Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over With Polyamorous Throuple!

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foreign [Music] me a polyamorous couple I have no idea what to expect polyamory I suppose is about having the choice of loving more than one person it's like do you love everyone that's involved is it purely sexual you know it's jealousy an issue they're polyamorous but they're also married which is an interesting Dynamic isn't it because the idea of marriage is absolute Unity it's you and me together we're on the same team it's us against the world but actually in this instance it's Us and other people do I ever think polyamory be for me absolutely not no not in a million years um I think I'd really struggle entertaining the idea that the person I love somebody else [Music] thanks ever so much the couple I meet in are called Kathy and Thomas thank you they live in a two-bedroom Terrace in West London which will be my home for the weekend [Music] Hi how are you you're right I'm Stacy am I right to come in hello puppet thank you so much for having me okay I really appreciate it I'm so excited let's do a really interesting couple of days uh your place is lovely thank you very much really nice the tea coffee I love a tea yeah yes please thank you are you gonna be chill Holly don't worry I'm good with dogs Harley how are you with pigs have you got a pig yeah yeah it is it's just um chilling in the backyard uh Wilbur let's have a quick look [Music] hi Wilbur can I stay here he's very friendly hello is he going to be a microbe yeah yeah I've just been obsessed pigs my whole life he's so cute actually yeah I've seen a bit Wilbur how are you feeling about this weekend thank you yeah that's perfect so you two are married yeah and you've been married for how long six years all happened very quick we have a son how old to say seven seven yeah so when you met right we were totally monogamous interesting we didn't know what polyamory was we didn't know anything what is polyamory polyamory means many loves which means you can have relationships with whoever you want outside of the marriage and likewise yeah you can also we don't live in this marriage where we sort of hide you know what you know that we fancy someone or you know someone's caught our eye but who floated the idea first who said let's not be exclusive I from my view I think it was kind of mutual in it because we were both sort of on that page we've been talking a while about sex parties so we went to a party together like it was a completely not a like joint decision that we go there we were so scared like oh my God this could actually be the end of us but like I was like Dread from here to here and then like some mad excitement going on but then we'll go on dates we'll go to parties and have like more kind of short-term experiences this is all so interesting [Music] yeah I can always say I'm like yeah I'm always starving let's do that then I'm hungry often what'd you do for a living or Carpenter okay I build stuff I mean the table um this year maybe you can make me a table yeah definitely I'll tell you what I'm after I want a marble top because who do I think I am yeah like a marble top and just like scandi legs nice I'm gonna have a wider understanding of polyamory yeah yeah non-exclusive relationship and a beautiful table can I have a quick look around definitely two miles what do you want to see it's all very open plan it's good when you have kids is this where I'm going to be sleeping yes this opens out into a bed in here and you've got upstairs yeah you can have a look upstairs so bathroom nice and bright yeah it's nice I like your house yeah this is Stanley's room oh look at him this little Superman great anything superhero your room yes this is our lizard what's it called uh Doug hi Doug thank you would you reckon first impression DNA wall I thought that I was going to find them quite Earnest and actually they are very relatable I really like them yeah look you'll get eaten later all the Piggly lots of animals Harley Dougie Wilbur I don't know what the cat's called Noah's Ark thank you hello are you okay hello mate I don't want me to do anything I'm really useless in the kitchen but what should I do I think we've done it I'm just waiting for the bread to toast well I made custard too you can make tea I'll make two with brunch ready I want to know how it feels when your partner fancies someone else I do actually find it exciting there when Tom meets someone new and really yeah really I don't know why I've always I've always been like that though I remember from being really young like fancy in the boy and another girl fancying him and feeling turned on by it you genuinely feel excited when Tom comes back and says oh quite fancy this other girl yeah I've ever seen I'd be so all like that Tom do you feel turned on when Kathy comes and says oh I really fancy someone else yeah I have two fancy girls and boys um I'd say I primarily fancy girls but I have played with boys and are definitely open to it but I think that experimentation