Star Trek: 80 Secrets About The Enterprise You Need To Know

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here is nxo1 secret you need to know are you just just take take my flesh next time it would have been less painful and you know what let's just cast all that cynicism aside for one second because this is a very special episode of the dolphin series because we haven't just scoured technical manuals we haven't just scour the internet like we normally do we have gone to the man himself the myth the legend the G Doug Drexler to ask him all the things we don't know about the ship that we should tell you about the ship and he went you know what all right I'll tell you and tell us he did so now this is me Adam cley on track culture telling you number 10 faith of the-art now back in the day the show was just called Enterprise not Star Trek Enterprise just Enterprise and when they were coming up with the design for the ship they had the entire spectrum of Star Trek ship design to go from first Contact wasn't long out so you basically had the Phoenix at one end of the spectrum all the way to the Enterprise E at the other and the designs were all of them somewh between the two specifically illustrator John EES in 2001 when talking about the design of the ship said pretty much the same thing he would go from one end of the spectrum the Phoenix to the other end the enterpris and it was just never quite what the producers of the show wanted to see and then something happened they went through all the existing ship designs all the things that have been kicking around which hadn't really had too much screen time and they found the USS thunderchild the Akira class ship from Star Trek first Contact and something began to gestate between the designers and the producers and the idea of just literally using that ship was floated then of course the art Department got into this and went whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can't just use a ship from 200 years in the future and think nobody's going to know is the internet will lose its damn mind I would have lost my damn mind but if that's what you want if you like that design we can start to build something around that and they started incorporating elements from the thunderchild into the overall look of the new nxo1 and well pretty similar when you look it might be a myth but there is at least the story that the producers wanted to wholesale use the CGI model from first Contact the Aira class that that's true yeah how did you how did you about that at the time Peter La called me and said can you get the Aira model from Foundation Imaging I said yeah I can get it and he had suggested using the Aira nobody saw it he said it's like a new ship you know and Herman uh and I were both really uh disturbed by that but if you look at Star Trek history It's Not Unusual you know in the next Generation you could find pictures of Herman Zimmerman and Rick Burman looking at the Enterprise a from the movie series they were they were considering using that uh so they're always trying to to save money you know number nine a new ride it's a story that never gets widely talked about this but because there was such a small amount of time between Voyager ending and Enterprise starting and the being all this pressure from the network to really get a Snappy turnaround on it they were literally deconstructing the Voyager set during the filming of its last few episodes like Kate mgre and Rob picardo both talked about the fact that they would literally finish a scene in one room and then they would just delete the room which you think adds a real emotional heft to a show like that you've been doing it for so many years and the ship is being destroyed around you as you film me last season anyway that's another story the thing is while it's another story it's actually a much bigger story than just the destruction of Voyager because those original sets the ones that would become Voyager actually dated back on that Paramount lot to 1977 they were built for that aborted planet of the Titans Star Trek Revival film series or whatever the hell it was supposed to be then that got repurposed into the motion picture which stayed around for the movies which ended up in the next Generation which ended up in parts of Deep Space 9 but largely went on to be Voyager and the Enterprise E like we've done loads of videos about the ReUse sets they all dated back from 19 1977 and then at the end of Voyager they just got boom knocked over which means if Star Trek Enterprise had anything that n of the other shows did as well as of course hosi my heart it's that it had brand new sets for the first time since the 70s they actually built new sets for Star Trek stage 9 had been home to pretty much every single thing Star Trek for decades until this point but Enterprise was filmed on stage 18 with brand new ships and brand new walls and brand new floors and brand new everything it is interesting don't look at me like that number eight star tracks just want to quickly take a moment to throw some appreciation at Paul Sutherland who writes these wonderful articles for us because star tracks has really amused me well done it was actually Paul who spoke to Doug Drexler himself one of the most interesting things he came out with was the detail in this ship that we never saw on screen was insane and because of advances in computer technology they were able to realize everything about the exterior of the ship in microscopic detail meaning they could just throw all kinds of practical or useful or interesting things onto it and whether the show ended up using them was another another matter entirely but one of the best ones by a mile was this they did an episode called Minefield where they had Malcolm like trudge halfway across the primary Hall to get to this mine that was on the hall it really makes them look unprepared and stupid okay that they have to walk and carry stuff Halfway Around the hle you can see the grid work on the hole and the plate work on the hall and the idea is that there are cars that you can ride to any section rise up out of the hle and ride to any section on the ship to do repair work not only that the NX has an arm several arms like the International Space Station so I could remotely you know fix things on the work cells uh without anybody ever leaving the ship now if you like me he not and you go it's a real sh shame these cool cars that could just zip around the top of the ship and these arms that would come out to fix in the cells that's so interesting why did they never use that I actually thought about it for 5 seconds and the reason they never used that is because where is the drama where is oh there's a mine on the ship okay I'll just take the car oh the water cell's broken oh that's cool I'll just use the claw it removes all the drama you need things to break and be terrible and be bad and be underprepared because otherwise what are they doing every week number seven Covergirl well would you look at that it's seems an early version of the ship went out in marketing materials and promo stuff and it wasn't the finished version of the actual thing now unlike other ones we've done in this series where they've changed the overall design or they've changed the colors or theyve changed something dramatic about the ship the change that was made in the Enterprise between when it ended up on this magazine cover and when it debuted in Broken Bow was very small and it was literally very small it was Lally a percentage change in one of its components just going to give you a couple seconds this is the TV Guide ENT surprised it was the first time anybody saw I just look at that does anything look slightly bigger to you than it is in reality anything it's the windows if you look at that compared to what was on the show one it was brighter but you'll notice that the windows are a couple percent larger on that model and I liked that better I I thought it made the ship seem more vulnerable um somewhere along the line they made the window small it did live though it did survive just being on that TV Guide cover that is the same model they used for all the internal instrumentalization instrumentalize instrument it's all the instruments that's the version that's on all the instruments instrumentalize instrument number six from Akira to NX what was that Adam did you just do an entry where you talked about the direct comparations between the Akira class USS thunderchild and the nxo1 Enterprise would be really weird if you then did an entry which talks about the differences between the two wouldn't it yeah it would but guess what now yes okay you look at it you see the twin booms you see the big Notch at the back you see the overall shape of the sorcer section you do see large similarities and yes it is true that initially the idea was floated to just use the Akira class for the nx1 Enterprise but Doug The Man Who would know told us that the similarities are not as obvious and not as prominent as a lot of critical fans may have pointed out if you put the Aira next to the NX they really don't look the same but the one thing that it does have that it borrows are the twin Booms that are like a P38 Lightning right that was the perfect idea to not have a secondary haul and Starfleet had done it already to to to uh freak out and get pissed off because this came from the Aira that's crazy they're the ones he's crazy because just look at Starfleet ships the whole aesthetic is they all borrow from one another it's mixed and match and you know what he's right I always quite like the fact that it looked similar to ships that existed in the future because and yes this is very much hindsight being 2020 but think of the criticism the discovery got because it looked nothing like any other ship we'd see like the fact that they took design inspiration from a ship in the future means that you can make the narrative argument that the air class took design inspiration from the ship in the past one big happy Fleet number five A Primitive Beast now one of the major similarities between the Akira class and the nxo1 is that big pod thing that it's lugging behind it now on the Akira class that is where all the whooping is stored but on the nxo1 is something completely different now I always thought incorrectly I'm add that's where the engineering Bay was because I don't know just how I pictured it in my head I know engineering is in the source section somewhere like that but I always thought that was engineering and while I was wrong I wasn't totally wrong apparently according to Doug that bit is there to show that the ship is not as advanced as the Star Trek ships we are used to it just never really came up in the show like the idea is in the Star Trek of the future we all know and love the warp bubble the warp field is generated by the Nels it surrounds the ship and allows it to travel at faster than light speeds now of course the war Nels did do that on the nxo1 but they weren't as advanced as the ones we knew and they couldn't properly generate the bubble very well they could but it wasn't symmetrical it wasn't safe so they had this special generator at the back of the ship which made it far more shapely and luxurious and made it a lot more safe never came up on the show but that's what it was for yeah Mike and I decided that to make the ship a little more primitive the warp field that it generated was not symmetrical it was asymmetrical and that created a problem could be dangerous so that pod was the symmetrical warp governor and basically that additional generator could shape the warp field for it and they still needed that when the refit rolled around eventually you get rid of it you know the idea behind having this big lumpy thing at the back was to make it not look as sleek and as well thought out and as well-rounded and as sexy as something like the Constitution Clash because that is all just one shape ear and one shape here and one shape there where the nx1 was lumpy bit cuz he hadn't figured everything out yet it kind of makes sense it looks like an ironclad next to the Constitution class the Constitution class is Sleek and smooth like an like a like a marine animal it's not like any spaceship you've ever seen before the N xl1's got plates on it and it it's it's primitive next to the Constitution class number four sexy engines anyway speaking of the Enterprise and all its sexy Sleek bits despite it trying to look far more primitive than that ship Doug did admit that they snuck in loads of cool little references to the original Enterprise as and where they could and look no further my friends than the warp Nells on the original the prize the ends of the Nels with their hooded cones suggest exhaust that was remedied by adding spheres I kept that for the ends of the NX Nels but split the sphere in two if the front of the Nels looks like penises I compounded that by making the ends of the NX Nels look like a girl's butt in a thong I thought that was fair girls butt in a [Music] thong a girls a girl's butt in a thong I'm anybody else a girl's butt in a thong maybe I've just seen the wrong butts number three Mod Squad all right yeah there was the train cars and there was the robotic arms and all this cool stuff we never got to see but one other thing that was literally listed in the design schematic but never appeared on screen was this bit the back of the main hole the back of the sorcer section now you like me might expect that to be a shuttle Bay because that's just where it is on every other ship but no it is not a shuttle Bay not according to Doug if you look at the back of the secondary Hall yeah yeah there you go look at the back of the secondary okay there's a little platform on the back with a couple of hanger bay doors okay this this engineering yes that's engineering staging area basically you could also use it to bring in supplies and things like that um but if you take out that Center section you pull out those pieces there is a tunnel that goes to engineering and the entire engineering department can slide out and entirely new one can be slid in so that's something most people don't know I just so you open that up you could just slide out the entire enginea you know when they eject the warporn you always think oh that looks very satisfying