C1 - Star Citizen Bounty Hunting | HRT VHRT | 4mil In One Run!

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this a Star Citizen Anything Can Happen see1 Crusader and then we sell the Gasping Weevil EGS for 1.5 right boom 1.5 in the bank and we got 25 maze that is 2.1 so I'm already wrong we got 3.6 [Music] already what up guys guys AST Manning here back at it again with another video and today we're going to continue on with doing vhts hrts mrts erts whatever the case is we're going to be doing bounty hunting and we're using all the new ships that's what we're going to be doing in the near future uh we have we did the suin last time around today we're going to take out the C1 the beautiful absolutely tremendously super Doper absolutely gorgeous C1 that's what we're running today and uh then we'll maybe try out something special tomorrow check out tomorrow's video is going to be absolutely crazy too but today we're doing the C1 so that's what we're doing let's get into it guys you guys know what to do smash that like button leave a comment down below and subscribe if you haven't already so here we are in the C1 absolutely gorgeous we're going to go ahead and we're going to pick some bount hunting missions we're going to do maybe an HRT uh maybe we should start with an MRT right let's start with an MRT let's see the location of the MRT it's a recite on selling it's a paint in the butt where is the HRT the HRT is on a location on dayar let's actually do the HRT first see how it goes we might get our butt kicked right away doing the HRT but whatever let's go ahead and make sure you do a call to arms as well so that you're getting your best bang for the buck not that it's that big of a deal but anyways accept that Call to Arms make a little bit of extra cash have some fun with it all right guys so um you know I'm I'm going to go ahead and say a few things as we go to the targets and whatnot and uh we're going to continue with explanations about our giveaway right so we're going to be doing a giveaway when we get to 2,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel and we're getting relatively close to that and um so when we reach 2K subscribers I'm going to be giving away 325A the information is down in the description below so if you want to check that out um information is down in the description all you to do is make sure that you're watching my videos from here until now and then um make sure that you are like and commenting on every single video until we hit 2,000 Subs because I will be picking a random video to be CH The Chosen Victor to be the one that um shows us who is the winner of the giveaway so the people that are going to be end the drawing will be the people who comment and like on the video that is chosen at random so just make sure you watch and like on my videos from here until 2K and of course spread the word so that we can get to 2K thank you guys so much I love you guys for all the support and um I'm having such a great time making all these videos also if you um don't know I do live stream most days of the week uh currently the official schedule is Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday nights at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard time but I do tend to kind of just stream most days of the week um sometimes even every single day of the week but uh on YouTube you guys don't have the official schedule because it's there's no way to like post an actual stream schedule on YouTube unless I have the titles on in advance and all that kind of stuff and I don't know what I'm going to be doing every single Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday I don't know but uh so if you guys do want to catch those live streams do make sure to check in on those days Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sundays and make sure that you want to be there for those um because uh cool stuff happens there there's giveaways on live streams as well uh other things to talk about um I know I had other stuff there was live streams there was the memberships if you want to join and become a member you get into you get entered into the giveaways twice if you're a member guys so members do get entered into the drawings for giveaways twice and are automatically entered and don't have to be present or on the correct winning video you are automatically in the giveaway if you're a member so make sure to join that especially if you want to go to the extra mile and support me and the astral mercenary is on our adventure through the Stars so what do we got here guys as we're pulling in we got a Vanguard Sentinel we got a Prowler and a another Prowler is that double Prowler interesting okay so double Prowler our neutralized Target is uh I don't know what's going on with the neutralized Target it's a little bit desync here I don't know um so the C1 is not the most Nimble or best fighter so these ships might actually cause a problem for us we'll see what we can do here and um what not let's see what missiles we have we only have four size 3es so uh the the specs of the ship we're just running four Panthers we have our fr76 Shield one size two fr76 and then we have our four laser repeaters right our Panthers and that's all that really matters for the specs Quantum Drive is the XL1 cuz it's the size too we're going to go ahead and we're going to start laying into our opponents here so you got to watch out on these Prowlers they have some big guns they have size five guns I do watch out for those those big guns going go ahead and uh continue smacking on this Prowler he taking his Shields down so that's good for us oh they also have ballistas as