Smash Valley: Revival Top 8 - Beast (Falco, Pokemon Trainer) Vs. LeoN (Bowser) Smash Ultimate - SSBU

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outside of the state we had some jerseyans we had some mvda places uh Northeast central Philly Pittsburgh everyone came together to create a fantastic event and as we get underway um with Beast and Leon we're going to see one of PA finest versus one of finest what comes out on top yeah I mean uh traditionally let's let's be honest here Falon Bowser that ain't a good look for Bowser however we all know who Leon is absolutely I asked um Joelle their set count earlier in the night he said uh 0 to n or 0 to 10 is not taking the game off of Leon so we'll see if can break the ship yeah Landing uh Landing with back air on Bowser Shield twice and getting upbeat for it not a great start not a great oh my oh my God Leon knowing the counter play man has a tilted experience for sure so yeah homie went into the next Dimension with that fantasm I don't know what the heck happened there okay finally getting a good opening here and missing the B okay all right it's all good it's all good I think the the key here is that Joelle is a very uh offensive minded player yep uh and he has like defensive Tendencies with Charizard but outside of that he likes to press buttons he likes to be in your face and with Bowser you want to do that to an extent it has to be controlled and whether or not he can control himself and find that restraint to allow him to really suffocate Bowser uh is going to be the the deciding back to yeah no I feel you there and my goodness I mean right now it's just a Suffocation from Leon I mean he just he's got full control of the match he's got full control of the momentum at this point good yeah I mean you just let that rip like Leon's guesses all all tournament have just been very accurate right and that's even the third time we've seen that in top eight alone yet the entire bracket um wow and this is the Dare that was an easy back here but he just opted for a Miss dare instead and now we're on the ledge all right not bad not bad keeping that ledge nice and fresh no beasts allowed h no no no not this time you'll have to try something different and again jumping off the ledge that's three different times he jumped off the legend it's going to result in a stock Joel famously not knowing how to di that move but it doesn't matter he was dead anyway I mean I I don't think I don't think Superman could have live that I'm going to be real there's not a single human alive who could have lived that one all right we got the double reflector okay like you see how like he's just trying to do too much like take what the game gives you don't sit here and try to make a highlight reel out of what you're doing because that's how you're not going to get Ducks you know I mean I feel like oh okay there we go finally getting that anti-air with the up smash I I mean very strong move faster than foxes believe it or not but right all right oh yep Scoops I mean Leon's doing such a good job of like saying hey land here and then covering that option like it's really tough for beasts to just get off the ledge get any momentum started you're usually seeing like up tilt machine and Leon's just so prepared for it and it's really hard to do that on Bowser anyway because a tough guy you know um so there there's just a lot of like ingame mechanical things plus Leon's overall game knowledge that prevents the Well from really doing anything and you get stomped at the ledge for an easy game one for Leon yeah I mean like at that point yeah you yeah I mean like the only uh thing that fal's got at that point in the corner he's trying to get that Forward Air he's like and then like that's a huge tram commitment right B can just like outpace Forward Air that instead like at that point it feels like Joel is so stifled Beast is so stifled at the ledge like it's very yeah it's it's super hard for him to breathe um and in my opinion I think fair is like the Crown Jewel or Hidden Gem of Bowser's toolkit uh it is huge that it reaches back behind you goes like behind his legs um it's a very wide hitting move it comes out fast it's deceptive uh it's a almost like an aerial burst option when you're trying to control space um and yeah it's just a really really great tool to have against a character that has such a limited recovery and now we're seeing the traditional Pokemon trainer come out from beast and we'll see if uh any of the three Pokemon are going to be able to have a better outcome to F mhm yeah I mean you see high damage potential with Squirtle but obviously we could get killed in three interactions because of Bowser you see high damage uh Potential from Ivysaur The Edge guard ability and then Charizard honestly gives Bowser a run for his money so interested to see how things change here uh again Leon looking very very confident in this losers bracket I haven't really seen many lapses from him all right and we got the traditional ladders from iur doesn't really land is Mark the way he