Stanley Cook Set Review w/ Mods and Upgrades

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hey what's up everybody it's Mike here with Northeast outdoors today I'm really excited we're gonna review a product that has been reviewed to death and beyond this is the Stanley adventure series cookpot and like I mentioned this thing has been beat to death as far as reviews and stuff like that but this is a really great product and it's still relevant it's been out for a couple years now and there are hundreds of reviews but it is an awesome product and I don't think there's anything that really compares that I have seen for the value for the price point that you you have and what you get I think this is at the top of its you know division so I wanted to give you guys my input on this because a lot of the reviews I see out there I have some some differing insights on it we'll just say so stay tuned and we're gonna get right to this and I'm going to tell you my thoughts on this product alright so we're gonna jump right into it and as I mentioned this is the Stanley adventure series cookpot and I'm going to show you the features on it and I'll give you my opinion and a quick review and then I'm going to show you a handful of mods and a couple upgrades that I have done so right off the bat it is stainless steel and this is how it comes in the box first glance on the opposite side of the logo it has some built in measurement marks here it's got a 20 fluid ounces is the top one and it also has milliliters so I really like that about it I like that it's stainless steel I like that it has a stainless steel lid that comes with it that's really nice I have some more expensive cooking pots that come with like a plastic flimsy type silicone lid and I'm not a big fan of that so I do like that they put stainless all the way around and comes with a handle a folding handle that has a locking mechanism so you slide it all the way back here and that prevents you from being able to compress that so your lid won't pop off which is really nice you can pack this full of supplies and it won't open so to open it you'll just compress that flip it around and then it locks in place which is really nice and as I mentioned stainless steel hood and one thing I want to touch on real quick another reason I'm doing this review pretty much the majority of the reviews that I saw everybody says this is a removable handle I have yet to I've had this for several weeks I've used it quite a bit to review it and I have not been able to get this handle off I can press it all the way and I twist it and these prongs right here just way too long the only way I think you can get this off is by cutting these or bending it and damaging it and I don't want to do that so I'm gonna go ahead and say it's not removable now to give you a comparison this is my GSI cookpot this is one that I have I've had for quite a long time now this actually is a removable handle I'll show you how easy this one actually comes off see how short these prongs are for starters and you just squeeze it all the way in and then you can just lift up squeeze and you can kind of just tilt it side to side and it comes off really easy so you know and then to put it back on same thing just kind of put it in here side to side just like and it pops right in place so that's just a demonstration to show you what a removable handle actually looks like and as I mentioned I have tried to get this one off and it just it doesn't want to seem to come off without damaging it so moving right along though that's just my opinion I don't think the handle is removable but I don't really see why you would need to it's nice the way it is it folds up but so when you pull the handle down you take the stainless steel lid off and the box it also comes with these two plastic camp cups that come they nest right inside each other they have an indent so they both sit right inside each other in a nest down one side taut really nice and a lot of people hate on these cups in reviews but I'm gonna be honest I really like them for what they are and for the price you can't beat it it's a really really thick durable plastic I mean I've got some more expensive units again that come with flimsy plastic type stuff and I'd much rather prefer this I've used this quite a bit for making coffee and stuff like that I've used it for like a mini little soup bowl another little feature I like see if I can get this there is a measurement line right on the inside having trouble getting it on camera but right on the inside here there's a measurement mark and that's exactly one cup so that comes in handy as well and the price point is one thing that really drew me that to the this unit you get this whole setup right here for fifteen dollars you can pick these up at Walmart you can pick them up also on Amazon they're just two places that I'm aware of and it costs about 15 bucks US Dollars and I mean that's quite a bargain you know for $15 you get the stainless steel pot with the foldable handle that locks in place stainless steel lid and the two cups so that's a great deal and I'm going to go ahead and move right along and I'm gonna show you some of the mods that I have done to this so pretty much the only modifications I really felt that I needed to do there were two major ones the first one right off the back the stainless steel lid comes with like a plastic little lifting tab and I don't like plastic stuff too much on my cooking equipment so I've seen other people do it you can pull the pin out on it and remove it and a lot of people replace it with like a keychain ring I used stainless steel picture hanging wire this is just stuff I have laying around and it's you know it's really durable and if it's flat like this I like the wire because when I'm cooking you can just take it and bend it and then when it's um sitting on the pot like this and it's hot I can take my cooking spoon or my pocketknife and just put it under that loop and it sits right up so I like that you can bend it and you can shape it as you need to but that's just one mod that I did and the next mod was it doesn't have a bail and I cook over a campfire quite often so I like to have a bail so all's I did was drill two holes in here and mind you if you decide to drill holes you don't want to drill it on the sides where you're gonna be pouring it when you are using a handle so I opted to use this is kind of like coat hanger wire and I just shaped it like this and I just put it right in just like that so I have a nice bail on it and this works great I've used it quite a bit you can see in some of my videos I think my lot one of my last videos I used this and yeah it works awesome although there are only really two modifications I saved but they're the only two modifications I really felt that I needed to do and other than that as I mentioned for $15 I think this is an amazing product it works really awesome it's compact it fits in every one of my day bags and it's it's a really nice size and now on top of the mods that I did I'm gonna show you a couple cool upgrades that you can do for fairly cheap so the first big upgrade I guess you could say is I've seen a lot of other people online do this and at Walmart they sell this it's like a GSI style ozark type