well so we do have to watch out for that man all these AI ships with ballistas make life really scary sometimes Target destroyed but there we go we got one down one good thing the C1 has for it and I guess all the whole Spirit Series has for it is they have nice size capacitors in their in their gun so as you see my Panthers have 42 shots each that's actually really nice so that is kind of nice we're going to use that to our advantage we're just going to lay into them consistently here swap back and forth between Shields and weapons so then we can keep the extra bonus defense we have in our shields for when we have our power in the shields just go to weapons when they need to be recharged try to stay out of the range and the shots of the ballistas there's a lot of desn going on I apologize for that I don't know what the heck that's about that's kind of really annoying the deyn but hey whatever sheld and as you can see all the guys are lined up together so let's get out of that situation we are not a fighter ship that could handle maneuvering around three different ships all at the same time so let's you know actually get out of that situation and not kill ourselves we'll use some missiles here cuz why not we'll send this boy out in a nice land there on the missile good job hopefully we get these guys spread apart here maybe not we use quite a bit of boost so be aware of the fact that we use so much boost the size to Shield bug is biting us here it's really making it difficult to finish off the prowler we didn't have to deal with the size two Shield bug he would be probably dead already but nonetheless we have have to deal so we're going to still keep our distance so we just don't get tagged by those ballistics and we come back in you see look at him just eating up all the shields here or all the shots here because he just got the size two Shield book we got a little bit behind him now and we want to stay behind him now and there we go good shots good shots good shots good shots okay so we we've got him weak the rest of the team has arrived for support so we're actually going to pull off maybe prep some missiles again as you can see the C1 is not it's definitely not used for um hrts we're just doing a little bit of fancy flying here to make sure that we get the job done got a fancy flying here we got his shield down again we got behind him should be able to land some good shots here and hopefully get the kill there it is destroy Target destroyed we'll start working on the Sentinel now see what we can do here on the Sentinel and as I accidentally press the Tia button there we almost ran the Sentinel because I lost a little bit of control there I apologize my stick hit my keyboard my my new Mount that I have for my keyboard is a little close to my sticks so sometimes if I'm not careful and my mounts move a little bit my stick mounts move a little bit because I still don't have my Predator mounts that have been in the mail for like 6 months um so yeah I'm using cheap stick mounts so sometimes things like that happen nonetheless careful sometimes I ask myself what should I be doing here decoupled or coupled depends on the ship depends on the situation in this situation I really like keeping the momentum that I have with the C1 you see how I'm just carrying so much momentum with me and the decoupled really helps with that makes it kind of hard for these guys to hit me CU I'm flying with so much momentum so there we go we got the final kill or not the final kill but we got the kill on the Sentinel what we're going to actually do now is we're going to fly down towards the planet we we flew really high up in the air let's see if we can get the cuy to follow us down into the planet so or maybe we could get the cuy to follow us into space what's does anyone know leave a comment down below what is the um limit on dayar for its uh enter into enter out of the atmosphere into space because that would be helpful right now if I knew that I don't know if the cuy is what the C's doing I think we're going down maybe maybe we will just go down to there you go he's waking up okay I think we're going to go down maybe we get him to drive down and follow us down so we're going to be careful as we go down to the Planet Side this a little sneak peek what we're going to do in the future for some missions in the future here guys I do a lot of group play by the way you know CU of my org and stuff uh let me throw that that as a plug right my Discord my org down in the description there's plugs to my Discord and my org down in the description and so I do a whole lot of group play so solo stuff sometimes I don't do too much anymore and I'm trying to give you guys a little bit of both and so this is like you know soloing and a C1 but we can definitely you can definitely do this with a friend and bring other ships oh my gosh see the C1 is just not meant for this he's got my Shields down I'm just going to let him pepper at the back Shields while I let the front Shield recharge little tactic there and then we'll flip around cuz I need a lowly to do what I'm trying to do [ __ ] [ __ ] oh well that's not what I'm trying to do are we okay yeah we're okay is he okay yeah he's okay so the Cuties are still have their inval bug which really sucks but hey we have to deal with that so I'm going do what I can here and hit him in the canopy doing a good job doing a good job stick on him maybe we could get him by his turret break off a wing now we could definitely shoot him in the canopy right there we go we got him that was actually pretty damn perfect it's not always going to be that perfect but it was pretty damn perfect now if I switch