Staff Paintings Are Now Hanging in CBS

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now if you didn't watch the show last night we had a competition did you do you remember this you weren't hearing and you were swaning up there with all the guests in the green room having grapes fed to you but there was uh we had a competition between late lady show staffers to recreate some of david le chapelle's famous photos and i think in the history of a staff challenge that we've had at the show nobody has delivered as much as those people last night david lachapelle refused to pick a winner like were you watching upstairs or were you busy having a massage or something i can watch tv and get a massage right sorry my bad my bad my back all right it was it was amazing they were incredible incredible it's like we've done a ton of those by far the best first prize was you got to have your artwork hung here at cbs television city we promised the winner that was what we do but they were so good we were so impressed that we decided last night that we would just hang all of them up around the building in very much a kind of let's not ask for permission let's apologize after sort of way and we did it we've hung them all around the halls here at cbs have a look this corridor here look i don't know who that is but look there's carter there's katy perry there's winnie's beautiful photo there and this one is dave p and as leonardo dicaprio how long do you think they'll how long do you think they'll stay up i hope forever i know but one of the you don't like no they're they're not drab enough right that one hallway is just so great it looks like a like a retrospective on the bombing of stalingrad it's awful it's awful yeah have you nick do you think we'll get any push back from this or do you i my hunches they'll be up for 15 years i i think uh i think they'll probably end up staying up there for a really long time uh yeah i mean i i don't think it's as drab as you said i think this place is lovely we work in a wonderful environment and uh how dare you all for disparaging it right okay [Laughter] go back to the hallway with dave in it right just see if you can freeze it like right just freeze that don't now now all i'm saying i i'm not saying anything negative here about the network about the bill all we are saying is that that is a drab corridor yeah and you won't even you won't even agree that that's a dr and just so you know i know it looks like that was painted in like 1959. it was painted like four months ago and that's the color frame they went with they were sort of going i wonder what it feel like if we all lived on the set of severance in black countries we see what that's like should you see what that's like okay let's go with severance it's chris this is television city like they made the carol burnett show here the price is right rising the share show and but i think that is indefensible i do and i think we've brightened it up and i think between now and when we finish our quest as a show should be to brighten up that corridor and let that be our legacy [Applause] we can talk about this all day but you don't care and we don't really either but what we do care about what we do care about is the news and it's that time it's time for today's news and the food and drug administration is expected to authorize a new omicron specific booster as soon as tomorrow unlike the previous vaccines this one is specifically formulated to combat the new ba4 and ba5 sub variants and so just got word the virus has already mutated again so never mind doesn't it the government plans to roll out the new boat booster starting next week without any human trials so if you plan on getting the vaccine next week congratulations you are the human trial the vaccine has yet to be tested on humans but this is true the rats that they tested on they all grew to human size so you should be fine in other news elon musk just announced that tesla aims to roll out completely self-driving cars with no passenger required by the end of the year is this an announcement it sounds more like a warning tell you what it's going to save me a lot of time not having to take my kids to school stick them in the car kissing goodbye fingers crossed that's how you make it guys this is true musk says owners could actually send their self-driving teslas out as rideshare cars to bring in extra income income they wouldn't need if they just bought a ford focus instead of a tesla do you ever do the self drive on your oh you haven't got a tesla anymore i did when i had a tesla i did i used it about 70 percent of the time and i strapped over you create a weight yeah i have a weight to make make it seem like you've got to have your hands on the wheel yeah so what reggie did was create a weight on both sides of the steering wheel so that the car thought that his hands are on it that's right and then he just sit back like yeah yeah yeah it was it was great i loved it i loved it but he ain't rolling out cars at the end of the year that drive themselves you don't think no you think this is you think wait hang on wait are you doing it [Music] you're saying elon musk is lying yeah for once i'm thinking that he's he's for once lying you don't think they'll be out by the end of the year there's no way he keeps saying that it's just not going to happen california is trying to make it there's already a lawsuit about saying that they should never release that because it's not true it's it's a false advertising product i know i know sorry to bring everybody up [Music] sorry we'll get back to the story i'm i'm crushing this yeah you really are but wait hang on i feel like a car if itself drives itself into a guy on a bike or a crossing guard at a school it's still self-driving and according to a new study here's a story british tea drinkers people who drink two or more cups of tea a day may live longer than those who don't i don't understand how they do a study like this every british person drinks tea for all they