also helped me sort of understand that I do actually just like girls looks like that spice it up fed and watered Thomas is off to work all right I'll see you in a bit see you later I'm ready to go and be completely useless in a workshop so I'm grabbing the moment to find out how the polyamorous lifestyle works for him what do his workmates think of the setup and are they tempted to follow suit hello all right so this is the woodwork shop do they know what home life looks like for you yeah yeah they know everything get the blokey banter with it but yeah just laugh it off and get on this do they ever find it weird some of the blokes are they thinking I don't know how you can watch your woman I guess again and I guess that's a common question do you get jealous and I say the same thing I said to me you know Catherine's not mine I don't own her she's free to do whatever she wants unfortunately I don't feel jealousy that much so that helps but what's it like watching the person that you absolutely idolize and adore like having an orgasm from someone else it's an amazing and amazing site really what sense like I fancy Catherine so much like you wouldn't believe like I really felt like color my 80s pinup like I love that sort of look and so obviously when we're together I don't get to see that so when I can actually stand back and see it it's the beautiful sight I love it it's like yeah it's lovely wow what do you make of Tom's Family set up I don't think I'd be able to do anything like that yeah have you got girlfriends and if you floated the idea with her uh we did speak about it and it wouldn't really neither of us would want to do something like that it would just be too much to we can barely deal with each other basically [Music] so talk me through your family setup and your folks still about this yeah yeah sure yeah they know everything about our situation and are they still together separated do you think that's played a part in how you've decided to live um an element of it I promised myself when we had Stanley I'd never ever have him come from a broken family but there must be times when it's difficult for sure it's not been all roses at all there was a scenario in the past where I had a girlfriend Catherine had a boyfriend and they ended up splitting up and then there's nothing weirder than having to help your wife go through heartbreak um yeah that's crazy interesting yeah so and you know I had to stay strong for her you know that was hard for me to see or upset it's not just her boyfriend's feelings I had a girlfriend at the same time yeah how many girls do you think or people do you think you've slept with since being married to Catherine I do lost count not that I've lost count probably I don't keep count um it's not a numbers game for me no I wouldn't I've just not kept count I don't know [Music] that polyamorous foursome it obviously ended in heartache so I'm curious to find out who they're dating now and how they're keeping everyone happy foreign I'm spending my weekend with a polyamorous couple and get into grips with how an open marriage works but Thomas and Kathy have got one more thing for me to get my head around they've been living with a third partner for over a year she's called Nicole and is from Australia they call this a throuple relationship or a three-way couple tell me about Nicole I knew her from work she knew I was open I knew she dated couples and then I introduced her to him there was like mad chemistry between them and then me and hers started getting close and like it just all sort of started to become one thing and she's very bisexual I'd say I'm queer which means that I'm open to anything and not really Bound by stuff but I just have something with her that is so fascinating Kathy and Nicole met when they were working as event managers Cole's on her way home first it's time to meet Stanley who's back from school the Eastern Hello darling come solo Stan come here come tell me about Harley I've got him here come sit with me oh you look good oh you look so handsome I like your outfit oh get in there Harley go on [Music] TBC I'll be back what's his um relationship like with Nicole um loves Nicole are you affectionate with Nicole in front of Stanley like will you kiss me I think I am yeah we kiss on the lips I'll put my feet and then she put her head on me like it's to say for example like you and Nicole were having a bit of a snug on the sofa or a cuddle you walk in it doesn't make you feel any type of way like a kiss is one thing but like if anything else was going on you'd kind of and almost pre-arrange that time too so we called it two time or three so if we were having two time well him and it were having two time I mean Nick were having two time like we just say in advance so that people like prepared for it yeah wow come on baby in here good boy [Music] while Kathy gets the dinner underway when is my pizza ready I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the third member of the throttle cold hello [Applause] it's like identical it is I literally just had a blow dryer yeah