coming out in a big tube from the bottom of the ship that but for the entire engineering Bay I like that although it would presumably just crash into the Pod similar to this there are four large hatches on the ship that were designed to open up and just be fly through space for little worker bees or smaller craft the idea being that they could then load the ship up with everything they needed in zero gravity instead of having to do it far harder in a gravity based environment again no story about this on the show because admittedly it does Rob some tension although ejecting the entire engineering department would have been fun number two ref future now of course Enterprise ended at the end of the fourth season with We Are the Voyages and here on Tre culture we never ever ever like to talk about that episode if we can help it but the Enterprise did get new life let's say six years later when it debuted on the ships of the line calendar or at least the SS Enterprise did anyway and it looked like this now again if you like me saw that and thought Oh that was a cool idea they should have done that in the show well that was was the plan from the start apparently if you look at the NX it the proportions are almost the same as the 1701 because the idea that it's growing towards that design when I was design when I was designing it I was taken a secondary we knew we would make it more primitive by just having the saucer and the Nels yeah and that they would eventually build up to an engineering section plug it up look everything on Star Trek is like that look at the phaser it's got the it's got the pistol phaser the hand phaser goes on the top the battery pack goes on the bottom the Enterprise was the same way yeah it was modular and so that was the idea that it so while I was designing it I was taking a secondary hul and placing it underneath and adjusting the symmetry of it to work with a secondary Hall from day one and quite interestingly Doug says that once people found out about this plan that it was all supposed to build towards a more complete ship it really did reframe the design of the nxo1 in the minds of a lot of fans and the guy got heat for the look look at the thing when it first came out people were like wow that's a pretty ugly Starship you got there guess I won't be watching your show but once they found out about the plan and how Star Trek it was going to look and how it was all building towards that and that if anything was the entire premise of the show when you think about it people love it now I I don't hate I don't hate the nxo1 I out looks lovely and knowing that it was going to look like that makes it even Lovelier number one you got to try this poll all right here here the main event the main event is a poll right and I'll tell you why normally when we dig up these articles when Paul or me or Marcus whoever goes through all the facts and tries to find something something about these ships that we didn't know admittedly you just you can't find 10 things that nobody knew we always get people in the comments being like I knew that one or I knew that one and to be honest we knew some of them as well it's just that you know the majority of people tend not to know all these things so right here right now secrets of the nxo1 Enterprise number one is something that I promise you I promise you that you didn't know because I didn't know it because none of us knew it because nobody knew it the only person who knew it is Doug and Doug told us you know that when you're on the bridge to either side of the main viewing screen there's a door mhm and the idea is that if you go out that door there's a dark gallery that runs around the bridge on either side circular gallery M that has Windows those windows you see on the bridge that's where they are there's a gallery now if you go outside those doors there's a fireman's pole what that you could slide down to go to engineering okay you could jump on that pole and go straight down why wouldn't you you know I mean that's always been kind of a that's always been kind of a funny thing about Federation ships is everybody takes an elevator everywhere nobody takes stairs or ladders for the most part unless they really have to firemen have fireman's polls for a reason it's not just cuz it's fun ride the bow down because you're down there instantly and if you look at the Cutaway engineering is like a deck below them and and and after a little bit so you jump on that fireman Po and you go down uh I wish we could have shown that that'd be awesome yeah there is a pole there is a pole on the Enterprise and exo1 that you can slide down to go to engineering because they thought that would be really really cool and it would just look awesome and I can't believe they didn't use that in the show but we occasionally get to see just a little bit around the corner of the bridge and stuff like that but they never showed us the pole and the idea was that just it's just firemen use these poles for a reason cuz they're quick and they're convenient and Engineering is just below the bridge so why on Earth would you not have a pole you could just slide down and go that that's such a good idea Doug you absolute Stone Cold legend for including that in the design of the ship we are furious with every every single two bit writer that decided every single week not going to do the poll not going to do the poll I'm not going to bother with the poll we've got other stuff the poll is not necessary let me tell you Lads the poll was always necessary in fact the poll is so necessary I'm debating renaming this series from the dolphin series to the poll series because the pole is just so you could think of all the fun possibilities you could have to p on a poll which is funny when you say it in a certain way I I despair know I really enjoyed talking to you I reget that we didn't reach out to you about Deep Space 9 or about you know a number of the other articles that we've done I hope that we can do this again talk about you know I have no idea what now but you know there's got to be something it's one of my favorite things to to blab about since 1966 so great love it yeah well I really appreciate it Doug it's great to meet you yeah you too take take care 10 secrets of the USS Enterprise 1701 you need to know no number 10 it was originally upside down right so Star Trek gets its commission it gets its pilot and Gene Roddenberry gets all his piles together to write the stories to create the characters to do all the little bits and Bobs and he gets Matt Jeff this man I hope we've got a photo we might not I don't know anyway his job was to design the ship they would go on these Intrepid voyages on the only brief he got was I wanted to look like it could easily accommodate 100 to 150 people that was it and to be fair with just that scant guidance he managed to come up with the enterprise we all know and love today but it was very nearly not quite what we have now basically he took the model that he had created of the ship into a meeting with Gene and all the network types and showed it off but cuz it was so topheavy because of the sourer section it fell off the table and landed upside down and Gene roddenbery went I actually um I actually like that so for an unspecified amount of time the design of the Enterprise was this just literally the Enterprise but with the Sorcerer And the cells on the bottom and the hole and the the thing all in the middle it was going to look like that which is come on now it's really really bad thankfully Jeff he did fight his corner he wouldn't let it go he told him it had to be the right way up and voila so it was number nine the Enterprise had two captains before Kirk took command all right now everybody knows about Captain Christopher Pike even if you didn't know about the original pilot and then how he got brought back into to the show the Abrams movies made a big song and dance about him before well gunning him down quite dramatically but anyway he was the original Captain before Kirk there's entire stories written about this fact but what a lot of people don't know and you're not going to get a prize for getting in the comments being like I knew about Robert April everyone knows about who doesn't know about Robert April there's no prizes for being that person cuz a lot of people don't actually know about Robert April he was the original captain of the Enterprise and just that's a point actually not a lot of people not a lot of people actually know about Robert April somebody some Brave Intrepid handsome even YouTuber should do a video on Robert April H anyway yes the only appearance we have a had of April has been in the Animated Series he oversaw the design and the conception and all the maiden Voyages of the ship with Pike serving on board occasionally as first officer and that is how the ship started its life as a they said member of sta Le as a thing in Star Fleet actually while we're on the subject of Pike being first officer there was also another first officer but more on that in a little bit number eight she was almost stolen by Klingons during her first mission all right so before Robert April took command there was somebody else who sat in the captain's chair though not officially as Captain and that was Admiral rasmusen no really he was in charge of taking the Enterprise on its Shakedown Voyage which as you all know from Star Trek generations is just a standard thing that new ships go on to make sure everything's working and nothing ever goes wrong and hundreds of people don't die and Captain kir doesn't get sucked into the Nexus and ends up coming back to ha star Fleet like 80 years later when a mad man starts launching missiles into Suns and blowing up planets and stuff it's fine anyway during this particular Shakedown of the original Enterprise three count of three Klingons managed to sneak on board posing a starle Cadets somehow and they take it over attempting to steal it for the Empire they cut all the power they mess with the systems the thing is cut a drift it is floating in space it is derelict until a klling on battle cruiser with a winky eye and a tractor beam turns up with bad intentions Admiral rasm though ever the diligent fellow he gets himself into a shuttlecraft and he just Rams it into the Kling on battle cruiser so it cannot steal the ship and then his later found by the Federation took back into space Etc he's the hero he saves the day but it was very very nearly stolen on its first day out number s the Enterprises Bridge was angled to the port side all right so if you watch the show you probably imagine that the way like Kirk sit is facing directly forward because that's how you would sit in literally anything that travels also the view screen is there so you just think that's that's the way they're going but no they were actually kind of like that they were they were just slightly off now there are two connecting reasons why this is the case and neither of them are particularly good but anyway when they designed the set of the bridge they wanted the turbo lift to be behind the captain's chair but they didn't want William shnet to have to do a total 180 in order to see any characters coming out of it they just wanted them have to turn a little bit but when they designed the exterior of the hole the little swollen out knobbly bit which denotes where the turbo lift is is dead center on the back of the bridge meaning that if you walk out of that you are facing directly forward whereas of course if you do walk out of that you are not facing directly forward on the bridge you'd be facing slightly off at an angle which means the entire bridge is rotated ever slow slightly because the two design departments didn't have one phone call all they had to do all they would have had to do is just literally hello yep we're just going to put the turbolift at an angle can you just move that around on the outside a bit yep no problem whole thing could have been avoided number six the Enterprise's self-destruct code now Star Trek loves to do one thing in one episode and another thing in another than a different thing in the film and then refer to it all back as a completely separate thing entirely later on they're very bad at small bits of consistency but one thing they did get absolutely spot on and stuck with it was the self construct code of the Enterprise in order to blow up the ship you need to enter three separate command codes from three separate senior offices and they kept that code consistent throughout both the TV series and the movie see it starts with destruct sequence one code one 1 a distruct sequence 2 code 1 1 a 2 B distruct sequence code 3 1B 2B three and then Kaboom etc etc etc yes in the original orig series episode let this be your last Battlefield as well of course as the Search for Spock they are both entered consistently and correctly albe it isn't used the first time but it is the second number five the Enterprise became self-aware moments before her destruction yeah while we're on the subject of this when they actually blew up the Enterprise over the Genesis Planet it both knew what was going on and felt it which is awful now you remember he activates the autod destruct sequence in order to outmaneuver these Klingons they swap ships they get on there they blow up and then it crashes on the planet my God bones what have I done the same thing you always do Jim turn death into a Fighting Chance For Life etc etc but according to the short story Countdown the Enterprise which just had all manner of computer changes and was a mish mash of wires and systems and all of this actually attained sentience minutes before it was destroyed it realized what it was what was going on and what was about to happen and this all just takes place in the last 10 seconds of that autod destruct sequence something trips or something changes or something happens and the Enterprise realizes that it is about to be destroyed it remembers its time in service and decides that rather than canceling its own self-destruct sequence and living on for a bit longer it is privileged to be dying in battle saving its crew rather than simply just being decommissioned as had been talked about and to be fair for a 200 300 long piece of metal that is a very very Noble way to go out like I had a car once