saw it on the show it's actually insane this because of all the shuttlecraft scenes we got all the shuttlecrafts we saw get destroyed then the whole subplot of the Delta fly them designing this separate ship and doing all of that when this was literally there this gorgeous little mini craft was actually there the entire time it's just bizarre and there shouldn't have even been any specific production reasons that stopped them doing it because it was designed to to look like the front of a danu class Runabout from Deep Space 9 thus meaning they could just reuse the sets they used for those it was there it was built it was designed it was rendered in lovely VFX they had the props they had the sets and they just didn't use it number nine the Intrepid class now despite the USS Intrepid getting a mention in Star Trek Voyager Voyager itself was the first Intrepid class vessel we ever saw and one of only two that ever made it into Star Trek but as well as that though there was and I absolutely cannot believe I'm going to attempt to do this sentence without a visual aid the USS bapon from the Deep Space 9 episode inter armor MN silent Legas inter inter armor inter armor emit legus silent in inter the one where basher in section 31 on the romulans anyway yes that episode did completely repurpose all of Voyager sets to have bashier whisked away from the station on a vessel it was just Voyager even though it was meant to be a different traffic class ship it even had helix's kitchen just take that out now while Voyager didn't make it into any other Star Trek series it was weirdly in the trailer for Star Trek first Contact firing on a ball Cube now these were not scenes that were used in any other element of Voyager they were pretty much constructed entirely for this trailer because apparently at the time they hadn't finished the VFX works for First Contact so just threw that in just going to hold my hand up here little tiny juvenile young me saw that and thought Voyager was in first Contact and got really bummed out when Voyager wasn't in first Contact number eight the environmentally friendly warp drive all right this is one of my absolute favorite things about both the design of this ship and the lore of Star Trek as a whole didn't you think it was cool when voyagers warp cells would gok and then it would go into warp speed that wasn't just a weird design choice in the Star Trek the Next Generation episode forces of nature is revealed that use of warp travel is destroying the fabric of SpaceTime so starle puts a limit on ever going above warp 5 because they're trying to save the Galaxy because you would the thing is despite mentioning these warp speed limits in two subsequent episodes that kind of just got dropped at a random point in time and you never heard about them again that is because even though they didn't explore this in the show developments were made strides were made forward in more environmentally friendly warp drives and the these variable geometry pylons were supposed to be the workaround for that basically the writers realized they had written themselves into a stupid Corner nobody can go above warp 5 and we're going to have a Starship stranded on the other side of the Galaxy good that's not going to work so they came up with this idea that they would have a more environmentally friendly warp drive something to do with how the war bubble wraps around the ship basically just doesn't destroy space as it travels through it there's a reason for it number seven the Hol decks are independent now this is a plot contrivance if I've ever heard of a plot contrivance and point of order being a big old Star Trek fan I've Heard lots of plot contrivances but voyagers holidex were entirely separate from the rest of the ship they had their own power SCE yeah for reasons known only to the right is they decided to make the ship run on one source of power but the holidex to run on another so even if primary and secondary systems were to fail and they were't able to reot power through the auxiliary manifolds etc etc the crew could still go and play Captain Planet or have a drink at that nice French restaurant they liked or make out with cows in Fair Haven which happened actually I'm saying that I know exactly why they did this it was so they could have crisises happening on the ship while people were in the Hol deex completely unaware of it there are more logical ways to do that but this is what they went with number six Voyager has a brain now again this was something that was only mentioned in passing in one or two episodes which should have been a far bigger element of the narrative starle vessels had been for many many years equipped with isolinear circuitry which was an incredibly incredibly Advanced way of circuits linking to each other and information being passed in basically kind of the same thing we have with computer chips now but just really good computer chips however the thing about computer chips is they are designed to replicate what goes on in the human brain with sinapsis firing and whatnot but they are of course not as good as the human brain because the human brain is an organ designed to do that and works on the molecular level and so so in what was a pretty Natural Evolution in technology they decided to make this circuitry run like an organic life form thus they had these biion neural gel packs which were responsible for transferring data across the ship and could do it in theory as quick as a brain could now of course the only problem with that is what is the problem with a brain compared to a computer full of chips you can get headaches and your brain can break down and sometimes you can just be staring at the same screen for too long and it can hurt so Voyager had loads and loads of problems with its computer getting sick so over the course of the show these gelp packs they got a virus they got poisoned and my personal favorite they got a fever one time so they had to heat voyager up to effectively boil it off technology number five Voyager of Borg yes by the time Voyager returned to the alpha quadrant it was yes still the same robust vessel Starfleet had sent off into the Badlands that time but it also came back very much a product of the delta quadrant because it was in large Parts actually Borg in Scorpion part two when seven of n comes aboard she basically installs loads of Bor augments to the inside and the outside of the ship to make it more efficient now of course the crew do attempt to get rid of all that once they've got rid of all the Borg minus 7 but the problem with Bor stuff is the Bor stuff's really good upon discovering that a lot of the ship's components were actually working slightly better with The Bard components still installed jway ordered they be left in Place B lonor she hated this she would repeatedly refer to these changes as Bor garbage but then of course when they went to build the Delta Flyer what did they use largely Bor components and just not for me to tell Captain Jame way how to run her ship I have zero track record of ever returning something from the other side of the Galaxy but it was just me given that Bor stuff replicates and takes over your face and bursts out your skin and I got rid of all that just me number four unlimited limited supplies all right here's a good startat this in Star Trek Voyage they established they had only 38 Photon Torpedoes to last until they got back to the alpha quadrant how many Photon Torpedoes though do you think they fired across those seven seasons anyone any guesses anybody it's it's an empty flat the answer is 85 now all right yes you're sitting there going Adam resupplying does exist in this galaxy in this farling future yes I know I'm just talking talking about the fact they said they had that many they never visibly showed us restocking any of them or finding ways to create more and yet they fired nearly three times what they had again not my place to tell someone how to write a show but I would have just I would have addressed that personally and also across those seven seasons 10 different shuttlecraft were destroyed as well as 15 others either being mentioned or damaged or just present so that's at least 25 shuttlecraft Voyager had it's a small ship I don't know where they put those again not to be that guy but even little tiny Star Trek nerd me when first watching the episode about the Delta Flyer sat there and said out loud at the screen but you've got loads of shuttlecraft because I've always been unbearable number three two is warp cores twice on Star Trek Voyager the warp core was either rejected or stolen or something and it left the ship dead in space which is weird because they had a second warp core according to this cutaway graphic which was shown several million times during the course of the show there is of course the primary warp core that's in engineering but also further forward behind the deflected dish this warp core which is a warp core and thus would have worked like a warp core if you're still not convinced this is the ejection Port that we see the warp core leave the ship through and this is the second port for the second warp core because there was two now yes again all right if I was trying to get a crew all the way home from the other side of the Galaxy and my primary warp core was stolen or damaged or nicked or just whatever I probably wouldn't want to just leave it floating around in space I probably would make the effort to go back and get it but when I've got another one I would use it instead of just floating there like an idiot number two the engines could not handle the journey all right so you are a Star Trek Voyager fine you are aware that in the first episode they enter the Badlands the caretaker flings them all the way across the Galaxy and they work out it is going to take 75 years to get home not true it's 75 years to get home if from day one they went at maximum warp in a straight line all the way back to the alpha quadrant without ever stopping I don't know if you've ever seen any episodes of Star Trek Voyager but they stop a lot they explore interesting space phenomena they talk to new species they end up getting into fights they have their own Adventures they have their own dramas their own romance everything in fact very little of the series Star Trek Voyager is spent doing any actual voyage now yes fair enough the ship is probably not capable of sustaining maximum warp for nearly eight decades but according to the show's producers it was realistically going to take them between two and 400 years to get back to the beta quadrant not even all the way back to Earth just back into friendly space that is let's see a lot of episodes number one Voyager is the Enterprise well it's not obviously it's not the ENT it's Voyager it's not the Enterprise but you know how there's a reality away from the show in which sets have to be made and things have to be built and whatnot well Voyager is technically in that regard the Enterprise not the one that's full of cat though basically Star Trek the Next Generation went off the air in 1994 and Star Trek Voyager began in 1995 thus Paramount found themselves with a load of Star Trek sets that weren't being used and now had a big need for brand new Star Trek sets thus they got their repurposing hats on and did some work now the bridge of the Enterprise D that was destroyed completely and the bridge for Voyager was created on the same set they share No similarities they were built from the ground up however s Bay the transporter rooms the crew quarters and all the corridors whilst being given a major facelift were just the exact same sets redressed and so too was engineering although that had a major major face they had an entire second floor they brought in that you know like the cell area where Diana Troy tried to fling herself that time they built that that into voyage's engine room they made it look completely different but it was the same set this is my absolute favorite one by the way those windows that J and way spent so much time fixing all the ship's problems by just staring out of them 10 forwards Windows flipped upside down yep and as much as the lord giveth the Lord also taketh away because loads of the sets used in Star Trek insurrection and Star Trek Nemesis were repurposed from Voyager in fact in first Contact one of those best scenes where Robert picardo is utilized as a door stop not a doctor it's literally voyages sick B is there an entire list to be done on Star Trek sets that were actually other Star Trek sets let me know in the comments rest in peace USS sheno ncc1 1227 now let's analyze the crap out of you number 10 old Reliant B one of the lasting contributions that initial starter Discovery showrunner Brian Fuller had was via the Shen Joo he wanted toate create something that would tie into Star Trek's aesthetic past but was still progressing toward the future at Fuller's request the design team used the USS Reliant from Star Trek 2 the Wrath of can as a jumping off point when designing the sheno he wanted audiences to get that feeling that they've seen ships like this in the past according to Fuller we wanted the sheno to be a much more traditional design so that when you got to the Discovery and it looked different you wondered why it was so different however there was another reason Fuller wanted to invoke the wrath of KH in this starf design as well the Reliant has a wonderful history of minority representation we thought it would be a nice nod to Echo its design with a sheno because we wanted to give it a context that nonwhite Star Trek fans might appreciate for starter Discovery the sheno would be a step toward add representation in Star Trek both in the name of the ship itself and in her Captain Captain Philipa Joe I wanted an Asian female Captain calling the ship the sheno after the Chinese space station felt like a wonderful