Star Trek: 10 Times You Asked 'WHAT Were They Thinking?!'

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how's it going my dudes this video is brought to you by Squarespace today before we start let's just be really clear on this Star Trek has some really wacky episodes now a lot of them are fun some of them less so and some really leave you going was there substances being handed around in the writer's room that day with that in mind I'm Sean fery for TR culture and here are 10 times you asked what were they thinking number 10 the Perfect Mate Star Trek has several examples of problematic storylines being excused by the characters concerned being okay with it enter the Perfect Mate an episode dealing with human trafficking and forc marriage swept lightly Away by Kamala being cool with it fansen is brilliant in this episode as Kamala the prize that's prematurely awakened by some greedy fingy she is literally engineered to be perfect for whomever she is gifted to so first we have the idea of any free will being scrapped she was designed for this she didn't choose this yet the episode then goes to lengths to have her categorically State she's happy with her life that it gives her meaning it was a poor attempt to show her having fun despite knowing her eventual fate having half of the male main cast developed feelings for her didn't do much to help and begard giving her away leaves a sour taste in the mouth by the episode's close there may have been a message buried deep inside this outing but by execution and by Tone it's lost the Perfect Mate makes for imperfect viewing number nine looking for parach in all the wrong places this is quite frankly one of the horniest episodes of Deep Space 9 that was ever made Warf is after gilka but so is Quark Dax is after Warf who's a little above it all as focused as he is it is however the most unlikely pairing in the episode that lands a spot on this list miles and KO despite their fallouts and bickering through the years have been a solid and happy couple for as long as they've been together n our visitor's pregnancy resulted in the storyline that s Kira suddenly carrying the O'Brien's baby which was hady little work around even if it was a big silly but this is Star Trek C's part of the game well certainly isn't part of the game is watching a moment where having been encouraged by KO to spend more time together it looks as though miles and Kira May develop feelings for each other it's odd uncomfortable and out of place part of the strength of the Kira O'Brien storyline is that before this they had hardly any interaction at s of station operations this sudden and very strange moment and it is a moment to be fair is totally out of character and feels added for the sake of drama it's over quickly and never spoken of again until now sorry about that number eight Archer is obsessed with the hatchlings the third season of Star Trek Enterprise has some fantastic episodes and some absolutely dire ones Hatchery ranks somewhere in the middle with a premise that could have been far better executed than what the audience was offered on screen in the height of their conflict with the zindy there was an interesting idea to be explored in Archer seemingly switching sides considered That season 3 was already pushing Archer to his extremes discovering the zind insectoid ship and quickly displaying an obsession with these hatchlings certainly worked to throw the audience for a loop however then in quick succession Archer begins to abandon his mission to Paul and Spares in Mutiny the makos are once again displayed as fools and it all feels a bit silly there is no true urgency here so when this episode is considered in the context of the end of Earth as the season was leaning so heavily on it's very difficult not to immediately write this off as an exercise in foolishness for the sake of surprising the audience Scot Bakula does his best with what's given to him though it's one of the weaker episodes of the show overall it does get a little boost in points for the introduction of the zindy insectoid assault shuttle and the return of the nx1 baseball cap number seven the disease let's get this straight Tom Paris can pair up with anyone he likes and chot Falls for a woman he can't even remember both of these men have nothing said to them but if Harry Kim shows the slightest interest in a woman he's P up in front of the captain while the context of his interrogation is vaguely in the context of it affecting his duties it's hard not to be on his side when he follows her from the ready room arguing with Janeway on the bridge he's confused and so are we starf officers have engaged in relations with Aden species since the first day that green paint was added to Susan Oliver's skin so suddenly introducing a regulation that prohibits such acts and so late in voyagers run as well feels entirely out of place why did they do this was this to show once again that Harry had to operate on under a different set of rules the joke about his lack of promotion is for the most part just that a joke but adding new barriers that he faces begins to refrain the conversation is this poor fell screwed no matter what number six the child this entry is almost understandable when one remembers that it was a script that had been written for Star Trek phase 2 and recycled as a Diana Troy story for the second season of The Next Generation our main issue with it is why was this the first show given to Troy this season when the first season had done little to establish her as a fully-fledged character the second season also saw the arrival of Dr palaski replacing the recently fired Gates mcfaden Denise Crosby had been killed off in Skin of Evil it wasn't a great time for female characters or performers in the show so opening the season with an episode that shows Troy effectively being assaulted by an alien force then used by said alien to give birth to itself does nothing to help the episode attempts to give Troy agency by having her decide to keep the baby yet even this is hard to understand as the whole Affair is so rushed there is a sweet message deep inside the script as Ian genuinely seems to care for her when he is alive yet Troy is used as a plot device as opposed to a character it wasn't a singing start to the second season number five Extinction this episode is perhaps made worse because Lavar Burton who is one of Star Trek's best directors as well as one of the greatest Engineers has openly admitted to being ashamed at being involved sure Scott Bakula Linda Park and Jolene plock all commit to their roles but everything is off the makeup despite its great detail ends up looking comical the animalistic actions by Archer and sat are more off-putting than engaging and there's something in there about genetic engineering and the like the fact that it appears so early in the show's fantastic third season which depicts The Fallout of the zindy attack on Earth an open and clear 9/11 reference and also introduced Star Trek to the title of the show combines to make this one of the most unusual off-putting episodes in the run of the franchise the episode