that just completely crapped out on me in the middle of the road and and that was it I could have really used that kind of attitude then number four James Kirk's father George was the first officer now weirdly despite getting all of his screen time in the Kelvin Universe played by actually Thor here he's a far bigger character in the prime Universe than he is over there now as you all know he was first officer aboard the USS Kelvin at the start of that film but had he not been blown into a million D tiny very sad pieces in that film he would have gone on to have a distinguished arle career all of his own including serving as first officer aboard the USS Enterprise now all right admittedly yes it is only for one Mission but that is one Mission more than either you or I will ever serve as the Enterprise's first officer and it was called the Rosenberg rosenborg Rosen something operation in which the ship fresh out of space stock has to go save a civilian ship from an iron storm Rosenberg I was right first time yet with time of the essence Captain Robert April assembles just literally anybody he can get his hands on to form a skeleton crew to rush into the romula neutral zone in order to save that ship unfortunately for George Kirk this time round they don't encounter a single really angry time traveling Romulan number three Kirk repeatedly stole the Enterprise yes Kirk might not have been the first captain of the Enterprise but he was damn sure going to make sure that he was the last now in the cannon somewhere Kirk is removed from the Enterprise and assigned to this covert klling on Mission and Captain zalo is given command in his stead but when K was missing on this Mission the entire crew threatens to Mutiny unless they abandon their current plans and go and rescue him which is nice now as you've all seen in the motion picture Kirk is then bumped up to Admiral and recommends himself that will Decker take his place but then in that movie he goes uh star Fleet yeah got to change my mind on that one any chance you can just put me back on the Enterprise and I can have a run on the old girl and they go yes of course and he gets to an argument with DEA bumps him down to Commander and makes him serve as first officer what a dick and then there was the time they made it a training vessel and put Spock in command of it and of course kir was like Oh I thought you going after the Genesis device well how about you let old Jimmy here have a sit in the captain share one last time buddy and of course he did and then he died on that mission so bad move and then of course best of all after they retired the Enterprise from service and pretty much the entire crew with it they just they just steal it they just go take it out of space do to go and get Spock back that's like my favorite scene in all of the original films just it's such a slow CH sequins it's good though number two the Enterprise was a ship of thesis no not not not not that that's no that's that's with an F this is thesia with a th the you mcky pups anyway yes a ship of thesias is a philosophical question which basically says if you have a ship and you change every single thing about it the rod the mask the sails the decking every item every single thing gets changed at some point during its service is it still the same ship or they did this much better on Only Fools and Horses once if you have a mop with a head and a handle and you change them both 20 times is that still the same mop I mean it's a philosophical question so there isn't an actual answer to this but obviously no it's not the same ship they changed the saucer and the hull and the Nels and the warp core and the bridge and the torpedo bays and the crew quarters what else is on a Starship the windows everything they changed it all like a hundred times and it was still technically the Enterprise but obviously it wasn't cuz all the stuff from the first Enterprise s of been somewhere I mean that's all I've got for this just an interesting thought experiment regarding that ship you like from a film there you go number one almost a quarter of the crew died under Kirk's command yes a 5year mission 4 and 30 crew members and 94 94 of them did not make it home that is like us launching track culture and within a few months neither Zoe or Yuan ever being heard from again I'm mean I know we haven't used them in any videos or anything so it's kind of like that but you get the point that is 4.4% of your entire crew dying every single year if it's all at a consistent rate then you have to stand around a torpedo looking really sad while someone blows a tin whistle every 19 days Kirk got a promotion after that mission a promotion 10 secrets of that ship that you need to know and well my name is Adam clear and that's the title that was bad number 10 another used Starship now have you be so kind as to cast your mind back to us doing this exact video for the Enterprise E you will know that a small discrepancy in the plot namely that it appears that they somehow made that ship in about 5 seconds after the destruction of the Enterprise D was simply solved by pointing out the ship already existed under another name it was just when they needed it it was rised Enterprise and one little Wrinkle in the history of the Enterprise a which is of course the re build of the ship after it is destroyed in the Search for Spock is that it was already in existence it was another refit Constitution class that just happened to be zipping around the Galaxy called the USS York town that's why in Star Trek 4 when Kirk's log says that it's only been like three or four months since the events of the last film meaning that they had to whip that ship up really quickly in order for it to be uh pressed into service that doesn't make sense they didn't it was already built it was already doing Star Trek stuff it's just that they renamed it now this has happened lot in starter happened with the Enterprise E course happened with the defiant that was the sa Paulo for a long I don't know why I said that like James Brown but I did anyway that was the sa Paulo for years before it was the actual Defiance so not uncommon this but interesting oh and just worth quickly pointing out there is actually a non-cannon reference to this in Mr Scotts Guide to the Enterprise which is the exact same story except it was called the Taio which is not as good a name as the Yorktown I think if was a captain it would be of the York town that's another story number nine Universal Studios ruined the paint okay so for the Enterprise's first appearance on the big screen in the motion picture a genius paint scheme was devised for it it was going to be a series of interlocking panels called Aztec patting it was all going to be colored in by This brilliant airbrush artist called suana Swansea it looked absolutely stunning metallic paint a big gloss a Sheen it was genuinely going to be one of the most eye-catching things ever committed to cinema like this thing would reflect different colors depending on the intensity or the angle of the light being shined on it that like in real life as well not a visual effect that's how they built it that's what it was supposed to do then of course nobody actually thought about the implications of filming this and when they got it under Studio light the VFX team were like wow that's really reflective and makes everything an absolute nightmare so most of the shots in the first couple of films are done in incredibly incredibly low light which means you can't see any of the detail or the patterning on it it's uh it gets worse though this because after the filming of Star Trek 4 Paramount then loaned the model of the ship to Universal Studios for their big Star Trek attraction thing and because they had to shoot some extra shots for that I looked at it and thought that's going to be quite complicated what with a what with a sheen on it so they just they painted the whole thing gray just one big thick coat of gray paint and when they gave it back they went to go film the final frontier and someone was like oh do you know this is um this it's covered in gray paint this so they had to then fix all all of that even under the incredible time constraints of the film anyways it's just you know what the lesson here the lesson here is just never try number eight the bridge changed every film Chris can we get some um how do I put this comical elevator music please thank you that that'll do so this was the bridge in the motion picture this was the bridge in the wrath of K this was the bridge in the Search for Spock this was the bridge in the Voyage Home this was the bridge in the final frontier and this was the bridge in the Undiscovered Country anyway interesting story the final two images you saw there where where did they crop up in the next Generation because we love we love the whole Paramount used the sets for loads of different things we love that that's our gimmick here where have you seen that before it's the Battle Bridge and data science lab oh doesn't just stop there though it was the bridge for the Enterprise B and the Amigos observatory in Star Trek generation so just honestly the money Paramount could squeeze out of a Star Trek set is incredible number seven damage between films got a little Factory Here accompanied by two very different reasons for that fact one of which is incredibly boring and practical the other is grounded in some sort of Cannon law all right so at the end of Star Trek 2 this is the amount of damage that is seen on the Enterprise cuz they know got in that fight with a reliant and PE PE one big Fleet oh they took us out with one shot they knew exactly where to hit us you you've seen the film etc etc now in Star Check 3 the damage looks like this that is more damage so happened there's entire areas of that ship that have just been hit and battered that weren't hit or battered in the film so what happened there well the boring answer is that the producers looked at it and thought actually you know what given how big and catastrophic that fight was doesn't look beat up enough so that's just beat it up a bit more so when it's going into space dock we get more of a feel for the battle that's the boring answer there's slightly can answer and that it's not actually Canon at all never mind is that we know they must have made at least one stop off between those films because where is David where is Carol where is savic where is the entire rest of that trainy crew though certainly weren't in the start of the third film so we know they must have stopped somewhere and done something so we can then assume that when they stopped somewhere and did something they had a little fight that's all I've got I don't know maybe the damage was so bad that it continued to burn and degrade or something for days after the fight was f look just make up your own answer here number six the only toilet in the fleet all right here you go possibly my favorite fact we have ever done Star Trek 5 was not a good film the effects were all over the place the third act just fell off a God damn Cliff but it does include perhaps one of the most important moments in all of Star Trek history while Kirk and Spock are in the break and Kirk learns that cbok is his half brother he is so overcome with emotion that he is forced to sit down freeze it that seat that Captain Kirk takes in this moment is the only toilet ever seen in Star Trek it is Blink and you miss it stuff and yes he does not immediately drop trout and prove that it works but that is still the only toilet ever seen in Star Trek some are hinted at yes others are maybe even mentioned in passing I will grant you but that is it that is it the one and only in space number five the Amber deflected Dish flected Dish always quite a fascinating thing given how inconsistently and just McGuffy it is in Star Trek but there was a really interesting Wrinkle in the motion picture about it which never got repeated anywhere else so bottom line here the model they used in the original Star Trek series was not wellb built it was not elaborate it was not complex it wasn't even very expensive but by the time they came to make the films 2001 had happened and people expected a certain level of just depth and visual impressiveness out of ship models so when they designed the Enterprise They had money to spend they had money to burn and they went back to all of Gene roddenberry's original ideas and started to put them into practice he wanted lights on the outside of the ship to illuminate the name he wanted lights in the Nels to make them look alive and glowing but also he wanted a deflect a dish that did things it wasn't just a copper big gold thing stuck on the front he wanted it to do things to feel like a part of the ship so for the motion picture it started as quite a dull thing then it would move into a copper Amber sort of thing then finally it would glow brightly when the ship was at warp and the reason for this was It was supposed to represent how much power the ship was using at the time quite why the deflect Edition needed to show how much power the ship was using at the time you could just have a little display on someone's computer you would imagine I don't know but either way that's what they wanted it for so when it was at warp it was glowing but again given how inconsistently the the dis use they just bin this off from the wrath of K onwards and it was just kind of used with nice little light and glow up effect and whatnot but nothing that ever really meant anything but for the motion picture only it's lights had a purpose which is I like it again do you remember when we did the Enterprise E version of this and there was like there's a little funny inconsistency with how many decks it was like somebody says 23 and someone says 26 and someone says 27 it's all kind of like it's roughly the same amount of decks isn't it but I just can't quite seem to agree how many there is right now take that and now make it stupid make it Shatner every single technical manual or piece of Kit or whatever always describes the Enterprise refit as between 21 and 23 deck TOS pretty much you're around the same thing you can always kind of Co-op deck and so if you can believe that's a consistent thing across the life of that ship but then of course we got to Star Trek 5 and