to scanning mode I could scan this cuy as he Zips around the ground right now and see if he has any Cargo in him and guess what he has some Widow and neon and stuff in him so what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen in our Solo in our solo A2 or C C1 wordss Crusader ships and our solo C1 we're going to land next to this cuy that we killed roughly by the way like that wasn't easy to kill a Cy like that Planet Side in a C1 man that's hard with the Invincible Cy bug at the moment where if you shoot them in the hole of their ship they don't take any damage that can be really hard guys so that was that was some really good quality flying and shooting there to get that to to pull off correctly man I must be in a rough server because these doors are just not opening but hey I bring you content whether we're in a rough server a good server or whatever the heck is going on we get it done for you guys make sure you have a multi is always as I told you guys plenty of times always have a multi-tool no matter the case no matter what you're doing you should always have multi-tools they are disposable always have them okay so we want to open up the Cy there you go open up the Cy yeah my server is doing absolutely fantastic server is doing absolutely fantastic can I please use my multi-tool no you don't you don't want to use it what if I make you put it in your hand like that hey you guys see that that's actually really cool the cutless black has a soda can in it an empty soda can that's funny okay so we got some oxyr in we'll just toss that in actually should we try to use the tractor beam on the ship I had to get the door open in the first place but now that we have the door open oh my God this server is not running well we can try to use the tractor beam on our handy dandy C1 this is a little taste of what future episodes of bounty hunting are going to be like just to let you guys know this is a future taste of that where's the power button on this thing guys over here and then enter remote turret and then we want to do s key press the S key s is supposed to retract you um okay I thought s was supposed to move the turret I guess not we'll just uh press deploy it's supposed to I don't know if the the server is acting up so that's what's happening or whatever but nonetheless look at that grab some Widow off of here and we'll just do a loop it's a little bit weird using the tractor beam of the C1 cuz it does like that weird like swing around and it's very very sens I guys very sensitive is it is this um efficient I will have to tell you no this is not efficient to do it this way is it cool to do it this way yes is it efficient no oh especially when you press the F key accidentally when you're in the middle of stuff [Music] there we go I said definitely not efficient but it gets the job [Music] done it's Unique it's cool by the way those are Weevil eggs over there guys yes I just have some Weevil eggs that I've have been sitting in my C1 for quite some time so we are going to make a good payday off of this and I found them I think just randomly my C1 is my everyday driver to just have some fun with it's a nice size box of Widow right pull that bad boy [Music] out throw that in here [Music] um probably should do something like like like like hold on let's put that down right there oh oh well okay careful not to kill [Music] ourselves it's really sensitive guys uh do I do I have tips and tricks on using this tractor beam not really it's just really really sensitive I think maybe the answer is maybe don't use mouse and keyboard there might be a better way of doing it using sticks or using a different kind of thing but using mouse and keyboard is a little [Music] rough it's really weird so we'll throw that in that all the way down the line there we go and then we'll grab well we don't want the distilled Spirits so we'll just toss those grab the whole freaking uh Cy huh that works too right all right and we'll uh we don't we don't we don't want that there we actually want to rotate thank [Music] you all [Music] right sure let's put it there for a second and then push it down sure put it there for a second and then push it down boom it's that easy boys and girls I say it's that easy that was actually really difficult I'm struggling to get out of my seat this is the server I'm on ladies and gentlemen this is the server I'm on I'm stuck in my seat here let's let's hit the exit button see if that helps stuck in my seat oh 30k or crash the desktop 30k that's okay we got all the cargo in the ship it should all be saved I'll see you guys in a minute when we get back travel complete alrighty folks we are back and we are back in the C1 and we're about to finish up this here video um I do have a little bit of bad news uh good news is we're about to be doing a vht to continue showing off how good the C1 is in bounty hunting which is not the greatest but it's okay you know it's an everyday ship so it should be able to do everything we're gonna try it out on vrts which I probably don't recommend I would not recommend doing vhts stick to hrts or or mrts if you're running solo in this ship this ship just does not really have what it takes to do vrts but we're going to go try it anyways um the bad news is we can just uh show you this here the bad news is what did I just do the bad news is there's no Cargo in here I apologize for the C I think I accidentally hit a save camera but there you go the bad news is there's no Cargo in our cargo grid now that I've completely butchered that camera view and whatnot um yeah let's get uh going and continue our bounty hunting we're going to go to yella and we have this VRT