it smells your smells much nicer than mine has got to be sad [Music] so you were Pally with Catherine at work you've worked together yep so the first night that you met Nicole from that moment on it just sort of naturally developed the night went on it was very nice and I think Catherine left us and then yeah that was at me Nicole stop it yeah from when you two were left alone we put it on to like 4 30 in the morning and then he came to my place and stayed over then yeah did you have sex that night yeah yeah it was in the wee hours of the morning and you rang me that's right I called Kathy yeah yeah he's on his way home oh my gosh [Music] I suppose what has surprised me is you have these preconceived ideas and you think they're going to be a bit out there and there's not going to be that much common ground but they're very relatable they are very easy to connect with how similar do you think you're in a color I'm like a cheap version of Nicole so actually if Nicole ever goes back to Australia yeah and plan B I reckon [Music] no no that's a pizza a bit spicy a little bit oh that's a pepperoni just drink a bit of water and then like this is actually really lovely thank you thank you very much I'm completely useless in the kitchen I swear to God I can't do anything really nothing what do you do just like order in or eat beans on toast I'm particularly bad with Stanley excused I want to know more about the intimate side of the thrupple relationship and whether anyone ever feels left out in a three-way so is there ever a time when the three of you sleep in the one bed once or twice a bit of massive bed then that would be an option three in the beds and the little one said a bit like that something like that yeah and when the three of you are in the one bed together is it always sexual are you having sex with each other well we were rotating actually because this obviously sofa folds out so one of us would be down here and two of us would be up there so it was just circumstantial it wasn't like I prefer you today I want you today I'm not feeling it if like me and Nicole had been on a date then Catherine may sleep down here and give us the bed we slept together in the bed the last on the night before last year and Thomas yeah yeah so the dream crashes they crossed my mind but I was like okay not so nine two A.M starting to discover that the relationship between the throttle is evolving and following Nicole's very recent trip back home an outside influence is affecting their bond when I was back in Australia I actually met somebody who I can see as a possible long-term partner so obviously things change when you meet somebody else to either of you feel jealous about the fact that Nicole has met this guy and been blown away I'm I'm I'm really happy that Nicole's met someone if I'm honest I did feel a bit about it I've never told that before but it wasn't like oh someone else's thought because it's a guy and I can't I would never compete with a guy contrary to what I thought the throttle seems to be unraveling there will be some people that will say this isn't fair on Stanley you know it's confusing for him what I would say is this all three of us watched our parents struggle tremendously with having to lie to each other about things to keep appearances and all three of us were affected in different ways by that and we don't want to raise our child in a home where we have to pretend to be people we're not just to keep appearances he's very much love very much cared for and we're protective of who comes into our life Nicole is here because not only is she respectful and kind but we know that she is a person who has a positive effect on Stan Lee I also came in and bonded with him quite quickly I gave him some tender loving from the get-go and I think that really worked he just went to her like was physically like wanting to like be with Herbert's head on her like to be like really affectionate with her that difficult for you no no I'm sat here thinking oh my God I am so full of jealousy I get funny I've got a dog right Bernie I get a bit funny if he goes to another woman really yeah I'm a bit like that's my dog like and if you know if something happens or whatever and my guy took the dog I feel like I don't want another woman in the dog oh my God that was really lovely thank you ever so much it's you you are the district yeah you can stay but there's a couple of rules [Music] Friday night and my first evening in the polyamorous home is almost over I turned up to color not the color I now I'm discovering how complicated things can get when there are more than two people in a relationship I think you've had your dinner give me a kiss [Music] in the morning okay thank you so much so grateful I'm munchkin where are you give me a hug do you know how many people love to be in your position Harley bear Harley's me and you tonight kid [Music] and then there were two [Music] in terms of my thoughts on Polly like there's certainly a great understanding of why it works for them seemingly [Music] with the throttle in a state of flux I'm