they just gave the pen to old Bill Shatner and left the room anyway in this film there is a moment where Kirk spark and McCoy Escape sidebox hen by using a pair of gravity boots to rise the entire height of the ship now putting aside the fact that you can't actually draw a straight line here from the bottom of the secondary hole to the top of the sorcer section let's just forget that for a second you want to know how many decks they go through so they go up and up and up and they go past a sign for deck 13 fine that's all right then deck 52 bit weird then deck 52 again really weird that then finally they come to a stop at deck 78 now two options here either the turbo lift shaft was out of order precisely because somebody desperately needed to repaint all of those signs or more likely as I've said William Shatner number three coming to the Enterprise a really really short one this just cuz you know how we like to talk about Ryu set and stuff and oh they had it for this they it for that this is even better so Star Trek 5 they wanted to show the shuttle Bay all big and stuff but they didn't have a set that was big enough to show the bigness of the shuttle Bay but thankfully Eddie Murphy's Coming to America had just finished filming on a nearby lot and they let them have the Royal Palace yep they turned they turned that into the Enterprise shuttle V why not number two offthe shelf Enterprise another quite quick one this you know how they build several models for the various different shots they need like there's a big one and a little one for close-ups and stuff and there are varying levels of detail and varying levels of lighting basically in order to get the Practical VFX shots back then they needed several different scale models in order to properly capture the thing at certain distances and certain whatever it needed lots of different models right well these models are all very expensively constructed and they're all built in these proper big warehouses by these companies that make these beautiful scale cinematic models right all of them right just to let you know the kind of thing I'm talking about here there is a 48 in scale model of just the neck of the ship that was used just for the shots of the Reliant pulverizing it in the rathon that's a kind of De go to here no expense spare they build really big elaborate things unless um unless they're in a pinch when they are in a pinch like they were for Star Trek 60 Undiscovered Country and they just need one shot of it just like like about that big they need a model about that big just so when the exceler arrives is something that's like a nice medium distance away and it just doesn't need to be an expensive one it can't be a big one cuz it's got to be at the right scale they just didn't quite have a model that was small enough for this shop but thankfully at the time the USS Enterprise was the bestselling scale model replica kit you could buy in any hobby shop so guess what they did this shot right here in the excelsus view screen as it arrives at the Battle of K that is not an expensively constructed Enterprise model that is an off the shelf replica kit that your kids or you I don't know could hang up in youred bedroom off the ceiling that is that's all that is it was like $8 or something number one the Enterprise a lives on now we tend not to get too far into how do I put this Furious non Canon Source material but the Enterprise a did have some really good ones which I don't think hurt anybody by thinking of as fact basically there was loads of tie in novels all the way through the movies which were Cannon and then weren't Canon then were raised and brought back and all that etc etc you know the drill with these kind of things but a couple of them should probably hang around specifically Ally I like the very last Voyage of the ship CU of course after the Undiscovered Country it flies off fly do you fly in space zooms off warps off into the sunset can the sunet in space I've lost my train of thought here it leaves that was the last we see of it on screen but in the Tian novel ashes of Eden it was then decommissioned and sold to an alien race called the Sha as part of their defensely basically it was an old decrepit Starship so they sold it on for resources or or whatever and it got a another run as an old clapped out but nonetheless Advanced for the people now running it spaceship and because you can't keep a good Captain down Kirk left starle went to work with the sh to help them fight off a load of Klingons and he brought Scotty along with them so one last time he got to fight the Klingons as the captain of the Enterprise and lo and behold it was blowed up 10 secrets about the Enterprise D you will not believe number 10 the Calypso so remember Star Trek insurrection yes I know that was the Enterprise E you remember in the midst of the watery plot and hokey action sequences there was the captain's yacht and you remember how you thought well you know what that's actually quite a good little plot device that they should have had that in the Next Generation Well they did yep the Enterprise D did have one it was just never included in the show basically on the underside of the sorcer section like opposite to where the main bridge is Captain peard had his own personal Yacht for diplomatic missions fun adventures out or just I don't know going on an arch ological dig and getting into a really cerebral short-term relationship with a very intellectual woman that was like his thing wasn't it it did occasionally creep into the show though was included on Master System displays and when asked about it Patrick Stewart himself said he would have called it the Calypso so there you go number nine it was incredibly empty all right so there is on YouTube an insanely good video by a one EC Henry the basically proves that the Enterprise D was virtually a ghost ship taking the published schema I of the vessel which listed it as 6425 M long and holding a crew of just over a, people he worked out precisely how much of the ship was actually being used at any one time on a ship with over 800,000 square m that gives each person on board almost 850 square m to themselves that is insane for comparative purposes the largest military vessels of today have about oneth that sort of size with well over six times the number of people on board you could quite easily and quite conceivably spend all day walking around the ship attending to your various duties and not see one single other person in fact the amount of people on the ship means the accommodation required to store them accounted for only 4% of the actual vessel that is 96% of the ship when everybody's in bed just not being used yes I know not everyone would be in bed at it's an example the show actually kind of does support this the because compared to the original series the corridors are just very sparsely populate like you never see people just bumping into each other from going one place to another in fact the only places you do see a lot of people are communal areas like 10 forward where everybody would naturally congregate number eight it nearly didn't exist at all yeah it's almost impossible to imagine any Star Trek series not taking place on some kind of iconic space fairing vessel but the original designs the original plans for the Next Generation did not have the ENT prise in it at all you see worried about the reaction a new Enterprise would get if it didn't live up to the original producers discussed a number of options including just not having it at all like setting it 200 years after the original series with such giant strides taken in transport a technology that you didn't need Starships anymore the crew would just have a little base and go on Mission from there thankfully this idea was scrapped quite early on and they set about designing the USS Enterprise NCC 1717 until the movie started calling it the NCC 1701a so they changed it to the NCC 1701 G and then rained back a bit and called it the NCC 171d there you go number seven you never actually saw the main shuttle Bay rarely depicted in the show for budgetary reasons and you're going to be hearing a lot of that in the rest of the video the shuttle Bays on the Enterprise were small but functional you'd say they were kind of like little cargo Bays where you had one or two one or two things in however according to the official design schematics drawn by Rick stach and M respond responsible for loads of props on the show the main shuttle Bay was absolutely massive it was like half as wide as like the middle chunk of the sorer section it spanned three decks it was home at any one time to over two dozen craft not only that but there were a number of refueling areas repair stations cargo storage things and a tower that was three decks high now of course building a practical set of this was deemed way too expensive but Stage Nine did do a visual rendering of this and it looks absolutely glorious now I would love to direct you to Stage 9's rendering of the whole Enterprise D because it was absolutely glorious but CBS shut them down for copyright and a pox on their house in my opinion number six there were dead bodies in the warpness cells in the year 2363 the USS Enterprise D launched from the Utopia Pia shipyards to begin its never ending mission to chart the Galaxy and get involved in all kinds of Adventures but in 23 70 they discovered that the W cells had actually been the sight of a double murder suicide before they even left space do that would have been you imagine quite awkward in the season 7 episode Eye of the Beholder it's revealed that Walter Pierce one of the construction team killed two of his fellow officers in the midst of some sedd love triangle the victims Mara Finn and William Hodges were cleverly disposed of in the plasma stream with PS then committing suicide the same way their remains weren't discovered for over 8 years however with pi having a betazoid grandparent this left a telepathic imprint in the bulkhead which would later compel other crew members who were telepathically sensitive to throw themselves into the plasma stream the same way and in one case actually caused di Troy to have such a powerful hallucination that she went completely mad and killed wolf sort of in the process number five it was full of catch the most advanced ship in the fleet Humanity's greatest technical Marvel at this point in its history the US SS Enterprise D was irrefutably undeniably full of catch top to tail Stern to stem front to back inside and out the entire thing just caked in feline blasting powder and I'm not even making this up but don't worry though this isn't some weird bottle episode you've missed where spot decides to Mutiny on the crew and instead of just sharpening his claws on all the soft Furnishings around the warp core and act a dirty protest in 10 forward Instead This is real life you see the Sound Stage that was used for the next generation was home to packs of feral cats whenever they would leave between Seasons they would just get infested with the things again and when they came back they had just curled loads of cat poos out on all the nice carpet see Humanity they can we can conquer the entirely non-trivial challenge of Intergalactic space flight but we can't stop tles from going on the floor number four the computer core was huge if there is one thing I want you to take from this video right it's a captain Bard's ultimate adversary was not the Bor it was not the romulans it wasn't even Q it was the men at the studio held the P strings while all the creative minds behind the show battled to try and get some more money out of them so much about this ship never saw the light of day cuz it cost too much one thing they absolutely tried their best with was the enormous scale of the computer call that helped power the ship there was three of them on the thing in fact and while it is officially Canon all the it's talked about on the show it's even shown in part it was never realized in the scale it was supposed to be the best we got was these tiny little rooms where you could go in and access the computer core but you never saw the actual computer core original designs had the thing spanning entire decks with crew zipping around on little floating platforms to try and work various terminals on it not unlike the human brain in the very cute movie Inside Out we just we're supposed to get that and we got that boo number three the recreation areas now as we have already covered the Enterprise was an inordinately large ship with an inordinately sparse crew so part of the idea behind that was you would have everybody spread out all the time doing their jobs with these little areas where they would congregate in groups to remain social now in the show itself this manifested as 10 forward where every single person would go to either solve the problems of Intergalactic social political war or just talk about the girl that they really fancy that was in the show but there was also two forward N9 forward and loads of smaller breakout areas they were supposed to use in filming now the show's budget would not stretch to the other bar areas and in truth there was narratively no reason for them once he had established 10 forward but in the first season they did try to bring these smaller breakout areas by like redressing other areas of the set to make it look like people were just chilling out in little groups but they bin that off after season 1 because they were pointless that said though the five deck High mall area they were supposed to have not unlike the prominade in Deep Space 9 would have made for some very very interesting creative choices number two it was originally designed for Kirk yeah the design of the Galaxy class starship wasn't just pulled out of somebody's ass at the last minute it had existed for years and years and years and years in fact it was originally conceived of during the Fallout of the whole Star Trek phase 2 thing now if you don't know what that is that is definitely the subject for another video was this abortive attempt in the 1970s to revive Star Trek as a TV show but in a different direction with all new things and some of the ideas in it were so good that they've gradually been getting milked out for years and years later the actual original design of the