way of acknowledging the scientific achievement of the Chinese Community number nine the upside down as the rest of the art Department under Mark Worthington worked on the Discovery itself veteran track designer John E Lees worked with the jumping off point that the Reliant was to be used as something of an inspiration to both root and expand on the fact that the Xeno has its place in Star Trek aesthetic aesthetic history not only that but he wanted the look of it to establish both where it came in the lineage and in the timeline of Star Trek itself according to EES you'll see some elements of the nxo1 from the past you'll see some elements of the Reliant from what's to come I felt it was important to try and tie these time frames together in detailed form to put the ship into context EES produced dozens of sketches of the shenz Joo adapting it switching it changing it however with most of them having the warpness cells on top at this point when Brian Fuller and Mark worington both Departed the series only then was EES able to pin down the final look of the Shen Joe and flip it upside down Todd chosi was the one that finally gave good direction on it I did one sketch he liked and we flipped it over and then angled the Nay cels number eight the 50s 2250s a huge aviation history BFF John EES took inspiration not simply from Star Trek ships but from aircraft from Real World History as well according to Eevees production designer Todd chanowski he gave the idea of incorporating elements of the old B plane from history into the shenzhou which goes a little way toward explaining the unique secondary whole design on the ship also according to ease I thought about something that Tony Moore at Edwards Air Force Base told me about which was a blended body aircraft where everything smoothly transitions into itself so the hole Blends into the wings and so forth I thought I'd try to do the same thing so my hole blended with the saucer and that ended up being a nice idea that the producers really responded to the design of the sheno also mimicked vintage aircraft by the inclusion of various aerodynamic fins along the hull and nay cells this was directly inspired by the 1950s Cold War era Lockheed f104 Starfighter a bank of Lights to illustrate the ship's registry was also borrowed directly from 1940s aircraft carriers this kind of primitive addition was added to all of discoveries pre ships including the discovery itself number seven underslung hero as the started discover a team was trying to figure out exactly what the look of the series was going to be what the ships were going to be designed like and how they were going to approach everything the actual design of the sheno itself was used to test new ideas early renderings of the ship contained many different configurations and liaries there were some that had highly accented turquoise color and some that were closer to the dove gray of the original Matt Jeff USS Enterprise there was a much more serious stealth bomber look also proposed that would have had faceted hole panels facing back against each other ultimately though a more traditional Aztec type pattern was used for the hull of the sheno while even at this stage they still weren't exactly sure where the bridge was going to go there were a few different ideas for where the bridge would go in the sheno including a note from the art Department that said why not put it in a notch at the very front of the ship that however was swept to the side once the producers said let's put it under the primary hole according to John EES the notes we got said its bridge should be located at the bottom of the ship there was no explanation for it but I thought okay let's go for it the unique location of the ship allowed them to build a practical set that was raised slightly with Windows going down under this the would be looking out onto what would of course later be added in post CGI starfields almost completely surrounding the crew following the release of the series John EES commented on the unusual Bridge location and the subversion of fan expectations when the studio made a teaser trailer to introduce the series they started by showing the sheno upside down the Star Trek audience naturally thought they were looking at the top of a ship then they showed the ship rotate everyone was really surprised when they realized that the bridge was on the bottom it was a very cool concept and it worked really well number six sooner or a lateral while all five previous liveaction Star Trek shows had been filmed down at Paramount Studios Discovery was the first but not the last to be filmed at Pinewood Studios in Toronto Canada there a series of elaborate sets were created like the discoveries Bridge the Shen joo's Bridge uh and a large amount of corridors siik Bay engineering a transporter room and of course lca's Menagerie because the premier episodes the Vulcan hello and the battle of the binary stars were going to be located almost exclusively on board the sheno there had to be a way of reconfiguring the sets so that they could look like they were from two different ships now simple repainting of the corridors allowed the shenz joo's corridors and the discoveries corridors to stand in for one another a reconfiguration of Lord managerie gave us the brg of the sheno but it was Discovery transporter room that went through the most extensive redress for these episodes it was given a unique lighting scheme it was given a circular transporter control and it was given lateral Vector emitters which are more primitive and designed to be used on the much older USS sheno fun fact about those lateral Vector emitters in Star Trek's great history of reusing props those emitters would turn up again in the episode brother aboard the USS hawaa they would also appear again in the episode the red Angel as phas discriminators number five a long Walker with a script for the battle of the binary Stars calling for an entire slew of federation Starships to face off against the Klingon Fleet John EES worked not just to bring the sheno to life but all of the other ships as well according to EES whenever we were waiting for feedback on the Discovery in the shenzhou we do concepts for Fleet ships on the side i' keep drawing those and we ended up with 60 or 70 of them I think they said they were going to take six or seven of the fleet ships and build them if I'm not mistaken Brian Fuller picked all of the fleet ships and he'd always go for the more unusual shapes in order to explain these ships enormous visual differences from the Contemporary 23rd Century ships in the rest of Starfleet EES and Cherry andow ski were worked together to come up with a backstory we eventually came up with a theory to explain why these new ships didn't have round nay cells and looked a bit out of place we came up with this idea that it was like the old Edwards Air Force Base in the 1940s all these companies were creating these new X Planes and even though the purpose was the same they all looked drastically different so we created this whole scenario that this was like an experimental stage up to that point the Vulcans have been influential on matters of ship design but now the humans had decided that they'd had enough of that influence and they wanted to go on their own consistent with that ethic chanowski and EES decided to name each of these ships after test pilots of those X Planes specifically choosing the sheno to be a Walker class ship named for American Test fight and X15 pilot Joseph A Walker number four Good Shepherd as the first year of star Discovery developed in the writer room the producers alerted the art Department to the fact that another ship was required this is outside of the discovery shenzhou and the fleet this ship the USS cury was intended to be another experimental Federation Starship and so a unique design was required by John EES returning to early sketches of the USS sheno EES flipped the ship over moved the bridge back a little bit and placed the engines above the primary hole the basic lines were a rejected sheno but I reworked it to be the cury Bridging the Gap between the sheno and the brand new discovery EES came up with the shepherd class cury which would later be renamed the corala and then dropped from the show entirely deciding that the experimental ship would be the same as the discovery herself the Crossfield class USS Glenn was introduced in the episode context is for Kings the cury aka the corala would go on to appear at the Battle of the binary stars and then would stand in for the USS Gagarin in the episode CV PM Parabellum so no you weren't just seeing an upside down sheno in those episodes but close number three memory beta with two full episodes dedicated to being on board the sheno staru discoveries producers put a little more time into coming up with backstories for the ill-fated crew alongside series regulars and returning characters like Captain Philip Ajo Commander Michael Burnham Lieutenant Commander suu Lieutenant Junior gr Kayla Detmer and ensen Danby Connor the crew of the sheno were filmed out with unique character and alien designs to really make them stand out you had the blue skin Lieutenant Troke you had the cybernetic Lieutenant Troy januzi and enen jira narwani who had wear the distinctive snail shell helmet that would appear quite a few times throughout the rest of discovery's run while most the sheno crew go unnamed on screen a lot of them actually are given extensive backgrounds in the tie-in novel Desperate Hours by author David Mack according to Mack this was a deliberate effort by both himself and the discovery producers to give this crew a sense of reality which would make what happens to them in the episodes hit home most of them I developed on my own along with detailed character bios Back stories quirks interests etc those were then submitted to the show via Kirsten buyer for approval some such as Gant dmer and januzi ended up being used on the show a few like Connor and Brit weaton were established by the show's writers also kerssen tells me that the sheno bridge crew actors were given my BIOS of their characters to provide a foundation for their performances number two contact with Kamar in addition to providing them with brief histories the novel Desperate Hours also depicts the sheno crew teaming up with Captain Christopher Pike and the USS Enterprise to take on a mystery on the planet Sear three despite the aformentioned effort to align the creation of the novel's characters with the show's writers and what we see on screen Desperate Hours is like almost all of the Star Trek novels a non-canon adventure still the sheno did have at least one other mission that we know of sort of 2018s short Trek the brightest star sees Philip AIO then a lieutenant answered the hail of suu who is at this point still living on cinar she lands in a shuttle which is marked s hn03 clearly indicating that she was serving aboard the Walker class USS sheno 16 years before the events of the Vulcan hello this would make the sheno the first ship to encounter the kelpiens however the subsequent Discovery episode The Sound of Thunder would rcom this and say that georgo was serving aboard the USS Arkham Mees at the time thus removing the sheno from this very important historical event for no reason that I can really think of and to add insult to injury just in case one might think oh maybe that's a bit of a continuity issue no they removed shn from the shuttle number one into the wild blue tinted Yonder as mentioned earlier and in many many many other lists Star Trek sets are so often reused and redressed and turned into something else while the Shen Joel's Bridge was originally designed to just be that in the true Spirit of Star Trek it would then go on to be adapted for two different locations you might not have noticed and we're here to destroy the Illusion for you for starter Discovery season 2 The Bridge of the sheno was heavily revamped and redesigned to become the bridge of a section 31 stealth ship this was under the direction of new production designer Tamara deil according to deil we revamped those great Bones from the sheno set the bottom of the bridge had been glass allowing the crew to look out into space and it was all green screen in that area there was a bunch of space down there so I thought let's take away the glass floor clean out the green and make this a two-tiered ship with ladders going up and down while the section 31 ship would make numerous appearances in the second season it did not follow Discovery Through the Wormhole hole at the end of season 2 so a new use had to be made for this bridge set in season 3 of starter Discovery the bridge of the sheno would become Starfleet headquarters so many elements of the bridge had been lost or scrapped or removed along the way but that Central Dome at Starfleet headquarters is the original Dome from the Shen joo's Bridge well my friends that was not the last time that it was used because as we've seen in the released clip of una Chen Riley's Court Marshal from Strange New World season 2 The Room got reused again as the courtroom 10 secrets of the USS ceritos you need to know desperately number 10 California here we come now I don't know if anybody picked up on this but the ceritos was supposed to remind you about the state of California seros itself is a place in California it was of course a California class ship all the other California class ships were named after places in California there was various California items hidden across the ship itself including this in the captain ready room a very nice touch that in my opinion in fact there were so many references to California in lower Decks that if you combin them all together it would make up the same number as amount of references in 15 seconds of any Fring Red Hot Chili Pepper song I wasn't kidding about all the other ships