Ozark Trail or whatever it's called I think that's the brand it was our trail don't quote me on that but it's Walmart carries them and it's a stainless steel cooking cup of a cooking pot a small one and this only cost $5 so it was kind of hard to pass up it's really durable I've had this for a good little while now I mostly use it for like a coffee mug but what I really like about these two if you buy them together in mind you this is only 15 dollars for the cook pot you throw in another $5 and get this and it's really awesome because they nest break together like that and they fit right in your pack what I usually like to do is I'll take like a bandana or a cloth and wrap it around the bottom here so they don't rattle around and they nest together really really well and that's an awesome deal for $20 you get the to Camp cuffs your stainless steel push pop and you also get the stainless steel cook pot here and one thing that is really cool as well the lid from the stanley stainless steel cup just so happens to fit on here perfectly I mean perfectly sets right down on there same exact measurement so it's a universal lid so these two are almost meant to be together for $20 you can't beat this setup and now I'm going to move on and I'll show you the next upgrade that I did which i think is my favorite upgrade okay so I saw a video where people were doing upgrades and whatnot and a gentleman displayed that he had a French press that fit inside his cook pot so I went ahead and I checked and it just so happens these french presses you can pick them up at Walmart I don't remember the name brand so you have to forgive me but it's a pretty common size and it's a universal size and it just so happens that they fit inside this cook pot perfectly so not only can you cook with it but you can also turn this into a coffee press you know and you can make fresh ground coffee right on the spot at your camp which is really really cool you won't have to use instant coffee you don't need a percolator so and likewise because they're the same size you can even use if you just want to make one cup the press fits right down in there beautifully and I've used these both I've tried them and it works awesome so I'm gonna show you that all right well I didn't want to do a review without giving you guys a proper demonstration of the product so I fired up my Penny stow this is my homemade old rickety penny stove here and what I'm gonna do is just put a little pot stand holder on there pot holder and I've went ahead and filled up one of the mugs that come with our Stanley cook pot and it's filled just slightly over the the one cup mark in there and what we're gonna do is I've got my stopwatch here and we are gonna set it on the time where we're gonna see how long it takes to boil over just for curiosity so again that's about a cup full and then we're gonna go ahead and set this on there just like that and I'm going to see if I can get this hopefully that shows up yeah I've started our stopwatch and I'm just gonna leave that set and we'll do a time lapse little video thing right here and we'll see how long it takes for this cup to boil and then I'm going to show you guys how the French press works okay so I want to show you guys here hopefully I can pick this up we're at two minutes and right before two minutes I started noticing that we've already got some some boiling happening so that's pretty good less than two minutes so we've got we've got a water balloon and with the French press that's really awesome instead of having instant coffee which usually tastes like garbage in my opinion I carry a little tiny Tupperware thing of coffee grounds and you know I don't mind John Wayne really rugged black coffee so I don't need to measure it I just kind of eye it out but you just put roughly you know a little scoop in there right in the water and you stir it around and you just kind of let that boy and I'll show you and you just looked at simmer and you can even take it off the heat and let it steep for a while if you want just like you would a tea bag and you just let those coffee grounds just kind of work their way into the water and soak up the coffee flavor for a minute yeah we just put the coffee grounds in there and you can see this coming to a roaring boil so we're gonna pull this off the heat okay so our coffees been steeping and setting in here for a little while and what I like to do with the French press is come in slightly at an angle because on this side you have two rivets where the handle is and you don't want to scuff up your mesh filter so I come in just below those two rivets and then really easy you just press down on the handle so real easy little spinny I can get a better grip and as you press it just filters all the coffee grounds out just down a little bit take our green stanley oak and this is where the clever thinking pays off see we didn't drill our hole right here to make our bail because we want to be able to pour it out and you can see with a good French press and really get any grounds in there but you do get some really really rich coffee and you can see I usually like to leave just a tiny bit in there in case you do this ground but when you pull this up then you're left with all the gritty coffee grounds on the bottom but when you're out camping and you can't bring your coffee pot this is a really incredible way to make coffee a portable French press so it fits right in your Stanley cook pot in this root this really is good coffee so I just want to share that with you guys and wham-bam there you go well here you go guys this is the whole setup all put together now if you wanted to purchase all of these it's three separate pieces as I mentioned these two green cups they come with the stanley pot and this kit right here cost fifteen dollars in US dollars so you can pick this up on Amazon or Walmart and this right here you can get for five dollars at Walmart that I know of US dollars so this as well you can pick up coffee presses all over the place you can get them at Walmart and I think they run about 15 bucks as well so you know for this whole set up right here which comes with quite a bit of stuff you're looking about thirty five dollars which in my world that is a heck of a deal if you ever look at camping equipment bushcraft hiking backpacking stuff you know a lot of these cook pots like this right here alone they'll cost you forty to sixty dollars for something similar so keep that in mind that's why I really wanted to review this because I think it's a great deal and I think it's an amazing product and I really enjoy using it so I just wanted to show you guys you know how I set it up and give you my opinion on it and I hope you enjoyed
Channel: NorthEast Outdoors U.S.A.
Views: 6,845
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Keywords: Stanley Cook Set Review w/ Mods and Upgrades, Stanley Cook Set Review, Stanley Cook Set Mods and Upgrades, Stanley Cook Set Mods, Stanley Cook Set Upgrades, Stanley Cook Set, Bushcraft Cook Set, Bushcraft Cook Kit, Stanley Bush Pot, Camp Cook Pot, Bushcraft Pot, Bushcraft Cook Pot, Camp Cooking Kit, Camp Cooking, NortheastOutdoors, NorthEast OutdoorsUSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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