wants to um and again I just think that's part of Joelle trying too hard to to make the game happen for him instead of taking us there all right beast on the defensive after a very strong opening very good upb again Leon just keeping that ledge clear saying no sir you cannot land here oh my gosh that was a very generous Landing up here that Beast used and following that up with the up smash you're going to be the first dock and the first lead that Beast has in this set yeah first lead hopefully he can take that a little bit further further than just losing his stock right away no and he does he just retreated to ledge right away after getting that stock sacrificing all the momentum you just had and Leon not going to squander that opportunity yeah I think Leon again has been doing a very good job of saying hey you have this space you can roll here you can Dash here and then just cover in that option right knows exactly where Beast is trying to retreat I'm actually kind of surprised that Beast didn't just like drop down Fair there he had uh Bowser in a position where his recovery was linear uh and just did continue that leg strap but that's okay he didn't take a lot of forent though homies just like standing in place Brea in fire like come on run into it come on I dare you oh my well now that he's I he's going to literally try to DARE [Laughter] him oh man yeah okay yep switching Charizard I I feel that right because ivysaur's disadvantage not the strongest you have uh Charizard that has really good speed I don't know what that was all about I'm telling you man he's just trying way too hard to to make a Circ out of this game I don't know why he wants to do this it's possible he just missed a be reverse flamethrower that's true but if he did intend that then I think he really needs to to dial it back yeah look he just gave up so much stage there like he was so scared of Leon that Beast just retreated and then ented up on the ledge like Leon didn't even do anything right and it's kind of strange looking at this match up right I in my personal opinion I do feel like Bowser is very like onedimensional compared to the other super Heavies in the game because you know what Bowser wants to do at all times you know and like I feel like what wants to do has more variance what Donkey Kong wants to do has more bar so in this match up I would expect guard to do pretty okay you know but you know sometimes Simple and Clean is the way to go and Bowser just having a great time with himself right now in my opinion there's a notable oh wow that was an excellent extension off stage I mean that strong hit of that nare finally taking that stock Bowser's recovery is where he just scooped him what that was a mar melee grab yeah homie just went is that as your say my friend all right yeah no I mean honestly at this point uh got to differentiate between Leon and other Bowsers like this dude does stuff that no one has ever seen unfortunately Beast not making it to the ledge there uh he's got to make something change if he needs to come back on top out of this match but right now again Leon showing that dominance that we've seen early in losers bracket I mean ever since it's been sent there it's just been kind of a Slaughter for Leon's opponent so right hopefully Beast can make some changes here play a little bit more focused play a little bit more decisive you know maybe not go for these crazy hard commitments just keep it simple I I'm might be in uh a minority C here I feel like the Falon in general did do better he just wasted more opportunities with Falon he had more windows to you know you know to punish it but he just didn't do it as opposed to PT where I feel like he just didn't have a lot of real true openings to to attack yeah I know what you mean okay getting a ton of damage here with Squirtle though that's a really good opening okay that was inanely smart that was so good I mean all right so was it good or was it not good I mean the end result is that they both have z z they're not in a stock deficit uh in my opinion if I'm Beast I'm looking at it very neutrally you know we we both have two stocks it's Smash 4 now yeah I mean at that point though Beast had so much momentum had Leon pinned to the corner like you give up a stock there like you're not expecting to die at zero that I don't know Leon with a very heads up play intelligent stuff staying here okay F tilts nice that was a weird character model thing I don't know if like you saw he was like tued into Bowser very Bowser's got crazy hurt box shifting that dude goes all over the place I'm telling you like he must be Gumby or something I have no idea what the hell's going on with him all right soell getting off stage trying to get some pillars gets a up air nice job unable to follow up again but this time gets up SP oh wow what a forced air Dodge and then Leon capitalizing there with a side B Beast once again F to the ledge this time yeah a little bit too committ with that second R Le and what's crazy is that he was in disadvantage when that happen like Leon just