in the class being named after places in California as well I don't really know too much about the place but Paul's Paul's written it all down here so I'm just I'm just going to read read it off read it off for him the USS mered is named after a place in Central California the USS alhamra named after a city in San Gabriel Valley the USS rubido named after somewhere in Riverside County the Solvang is a place near Santa Barbara and according to him there's a great October Fest so I'll have to ever check that out if I'm ever allowed to leave the house and the reason for that is because Mike McMahon knows California like the back of his hand he worked there for years he moved there there we had loads of loads of jobs there and he wanted in name all these little ubiquitous Little Ships these non Grand nons spectacular industry Workhorse parts of the fleet after these places in California he just thought that'd be a nice touch and it is in fact specifically he named the ceritos after a car dealership called the ceritos Auto Square they got a very catchy little jingle as yours yes citos cuz get it like yes siros I just is weird number nine old Reliant B Reliant very good very good I looking at the design of serritos it would look right at home next to a Galaxy class ship and probably look right at home next to a nebula class ship as well the other one invented in the Next Generation but apparently the inspiration comes from Mike Mah's favorite ship in Star Trek which doesn't really feel very next Generation we've given it we've given it away with the title of this but it was the USS Reliant from Star Trek 2 the Wrath of K and of course later scen in other series of Star Trek he loved that one and he kind of wanted the ceritos to look a bit like it and the man thing is despite the fact that the Reliant is kind of like the opposite of the classic Star Trek design that the Nels are below and it's kind of all very compact instead of long and Sleek it has actually gone on to inspire a lot of different ships in the franchise apparently the nebula class took its inspiration from there originally the malachowski class we saw in Discovery took a page from its book and even the USS shenzu itself was supposed to look like the Reliance so even though it's traditionally not a very Star Trek shape it is kind of the Star Trek shape I mean that said though the sorcer section and the deflect dish are clearly just contrl c contrl v from the Enterprise D itself so you can see all the different elements combining for that one number eight Live and Let liver Paul you live on the other side of the planet to me and just sometimes that is a good thing now in a classic call back to Star Trek's greatest ever Trope of just reusing all of their props all of the other California class ships in Star Trek lower decks are identical to the ceritos except for one small difference and that's the color has been changed on both the LCS panels and the outside of the ship itself basically it's usually red in starle but the Revelation in lower decks is the reason for that is because all the ships you've seen so far are designed for command based missions the citos on the other hand is purely a support vessel so it gets yellow and as a result all the other Port vessels get different colors but the missed has blue markings on the outside clearly saying that it is a science vessel whereas two of the other ones have red saying that they are part of the command thing as well it just Star Treck likes to have that little visual reference point for you so it's cool they put it on the outside of the ships as well I absolutely love this one and I completely missed it the original time watching the show so LC ARS lard whatever you want to call it has a very very distinct visual style that we've seen across the Next Generation partly in Deep Space 9 and of course in Voyager you know exactly the thing I'm talking about it looks like this it is just as Star Trek as Star Trek can be now if you watch lower deck you will see that the ship has been lovingly recreated to look like the ships of that era and all of its computer consoles are precisely as you would expect them to look but look a little further my friends look to the walls look to the floors look to all the soft furnishings and you will see that LC RS design transmits across every single thing on that ship look at it that's that's really clever I want my bed sheets like that that is that is actually that is these are my spare bed sheets by the way the good ones are in the wash so don't be don't be commenting like oh my god really paisely oh number six old but like future old now we don't know the exact age or when it launched yet that's yet to be revealed in lower decks but the fact that this is a junky old clapped out constantly in need of repair ship is one of the long running jokes in this show just going to refer specifically to an interview Mike mm did with trekyards because he kind of explains this better than I would be able to in my usual rambling style so just let's get a picture of him the name of the game on the ceritos is functionality they have to be able to open it up and change it when it's not being used for diplomacy or speed or for battles what the ship is good at is being taken apart and being utilized it's kind of like a trusty toolbox it looks good when it's doing it because it's Starlet but that's the mentality behind it like a lot of people said initially when they SC the design they thought in the cells being quite weird didn't really fit with it but man goes on in that interview to say that well yeah probably isn't even the theels it was originally designed to have they just stuck the goes on as they've upgraded it over time which when you think about it is a really nice little design Quirk number five overpowered and undergunned now with only 20 decks High the ceritos is on the smaller side of the ships we've seen in Star Trek like yes Voyager only had 15 but the Enterprise E had like 26 or 27 depending on who was speaking and of course the Enterprise a had 78 because they gave will Shatner a pen and then just left a room now what's interesting about this is that when you're in the sorcer section everything looks small and neat and tight and compact but when you get into the Dr live section everything starts to look big and huge and cavernous take for example the engine room is a lot more like things we've seen in the Abrams verse that took 300 takes to say by the way cuz I kept saying it looks far more like the engine verse in the ABS room and the reason for that and again this comes straight from Mike McMahon's interview with trekyards is because the ship needed to have a lot of power yet it still needs to be quite a small ship so if you take a huge engine which can produce a massive warp core and you cram everybody into it next to it that's kind of going to be really bad so we need to be separate from the main body of the ship so yes when they needed to extend the war bubble core thing they could do that when they need to extend the deflector dish yes they could do that but by and large most of the time they just wanted people to be sat away from it so the design actually reflects the fact it is massively overpowered for its size number four the why of the pylons anyway do slightly contradict that whole idea if they wanted to keep people away from the massive power level that it actually had but is still interesting nonetheless is how you get from the sorcer section to the drive section because they're not directly connected like pretty much every Star Trek ship we've ever had you sort of look at that and you can see how you would walk from the bridge to the engine room because it's just one big ship and you go where all the windows and the lights it's B just makes sense but on the ceritos what are you doing you going down the legs is there a secret invisible tube no again according to M man at track yards the turbo lift shafts just go down the struts and then through the warp n cell pylons which is part of the reason they look the way they do like they're designed to be insulated they're designed to be protective so you can safely travel through them without getting electrified and if you're wondering why they're a giant big part of those pylons cut out it's because they're not being used for anything they're just literally turbo lift shaft so why would you need them filled in like it saves resources it saves space it just makes everything lighter which doesn't really make sense in space but they don't need to be filled in so they wouldn't be well I guess it does make sense cuz he did go on to say that you want less material that's able to vibrate which actually does fit with Thermo and aerodynamic so I guess it does make sense but I still stand by the fact that it looks like garden furniture number three about those June buggies now one thing that always jumped out with me was the fact that yes this looked exactly like it was set right in the middle of the Next Generation but it isn't it's a full 15 years after so it's like way way way in the future and you look at some of the design choices they made like for example the shuttlecraft they're all boxy and not very sleek and slender they look exactly like janky ones they have in the Next Generation and not the really cool ones they had in Nemesis or in Voyager or things like that so why well the simple reason for that is because there is limited resources in the Galaxy so when Starfleet gets brand new shuttlecraft they go to your Enterprises and to your voyages and to all the other big flagships what do you think the citos get it gets the old stuff because it's still perfectly usable it just doesn't need to be on the front lines like everything the tricorders the replicators the power panels the shuttlecraft as I mentioned before the phases everything it's just stuff that's been in starle for a long old time it's not broken there's no sense throwing it away it still works it just doesn't need to be on the Enterprise that said though not everything it gets is necessarily old or clapped out some stuff is still brand new and exciting just not being used at the minute hence why they have an Argo dune buggy obviously everybody involved in Star Trek Nemesis was so embarrassed about having that on the ship that they just chucked it to the next Port vessel that wanted a June buggy and well there it is number two nice aft just a really quick funny one this I don't know if you've ever noticed but the emblazened name bit of the USS citos is not where it is on normal Star Trek ships it's not at the front as it's you know when you get the opening title credit and it's paning around the front and you get to see USS it's not not there is it it's on the back of the ship which is when you think about it a really weird place to put it reason for that is because by and large most people seeing the ceritos up close aren't going to be in some kind of performative space they're not going to be glaring at it marveling at its Wonder they're going to be getting towed by it yep the majority of times people will need to see the registry and name of that ship is because they're getting towed Along by it in a pinch so they put the registry on the back so that they can see that number one there be Dolphins here oh generally when I heard they were doing lower de and of course when you do something animated all of a sudden budget is not a problem you haven't got to think about making sets you haven't got to think about practicalities you haven't got to think about what you really can do with the show and instead just do whatever the hell you want to do that's what I was thinking about and so of course my first thought was citation Ops now for those of you who are brand new here cation Ops is part of the Enterprise D where Dolphins yes actual dolphins Ser in staffle to help with complex navigational and mathematical problems like they they solve them because they think in three-dimensional space and they're incredibly int intelligent and it was written into the very fabric of Star Trek the Next Generation but never used because again real life show how do you make an entire room full of dolphins and I say room it was like three decks high it was referenced in yesterday's Enterprise Jordy lege asks somebody if they have seen the Dolphins in another episode but we never got to see it and yet we still haven't seen it even on a show where they just have to draw it but I am very pleased to report that speaking to will weaton yes that will weaton of the ready room Mike McMahon confirmed that there is a citation Ops aboard the USS citos they just haven't showed it to us yet they are not promising but they are hopeful that sometime in season 2 we will get to see that and by we I mean me flippers crossed that's Paul's joke 10 secrets of the first Contact Fleet number 10 Akira steamrunner Norway and saber oh my obviously the main star of Star Trek first contact is the beautiful Sovereign class Enterprise E that was designed by John EES if you've even walked near one of the lists about the ships before you're going to know who John EES is another name comes into the Star Trek Pantheon in Star Trek first Contact and that is Alex Jagger he was the industrial Light and Magic visual effects director on Star Trek first Contact and we have him to thank for these new designs of ships that rock up in the battle of of sector 001 joer was given a bit of a task which is you have to introduce along with the Sovereign class which was being done ASA by ease introduced these new designs of ship and they have to be instantly distinguishable from the new vessel he had a bit of a challenge ahead of him he said the goal with all of those ships was to make them look completely different from the Enterprise as we were introducing the e in that film and they didn't want people going wait which one's