and we'll see what is going to be waiting for us there if we find more cargo to acquire here on yella then we may continue to do that situation of things but for the most part this is a proof of bounty hunting power of the C1 and uh that's what we're here for no matter what the ship is whether it's a cargo ship a fighter ship or a tow truck next video we're going to do vrts we're going to do bounty hunting in it uh no matter what the ship is it's going to get thrown into bounties to see what it can do and to see what it's capable of uh sound good guys right I think it sounds good sorry for the email notification I don't know why my email notification sounds are on they usually are not on it's really weird um anyways yeah so uh look out for next week's video when it might be a or not next week sorry tomorrow's video where it might be a tow truck doing bounty hunting don't worry about it it's gonna be beautiful maybe I don't know you're just going to have to find out so here we are going into VRT and there's a Cy black okay there's a Vanguard hoplight sure and there's an Aries ion I believe and a Starfire gen Gemini so those are all um okay [ __ ] holy cow those missiles came at me very awkwardly um so very interesting targets we can definitely take out this ion here get rid of him be careful of the ion with his superpowers of having a size seven Cannon it will hurt so make sure that you are not letting him take free shots on you cuz it will hurt Target destroyed but we'll take care of that nice and easily as long as the ships aren't tearing us apart there's a Starfire Gemini watch out for the turrets on that thing because it does have quite a bit of turret Gunners so stay aware of that here is the hoplight we'll go ahead and take out the hoplight because this thing won't have any cargo on it either so we'll just do some fancy flying attack Shield get behind the thing which is what we did like it was nothing fancy flying to get behind the ship fancy flying to stay behind the ship hopefully we don't hit any uh asteroids because we're not paying too much attention to where F destroy there it goes Target destroyed well done now we have to do a little bit more fancy flying to kill the Cy black cuz as you know as I showed off a little bit earlier in the video Cy blacks are hard to kill cuz they're in vulnerabilities so we'll have to do a little bit of extra fancy flying here to position ourselves correctly on the cuy make sure we keep it Shields down we did see that asteroid to our side I think there it is over there so we don't have to worry too much about it stay on the upper part hit the canopy hit the can canopy hit the canopy watch him stay on his canopy we got him destroy Target destroyed we are getting tagged a little bit from the Gemini it seems yes watch our Shields they should be okay should be charging a bit watch your speed watch your Boost watch everything make sure you're cycling your powers and then get you some damage in here on the Gemini seems that two of my guns are not currently working more server issues that's [Music] okay get the back Shields oh we're we're completely maybe if I cycle the power on my weapons real quick maybe they'll come back and start working that's always an option to hopefully get weapons to work did not seem to do the job there so unfortunately we are only using two Badgers make sure we are looking to not hit any asteroids I don't like the fact that we're drifting that way I don't like the way that we're drifting anyways I'm trying to stay above the Gemini cuz the Gemini itself has a little bit of buggy stuff where um it doesn't take damage from the bottom so it's really really good to hit the Gemini on the top so we're in really good positioning here we see we got it really red and it should be the kill here real soon Target destroyed there it is Target destroyed even with our only two guns working fine and dandy and now that just showed you how the C1 solo can take on vrts of certain ranks um I wouldn't say all ranks like I said it is that wasn't easy took a little bit of fancy flying um I do have dual sticks so you know a little bit of fancy flying here and there doesn't hurt and now we're going to scan it and see what we can get from a solo trip you know sometimes it pays to check the cargo as you can see there's 25 Maze and 14 Weevil eggs on this here ship so we're going to go get paid and guess what yes we're going to keep this in the video you guys want to see it you guys want to see the solo uh C1 getting paid I think so right that's beautiful of course we have to get it sold and everything but you know that's for the future Manny to deal with not the current and we'll show you that in the video too and everything we look forward to a bunch of these videos com guys I'm going to show you guys how how to get things done properly and whatnot I'm going to just line this up as best as I can to get it nice and easy to do what we need to do do a little bit of down thrust to get right where we want to be basically and that'll do the job right there open the back door up get out of our seat and let's go get the work this will be the only ship that we even check we don't even need to check the other ships because we only have 64 cargo and we might as well just fill up here and not bother going to the other ones I mean you can if you want to be super efficient but I'm making a video and I don't want to spend too much time doing all this you know I want to keep you guys keep it short even though this is going to be a longer video because it says two times where I've used cargo oh no that's not what I wanted but that works ah thinking ramp okay so here we are