USS discovery that was for Phase 2 Now The Story Goes that one of the designers on the project Andrew Probert left after it all fell apart and frustrated with the constraints put on him designed a version of the Enterprise that he would have made if he'd been allowed to just break all the rules he was given by the production team it had to look so much like the original or Enterprise but he didn't want to do that he wanted to make it look like well this so he did a really nice painting of it and hung it in his office and then when he got hired to work on the Next Generation pre-production he took it with him to the new office and hung it somewhere that Jee Roddenberry saw it and went that's nice now yes while it was never actually intended to be commanded by James T Kirk the fact that the Genesis of the idea pun very much intended originated from the original cast is nonetheless incredibly interesting if it had gone through his Phase 2 and he had been allowed to design it however we wanted we could have had Kirk spot McCoy at all in this version of the Enterprise which is as sliding doors moments go in Star Trek that's par sliding doors for you quite interesting number one citation Ops just need to get this sentence out in one concise go so that the unpacking of it doesn't dilute the actual impact of me just saying it right the USS Enterprise D had an entire department of the ship that was run staffed and commanded by dolphins not some dolphin like Star Trek species called The Flipper ranian or something like that actual real life dolphins that you have seen in a nature documentary and I have dated at least two women with tattoos of actual dolphins specifically 12 Bottlenose and Pacific bottlenose dolphins all under the command and I compy I'm saying this of two whales the idea was that in a few hundred years we will have effective ways to communicate with these two very intelligent species and their entire different approaches to science to culture to pretty much everything would make them invaluable members of a Starship crew specifically when it came to Xeno Linguistics because they've got an entirely different language of their own and complex three-dimensional navigational issues because they live in the sea curse the many gods of Western Commerce that we never ever got to see this on television or in the movies but it is definitely can of because Jordi lege actually ask somebody if they have got a chance to see the dolphins and in yesterday's Enterprise a call goes out over the com for a Dr Joshua Kim to report to satation Ops so just once more the USS Enterprise NCC 171d had an entire department on board that was run staffed and commanded by dolphins and Wales and Dr Joshua Kim 10 more things about the Enterprise D you need to know number 10 we did see the main shuttle Bay all right so GNA open this by throwing my old hands up and saying I might have got this one wrong number seven you never actually saw the main shuttle Bay yeah going to open this by holding my hands up and saying we got this one slightly wrong I did say in the previous version of this video that you never actually got to see the Enterprise D's main shuttle Bay in all of its Glory because it was just designed too big and too Grand and too interesting for them to ever realize on screen instead we got the much smaller much easier to visualize much cheaper to produce shuttle Bays you never got to see the massive enormous twostory parking lot style shuttle Bay they had right at the back of the sourer section except we did sort of it was in the episode cause and effect the USS Bose when you a repeating one where they keep playing the same card game and doing all the same stuff over and over because it's a Time Loop or something like that the ship Fraser doesn't he comes out with the comes out with the thing and he crashes into them and the and they all die apparently the idea they had to fix it in the end the data has is to decompress the main shuttle B they you go and that that is the main shuttle Bay that one prop shot of the outside of the doors opening that is the main shuttle Bay so technically you did see it just not very well number nine Sick Bay was actually massive given how much time they spent in sick Bay and how much Mortal Peril the cast and crew were often in you think it was weird that a ship with over a thousand people on board had a sick Bay with five beds like Intergalactic plagues diseases people get the flew all sorts five people could ever be staying in that sick Bay at once that not seem weird well that's because it wasn't it was absolutely massive according to the technical blueprint and the part we saw was just one part of a much bigger Sick Bay facility like a hospital you might call it and if we can just bring up the blueprints here it was actually this big specifically which is comparative to what we saw on screen Janome in fact just going through the dialogue of the show alone it tells you that there were three Sick Bay Wards surgical Suites Medical Labs private hospital rooms a rehabilitation center and a morg which the really scary thing happens that time as well as also a null G Ward which is like a medical treatment facility but with zero gravity because for some reason that can help you just saves you saves you putting your feet up if you spraying your ankle I guess but other than that number eight the Arboretum all right so one last thing I'm adding to the big long list of things that would have been very cool for them to have the budget to show us yes along with the giant computer core and of course the tation Ops and I guess the sck Bay is the arboro now you did see this but we only saw a small tiny fraction of it it was absolutely massive in fact if you just take a look at the very back of the Enterprise D model you see those two large Blue Square things that is actually the arborita meaning it's at least two decks tall it's really really wide and so much bigger than they ever actually used in the set of the show I would love to have seen that even if they just knocked it up in a very weird sort of background painting kind of way that would have been that would have been interesting to me a man with no Garden wait is that what arum is plant just plant isn't it it is just plant I live in I live in a flat in a building I I can't go outside number seven idiots broke into the ship no we're not talking about those fangi mercenaries a hook a hook a hook a hook see Paul that's how good your jokes are we're talking about some actual criminals according to the Daily Dot who were the ones who actually labeled them idiots in 1988 some people actually broke into the set of the ship had a lot of fun and games there and even videoed themselves doing it hence when the tape was recovered they had all the evidence they needed to say it was a hence idiots basically don't video yourself doing a crime pretty much if I was doing a crime pretty much job number one would be don't actively create evidence of yourself doing it where possible I'm just I'm going to read this out because it's genuinely hilarious the videos of the break-in appeared on YouTube in 2007 they have since obviously been taken down called stage n Interlopers two men dressed in homemade staing uniforms where was sha that night I would like an alibi two of the deck empty set of the Enterprise they played with the consoles he pretended to beam out the transporter pad they got into the biob beds for some reason then they talked about stealing props before the video ends and the description it was like oh we got caught and we got chased out by Paramount security again if I'm doing a crime I'm not going to make videos of me doing the crime of course the interesting thing about this is if you cast your mind back to the first video we did tell you that the set was actually covered in cat because of how many cats used to break in there so wonder if that was a consideration when if stood in any of it number six 10 forward doesn't fit now as you've probably seen in these videos or just used your own Common Sense brain to work out a lot of the sets in Star Trek are redresses they're supposed to be adaptable they change from episode to episode from show to show from series to series they've got to be used for many different things because they've only got so much space but not 10 forward that was supposed to tell so many deeply personal stories and be such a focal part of that show that they made a permanent set that never changed and looked really really cool and it did look really really cool the only problem with it was they had a very clear idea of how they wanted T forward to look and that idea came after they had designed the Enterprise D so they knew where they wanted it to be they knew how they wanted it to fit in with the ship they knew what they wanted it to look like on screen but the problem is none of those things actually line up with the outside design of the Enterprise D what you see on screen does not fit on that model in fact much to the annoyance of the ship's designer Andrew proit who literally sat them down and said well you can do what you want if you're designing a bar cafe thing but it's got to fit Within These parameters the producer just went nope but then so popular was T forward that when they redesigned the model to be slightly better filmed on television they tweaked the design of the sorer section so that you could fit it in but the problem with that was they had so footage of the old model which only varied ever so slightly that people wouldn't even notice when watching it on television because they couldn't predict that we'd all have HD posable Blu-ray copies of it in future to pour over for our personal entertainment YouTube channels that they use these interchangeably so there's lots of shots in the episodes with 10 forward not fitting into the source section and then shots where it does fit into the source section it's what's known as in French the inconsistency number five the models were very different f okay so this one is just astoundingly shortsighted so when they made the Next Generation they secured the services of ilm industrial Light Magic yes the really famous ones who do all the things for everything and they got them to produce loads and loads of shots of the Enterprise D they got them to build it they got them to film it they got them to make it so it was very easy to repurpose in fact most of the shots you ever see of the Enterprise D were done in that original window and you know exactly the ones just flying by the screen the closeups when they're doing the captain log at the start going into into orbit coming out of orbit all the ones you saw over and over again ilm made them and they just adapted them throughout the show but the problem with doing a show that runs on for five for six for seven for eight for however many seasons is that you need more than that you need variety you are writing new things to happen to your characters and those new things happen to your ships and you must be able to visualize that and not just use the same stock images over and over again so they needed Midway through production to have new footage but the problem was they couldn't get ilm anymore budgetary or whatever they had to go to other Studios and other Studios found the ilm model very difficult to work with because obviously they had their own filming practices they would prefer to make their own model so by season 3 they decided that's what they were going to do and that new model debuted in the episode The Defector which is watch one of the First episodes where there just all of a sudden brand new clips of the Enterprise but the problem was it wasn't exactly like the other one they' made it stockier they made the model only 4ot so it was much easier to film they' exaggerated some of the paneling they' done the things like including 10 forward in the actual layout of it and it was to most people exactly the same but to nerds like me like you it's quite different and of course things only got worse when they went to make Star Trek generations because they got ilm back and ilm were like ooh movie budget let's make a brand new six foot model check and a really cool CGI version check and all four of these different versions of the Enterprise will be ever so slightly different with little raised bits here a little pronounced bit it's there and just it's all it's all it's all a mess it's all a mess I mean to most people to normal people you can't tell but again we ain't normal then before all she was almost CGI so here's a slightly weird fun fact Star Trek the Next Generation went into pre-production around the same time as the Search for Spock was being made and there was a lot of talk that they should just go and use the refit model of the original Enterprise for this series I mean it seems ridiculous now but at the time you can understand that I do we need it's still Star Trek we want things to be connected why do we need a new ship and the plan was they were going to use the visual technology they had at the time to just do a CGI version of it so it would be much cheaper cheaper cheaper cheaper to produce for television but they didn't do that in the end they decided it didn't look quite as good as they wanted it to didn't look anywhere near as good as models did so if they were going to have to build a model for television because they couldn't use that one that had been in the film they might as well just designed it from scratch and then just a me S years later they finally actually did make a CGI version of the Enterprise d for Star Trek generation so it's just it's a funny old game and it funny how life Works number three she was blue right so lighting is I don't look like this the version you're seeing me on I don't really look like this my skin tone is very different uh there's just it's it's the lighting okay I'm in a studio I'm being lit from the front the back is being lit as well this is not how you would see me on the street and the same is true of models they use to recreate Starships in television shows they are a produce a produce the result of lighting which is why if I asked you to tell me what color the Enterprise D was indeed what color are most of the ships in Star You' probably see it's like a like a gray silver like a very neutral gray