the Enterprise therefore the very radical layouts on those four ship but still keeping true to the basics of Starship design you got to bear in mind Alex Jagger was 22 at the time at 22 I was still figuring out button- up flies on my jeans and yet he rocks up with these four designs and Rick Burman Jonathan Frakes and production designer Herman Zimmerman all go that one that one that one that one boom they make it in the film and they have almost all of them turned up again later on in Star Trek number nine ready for her closeup probably the most popular of these new designs is the Akira class USS thunderchild now in the film we don't know the name of the ship because it's actually not printed on the sorcerer section the registry is NCC 63549 now during the production process Jer actually said that the Akira class quickly became not just a favorite obviously the fans after the film was released but it was a favorite during the production process as well the The Producers initially planned to have at least one ship that we could get closer to camera that was the Akira so it got the most attention to detail so jger treated the Akira class the same way would any other hero ship that means that you could get up close and personal with this ship the way think about the other films you know you get these beautiful pan shots of the Constitution class 1701 you get those pan shots when we're in space Dock and of course the Enterprise D in Generations as well because that's where the bulk of the action is of course you're going to take more time and that's how popular the Akira class was is they gave it that level of attention in the film even though it doesn't have an awful lot of screen time in the released movie now the design was actually inspired by the USS Reliant the Miranda Class that of course had been introduced back in Wrath of KH those had the Nay cells swept underneath with a roll bar over the back and both of those ideas were incorporated into the Akira class added to this was a veritable sh ton of Firepower specifically designed to take on the board according to joerger this was my gunship battle cruiser aircraft carrier it had 15 torpedo launchers and two shuttle Bays one in the front with three doors and one in the back I really got into it with that one the whole idea was that the front Bay would be the launching Bay and that they could return and come in the back because they'd be protected by the rest of the ship Number Eight Days of Thunder child if you're wondering where the name for the USS thunderchild comes from comes from that the War of the Worlds by HG Wells it was based on the RMS thunderchild that fatefully has an encounter with the Martians in this novel now the class of ship the Akira class came from joerger's own love of the 1988 Japanese anime film Akira we've already gone into the amount of Firepower that was packed into this ship in the previous Century but joerger had another task which was where and when did does the Akira class fit in to the rest of the Federation Fleet now according to Jager the Akira class it has the same Escape pods as the Enterprise E The Sovereign class but it actually has a more similar hole plating to the Enterprise D now that was to suggest that it was commissioned after the Galaxy class entered service but before The Sovereign class entered service it becomes an immediate fan favorite but it also becomes one of The Producers favorite which almost led to the design being taken wholesale and used for the nxo1 in Enterprise if you want that full story go and check out our secrets of the nxo1 list our interview with Doug Drexler and you'll get all the juicy details there number seven background action now while the Akira gets treated to the full and fancy hero ship treatment the other ships do not get anywhere near as much loaf now these include the steamrunner class which was originally called stream Runner did not know that before I was recording this list that was the USS Appalachia then there was the Norway class USS Budapest and the saber class USS Jagger these were deliberately designed to be more angular and less detailed so that they could be there to kind of fill out the Federation Fleet without having to necessarily get up close in front with the camera that way when the scenes were being rendered these models were not given anywhere near the same level of detail as the other ships in that scene while you would never be able to notice it in the actual film like you'd want to zoom in times a million or something like that the actual paneling textures were borrowed for example the saber class right the paneling on that was borrowed from the Digital model of the USS Enterprise D that had been used in Star Trek generations and the Norway class was given the texturing of the ilm version of the USS defiant did somebody mention defiant number six Defiance now as you'll know there's already a list and an article on the USS defiant I strongly advise you to go and check it out this this ship is just full of Wii secrets but its story could have ended with Star Trek first Contact now while it's unbelievably cool seeing the defiant on the big screen yes I still remember that yes I'm probably older than a lot of people watching this video it was a according to Ronald D Moore who one of the writers on the film a necessary plot device to get Warf to the solar system to battle the Borg so I mean it's fantastic you see it's firing the pulse phasers and it's running along side of the Borg you know unfortunately once we see it it's had it's gone through a bit of an L challenge this presented an issue when it came to behind the scenes for example when Ronald D Moore sent the script to DS9 producer and eventual showrunner Iris Steven bear heads were buted somehow we had implied that like the defiant was destroyed or something we didn't mean to destroy the defiant but bear just ranted at me for destroying the defiant and it was really his only note in the whole script so we went back and we were very careful that the defiant actually did survive now there is indeed a scene which shows Warf being well beamed off the defiant Cameo by the lovely Adam Scott for all you parks and wreck fans out there war then insists on coming to the bridge of the Enterprise E and asks immediately about the defiant Bard says a drift but salvageable and then we get our tough little ship joke absolutely love it do you know who didn't love it Iris Steven bear he was quoted as saying I didn't see the point in bringing it on just to kick the crap out of it number five cannon fder so we've addressed the new ships that appeared in Star Tre first Contact but what was going on with the rest of the fleet because there's some very recognizable ships dotted out there as well now of course these include the Miranda class the oberth class and the nebula class Star Trek first Contact was actually the last onscreen appearance of the filling models of the Miranda and oerth class Starships these had both made their debut appearances in Star Treks 2 and 3 respectively so they'd been around for a long time at this point the recycle ships were fairly difficult to make out on screen but dialogue does refer to the USS Boseman if you remember cause and effect from the next generation's Fifth Season featured an augmented Miranda Class vesal which was then called the soyu class USS Boseman under the command of Kelsey Grammar Captain Morgan Bateson Brandon brager hailes from Boseman Montana so likely the inclusion was more just a cameo to where he's from but it also then ties quite nicely into what the Boseman was doing once it got to the 24th century this will be expanded on in the novel ship of the line which again featured captain baaton and also in decipher Star Trek customizable card game which is basically Star Trek's answer to Magic the Gathering in their first Contact expansion pack number four techno Babble it was established that the full length of the Enterprise E was 2,248 ft the diameter of the Borg Cube was 9,000 ft and the diameter of the Borg sphere was 1,500 ft so they're established in size by the designer the rest of the new ships in first Contact however literally had little blank spaces beside them for anyone to just come up with the actual size of these ships however as these vessels started to pop up in reference novels and encyclopedias for example Michael and Denise uda's second edition Star Trek encyclopedia it was left to these kind of franchise heavyweights the audas Rick sternbach and do Drexler to come up with a scaling system for these vessels first up is the Aira class now listed in DS9 technical manual in 1998 it stated that the Akira was a Heavy Cruiser class starship that was designed at the Antares Fleet yards and Antares 4 was designed for a crew of 500 and measured 46443 m in length according to the same resource the Norway and saber class vessels were both listed as being created in space do above Earth the saber class could only carry four officers while the Norway was listed as being able to carry 190 however both vessels were listed as being 364.5 m in length which doesn't really make any sense if one of them can carry almost four times the amount of crew as the other according to DS9 visual effects supervisor David stypes the saber was scaled down to about 190 m in length which makes it just longer than the USS defiant the steamrunner class took the longest to get an actual size because it was in fact the eagle mus Starships collection that put 356 M on the length of it basically it was the bastard stepchild of the rest of the fleet which is a bit of a shame really I like the steamrunner class uh I seem to have been the only one 356 m in length number three a Star Wars story yep I have just uttered the the the very heated words when it comes to the two franchises please we're over that you're probably all well aware at this stage that a very special ship makes a blink and you'll miss it cameo in the Battle of sector 001 yeah the Millennium Falcon is actually present fighting the Borg Cube and know I'm not just making that up I know that's not something that was digitally added years later ilm's John null had just come off working on the special edition Trilogy of Star Wars in the '90s and as a bit of a joke added the Millennium Falcon into the Battle of sector 001 so no it's it's there it is 100% in the film much like R2-D2 is in two of the JJ Abrams Kelvin films it's kind of like like it or not Star Wars is in Star Trek Star Trek Online designer and YouTuber EC Henry actually took the time to design what the Millennium Falcon would look like if it was panel with Starfleet Li and actually it looks really really cool now the link to that will be in the description of this video it's it's pretty sweet actually um definitely different listen otherwise you've got a corellian frighter fighting the Borg you know you make up your mind there were other ships shown to be fighting the board but not in the actual film the first theatrical trailer for Star Trek first Contact pictured USS Voyager obviously that never made it into the final film so I would imagine what that was is it was a placeholder they needed to get the trailer out the effects weren't ready on the film yet so they stuck in what they had which actually makes an awful a lot of sense really so that's why we get for you know at least in head Cannon maybe Voyager fought the board Cube as they left the Delta quadrant and then arrived in the alpha quadrant you heard it here first folks number two fleeting appearances after Star Trek first Contact raps production ilm gave the digital assets to Paramount Pictures for them to use for Star Trek Deep Space 9 and Star Trek Voyager you know sounds great in theory however all of the technology that ilm was using was actually quite different to what Paramount Pictures were using so the first Contact ships had to be rebuilt again basically from scratch bear in mind the Akira class got the most love so actually that one was easiest to slot back into Star Trek which is why the Akira class is the one that probably makes the most appearances in Deep Space 9 debuting in Call to Arms along with the saber and the steamrunner class ships but it also appears in Star Trek Voyager most prominently in the episode Message in a Bottle as I mentioned the steamrunner and State cber class ships also appeared in both DS9 and Voyager but their appearances they're much less frequent and they are much much like further away from the screen because they're just not being rendered to the same quality they were in the final shot of Stark Voyager as well escorting that lovely interp class ship back to Earth and we were then robbed of a scene immediately afterwards and Voyager ended too early I'm over it I'm over it there was of course a very missing ship in DS9 and Voyager number one lost with all hands the Norway class made its only appearance in Star Trek first Contact it never appeared in Star Trek Deep Space 9 or in Star Trek Voyager and hasn't appeared after that in the franchise either DS9 David stypes gave a very cryptic response basically he just said I believe we didn't include the Norway class for technical reasons that's it so whether that means the CGI file itself was was corrupted or frankly they just didn't bother we never got it on screen almost 25 years later on again along comes Eagle mus Eagle mus replicated all four of the ships including the Norway class for its ship's collection and according to Ben Robinson on Twitter this is what led directly to the steamrunner class being included in Star Trek Bard's second season if that's the case it might take a while but hope is not lost that we may see the Norway class again in action I've got my fingers crossed and I bet some of you do as well 10 secrets about the USS Stargazer you need to know number 10 the pressure of Legacy the design of the USS Stargazer