in our Gemini we'll go ahead and we'll just toss this maze in there put it in there somewhere all the way in the back possibly again I could use the tractor beam is it efficient to use the tractor beam I wouldn't say Yes um this is a big box of maze it's a little bit difficult to get the big box out huh maybe we get these bottom boxes off first what we'll do is this is eam it's not bad eam is uh 11k I believe per seu so it's not bad neon is 9k so we're gonna actually uh put that over there by the way if you want to make it easier on yourself you could take these fuel tanks off and get rid of them if you want to make it easier on yourself just just saying you don't have to obviously cuz like I I I wasn't um you even take this thing off for sure take that thing off cu the fuel pod was definitely in the way but uh you could take these off and make it easy on yourself get rid of them see you have a better clear shot to your ship it's not necessary but could be make things a little bit easier so again here's neon and we'll uh put the neon over here those are our 9k boxes a neon and then we have our maze right going to try to uh [ __ ] man whatever okay so here's a big box of Ean right what is can I get these things out please thank you no what is holding this thing up there we go got it that was a bit frustrating but we'll put the eam over herez again we we want the eam where did our maze go if we don't fill up on the maze we're going to want the Ean but first we want to make sure we get the Maze and the Weevil EGS also using the tractor beam in the C1 will be a little bit interesting with if you're trying to use another the starf far because all the fuel canisters and everything in the way but it could be useful could be I showed it off before I don't need to show it off again basically is what I'm saying right so um here's slam that's actually the next best thing after uh Weevil legs and everything thing so what we'll do is we'll we'll put that over there because we're definitely going to take this land and then we got more eam put the eam over here and then what we'll do is grab this Maze and what I'm going to do actually is go in here I'm going to to rc1 and I'm going to organize it a bit because if you saw what I saw there was a big box there was a big box of um Weevil legs so we're going to want to put that big box make sure we have space for that big box okay so get in here and that's a that's a big box of eam man it sure has a lot of eam and eam like I said is pretty decent it's 11k per suu so those are big boxes the eam and that's a lot of a lot of cash money but here's our Weevil EGS this is the biggest money that we can get over them all in this box right here so we'll continue to place these bad boys in and we'll select them over here and voila okay and then what we'll do is we'll grab the rest of the Maze and the eam or the rest of the Maze and the Weevil legs which are probably green boxes now that I'm looking at it it might have been easier to do this with the tractor beam I'm not sure off the top of my head but it might have been um the reason why I'm saying that is because the tractor beam can reach much farther the ship tractor beam could reach much farther than your personal tractor beam your little mini tool or the the rifle tractor do either way um so it might have been a little bit easier but this is much more precise oh God that's not what I wanted there we go and so this is good stuff good finds guys good finds so that's an eam and then we have some Widow and we have some more weav WS okay so I thought there was more maze in there did I just miscalculate how much maze was in there I don't know but we'll do that and what we'll do is um was that Widow what did I do with that Widow was it a 2su crate or was it a single single so that's kind of lame what we'll do is we'll take this oh the slam right okay so what we'll do is we'll take the Widow right take the Widow and put that there we go exctly right there and then we'll take the slam and now I'm looking at it that one maze that we want anyways so what we'll do is oh oh oh gravity's uh winning the battle here this is my fault I shouldn't be getting as close as I am to the to the thing but anyways so we'll do this I actually want to take the Widow off which means I got to take the slam off and we're going to put the Widow to the side for now gosh dang it so we can put the slam up here and the Maze up there okay and then what we'll do is we'll put the Widow to the side for a moment while we try to stick one of these big old hean boxes in here we have extra space right um are they both the same size yeah they're both 1.2s I don't know if this will fit guess we'll find out right if we can if it does score right it does okay perfect so that's it um we we're going to drop the Widow out obviously you can fit more in the ship if you uh like throw it in the walkway right guys you could fit more in the ship if you throw it in the walkway but the thing with that is currently in the current patch that we're in if the if the items are not attached to the grid you can't sell them so if we were to go to a place to go sell we would have to sell what is on the grid then come back to the ship and put the stuff that is not on the grid onto the grid and then go sell it which doesn't seem too much of a inconvenience or whatever but it can can be a little Annoying and for the sake of the video I'm not going to do it maybe in a future video we'll stuff the C1 or something else a little bit more uh cramp packed but uh I think this was more than a reasonable beautiful find and I'm happy with it so we're just going to be happy with our find and show