or silver wouldn't you you'd be wrong they are actually duck egg blue genuinely and the reason for this and this is going to blow your mind slightly if you're not like 50 or 60 is because the way the original Enterprise used to come across on old televisions when it was originally broadcast was duck egg blue even though that was designed to be silver SL gr it actually came across as slightly blue on tele but they had the same thing when they're doing the set for strange new worlds didn't they they've got everything orange even though we sort of think of it as red because those sets were actually orange it just came off as red on television so the old Enterprise on the 60s TV show used to look blue so they designed the Enterprise D to look blue and yet of course irony upon irony upon irony even though it was designed blue to look like the color that the Enterprise was not in the 1960s when they started putting that under Studio lighting it looked silver gray the color the Enterprise actually was under Studio lighting which is mad and if you still don't believe me go watch the end of Star Trek generations when the sorcer section crashes into the planet and is lit for the first time not by space lights or anything like that but by a natural neutral Sun it is blue it is IM mistaka blue im mistaka a word unmistakably blue it is blue number two they destroyed the bridge for real all right right so people kind of noticed that they upgraded the bridge for Generations they added extra consoles on the side they raised the seating up in the middle the idea was you supposed to not notice it had changed and because you were seeing it on a big screen just think oh wow is that what that really looked like all this time but of course people aren't stupid and instead they sat there and went oh they've changed it and while it was a slightly controversial change because yes you're not going to believe it people saw something had changed on something they liked and they got really annoyed about it and started doing stuff just that the internet wasn't as terrible as it is now so it kind of gets forgotten about the plan of course was to destroy that bridge cuz they were going to destroy the ship and they actually did need to completely clear it out because the space that was being used for the Enterprise D Bridge need to be cleared out to be the set for Voyager bridge on the Paramount lot so rather than just making effects appear to destroy the place they decided Well let's actually trash it so the fires explosions everything burning everything collapsing on top of itself none of that is practical work or effects or designed to be put away they just started knocking stuff over and setting fire to it and kicking it around and that's why it looks so good some of it was saved though in case I upset you by saying that it's in the Hollywood entertainment thingy Museum it's been there since like 2007 if you want to go see it and be like oh thank God you're safe horseshoe console then it's there number one future Enterprise had a naughty bumper sticker so really quick one to end on this quite fun you all saw all good things one of my all-time favorite Star Trek next Generation episodes one of my alltime favorite Star Trek episodes full stop in fact the Enterprise refit the Galaxy X class I think it's called you know it's got It's got the third incredibly phallic warp Nell on the back it's got loads of shooty phases it's got old man rker behind the wheel you remember it peers briefly blows up some Klingons and then goes to warp 13 and we just never address that again you remember it right it had a funny bumper sticker now this information comes exclusive to you thanks to our good pal Doug Drexler who you can either see in a forthcoming video that we've just done or that's already gone out I don't know when you're going to see this one but we've done some fun stuff with him is is my point he told us there was a bumper sticker on the physical IC model of that they took one of the old models of the Enterprise D and they added stuff to it cuz it was the last episode you can get can get away with stuff like that they put a bumper sticker on it as well any guesses anyone anyone what did the bumper sck say anyone anyone I heart Uranus wait no it's even funnier We Heart Uranus actually CAU this the master display system on that also contained loads of funny Easter eggs they had a bip plane a mouse and a rubber ducky all just based in the ship schematics cuz it was the last episode it was the last day of school for everyone who worked on the Next Generation so they started started having some fun 10 secrets about the USS Enterprise 1701 e that you need to know number 10 the Enterprise turke E yeah the design of the Enterprise E pretty much started the moment Generations finished I think by 1995 they actually had some production sketches in the works and unlike other ships we've seen in this series the original concepts for it wen't massively wildly away from what we ended up getting but the original sketch is still quite interesting even who was working on Deep Space 9 at the time decided to take everything he liked about the original USS Enterprise and everything he liked about Voyager put them together and he came up with this now the main thing here is of course the forward swept pylons that's what they originally changed but like Voyager they were designed to go up and down depending on when the ship was in warp and when it wasn't this was obviously some narrative reason cuz apparently the whole warp 5 limit Voyager got rid of that with the ups and down thing but they never really they never really actually made that a big deal on screen but the original design did Incorporated also the oval sorcer section of the Enterprise D he rotated so it gave the illusion of Forward Motion quite clever apparently they did pretty much all the work for first contact with this design until Rick Berman took a look at it a few months before the film started and went anyone else think this looks like a big turkey in a pan and the entire production crew went ah yeah it does so they went back to the drawing board and they tweaked it to get rid of the whole turkey leg looking thing which is actually a shame because when did first Contact come out anybody anybody anybody anybody Thanksgiving so would have worked number nine Last Action Hero now as was the style at the time industrial Light and Magic constructed a 10t scale model of the ship for all of the effects were cuz you got to remember this was the '90s like visual effects the computer stuff that was done a little bit here and there cuz it was expensive and didn't actually look that good so they did pretty much everything with a physical model but that did not last and indeed by the time the film came to being made advancement in visual effects meant that actually they could do a lot of stuff on computer rather than with the physical model so they did still use it for the outside shots of the more walking on the hole and some bits and pieces here and there but by and large a lot of the more Dynamic shots of the ship in that film are done on a computer and indeed such was the rapid advancement of this technology that the CGI Enterprise was pretty much all you saw in both Insurrection and Nemesis so the 10ft model was made and then hardly used used and I want to know if I can have it if anyone don't know of you're out there and you work for industrial liting magic and you've got a 10ft Enterprise E and your garage somewhere I'll take it I'll hang it out the window number eight 24 decks or not yeah not that we like to pull out mistakes and all of this but it is kind of interesting that the production crew never fully settled on how many decks the Enterprise E actually had so in first Contact Bard tells Lily that there are 24 decks on the Enterprise a it's also 700 M long EX ET etc etc say oh cool the captain will know how many decks are on his ship and there are 24 of them and then later there's a big graphic which only shows 23 decks on the ship so or maybe he was close but he got it slightly off by one and then later on wols like yes the Bor of assimilated from deck 26 up it's like oh does anybody know how many decks there actually are then to make matters worse in Star Trek Nemesis there is a line of dialogue saying that they've lost shields on Deck 29 and that the remans have been over to board on that deck 29 now and then just to make matters even worse reker goes down to deck 29 to fight the remans and when he kills one of them he throws them off a thing and they plummet several more decks so there's at least 29 there's possibly like 35 with an infinite Chasm but according to the card there's 24 and on the visuals there's 23 but the ball on 26 and just make your fcking minds up man number seven a ship By Any Other Name bit of A Wrinkle In the timeline LOL not like Star Trek to do that is in first Contact Jordi says that they have been in space for a year now during their Shakedown Cruise now first Contact takes place 2 years after generation so that leaves like at most an entire year to design build construct and launch that ship and when you look at it that seems a very short amount of time cuz it's there's a lot going on there but in a 1998 AOL chat room and that is a thing I'm old enough to remember Ronald D Mo cleared that up by saying while it didn't make it into the film there was a bit of cannon in the background of this that says that the ship had actually been in design in construction for years before the Enterprise D was destroyed it was just not going to be the next Enterprise basically they were already designing The Sovereign class ship we're probably going to launch it as the USS Sovereign but then of course when the Enterprise was destroyed they thought oh we'll just make that the flagship instead now there is actually precedent for this the US Navy when the York town was sunk at Midway just rename Nam a new ship to Yorktown it was launching about the same time so this does this does happen in real life so I suppose it can happen in Star Trek further interesting point Gene Roddenberry actually said the same thing had happened to the Enterprise a and that was called the York town originally so full circle Great Eagle Galaxy whatever it is number six a last dish effort yes shout out to junk ball media who somehow sleuthed this one out if you look at this picture of the Enterprise E what is wrong with that what isn't quite right about about that picture it's the deflector dish yeah when they were doing the initial production shots and Merchandising and things like that this was what they were going with for the model of the Enterprise E but then of course the script first Contact was still in production they decided they needed to do this big exciting battle sequence on the hull of the ship and they decided to go with a deflector dish to do that now you can see the problem if you want to film a scene on a bright white light that's going to look terrible so they redesigned it so it was orange and more practical and had little jaggy pointy bits in it etc etc etc but most of these pictures were still out there and because what the deflected dish looks like is such a small inconsequential part of anybody's life you can still see promotional material with this kind of design on it I choose to believe that it just lights up like that sometimes like a big torch in space or I don't know there could be a million reasons for it I like to pretend it's all Canon because my life is empty number five 25% new material now we did talk about there's a little bit in Star Trek Voyager because not all of that was a brand new set like yes they created some new stuff for it like the bridge Etc but they pretty much just recycled sets of Paramount where they could and the same is true for the Enterprise E all right so the bridge that was brand new engineering that was brand new and some of the corridors they were brand new but loads of other stuff is literally just Voyager now the most obvious one here is the Enterprise e s Bay because that is literally just the exact same s Bay as Voyager and not just because Robert picardo is in it because it's just the same exact set Voyager cargo bay ended up being the weapons Locker Captain janeway's Quarters with Captain Picard's quarters Voyager ready room doubled for councelor Troy's office Voyager boardroom stood in for Diana Troy's bathroom and Voyager engineering section was eventually redressed as the Enterprise E library and one final thing if you just direct your attention here quickly whose windows are those they're Captain Jan Way's Windows nature a b a vacuum Star Trek of balls waste number four Frasier wants Captain the Enterprise E I know sometimes we'll do stuff like this and people will be like actually this is beta Cannon you can't really include these in Secrets cuz it's all made up but one a fight me nerds 2 B look at this picture and tell me it's not worth including yes in Diane car's 1997 novel ships of the line Captain Morgan bitman the man who was captaining that ship in cause and effect you know literally Kelsey gramar he is in charge of giving the Enterprise e it Shakedown and he gets into a a bit of a bother with a load of Klingons in the process now yes of course this is not technically Cannon and it is just another thing aside but look look at the deflector dish remember what I told you number three a very special wall now you're all sitting there and you're thinking Adam if there's one thing I know about the Enterprise E that it never once appeared in a single television episode of either Star Trek Deep Space 9 or Star Trek Voyager they kept the big screen and the small screen separate you can't cannot ever tell me that they crossed over and I'm going to tell you that they crossed over but like the littlest bit right so the Enterprise E was conspicuous by its absence in the whole Dominion War storyline there it was the most advanced ship Starlet had that had literally handed a b Cube its own ass and it was nowhere to be seen during this the biggest threat faced by the alpha quadrant but at the exact same time over in the Delta quadrant was Star Trek Voyager and they drafted in Diana Troy from the Enterprise E to join in with the re Barkley Pathfinder storyline so there's a little