brought together a few old names from Star Trek along with a few of the newer ones the team was headed by production designer Dave blast and saw the return of John EES and Doug Drexler and also Sean hard Greaves who designed the Enterprise a in Star Trek Beyond Jeffrey Mandel who was part of the design team of Star Trek insurrection and of course Michael okuda the team was tasked with designing a ship that would be both new for the 25th Century era of Star Trek bicard but also evocative of the original design by Andy Probert and John dwire according to production designer Dave BL we needed to update the classic USS Stargazer design that was seen briefly in the TV series Star Trek the Next Generation and update the design of a Starfleet Starship into a new century how would we update the technology to work for modern audiences while also staying true to the original Next Generation feel despite this new stargazer's Fidelity to Captain Bard's original command first seen in the battle this creature was very much its own thing now it was both evocative of that original constellation class but also a new design of a to era radiant class USS stargaze that was designed by fan model maker Bill Krauss number nine a command with baggage in the show Picard says that this Stargazer is a refit of his original Stargazer and you might look at the design and be like ah now these are a little bit too different but according to showrunner Terry metalis that is actually true like the TMP Enterprise it's a massively updated refit he said I like to think of it as the story of the brw if one day you replace the handle and another day the brush is it still the same broom we thought of it as a vessel endlessly repaired and upgraded brought in line with current future Tech so that somewhere underneath all the lights and polish are the bones of Picard's original ship does it make sense I don't know but I sure like the spirit of it whether it makes sense or not the producer still felt that the Stargazer was a minor vessel in the pantheon of Starfleet names Dave Blas had this to say about the the ship's registry I dropped the hammer on this one the Stargazer is an important ship but it does not hold the same status in the Federation that the Enterprise had I didn't feel it was warranted because then every ship gets it and it becomes a thing the Stargazer didn't have that Legacy therefore there was no a at the end of the registry number eight what does a Starship need with a carpet the Interiors of the Stargazer were designed by Dave Blas and Sean harres who as previously mentioned designed the Enterprise a for Star Trek Beyond constructed at Santa Clarita studios in Santa Clarita California there was a main Bridge built along with a corridor set and an observation Lounge set according to Dave blast the bridge was constructed 10 ft wider than the Enterprise E Bridge so that they could take advantage of the new widescreen format that Star Trek Bard was going to be shown in designed to evoke Herman Zimmerman's Star Trek the Next Generation sets which carried over into the movies as well there is one thing that is missing from from the Stargazer ample carpeting according to Shan harres there's been discussion on some of the online threads about whether this should have been carpet I disagree wholeheartedly this isn't a cruise ship nor a living room when it gets down to carpet No carpet how shiny the floors are Etc it's missing the point number seven observation Lounge observations it sounds very strange to say the word observations without a certain word in front of it [Music] accomplished fan model maker Bill Krauss was tasked with creating practical models of the Sean class USS Stargazer as well as the constellation class USS Stargazer seen in the Next Generation he was also tasked with creating a to era version of the Stargazer and all three of these models were used as set dressing in the observation Lounge of this modern Stargazer other elements that were used as well were the original plaque from the episode of the battle and of course a model of Captain rios's original ship larena according to production designer Dave blast the lounge set was a technological achievement in itself and featured a real view outside the windows custom conference table featured a gigantic integrated OLED screen as well as integrated lighting the chairs were custom designed to hearken back to the Enterprise E version of the chairs the highlight of the set is the panoramic view out the back of the ship with giant Windows showcasing the AFT of the Stargazer number six because callbacks according to set designer Shan harres the Stargazer was a group effort but the overall look was accomplished by John EES and Doug Drexler as they say it takes a village I just want everyone to get credit where credit is due it's only fair if you like the exterior of the Stargazer that's John EES through and through with Doug finessing known for creating exhaustively detailed Starships like the nxo1 for Enterprise Drexler included things like phaser strips transporter emitters tractor beam emitters and including a shuttle Bay as well between the two dorsal Nel struts at the back of the Stargazer the Stargazer also possessed two Warfield Governors located on the dorsal side of the saucerer section starboard and por not sure what the Warfield is well there's a long and detailed explanation for it but basically it's an Easter EG the to movie era ships always contain these if you think of it both the reliance and the TMP Enterprise had them at the rear of the saucer section so basically it's just a nice nod to previous designs number five style gazer all right this one's not technically about the ship itself but go with us here for a second season 2 of Picard introduces a new Starfleet uniform something that really seems to be happening every three episodes in Star Trek since 2017 created by costume designer Christine Clark starfleet's 2400 uniforms are an improved version of the same uniforms from Star Trek Picard season 1 according to Clark our Starfleet uniforms in season 1 were admittedly created in a bit of a haste and though they're perfectly lovely designs me and our producers felt we could deliver something more grand for season 2 with Starfleet playing a much more featured role in season 2 I wanted to pick up where we left off but create a sleeker more sophisticated design for 2400 this new spin on starfleet's DS9 Voyager and TNG era uniforms features a dimensional raised ink Delta across the shoulders an asymmetrical style jacket with a division color running down the trousers as well it was meant to be evocative of the monster Maroons that were introduced in the wrath of C just one of the many callbacks to the Original Series in Star Trek Bard number four star Fleek okay again this was not technically about the Stargazer itself but it's kind of flows right there's been an awful lot said about the arrival of the federal generation Fleet in the first and last episodes of Star tripic Card season 2 there's even a list just waiting to be written about this Fleet itself uh Paul but let's touch on the fleet briefly here because it's still one of the best parts of Picard's second season according to an interview with Dave blast with in versus Ryan Britt the different ships that appear in Star trp Ard season 2 was effectively a direct response to the angry outcry of fans from the last episode of the first season of Star Trek Bard I know that there's a lot of practical reasons why things happen but I was like okay I wonder if there's a way to solve this problem to turn this obstacle into an opportunity I found these ships from Star Trek online and I was like damn these are really goodlooking I was like why are we not doing something here with limited resources available to the effects Department Star Trek Bard turned to Star Trek Online sourcing several of their ships to appear alongside the Stargate gazer in the pilot and the final episode the show also received aid from Eagle M's Star Trek Starships collections by providing digital models of ships like the Akira class all of this in response to the so-called copy and paste Fleet that appeared in the season one finale a in Arcadia ego part two so next time you wonder if an angry rant about Star Trek Starships is worth something on Twitter love you Dave number three El car's Mania fitting Star Trek Picard's second season now in the 25th Century new user interfaces were created by Andrew Jarvis and twisted media for display on the bridge of the USS Stargazer these referenced back to the 24th century Lars of starter the Next Generation but also pushed the aesthetic forward for season 2 Jarvis and twisted media were joined by Michael okuda the man who originally created the elars lovingly dubbed okuda GRS for Star Tre the Next Generation and Doug Drexler who presented the production with original assets from the shows like the original auds of the Next Generation DS9 and Voyager Star Trek Bard's lcars interfaces were integrated into the USS stargazer's Bridge using static backlit panels and animated live feed monitors oleds integrated into the ship's consoles and interfaces on set this time though the set designers were able to give the ship's computers an even more futuristic look by creating curved screen throughout the bridge these curved elcar displays were achieved live on set using real projection and non-reflective Flex glass screens according to systems integrator and computer playback supervisor Todd a marks having this wide display area no one else has ever done something with the kind of complex curves on a practical set before number two normalize Star Trek insurrection references sometimes myself and Paul might disagree on some of the points on these lists but here is one where I am in complete agreement Star Trek insurrection is good actually of the four next Generation movies it is the one that is closest to an episode of The Next Generation while that is often used as a criticism I think of it as a compliment it captures the pace and thoughtfulness of the Next Generation features a beautiful score by Jerry Goldsmith Lush visuals by cinematographer Matthew leonetti and loads of John evees style spaceships including a slew of Starfleet auxiliary vessels while references to Star Trek insurrection have been light in the years since its release the Sona are name dropped in Star Trek Deep Space 9 and the Baku are giv a shout in Star Trek discovery's fourth season Star Trek Bard's second season contains a big nod to stard Treck Insurrection the stargazer's complement of shuttlecraft glimpsed only briefly in the Stargazer the shuttlecraft that feries Admiral Picard to the Stargazer is based on the type 11 design of shuttlecraft that was created by John EES for Star Trek insurrection this design was dubbed the type 14 and was nearly identical to the type 11 although it featured an additional antenna assembly on the dorsal side of the ship and Stargazer styl n cells also of note the type 14 shuttle in this episode is actually graced with its own name the USS Jameson named after astronaut May Jameson who appeared as transporter operator Palmer in the Next Generation episode Second Chances number one see you in the funny Pages as of the recording of this we are yet to know if the USS Stargazer is going to appear in the third season of Star Trek Bard we can say however that it has continued to fly in the printed digital pages of idw's ongoing comic series Star Trek Stargazer in that series there is a new officer in command taking over for acting Captain 7 of9 this is the andorian officer marara who invites Admiral Picard to board the Stargazer to relive some of his Glory Days as for the filmed Adventures of the USS Stargazer we will have to see but it is continuing a legacy that several of the other ships in Star Trek's history have passed down which is its sets have been redressed and redesigned to serve as the USS Titan a in the third season with so much history from the Inception of Star Trek going into the design of the San class St Stargazer itself it's only fitting that the Stargazer would lend its own advances to a new generation of Starship you know I think there might be a list in that 10 secrets of the USS Discovery you need to know number 10 Crossfield class I always forget about this now but we didn't actually see the USS Discovery until like three episodes in to the first season which was kind of weird anyway when we were introduced to it it was the most advanced sleekest sexiest nicest weirdly wrong uniformed ship in the fleet the Crossfield class just in case you're interested and I know that you are the name is an homage to the American test pilot of the X15 rocket I think that's right Albert Scott Crossfield they just they just took his last name that's simple and the thing is while one of the major criticisms of Discovery was just that's not that's not what ships looked like back then they do kind of address this in the second season when the Enterprise crew comes aboard and even though the Constitution is the cream of the Federation crop at the time because Discovery is a test bed for new technologies the crew even remarks that wow this is where Starley puts its pennies C see they listened they got it anyway point to my point we do only ever see one other Crossfield class ship in all of Star Trek and that is technically the doomed USS Glenn the sister ship that she goes to find you remember that one the things crawling around in the dark anyway it's not a not a popular class by any stretch of the imagination but it does look nice number nine Titanic Inspirations now yeah we all got excited because this was the first time we'd seen a new hero ship in a very very very very long time I don't count the Abrams one that is a reimagining of the classic obviously it was probably the NX Enterprise the last brand new hero