hey look we did an HRT we did a VRT and we found great cargo each time and um since I am solo and I don't have any friends with me currently and I am not in a combat ship I'm not going to go to Brios okay you can say oh well don't be scared well um it's not being scared it's being smart Brios is a very very occupied uh war zone where there's lots of fighting going on so instead of going to Brios to sell my drugs I'm gonna go to wallala and I'm GNA go to Samson son and Salvage Center to sell my drugs instead you know be a little bit smart if you're playing solo and you're in a cargo ship don't risk your life when you don't have to so I will see you guys when we get there so I can show you guys the final price even though that's not what this video is about it's about the bounty hunting does this ship do well on bounty hunting it can it's a daily driver it's a C1 it can do absolutely everything look at this ship it can do everything you know why because it's [ __ ] gorgeous that's all I'm going to say it's the most gorgeous ship in the game the C1 W the most gorgeous ship in the game thank you guys look at that it's beautiful it's beautiful any plugs I need to throw in nah I'll skip to the selling I'll see you guys there all right all right folks we're back we're pulling into Samson sun and Salvage Center um and that'll that that'll be the end of this one once we get down but we do have at least a couple million if not 10 million just in the C1 it's not 10 million Maybe it's going to be it's going to be a lot it's probably like five million let's be real it's uh there was a big box of Weevil legs right so just a big box of Weevil Lakes is probably a million alone so I'm guessing if I had a guess it's going to be around 3 million all right final answer is 3 million 3.5 4 million tops I don't know I didn't I didn't really calculate but we'll find out um now that I'm recalculating in my head I'm going through 3 million tops 2.5 million is what we got I don't know leave it down in the comments below I guess if you've seen the whole video you know how much it actually was so that doesn't make sense you would already know oh well remember guys we're doing a giveaway so do make sure that you do leave a comment just in case this is the video that is chosen to be the winner of the giveaway and whatnot so appreciate all the support as well guys it really helps the algorithm when you guys smash that like button and leave comments and of course down in the description is more information on the giveaway and other things like the Discord and the org and also you can become a member to get into the giveaways double time you can get two enturies in the giveaway if you become a member let's finish this up I think the server is still a little bit wonky okay it's work okay there we go I I pressed the open all doors button to get that to open up I guess I should play it safe and close this up just in case someone wants to attack us and and this is still dangerous going to any um Salvage Depot solo is really dangerous guys I don't recommend doing it but um when you're doing solo stuff you kind of have to right so do watch the corner when you first come in be like make sure there's nobody there do make sure that no one pops up on the side here maybe hold maybe wait a few seconds before you get on the terminal because someone will probably wait till you get on the terminal before they attack you um so if you wait a few seconds make sure that no one comes up behind you but hey you know it's a Star Citizen Anything Can Happen see1 Crusader and then we sell the gas beine Weevil legs for 1.5 right boom 1.5 in the bank and we got 25 maze that is 2.1 so I'm already wrong we got 3.6 already and we didn't get very much of the slam the 16k and then a bunch of vam so we made about 3.4 3.3 um didn't so we we did good that was a very good haul for a C1 Spirit guys doing one VRT now mind you that was really lucky mind you that was really lucky but um he gets the job done right I hope you guys enjoyed that uh that's going to be end of this one make sure you smash that like button leave a comment down below and subscribe if you haven't already um I do appreciate you guys again I know I say it a lot and I know I talk about it a lot but you know we're trying to get the channel to grow we're a small Channel and we're we're continuing to grow and it's just exciting every single day uh but I won't ramble too long that was a good run I'm really happy I really love how beautiful this ship is it's absolutely gorgeous this is like the in my opinion daily driver now just because of how pretty it is and how much cargo space it has and on the fact that just look at that that's just absolutely gorgeous there's no complaints on this I wish it was daytime so I could take a really nice screenshot for this but hey we'll take it this is astrom Manny signing off I hope you guys have a wonderful day I'll see you next time and [Music] adios
Channel: Astro Mani
Views: 42,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starcitizen, goodvibes, acepilot, fun, space, dualsticks, twitch, youtube, mmo, pc, humour, gameplay, guide, gameguide, exploringstarcitizen, astromani, spacesimulatorgames, gaming, games, viewerinteraction, cooperation, advice, cig, mercenaries, astro mercenaries, star citizen, star citizen gameplay, space sim, star citizen ships, how to, making money, squadron 42, bounty hunting star citizen, virpil constellation alpha prime, vhrt, hrt, giveaway, info, 3.21.1, ship combat, C1, spirit, drugs, 4mil, one run, salvage
Id: t2a3JYdwq8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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