knows how to turn a bad situation into a good one in a very clean way without uh risking it you know all right yeah and very tight neutral here Beast finally getting knocked off stage again can Charizard get off the ledge jumping around oh my gosh good job and the long neck is going to get him a stock NOW Joel sitting in the driver's seat never mind it was in the driver's seat and he still has that momentum the fact that that uh Beast took the stock first is extremely extremely good for him right and so we'll see if Beast is able to to force a game four or if Leon's going to clean these sweep uh three okay more momentum here more damage just opting for the back here oh right oh that's fake not too bad 34 I mean thankfully it's not very effective you know the the type advantage matters yeah you wish what the heck not too bad you know just typical Bowser damage all right all right oh wow that back air actually didn't cover the platform and now Leon getting a big opening off of that oh the drag down oh my God the foot stool Beast playing with his mind right now and the whip all right goard I like it I like it lock down the ledge able to get that standard get up in between the F tilt he's he's forcing the issue right now take what the game gives you okay Forward Air think he was too far away to be hitting with the up air had to be a misinput man either way okay we're still chilling okay and that's going to take it all right job so beast able to take a game off of Leon it's 21 and again there's a lot riding on Beast right now because he's never beaten this player before a lot of opportunities a lot of chances to to write the ship but he just hasn't yet so we'll See's able to you know come back from this deficit and Conquer uh last time on Showtime last week uh he had a very similar experience with amarillis where he was down uh 20 and brought it back to win y so we'll see if he's able to do the same thing here and I believe that that is the first game that Leon has lost in this top eight so no way Beast doing some pretty good stuff here what do we got can can Beast keep this momentum up because I was seeing really really solid stuff like more confidence in the play like okay I'm my opening with Squirtle let's hold down the ledge instead of just running away for no reason right he kept uh Bower just slightly above the ground and that's all it takes you know keep him out of tough guy ability just keep him like suspended in the air like this great job and that's all it takes all right reach a little bit get the back throw and now we're reset I like the back throw option there but Leon making the best of it landing on that platform and continuing the fair train uh missing a be reverse still chilling that gives Beast an opening uhoh I would have Lov to see him switch there honestly um but now we're going to get a defensive switch into IV store we'll see he's able to to touch the stage and get back interesting okay able to make it back on stage Leon again forcing Beast back out what do we got oh my gosh okay both players missing their punishes but an excellent back throw oh my gosh I like that idea I thought he was going to back air there that would have been more than enough in my opinion but he goes for a up okay weak spot of f zard still has a ton of momentum at the ledge here able to fight back with a fair nice side still chilling you know if that was the right side of C City it would have killed him he just ate so much D oh the regrab he's definitely going to eat that stock yeah man and and again we see like this weird like hesitation you know from Beast it's just like maybe choose a ledge option instead of getting like panicked in that moment it's really tough I mean the nerves are the Nerfs are high you've got to do or die here great momentum there getting that ledge trap into the kill and now Leon trying to fight back but it's turtle versus turtle and one of them's a little more Nimble than the other you know and it's crazy because like now he's in his element he's doing exactly what he needs to do when he missed that there it's very not like Beast because Beast hits a lot of those off stage I feel like he's just not you know confident in his off stage shenanigans that this is a different the stock right confident play Beast knows that he's good at the game there go all you have to do is execute perfect my man looking like a computer program with all the executions happening right now oh this is this is what we see right this is the momentum we see from Beast he does not let this go he gets a stock lead and he is in his opponent's space over and over again smacking him up oh oh okay we trying to change the tide trying to get a a spike off of the down B not going to happen go for a Vine wh instead of up air that's okay okay okay okay Leon fighting back trying to do some little damage even despite the stock deficit right oh oh my God how did that not work I mean that's a good air do I don't know what to say that's ultimate is a very broken game maybe Bowser is a little more Nimble than okay up Smash Up not