ship we got to set our eyes on and we were like yeah that's really cool a brand new ship but the Big Star Trek fans the bad nerds like us when new it's not it's not quite new now the little sneak look we got at it at the 2016 San Diego ComicCon yes was very exciting but was an unfinished version of the model and a lot of people looked at that and thought hang on I've seen this somewhere before because they had that trip that we saw then and indeed the finished version of the USS Discovery itself takes so many design cues from Ken Adams and Ralph mccary's iconic reimagining of the USS Enterprise for the never ever got made Star Trek planet of the titans this this was the reimagining for the USS Enterprise that was going to debut in the new series and the new films in the 1970s that ultimately never got made but all the concept art is still kicking around and they took so look at it that's just is Discovery isn't it except it's got nice long Sleek Nells it isn't quite as made of Duplo as that one is there is actually a fully fleshed out script on how the whole story was going to go for that stuff and yes a lot of the elements did get incorporated into the emotion picture eventually but not the core premise of the story which we might end up doing a video on if you're interested in the comments number eight non-re influences all right there are two major things that are not Star Trek related that contributed to the design aesthetic of the USS Discovery and I will give you all 10 seconds right now to guess what they [Music] are wrong it's this airplane yeah the xb7 valkyrie it's got the goose neck it's got the a shape it was pretty much a large source of inspiration for how they made that ship look along with of course the never used uh Enterprise from Planet of the Titans I why I don't know I do not know but there it is oh and the second thing what was you guess for that that's wrong as well it was James Bond submarine car I'm not I'm not I wish I was making that up I'm not number seven an early version lives on all right now I could hear you all shouting through the camera when I brought it up yes when they showed us that preview at Comic conon of the new discovery for the new show there's a lot of people did notice that it wasn't how do I put this at allall finished it looked rubbish I'm not being unkind there like they hadn't finished doing it and it wasn't in the highest res and all this and yes we were excited for a new show and the promise of all that came with it but it just it kind of like I think I could have made that if You' given me a powerful enough computer and enough time I could have probably made that animation and I suck that's nobody's fault that obviously they just hadn't finished all the ideas for it it's just weird that they would then put an unfinished version out because they still had like over a year of tweaking the overall design left to do and of course they did tweak the overall design they haded much nice in the cells they rendered it in higher quality for a start that is not the finished version that is an early version and unfortunately because they released it it's out there like a lot of the marketing materials and a lot of the packaging and a couple of the toys and a lot of the postcards all all the collection stuff that came out before the show pretty much looks like this version of the ship now if you cast your mind back to us doing the Enterprise E version when they hadn't settled on the design for the deflect Edition and all the marketing materials went out with the wrong deflect Ed dis so technically makes it more rare or interesting I don't know Discovery is plagued plagued by this because so much stuff went out when it looked like number six another used Starship all right now if you watched these videos before you will know we love to do this one because basically they don't like to waste money when they're filming Star Trek who would so they tend to re use lots of sets for lots and lots of different things and you'll also remember of course that the first few episodes of Discovery on at set on Discovery they are set on the USS shenzu which is a different ship entirely if you look at the bridge it looks like a different ship not entirely but it is definitely a different ship and also if you look at the USS Riker erection or whatever it was at the end of theard that's also a different ship anyway bottom line here they're all the same set and yeah even Enterprise which looks completely different that is the same set basically they realized they we're going to have to film loads of stuff on bridges over the coming however many years so they made it all very modular so that it would move around and you could redress it depending on what ship it was supposed to be now it's not exactly a massive design secret this I just think it's really clever how they've managed to get four probably five or six of you include all the little one offs they included as well into one set every pretty much every time you look at a bridge now in Star Trek it is just the discoveries Bridge just with a different layout or a different thing here or there so well done them number five engineering sort of okay so I'm not saying Star Trek is formulaic but tends to be when you set a show on a Starship you have the same locations that you use no matter what series it is like all the action takes place on the bridge we know that and the captain has their little room where they go and do all their little things and their arguments with people and there's a meeting room all the plans are come up with and all the drama happens there's a sick Bay where people go to die there's all the quarters where people go to and there is the engine room we love the engine room except uh you've never seen discoveries engine room nope nope you haven't you no that's that's not the engine room that is not the engine room you have not seen the engine room ever we have never been to engineering we've seen the Enterprises engine room on Discovery sort of it was the little tie thing it looked like this and that's a fairly recognizable warp core it looks not dis similar from the engine rooms we know and love in Star Trek but this on Discovery is not the engine room that is stamet lab or it's called like engineering test Bay alpha or something like that it is not and I'll say it again not the engine room pretty vital part of the ship i m ho o the engine room the warp core where you go to warp and yes I know Discovery tends not to use warp core it just Blom stuff instead but we're kind of moving away from that the whole idea is that it's it's really bad and it's bad for Stam even if he's got his hand in the gloop and I really hope nothing happens to him at the end of the season otherwise this rant time on will seem very very dated already but anyway yeah never seen it never seen it number four the spookiest ship in the fleet this is a really short one this now obviously I know I've just said the spookiest ship in the fleet and there were about 10 scar entries for that the aforementioned USS Glenn for one my God everybody was dead and the lights are out but technically Discovery is the spookiest ship in the fleet because do you remember how it was originally pitched as like a Star Trek vers version of American Horror Story NCC 1031 or to put that in another way the backwards dating format that Americans use for Halloween number three 1970s color palette now full disclosure I didn't actually notice this until the end of season 2 when you know where she pulls up Discovery pulls up right next to the Enterprise and they got that little bridge for everybody to run across I was like Wow Discovery is really like bronze isn't she you don't really notice until she's next to the silver gray of the Enterprise just how copper and bronze she actually is and again I can't believe I'm saying this James Bond's Lotus turbo Spirit thing car The Producers experimented with loads of different color palettes to get the perfect feeling for it and in the end they wanted something that harked back to the 1970s and they went to this car and its weird color scheme and thought you know what that'll work for a big Starship don't know why but they did number two from another mother all right the elephant in the room with Star Trek discovery that I have already touched upon is that it's very easy to sit there and go hm this prequel series to the original Star Trek has one glaring floor and that's that it looks nothing like the era it's supposed to be set in we have seen examples of the mid 23rd century and they don't look like this and the thing is it's so easy to dismiss all of that as just like as a mistake as a goof as a gaff as the producers being so intent on making something that looked really nice that they strayed away from the franchise's origins and did not care what nerds like me or you would think about that but the truth is not quite that they are very aware of what they're doing and they have reasons that they've done it that way the reasoning is and I hope you're sitting down for this the discovery was produced at a completely different Shipyard to all the other ships in the fleet the Enterprise has nice round nayel they would become the standard we would get used to in this time frame but no Discovery does not because somebody else designed it and somebody else built it and they were experimenting with new forms of propulsion technology not just the BL Spore Drive thing everything everything was an experiment everything was a test everything was new and everything was different intentionally now you might not believe that and I might not believe that my theory is just that they designed a really cool looking Starship went who cares it's just a bit of Television but that is the reason they have given and thus it is Cannon number one my God that's a big ship I yes another favorite of ours here on the series is inconsistent facts regarding the size of a ship in Star Trek you love this record we play it all the time all right so first and foremost the actual size of the USS Discovery has never been discussed on screen thus there is no official thing we have for it size but there have been several bits of supporting materials that have gone along with to show that state it is a Hopping 750 m long that is far that is for reference about twice the length of the original USS Enterprise that is about 70 M longer than the Enterprise E that is absurd and yeah the really funny thing about this my favorite part of this in fact is that the show has specifically stated that there are 136 crew members aboard and just for reference the Enterprise D which is smaller than Discovery has over a thousand people on board and we've literally done a video about how you could live on that ship and conceivably never bump into another member of the crew so this is wrong now In fairness there is one or two theories about this one or two explanations off it first of all yes then cells account for like absolutely loads of that they are incredibly long and extend Way Beyond the deck of the ship itself but the one given on screen the most interesting one is by suu who says the discovery is outfitted for over 300 specific discreet scientific missions which kind of leads to the idea that you know stamet lab there's like 300 different versions of that room all for different things just they haven't needed to use any of them yet Discovery has almost Limitless breakout potential depending on what mission it's needed for but so far all we've seen is it jumping around the Klingon war and chasing after a red Beacon and then jumping into the feature and everybody wearing the long wrong uniforms so there you go hope you picked up on that by the way I'm was so busy thinking about how long the ship was I said long instead of wrong and just only managed to put it's you know people think this is an easy job it's it really is 10 amazing things what are the titles of these that you need to know about the USS excelsia SL Secrets or something number 10 whatever this says yes now I'm sure whatever headline that was there Paul was very very witty very clever however I don't I can't read I can't read Japanese so I'll never know all right so a bit of back story for you the USS xeli was originally crison the USS Valiant it was described in the script work for Star Trek 3 as a super Starship a new queen of space now the vast majority of the work on the ship was done by ilm which is not really how they've done things in the past they've done drawings and stuff in house but ilm took on the bulk of this and instead of doing concept art they made loads and loads of physical models so they could study them from every different angle now they were all very different very wild very radical but the description they had to work with was something that had to look like it was new it was sleek and it was well the queen of space now it's either very very good or very very disappointing depending on your point of view was that the ship they selected from all of these different models was the one Leonard nemoy described as the most Starly looking of the lot of them which yes feels like a little bit of a copout that could have done something Brave and Bold and ambitious but it did have a slight Twist on it according to ilm model maker Bill George he was absolutely obsessed with Japanese design and Japanese architecture at the time so his model which he produced which ended up being the excelsia that we all know and love was just simply what he imagined the Enterprise would look like if it was built by the Japanese uhuh number nine models Inc actually one thing ilm did learn from their time working on Star Trek was that when the Enterprise a refit model was required it was an absolute nightmare it weighed a turn it was impossible to photograph because of the materials used on it so when they built the excela they deliberately