SSC 2023 Top 32 - Light (Fox) Vs. Marss (ZSS) Smash Ultimate Tournament

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takes people a little longer to get used to some things and not and that's like that's 100 like a Goku Vegeta yeah like fistball these two right here if it wasn't for this rivalry the the levels that these two have reached wouldn't be a thing but the push that they have had over the years this is exactly what we want to see these two are gonna start off game number one right now of what is such an amazing classic and here's the dangerous part this match dictates so much because Game and Watch does not like fighting zss guess who's after this Mia but if light is confident after beating hit one of his longest time rivals in a great way he's beaten Meister before so what the one of these two goals in the Mia and they need that level of confidence they're trying to take that W after this and nobody wants to fight either these players or losers either this is going to determine a lot about what happens at smash gone you know and it has nothing to do with like the players themselves it's just kind of more recency I'd rather fight Mars and losers I feel like life becomes a monster but literally an animal with the back against the wall right but here we go we get that boost kick putting them off stage Mars again coming off a huge win yesterday against Odin as well that was an incredible set here's the thing with you know everybody can sometimes forget that Mars is a prior top 10 player and a good portion of his history he has fought this matchup light has been able to win a good majority of them in uh recent history but this is also somebody who knows like in and out and all of his tactics the the reason why he's still alive is because it took forever for CSS to find a kill but he had some striking first and I like that too you could tell us that they've been Rivals they'd know each other very well throwing out that taunt just to say hey man I got first Blood I've already I'm already in your head I got it man this is going to be the highest level roommate reads you could ever see he was prepared for that get up attack and he closes it out even ending up without taking any damage you know this is literally like the New England Grand finals here spoiled for so many years this is why I had to get this one on stream oh my God it just the way the D2 these two play you're gonna see a lot of things like like Paris not or light not going in immediately to make sure you get a bait out of Mars Mars making sure he forces him to go into certain routes to get that Spike off stage it's gonna be the deepest level of thought you could see between these two and that's crazy because they've been fighting so many other players already I don't think you understood exactly what I said this is Super Smash con Grand finals for New England wins this wins pretty much yeah but either way we're gonna place out going way out there for the side beat that was a little bit scary there but yeah Mars has been maintaining a strong lead but sure as I speak light is starting to go pretty crazy on the offense here's the let's Trap game that's the most important place for a light having to win this matchup too you need to make sure that you do not let Zero Suit feel like she can just get off lights for free every time because she ignores disadvantage she does not deal with that situation but you know what does happen is if you step out and jump she finally can't make it back okay goes to the back though that time interesting I feel like maybe you could have gone for the forward though just putting him off stage usually we see that up throw come out and that's a misclick right there going for the up special and that's a big punishment that's really good spacing on light because Mars knew he was gonna go for those situations and he was prepared to swing out of Shield but light space to melt so well they end up whipping two times in a row he's taking 65 for it all right there we go go to the side B greatly space though light wasn't able to take a strong punish on it goes to the grab once again forward throw this time putting him off stage yeah town and City you gotta hold on to that up throw for a long time light accidentally drifting down to Lola because the shine didn't actually have the delayed hold that he was looking for he ends up falling with it that was weird I don't know why that I don't remember him actually using the shine beforehand so maybe because he was holding down by accident yeah maybe he's like can you fastball while shining in the air I don't think unless you do it twice that's the first time I've seen that so uh what what no oh he does do it twice okay we actually got confirmed on it so okay I missed the first one didn't even notice it oh bottom right corner oh yeah he did it beforehand okay now this is kill percentages for Fox if he screws up so uh Mars is gonna be hunting for that but all you need is one good backer at the ledge or we get a good read he tries to go for the drag down forward here doesn't finish the job though dude you you know that you fight Zero Suit Samus a lot and one of the best when you're able to punish the flip kick like you know that much about this character and your opponent when that's on the table that's very possibly dead and he is dead late ends up going for the read on the get up and Mars ends up cashing it out with the down Smash and closes out game number one yeah and it all started because like listen up smash from Fox you know what's gonna happen it's inevitable it's just a matter of time right but man that Shield was so low yeah I was actually kind of surprised he didn't get a