wondering how much long it will last Kathy and Nicole clearly shares something very special so tomorrow I want to spend some time alone with both of them to get their take on the relationship [Music] it's my first morning sleeping over in the home of a polyamorous family seven-year-old Stanley is making sure I don't have a lion [Music] yeah yeah [Music] I feel like so far so good they're very accommodating very inclusive and every sense of the words I think the plan today is I'm gonna spend time with the girls and I think it was really useful speaking to Thomas on his own yesterday because inevitably when you take people away from the group dynamic you're able to learn more about them and where they sit and how they feel uh thinking to go for a walk with a dog if you want to join yeah yeah yeah you and I yeah are we taking the pig just the dog [Applause] Holly come on quickly you're a good boy [Music] and so tell me a bit about your backgrounds like growing up were you were you always quite experimental were you quite straight we were good kids I would say my parents went to church every Sunday as I did too and there was a whole lot of Keeping Up Appearances that happened in my family this kind of external pressure coming through church and in society in general and anyway I was rebellious so I left home very early and left home at 15. wow that is early yeah I went to live at a friend's house on a sofa I'm just super independent I have been my whole life and I was a stripper for years okay I started dancing because I was poor I needed money yeah it can be good money right that's why you do yeah yeah the friends who have done it they used to make like over a thousand pound a night yeah so your mum and dad now both still around not together anymore what do they make of your family set up they don't judge me they love Nicole they get on so well how do you feel right now about Nicole um my behavior is being controlled by being respectful of her new situation because it's been a change that none of us kind of like prepared for this guy in yeah Australia how did that make you feel I was gutted I feel like you really love her I do I do I really love her which is surprising because I don't think I've ever loved a woman like that do you honestly believe that Thomas has no issue whatsoever with how you feel how in love you are with Nicole not tall I will never ever ever leave Thomas never if he said you know what we've had fun we've experimented we've done our thing I just want it to be you and I do you think you'll ever want that maybe when I'm 16 I don't have a sex drive I don't know maybe I go through phases sometimes I'm like sex XXX other times I'm like don't touch me do not even look at me get me a cup of tea we are going to sleep I think that is quite normal all right honey come mate Kathy clearly has strong feelings for both Nicole and Thomas for the throttle to work all three have to be equal so I'm interested to find out what's going on with Thomas and Nicole I feel like there's a real for one of a better word like energy between you and Kathy yeah and you and Thomas less so yeah at the moment where are we like what's as in the throttle relationship yeah Thomas and I we now we're closest friends friends so as it stands at this moment you have come out of a romantic relationship with Thomas there's still something bubbling between you and Kathy yeah you've met this guy in Australia and you're thinking I got a lot to think about there is there's like oh man when you when you tell all of this to your pals in Australia are they like have you lost your mind no because they know me right they're like oh that's just Nicole right yeah like I oh I've always been a little bit different so with Nicole and Thomas drifting apart it seems that the throttle might be coming to an end [Music] carefully it looks like it's like it's got pair of stairs on I do love bacon the contribution I know contradiction the throttle have a big night out plan for me it's a babysitting Duty Falls to Kathy's dad Derek who'll be staying over to look after Stanley I think it's that kind of household nice to meet you so you're on babysitting Duties are you staying here tonight brilliant well you guys can have a the throttle had taken me to a club night where Kathy is organized a dating event for Curious individuals the event is followed by a strip party both Kathy and Nicole will be performing so they need to look their best my feet are gross I'm so sorry I'm embarrassed I'm gonna put them straight in so you don't have to look at them so good oh this is literally perfect I'm gonna look great for my stripper party [Laughter] don't try and hire me girls have you performed before not like that no wait until you see her perform oh really oh my God every time that no pressure that you're beautiful look at your little Starry Eyed oh no we do gaze into each other's eyes quite a lot don't we you too so clearly have a connection do you ever feel guilty regarding Thomas because you have such strong feelings for another human being it doesn't stop me from feeling love