made it incredibly light and Incredibly incredibly good in front of a camera but what about all those study models Adam you were just talking about those what happened all those mad crazy little art projects that ilm made before finally set on the design of the Excel what happened to them I thought Star Trek couldn't have B waste did they throw them in the bin well no they didn't they had all these random starle designs just lying around so when it came time to get loads of random props for Star Trek the Next Generation guess what they used the episode unification part two at the Surplus Depot at quor 2 if you really squint and really up the brightness on your monitor you can see several of the discarded excelsia style Des design models which never ever made it into reality you weren't supposed to be able to see them so they thought they would just get away with doing that of course not predicting that in like what 20 years time big nerds with nice high-end cameras and photography degrees would be able to pick them out oh and also in there is one of the concept models for Star Trek planet of the Titans which was you know we did this whole thing about it it was this concept from the 70s that was going to be a new show for the phase two and then part of it ended up being the mo I'm not getting into it now but the ship was that oh because the Star Trek producers are incredibly cheeky this one here this specific model that was chison the USS Alka Sela ask your parents number eight the great an experiment good that one I like that one for that's good now between its debut in the search for spark and its proper arrival into Star Trek in the uncovered country the excelsia class ship and specifically again the USS excelsia went through some very small little design changes nothing you would have really noticed and it was in the background of Star Treks 4 and 5 completely unchanged but by the time the Undiscovered Country came around the change the bridge cuz ilm felt it was too big and there was tiny little additions and subtractions across the primary hole and the back of the the but one big change was its transition from the NX 2000 to denote that it was an experimental vessel to NCC 2000 to denote that it was just another ship in the fleet now while of course the NX thing is an established part of Star Trek Cannon now predominantly with the defiant and the Enterprise from the show Enterprise the excelia was the first ship to ever actually get that in fact if you ever actually wondered what the whole NCC thing is about Star Trek the Original Series production designer Matt jeffre said that it's to do with American Naval tradition like the N means the Navy the c means commercial and then he just added a random extra C on to make it feel more fun and Spacey and then they've got NX because the n stands for Navy and the X genuinely just means experimental number seven fly apart then this is some this is some wonderfully nitpicky stuff you remember when they introduced the excelsia and it was called the big experim expent do you do you remember why that was no not because the captain had a mustache because it had transwarp drive now what do they mean by that because transwarp drive has been a thing in so many iterations of Star Trek and it's always meant different things well they never actually tell you in the Search for Spock they just laugh at the idea that somebody could try and Escape them with warp drive it's the line I love this my favorite scene in Star Trek actually the the the stealing the Enterprise from space do what is it now if he tries to get away with warp drive he's really in for a shock now what we do sort of know from Star Trek is that transwarp is just the ultimate pretty much form of propulsion it can get you from pretty much point a in the alpha quadrant to point D wherever the hell Voyager was in the end of one episode so if Star had that that would have completely changed pretty much everything that ever happened in the subsequent shows but apparently it's all a big failure now I've got here the Star Trek the Next Generation technical manual which is one of the ultimate Bibles for producing these videos and it says while the attempt to surpass the primary warp field efficiency barrier with the Trans warp development project in the early 202 880s proved unsuccessful the pioneering achievements in war power generation and field coil design eventually led to the uprated excelsia and Ambassador class Starships that's deliberately vague now I'm not going to get into the whole thing about how transwarp is a thing in the Kelvin universe and there was a reference to that but it was cut they just call it warp but even though loads of the things that actually happen in these films are clearly transwarp and not regular warp we're not getting into that that's for another video number six up your shaft okay right I love this in the episode evolution of the Next Generation data says there has not been a systemwide technological failure on a Starship in 79 years just a good random throwaway bit of dialogue isn't it no it's a direct reference to the stealing the Enterprise scene from The Search for Spock now the reason the stealing enterprise scene works is though everybody's on the same team and we're all sta we're all you know we're all we're all one of the guys Etc every single person on that ship is incredibly dislike likable you've got James B scking here who is honestly one of my favorite onetime ever performances in Star Trek as well as Miguel ferer who despite the fact that Paul's listed him as being in Robocop and Mulan is of course best known for Twin Peaks but the single best onetime ever performance on board the excelsia in that film is by none other than Frank Force who you know as Leonard nemoy yeah because of course thing is he's not supposed to be in the search for spark is he because he's not actually spark he's just like a big like Proto Vulcan really weirdly horny and aggressive Vulcan on the Genesis Planet but he does feature in the film as Frank Force because he is the voice of the ship's computer who Scotty says up your shaft too it's a good good insult is it up your up your shaft one of those ones that only works in Scottish up up your shaft number five our obligatory reused set entry now if you've watched these videos before and let's face it you have watched these videos before you know that we like to point out all the reu set and props and whatever that you can see in one part of one ship and off you just sort of squint and turn your head the exact same part of another ship and of course there is an entry for the excelsia in that now the excelsia as it appears in the Undiscovered Country which is of course the definitive film appearance of that ship is a redress set from the Next Generation which was itself a redress set of the Enterprise asbridge from the final frontier got it that's all that's all well and good but a problem arose when they needed to reuse the excelsius bridge for the Voyager episode flashback because they had reused the xlc bridge about a million times by that point it had been the Enterprise B in Star Trek generations it had been the USS Prometheus it had been the zoza and it had been a Romulan warbird in Deep Space 9 according to Star Trek Voyage of production designer Richard James they went and tried to find any bit of leftover just wall or console that were kicking about in Paramount lot they found like two or three bits of console that were like redressed to look like klling on things but pretty much ended up having to build the whole thing from scratch all over again no I just want to give credit R2 they did a really good job of recreating that bridge in flashback even though we're now working with a television budget rather than a movie one but if you look closely you can see that there's carpet instead of that nice metallic floor and also the captain's chair is weirdly crap number four that's an old ship all right now anybody who watches a lot of Star Trek will know that the excelia class ship pops up a lot across the Next Generation and then in the Dominion Wars and of course even finds itself a little feature in Voyager now I'm not even going to try and do off the top of my head all of its appearances because I've got them written down you've got the USS Fearless in where no one has gone before the USS repulse in the child the USS pkin in ethics the USS Cairo in chain of command the USS Crazy Horse in descent the USS Gan in preemptive strike pretty much all of that is stock footage of the USS Hood from encounter at Faro but all of them were excelsia class ships 50 episodes in total you can catch a glimpse of an excelsia class starship which is four more four the NOG number three to be or not to be now we don't actually see the Enterprise B until Star Trek generations which is of course at the very end of the next generation's run it was assumed from the very conceptual stages of that show that the second Enterprise was going to be an excels class starship that's why it's on the wall this is obviously common sense it became a major Workhorse of star but also quite cost-effective because it already had a nice lovely big movie studio quality model of an excelsia class starship the excelsia now I hold my hands up I missed this the first couple of times I watched that film but they actually made some fairly major modifications to the actual shape of the ship most notably that what would you call it it's got booty now and it's got cake that wagon they've also got new caps on the warp cells added impulse engines and they painted the thing like a weirdy like purpley color rather than its traditional blue now of course they were very sensible about all this all the changes they made all the additions were only supposed to be temporary and they were added in a way that meant they could just be removed as soon as they needed to be without damaging the model but no I'm kidding they plann to do that but they worked out that if they tried to pull any of that off at any point they were going to break it so it stayed like that forever just reading here that apparently it was sold for auction in 2006 for $132,000 Wow number two two Vox Rusty memory now owing to those modifications which they absolutely could not change they had to build a brand new model of the excelsia for the Voyager episode flashback now just if you've not seen that episode it's a flashback to when tuac was apparently on board the USS excelsia during the events of the Undiscovered Country it starts you know it's still got that whole bit with the the big shock wave through space and shields turn them into the wave all that bit it's still got that in it but then there's additional things tell you what happened between that and them getting to everybody's rescue at the end of the film oh and they also fix they fix this thing don't they how how he's there and then he disappears in the film but they actually add a bit where he runs back to his console just to just to fix that little plot hole it's quite clever now because they had a much smaller budget and a very small time frame which to remake this ship both the physical model of the ship and the bridge ended up being quite different to what's in the film the ship is skinnier and has a bit more light up stuff and the bridge model is a little bit smaller and like I said before it's got carpet for some reason also two VX there one thing that they did I don't know why they did this this this is Lieutenant valtine who in The Voyage of episode he's a major part of what happens he gives two V this brain disease but he dies in the episode that's a sad thing that happened thing is though at the end of the Undiscovered Country he's he's there he's he's alive the like I get I get your wre on things why would you kill a man who's in another scene now I'm saying all that the whole point of flashback is that tuac has this brain disease so it might just be he's remembering it wrong and really valtine still alive cuz I mean of course he is the at the whole kit thing at the end of the film so I don't know imagine when he gets back to the alpha quadrant though and he bumps into him like no way number one fictional fictional history now weirdly Sulu being captain of the excelsia was a thing that was written into the wrath of calm but eventually taken out of that script and not fully realized until like the later films when he is literally captain of the excelsia and despite all this and the fact he got a really prominent role in the Undiscovered Country all the adventures of the Excel pretty much take place off screen like we hear about them cataloging gous anomalies in beta quadrant and then they span on it in Voyager as they rush through that nebula and blow up them Klingons but that's it for such an iconic ship for something that had such a major role in Star Trek what did it do we don't know but we you like to occasionally pull from non-canon beta Cannon sources for all of this sulu's Adventures aboard the excelsia were part of a really cool book series called The Lost era it depicts the death of its original Captain suly taking command all the fun stuff stuff they get up to before the excel's eventual destruction in a temporal rift at the hands of this guy from Deep Space 9 oh my God it gets destroyed Adam do they all die no no no no it's fine they all like Sulu and Rand and obviously valtine cuz he's still alive they all get rescued by Sulu just not that one this that that's Sulu from the Enterprise B 10 secrets of the danu class Runabout number 10 big Little Ships the BR new class Runabout was created as a way of getting the Deep Space 9 crew and the writers off the space station from time to time as Star Trek was want to do in those times the first intention was to take a pre-existing model and use it for this Runabout their first decision was to use the executive