bad not going to lie I really think that fly could have kill oh my God that down air very hard to respect from Bowser if hold his r that was crazy and Leon with the amazing defensive awareness there just saying oh no no no no no no Tomahawk grabs today yeah that was great micros spacing and so now Beast you know in a Do or Die situation good switch into the sard and it takes one grab just to kill him oh my gosh that spot DOD was so oh my God I like the idea of and now he's off stage 91% this is so scary how did this turn so quickly I mean the and that's it oh that's big 22 that's forcing a game five yeah man I don't know if there's any di on that Forward Air bro unless that was just straight up a kill move that move is hella strong it's hella strong you're right but you know what that was a fantastic clutch up by beast and now we're in a game five um I think they went back to town um and we'll see exactly what happens man that Squirtle was really the key to that game IV story at the end but Squirtle just being able to provide that instant spark um getting those early damage rack UPS if he can just keep doing that that's the formula uh for now if Leon doesn't adapt that's going to be the key to Beast winning yeah and I mean game five starting up nice and fresh beast able to come back from the clutches of what looked like a terrible situation let's see if Beast can keep that momentum all right this big opening cuz after f is Beast for a reason man the man just goes crazy Dash attack instead of the grab Leon getting some stray damage in oh great shield shield oh my gosh oh my gosh Joel or beast rather just holding such space on the stage the stage control crazy right now great landing Fair yep that's a Forward Air that's an up air that's a down air it's Bowser's Fair all right good switch however gets an instant Bowser di for it okay nice oh he had the opening just wanted the kill but that's fine yeah okay there we go and now beast in a really great position to win this game go what the all right slow it down boy you're cooking too much in the pot right now that was a custom combo we're here for that oh okay you're oh my the hit box do no punishes okay Beast yep able to land okay if Beast wins this game I predicting an insane pop off right now oh okay great pressure there from Leon run up side B A going to be able to close that due to the side platform there and now be East continuing the momentum with Squirtle Ivysaur oh no you don't commit and missing the dash input unfortunately getting that grab in place okay I like the spacement Oh I like that y great B yes oh my God okay Leon with a very vulnerable recovery but able to get back gotard right now bro I don't think yeah definitely switch cook I like the a trying to get that Interruption Charizard's here able to land safely things are different oh man committ down air trying to get that okay the back air and now Beast and the driver need to win this game can he clutch up for the depths of Hell to WN this game or Will Leon say listen I'm going to make this de count instant 11 in my favor yep here we go z z last stock game five will the Philly Hometown hero be able to make this happen or is Leon going to get this Victory oh 74% you've got to switch WS you got to switch WS the defense is not there okay huge momentum from Leon has not been able to land to hit yet this stock all right and he prcts the switch the tried and true Beast ton of Dage 66 it's still not over it's Charizard it's Charizard it's Charizard okay oh that was such good oh my God that was amazing y get the flamethrower okay all right oh my God and that's it Beast takes it the pop off happens and MBT BBM Beast finally gets his first dub over Leo what a fantastic and emotional event happening right now man I mean after those first two games Beast looked out of the set oh absolutely like Leon looked like he was about to take that three 0 with no problem at all but you know what craziness bro if if anybody's going to find a way it's going to be Beast absolutely and Nea show strong man Northeast of PA we love our players and Beast holding it down for us right now fantastic show of grit in the termination jeez clutch down airs and that that's the most vulnerable part of Bowser's game right a lot of players are just like oh man how do I deal with Bowser EDG guard EDG guard EDG guard scared characters got like a very big spike vulnerability has a very big like look at this same what's scary too is that he hits the stage if he hit that any far like any harder that could have been a stage Spike and they both could have been in a really bad situation exactly like Leon's definitely pressing an R there and is all the way off stage like that would have been a very dangerous situation
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 14,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, melee, mkleo, riddles, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament, zackray
Id: q9Hfw48y21o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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