connection although did we ever see it yes re calls Dianna Troy to speak to her and she is standing there on the Enterprise E and the wall behind her is an actual set from the Enterprise E so very very very very technically you do see the Enterprise E in the TV of the '90s it was an episode of Star Trek Voyager but it was literally just a generic wall which is disappointing yes but is also proof that it was around somewhere honestly I need to sit down with the producers and the writers and just whoever was in charge back then and just ask like I know you wanted them to be their own thing I know they had to retain their own individuality but just why could you not have one episode or just in the back just I just I need to know I need to know why they didn't use the Enterprise E in the Dominion what that last shot that last shot in Voyager when all those ships take it back to Earth just throw it in there number two Enterprise E version 3 so a slightly interesting story between every single film The Enterprise he was in it got a slight redesign nothing major but they just took every single opportunity to just tweak a line here or smooth something down there or just rework the little bit to get it to get it perfect which of course you can't do when using a CGI model like the Enterprise D was the same for every single episode of Star Trek the Next Generation because nobody wanted to start hacking into the physical models and having to recreate the exact same thing on all the different scales of it that's a week's work for Christ's sake so in Insurrection when they needed to add a captain's yacht they looked at the underside where this was going to be and they started to smooth out all the lines around that incorporating the torpedo launcher into what would eventually be the yacht you can it's not there in first Contact but they redid the whole underside of the hle to make it look smoother for Insurrection but the biggest changes came before Nemesis cuz they knew they were building to this huge battle scene with a simitar so they reworked the the shape of the whole ship like they smoothed out the differentiation between the sorcer section and the hole they added loads of different Photon and Quantum torpedo ports and more phaser strips for that battle scene they also give the Nels a slight tweak make them look more stable more sweeping because well look they knew the ship was going to get the kicked out of it in that battle so it might as well look sturdy enough to hold up to that and the sad thing is there was a fourth round of redesigns because they did not know that Nemesis was going to be the last film in the series it was supposed to get fixed and reworked and upgraded and then sent out for some more films it was going to have a new paint scheme it was going to look more in line with the original production sketches from first Contact but of course Nemesis bombed so they pulled the plug and it really was a Generations final Journey so we never got to see what that fourth version of the ship looked like number one the legacy of the E now despite Nemesis getting everything Cann there were still some Canon appearances of the Enterprise E after Nemesis and these all took place in the runup to JJ Abrams 2009 Star Trek film with the release of countdown a series of graphic novels designed to bridge the gap between where we left it in Nemesis and where Spock goes back in time now under the command of Captain data who basically downloaded his Consciousness into B4 and then asserted his personality over his brother it was kind of convoluted but it worked at the time they took on Nero they took on the Narada but the illustrations were they're open to interpretation like I don't know either they've completely redesigned that or it's just the way it's drawn it's up to you now of course these graphic novels were registered nonan Canon with Star Trek Bard because they rewrote exactly what happened in that time frame but with Bard did come its own series of graphic novels some of which even featured the Enterprise E so long story short it is still out there it is under the command of Captain WF and it might just show up in season 2 fingers crossed 10 secrets of the USS Enterprise F you need to know number 10 Verity on high the arrival of the Enterprise F in Star Trek bicard wasn't actually the first time in Canon that we saw an odyssey class vessel idw's graphic novel prequel series to peard featured the USS Verity NCC 97007 this was assigned to Admiral Picard to assist in the Romulan evacuation program the precursor to the Supernova that would Kickstart not only the Kelvin universe but also a lot of the ACT ction in Picard and Beyond as noted in an article for IDW itself Star Trek online's Thomas the person who adapted the design to fit Star Trek Online stated that in this period of history there were two Odyssey class ships uh created one was the USS Varity the other was the USS Odyssey they were created as a direct response to the rean Scimitar you know you all remember how big that was and this was starfleet's version of a Heavy Cruiser the further we look into this the backstory states that actually the Odyssey class was put on hold so that all of the resources for Designing and building the fleers ships could be put into the Verity to rush that into service for the Romulan evacuation however with the subsequent failure of the Romulan evacuation and the destruction of Utopia pentia shipyards The Odyssey itself was somewhat forgotten and the Varity was mothballed we have a couple then of different Back stories to the Odyssey clasp depending on whether you follow Star Trek online or whether you follow idw's story but it does remain that the Enterprise f is the only Odyssey class ship that has received any significant screen time in the episodes of the card number nine thanks for the support taking inspiration from the Enterprise FS online Heritage the one that we saw in the show did in fact feature a small docked support craft at the as in the spot that historically would see the shuttle Bay on such ships like the Constitution class we get the Aquarius class support ship this is analogous to the Aeros shuttle on Voyager and the Calypso captain's yacht of the Enterprise D and like those we never really got to see it do anything in the few minutes of screen time that the Enterprise F got in Star Trek Online the ship was actually destroyed in 201410 by Captain Shawn but naturally it was redesigned rebuilt and redocked the ship wasn't just a support craft in terms of getting people off the ship if needs be it was different from a Runabout in that way it could actually enter a battle on the support side of the Enterprise f as well both the Aquarius and the Odyssey class actually got their names from the Apollo 13 space mission they were named after the Lander and the Command Module of course the that would go on to make sure that we would all remember the phrase Houston we've had a problem number eight now for the stats the best resource for information on the Enterprise f is Star Trek online and the official breakdown that's given for the ship there built at the Utopia pentia Shipyard the Enterprise F was armed with 18 Mark 12 phaser arrays four variable payload Warhead launchers two phaser turrets and two heavy phaser Cannon mounts a bit of beefed up Firepower for the Enterprise effan one thing that the design carried over from both the Galaxy and Sovereign class ships was that it had the ability to separate its saucerer section this was a little bit different where the Enterprise D's saucer section was used effectively as a life raft to help people escape a battle scenario the sorcer section of the Enterprise F was designed to become a separate fully operational Battleship if the situation required it it was in a way then closer in design to the experimental Prometheus class there was of course an array of shuttles there was also an Argo which you will remember from Star Trek Nemesis and there was several Yellowstone class runabouts now the Yellowstone was slightly different from the danu class and was only seen once before in Star Trek voyagers non secare there is also a captain's yacht and of course the previously mentioned Aquarius number seven feeling shun it only took 30 3 years if you don't include the silent appearance in Star Trek lower decks but Elizabeth Shelby returned to Star Trek she had gone from the promotion Hungary Borg expert from Best of Both Worlds to become a full Admiral who was ceremonially at least in charge of the Enterprise F during the frontier Day Celebrations the bicard logs that were released online suggested that the ship has had a variety of captains over its lifespan but in Star Trek Online the Enterprise f is commanded by the andorian captain Vel sha this makes him the third non-human commander of an Enterprise after Spock in the wrath of KH and Warf if that little wink and Nod is what we think it is in the episode Vox there are of course other variations in Peter David's novel imadi 1992 it suggests the Enterprise f is in service around 2408 and is command ounded by none other than data the later DS9 series Millennium would also suggest that there was an Enterprise F but this ship was a defiant class that was built after the destruction of the Enterprise E it was initially commanded by Jean Luke Bard later commanded by William rker until it too bit the bullet number six Competitive Edge the Enterprise F design actually came about from a competition run by Star Trek online to celebrate its first anniversary ly named design the next Enterprise this wasn't the first time that a competition like this had been run this the pocket books had actually run a similar competition with the Luna class USS Titan coming from that designed by artist sha Tango the success of the Luna class competition contributed to convincing CBS that this design the new Enterprise idea was a good one and so they ran with it and they got thousands of entries which were then narrowed down to about 25 before eventually being narrowed down to a final four the criteria for the design was relatively straightforward effectively when you looked at it you had to think iconic Federation Starship so two nay cells deflector dish primary whole saucer section with all of these aspects being included in his design Adam eel actually won the overall competition some of the other close to the close to the first place entries included Jason Vector Lee's for Nell ship that would actually be repurposed and reused as the USS Chimera in Star Trek Online commanded by Captain nog number five screen time the Enterprise F just misses out on the honor of having the shortest amount of screen time of any of the Enterprises that honor goes to the Enterprise J which we only really saw a design graphic of and a bit of the corridor that Daniels and Archer were standing in in Enterprise's third season the Enterprise F appears in the last two episodes of season 3 of Bard Vox and the last generation now it was shown quite heavily in the trailers and the marketing campaign but it was also very it was very quickly stated that it wasn't going to be the hero ship of the season so as to kind of tease audiences but also not set them up for well not seeing very much of it the F was seen earlier in the season as a graphic on the file that Ren gives to Picard but apart from apart from these few fleeting glimpses we don't really get to see very much of it also the return of the Enterprise D in the very last scene of Vox and of course the last generation does somewhat eclipse the Enterprise F just just a bit and considering that the entprise F was to be decommissioned after Frontier day it's unlikely that we're going to see her again for a while number four size of it now the Enterprise F reflected the way Enterprises had been going you know when you think the Enterprise B was bigger than the Enterprise a c to the b d and then e is longer than D but D is technically a bigger ship but yes it reflected the time of start fleets need for these larger vessels be they for exploration or with the advanced dangers of the Dominion and the Borg and I suppose the romulans Starfleet needed more battleships the Enterprise G on the other hand reflected this new more peaceful era of starfleet's History so it was deemed to shrink the size of the flagship and it would then become the this neoc constitution class which we had of of course seen in the season as the Titan a things must have got a little hairy again as the years went on because the Enterprise J is roughly the size of Earth's moon all right that's a bit of an overstatement but it is considerably larger the Enterprise f is 1,61 M long as opposed to the Enterprise E which was 685 M the Enterprise D was only 641 M long but as I stated it was rather larger in other respects this makes the Odyssey class the largest class of ship that have been seen in the prime timeline up to that point it does have fewer decks than the Enterprise D 32 as opposed to 48 this however is in part due to its lengthier more streamlined shape this makes the Enterprise F around 2 and 1 half times the size of the original Constitution class which itself only had 23 decks to fit 430 crew as they state in trials and tribulations they really did pack them in on these old ships just for fun if we hop over into the Kelvin timeline the USS Vengeance would still dwarf the Enterprise f it is 1,450 M long that's a big ship number three crafty construction one of the defining features of the Enterprise f is the double neck that it boasts as opposed to the singular neck of almost all previous ships according to the bonus issue of the Enterprise F from Eagle Moss's Star Trek Starships collection Adam eel's design was favored because it was big and Majestic there were design cues from the Galaxy and Sovereign classes that made it feel familiar and the double neck was the icing on the cake e himself had Revisited the work of original Enterprise designer Matt Jeff as well as the futuristic ideas of Doug Drexler for the Enterprise J and of course Andrew probert's design of the Enterprise d he kept the overall shape quite similar to what had gone before the primary hole was raised and separate from the secondary hole via this double neck the Nay cells were attached with backward facing pylons