shuttle from Star Trek 6 the Undiscovered Country that had been designed by John Goodson and built by industrial Light and magic and convert that to the Runabout this shuttle had only made a single appearance before this in Star Trek 6 the old discover country now it would turn up again in Star Trek generations and had recently been refit in the Next Generation to become the USS Janan in the episode relics so it was considered a really good candidate as it wasn't massively familiar with the audience under the supervision of DS9 production designer Herman Zimmerman illustrators Jim Martin and Rick sternbach set to work adapting the executive shuttle to become this new Runabout the Runabout cockpit set was going to be required before a miniature was required so they retrofit the forward sloping windows and side air locks of the executive shuttle to fit their new Runabout as it happened though they actually decided not to go the executive shuttle in the end and designed a new ship because work had already been locked in on this shape of the cockpit Martin and sternbach basically retrofit a ship around that cockpit which eventually gave us our more recognizable danu class number nine orinoko Flo early scripts for DS9 referred to these ships as Runabout class vessels but the 1994 edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia by Michael and Denise UDA named them danub class this would actually eventually be said on screen in the season 4 episode hypocritic oath the danu class designation of course refers to the danu river which is the second longest river in Europe but also possibly refers to the Blue danub by Johan Strauss which featured prominently in 2001 A Space Odyssey which had long been a go-to for Easter eggs for Star Trek individual runabouts were named after Rivers they were given their own USS prefects and they were given an NCC and an individual registry they were names like the makong the gander the Ganges the oronoko the yangi keang the Rio Grand and the Yukon in production notes it was often said that each of these runabouts might be assigned to a particular Starship or in this case space station there was also an intention originally that there would be some run ofits named after alien Rivers there was a sort of an Unwritten rule at the time that for every three names two might be Earth Centric but one should be alien therefore giving the impression that the Federation was not simply comprised of Earth Michael pillar however would explain that while the intention was there to name some runabouts after alien Rivers often just to include an alien River name would involve a little bit of Ledger domain in the script that most of the time wasn't called for number eight cockpit visit the cockpit was created by set designer Joseph Hodges under the supervision of production designer Herman Zimmerman unlike a lot of standing sets at the time for Star Trek this one actually contained working monitors that would allow Graphics to be shown on screen these were created by Michael and Denise UDA and could be played live during filming there would also be traditional backlit projections as well AKA okuda GRS there were two fully functioning consoles as well one for Ops and con which is running the vessel completely and then one for tactical and Engineering another feature of the Runabout cockpit was its ability to move by that I mean it was constructed in such a way that it could be shifted around the set so that you could have a continuous shot in those rare times when you would see crew walking through an airlock and into the Runabout itself and vice versa also it could shake when the situation called for it when it was under attack by which I mean you would have stage hands at either side just kind of gently vibrate the thing it would go through a few upgrades as well throughout the years including refinements to the transporter Bay and an addition of a standard console at the back of the cockpit as well along the way blast windows were added to the side of the Runabout as well that was actually for real world practical reasons because quite frankly it became a bit of a pain in the hoop to try and get moving stars in these windows every time you had to film on the set so initially they used something like beige wood paneling in the episode Whispers before getting a more stylized airlock type covering in the episode crossover like nearly every other Star Trek set it would be redressed and reused several times for several different vessels but we'll come to that number seven time after time while the runabouts were clearly a staple of Deep Space 9 they did turn up from time to time in other series most notably in the Next Generation episode Timescape Timescape was created late in the next Generations run but early in deep space 99's run so the producers took this as an opportunity to amortize some of the costs from DS9 and cover it with the next generation's budget for example while Herman Zimmerman's team built the cockpit over the course of 7 weeks Richard James's team which was brought in to build the AFT section which would be seen the episode of Timescape had only 9 days to do it it was used quite extensively in that episode and then never seen again on Deep Space 9 sorry partial part of one set was seen in the episode The Visitor but other than that it just wasn't used which was quite confusing as they had gone to the you know the issue of making it Richard James's after compartment set did see some use in Deep Space 9 it was redressed and used as guest quarters on the USS Prometheus in the episode second site and also in the episode Paradise was used as the interior of the SS Santa Maria number six Starship side piece if we go back to the original series remember there was a very impressive full scale model of the USS Galileo built as a shuttle for that ship and then after that it became dere for having shuttles build for productions for example Star Trek 5 the final frontier and of course start with the Next Generation Deep Space 9 presented a new issue with this because deep space 99's Godard Class Shuttle type 6 was just over 6 M long however the danu class Runabout was said to be about 23 M long so frankly they just weren't going to be building a one toone model of this thing the most frequently seen exterior part of the ship that was built was the hatch that was first used in the episode Emissary for when Cisco and Judi are on the Wormhole aliens planet and also quite often seen attached to the docking ports of Deep Space 9 this particular hatch is one of those things that would quite frequently be reused and redressed to become the various alien ships that would be ducked at the pylons as well a larger piece of the Runabout was consed instructed for the season 1 episode battle lines for this a chunk of the exterior of the USS yangi keang was built and shown crashed on this planet in the gamma quadrant alongside a type six shuttles n cell much to the Chagrin of Doug Drexler we all knew it was wrong we pointed it out but the feeling was that it was General texture and the camera would never see it ha ha number five convenient modular design according to the Steep Space 9 technical manual by Herman Zimmerman Rick sternbach and Doug Drexler the danub class Runabout was designed at Utopia plena shipyards in 2365 it was designed to perform rapid response scientific Expedition transportation and could be used as a temporary base of operations if the needed be this role was aided by the modular design of the Runabout you had the main spine which ran the length of the ship now this consisted of the the two nay cells the warp core two impulse modules as well there would also be the cockpit segment the cargo bay segment in the middle and that ever elusive aft living area as well on top of this there was the removable sensor bar which was first seen in the episode past prologue now this was actually created so that there would be an easy distinction when there was a Runabout Chase in this episode Between the Ganges and the yangi keang funnily enough this led to a little bit of an issue in its only appearance in the Star Trek Voyager episode non Secor in this episode for the bulk of the episode the USS yosity is shown without the sensor bar apart from one scene of reused footage from Deep Space 9 where the sensor bar suddenly appears whoops number four padding this out another tidbit from the Star Trek Deep Space 9 technical manual gives us a little bit of information about about the landing pads that were often shown in Deep Space 9 these were given various names for example Landing Pad later on this would be given various letters for example Landing Pad C you would have Runabout pad a b or c and also there was versions of them which had numbers as well according to the manual Deep Space 9 housed these runabouts in various maintenance and launch bays located around the habitat ring the living quarters around these Bays were converted into engineering or Ops style bays and also anything nearby was extra padded so that they would be shielded from the noise of these runabouts taken off at every hour of the day and night those stock footage of a Runabout taking off from that hydraulic lift would be shown throughout all seven seasons of Deep Space 9 the interior of the landing Bay was only really shown in detail in one episode which was the sixth season episode in the pale Moonlight this is when Senator Vex shuttle arrived drives and decloaks inside the bay and you can see a Runabout behind it Doug Drexler designed the Romulan shuttle itself actually to resemble his pet parrot both the model and The Landing Pad were then constructed by Tony meninger of Brazil fabrication and design who created the model the pad and a fully working Landing Bay as well number three Honey I Shrunk The Run about no that's not actually a pun this time that was the working title for the episode that wouldent eventually go on to be called one little ship you know the episode where the Runabout gets shrunk down to a tiny size and then Slaughters an entire contingent of ghadar Warriors that had taken over the USS defiant you know comedy funly enough this story had actually started as a pitch by writer Renee ataria for starter the Next Generation that just couldn't find purchase within that series according to Scientific adviser Andre bormanis the episodes science was a little bit of a stretch for years I'd been dreading the day the writers would decide to do some version of Fantastic Voyage I didn't know whether I'd want to ask for a credit or a disclaimer on the episode despite the in Universe technical issues of shrinking a Runabout something about a Subspace compression anomaly apparently the episode was an absolute hoot to write and film according to Terry J Erdman and Paula Block's Star Trek Deep Space 9 companion the way that the idea was sold to Ira Steven bear was to construct a little model of a Runabout and hang it with a fishing wire outside his window number two running gag as we've already mentioned sets in Star Trek just get reused and redressed all the time it makes sense it saves money and of course the Runabout was no exception it got shown in some variation or another in 79 episodes of Star Trek Deep Space 9 in that one episode of Star Trek the Next Generation two episodes of Star Trek Voyager and would also be seen in the film Star Trek insurrection for the opening episode of Star Trek Voyager caretaker the interior of the Runabout was given a major overhaul that included Motion Picture era backlit Graphics so that it could stand in for the valon the mai Raider that chakote balana and Tuvok were lost in after this appearance it would then go on to appear in two episodes of Deep Space 9 with those modifications specifically to become a Teran Raider in the episodes through the Looking Glass and shattered mirror like that Voyager episode this would utilize Mich cuda's 23rd Century graphic style and a lot of masking tape that made sure that it looked like in no way the Runabout interior with a load of masking tape all over it finally the most radical redesign came for Star Trek insurrection at this point it was totally repainted the graphics were switched out the front windows were switched out but it's still recognizable as that Runabout as you can see the overall shape when you've watched as much Star Trek as we have is a bit like that's the real grand number one survivors unlike Star Trek Voyager seemingly endless supply of shuttles that you know they'd blow up and be back again the next week Deep Space 9 was fairly consistent with when something was destroyed it stayed destroyed and the problem with that is that over the Seven Seasons there were 10 named runabouts assigned to Deep Space 9 and only three of them survived through to the finale the list of named runabouts destroyed or abandoned over the course of star Tre deep space 99's run include the USS Gander the USS gangis the USS meong the USS orinoko the USS shanoa the USS yangi kiang and the USS Yukon for the record the only three that survived the event of Deep Space 9 were the USS Rubicon the USS vulga and the USS Rio Grand the only danu class Runabout to make it all the way through to what you leave behind the frequent turnover of Runabout actually caused headaches for some of the writers as the show went along Renee ataria recalled trying to use the USS Ganges in a season 7 episode despite the fact it had been destroyed 5 years earlier in the episode Armageddon game h
Channel: TrekCulture
Views: 263,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Original Series, Animated Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy, TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, SNW
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 21sec (6681 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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