poke on it here's here's the thing light was mostly looking for in that situation he kept waiting for Mars to do the cross up forward and so he could get the up smash on the reverse hit but he never found it and this was earlier remember when Mars decided to do a get up attack and he punished it for that kill what did he not do that time he tried to get him to do a similar situation and he was hoping he would time the neutral get up but he got that frame Shield up at the perfect time I'm surprised it didn't break off that up smash to be honest but now I think yeah he got that Shield like as soon as he could yeah there was a literal frame that he could have hoped for to get that up because otherwise he was dead man that was a crazy game one and we get more of this my goodness I feel spoiled yeah there is a very high likelihood that we can see a game five out of this set and that's exactly what we would all want to see because these two push each other so damn far I know I've been kind of being very Giddy and super Fanning about this the whole time but I haven't seen this match in so long and so many people do not realize how great these sets can be and this is crazy you know they spoiled us they gave us top 32 on mainstream they could have given it to someone else oh my God it could be so ridiculous again instead we get to watch that for it and look at Mars bouncing around and popping off in his seat again this is the person who has the most history against light at high level compared to literally anyone else so he's gonna understand how light's recoveries are gonna go every time yep all right but here we go oh okay and actually that's something I've seen Mars do a few times this weekend where he hops off Legend immediately goes for a down air and I'm not sure like it is a bit of a mix-up I mean people just aren't really expecting downers from CSS because of how punishable it is anyway but there we go yeah sure as I am casting you are popping off for the light stock I swear to God I'm popping up for every stock man this is I won't I will expose you to the world I do not care this is so much fun and uh of course we're talking about the recovery routes that light can take Mars also has to be very careful because light knows every single one of his routes too and there's another big whip this is gonna be a solid punishment he goes and keeps it simple for the quick 20 reads the jump and still keeps it going go all right find his way back on the stage here still behind a percentage despite the combo that you kind of just had going for him too the one two three jab pushing him to the ledge that Sarah is dangerous oh big pun no only gets the light hit for it that was quite literally The Talented City platform helping out the best way he could because he actually got grounded quick enough to be able to actually get Shield up because the food's any lower he would have ate multiple offers yep there we go we got that Forward Air oh my God the patience and the pressure and he goes up again both of them bouncing around in their seat light looking to try and even this up quickly see this is the thing that I really really love about this game it's two people who have played against each other so many times that they are doing all they are calling each other out yeah in almost every single scenario like we said the deepest roommate read type play you could ever see when you're playing against that friend so many times over you're gonna know every route they want and he's gonna continuously make sure he gets these texts in place he's not letting these happen and he doesn't take away the forward smash does not find its Mark and he misses the up smash again I can't believe how many times has missed that up Josh and it has been in the same it was in the same spot on the same stage it's now scary but we win with the backer putting him off stage what's the ledge trap like has been making money off that but doesn't get any change that time and he doesn't get it again forward smash Punisher could come out of Shield he needs to close one of these out ASAP back here has been the main kill option for him right now and Mars is seeing if you're not gonna get these up smashes I'm gonna keep taking advantage of it all right Lance without Ford air actually the very first hit of the Forward Air just to pop him up into the air now this is getting scary okay the down smash closing that out 76 percent here Mars with the lead and up 1-0 light you better turn something on because this is not looking good too for you my man if you could get the platforms available to him he could find an upbear combo string pretty quickly that's his double jump hit Mars is going to potentially look for an answer he tries to catch him with the UPS pass because he knew he didn't have a double jump but light smartly going to the legend instead dude he's just running around and that is going to be doing the fist pump too I need a replay on the fist pump I do you don't understand these guys are playing against each other so many times like you've mentioned and like you guys are popping off look for a game four we saw him pop up for a stock look these two have been homies for years these two have been pushing each other for years watch this but this is one of the greatest rivalries you could ever ask for every single match means so much because Mars knows how important it is for him to beat this light and Mars for the longest time light was always chasing after Mars then light out paste Mars Mars couldn't get it back and that will hurt your pride that'll mess you up a little bit competitively but when he has showed up here today this looks exactly like the Mars that we used