know it's the british accent that makes you live longer people who drink tea have a longer life expectancy than non-tea drinkers but sadly most of that life is spent doing this it's a bold choice to and i'm only realizing this now mine a mug when you've got one right there it's uh isn't it it's a bold i'm really backing my mind skills over the actual thing i feel like me miming a desk you know here's another thing as you ian are what i like to call an american are you okay with that you're happy with me calling you that yeah yeah yeah you do you even know how to make a perfect proper cup of tea yeah you get you get like a tea cup and then you put coffee in it got your ass no do you know how to do it do you know do you know i do i well what i drink a lot of tea so you drink a lot of uh what are you what you'd call in america herbal i drink a lot of herbal tea so i'm not talking about that i'm talking about a cup of british english breakfast tea water first you don't pour water on the tea bag you pour the water into the into the cup and you take the tea bag you dunk it into the cup i mean listen to this you no one no one has split the room more than this you let it steep for five to ten minutes and then five to ten minutes and then and then and then you come to england's aid in world war ii and help the turn the tide so hang on let's don't try and get out of this some kind of joke so you you're saying you do the water water then you add the bag then you add the bag five to ten minutes you know what i carry on then what and then you drink it louie help the guy out it's tragic tragic i mean you you you start with the tea bag in the mug i mean that you got to get that right no it's not there's no oh about it you sounded like the audience the whole the whole the process is you pour the boiling water over the tea leaves simple as that mate but then okay then you add then you take it out add the milk splash of milk splash gas that's all you were missing a splash of milk yeah this reminds me of when i was about nine and my mum said i wanted to go around to richard sheds house to play because he had uh what's the spectrum he had a spectrum game boy no you know like a mega drive he had a mega drive that's it so they could make a driver segment mega drive right so i wanted to go to richard sheds mum said he made me a cup of tea i said well can i go to richard's church she'll make me a cup of tea and then you can go i said i don't know how to make cup of tea she said yes you do i said i don't she said you put the tea bag in the cup you pour the water on the bag add a splash of milk and take the bag out so me being what i can only describe as a bit of a prick didn't i she didn't say boil the kettle which is obviously that's obviously the the point which is takes the longest time so i just went i put a bag in the thing i run it under the tap put the milk in and when there you go she went mad she went mad like like like mad you'd have thought i punched her in the face i think she actually called me a little [Music] the tremendous cordon was huge then that was massive i'd never heard it i'd like to ask you a question now go on you're from uh you're from the united kingdom correct a proud son of england correct how do you how do you make a proper glass of mountain dew here's what you do you put a load of chemicals that rot your stomach in a vat you bribe the fda to get fda approval you put it on the shelves you sell it to kids they get fat and you pretend it had nothing to do with you [Music] the chances of that being on the tv tonight are slim to none correct nick yeah the only thing better than mountain dew is the beautiful artwork hanging all over television city okay do you come at us today geez and over in my homeland you'll already know about this i'm sure it's been on all the news uh the world gravy wrestling championships returned after a two-year break competitors wrestled in a pool of gravy for two minutes with points being scored for fancy dress entertainment value and wrestling ability have a look [Applause] i miss england i do [Applause] can we see that crowd again look at the crowd there look like they're really in it they're really serious it's so british that's the thing about being from england you know the tea extends your lifespan but the gravy wrestling shaves off a solid decade have you ever done this have you ever done have you ever done a ever had a gravy wrestle have i ever had a gravy wrestle i where are you from what is that i can't quite put my finger on because i know you that we work with a lot of british people i can't quite put my finger on what you think what you people think are br is british or not because you'll be like this like gravy wrestling is so british you know what i mean but i feel like we were talking about this i feel like if this came from any other country you'd be like that's american and it is yes yeah i'm not going to disagree you're absolutely right wrestling in a huge pool of gravy should be like on the flag here it's true well you guys do it you're like oh it's so british i don't i don't understand how can that and shakespeare both be british i think it's a very i think you make a very very solid point i do you make a very solid point i can't i can't answer that i don't i think but i i'm with you although if you're american and you do want to end up fighting on the ground covered in gravy just invite your uncle to thanksgiving and ask him questions about january 6th and that's the news we'll be right back with guys fieri and kirby howe about peace [Music]
Channel: The Late Late Show with James Corden
Views: 171,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Late Show, Late Late Show, James Corden, Corden, late night, late night show, comedy, comedian, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny videos, funny video, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: fsjfH7bMy2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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