quite simply put it looked like an Enterprise cryptic's Thomas then made a couple of slight alterations when designing the ship for Star Trek online he widened the neck for example and he swept back the saucer a little bit over the engineering hole to date this is the only ship in Canon that has this kind of distinct design number two short shelf life according to Star Trek Bard the NCC 1701 F was only in service for about 15 years it was being decommissioned in 2 401's Frontier day following a disastrous monfett Gambit that saw a catastrophic systems failure shipwide it was deemed easier just to decommission the ship than to repair it now if if that sounds like a bit of a short life for a ship consider that the Enterprises a b c d and e all came in under that 15-year Lifeline in fact D had the shortest lifespan at only 7 years whereas the original Enterprise if we include the refit as well was going around for about 40 years that record is not likely to be broken anytime soon the bicard logs that preceded Tre Picard revealed that the ship had been commissioned in 2386 executive producer and showrunner Terry metalis stated that Admiral Shelby's posting of the Enterprise F was purely for the ceremonies of Frontier day only there was a series of unnamed in the show captains who had command during the Enterprises lifespan in Star Trek online however the Enterprise F was only commissioned in 2409 which meant that the Enterprise E probably had a longer lifespan although its final fate may still have not been warf's fault number one no to the upgrade the Enterprises F's appearance in Star Trek peard cements itself in Prime cannon that you know we have seen it it has been out there and it got well seven layers of Hell kicked out of it by uh the Borg but we won't think about that for the moment what it does is that with the decommissioning of the end priz F on screen it means that what happened in Star Trek Online is very unlikely to happen Well it can't because the Enterprise G's already been commissioned in Star Trek Online the Enterprise F received a major overhaul and refit following the closing of the iconian war these refits included more prominent uh impulse engines changes to the Nay cels and the pylons and a change of the overall paint Scheme and that's just on the outside these were seen for the first time in the episode cilia and caribous now Eagle Moss's Star Trek Starships collection did in fact release a model of this refit Yorktown class Eagle Moss released two variants of the original Enterprise f one in the largely black and white liary that's seen in Star Trek online and one in a more traditional Starfleet gray the producers of Star trep Card decided to go with the online version which which means funly enough that gray model of the Enterprise F can really only be found as an option within Star Trek online and here are 10 secrets of the Enterprise G you need to know number 10 word up G the arrival of the Enterprise G has meant that some parts of the expanded Cannon are now very firmly not Cannon anymore let's start with the Enterprise F in Star Trek online that gets an upgrade from Odyssey class to Yorktown class that now doesn't happen as it's retired in the early 25th Century after the monfett Gambit as it stands now the G has not been made available on Star Trek online speaking of Star Trek Online the Titan continued on with the Luna class which showed the Titan Titan a and once that was destroyed the Titan B also continuing on in that frame as well Star Trek Fleet command has now actually shown the Constitution 3 class with the Titan a crossing over onto its platform in the Kelvin timeline as part of that ongoing story The now defunct fan series Frontiers not to be confused with the wizkids game of the same name showed the Enterprise G turning up there as an Excalibur class that was designed by Steven Davis but now actually most of that would focus more on the Enterprise H unfortunately it's difficult to find point with that but you can still see images of that online number nine marvelous medical among some of the most impressive sets built for the Titan a was in fact the medical Bay which Dave blast production designer went into a lot more detail about you never really know what action is going to take place there usually it's one person in a bed but it's a huge ship so you really need 10 to 12 beds but that's a giant waste of space and money then you need a surgery bed and somewhere to sit and talk as well as somewhere to look at Medical routs so sick bait was just wrangling of the time and money beast and making it as big yet interesting as possible costs were further reduced actually for this set by the introduction of these kind of large OLED holographic type tubes this holographic was very very deliberate as blast said that it was able to give a more technological feel to the room without actually upping the budget considerably number eight Pursuit Krauss the design of the Enterprise G was based on the shangra LA class and also inspired by the designs of tre fan and designer Larry Miller in the 1980s as Bill Krauss explained originally the idea for the shangrala class was something that could both stand out but also very much blend in with some of the original series movies as well in fact Krauss looked to Andre probert's designs so that it would be something that you could see theoretically becoming part of the lineage of Starfleet Miller's Hornet Class design was also used as a bit of inspiration for what would turn up as the USS Intrepid as well K actually never expected this design to play as pivotal a role as possible Terry metalis found these designs via krauss's Instagram account and commission cruss to build a model for him he thought it might show up in the background of an episode here or there not in in the well hero form it ended up taking in season 3 number seven set pieces 18 new sets were built for the Titan a which of course would go on to be the Enterprise G you might have noticed that the lower section of lass Serena was reused as the bridge of the shrike whereas well the standing set of the stargazers bridge from season 2 became the skeleton of what would become the Titan A's bridge in season 3 new old LED screens were added to the Titan a bridge along with some more panels platforms and stations including the one that Picard used to fire Torpedoes at one point the observation Lounge as well was given a bit of a touchup from what we saw in season 2 with the addition of of course the new models away from the Stargazer and Sean class moving towards the Constitution 3 and of course the Luna class as well with all of these new sets being designed and the previously mentioned medical Bay being the most complex of them this was a massive undertaking at a time when a lot of what we see on screen is computer generated number six shangra la la la la did Enterprise G contrace its design langage back to the 23rd Century with the original USS Titan being a shangar la class under the command of Captain savic it's a blink and you'll miss at moment but the shuttle that rker and Picard borrow to go over to the Elios 12 is in fact named the savic after the captain of the first Titan the Constitution 3 class was effectively a 25th Century update of that original shanga class with the Luna class sort of slipping in the middle if you like let's call that the grunge phase in the middle of their upbringing and that by the way is not a word against Shan Tango's design of the Luna class which I love while the overall design of the Constitution 3 is based heavily on the shanga class the actual nay cells were borrowed from season 2's Sean class USS Stargazer with this difference being that they could be opened and tinkered with by some Captain level Grease Monkeys number five downsizing in the move if you trace things from the original Enterprise right up to the Enterprise F you can see that there is a trend of Enterprises tend to get bigger and bigger and bigger you had Crews of about 400 back in Kirk's day right up to over a thousand in Picard's day you might think that well hold on the Enterprise E didn't have anything like that compliment and you would be correct although The Sovereign class is quite a bit longer than the Enterprise D's Galaxy class so we're continuing that Trend having said that as well the Sovereign class was just over 600 M where the Odyssey class Enterprise f is about a kilometer long so it's getting a bit ridiculous at that point that's not not even taking into account the universe class Enterprise J the Constitution 3 class actually brings everything down again and this was a conscious decision by Terry metalis who explained in an interview with that he wanted to bring this ship back to the exploratory nature of Starfleet that had been sort of after wolf 359 we' started to see the introduction of a more militaristic side of Starfleet which you know LED ships like the defiant the Enterprise E the Aira class the Constitution 3 Enterprise G was a deliberate attempt to go back to science vessels and exploring vessels and in Metal's own words would have its absolute ass kicked in the wrong Situation Number Four what's in a name the path to the Enterprise G is not actually quite as straightforward as you'd think shanga class designer Bill kuss explained that they would start as the Titan but end as the pi card which which would follow the overall Arc of the season and ironically leave the show named after the ship but just retroactively the moment however in the last generation which sees the shuttle come up over the bow of the now Enterprise G to reveal the new name is a direct parallel to the te's at the end of Star Trek 4 the Voyage Home when Sulu says actually I'm counting on excelsia and then they rise up over the excelia to see the newly christened Enterprise a there was a fun parallel in this as well you see originally for the Next Generation we were going to have NCC 100017 however the choice to alphabetize the new Enterprise in Star Trek 4 the Voyage Home meant that we were going to not do the additional number at the end but rather a letter it was going to be the NCC 1701 G now this was brought down to 1701 D to be more in line with the 7 8 year gap between the end of Star Trek 6 the undercovered country and of course the beginning of encounter at farpoint number three reconstituted the decision to make the Enterprise G a constitution 3 class was a very deliberate decision and when the reveal happens it makes quite a lot of sense you see there's a parallel in the end of the Voyage Home which sees the Enterprise a revealed as a constitution class as well depending on which version of beta Canon follow here you could either believe that it was renamed from the USS T ho in the 1980s book Mr Scott's Guide to the Enterprise or renamed for the well now coffin ship USS York toown but either way it was a renamed existing Starship Terry matala said as well that season 3 of star TR Bard Was An Origin story of the G which is why when you look at episodes particular particularly the Bounty and the last generation you see the Enterprise G A nxo1 and the Enterprise D and the Enterprise F all on screen quite frankly that's a lot of Enterprises number two not so new new ship there were a lot of theories around the arrival of a new hero ship for Picard's thirdd season of course enter the Titan a the neoc Constitution class ship there was quite a surprising reveal in that this was in many ways the exact same ship Luna class that a certain Captain William T rker had commanded yes it was revealed that the Luna class USS Titan was heavily heavily refit into the neoc Constitution class there's a couple of gags here and there where Shaw said he had to free up a few thousand gigabytes by trying to delete Riker's entire Jazz library from the computer systems as well now now it's not the first time that we've seen a massive refit of a Starship I mean look at the Constitution to the Constitution refit of the motion picture while perhaps not as drastic it is still effectively a new ship built around the frame of the last one in this a lot of the computer systems the Nay cells and the warp coils were directly held over even if they did receive quite a bit of tinkering and changes this also goes away toward explaining the addition of the a to the USS discoveries registry after it too goes under a significant refit in the third season of starter Discovery it also helps to hide it in time as well number one Captain's prerogative the paint is barely dry on the hole and yet the Enterprise G already has quite the lineage behind it now technically if we're taking the physical ship into a account here there's already been three commanders of the Enterprise G so first of all from the Luna class we have Captain William T rker then of course you've got Liam no Shaw taking over for the refit and for what ends up being the Last 5 Years of its life rker does take over again for a little while when Shaw is incapacitated but as we see when the ship is officially designated Enterprise G you've got Captain seven of nine in the big scene while we are still waiting on Star Trek Legacy to show us more of seven in the captain seat it's actually not the record for the amount of commanders of an Enterprise look at the original one you've got April you've got Pike you've got Kirk you've got Commodore Decker you've got his son will Decker you've got Spock as well and then you know with varying kind of like here and there is all the way in between the an D had Picard a few times we had Jellico now the difference there is that that did stay the Enterprise D and although the original Enterprise uh had quite a few commanders the Enterprise a sort of you know kind of oscillat between Kirk and Spock depending on the afternoon what I'm saying is that it's a privilege to be a captain of the Enterprise God only knows how long you'll be one for # saave s
Channel: TrekCulture
Views: 202,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Original Series, Animated Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy, TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, SNW
Id: JSLOmwh-uHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 10sec (6730 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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