for other people thank you I never feel bad I don't even think about it it's just such a weird concept to me that Thomas would even think that I'm pretty sure it doesn't even cross his mind wow that's bright this is perfect for the party I'm gonna look like a secretary at this party I'm gonna look like I've turned up for the admin sort of okay with that actually [Music] back at home with Finishing Touch is complete [Music] we head for the night out and the throttle are clearly keeping their options open Nicole yeah yeah are you looking to pull tonight how I wouldn't mind it [Music] how if she pulls it'd be like it'd be great I'll probably bring him over to meet Thomas Mccarthy yeah it'd be so good In fairness we've never been out and not pulled so it's like yes we're too hot for our own damn good I'm excited to see the guys in action we're in an underground Club in central London and with Nicole on the lookout to Paul I have my eyes peeled [Music] it's quite nice for you the Blondie yeah she's pretty hot yeah I love that you're already setting me up you were huge amazing not so much [Music] I mean needless to say the vibe is very liberal very accepting very anything goes just the loads of interesting people figuring out who they want oh now so the girl that Nicole thinks is quite hot watch this space no one can say you don't share that was true I'm a very giving person yeah it's true Catherine is just so chill and I believe when she says that she doesn't feel any type of way when they're talking to other people she's beautiful she's got a boyfriend so I don't know how she identifies them yeah I'm not sure how that is I didn't get there yet but we'll work on it Nicole was going to have to put romance on the back burner as she and Kathy have got to get ready to perform [Applause] Thomas look at your girl [Applause] [Music] I think she just wants to warm up so she can give me Nicole a lap dance I've never had a lap dance like a girl with such an ass Kathy can't assume that I'm going to love this she's gonna have to try really hard cold by my sides I am ready for anything pull that dress up babe I've got white legs they look amazing [Music] 1am and well past my bedtime so as the party heats up for Kathy Thomas and Nicole you're a star I'm calling it a night I think it's in your top ten of lap dance which is definitely my top five yeah my top three [Music] it's Sunday morning and I'm in West London spending my weekend in the home of a polyamorous family this morning I'm joining Kathy's dad Derek and his grandson Stanley hi are you ready to go on a trip to the local skate park foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want to find out more about what Derek thinks of his daughter's unconventional relationship here he is still in one piece tell me when did Catherine tell you that Thomas and Nicole were an item and how did that make you feel um a little bit confused frustrated at the time because I'm thinking as normal you know well Thomas is your husband you know are you happy with it and to what age do you stop and I think you know you know all those issues tell me your thoughts on both Thomas and Nicole um I've never delved into the whole picture as to how why what when so because I don't want to you know it's like the details it's like no no no no no it's about that kind of detail but you know I know they had a relationship and they've had it and they still have that a truffle relationship I still find even the word truffles quite difficult yeah do you think they'll stay together forever I sincerely hope you do not only for their sake but all of the Stanley said do you think he understands that [Music] it's friends I'm not sure if he's full of grasp that yet I think that will come out over the next couple years when he does you know he's as he grows up a bit more you know so it's everything they are and I hope they do stay forever you know they might have their things and if that helps them keep their marriage you know happy and I look back on myself and think would we have been happy about have done the same as them and I'm thinking I'm not sure I might have done it must have been you want your water there's some sways come on let's go come on mate [Music] back home I want to find out from Kathy what I missed after my early exit last night how are you feeling good morning yeah surprisingly fresh you look fresh he was given the dances everybody there was just a queue of people waiting and whoever was came out next was like come on and then just went in for dances you're such a good dancer oh thank you so good Hello darling did you have fun had a lot of fun are you making that race oh you know me yeah absolutely yes very domesticated we should actually do something is there anything we can do the washing up in about an hour and a half okay this is my first nut roast you've done a great job yeah that was a worried Wilbur I felt the heat thank you very much it's our last family meal together oh looks good doesn't it you want to carve it keep going thank you look at that I'm Keen to find out what the future holds