feels like exercise in just how long can you scratch your head for Until you realize there was nothing really to understand at all number four let he who is without sin well we're short on ideas this week what we do oh why don't we make Warf an Ecco terrorist for a while then have him suffer absolutely no consequences for his actions yeah give that writer a promotion in honesty there is a lot to like about this episode The banter between the characters for the most part is genuinely funny Quark makes the perfect thorn in warf's side while Basher and Lita have the most mature break up we've ever seen Rene Oberon W directs this outing so we're always going to have a soft spot for it but there's that Warf issue the issue is twofold the first and most obvious one is his support of this conservative terrorist group he AIDS them in conducting an attack against the entire planet Risa surely this would have resulted in charges being brought against him even if he did come to his censes later but no he simply helps them gain access to the weather grid having already launched a false shock attack against the populace turning on them doesn't Doo much for his reputation the second I'll bit smaller issue is that this all feels like a retread of Warf stories wherein he can't relax or doesn't understand downtime had the episode been less out of touch this would have been more forgivable but honestly it all feels like it was thrown together in a slap Dash way hurting his character overall number three The High Ground this is by no means a Bad episode The High Ground has some very intriguing comments on the nature of Terror attacks their use and how they both serve and harm the cause in many ways the next generation was the perfect show to have these philosophical discussions on in the early '90s the issue is of course the reference to Irish unification of 2024 it's perhaps a little difficult for newcomers to understand why this reference was so controversial at the time the troubles in Northern Ireland were very much a present day issue of the time with terrorist attacks dating back decades this stemmed from sectarian divisions and deep bitterness between the parties affected it was as much a political issue as a personal one as the Good Friday agreement was still years away and the Irish and British governments remained loggerheads over their policies in the north so to have data standing on the bridge of the utopian Enterprise D claim that armed Rebellion had served to reunify Ireland some 30 years after the episode was written seemed at best a dangerously naive statement and at worst an incitement to continue violence in the north the episode was immediately banned on both BBC and RTE with the former only airing it some 15 years after its initial broadcast though this description may not give the topic the gravity it deserves the advice to the writers of the time would be this read the room folks this was a bad call number two the entire Janice Lester storyline Janice Lester has become an Infamous character in Star Trek history turnout Intruder the final aired episode of The Original Series has the sad Legacy of those final lines life could have been as rich as any woman's if only the episode has been both analyzed as a critique of the rise in radical feminism in the late 60s as well as an indictment of Kirk's consideration of the qualities of Starfleet captains the line that has received almost as much scrutiny as the previous quote is your world of Starship captains does not admit women if this is a literal statement then the writers were clearly stating that Starfleet does not consider women worthy of commanding Starships if that was indeed the case when this episode is being written then thankfully the franchise has rcon that idea both Captain Hernandez and Captain Georgio predate this episode if however this line is a little more symbolic as Lester was referring to Kirk's own assumed qualities of what makes a captain the line ages a little better because as an audience we can interpreted as factually incorrect while the episode's Legacy does not paint either line or the plot overall in any positive light both William Shatner and Sandra Smith play the heck out of these roles these ideas and the character of Janice Lester might better have been served in a far deeper exploration than the final episode allowed them number one the mayfly that never flew The Arc that kez went through in Star Trek Voyager was a cautionary tale effectively it was a sign that the writers had come up with an interesting premise this mayfly alien but had no idea where to go with it her final episode Fury exemplifies this as though Jennifer lean is excellent in her return the character named Kess was a new invention with very little to do with the one who had evolved in season 4 as the gift a race of aliens who live and die in a comparatively tiny amount of time was fascinating surely everything that the okm would do must by their nature be filled with an urgency that other races human Vulcan talaxian would find staggering Kess was introduced in the pilot barely more than a year old though presenting as an adult the character almost immediately became one of the crew with nothing particularly highlighting her okoman Heritage so the audience was left with a child being treated as an adult while grown men squabbled over her heart what could have been one of the most intriguing and exciting arcs in Star Treck history became a deeply uncomfortable exercise in trying to decide if nelix or Tom Paris are the creepier and lean was saddled with almost nothing to do the episode that breaks this trend is before and after Through Time Travel it finally explored the idea of Kess aging at a much faster rate than the rest of the crew it is an excellent outing even if that serves to Dam the rest of the show's treatment over hi I'm Duncan Relic no relation and I'm gtn's new progenitor expert and I collect relics from before the burn and I'm here to tell you about Squarespace using their next Generation fluid engine I created a website that is incredible they even have templates and using them is as smooth as a progenitor's head creating an online store was a dole you can even create your own merch with Squarespace they'll handle production inventory and super fast pathway shipping so here's your red directive go to https colon TR culture for a free trial and 10% off your first it or domain purchase I've been Duncan rck no [Music] relation that's everything for our list folks what are the episodes that had you going what the heck let us know in the comments below you are awesome and you are wonderful you can follow us over on the various socials at Tre culture at Tre culture YT on Instagram because we like to be different I'm @ Sean feric you can find me on the various socials as well if you just managed to share this video or click like or click 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Channel: TrekCulture
Views: 59,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j3rDEFZKHns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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