to see dominating number one for a long time it is now lights turned though cause remember if you got a game you got a chance and this reverse 3-0 could begin right now it could but man I gotta tell you I've missed Mars man like I know we had him around right he's been playing some games but at this level my goodness dude I'm just so happy he's back hi this is everything that we could ask for we want to see this type of play all the time and uh with Mars playing the way he is this is gonna Force light to half the sleeves up on the very first match of the day he only does that to people that he re that are giving him that respect he knows to try to amp it up and right now light is currently getting jungled a bit and he's got a lot of answers he's gonna have to figure out with the way that Mars is playing yeah but there we go we got the down throw onto the platform wasn't able to find any sort of conversion in that I'm not sure about that shine I've been singing a lot a weird place lately most people would have felt for that most people would have thought of that because that's just an extra delayed jump you'd think maybe you're gonna get a shield grab or something but Mars reacted to it immediately dude on this side Mars had to have gone into the hyperbolic Time Chamber because he is playing like it is 2019 again my goodness we are seeing proper proper damage and pressure from Mars light again he's got him at 102. one of the biggest things is that he hasn't been able to convert on his up smash kills and once again going for one right there immediately asking out to make sure he doesn't get too much that happens after that up smash but he's got to finish his food and get these kills where he needs it yeah it definitely seems like there's maybe the smallest amount of doubt and it doesn't even have to be that much Mars will work off even the smallest amount here and he's continuing to put this pressure on that's more damage the downspatch into the grab forward throw can't find the shield poke there with the down there trying to get him to drop Shield or maybe look for a spot Dodge but instead Mars continuing to build this up light has not been able to find yet another one he's been hunting for these and that might be a stock right there he doesn't finish it instead he actually backs off and that actually gives a moment of reprieve so light can end up striking and getting himself on the board a small play like that could be all that light needs to really turn this around and really start making it his set I hope that doesn't bite Mars in the butt we'll see like like you said all you need is one one moment like that to start to build yourself back up get confident get things going and that backer is going to push it back on stage for this opportunity for Mars but Mars has missed out multiple times now between the upbeat and these options they actually close it Mark is actually dropping a few things now oh my God they're both actually starting to play a little bit antsy here they want to close off the stock and the thing is it's not only that not only do they want to win but they want to beat each other so bad yeah it's this is a pride thing between these two alone this is New England Pride if you don't know anything about that man you were missing out let me tell you that's another boost kick and that's another stock One stock away from a 3-0 from Mars Mars not only beating Onan who was our previous champion of last year but trying to take out light and put him in loser's side in that pit of monsters that are down there right now but light starting to wake back up starting to get a lot of quick Combos and if he can close this out ASAP we are back to an even gate and there we go that Dash attack gonna be able to disrupt that get up from the ledge there we go down there all right tries to go for a crazy read not gonna be able to find that but the pressure here is insurmountable right now and look at that Mars has to double jump off the ledge flipkick just to get the same this is the most up smashes I've seen light Miss in a set but it is actually insane he had the read on that too but no he doesn't get the timing on the Downs restaurant let's get up but the factor will do it only 55 done light trying to push this to a game number four now I mean right now he's getting juggled here this is bad news Okay comes down with that four there it drags down and puts it right on the platform he's putting so much damage on he drags him down again misses the up tilt though if he had that up tilt we would have been at an even game but he does avoid getting punished by Mars so he's got 59 on him he gets the jump off the ledge Mars is gonna have to flip kick to try and get himself back or get around this Crusher he does but light is now getting pushed back off with that frame one jab oh dude he was going for it all right there with that board it just barely misses the side beat won't be enough but that surely what's close Mars looking to try in 3-0 and end this right now one boost kick out of Shield might be enough to get the job done let's down he misses him there follow up and he's gonna get back here that might be enough to do it and it's going to be Mars who ends up getting a 3-0 against his longtime rival and pushed his light into the loser side here at smashcon that is looking like the Mars that we saw win that
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 144,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, melee, mkleo, riddles, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament, zackray
Id: YrCkSs_XbHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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