for the throttle if Nicole decides to leave roasting is totally 100 my favorite meal yeah it's really nice I mean for us all we would want I guess is to give people a clearer Insight like the good and the bads like because I think it's pretty fun to see no no I'm not trying to say that we're talking about having the conversation about our relationship and like how it's good to let people know like the proper truth stand yeah we're not saying it's like the way to have a relationship but for us it works so am I right in thinking that polyamory sort of broadly speaking doesn't work for everyone but it certainly works for you but it does require a lot of patience communication understanding I think that counts for any relationship you do have to work it but you have an added layer of complication I suppose there's more emotion there's more people with other emotions there are more people and more emotions Nicole I feel like everything in terms of the throttle is a bit up in the air at the moment and there are no labels and you're not together sort of girlfriend and boyfriends but if you were to leave this family unit for good what would you miss I would miss the togetherness I like in this relationship you have two partners to support you in whatever you're doing and we're three people that fit really well together sometimes it's hard to find two people that do but to find three it's rare in fact as you were talking about leaving it I felt well I was welding up you look emotional now I am I so think of it thinking about this sort of splitting up kind of thing because it doesn't affect you it's quite distressing for me ever expected this that if you'd have said to me Friday morning on the Sunday Catherine's father's going to be nearly in tears because the throttle isn't working I'd be like surely he's going to be relieved and then it goes back to you know her daughter just stabbing her man without another woman on the scene [Music] as Derek says his goodbyes love you all bye my final night in the polyamorous household draws to a close I hurried from my room and went to the Great Hall West and I really feel as though I'm part of this very fluid family because that's so nice I can love my feet being played without my hair oh my God and call you the best my favorite of the throttle [Laughter] tonight Nicole will be sleeping with Kathy and Thomas upstairs on a camp bed [Music] and I'll be on the sofa bed again [Music] it's early Monday morning it is morning are you working today um I may go in later yeah I said to Nicola might take it for lunch just me and her good chill I feel like you are all together I feel that too it's an outsider looking in very fluid that's the way forward it's just one color thing going on we're all like no we look like we're in a band oh my God look at us we've turned into each other yeah weekends and then we've like joked about it over the weekend but do you think there's like a glimmer of a chance that 10 15 years into a relationship with someone if you hit a point where maybe you're attracted to someone else or they were could you facilitate an arrangement similar to this at this moment in time I really don't think it's for me I drive myself loopy I'd hate it actually do you think you will be polyamorous forever I think we'll always be open is that thing as well of asking one other individual to give you everything you need one person I see I quite like the idea of that it's it's maybe I'm being too romantic but I love that idea like I meet this guy here we go then let's go and take on the world do you think that could exist I think it does yeah in some cases I really had to take my son to school thank you so much for having me I'm really grateful thank you so so much my time with Kathy Thomas Nicole and Stanley has come to an end relationships are hard you know so they've come up with this sort of alternative solution I appreciate Outsiders will think oh this is so confusing I lay together aren't they together I think we can all agree that the relationship is fluid have I had this sort of Eureka moment this light bulb moment I get it it's for me I'm converted lunch no of course not but I fully respect who they are what they want to do in their own home you'll be back next week yeah yeah we've got another week I'll be back for Friday night Saturday night yourself out bye mate sadly Miss Stacy right take care bye honey [Music] thank you
Channel: Origin
Views: 238,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: origin, full documentary, documentary, full documentaries, real life stories, real life, Full episode, three wives one husband, throuple, third wheel, marrying multiple wives, stacey dooley, stacey dooley sleeps over, stacey dooley polyamorous, polyamory, polygamy documentary, polygamy relationship, polygamous couples, family documentary, bbc, itv, open marriage, open relationship, polyamorous, throuple relationship, sleeps over, three way relationship, queer, bisexual
Id: COCUc3p4hFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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